Maxima and Ates

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Find the minimum distance from the point  A. 125.

(4, 2) to the parabola y2 = 8x.  B. 127.50
 C. 129.50
 A. 4√3  D. 123.50
 B. 2√2
 C. √3 Problem 6: ME Board April 1998
 D. 2√3
A box is to be constructed from a piece of
zinc 20 sq. in by cutting equal squares
Problem 2: EE Board April 1990
from each corner and turning up the zinc
The sum of two positive numbers is 50. to form the side. What is the volume of the
What are the numbers if their product is to largest box that can be constructed?
be the largest possible.
 A. 599.95 cu in.
 A. 24 and 26  B. 592.59 cu in.
 B. 28 and 22  C. 579.50 cu in.
 C. 25 and 25  D. 622.49 cu in.
 D. 20 and 30
Problem 7: EE Board April 1997
Problem 3: EE Board March 1998
A poster is to contain 300 (cm square) of
A triangle has variable sides x, y, z printed matter with margins of 10 cm at
subject to the constraint such that the the top and bottom and 5 cm at each side.
perimeter is fixed to 18 cm. What is the Find the overall dimensions if the total
maximum possible area for the triangle? area of the poster is minimum.

 A. 15.59 cm2  A. 27.76 cm, 47.8 cm

 B. 18.71 cm2  B. 20.45 cm, 35.6 cm
 C. 17.15 cm2  C. 22.24 cm, 44.5 cm
 D. 14.03 cm2  D. 25.55 cm, 46.7 cm

Problem 4: EE Board October 1997 Problem 8: CE Board November 1996

A farmer has enough money to build only A normal window is in the shape of a
100 meters of fence. What are the rectangle surmounted by a semi-circle.
dimensions of the field he can enclose the What is the ratio of the width of the
maximum area? rectangle to the total height so that it will
yield a window admitting the most light for
 A. 25 m x 25 m a given perimeter?
 B. 15 m x 35 m
 C. 20 m x 30 m  A. 1
 D. 22.5 m x 27.5 m  B. 1/2
 C. 2
Problem 5: CE Board May 1997  D. 2/3
Find the minimum amount of tin sheet that Problem 9: CE Board November 1996
can be made into a closed cylinder having
a volume of 108 cu. inches in square Determine the diameter of a closed
inches. cylindrical tank having a volume of 11.3
cu m. to obtain minimum surface area.
 A. 1.22 given below? P is profit and x is unit of
 B. 1.64 production.
 C. 2.44
 D. 2.68

Problem 10: EE Board April 1997

The cost fuel in running a locomotive is
proportional to the square of the speed
and is $25 per hour for a speed of 25  A. 285,000
miles per hour. Other costs amount to  B. 200,000
$100 per hour, regardless of the speed.  C. 250,000
What is the speed which will make the  D. 305,000
cost per mile a minimum?
Problem 14: EE Board October 1993
 A. 40 mph
 B. 55 mph A boatman is at A which is 4.5 km from
 C. 50 mph the nearest point B on a straight shore
 D. 45 mph BM. He wishes to reach in minimum time
at point C situated on the shore 9 km from
Problem 11: ME Board April 1996 B. How far from C should he land if he
can row at the rate of 6 kph and can walk
The cost of C of a product is a function of at the rate of 7.5 kph.
the quantity x of the product: C(x) = x2 –
400x + 50. Find the quantity for which the  A. 4.15 km
cost is minimum.  B. 3.0 km
 C. 3.25 km
 A. 1000  D. 4.0 km
 B. 1500
 C. 2000 Problem 15: EE Board March 1998
 D. 3000
A fencing is limited to 20 ft. length. What
Problem 12: is the maximum rectangular area that can
be fenced in using two perpendicular
An open top rectangular tank with square corner sides of an existing wall?
bases is to have a volume of 10 cu. m.
The materials for its bottom is to cost P15  A. 120 ft2
per square meter and that for the sides,  B. 100 ft2
P6 per square meter. Find the most  C. 140 ft2
economical dimensions for the tank.  D. 190 ft2

