Proyecto Ecologico

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SEEDS Student Reports 1

UBC Social, Ecological Economic Development Studies (SEEDS) Student Reports

An Investigation Into Sustainable Laundry Services For The New UBC Student Union Building

Duncan Currie

Sam Mason

Erik Roy

Erica Wodzak

University of British Columbia

APSC 261

November 2009

Disclaimer: “UBC SEEDS provides students with the opportunity to share the findings of their studies, as well as their opinions, conclusions

and recommendations with the UBC community. The reader should bear in mind that this is a student project/report and is not an official

document of UBC. Furthermore readers should bear in mind that these reports may not reflect the current status of activities at UBC. We urge

you to contact the research persons mentioned in a report or the SEEDS Coordinator about the current status of the subject matter of a


Duncan Currie

Sam Mason

Erik Roy

Erica Wodzak

APSC 261: Technology & Society

Instructor: Dr. P. Dawn Mills

Submitted: November 19, 2009


A laundry facility to accompany showers for bicycle commuters has been proposed for the new
SUB. This report analyzes equipment options for such a laundry facility. The maximum load of such a
laundry facility is estimated to be roughly 275 pounds of towels per day.

The washing machine is selected such that it is just big enough for only one machine to be
needed. This gives a machine capacity of roughly 30 pounds. A comparison of several industry models
of commercial washing machines showed the Speed Queen SP30 model to have favourable energy
efficiency and water use characteristics. Social and economic factors are believed to have less impact
on product selection than environmental considerations. Thus the Speed Queen was chosen.

For drying towels in the new SUB, two methods are considered. First, use of a conventional
clothes dryer is proposed. A comparison of three typical dryer sizes reveals that all dryers operate at
about the same efficiency. In addition it is observed that dryers are inherently inefficient and it is in the
best interest of the new SUB committee to seek an alternative. In addition to dryer inefficiencies,
greenhouse gas emissions are a concern. The proposed alternative is a heat recycling natural convection
dryer. This device uses heat from electrical resistance heaters in a duct to dry linens and offers greater
efficiencies as well as a reduced carbon footprint. Further, heat from the UBC steam utilities can be
used as an energy source.

To reduce the environmental impact of the facility, several cleaning detergents were compared.
It is recommended that an eco-friendly detergent such as the one produced by Seventh Generation is a
readily available and viable option.

Table of Contents

Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................................1
Glossary ......................................................................................................................................................................4
1.0 Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................................5
2.0 System Load Estimation .......................................................................................................................................6
3.0 Washing Machine Specification ...........................................................................................................................7
4.0 Drying Methods ................................................................................................................................................. 11
4.1 Commercial Dryer ............................................................................................................................... 11
4.2 Heat Recycling Natural Convection Dryer .......................................................................................... 17
5.0 Cleaning Products.............................................................................................................................................. 19
6.0 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................................... 21
References ............................................................................................................................................................... 22
Appendix A: System Load Estimation .................................................................................................................... 25
Appendix B: Specific Washer Model Comparison ................................................................................................. 26

List of Illustrations

Figure 1 - Production, Transport, Disposal Energy vs. Washer Capacity ..................................................................7

Figure 2 - Lifetime Energy Use of Selected Machines ..............................................................................................8
Figure 3 - Lifetime Water Use of Selected Models ....................................................................................................9
Figure 4: Lifecycle Cost Comparison ...................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 5: Proposed Heat Recycling Natural Convection Dryer .............................................................................. 17

Table 1: Emerging Clothes Dryer Technologies ..................................................................................................... 12

Table 2: Embodied Energy of a Clothes Dryer ....................................................................................................... 13


Borax: A compound of boron used in detergents and cosmetics.

Electrical Resistance Heater: An appliance used to convert electrical energy into heat

Free Convection: A mode of heat transfer caused by the movement of air particles during heating due
to a reduction in density with an increase in temperature.

Forced Convection: A mode of heat transfer caused by the movement of air particles during heating
due to an external force such as a fan.

Hard-Mount: Washing machines that must be mounted on the bottom, concrete floor of a building.
Typically less expensive than soft-mount machines.

Modified Energy Factor (MEF): A measure of a machines efficiency based on a formula that includes
volumetric capacity, electrical energy required, hot water energy required, and the energy required to
remove left-over water from the the materials that leave the machine. For further information see the
Energy Star website (Energy Star).

