Mechanic Mechatronic (Rename Proposed Technician Mechatronics)

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1. Recognize and comply 1. 1. Follow and maintain procedures to achieve a safe working
safe working practices, environment in line with occupational health and safety
environment regulation and regulations and requirements.
housekeeping. 1. 2. Recognize and report all unsafe situations according to site
1. 3. Identify and take necessary precautions on fire and safety
hazards and report according to site policy and procedures.
1. 4. Identify, handle and store / dispose off dangerous/unsalvageable
goods and substances according to site policy and procedures
following safety regulations and requirements.
1. 5. Identify and observe site policies and procedures in regard to
illness or accident.
1. 6. Identify safety alarms accurately.
1. 7. Report supervisor/ Competent authority in the event of accident or
sickness of any staff and record accident details correctly
according to site accident/injury procedures.
1. 8. Identify and observe site evacuation procedures according to site
1. 9. Identify Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and use the same as
per related working environment.
1. 10. Identify basic first aid and use them under different circumstances.
1. 11. Identify different fire extinguisher and use the same as per
1. 12. Identify environmental pollution and contribute to avoidance of
1. 13. Take opportunities to use energy and materials in an
environmentally friendly manner
1. 14. Avoid waste and dispose waste as per procedure
1. 15. Recognize different components of 5S and apply the same in the
working environment.
2. Understand, explain 2.1 Explain concept of basic science related to the field such as Material
different mathematical science, Mass, weight, density, speed, velocity, heat and
calculation and science in temperature, force, motion, pressure, heat treatment, centre of
the field of study including gravity, friction.
basic electrical and apply in 2.2 Measure dimensions as per drawing
day to day work.[Different 2.3 Use scale/ tapes to measure for fitting to specification.
mathematical calculation
and science -Work, Power 2.4 Comply given tolerance.
and Energy, Algebra, 2.5 Prepare list of appropriate materials by interpreting detail drawings
Geometry and Mensuration, and determine quantities of such materials.
Trigonometry, Heat and 2.6 Ensure dimensional accuracy of assembly by using different
Temperature, Levers and instruments/gauges.
Simple machine, graph, 2.7 Explain basic electricity, insulation andearthing.
Statistics, Centre of gravity,
Power transmission,

3. Interpret specifications, 3. 1. Read and interpret the information on drawings and apply in
different engineering executing practical work.
drawing and apply for 3. 2. Read and analyse the specification to ascertain the material
different application in the requirement, tools, and machining /assembly /maintenance
field of work. [Different parameters.
engineering drawing- 3. 3. Encounter drawings with missing/unspecified key information and
Geometrical construction, make own calculations to fill in missing dimension/parameters to
Dimensioning, Layout, carry out the work.
Method of representation,
Symbol, scales, Different
Projections, Machined
components and different
thread forms, Assembly
drawing, Sectional views,
Estimation of material,
Electrical and electronic
4. Select and ascertain 4.1 Select appropriate measuring instruments such as micrometres,
measuring instrument and vernier callipers, dial gauge, bevel protector and height gauge (as per
measure dimension of tool list).
components and record data. 4.2 Ascertain the functionality and correctness of the instrument.
4.3 Measure dimension of the components and record data to analyse the
with given drawing/measurement.
5. Explain the concept in 5.1 Explain the concept of productivity and quality tools and apply
productivity, quality tools, during execution of job.
and labour welfare 5.2 Understand the basic concept of labour welfare legislation and
legislation and apply such in adhere to responsibilities and remain sensitive towards such laws.
day to day work to improve
productivity and quality. 5.3 Knows benefits guaranteed under various acts

6. Explain energy 6.1 Explain the concept of energy conservation, global warming,
conservation, global pollution and utilize the available recourses optimally and remain
warming and pollution and sensitive to avoid environment pollution.
contribute in day to day
work by optimally using 6.2 Dispose waste following standard procedure.
available resources.

7. Explain personnel 7. 1. Explain personnel finance and entrepreneurship.

finance, entrepreneurship 7. 2. Explain role of Various Schemes and Institutes for self-employment
and manage/organize related i.e. DIC, SIDA, SISI, NSIC, SIDO, Idea for financing/ non financing
task in day to day work for support agencies to familiarizes with the Policies /Programmes and
personal and societal procedure and the available scheme.
growth. 7. 3. Prepare Project report to become an entrepreneur for submission to
financial institutions.
8. Plan and organize the 8. 1. Use documents, drawings and recognize hazards in the work site.
work related to the 8. 2. Plan workplace/ assembly location with due consideration to
occupation. operational stipulation
8. 3. Communicate effectively with others and plan project tasks
8. 4. Assign roles and responsibilities of the co-trainees for execution of
the task effectively and monitor the same.


9. Plan and organize the 9. 1 Plan and Identify tools, instruments and equipment for
work job as per marking and make this available timely.
specification applying 9. 2 Select raw material and visual inspection for defects.
different types of 9. 3 Mark as per specification applying desired mathematical
basic fitting and calculation and observing standard procedure.
sawing operations 9. 4 Identify Hand Tools for different fitting operations and
and check for make these available timely.
dimensional accuracy 9. 5 Prepare the job for Hacksawing, chiselling, filing.
9. 6 Perform basic fitting operations viz., Hacksawing, filing
up to ± 0.1mm. [Basic
and Chipping of close tolerance as per specification to
fitting operations –
make the job.
Marking, 9. 7 Observe safety procedure during above operations as per
Hacksawing, standard norms and guidelines.
Chiselling, Filing ] 9. 8 Measure and Check all dimensions of the work pieces as
per standard procedure in accordance with specifications
and tolerances.
9. 9 Identify unused materials and components for storing in
an appropriate environment and prepare for disposal.
10. Apply different fits 10.1 Recognize general concept of Limits, Fits and
for assembling of tolerances necessary for fitting applications and functional
components as per application of these parameters.
required tolerance, 10.2 Plan and Identify tools, instruments and equipment for
Observing principle workpiece and make this available timely.
of Interchangeability 10.3 Set up workplace/ assembly location with due
and check for consideration to operational stipulation.
functionality. 10.4 Plan work in compliance with standard safety norms and
[Different Fits – collecting desired information.
Sliding, Angular, Step 10.5 Demonstrate possible solutions and agree tasks within
fit, ‘T’ fit, Square fit the team.
and Profile fit; 10.6 Make components according to the specification for
Required different fits using a range of practical skills including
tolerance:upto ±0.04 scraping and ensuring interchangeability of different
mm, angular parts.
tolerance: up to ± 10.7 Measure the components using Vernier, Micrometer,
5’.] Height gauge.
10.8 Assemble components applying a range of skills to
ensure proper fit.
10.9 Check functionality of components.
11. Produce 11.1 Suitable selection of tools, equipment and materials for
components by the job and make this timely available.
different operations 11.2 Plan work in compliance with standard information.
and check accuracy 11.3 Set up workplace/ assembly location with due
using appropriate consideration to operational stipulation.
measuring 11.4 Practice on chain Drilling, Pilot drilling, Reaming, and
instruments.[Differ Tapping.
ent operations - 11.5 Practice on Boring, Counter boring, Counter sinking and
Spot spacing
Drilling, Reaming,
11.6 Measure the components using Vernier, Micrometer,
Taping, Dieing;
Height gauge, Screw Pitch Gauge.
Instruments –
Micrometer, Screw
Pitch Gauge]
12.Produce components 12.1 Ascertain basic working principles and safety aspects of
involving different machines.
operations on Lathe, 12.2 Understand functional application of different levers,
Milling and Grinding stoppers, adjustment etc.
machines observing 12.3 Identify different lubrication points and lubricants, their
standard procedure usage for application in machines as per machine
and check for manual.
12.4 Identify different work and tool holding devices and
accuracy. [Different
collect information for functional application of each
Operations –facing,
plain turning, step 12.5 Mount the work and tool holding devices with required
turning, parting, alignment and check for its functional usage to perform
chamfering, shoulder machining operations.
turn, grooving, 12.6 Solve problem by applying basic methods, tools,
knurling, boring, materials and information during setting.
taper turning, 12.7 Observe safety procedure during mounting as per
threading (external standard norms.
‘V’ only), plain 12.8 Produce components observing standard procedure.
milling, step milling, 12.9 Check accuracy/ correctness of job using appropriate
grooving, slot equipment/gauge.
milling, profile 12.10 Identify unused materials and components for storing
milling, surface in an appropriate environment and prepare for disposal.
grinding and
cylindrical grinding
andexternal) ]
13. Computer 13.1 Creating documents, Spread sheets, and Presentations using office
informatics tools

14. Assemble the 14.1 Identify and select tools and materials for assembly and
ensure this timely available.
mechanical components. 14.2Set up workplace/ assembly location with due
consideration to operational stipulation.
(Project work)
14.3Perform adjustment operations to carry out the assembly.
14.4 Assemble different components using different fasteners,
tools and check the functionality.