 A. 1.5 m x 1.5 m x 4.4 m Problem 16: EE Board October 1992

 B. 2 m x 2 m x 2.5 m
 C. 4 m x 4 m x 0.6 m The cost per hour of running a motor boat
 D. 3 m x 3 m x 1.1 m is proportional to the cube of the speed.
At what speed will the boat run against a
Problem 13: ME Board October 1996 current of 8 km/hr in order to go a given
distance most economically?
What is the maximum profit when the
profit-versus-production function is as
 A. 10 kph The coordinates (x, y) in feet of a moving
 B. 13 kph particle P are given by x = cost – 1 and y
 C. 11 kph = 2sint – 1, where t is the time in seconds.
 D. 12 kph At what extreme rates in fps is P moving
along the curve?
Problem 17: ECE Board November
1998  A. 3 and 2
 B. 3 and 1
Given a cone of diameter x and altitude of  C. 2 and 0.5
h. What percent is the volume of the  D. 2 and 1
largest cylinder which can inscribed in the
cone to the volume of the cone?
Problem 21: ECE Board April 1998
 A. 44% A statue 3 m high is standing on a base of
 B. 46% 4 m high. If an observer’s eye is 1.5 m
 C. 56% above the ground, how far should he
 D. 65% stand from the base in order that the
angle subtended by the statue is a
Problem 18: EE Board October 1993 maximum?
At any distance x from the source of light,  A. 3.41 m
the intensity of illumination varies directly  B. 3.51 m
as the intensity of the source and  C. 3.71 m
inversely as the square of x. Suppose that  D. 4.41 m
there is a light at A, and another at B, the
one at B having an intensity 8 times that
Problem 22:
of A. The distance AB is 4 m. At what
point from A on the line AB will the A man walks across a bridge at the rate of
intensity of illumination be least? 5 fps as a boat directly beneath him at 10
fps. If the bridge is 10 feet above the boat,
 A. 2.15 m how fast are the man and the boat
 B. 1.33 m separating 1 second later?
 C. 1.50 m
 D. 1.92 m  A. 8 fps
 B. 8.25 fps
Problem 19: CE Board May 1995  C. 8.33 fps
 D. 8.67 fps
A wall “h” meters high is 2 m away from
the building. The shortest ladder that can
Problem 23:
reach the building with one end resting on
the ground outside the wall is 6 m. How An LRT train 6 m above the ground
high is the wall in meters? crosses a street at 9 m/s at the instant
that a car approaching at a speed of 4 m/s
 A. 2.34 is 12 m up the street. Find the rate of the
 B. 2.24 LRT train and the car separating one
 C. 2.44 second later.
 D. 2.14
 A. 3.64 m/s
Problem 20: EE Board April 1997  B. 3.94 m/s
 C. 4.24 m/s constant rate of 80 kph. Determine how
 D. 4.46 m/s fast the distance between them changing
after 1 second.
Problem 24: EE Board October 1993
 A. 12.34 m/sec
Water is flowing into a conical cistern at  B. 11.10 m/sec
the rate of 8 m3/min. If the height of the  C. 10.32 m/sec
inverted cone is 12 m and the radius of its  D. 9.85 m/sec
circular opening is 6 m. How fast is the
water level rising when the water is 4 m
Problem 28: ECE Board November
 A. 0.64 m/min A balloon is released from the ground 100
 B. 0.56 m/min meters from an observer. The balloon
 C. 0.75 m/min rises directly upward at the rate of 4
 D. 0.45 m/min meters per second. How fast is the
balloon receding from the observer 10
Problem 25: CE Board November 1998 seconds later?
Water is pouring into conical vessel 15 cm  A. 1.68 m/sec
deep and having a radius of 3.75 cm  B. 1.36 m/sec
across the top. If the rate at which the  C. 1.55 m/sec
water rises is 2 cm/sec, how fast is the  D. 1.49 m/sec
water flowing into the conical vessel when
the water is 4 cm deep?
Problem 29: ECE Board April 1998
 A. 2.37 m3/sec A balloon is rising vertically over a point A
 B. 5.73 m3/sec on the ground at the rate of 15 ft./sec. A
 C. 6.28 m3/sec point B on the ground level with and 30 ft.
 D. 4.57 m3/sec from A. When the balloon is 40 ft. from A,
at what rate is its distance from B
Problem 26: ME Board October 1996 changing?
Water is pouring into a swimming pool.  A. 13 ft/sec
After t hours, there are t + √t gallons in the  B. 15 ft/sec
pool. At what rate is the water pouring into  C. 12 ft/sec
the pool when t = 9 hours?  D. 10 ft/sec
 A. 7/6 gph Problem 30: CE Board May 1997
 B. 8/7 gph
 C. 6/5 gph Car A moves due East at 30 kph at the
 D. 5/4 gph same instant car B is moving S 30° E ,
with a speed of 60 kph. The distance from
Problem 27: A to B is 30 km. Find how fast is the
distance between them separating after
A helicopter is rising vertically from the one hour.
ground at a constant rate of 4.5 meters
per second. When it is 75 m off the  A. 36 kph
ground, a jeep passed beneath the  B. 38 kph
helicopter traveling in a straight line at a
 C. 40 kph hold 8 cu. m., if the error of the computed
 D. 45 kph volume is not to exceed 0.03 cu. m?

