Maxima and Ates
Maxima and Ates
Maxima and Ates
(4, 2) to the parabola y2 = 8x. B. 127.50
C. 129.50
A. 4√3 D. 123.50
B. 2√2
C. √3 Problem 6: ME Board April 1998
D. 2√3
A box is to be constructed from a piece of
zinc 20 sq. in by cutting equal squares
Problem 2: EE Board April 1990
from each corner and turning up the zinc
The sum of two positive numbers is 50. to form the side. What is the volume of the
What are the numbers if their product is to largest box that can be constructed?
be the largest possible.
A. 599.95 cu in.
A. 24 and 26 B. 592.59 cu in.
B. 28 and 22 C. 579.50 cu in.
C. 25 and 25 D. 622.49 cu in.
D. 20 and 30
Problem 7: EE Board April 1997
Problem 3: EE Board March 1998
A poster is to contain 300 (cm square) of
A triangle has variable sides x, y, z printed matter with margins of 10 cm at
subject to the constraint such that the the top and bottom and 5 cm at each side.
perimeter is fixed to 18 cm. What is the Find the overall dimensions if the total
maximum possible area for the triangle? area of the poster is minimum.
A. C2 / 2 A. 4.331
B. C2 / 4 B. 3.474
C. C2 / 6 C. 5.127
D. C2 / 8 D. 6.445
43. A certain travel agency offered a tour 47. A statue 3 m high is standing on a
that will cost each person P 1500.00 if not base of 4 m high. If an observer’s eye is
1.5 m above the ground, how far should qs-in-differential-calculus-maxima-minima-
he stand from the base in order that the time-rates-part1.html#ixzz4yBL6omuo
angle subtended by the statue is a
maximum? 51. Find two numbers whose sum is 20, if
the product of one by the cube of another
A. 3.41 m is to be the maximum.
B. 3.51 m
C. 3.71 m a. 4 and 16
D. 4.41 m b. 10 and 10
c. 5 and 15
48. An iron bar 20 m long is bent to form a d. 8 and 12
closed plane area. What is the largest
area possible? 52. The sum of two numbers is 12. Find
the minimum value of the sum of their
A. 21.56 square meter cubes.
B. 25.68 square meter
C. 28.56 square meter a. 644
D. 31.83 square meter b. 432
c. 346
49. A Norman window is in the shape of a d. 244
rectangle surmounted by a semi-circle.
What is the ratio of the width of the 53. A printed page must contain 60 sq.m.
rectangle to the total height so that it will of printed material. There are to be
yield a window admitting the most light for margins of 5cm. on either side and the
a given perimeter? margins of 3 cm. on top and bottom. How
long should the printed lines be in order to
A. 1 minimize the amount of paper used?
B. 2/3
C. 1/3 a. 10
D. ½ b. 18
c. 12
50. A rectangular field is to be fenced into d. 15
four equal parts. What is the size of the
largest field that can be fenced this way 54. A school sponsored trip will cost each
with a fencing length of 1500 feet if the student 15 pesos if not more than 150
division is to be parallel to one side? students make the trip. However, the cost
will be reduced by 5 centavos for each
A. 65,200 student in excess of 150. How many
B. 62,500 students should make the trip in order for
C. 64,500 the school to receive the largest group
D. 63,500 income?
a. 250
b. 225
Read c. 200
d. 195
55. A rectangular box with square base b. 7 units
and open at the top is to have a capacity c. 8 units
of 16823 Find the height of the box d. 6 units
that requires minimum amount of material
required. 60. A wall 2.245 m high, is “x” meters
away from a building. The shortest ladder
a. 16.14cm that can reach the building with one end
b. 14.12cm resting on the ground outside the wall is 6
c. 12.14cm m. What is the value of x?
d. 10.36cm
a. 2 m
56. A closed cylindrical tank has a b. 4 m
capacity of 576.56 cubic meters. Find the c. 6 m
minimum surface area of the tank. d. 8 m
a. (0, 2)
b. (1,3)
c. (1, 4) Read
d. (2, 1) more:
101. Three sides of a trapezoid are each
8 cm long. How long is the 4th side, when time-rates-part2.html#ixzz4yBLIzs3k
the area of the trapezoid has the greatest
1. B. 2√2
Review: Solution for Number 1
A. 16 cm
B. 15 cm 2. C. 25 and 25
C. 12 cm Review: Solution for Number 2
D. 10 cm
3. A. 15.59 cm2
102. An open top rectangular tank with Review: Solution for Number 3
square bases is to have a volume of 10
cubic meters. The material for its bottom 4. A. 25 m x 25 m
cost P 150.00 per square meter, and that
for the sides is P 60.00 per square meter. Review: Solution for Number 4
The most economical height is: 5. A. 125.50