Soft-Mount: Washing machines that can be mounted on non-concrete floors, for example on the second
floor of a building.

Steam-to-air Heat Exchanger: A device which transfers energy in the form of heat from a high
temperature water vapour stream to a lower temperature air stream.

Water Factor (WF): A measure of the water use of a machine. Calculated using volumetric capacity
and water use per cycle. For further information see the Energy Star website (Energy Star).

1.0 Introduction

Commuting via bicycle has many benefits. It promotes personal health, has a far reduced
environmental impact compared to a car, and allows for a more pleasant and less polluted campus
environment. In the interest of promoting bicycle commuting a laundry service for the new SUB has
been proposed. The idea is that having showers with towels made available will remove an obstacle for
people to switch to bicycle commuting. That is, commuters would be able to have a shower but not
have to carry around a wet towel all day.

To that end it is desired to analyze and understand what products should be considered for use in
such a facility. Using triple bottom line assessment this report will compare various options for such a
laundry service.

2.0 System Load Estimation

The load calculation for the system is estimated in order to determine to the size of equipment
necessary. This was based on determining the current proportion of campus residents that currently bike
to school, estimating an increase in this amount that would occur due to the implementation of laundry
services, and accounting for the growth of the university over the lifespan of the machinery. This results
in a needed load of roughly 275 pounds of laundry per day. This was calculated as a conservative value;
for details on this calculation please see Appendix A.

3.0 Washing Machine Specification

In specifying a washing machine there are many things to consider. First is what type of
machine to purchase. There are both household and commercial machines available. As a
simplification it was assumed that the more durable construction and designed-for heavier use of the
commercial washers would result in a significantly longer lifespan and that this longer lifespan would
outweigh the increased production energy required for a commercial washer compared to a household

Having chosen to focus on commercial washers it was necessary to determine what size of
commercial washer is necessary. These are typically available in sizes ranging from 20 to 165 lb (Speed
Queen 1). Figure 1 below illustrates production, transport, and disposal energy vs. washer capacity.




Energy (MJ)

Soft Mount

60000 Hard Mount



0 50 100 150 200
Washer Capacity (pounds)

Figure 1 - Production, Transport, Disposal Energy vs. Washer Capacity

Figure 1 is derived from several sources. The information used was taken from Speed Queen‟s
line of commercial washers (Speed Queen 1). Data on the overhead (that is, production and
transportation) and lifecycle (disposal) energy costs of a washer weighing a given amount is available
from Wattzon and was scaled up based on the weight of Speed Queen‟s machines (Wattzon). Hard and
soft mount are defined in the glossary. The graph shows a dip in overhead energy after a certain
capacity. This is because if the machines are too small then two or more are required to meet the daily
needs of the facility. Thus it can be determined that the minimum size such that only one machine is
needed is ideal. This corresponds to a machine capacity of roughly 30 pounds. Furthermore, hard
mount machines are less expensive and less complex and will thus be chosen; the laundry facility must
therefore be located on the bottom floor of the new building (Speed Queen 2).

For a specific comparison, several models from prominent brands are analyzed. The brands and
models are listed in Appendix B. These machines are all assumed to have similar overhead and lifecycle
costs as specified by Wattzon. Lifetime energy use due to the actual use of the machine is calculated in
Appendix B. This and overhead/lifecycle energy costs are shown in Figure 2.


Energy Use (MJ)

150000 Transport
Energy Use

100000 Operation
Energy Use


Speed Queen Maytag Unimac

Figure 2 - Lifetime Energy Use of Selected Machines

A further environmental impact of a washing machine to consider is water consumption. This is
also calculated for each machine in Appendix B and shown graphically in Figure 3.


Lifetime Water Use (gallons)





Speed Queen Maytag Unimac

Figure 3 - Lifetime Water Use of Selected Models

Again, the production of both of these graphs is outlined in Appendix B.

Having assessed the environmental impact of washing machine selection it is necessary to assess
the social impact of washing machine selection. Although it is hard to quantify or even qualify the
impacts of these respective machines, it is reasonable to suggest that their impacts are difficult to
differentiate. None of the companies in question have human rights issues and these machines are
necessarily manufactured in modern, North American facilities requiring skilled (and therefore well-
paid) labour. In North America washing machines are also tested by various government agencies to
assure the safety of the user. Furthermore, each will require roughly the same amount of operator input
and they are, again, difficult to differentiate from an “employment opportunities supplied” standpoint.