15 Electrical sub- 15.1 Fundamentals of Electrical Technology.

systems [Electrical 15.2 Measuring Instruments and its Techniques.
Measuring 15.3 Operation and troubleshooting of AC/DC Machines and
instruments, AC/DC Drives.
machines and 15.4Testing of various Transformers.

16 Electronic sub- 16.1 Basic Electronic components and its testing.

systems [Electronic 16.2 Electronic circuits and its testing
components, Power 16.3 Construct and Testing of DC Power Supplies.
supplies, Soldering 16.4 Operational Amplifiers and its applications.
and De-Soldering 16.5 Optoelectronics and its applications.
Techniques, and 16.6 Power Electronic devices and its applications
Power control 16.7 Soldering and De-Soldering Techniques.
17 Cables, connectors, 17.1 Types of Cables and Connectors, Skinning, and Crimping of
panel wiring, Protective cables.
devices and Earthing. 17.2 Electrical Panel Wiring.
17.3 Installation of Earthling.
17.4 Types of protection devices and its Applications.
18 Digital Logic Circuits. 18.1 Logic gates and testing of digital ICs.
18.2 Construct and verify combinational logic circuits.
18.3 Construct and verify sequential logic circuits.
18.4 Types of ADC and DAC and its applications.
19.Basic Computer Skills. 19.1 Assembling and Dismantling of PC
19.2 Basic Computer Operations.
19.3 Software Installation.
19.4 Creating documents, Spread sheets, and Presentations using
office tools.
20. Microcontroller 20.1 Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers.
20.2 Features and Instruction set of 8051 Microcontroller.
20.3 Basic Assembly language Programming.
20.4Interfacing of peripherals to 8051 Microcontroller.
21 . Trouble shooting and 21.1 Troubleshooting of Protection devices and circuits.
repair of Electrical, 21.2 Troubleshooting of UPS and Stabilizer.
Electronic systems. 21.3 Troubleshooting of AC/DC motors and Drives.
21.4 Calibration of analog Meters.
21.5 Troubleshooting of PLC.

22Turning and Milling 22.1Operation of CNC machine in different Modes
operations on CNC [JOG, MPG, MDI, EDIT, AUTO].
machine [setup and Operation of CNC machine using G codes and M codes,
Offset, Execution of part Measure offset –Work and Tool Offset for Turning and
programming of plain, Milling
step and taper turning, Tool Path simulation for Turning and Milling.
Face milling and Step Working on tool handling and work handling:-Methods of
milling]. mounting Tool and work –use of cutting tool as per
material and tool cutter compensation.

23 Control Engineering
24. PLC programming and 24.1 Introduction to PLC.
its Applications. 24.2 Basic Programming of PLC.
24.3 PLC Wiring.
24.4 PLC Application Programming.
24.5Configuration of HMI with PLC.
25. Pneumatic
Elements 25.1 Basic of pneumatic elements, system and
[ Basic of pneumatic troubleshooting.
elements and system, 25.2 Types, construction, working, specifications and
Types, construction, selection criteria of following air preparation and
working, specifications conditioning elements: i. Air compressors ii. Air
and selection criteria] receivers’ iii. Air dryers iv. Air filters, regulators and
lubricators (FRL unit).
25.3 Pneumatic pipes- materials, BIS, ASME and DIN
designations, standards, properties and selection criteria.
Piping layout-important considerations, precautions and
route optimization.
25.4 Pneumatic cylinders- types, construction, working,
materials, specifications, mounting and cushioning.
Pneumatic motors- types, construction, working,
specifications and applications.
25.5 Types, constructions, designations, working,
applications and selection criteria of following: i.
Directional control valves. ii. Flow control valves. iii.
Pressure control valves. iv. Special valves- quick exhaust
valve and time delay valve. v. Logic valves- shuttle
valve and twin pressure valve.
25.6 Other fittings and access of Fluid sim Software for
construction of Pneumatic circuits.
26. Pneumatic Circuits 26.1Circuit diagram, components, working and
[ Circuit diagram, application of following pneumatic circuits:
components, working i. Control of single acting cylinder.
and application, ii. Control of double acting cylinder.
Pneumatic logic circuit iii. Speed control circuit.
design, Electro- iv. Automatic cylinder reciprocation circuit
pneumatic circuits] v. Quick exhaust circuit.
vi. Two step feed control circuit
vii. Time delay circuit.
viii. Two hand safety control circuit.
26.2 Pneumatic logic circuit design:
Classic method, cascade method, step counter method,
karnaugh-veitch maps and combinational circuit design.
Components of electrical control switches, relays,
solenoids, timers.
26.3 Electro-pneumatic circuits:
i. Reciprocation of cylinder using pressure switches.
ii. Control of a cylinder using a single limit switch.
iii. Automatic dual cylinder sequencing circuits.
27. Application of 27.1 Pneumatic devices – concept and Importance.
Pneumatic devices Pneumatic Drives –I/P converter and P/I converter.
and Pneumatic 26.2 Construction, working principle, major elements,
drives[ Pneumatic performance variables and applications of following
devices – concept devices:
and Importance, i. Automotive pneumatic brake.
Construction, ii. Automotive air suspension.
working principle, iii. Pneumatic drill.
major elements] iv. Pneumatic gun (tools).
28. Installation, 28.1 Installation of pneumatic systems and elements
Maintenance and ,devices in line.
Trouble Shooting of 28.2 Causes, remedies and Troubleshooting in
Pneumatic [ Installation pneumatic elements
of pneumatic systems, 28.3 Maintenance of pneumatic systems:
Causes, remedies and i. Maintenance schedule and Inspection Check Sheet
Troubleshooting, preparation
Maintenance] ii .Maintenance of different application of Pneumatic

29.Basic Concepts of 29.1 Introduction and Definitions of important terms like

Hydraulics[ Hydraulics, Pressure, Force, Vacuum etc.
Introduction and  Pascal’s Law and its Application of Hydraulics
Definitions of  Bernoulli's Principle
Hydraulics, Hydraulic  Hydraulic Jacks
Symbols and Circuit, 29.2 Hydraulic Symbols and Circuit Building as per
Hydraulic Oil and Standards DIN/ISO and Advantages and Disadvantages
Types] of Hydraulic System. Reading, understanding of
Hydraulic Symbols for construction of circuit diagrams.
29.3 Hydraulic Oil.
 Importance of Hydraulic Oil.
 Ideal Characteristics of Hydraulic Oil
 Maintenance of Hydraulic Oil
30. Accessories of 30.1Types and Function of Components
Hydraulic System[ Connectors
Types and Function of Steel pipe
Components, Gauges Tubing
types ,and its Hose
Importance, Packing 30.2. Gauges types ,and its Importance
and Seals, Filters and 30.3Packing, Seals, Filters, Strainers and Hydraulic Tank.
Strainers, Hydraulic
31. Hydraulic Valves 31.1 Construction, Types and working of :
And Auxiliaries[  Directional Control Valves
Construction, Types and
working]  Pressure Control Valves
 Flow Control Valves
 Pressure Intensifiers
 Accumulators
 Cartridge Valves and Cylinder
32. Hydraulic Pumps 32.1 Construction and Working, Specifications :
and Motors[  Gear Pump
Construction and  Vane Pump
Working ,  Radial Piston Pump
Specifications]  Pump Maintenance and Trouble Shooting
Hydraulic Motor Specifications
Construction and Working of
 Gear Motor
 Vane Motor
 Radial Piston Motor
33.Hydraulic Circuits Construction of circuits and operation
[ Construction of 1. Clamp Control Circuit
circuits and operation ] 2. Injection Control Circuit
3. Reciprocating Screw Circuit
4. Oil Filtration Circuit
5. Deceleration Circuit
6. Prefill Circuit
7. Hydraulic Motor Circuit
8. Hi-Low Pump Circuit
34. Installation, 34.1 Introduction to Maintenance Strategy and
Maintenance and Importance of Preventive /Predictive Maintenance.
Troubleshooting 34.2 Installation and Troubleshooting of hydraulic
Hydraulic Elements.[ elements and Maintenance of Hydraulic Valves and
Maintenance Strategy, Tubing.
Installation and 34.3 Maintenance of Hydraulic Power units
Troubleshooting, (Fixed/variable Pumps, reservoirs, filters, strainers,
Maintenance of Accumulators.
Hydraulic Power units ]