Problem 31: CE Board November 1996  A. 0.002 m

 B. 0.003 m
A car starting at 12:00 noon travels West  C. 0.0025 m
at a speed of 30 kph. Another car starting  D. 0.001 m
from the same point at 2:00 PM travels
North at 45 kph. Find how (in kph) fast the
Problem 35: EE Board October 1993
two are separating at 4:00 PM?
A standard cell has an emf “E” of 1.2
 A. 49 kph volts. If the resistance “R” of the circuit is
 B. 51 kph increasing at the rate of 0.03 ohm/sec, at
 C. 53 kph what rate is the current “I” changing at the
 D. 55 kph instant when the resistance is 6 ohms?
Assume Ohm’s law E = IR.
Problem 32: CE Board May 1996
 A. -0.002 amp/sec
Two railroad tracks are perpendicular to  B. 0.004 amp/sec
each other. At 12:00 PM there is a train at  C. -0.001 amp/sec
each track approaching the crossing at 50  D. 0.003 amp/sec
kph, one being 100 km and the other 150
km away from the crossing. How fast in
36. A function is given below, what x
kph is the distance between the two trains
value maximizes y?
changing at 4:00 PM?
y2 + y + x2 – 2x = 5
 A. 67.08 kph
 B. 68.08 kph  A. 2.23
 C. 69.08 kph  B. -1
 D. 70.08 kph  C. 5
 D. 1
Problem 33: CE Board May 1995
37. The number of newspaper copies
Water is running into a hemispherical
distributed is given by C = 50 t2 – 200 t +
bowl having a radius of 10 cm at a
10000, where t is in years. Find the
constant rate of 3 cm3/min. When the
minimum number of copies distributed
water x cm. deep, the water levels is
from 1995 to 2002.
rising at the rate of 0.0149 cm/min. What
is the value of x?
 A. 9850
 B. 9800
 A. 3
 C. 10200
 B. 2
 D. 7500
 C. 4
 D. 5
38. Given the following profit-versus-
production function for a certain
Problem 34: ECE Board November
P = 200000 – x – [1.1 / (1 + x)] 8
What is the allowable error in measuring
the edge of the cube that is intended to
Where P is the profit and x is unit of more than 150 persons will join, however
production. Determine the maximum the cost per person will be reduced by P
profit. 5.00 per person in excess of 150. How
many persons will make the profit a
 A. 190000 maximum?
 B. 200000
 C. 250000  A. 75
 D. 550000  B. 150
 C. 225
39. The cost C of a product is a function  D. 250
of the quantity x of the product is given by
the relation: C(x) = x2 – 4000x + 50. Find 44. Two cities A and B are 8 km and 12
the quantity for which the cost is a km, respectively, north of a river which
minimum. runs due east. City B being 15 km east of
A. a pumping station is to be constructed
 A. 3000 (along the river) to supply water for the
 B. 2000 two cities. Where should the station be
 C. 1000 located so that the amount of pipe is a
 D. 1500 minimum?