The economics of these washing machines, however important, is difficult to determine.

Vendors of commercial washers typically do not advertise or make available prices without direct
contact with the company. Based on the price of residential washers it is probable that these machines

will cost on the order of $1000-$2000 dollars. Given the difficulty of ascertaining the actual price of
these machines and the probability that their prices will not significantly vary, the problem has been
(unfortunately but necessarily) simplified by assuming that the initial cost of the machines will not
significantly vary from brand to brand (given that all models are high efficiency models of similar

Given these three analyses, it is reasonable at this point to recommend the Speed Queen SC30
commercial washer. Although its water use is somewhat higher than that of the Unimac model, this is
made up for by its superior energy use. In a place such as Vancouver where water is abundant, it is
reasonable to suggest that energy should be given higher priority.

4.0 Drying Methods

Previously, it was estimated that the laundry services in the new SUB will require the capacity to
clean and dry 360 towels per school day. Outside of school days, it is estimated that the capacity is
reduced by one quarter. This means that in one calendar year, the laundry services must be able to
handle an equivalent of 160 peak capacity days in which 360 towels are washed and dried. This equates
to 57 600 towels per year! What follows is the comparison of two drying methods: the conventional
commercial dryer, and a heat recycling natural convection dryer. Each is evaluated based on its
associated environmental, economic, and social impacts to determine the most appropriate choice for the
new SUB.

4.1 Commercial Dryer

Excluding the refrigerator, the clothes dryer is the largest energy consumer of all household
appliances (CEE). Currently in North America, the tumble dryer is the only type of clothes dryer on the
market. Residential and commercial dryers are essentially the same, the only key difference being that
commercial dryers are larger capacity. Capacities of the largest residential units are around 7 – 7.5
cubic feet (or roughly 200 L) while commercial units can be as large as 1500 L. Tumble dryers use
either a gas or electric heating element combined with a fan to force hot air over damp clothing
contained in a rotating drum. Since the mode of heat transfer in all cases is forced air convection,
energy consumption is roughly the same for all dryers (CEE).

The energy efficiency of a dryer is quantified using an energy factor (CEC). The energy factor is
measured in kilograms of clothing per kilowatt-hour of electricity. In Canada, only dryers with electric
heating elements are required to have an energy factor rating. Further, all the dryers have the same
minimum rating of 1.4 kg/kWh. For gas dryers there is no rating (NRC). In the United States gas dryers
have an energy factor but the minimum rating is less than that for electric units (CEC). Since all dryers
are rated the same from an efficiency standpoint, “clothes dryers are not part of an ENERGY STAR
program” (CEE, 2006). As such, the Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE) does not require dryers
to be tested and thus does not certify dryer efficiencies (CEE). If all dryers are basically the same, and
inherently inefficient, how can an environmentally conscious consumer make an informed purchase?

Despite a lack of energy ratings, there are ways in which dryers can be differentiated from one
another in terms of energy consumption. Although gas dryers don‟t have efficiency ratings, they are
slightly more efficient than their electric counterparts. Additionally, dryers which utilize moisture
sensors to sense when clothes are dry will have shorter drying times and thus will reduce energy
consumption by roughly 5 percent (CEE).

Table 1: Emerging Clothes Dryer Technologies

Technology Efficiency Compared Drying Time Compared Barriers to

To Conventional Dryer To Conventional Dryer Production
Modulating Gas
25-30% Increase 30-40% Decrease Unknown

Heat Pump Expensive

up to 60% Increase Significantly Higher
Dryer Long Dry Times

Microwave Technological Issues

25% Increase 25% Decrease
Dryer Metal on clothing

(Source: Consortium for Energy Efficiency. (2006). Potential for an Energy-Efficient Residential Clothes Dryer.
Retrieved October 20, 2009, from

Although the current market is limited to the conventional tumble dryer, there are emerging
technologies that have the potential to greatly improve dryer efficiency. If a conventional dryer was
purchased for the new SUB, it is likely that a microwave or heat pump unit would be available on the
market when it comes time for replacement. Table 1 shows some emerging clothes dryer technologies.

4.1.1 Environmental Assessment

The clothes dryer is an energy-intensive appliance, both in use and in overall lifecycle. Table 2
shows an estimate of the embodied energy of a typical residential clothes dryer.