35 Welding & Brazing

36. Simulation software 36.1 Familiarisation with the Simulator software features
for Electrical system 36.2 Assemble and test Electrical Circuit on simulator
design (Electrical CAD) software
[Simulate the Electrical 36.3 Fault diagnostic procedure and rectification using
circuits on simulation simulator software
software test, fault 36.4Errors and resetting methods using simulator
diagnostic procedure] software
37. Simulation software 37.1 Familiarisation with the Simulator software features
for Electronics system 37.2 Assemble and test Electronic Circuit on simulator
design [Simulate the software
Electronics circuits on 37.3 Fault diagnostic procedure and rectification using
simulation software test, simulator software
fault diagnostic
37.4Errors and resetting methods using simulator
38.Simulation software 38.1 Familiarisation with the Simulator software features
for Hydraulics and 38.2Assemble and test Hydraulic Circuit on simulator
Pneumatics [Simulate software
the Hydraulic and 38.3 Assemble and test Pneumatic Circuit on simulator
Pneumatic circuit on software
simulation software test,
38.4 Fault diagnostic procedure and rectification using
fault diagnostic
simulator software
38.5Errors and resetting methods using simulator
39.Project work on 39.1 Manufacture and assemble Mechanical sub system
Mechatronics [Project- 39.2 Prepare Pneumatic circuit and interface
“Pick and Place 39.3 Prepare Electrical/Electronics circuit and interface
mechatronic system” 39.4 Develop and download PLC program
involving Fitting, 39.5 Integrate, Test and Repair for functionality
Drilling, Turning,
Milling, Grinding,
Electrical wiring,
Hydraulic circuit
assembly, Pneumatic
circuit assembly,
Drives, system assembly
and Interfacing,
functional testing,
trouble shooting and
repair. Safety measures
in each stage]


First Semester - Six Month

Week Ref. Learning Professional Skills Professional Knowledge
No. Outcome With Indicative hrs. (Trade Theory)

1&2 Recognize & 1. Introduction of trade skill and All necessary guidance to be provided
comply safe work application (2 hrs) to the new comers to become familiar
working practices, 2. Safety attitude development of the with the working of Industrial Training
environment trainee by educating them to use Institute system including stores
regulation and Personal Protective Equipment procedures.
housekeeping. (PPE). (5 hrs.) Safe working practices
3. First Aid Method and basic Soft Skills, its importance and Job area
training.(2 hrs.) after completion of training.
4. Safe disposal of waste materials Importance of safety and general
like cotton waste, metal precautions observed in the
chips/burrs etc. (2 hrs.) industry/shop floor.
5. Hazard identification and Introduction of First aid. Operation of
avoidance. (2 hrs.) electrical mains and electrical safety.
6. Identification of safety signs for Introduction of PPEs.
Danger, Warning, caution & Response to emergencies e.g.; power
personal safety message.(1 hr.) failure, fire, and system failure.
7. Preventive measures for electrical Importance of housekeeping & good
accidents & steps to be taken in shop floor practices.
such accidents.(2 hrs.) Introduction to 5S concept & its
8. Use of Fire extinguishers.(7 hrs.) application.
9. Practice and understand Occupational Safety & Health:
precautions to be followed while Health, Safety and Environment
working in fitting jobs. (2 hrs.) guidelines, legislations & regulations as
10. Importance of trade training, List applicable.
of tools & Machinery used in the
trade.(1 hr.)
11. Safe use of tools and equipments
used in the trade. (1 hr.)
12. Knowing games and memory
training (15 hrs)
13. Motivational talk by experts (5
14. 5S training (3 hrs)
3 Plan and organize 15. Identification of tools Bench work – Metal working hand
the work to make &equipments as per desired tools and devices –Work bench – vices
job as per specifications for filing and – files – hacksaw – hammer – chisels –
specification marking, Visual inspection of raw spanners – screw drivers – scrapers.
applying different material for rusting, scaling,
types of basic corrosion etc.(3 hrs.)
fitting operation 16. Familiarisation of bench vice. Linear measurements- its units, steel
and Check for (1 hrs.) rule dividers, callipers – types and uses,
dimensional 17. Filing- File top of the “U” channel, Punch – types and uses.
accuracy. [Basic check and measure with steel rule Description, use and care of marking
fitting operation – (10 hrs.) table.
Filing, Marking, 18. Mark with scriber and steel rule Vernier caliper – its parts, principles,
Hack sawing, (1 hr) reading, uses and care.
Drilling, Taping, 19. Familiarization of Vernier
chipping and Height Gauge (8 hrs)
Grinding etc. 20. Measuring practice with steel rule,
Accuracy: ± Vernier Height Gauge , (2 hrs.)
4&5 -do- 21. File, mark straight and parallel Outside micrometer – its parts,
lines with scriber and steel rule/ principles, reading, uses and care,
Vernier Height Gauge as per vernier height gauge.
drawing (5 hrs) Marking tools – scriber, Dividers, Dot
22. Dot punching and letter and punch, Centre punch.
number punching (5 hrs) Marking out – Coordinates system,
23. File “U” channel to size andby Rectangular – Polar – Rules for
using straight edge, try-square and marking
vernier calliper measure and Bevel protractor, combination set- their
check- Accuracy +/-0.1mm (25 components, uses and cares.
hrs). Note down all dimensions Pedestal grinder, star wheel dresser,
and submit to instructor for safety precautions, care and
verification maintenance.
24. Sawing different types of metals of
different sections- round piece and
Angle Iron. (10 hrs.)
25. Prepare mushroom head on round
bar by hammering (5 hrs)

6 -do- 26. Make “S” bend by Hammering on Marking media, marking blue, Prussian
flat piece (6 hrs) blue, chalk and their special
27. Grindingof centre punch, dot application, description.
punch, flat chisel and scriber. (8 Surface plate and auxiliary marking
hrs) equipment, ‘V’ block, angle plates,
28. Drill grinding practice (5 hrs) parallel block, description, types, uses,
29. Drill Centring Practice ( 6 hrs) accuracy, care and maintenance.

Bevel protractor, combination set- their

components, uses and cares.

Drill, Tap, Die-types & application.

Determination of tap drill size.
Reamer- material, types (Hand and
machine reamer), parts and their uses,
determining hole size for reaming,
Reaming procedure.

Drilling machines-types &their

application, construction of Pillar &
Radial drilling machine. Countersunk,
counter bore and spot facing-tools and
Cutting Speed, feed, depth of cut and
Drilling time calculations.
7 Produce components 29 Practice on measuring instruments. Measuring Instruments – purpose –
by different (8 hrs.) Function- types – Calculation of Least
operations and 30 Job setting and tool setting on count of :-Vernier Calliper, Micro
check accuracy drilling machine. (4 hrs.) meter, height gauge, Vernier bevel
using appropriate 31 Chain drilling practice. (8 hrs.) protector and Sine bar.
measuring 32 Die passing practice. (5 Hrs.) Drill and Drilling
instruments.(Differe 1) Drill- Purpose– Function- types and
nt Operations - toolGeometry,Nomenclature,Contro
Drilling, Reaming, l Angle and Tool Life.
Taping, Dieing; 2) Reamers -Purpose –types.
Appropriate 3) Hand Tap and Die- Purpose–types.
Measuring 4) Drilling Machine - Constructional
Instruments – features-working principle-Purpose-
Vernier, functions,Types - Accessories and
Micrometer, Screw uses
Pitch Gauge)
8 - 10 Make different fit of 33 Make Male & Female ‘Open’ Introduction about metals, difference
components for fitting with accuracy ±0.05 mm. between Metal and Non Metal,
assembling as per (35hrs.) properties of metal, Classification of
required tolerance 34 Make Male & Female ‘Square’ metals and its
observing principle fitting with accuracy ±0.05 mm. applications, pig – iron, cast iron,
of interchangeability (40hrs.) wrought iron, steel-plain carbon
and check for steel(Low carbon steel, medium and
functionality. high carbon steels, high speed steel,
[Different Fit – stainless steel, carbides, etc..)
Open, Angular, &
Square Fit; Required
tolerance: ±0.05
mm, angular
tolerance: 1 degree.]