40. If y = x to the 3rd power – 3x. find the  A. 3 km east of A

maximum value of y.  B. 4 km east of A
 C. 9 km east of A
 A. 0  D. 6 km east of A
 B. -1
 C. 1 45. A boatman is at A, which is 4.5 km
 D. 2 from the nearest point B on a straight
shore BM. He wishes to reach, in
41. Divide 120 into two parts so that minimum time, a point C situated on the
product of one and the square of the other shore 9 km from B. How far from C should
is maximum. Find the numbers. he land if he can row at the rate of 6 Kph
and walk at the rate of 7.5 Kph?
 A. 60 & 60
 B. 100 & 20  A. 1 km
 C. 70 & 50  B. 3 km
 D. 80 & 40  C. 5 km
 D. 8 km
42. If the sum of two numbers is C, find
the minimum value of the sum of their 46. The shortest distance from the point
squares. (5, 10) to the curve x2 = 12y is:

 A. C2 / 2  A. 4.331
 B. C2 / 4  B. 3.474
 C. C2 / 6  C. 5.127
 D. C2 / 8  D. 6.445

43. A certain travel agency offered a tour 47. A statue 3 m high is standing on a
that will cost each person P 1500.00 if not base of 4 m high. If an observer’s eye is
1.5 m above the ground, how far should qs-in-differential-calculus-maxima-minima-
he stand from the base in order that the time-rates-part1.html#ixzz4yBL6omuo
angle subtended by the statue is a
maximum? 51. Find two numbers whose sum is 20, if
the product of one by the cube of another
 A. 3.41 m is to be the maximum.
 B. 3.51 m
 C. 3.71 m  a. 4 and 16
 D. 4.41 m  b. 10 and 10
 c. 5 and 15
48. An iron bar 20 m long is bent to form a  d. 8 and 12
closed plane area. What is the largest
area possible? 52. The sum of two numbers is 12. Find
the minimum value of the sum of their
 A. 21.56 square meter cubes.
 B. 25.68 square meter
 C. 28.56 square meter  a. 644
 D. 31.83 square meter  b. 432
 c. 346
49. A Norman window is in the shape of a  d. 244
rectangle surmounted by a semi-circle.
What is the ratio of the width of the 53. A printed page must contain 60 sq.m.
rectangle to the total height so that it will of printed material. There are to be
yield a window admitting the most light for margins of 5cm. on either side and the
a given perimeter? margins of 3 cm. on top and bottom. How
long should the printed lines be in order to
 A. 1 minimize the amount of paper used?
 B. 2/3
 C. 1/3  a. 10
 D. ½  b. 18
 c. 12
50. A rectangular field is to be fenced into  d. 15
four equal parts. What is the size of the
largest field that can be fenced this way 54. A school sponsored trip will cost each
with a fencing length of 1500 feet if the student 15 pesos if not more than 150
division is to be parallel to one side? students make the trip. However, the cost
will be reduced by 5 centavos for each
 A. 65,200 student in excess of 150. How many
 B. 62,500 students should make the trip in order for
 C. 64,500 the school to receive the largest group
 D. 63,500 income?

 a. 250
 b. 225
Read  c. 200
 d. 195
55. A rectangular box with square base  b. 7 units
and open at the top is to have a capacity  c. 8 units
of 16823 Find the height of the box  d. 6 units
that requires minimum amount of material
required. 60. A wall 2.245 m high, is “x” meters
away from a building. The shortest ladder
 a. 16.14cm that can reach the building with one end
 b. 14.12cm resting on the ground outside the wall is 6
 c. 12.14cm m. What is the value of x?
 d. 10.36cm
 a. 2 m
56. A closed cylindrical tank has a  b. 4 m
capacity of 576.56 cubic meters. Find the  c. 6 m
minimum surface area of the tank.  d. 8 m

 a. 218.60 cubic meters 61. With only 381.7 square meter of

 b. 412.60 cubic meters materials, a closed cylindrical tank of
 c. 516.32 cubic meters maximum volume. What is to be the
 d. 383.40 cubic meters height of the tank in m?

