Cable Limiter

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Cable Limiters

Increase System Reliability

Decrease Downtime
Increase system reliability and versatility with Ferraz Shawmut Cable Limiters. Cable Limiters

are designed for the protection of low voltage distribution networks, feeders and service

entrance cables. Permitted by National Electric Code Article 230.82(1), cable limiters prevent

service outages by isolating damaged cables ensuring continuity of customer power.

Ferraz Shawmut Cable Limiters Applications and Installation

Install Ferraz Shawmut cable limiters in underground Three common cable limiter applications include:
power distribution systems found in commercial,
1. Distribution network systems with three
industrial, and residential applications. Cable limiters are
or more cables in parallel per phase
designed for use in both radial and network type under-
Increase system
ground systems to reduce the hazards of unexpected Install cable limiters on each end of each cable to
downtime and maintenance. Ferraz Shawmut offers a allow for isolation of damaged cables. The limiters
reliability and
full line of both 600VAC and 250VAC cable limiters, with remove damaged cables from the circuit to main-
the 600VAC product line being UL Listed for code com- tain service.
versatility with
pliance. Select the proper limiter for your application by
2. Commercial and residential applications
choosing from seven available terminal combinations
Ferraz Shawmut with multiple customers fed from one
suitable for aluminum or copper wire sizes from 1 AWG
up to 1000kcmil.
Cable Limiters.
Install one cable limiter on the secondary of the
utility transformer per cable run. Allow businesses
Customer Benefits and homes to maintain power if a fault may occur.
Cable Limiters offer users an inexpensive solution to
prevent costly downtime. Cable Limiters isolate faulty 3. Secondary Ties
cables and allow the remaining cables to keep your busi- Protect circuits that connect two power sources
ness up and running. Faulty cables can now be pulled or power supply points to prevent vaporization of
and replaced during a scheduled or routine shutdown cables under short circuit faults.
when power is not needed.
Three or more Conductors Commercial
per Phase. Malls, strip malls, shopping centers, outlets, retail businesses, universi-
For larger ampere rated systems it is common to use several smaller ties, government facilities, and office buildings are typical customers
cables in parallel, instead of one large cable, to share a heavier load. that benefit from the installation of cable limiters. Protect incoming
For this application Cable Limiters are installed on the secondary of power to the retail centers power distribution network. Construction
the utility transformer and on the line side of the service entrance work external to the facility is a major cause of damaged cables.
disconnect. It is important to install cable limiters on each end of each Improperly marked dig sites, equipment malfunction and operator
cable. In most cases the customer hired contractor is responsible for error can all result in potentially hazardous electrical faults. Protect
installing limiters at the utility transformer and on the line side of the commercial developments with cable limiters and prevent potential lost
service entrance disconnect at the building. If one cable experiences revenues to its tenants.
a fault, the faulty cable will be isolated from the network allowing the
remaining cables to maintain power to the system. The damaged cable Application Example
can now be replaced during a scheduled shutdown when revenue gain or
production is not at risk of downtime. Unexpected power loss can result
in lost revenue. Utility Transformer

NEC Article 230.82(1) permits the installation of cable limiters on the
supply side of the service entrance disconnect. Ensure system reliability,
guarantee operation, reduce maintenance costs and prevent unexpected Cable
downtime. Benefit from using cable protection in all types of industries Limiters
such as metal fabrication, wastewater, assembly, electronics, textile, oil
and gas, pulp and paper, rubber, steel, aluminum, glass and chemical. Fault

Ferraz Shawmut cable limiters are designed to withstand harsh environ- Cable
ments and will not deteriorate from elements such as age, moisture or Limiters
Service Entrance
environmental surroundings. Ferraz Shawmut limiters are self-contained
and self-protecting. Various termination offerings accommodate all types
of installations.

Service Entrance

Recommended Product: Amp-Trap CP

Secondary Ties. Multiple Services Supplied by
NEC article 450.6(A)(3) states that any secondary tie, 600V or a Single Source.
less nominal, shall be equipped with a protective device that will Multiple services such as residential developments, apartment
open under short-circuit conditions. Article 450.6(A)(3) permits buildings, and small commercial buildings consume lighter loads
the installation of a cable limiter as an acceptable method of and are often fed from a single transformer. To prevent the entire
meeting this requirement. neighborhood, apartment building or strip mall from experiencing
an outage, cable limiters are installed on each cable run to each
A secondary tie is a point in a circuit where two power sources individual service. In the case of a cable fault, the faulty service
or power supply points are connected, such as the secondary will be isolated from the remaining customers. For this application
of two transformers. For example this could be two individual only one cable limiter is required per cable run on the secondary
transformers or a bank of transformers operating as a unit. of the utility transformer.

Utility Transformer

Transformer Transformer



Service Service Customer Customer Customer Customer

Recommended Product: Amp-Trap CP Recommended Product: Amp-Trap CP and 2CL

Amp-Trap® CP – 600VAC Amp-Trap® 2CL – 250VAC
Cable Limiters Cable Limiters
Approved 600VAC limiters for heavy commercial and industrial Approved 250VAC limiters for light commercial and residential
applications. Ideal for multiple cable runs per phase. Increase applications. Protect underground cable runs from thermal
reliability and prevent unexpected downtime. damage caused by short circuits.

• UL Listed, File E305297 • Ferraz Shawmut Certified

• 600VAC, 200kA IR • 250VAC, 200kA IR

• Superior short circuit protection • Superior short circuit protection

• Cable sizes #2 – 1000kcmil • Cable sizes #1 – 500kcmil

• Seven terminal combinations available • Four terminal combinations available

• Copper or Aluminum cable • Copper or Aluminum Cable

• Optional heat shrink or molded rubber • Shorter in length than standard 600VAC rated
boots available cable limiters

Installation information, including crimping tool recommendations, limiter performance characteristics and part numbers is available
online at or by contacting your local sales representative.
A relentless pursuit of protection for electrical components,
systems—and the people who use them.
Ferraz Shawmut is an international company manufacturing the widest range of circuit protection
solutions in the electrical industry. Drawing on a century of experience—and an ongoing commitment
to critical research in electrical safety—we provide industrial, commercial, and OEM customers with
innovative products and technical support teams to increase effectiveness, simplify applications, and
enhance productivity. Learn more about our circuit protection solutions at

For more information,

visit our website at

374 Merrimac Street,
Newburyport, MA 01950
T: 978-462-6662
F: 978-462-0181

88 Horner Avenue
Toronto, Ontario,
Canada M8Z 5Y3
T: 416-252-9371
F: 416-252-6572
© 2008 Ferraz Shawmut. All rights reserved.


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