11 Produce components 35 Familiarization of Lathe (4 hrs) Lathe Machine - Constructional

involving different 36 Job setting and tool setting. (4 features, Specification -working
operations on Lathe, hrs.) principle-Purpose - functions -Types ,
Milling and 37 Facing and Centre drilling. (4 Lathe machine elements and uses of
Grinding machines hrs.) accessories
observing standard 38 Plain turning between centres and Lathe mechanism -Function and
procedure and check chamfering. (6 hrs.) importance of –Driving mechanism-
for accuracy. 39 Step turning and Shoulder Gear Box mechanism.
(Different turning. (7 hrs.)
Operations –facing,
plain turning, step
turning, parting,
shoulder turn,
grooving, knurling,
boring, taper
turning, threading
(external ‘V’ only),
plain milling, step
milling, grooving,
slot milling, profile
milling, surface
grinding and
cylindrical grinding
(internal and
12 40 Taper turning (compound rest). Lathe cutting tool - Purpose– function-
(8 hrs.) types, tool elements and its applications
41 Grinding practice single point and Cutting tool, geometry,
cutting tool (Straight, Left and Nomenclature, Control Angle and Tool
Right)(8 hrs.) Life. Lathe Operations- Facing, plain
-do- 42 Plain turning in a chuck and turning, Step turning, chamfering,
Drilling practice.(9 hrs.) tapper Turing and calculations,
knurling, boring and step boring, Die
Cutting speed, Feed, depth of cut and
time calculations
13 43 Knurling practice. (4 hrs.) Pedestal Grinding Machine-
44 Making a bolt and nut using Constructional features- working
-do- external and internal thread principle-Purpose- function – uses and
cutting on Lathe (16 hrs.) applications.
45 Taper measurement using Sine
bar / Sine centre. (5 hrs.)
14 46 Introduction of Milling machine Milling Machine - Constructional
(4 hrs) features-working principle-Purpose-
47 Milling a parallel block. (8 hrs.) functions, Types and uses of
-do- 48 Step milling. (4 hrs.)
49 Making a T-nut (milling, drilling
and tapping). (9 hrs.) Milling Operations- methods of
milling, Plain milling, Step milling, end
milling, machine time calculation.
15 50 Making one “V” block consists of Milling Cutter- Purpose– types, Cutting
plain milling, groove milling, tool Geometry, Nomenclature, Tool
-do- taper milling and slot milling ( 25 Life.

16 51 Pocket opening milling and Selection of coolants / cutting fluids for

matching (male and female). (8 different materials.
hrs.) Cutting speed, Feed, depth of cut and
-do- 52 Straddle milling for making
time calculations.
hexagonal head. (8 hrs.)
53 Milling profiles and matching. Fasteners :- Types- purpose and its
(9 hrs.) Application.
17 54 Introduction of Surface Grinding Grinding-Surface grinding machine-
Machine (5 hrs) Constructional features-working
55 Grinding a parallel blocks.(10 hrs.) principle-Purpose -functions, types ,
56 Step grinding using surface
machine elements and uses of
grinding. (10 hrs.)
accessories , machine calculation and
-do- method of Surface Grinding operations.
Cylindrical grinding machine-
Constructional features-working
principle-Purpose- functions-Types,
machine elements and uses of
accessories, machining calculations and
Method of Cylindrical Grinding
18 57 Introduction of Cylindrical Grinding Wheel- specification –Grit-
Grinding Machine (4 hrs) Grain size-Structure-Bond-Grades and
-do- 58 External plain cylindrical grinding. selection of Grinding wheel -
(8 hrs.) Dressing –Truing and balancing of
59 Step cylindrical grinding. (8 hrs.) Grinding wheel
60 Internal cylindrical grinding.(9hrs.)
19-21 Basic Computer Practice of Basic Computer
Skills Operations ( 35 hrs)
62. Draw sketches using paint for
practice on mouse/touch pad.
(2 hrs)
63. Create, save, rename, move,
copy and delete files and
folders.Transfer files and folders
from/to external storage devices,
Create zip file, Extract the zip file,
Create automatic backup,
Hide/unhide files/folders, Create
password for individual files.
Change the display properties for
Back ground, Resolution, Screen
saver, Desktop icons, Gadgets.
(3 hrs)
64. Settings of the control panel
forAdd/remove hardware,
Install/uninstall software, Change
properties of peripheral devices,
Connecting Projector.
( 2 hrs)

MS-Office (40hrs)

65. Practice on different menus and

editing options of MS-Word. ( 6 hrs)
66. Create your resume in MS-Word.
(3 hrs)
67 .Create purchase order using
tables and images. (3 hrs)
68. Create an invitation letter using
mail merge for ‘n’ invitees. (3 hrs)
69. Practice on different menus and
formulae options of Excel. (6 hrs)
70. Create mark sheet and chart
using spread sheet with data
validation. (3 hrs)

22 & 25 Revision(80 hrs) Holidays (40 hrs)

26 Examination(40 hrs)

Note: -
More emphasis to be given on video/real-life pictures during theoretical classes. Some real-life
pictures/videos of production of different components. Turning of complex job, etc., may be
shown to the trainees to give a feel of Industry and their future assignment.

Second Semester - Six Month

Week Learning Outcome Professional Skills Professional Knowledge
No. With Indicative hrs. (Trade Theory
27- Electrical sub- 71. Measures to rescue a person Basic electrical engineering Concepts
30 system (Electrical from live wires. (3 hrs). of current, voltage, resistance, electric
parameters, 72. Perform exercise to find out charge, current density and Power and
Measuring relationship between V, I, R and
energy. Ohms law and Kirchoffs Laws.
instruments, AC/DC analyze the effect of short and open
machines and circuit in a circuit. ( 3hrs) Primary and secondary cells.
Drives,) 73. Check/Test the line, neutral and Measurement of voltage and current in
earth wires before connecting cable Net works. AC parameters for sine and
in to plugs. (2 hrs) Square wave forms.
74. From the given Electrical
circuit/board familiarization with Electromagnetic theory: - Flux, Flux
different types of plugs, sockets, density, magnetic effect, magnetic
switches, fuses and fuse holder. (3 field, electromagnetic force, concepts
hrs) of coil (electromagnetic). Solenoids and
75. Construct different DC sources
by serial and parallel connection of
batteries. (3 hrs) Instrument used for Measuring
76. Perform charging for a
electrical parameters:- Measurements
discharged secondary battery. ( 3
hrs) of electrical quantities using voltmeter ,
77. Ascertain different electrical Ammeter, Multimeter, Megger. Power
instruments as per the drawings. (2 supply units and Stabilizers.
78. Measure the voltage and current Electromagnetic induction, Motor and
in AC/DC Circuits using ammeter, Generator effect. Types of AC and DC
voltmeter, and multi meter. (3 hrs) Motors, Construction and its working
79. Measure power factor in poly- principles, Speed control of AC/DC
phase circuit using ammeter,
Motors. Principle and Operation of
voltmeter and wattmeter readings.
(3 hrs) servo motor, Stepper motor and its
80. Extend the range of Ammeter applications.
and voltmeter. (3 hrs)
81. Construct series and parallel Concepts of AC/DC Drives.
combination circuits and verify
Principle and operation of single phase,
them.(3 hrs)
82. Test a solenoid and determine its Three phase transformer and Auto
polarity. (3 hrs) transformer. Winding details of three
83. Construct a simple circuit to test phase transformer. Tacho Generator.
the operation of a Relay. (3 hrs)
Instrument transformers (CT and PT),
84. Measure input and output clamp meter, Phase sequence meter,
voltages in stabilizers, power supply
unit in the control panel. (3 hrs) Power factor meter.

