Lab Report Form

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Middle School Science

Lab Report Guidelines

I. Question/Problem: A scientific question written to tell how the factor you change
(independent variable) affects your results.

ex. What is the effect of the amount of sunlight on the height of African violet
ex. What is the relationship between the angle of a ramp and the speed of a car?

II. Background Research: research about the topic. Helps you to make your
hypothesis. (Optional)

III. Hypothesis – a prediction of what you think the answer to the question will be
(written as an “If …, then…” statement)

ex. If the amount of sunlight increases, then the plant height increases.
-or- If the the amount of sunlight increases, then the plant height decreases.
ex. If the angle of a ramp increases, then the speed of the the car increases.
-or- If the angle of a ramp increases, then the speed of the car decreases.

IV. Materials: a list of the supplies that you needed to test your hypothesis
– needs to be specific; include how many and how much

V. Procedure: step-by-step explanation of how to test the hypothesis

(steps should be numbered and listed – not in paragraph form)

VI. Observations: the data you collect; observations (qualitative and quantitative) you
make by hearing, smelling, tasting, feeling, and seeing (including measurements)
• Use tables, graphs, charts, pictures, etc. to make data easier to read

VII. Conclusion: (written in paragraph form)

1. Restate your hypothesis and tell whether or not your data supports it.
2. Answer the question to the problem using your data. Include specific data with your
answer. (ex. average heights of plants in cm)
3. Share any problems you encountered while conducting the experiment.
4. Identify changes you could make next time.
5. Your reflections about the experiment

Ex. If the amount of sunlight increases, then African violet plant height increases.
The data supported my hypothesis. The plants that received more sunlight grew an
average of 2.5cm more than the plants that received less sunlight. If this experiment
was done again, we could study different types of plants. From this experiment I
learned the best conditions in which to grow African Violet plants.

Lab  Report  Format:      

  *12-­‐14  pt  font       *Use  rulers  on  data  tables  and  graphs  
  *Headings  should  be  bold-­‐faced  and  each  section  should  be  separated  by  a  space  

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