For Problems 57-59:  a. 7 m

 b. 9 m
Two vertices of a rectangle are on the x  c. 11 m
axis. The other two vertices are on the  d. 13 m
lines whose equations are y = 2x and 3x +
y = 30.
62. If the hypotenuse of a right triangle is
.57. If the area of the rectangle is known, what is the ratio of the base and
maximum, find the value of y. the altitude of the right triangle when its
area is maximum?
 a. 8
 b. 7  a. 1:1
 c. 9  b. 1:2
 d. 6  c. 1:3
 d. 1:4
58. Compute the maximum area of the
rectangle. 63. What is the maximum length of the
perimeter if the hypotenuse of a right
 a. 30 sq. units triangle is 5 m long?
 b. 70 sq. units
 c. 90 sq. units  a. 12.08 m
 d. 40 sq. units  b. 15.09 m
 c. 20.09 m
59. At what point from the intersection of  d. 8.99 m
the x and y axes will the farthest vertex of
the rectangle be located along the x axis 64. An open top rectangular tank with
so that its area is maximum. square bases is to have a volume of 10
cubic meters. The material for its bottom
 a. 9 units is to cost 15 cents per square meter and
that for the sides 6 cents per square  b. 22
meter. Find the most economical  c. 12
dimension for the tank.  d. 27

 a. 2 x 2 x 2.5 69. A normal widow is in the shape of a

 b. 2 x 5 x 2.5 rectangle surrounded by a semi-circle. If
 c. 2 x 3 x 2.5 the perimeter of the window is 71.416,
 d. 2 x 4 x 2.5 what is the radius and the height of the
rectangular portion so that it will yield a
65. A trapezoidal gutter is to be made window admitting the most light.
from a strip of metal 22 m wide by
bending up the sides. If the base is 14 m,  a. 12
what width across the top gives the  b. 20
greatest carrying capacity?  c. 22
 d. 27
 a. 10
 b. 22 70. Find the radius of a right circular cone
 c. 16 having a lateral area of 544.12 sq. m. to
 d. 27 have a maximum value.

66. Divide the number 60 into two parts so  a. 10

that the product P of one part and the  b. 20
square of the other is the maximum. Find  c. 17
the smallest part.  d. 19