85. Application of test lamp and multi

meter for identifying single and three
phase supply. (3 hrs) Concepts of open loop and closed loop
systems, feedback devices used in
86. Physical identification of Mechatronics, Principle and Operation
Mechanical parts and winding of tachogenerator, Encoder, and linear
details of AC/DC Motors. (3 hrs) scale.
87. Develop work plan to test DC
Machine winding continuity and
insulation resistance. (4 hrs)
88. Construct and perform forward
and Reverse operation of DC
Motors. (6 hrs)
89. Construct and perform speed
control of DC Motors. (3 hrs)
90. Service and troubleshoot the DC
motor starter. (3 hrs)
88. Maintain, Service, and
troubleshoot DC Machine. (4 hrs)
91. Connect, start, run and reverse of
AC, single phase motor (inductive-
start and capacitive-start). ( 5 hrs)
92. Control the speed of AC motor.
(3 hrs)
93. Connect, Start, Run and reverse
universal motor. ( 3 hrs)
92. Selection of accessories of a
DOL starter, assemble, and run
induction motor. (3 hrs)
94. Start, Run and reverse AC 3-
phase motor using star-delta starter.
(3 hrs)
95. Check the Motor speed and its
line current using Tacho Generator
and Clamp on meter. (3 hrs)
96. Configure AC drive for
controlling induction motor. (3 hrs)
97. Configure DC drive for
controlling DC motor. (3 hrs)
98. Construct a simple circuit to test
positional and velocity control using
Servo Drive (3 hrs)
99. Exercise on positional accuracy
using encoder.(3 hrs)

100. Exercise on positional accuracy

using linear scale.(3 hrs)

101. Test and tabulate the regulation

of single phase transformer at different
loads and power factors. ( 3 hrs)
102. Test the transformer oil with oil
testing kit. (3 hrs)
103. Verify the terminals of 3-phase
transformer HT and LT side. (3 hrs)
104. Measure Voltage and current of
1-Ф, 3- Ф Auto transformer. (3 hrs)
105.Measure the energy using CT
and PT. (6 hrs)
106. Measure phase sequence and
power factor using phase sequence
meter, power factor meter. (3 hrs)

107. Measure the current of a given

load using Tong-Tester. ( 3 hrs)
31- Electronic sub- 108. Test the Electronic components Electronic components:
34 system (Electronic using component tester and Multi BasicElectronic components (active
components, Power meter, CRO and Test ICs using IC and passive) and its symbols. Reading
supplies, Soldering Tester. (3 hrs)
of electronic circuit drawing. Types of
and De-Soldering 109. Measure AC/DC parameters
Techniques, and using CRO. (3 hrs) Resistors, capacitors and its
Power control 110. Construct Diode circuit and identification. Working and operation
circuits) draw V-I charactaristics. ( 3 hrs) of Diodes. Rectifier circuits. Zener
111. Construct and test Half-wave, voltage Regulator.
Full-wave and Bridge rectifier. (6
hrs) Transistors and its applications.
112. Construct Transistor Switch. (3
hrs) CRO-Block diagram and its functions.
113. Construct Transistor Amplifier
circuit. (3 hrs) DC Regulated power supplies.

114. Construct Zener regulator. (3 Introduction to Op-Amp,

hrs) characteristics, Configuration and its
115. Construct transistor voltage
regulator circuit. ( 3 hrs) Introduction to Opto-electronics, LED,
116. Construct a 12/5 V DC power LDR, Photo diode, opto-coupler.
supply circuit. (4 hrs)
117. Construct variable DC
Regulated power supply. ( 6 hrs)
118. Construct and verify basic op-
amp circuits (Inverting, Non-
Study of Power Electronic Devices:
inverting). (3 hrs)
Power diodes, power transistors, SCR,
119. Construct and verify op-amp DIAC,TRIAC,UJT IGBT, phase
control rectifiers, Converters.
applications as Adder, Subtractor,
Differentiator circuits and Integrator. Soldering Techniques: -. Describe
(6 hrs) Soldering and De- soldering process,
Do and Don’ts of soldering. Concepts
120. Construct comparator and
of SMD.
Instrumentation Amplifier using Op-
Amp. (6 hrs)

121.Construct and Verify Photo

LED circuit.(3 hrs)

122. Construct and verify the

operation of LDR and Photo diode.
(3 hrs)

123. Construct isolation circuit using

opto-isolator. (3 hrs)

124. Testing of SCR, DIAC, TRIAC,

IGBT and UJT using Multimeter and
component tester. (3 hrs)
125.Construct a phase control
rectifier circuits using SCRs. (6 hrs)
126. Construct and test UJT
Relaxation oscillator. (3 hrs)
127.Construct and test universal
motor speed control by using SCR.
(3 hrs)
128. Construct and test a light
dimmer using TRIAC and DIAC. (3
129. Construct and test smoke
detector. (3 hrs)
130. Construct 1-Ф, 3- Ф AC-
DC/AC-AC/DC-DC converters. (6
131. Practice Soldering and De-
soldering on the PCBs for a given
circuit(s). (12 hrs)

35- Cables, connectors, 132. Perform Termination of wires, Electrical cables and connectors:
37 panel wiring, cables and electronic components. (3
Protective devices hrs) Colour code of cables, cable joints
and Earthing. (straight joints and T-Joints), wiring
133.Perform Skinning, dressing, and layout diagrams, Types of cables and its
joining for different types of specifications: co-axial cables, Fiber
cables.(6 hrs) optical cables.
134. Perform Crimping practice on
Types of connectors and its
RJ45, BNC, Audio, D-shell and
Edge connectors. (6 hrs) specifications: Power connectors, Flat
cables, RJ45 Connector, BNC, TNC,
135. Measure Insulation Resistance Audio Video, D-Shell and Edge
by using Megger. (3 hrs) connector. Cable termination methods,
136. Perform wiring in PVC conduit cable layout diagrams, electrical control
for power sockets controlled panel wiring and electrical bus systems.
independently. ( 3 hrs)
Purpose of using protective devices,
137. Prepare and mount energy Fuses, Contactor ,Relays, Timers, Circuit
meter board. ( 3 hrs) Breakers, MCBs, ELCBs, DOL ,Star –
138. Perform wiring to control one Delta Starters, Push buttons, Limit
lamp from different places. (3 hrs) switches, Micro switches, Float switches,
Solenoids, Float switch, OLRs, Photo
139. Perform wiring to install
electric relay,
buzzer, buttons, and protection
alarm. (3 hrs) Importance of earthing, Types of earthing
140. Prepare panel mains board with techniques. Importance on electrical
switch and distribution fuse box. ( safety , safety marking and symbols, Risk
3hrs) management, Electric hazards,
Prevention of accidents and Personal
141. Estimate the materials for a
given panel board connection plan. safety aspects. Environment safety and
(3 hrs) safety precautions while handling
electrical equipments. Classification of
142. Perform Wiring of power and fires, Different type of fire fighting
control circuits in the panel board.
(12 hrs)
143. Install plate and pipe earthing
and Measure earth resistance using
earth tester. (3 hrs)
144.Test the switches, pushbuttons,
limit switches, Foot pedal switch,
Micro switches for its operation (8

145. Practice on working of

protective elements such as MCB,
OLR, ELCBs, RCCB and fuses in
power circuits. (8 hrs)
146. Ascertain different safety
symbols and signs used in workshop.
(3 hrs)
147. Practice on fire fighting
Equipments. (5 hrs)

38- Digital Logic 148. Testing of digital ICs using IC Number System:
39 Circuits. Tester. (3 hrs)
Binary,Decimal,Octal, Hexa
149. Verify the truth table of AND, DecimalNumbersystemsanditsConversio
OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR ns.Binary
gates. (6 hrs) Arithmeticandlogicaloperations.

