Criterion B and C How To Write A Lab Report

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MYP Grade 8 and 9

How do I write a Lab Report?

In your lab report, you should follow this general structure:

I. Research Question Criterion B Strand (i)

-Identify a focused research question to be tested
-Your question should be in the form of: How does ____________(independent variable) affect
__________(dependent variable)?

Example: How does the amount of sunlight affect the height that a plant grows?

II. Introduction
-Here, you need to include a brief scientific background about your experiment.
-Include any details we have learned in class.
-Why have you chosen your research question? Why are you interested in this investigation?
-Make sure you include in-text references!!!

III. Hypothesis Criterion B Strand (ii)

-A testable prediction and explanation of this prediction using scientific reasoning
-If ____________________, then _______________ because (scientific explanation with in-text references, if

Example: If the amount of sunlight a plant receives is increased, then the plant will grow taller. This is because plants
need sunlight in order to undergo photosynthesis. The more photosynthesis that occurs, the more the plant will be able to
grow by replicating its cells, and therefore increasing its height.

IV. Variables Criterion B Strand (iii)

-Identify the variables: Independent, Dependent, and Control
-Identify the range of independent variables you will test. You should have 3-5 different values. For example:
10g, 20g, 30g, 40g, 50g.
-Explain HOW and WHY you will control your control variables.

Independent variable

What is being changed or manipulated in your investigation? Identify the 3-5 different values you will use.

Example: The amount of sunlight – 1 hr per day, 2 hrs per day, 3 hrs per day, 4 hrs per day, 5 hrs per day

Dependent variable

What is being measured in your investigation? Explain how it will be measured (including the units).

Example: Height that a plant grows in 16 days. Height will be measured with a ruler in cm.

Control variables

What is being kept the same each time the method is repeated? Discuss 3 or more factors that you must control (keep the
same) in your experiment.
MYP Grade 8 and 9

For each factor, explain why and how you control it, as well as how your dependent variable would be affected if it was
NOT controlled. This section should be quite long!

Example: The amount of water the plant gets, the type of seeds used in the experiment, the temperature of the room where
the plant grows, the size of the pot.

V. Materials
-Write a bulleted list of all of the equipment used in the experiment.
-Include the number of pieces and dimensions (e.g. 2 200 mL beakers).
-An annotated (labeled) diagram is optional.

Example: -5 large flower pots

-3 kilograms of soil
-5 sunflower seeds
-300 mL beaker
-Window with direct sunlight

VI. Method Criterion B Strand (iv)

-Write a clear list of numbered instructions that allows for sufficient data collection
-This section can include an additional large clearly annotated (labeled) diagram(s) of the critical stage(s) of the
-These instructions must be clear and to the point, allowing anyone to read and repeat your experiment exactly as
you did and hopefully obtain similar results.
-Be sure to include any safety measures that may be needed to complete the investigation.
-It may be helpful to repeat measurements of the same value in order to get more accurate results (3 to 5 trials).

1. Fill 5 identical flower pots with soil.
2. Plant a single seed in each flowerpot.
3. Label each flowerpot with the amount of sunlight it will receive daily (for example, 1 hour, 2 hours, etc.).
4. Add 200mL of water to each pot. Repeat this once a day.
5. Leave each flowerpot by a window for the correct amount of time.
6. Using a ruler and rounding to the closest ½ centimeter, measure the height of each plant every 4 days. Make sure
to hold the ruler perfectly vertical.
7. Record your results in the data table.
8. Continue watering the plants daily, and take measurements of the height every 4 days until day 16.

VII. Raw Data (Results) Criterion C Strand (i)

-Draw an organized table of raw data including units and uncertainty.
-Include all of the measurements you have taken.
-Keep precision constant.


Plant Number Amount of Sunlight Height – 4 days Height – 6 days Height – 8 days
(hours/day) (cm ± 0.5cm) (cm ± 0.5cm) (cm ± 0.5cm)
MYP Grade 8 and 9
1 1 0.0 2.0 4.0
2 2 1.0 4.5 7.5
3 3 3.5 6.0 8.0
4 4 4.5 9.0 12.0
5 5 5.0 10.0 14.0

VIII. Analysis Criterion C Strand (ii)

-Here, you will present your raw data and/or processed and transformed data using numerical (what you
measured) and visual methods (describe what you observed).
-You ALWAYS need a graph of your data! Include one graph with your independent variable on the x-axis and
your dependent variable on the y-axis. This graph should have a best-fit (trend) line to better represent the data.
-You must interpret the raw or processed data/graph in order to identify trends, patterns and/or relationships. In
other words, what does the graph show you?
-Include example calculations for each step in the analysis. State of any formulae used as well as a presentation of
a sample calculation with working for any calculations made.
-Describe your graph, using numbers from your data and discuss both expected and unexpected trends in your
graph in comparison with expected values and/or outcomes.

Example: Graph

Amount of Sunlight vs. Growth in 16 days

IX. Conclusion Criterion C Strand (iii) and (iv)

-Give a concluding statement about how your Independent variable affects your dependent variable.
-You must include a judgment of the validity of your hypothesis, prediction and analysis based on the analysis
outcome. In other words, is your hypothesis correct?
-Include a brief statement whether your hypothesis was correct or incorrect with supporting scientific information
and in text references.

X. Evaluation Criterion C Strand (v)

-Discuss strengths of your data - for example do your results follow the expected trend?
-Discuss of at least 3 weaknesses/limitations in your method or equipment,
-Discuss suggestions for improvements for each weakness/limitation listed
-This is a formal analysis of your experiment reflecting the scientific method that can include human limitations.
MYP Grade 8 and 9

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