 a. 20 71. A gutter with trapezoidal cross section

 b. 10 is to be made from a long sheet of tin that
 c. 22 is 15 cm. wide by turning up one third of
 d. 27 its width on each side. What is the width
across the top that will give a maximum
67. The edges of a rectangular box are to capacity?
be reinforced with narrow metal strips. If
the box will have a volume of 8 cubic  a. 10
meters, what would its dimension be to  b. 20
require the least total length of strips?  c. 15
 d. 13
 a. 2 x 2 x 2
 b. 4 x 4 x 4 72. A piece of plywood for a billboard has
 c. 3 x 3 x 3 an area of 24 sq. feet. The margins at the
 d. 2 x 2 x 4 top and bottom are 9 inches and at the
sides are 6 in. Determine the size of the
68. A rectangular window surmounted by plywood for maximum dimensions of the
a right isosceles triangle has a perimeter painted area.
equal to 54.14 m. Find the height of the
rectangular window so that the window  a. 3x8
will admit the most light.  b. 3x4
 c. 4x8
 a. 10  d. 4x6
73. A manufacturer estimates that the on the three sides not adjacent to the
cost of production of “x” units of a certain highway. What is the least amount of
item is C = 40x – 0.02x2 – 600. How many fencing that will be needed to complete
units should be produced for minimum the job?
 a. 200 m.
 a. 10 units  b. 300 m.
 b. 100 units  c. 400 m.
 c. 1000 units  d. 500 m.
 d. 10000 units
78. A rectangular lot has an area of 1600
74. If the sum of the two numbers is 4, sq. m. find the least amount of fence that
find the minimum value of the sum of their could be used to enclose the area.
 a. 100 m.
 a. 10  b. 160 m.
 b. 18  c. 200 m.
 c. 16  d. 300 m.
 d. 32
79. A student club on a college campus
75. If x units of a certain item are charges annual membership dues of P10,
manufactured, each unit can be sold for less 5 centavos for each member over 60.
200 – 0.01x pesos. How many units can How many members would give the club
be manufactured for maximum revenue? the most revenue from annual dues?
What is the corresponding unit price?
 a. 130 members
 a. 10000,P100  b. 420 members
 b. 10500,P300  c. 240 members
 c. 20000,P200  d. 650 members
 d. 15000,P400
80. A monthly overhead of a manufacturer
76. A certain spare parts has a selling of a certain commodity is P6000 and the
price of P150 if they would sell 8000 units cost of the material is P1.0 per unit. If not
per month. If for every P1.00 increase in more than 4500 units are manufactured
selling price, 80 units less will be sold out per month, labor cost is P0.40 per unit,
per month. If the production cost is P100 but for each unit over 4500, the
per unit, find the price per unit for manufacturer must pay P0.60 for labor
maximum profit per month. per unit. The manufacturer can sell 4000
units per month at P7.0 per unit and
 a. P150 estimates that monthly sales will rise by
 b. P250 100 for each P0.10 reduction in price.
 c. P175 Find the number of units that should be
 d. P225 produced each month for maximum profit.