150. Construct Half Adder and Full

adder circuits. (3 hrs) Digital Logic:

151.Construct and verify SR, JK, T Boolean algebra. Logicgates: AND, OR,
and D Flip-Flops (9 hrs) NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR. Encoder and
152. Construct and verify Binary Conceptsof Flip-Flop: SR, JK,T, D.
counter, UP/DOWN counter circuits. Counters, Multiplexers and De-
( 6 hrs) Multiplexers.
Memories: Discs, RAM, ROM,
153. Construct and verify encoder Semiconductor memories.
and decoder circuits. (6 hrs)

154. Construct Multiplexer and De

multiplexer circuits. (3 hrs)

155. Construct a digital clock. (6


156. Construct on Analog to Digital

Converter (R-2R). (3 hrs)

157. Digital to Analog converter

(Comparator, Dual slope, Successive
approximation.) (6 hrs)
40 - Basic Computer Assembling and Dismantling of Introduction to computers,
Skills. PC (25 Hrs) applications. Basic blocks of a
computer.Importance of SMPS, Hard
158. Dismantle the cabinet and disk, Internal and external memory
identify the components, slots, devices, Different types of I/O
sockets, and connectors of Devices (Monitors, Printers, Mouse,
motherboards. Remove power cords Keyboards, Scanners, Plotters,
and peripheral cables. (1 hr) Speakers), Precautions to be taken
while opening and closing PC
159. Disconnect the SMPS, Hard cabinet.troubleshooting Techniques
disk Drive, RAM, CMOS Battery, for motherboards, I/O Devices. (6
coolant fan, DVD Drive, clean the hrs)
motherboard. (5hrs)

160. Mount the mother board on

cabinet (1 hr)
161. Connect add on cords, Hard
disk Drive, RAM. (1 hr)
162. Mount CMOS Battery, Connect
coolant fan, DVD Drive, SMPS.
( 1 hr)
163. Assemble the cabinet, Connect
the peripherals, Connect power
cords, Switch on power supply and
run the PC. (3 hrs)

41 Basic Computer Software Installation (12 Hrs) Distinguish between System Software
Skills (Hardware & and Application Software.
Software) 164. Prepare Hard disk for OS Differentiate between Linux and
installation by making partitions. ( 2 Windows OS
hrs) Windows 32 bit, and 64 bit System
165. Setup CMOS with desired FDISK, Format, Scandisk, FAT
parameters for hard disk and set date System, NTFS and Directories,
and time. (1 hr) Fragmentation and defragmentation
166. Install Operating System Familiarisation of MS-office or
Windows and Linux in two different equivalent tools for creating
partitions. (6 hrs) documents, spread sheet and
167.Install Device Drivers(Printers, Explain and apply common prevention
Scanners, Xerox, methods, Explain Service Flow
audio),Install/Uninstall Application Sequence (SFS) and Trouble Shooting
software (Office, Multimedia, Chart (TSC) of PC.
Fluidsim,PLC and other simulation
software) (3 hrs)
42 Microcontrollers 168. Physically Identify the Basic block diagram of computer system.
components in 8051 trainer kit.(3 Block diagram of Microprocessor and its
hrs) functionality. Difference between
Microprocessor and Microcontroller.
169. Write an assembly level 8051 Microcontroller-features, Block
program to perform arithmetic
diagram and pin configuration.
operations.(4 hrs)
Assembler directives, Instruction set of
170. Write a program to perform 8051.Assembly language Programming.
exchange the memory location
contents.(3 hrs)

171. Interface LEDs to

microcontroller and develop
different patterns on it. (3 hrs)

172. Interface switches and LEDs

with microcontroller.(3 hrs)

173. Interface buzzer to

microcontroller.(3 hrs)

174. Write a program to interface

DC motor with microcontroller. (3

175. Interface stepper motor control

with microcontroller. ( 3 hrs)

43- Trouble shooting 176. Replacement of fuses, Locating Introduction to maintenance, Importance
44 and repair of OLR and its resetting practice. of maintenance and types.
Electrical, (2 hrs) Guidelines for trouble shooting of
Electronic systems. electrical, electronic systems and PLC.
177. Locating faults in power circuit
such as fuse flown, MCB Tripped,
control fuse blown etc. (3 hrs)

178. General checking of loose

contacts in the control panel wirings.
(3 hrs)

179. Troubleshoot and Service a

circuit breaker. (3 hrs)

180. Identify controls, trace the

circuit and test the function of
stabilizer. ( 3 hrs)

181. Identify controls and operate

UPS. (3 hrs)

182. Trouble shoot and maintenance

of UPS and stabilizer. (6 hrs)

183. Trouble shooting of AC/DC

Drives. Check the feedback sensors.
(9 hrs)

184. Calibrate single range analog

meters. (3 hrs)

185. Resetting of major and minor

errors in PLC. (6 hrs)

186. Troubleshooting of power

supply and IO modules in PLC. (9

45 - Hobby Project
49-51 Revision & Holidays
52 Examination

Note: -
1. Some of the sample project works (indicative only) are given against each semester.
2. Instructor may design their own project and also inputs from local industry may be taken
for designing such new project.
3. The project should broadly covered maximum skills in the particular trade and must
involve some problem solving skill. Emphasis should be on Teamwork: Knowing the
power of synergy/ collaboration, Work to be assigned in a group (Group of at least 4
trainees). The group should demonstrate Planning, Execution, Contribution and
application of Learning. They need to submit Project report.
4. If the instructor feels that for execution of specific project more time is required than he
may plan accordingly to produce components/ sub-assemblies in appropriate time i.e.,
may be in the previous semester or during execution of normal trade practical.
5. More emphasis to be given on video/real-life pictures during theoretical classes.

Third Semester - Six Month

Week No. Ref. Learning Professional Skills Professional Knowledge
Outcome With Indicative hrs. (Trade Theory)
53 Turning and 187 The Modes of Operation On Introduction to NC /CNC Technology,
Milling operations the machine JOG, MDI, REF, Importance and applications in
on CNC machine MPG, EDIT on CNC turning and industry.
(setup and Offset, Milling (15 hrs.)
Execution of part 188 Practice on co –ordinate Difference among NC, CNC and FMS
programming of systems, use of CNC codes (10 (Flexible Manufacturing System).
hrs.) Working principle and Construction
plain, step and
taper turning, Face details of CNC System-Functional
Block Diagram and its Features-
milling and Step
Measuring /Feedback System. Main
Elements of CNC
Control Panel-feedback devices-

54 189 Tool Path practice in Introduction to coordinate System,

Absolute and Incremental Axes Designation –CNC Codes-G and
Coordinate system. M (Sinumerik and Fanuc control) –
(15 rs ) calculation of Spindle speed, feed,
-do- 190 Practice On - Zero and Tool depth of Cut. Modes of operation of
Offset and record of offset CNC machine.
parameters in System (10 hrs )

55 191Selection of Cutting speed, Absolute and Incremental coordinate

Feed, Depth of cut for system. Procedure for simulating tool
CNC turning operations. (4 path program. Offsets, types of offsets
hrs.) and importance of offset for work and
192 Practice on Changing of tool tool. Procedure for setting offset and
holder and tool Inserts on recording offset parameters in CNC
CNC lathe. system.
(4 hrs.)
193 Facing and Plain turning. (8
194 Produce a component using
CNC turning centre. (9 hrs.)
56 195 Selection of cutting speed, Calculations:
feed, depth of cut for CNC Cutting speed, Feed, Depth of cut and
milling operations. (4 hrs.) machining time calculations.
196 Practice on Changing of tool Tools and Tool holders for turning
holder and tool Inserts on operations and milling operations.
CNC Milling machine. (4 Simple programming for facing, plain
-do- hrs.) turning, step turning operations and
197 Program preparation for step milling operations
milling and contour milling.(8
198 Produce a component using
CNC milling centre with
multiple operations. (9 hrs.)
57- 59 Understand the 199Introduction to control Introduction and Basic Concepts
Importance and system tool box I(time Open loop system and Closed loop
basics of Control domain) System
200Introduction to control Mechanical translational systems
system tool box Transfer Functions
Engineering and II(frequency domain) Block diagram reduction technique
Understand the 201Introduction to control Signal flow graph
performance system tool box III(state Time Response Analysis
criteria and the space analysis) Time response , Test signals and
design of 202Design of lag Order of a system
compensators compensator using root Response of first order system for
locus unit step input
Identify the 203Design of lag Response of undamped second
selection of choice compensator using bode order system for unit step input
plot Time domain specification
from various
204Design of lead Frequency Response Analysis
process control compensator using root Frequency Response , Frequency
systems locus Domain , specifications
205Design of lead Frequency response plots , Bode
compensator using bode plot, Phase margin and gain
plot margin
Stability-Routh Stability ,
Determine the range of K stability
Nyquist stability
State Space Analysis
Transfer function from state space
Concept of controllability and
Design of compensators
Realisation of compensators in
time domain and frequency
domain and their characteristics
60 - 62 PLC programming 206. Ascertain various modules, PLC:
and its controls, and indicators of given
Applications. PLC. (3 hrs) Overview of different control
207. Program and configure the systems. Introduction about PLC.
PLC to perform a simple Block diagram of PLC. Different
start/stop routine. (3 hrs) types of PLC, PLC
208. Program the PLC using Architectures(Fixed and Modular).
Timer and Counter instructions. Selection of PLC. Advantages of
( 6 hrs) PLC. Applications of PLC. Various
209. Program the PLC to types of modules used in PLC.
perform Move, Arithmetic, and Communication protocols used in
Logical operations. (3 hrs) PLC: RS-232, RS-485,Ethernet,
210. Program the PLC for Profibus.
performing comparator Different programminglanguagesof
operations. (3 hrs) PLC: LDR, STL,FBD, CSF.
211. Practice on PLC wiring. ( Basic ladderprogrammingof PLC.
6 hrs) Configurationof PLC anditsmodules.
Wiring of PLC.
Interfacingof PLC withotherdevices.
212. Program PLC for
Safety aspects.
controlling analog parameter(s). Introduction to HMI configuration.
(3 hrs)