Table 2: Embodied Energy of a Clothes Dryer

Mass Embodied
(kg) Energy (MJ)
Raw Materials 70 3828.1
Steel 56 2447.2
Plastic 4.9 490
Other 4.2 420
Aluminum 2.1 388.4
Glass 2.1 46.2
Paint 0.7 36.3
Manufacturing 1456
Transportation (13,904 km) 243.3
Use 51188
Disposal 6.3
Total 70 56722.1

(Source: Wattz-On. (2009). Embodied Energy Database. Retrieved November 15, 2009, from

The embodied energy shown in Table 2 is an estimate of the total energy required for the
manufacture of the dryer including raw materials, manufacturing processes, and required transportation
along with the energy needed for its disposal.

Average greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for clothes dryers are estimated at 2 kg of CO2 per
drying cycle (ECO FX). Based on 360 towels per day, with an average of 9 towels per load for a
residential dryer (see section 1.1.2 for details), 40 loads per day are required for 160 peak days per year.
This equates to an alarming 12,800 kg of CO2 per year!

4.1.2 Economic Assessment

To quantify the total cost of a dryer throughout its life cycle, three configurations are compared.
First, the feasibility of residential dryers is considered. A typical electric dryer and gas dryer for home
use are analyzed. These units are then compared to a large capacity industrial gas unit. Table 3 shows
an overview of the analysis.

Table 3: Dryer Life Cycle Analysis

Dryer Type Electric Residential Gas Industrial Gas
Manufacturer/Model GE / UPVH880E GE / DNCD450GGWC Unimac / UT120
Capacity (litres) 212 198 1021
Estimated Purchase Price $900 $1,000 $6,000
Estimated Maintenance Costs $800 $800 $1,000
Average Load Time (hours) 1 0.8 0.8
Energy Factor (kg/kWh) 1.40 not rated not rated
Energy Consumed/Load (kWh) 2.20 2.20 38.57
Energy Consumed/Year (kWh) 14219 14219 14219
Energy Cost ($/kWh) $0.08 $0.08 $0.08
Energy Cost/year $1,138 $1,138 $1,138
Number of Dryers Required 5 4 1
Average Life Span (years) 18 18 18
Cost to Recycle $250 $200 $95
Total Life Span Cost $25,276 $24,467 $26,570

(Source: Natural Resources Canada. (2009). Buying and Operating Tips: Clothes Dryers. Retrieved November 14,
2009, from

The specific dryers analyzed in Table 3 are units which best represent large capacity residential
and industrial dryer types. Any dryer of similar capacity and type will produce similar results. Note that
the gas units have no energy factor rating. Although gas units are known to operate more efficiently
than electric units, no reliable information could be found which quantified this increased efficiency.
Also, as mentioned previously, the minimum energy factor for gas dryers in the U.S. is lower than that
of electric dryers. Thus, for the purposes of this analysis, the energy factor of all dryers is assumed the
same. As a result, energy costs are the same for all three configurations.
The differences between each configuration lie in the drying times and number of units required.
Gas dryers have a larger heating capacity and thus shorter drying times. Natural Resources Canada
(NRC) provides information used to estimate the capacity of a residential dryer. The average yearly
consumption based on 416 drying cycles is 914 kWh for an electric residential dryer (NRC). Given a
towel weight of around 0.35 kg (John Lewis), 9-10 towels can be dried per load. Since the drying time
for a gas unit is roughly 10 minutes less than the electric dryer, more cycles can occur in a typical 8 hour
workday for a laundry worker. As a result, only 4 gas residential units are required as opposed to 5
electric units. Comparatively, a single large capacity industrial dryer will meet all requirements.

The 18 year life span and associated maintenance cost for the electric dryer is determined from
NRC data. No data could be found indicating a different average life span for gas units so it is also
estimated at 18 years. The cost of recycling the dryers at the end of their life-span is marginally greater
for multiple units. Figure 1 below shows a lifecycle cost comparison of the units.