77. The highway department is planning  a. 2600 units

to build a picnic area for motorist along a  b. 4700 units
major highway. It is to be rectangular with  c. 6800 units
an area of 5000 sq. m. is to be fenced off  d. 9900 units
81. A company estimates that it can sell  b. 170
1000 units per week if it sets the unit price  c. 120
at P3.00, but it’s weekly sales will rise by  d. 160
100 units for each P0.10 decrease in
price. Find the number of units sold each 85. Sand is falling off a conveyor onto a
week and its unit price per maximum conical pile at the rate of 15cm3/min. The
revenue. base of the cone is approximately twice
the altitude. Find the height of the pile if
 a. 1500 ; P1.50 the height of the pile is changing at the
 b. 1000 ; P3.00 rate 0.047746 cm/min.
 c. 2500 ; P2.50
 d. 2000 ; P2.00  a. 12 cm
 b. 10 cm
82. In manufacturing and selling “x” units  c. 8 cm
of a certain commodity, the selling price  d. 6 cm
per unit is P = 5 – 0.002x and the
production cost in pesos is C = 3 + 1.10x. 86. A machine is rolling a metal cylinder
Determine the production level that will under pressure. The radius of the cylinder
produce the maximum profit and what is decreasing at the rate of 0.05cm per
would this profit be? second and the volume V is 128π
At what rate is the length “h” changing
 a. 975, P1898.25 when the radius is 2.5 cm.
 b. 800, P1750.75
 c. 865, P1670.50  a. 0.8192 cm/sec
 d. 785, P1920.60  b. 0.7652 cm/sec
 c. 0.6178 cm/sec
83. ABC company manufactures  d. 0.5214 cm/sec
computer spare parts. With its present
machines, it has an output of 500 units 87. Two sides of a triangle are 15 cm and
annually. With the addition of the new 20 cm long respectively. How fast is the
machines, the company could boost its third side increasing if the angle between
yearly production to 750 units. If it the given sides is 60º and is increasing at
produces “x: parts it can set a price of P = the rate of 2º/sec.
200 – 0.15x pesos per unit and will have a
total yearly cost of C = 6000 + 6x +  a. 3.60 cm/sec
0.003x2 in pesos. What production level  b. 2.70 cm/sec
maximizes total yearly profit?  c. 1.20 cm/sec
 d. 0.05 cm/sec
 a. 660 units
 b. 237 units 88. Two sides of a triangle are 30 cm and
 c. 560 units 40 cm respectively. How fast is the area
 d. 243 units of the triangle increasing if the angle
between the given sides is 60º and is
84. The hypotenuse of a right triangle is increasing at the rate of 4º/sec.
20 cm. What is the maximum possible
area of the triangle in square centimeters?  a. 20.94 m2/sec
 b. 29.34 m2/sec
 a. 100  c. 14.68 m2/sec
 d. 24.58 m2/sec 2t2 . What is the acceleration when t =
89. A man 6 ft. tall is walking toward a
building at the rate of 5 ft/sec. If there is a  a. 15.93 m/sec2
light on the ground 50 ft. from the building,  b. 18.44 m/sec2
how fast is the man/s shadow on the  c. 23.36m/sec2
building growing shorter when he is 30 ft.  d. 10.59 m/sec2
from the building?
94. A vehicle moves along a trajectory
 a. -3.75 fps having coordinates given as x = t3 and y =
 b. -7.35 fps 1 – t2. The acceleration of the vehicle at
 c. -5.37 fps any point of the trajectory is a vector,
 d. -4.86 fps having magnitude and direction. Find the
acceleration when t = 2.
90. The volume of the sphere is
increasing at the rate of 6cm3/hr. At what  a. 13.20
rate is its surface area increasing when  b. 12.17
the radius is 50 cm(in cm3/hr)  c. 15.32
 d. 12.45
 a. 20.94 m2/sec
 b. 29.34 m2/sec 95. Y = x3 – 3x. Find the maximum value
 c. 14.68 m2/sec of y.
 d. 24.58 m2/sec
 a. 2
91. A particle moves in a plane according  b.1
to the parametric equations of motions: x  c. 0
= t2, y = t3. Find the magnitude of the  d. 3
acceleration when the t = 0.6667.
96. Find the radius of curvature of the
 a. 6.12 curve y = 2x3 + 3x2 at (1,5).
 b. 5.10
 c. 4.90  a. 90
 d. 4.47  b. 84
 c. 95
92. The acceleration of the particle is  d. 97
given by a = 2 + 12t in m/s2 where t is the
time in minutes. If the velocity of this 97. Compute the radius of curvature of the
particle is 11 m/s after 1 min, find the curve x = 2y3 – 3y2 at (4, 2).
velocity after 2 mins.
 a. -99.38
 a. 26 m/sec  b. - 97.15
 b. 31 m/sec  c. -95.11
 c. 37 m/sec  d. -84.62
 d. 45 m/sec
98. Find the radius of curvature of a
93. A particle moves along a path whose parabola y2 – 4x = 0 at point (4, 4).
parametric equations are x = t3 and y =
 a. 25.78
 b. 22.36  A. 16.14 cm
 c. 20.33  B. 32.28 cm
 d. 15.42  C. 18.41 cm
 D. 28.74 cm
99. Find the radius of curvature of the
curve x = y3 at point (1, 1). 104. The altitude of a cylinder of
maximum volume that can be inscribed in
 a. -1.76 a right circular cone of radius r and height
 b. -1.24 h is:
 c. 2.19
 d. 2.89  A. h/3
 B. 2h/3
100. Find the point of inflection of the  C. 3h/2
curve y = x3 – 3x2 + 6.  D. h/4

 a. (0, 2)
 b. (1,3)
 c. (1, 4) Read
 d. (2, 1) more:
101. Three sides of a trapezoid are each
8 cm long. How long is the 4th side, when time-rates-part2.html#ixzz4yBLIzs3k
the area of the trapezoid has the greatest
1. B. 2√2
Review: Solution for Number 1
 A. 16 cm
 B. 15 cm 2. C. 25 and 25
 C. 12 cm Review: Solution for Number 2
 D. 10 cm
3. A. 15.59 cm2
102. An open top rectangular tank with Review: Solution for Number 3
square bases is to have a volume of 10
cubic meters. The material for its bottom 4. A. 25 m x 25 m
cost P 150.00 per square meter, and that
for the sides is P 60.00 per square meter. Review: Solution for Number 4
The most economical height is: 5. A. 125.50