213. Program a PLC for Traffic

Light Control. (6 hrs)
214. Program PLC to generate
different patterns for a given set
of lights.(3 hrs)
215. Program a PLC for
Reverse Forward Control of a
Motor. (3 hrs)
216. Program a PLC for
Conveyor Belt Motor Control.
(6 hrs)
217. Program a PLC for parking
system of 100 Cars. (3 hrs)
218. Program a PLC for motor
Star- Delta Control. (3 hrs)
219. Program PLC for elevator
control. (3 hrs)

220. Configuration of HMI. (6

221. Interface I/O with PLC
using Profibus system. (3 hrs)
222. Interface I/O with PLC
using Ethernet. (3 hrs)
223. Interface PLC to
pneumatic and hydraulic
circuits. ( 9 hrs)

63 - 64 Fundamentals of 234Behaviour of Proximity Introduction to Sensors&transducers

sensors (know Sensors, inductive sensor, Sensors - Classifications &
about different type capacitive sensor, Operation
magnetic sensor(6hrs)
of sensor and Proximity Sensor -Classifications &
235Behaviour of Reflex
process of Photoelectric Operation
interfacing with Sensors(3hrs) Sensors for Temperature
different systems) 236.Behaviour of ultrasonic Measurements
sensor(3 hrs) Sensors for Distance and
237.Behaviour of reed switch Displacement
and limit switch(4 hrs) Sensor characterisitcs and interface
238 Behaviour of
Temperature Sensors(6
239.Level Control (6 hrs)
240.Logical operation of
sensors(6 hrs)
241.Interfacing of Sensors
and Electrical
242Interfacing of Sensors and
Pneumatic Actuators(8

65 - 66 Pneumatic  Basic of pneumatic elements

Elements and system.
( Basic of  Types, construction, working,
pneumatic specifications and selection
elements and criteria of following air
system, Types, preparation and conditioning
construction, elements: i. Air compressors ii.
working, Air receivers’ iii. Air dryers iv.
specifications and Air filters, regulators and
selection criteria) lubricators (FRL unit).
243. Use logic valves and  Types, constructions,
construct in pneumatic circuit.(9 designations, working,
hrs) applications and selection
244. Construct and perform the criteria of following:
operation of Pressure control  i. Directional control valves.
valves (9 hrs)  ii. Flow control valves.
245.Using Time Delay valves  iii. Pressure control valves.
perform the operation of  iv. Special valves- quick
pneumatic actuator .(8 hrs) exhaust valve and time delay
246. Practice on Hydraulic and valve.
Pneumatic Simulation software (  v. Logic valves- shuttle valve
25 hrs) and twin pressure valve.
Other fittings and access of Fluid Sim
Software for construction of
Pneumatic circuits.

67 Fundamentals of 247.Prepare a Specification for Pneumatic cylinders- types,

Pneumatics. various pneumatic elements construction, working, materials,
(Transducer ,types (actuators, motors ,valves and specifications, mounting and
of sensors and cylinders) of Lab/workshop cushioning.
switches, (9 hrs). Pneumatic motors- types, construction,
fundamentals of working, specifications and
Pneumatics and its applications.

68 Application of 248. Construct an electro  Pneumatic devices – concept

Pneumatic devices pneumatic circuit for Automatic and Importance.
and Pneumatic Brake system(18hrs)  Pneumatic Drives –I/P
drives( Pneumatic i) Preparation of converter and P/I converter.
devices – concept Specification and
and Importance, selection criteria of
Construction, pneumatic elements.
working principle, ii) Construction of
major elements) pneumatic circuit and
assembly of elements
as per the drawing.
iii) PLC programming and
Interfacing of
Pneumatic I/O s with
iv) Checking of
functionality of
pneumatic brake
Installation, 249.Construct and Install an  Installation of pneumatic
69 Maintenance and electro Pneumatic Pick and Place systems.
Trouble Shooting system Identify the various faults  Causes, remedies and
of Pneumatic ( in the system and the remedial Troubleshooting in pneumatic
Installation of actions for them.(13 hrs) elements.
pneumatic systems, 250. Construct and Install an  Maintenance of pneumatic
Causes, remedies electro Pneumatic conveyor belt systems:
and with sorting Mechanism system i. Maintenance schedule
Troubleshooting, Identify the various faults in the and Inspection Check
Maintenance) system and the remedial actions Sheet preparation
for them.(12 hrs) ii .Maintenance of different
application of Pneumatic

70 Basic Concepts of 251. Check of pressure built up Introduction and Definitions of

Hydraulics( and setting relief valve pressure important terms like Hydraulics,
Introduction and in hydraulic system and checking Pressure, Force, Vacuum etc.
Definitions of of Line filter .(3 hrs) i. Pascal’s Law and its Application of
Hydraulics, 252.Tabulate the selection criteria Hydraulics
Hydraulic Symbols of different grades of Hydraulic ii. Bernoulli's Principle
and Circuit, oil for the system.(2 hrs) iii. Hydraulic Jacks
Hydraulic Oil and 253. Construct simple hydraulic iv. Hydraulic Symbols and Circuit
Types) circuit (16 hrs) Building as per Standards DIN/ISO.
 Pressure Regulating v. Advantages and Disadvantages of
Circuit Hydraulic System.
 Safety Circuit vi. Hydraulic Oil and Types.
 Dual Pressure Regulating vii.1 Importance of Hydraulic Oil.
Circuit viii. Ideal Characteristics of
 Sequence Control Circuit Hydraulic Oil
 Pressure ix. Maintenance of Hydraulic Oil
Counterbalancing Circuit( x. Reading, understanding of
 Pressure Reducing Circuit Hydraulic Symbols for construction of
 Meter-In Flow Control circuit diagrams.
 Meter-Out Flow Control
 Bleed-Off Control Circuit
 Pressure Keeping Circuit
 Differential Circuit
 Synchronizing Circuit
 Accumulator Control
 Hydraulic Motor Control
254.Practice on Hydraulic and
Pneumatic Simulation software ( 4
71 Accessories of 255. Demonstrate Connection of Types and Function of Components
Hydraulic System Steel pipes, tubing and hose in and Connectors
Hydraulic line.(5 hrs) i) Steel pipe
256. Installation of Pressure ii) Tubing
gauge /Indicator along with filter iii) Hose
and strainer in Hydraulic iv)Gauges
system.(5 hrs) v)Packing and Seals
257. Fitting of different gaskets vi) Filters and Strainers
and seals in hydraulic line. (5 hrs) vii) Hydraulic Tank
258. Installation and
troubleshooting of hydraulic
power pack.(10 hrs)
72 Hydraulic Valves 259.Construct and perform the Construction, Types and working of :
And Auxiliaries( operation of Speed control of  Directional Control Valves
Construction, Types Hydraulic cylinder through  Pressure Control Valves
and working)
Throttle valve.(3 hrs)  Flow Control Valves
 Pressure Intensifiers
260. Construct and Perform of  Accumulators
Speed control of Hydraulic  Cartridge Valves and
cylinder through The Flow Cylinder
control valve in Bypass. (3 hrs)

261. Construct and verify the

functionality of Flow control
valve in Meter-in and Meter-out
circuit(3 hrs)

262. Construct and control

Double acting pneumatic cylinder
reciprocation by 3/2 push button
valves and Shuttle Valve.(3 hrs)

263. Construct and check the

function of cartridge valves in
Lubrication system (10 hrs)

264.Construct Electro Hydraulic

circuit –Speed and Pressure
control of double acting cylinder
for hydraulic Press.(10 hrs)

265. Construct control based

hydraulic circuit for operation of
double acting cylinder through
5/2 solenoid operated D.C. valve
and PLC Controller (Counter
based circuit).(10 hrs)

266.Practice on Hydraulic and

Pneumatic Simulation software ( 8

73 Hydraulic Pumps 267. Demonstrate the different Construction and Working,

and Motors( types and working of Pumps Specifications :
Construction and using Cut-section Models.(5 hrs)  Gear Pump
Working , 268. Install Hydraulic Pump and  Vane Pump
Specifications) Motor and verify its function in  Radial Piston Pump
hydraulic power pack.(22 hrs)  Pump Maintenance and
269. Maintenance of Hydraulic Trouble Shooting , Hydraulic
Motor and Pump for industry Motor Specifications
application(23 hrs)  Construction and Working of
i) Preparation of Maintenance  Gear Motor
 Vane Motor
ii) Preparation of inspection and
 Radial Piston Motor
check sheet.
74 Hydraulic Circuits 270. Construct and verify One- Construction of circuits and operation
( Construction of Cycle Cylinder Reciprocation i)Clamp Control Circuit
circuits and using limit switches, ii) Injection Control Circuit
operation ) timer, Pushbutton and Single- iii) Reciprocating Screw Circuit
Solenoid Valve and double iv) Oil Filtration Circuit
solenoid valve(6 hrs) v) Deceleration Circuit
271. Construct and perform the vi) Prefill Circuit
operation of Accumulator Control vii) Hydraulic Motor Circuit
Circuit.(6 hrs) viii)Hi-Low Pump Circuit
272. Construct and Perform the
deceleration and Oil filtration
Circuit(10 hrs)
273. Construct a hydraulic
control circuit for clamping and
de-clamping operation of part
handling system.(10 hrs)
274. Construct and perform the
operation of Hydraulic press
control using hydraulic
elements.(10 hrs)
275. Practice on Hydraulic and
Pneumatic Simulation software (
75-77 Revision and Holidays
78 Examination

Note: -

1. Some of the sample project works (indicative only) are given against each semester.
2. Instructor may design their own project and also inputs from local industry may be taken
for designing such new project.
3. The project should broadly covered maximum skills in the particular trade and must
involve some problem solving skill. Emphasis should be on Teamwork: Knowing the
power of synergy/ collaboration, Work to be assigned in a group (Group of at least 4
trainees). The group should demonstrate Planning, Execution, Contribution and
application of Learning. They need to submit Project report.
4. If the instructor feels that for execution of specific project more time is required than he
may plan accordingly to produce components/ sub-assemblies in appropriate time i.e.,
may be in the previous semester or during execution of normal trade practical.
5. More emphasis to be given on video/real-life pictures during theoretical classes.

Fourth Semester - Six Month

Week Learning Outcome Professional Skills Professional Knowledge
No. With Indicative hrs. (Trade Theory)
79- 276 Introduction to gas welding / Explanation of gas welding, arc welding
80 arc welding / MIG welding and MIG welding techniques description
equipment, simple welding and of welding equipments and welding
Welding and brazing practice. (25hrs.) joints.
Brazing 277Practice on tray brazing, die Knowledge about flux, filler rod
welding, welding on hardened material.
die block as well as on die Die welding techniques.
casting dies. (25hrs.)
81- Simulation software 278. Familiarisation with various Advantages of Simulator Software.
82 for Electrical features and components of Simulation
Circuits (Simulate software (12 hrs) Develop simple Electrical circuit
the Electrical circuit 279. Using and Testing of different types
on simulation of Electrical components using Simulator Develop Industrial application based
software test, fault (13 hrs) Electrical circuit
diagnostic 280. Develop Electrical circuit using
simulator as per the drawing and test for Trouble shooting techniques and
its functionality (25 hrs) mechanism.
281. Develop Electrical circuit for any
Industrial application using simulator
software (25 hrs)
282.Test the Electrical circuit developed
in simulator, diagnose the fault,
rectification, resetting of errors (25 hrs)
83- Simulation software 283. Familiarisation with various Advantages of Simulator Software.
84 for Electronics features and components of Simulation
Circuits (Simulate software (12 hrs) Develop simple Electronics circuit
the Electrical circuit 284. Using and Testing of different types
on simulation of Electronics components using Develop Industrial application based
software test, fault Simulator (13 hrs) Electronics circuit
diagnostic 285. Develop Electronics circuit using
simulator as per the drawing and test for Trouble shooting techniques and
its functionality (25 hrs) mechanism.
286. Develop Electronics circuit for any
Industrial application using simulator
software (25 hrs)
287.Test the Electronics circuit
developed in simulator, diagnose the
fault, rectification, resetting of errors (25
85- Simulation software 288. Practice Pneumatics fundamentals Advantages of Simulator Software.
88 for Hydraulics and using simulation software (12 hrs)
Pneumatics 289. Practice Electrical control of Develop simple Hydraulic circuit
(Simulate the pneumatic system using simulation
Hydraulic and software (14 hrs) Develop simple pneumatic circuit
Pneumatic circuit on 290. Practice Hydraulic fundamentals
simulation software using simulation software (13 hrs) Trouble shooting techniques and
test, fault diagnostic 291. Practice Electrical control of mechanism.
procedure) hydraulic system using simulation
software (18 hrs)
292. Develop Pneumatic circuit using
simulator as per the drawing and test for
its functionality (18 hrs)
293. Test the Hydraulic and Pneumatic
circuit developed in simulator, diagnose
the fault, rectification, resetting of errors
(25 hrs)

89- Project work on 294. Preparation of mechanical Application of Pick and Place project
100 Mechatronics drawing for pick and place project (25 Function of each part
(Project-“Pick and hrs) Explanation of the drawings (Mechanical,
Place mechatronic 295. Preparation of Hydraulic and Hydraulic, Pneumatic, Electrical)
system” involving Pneumatic circuit diagram (25 hrs) Assembling Techniques
Fitting, Drilling, 296. Preparation of Electrical wiring Safety precautions in each stage
Turning, Milling, diagram (25 hrs) Testing procedure.
Grinding, Electrical 297. Preparation of Electronics circuit Common faults and their rectification
wiring, diagram (25 hrs)
programming, 298. Prepare bill of material (25 hrs)
Hydraulic circuit 399. Perform Filing operation (9 hrs)
assembly, Pneumatic 300. Perform drilling operation (12
circuit assembly, hrs)
Drives, system 301. Perform Turning operation (18
assembly and hrs)
Interfacing, 302. .Perform Milling operation (18
functional testing, hrs hrs)
trouble shooting and 303. Perform surface finish operation
repair. Safety (4 hrs)
measures in each 304. Assemble the Mechanical
stage) components as per drawing (13 Hrs)
305. Assemble Hydraulic and
Pneumatic circuit and interface (13
306. Assembling and wiring of
Electrical and Electronic system
integration (13 hrs)
307. Develop, download PLC program
and Integrate (25 hrs)
308. Testing, Trouble shooting and
Repairing (25 hrs)
101- Revision & Holidays
104 Examination

1. Some of the sample project works (indicative only) are given against each semester.
2. Instructor may design their own project and also inputs from local industry may be taken
for designing such new project.
3. The project should broadly covered maximum skills in the particular trade and must
involve some problem solving skill. Emphasis should be on Teamwork: Knowing the
power of synergy/ collaboration, Work to be assigned in a group (Group of at least 4
trainees). The group should demonstrate Planning, Execution, Contribution and
application of Learning. They need to submit Project report.
4. If the instructor feels that for execution of specific project more time is required than he
may plan accordingly to produce components/ sub-assemblies in appropriate time i.e.,
may be in the previous semester or during execution of normal trade practical.
5. More emphasis to be given on video/real-life pictures during theoretical classes.

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