 A. 2 meters Review: Solution for Number 5

 B. 2.5 meters 6. B. 592.59 cu in.
 C. 3 meters
 D. 3.5 meters Review: Solution for Number 6
7. C. 22.24 cm, 44.5 cm
103. A rectangular box having a square
base and open at the top is to have a Review: Solution for Number 7
capacity of 16823 cc. Find the height of
the box to use the least amount of 8. A. 1
material. Review: Solution for Number 8
9. C. 2.44 Review: Solution for Number 24
Review: Solution for Number 9 25. C. 6.28 m3/sec
10. C. 50 mph Review: Solution for Number 25
Review: Solution for Number 10 26. A. 7/6 gph
11. C. 2000 Review: Solution for Number 26
Review: Solution for Number 11 27. C. 10.32 m/sec
12. B. 2 m x 2 m x 2.5 m Review: Solution for Number 27
Review: Solution for Number 12 28. D. 1.49 m/sec
13. B. 200,000 Review: Solution for Number 28
Review: Solution for Number 13 29. C. 12 ft/sec
14. B. 3.0 km Review: Solution for Number 29
Review: Solution for Number 14 30. D. 45 kph
15. B. 100 ft2 Review: Solution for Number 30
Review: Solution for Number 15 31. B. 51 kph
16. D. 12 kph Review: Solution for Number 31
Review: Solution for Number 16 32. A. 67.08 kph
17. A. 44% Review: Solution for Number 32
Review: Solution for Number 17 33. C. 4
18. C. 1.50 m Review: Solution for Number 33
Review: Solution for Number 18 34. C. 0.0025 m
19. B. 2.24 Review: Solution for Number 34
Review: Solution for Number 19 35. C. -0.001 amp/sec
20. D. 2 and 1 Review: Solution for Number 35
Review: Solution for Number 20 36. D. 1
21. C. 3.71 m 37. B. 9800
Review: Solution for Number 21 38. B. 200000
22. C. 8.33 fps 39. B. 2000
Review: Solution for Number 22 40. D. 2
23. A. 3.64 m/s 41. D. 80 & 40
Review: Solution for Number 23 42. A. C2 / 2
24. A. 0.64 m/min 43. C. 225
44. D. 6 km east of A 75. a. 10000,P100
45. B. 3 km 76. c. P175
46. C. 5.127 77. a. 200 m.
47. C. 3.71 m 78. b. 160 m.
48. D. 31.83 square meter 79. a. 130 members
49. A. 1 80. b. 4700 units
50. B. 62,500 81. d. 2000 ; P2.00
51. c. 5 and 15 82. a. 975, P1898.25
52. b. 432 83. a. 660 units
53. a. 10 84. a. 100
54. b. 225 85. b. 10 cm
55. a. 16.14cm 86. a. 0.8192 cm/sec
56. d. 383.40 cubic meters 87. d. 0.05 cm/sec
57. d. 6 88. a. 20.94 m2/sec
58. a. 30 sq. units 89. a. -3.75 fps
59. c. 8 units 90. a. 20.94 m2/sec
60. a. 2 m 91. d. 4.47
61. b. 9 m 92. b. 31 m/sec
62. a. 1:1 93. b. 18.44 m/sec2
63. a. 12.08 m 94. b. 12.17
64. a. 2 x 2 x 2.5 95. a. 2
65. c. 16 96. d. 97
66. c. 20 97. b. - 97.15
67. a. 2 x 2 x 2 98. b. 22.36
68. a. 10 99. a. -1.76
69. b. 20 100. c. (1, 4)
70. a. 10 101. A. 16 cm
71. a. 10 102. B. 2.5 meters
72. d. 4x6 103. B. 32.28 cm
73. c. 1000 units 104. A. h/3
74. c. 16

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