$15,000 Maintenance Costs

Upfront Costs
Energy Costs


Residential Electric Residential Gas Dryer Industrial Gas Dryer

Figure 4: Lifecycle Cost Comparison

(Source: Natural Resources Canada. (2009). Buying and Operating Tips: Clothes Dryers. Retrieved November 14,
2009, from

Examination of Figure 1 shows that the lifecycle costs of the two residential gas dryers are the
same, while the industrial unit is slightly more expensive. This is due mainly to the higher purchase
price included in the upfront costs. An advantage of the larger unit is that the maintenance costs will
likely be lower than actually shown since the hours of operation will be much lower than the residential
units which will need to run continuously throughout the workday. Also note that the life-span of the
residential units will be less than 18 years since they will be running nearly twice as often as in a typical
residential environment. One disadvantage of the industrial dryer is the lack of redundancy a single unit
offers should it break down. Nonetheless, it is recommended for use over the residential units for its
durability. It should be noted that the provision of natural gas service is a consideration when selecting
a gas dryer. Should no gas service be available, smaller electric units are the only option.

4.1.3 Social Assessment

The manufacturers of dryers considered for purchase include General Electric and Unimac. Other
similar products are available from Whirlpool, Maytag, and Speed Queen. Each of these manufacturers
produces dryers in the United States and have been for many years. There is no reason to believe that
any dryer manufacturer violates human rights during production. Such violations would include using
parts produced in sweatshops.

The use of a commercial or residential dryer to dry towels in the new SUB has an added benefit of
providing job opportunities for students. To operate the laundry facility, a single employee will be
required for a daily shift. This position could be designated a work-study position to ensure only
students are candidates for employment.

4.2 Heat Recycling Natural Convection Dryer

Figure 5: Proposed Heat Recycling Natural Convection Dryer

As previously mentioned, traditional dryers are inherently inefficient. Much of this inefficiency is
due to the byproduct heat being rejected into the atmosphere outside the building. Additionally, there is
energy being consumed by the dryer in the tumbling action of a traditional dryer. To combat these
inefficiencies the following approach is proposed: electrical resistance heaters are used to heat
surrounding air, which then is moved up the duct by free convection. This warm air heats the towels,
absorbing moisture as it moves past. After heating the towels the air is transferred to other areas of the
building to be used as general building heat. There are two energy saving aspects of this approach:

1. The air that dries the towels is naturally drawn up and over the towels by convection, as this air
moves upward, fresh cool air is pulled in from vents underneath the ducting, thus eliminating the
need to tumble towels.
2. The warm air is not rejected outside the building; it is instead reused to heat the rest of the
building. Thus, the energy used to dry the towels is used twice.

This approach takes advantage of the natural tendency of warm air to rise through convection. To be
implemented properly, this system would need to be placed in the lowest level of the building, capturing
the coolest air in the building and allowing it to rise through the rest of the building.

Some important assumptions of this method are that the entering air is at 20 degrees Celsius and
78% relative humidity. 78% relative humidity is the average level for Vancouver during winter months
(BBC). The exiting air is heated to 25 degrees Celsius. The heater will dry a towel in approximately 2
hours and consumes 1215 Watts if running continuously (Refer to Appendix B for detailed calculations).

This option achieves a good triple bottom line status through promoting the social health aspects of
cycling, saves money over a traditional dryer by recapturing heat that would normally be wasted and
minimizes environmental impact through recycled heat generated by electricity from either solar panels
or the hydroelectric grid. As an option, the UBC Steam Utilities could be utilized with a steam-to-air
heat exchanger in the place of the electrical resistance heater, to reduce costs. However UBC Steam
Utilities generates heat through combustion of natural gas and the carbon footprint of this option may
not fit with the goals of the SUB Renewal Project.

5.0 Cleaning Products

When selecting an appropriate laundry detergent to be used in the SUB laundry service, two key
concepts must be evaluated: the cost of the detergent, and its environmental impact.
Many of the commonly used detergents on the market today, such as Tide or Gain, have an
extremely vague ingredient listing. In some cases no ingredient listing exists. According to, a bottle of laundry detergent will typically list the following as its ingredients:
Cleaning agents
Buffering agent
Brightening agent
Since these ingredient names are extremely vague, it‟s difficult to know what kinds of chemicals are
actually used in detergents (SixWise); though your clothes may smell and feel fresh and clean, they‟re
likely full of toxins and chemicals.
SixWise lists some common laundry detergent ingredients, including Linear Alkyl Sodium
Sulfonates (LAS), Petroleum Disillates (aka Napthas), Phenols, Optical Brighteners, Phosphates,
Ethylene-Diamino-Tetra-Acetate (EDTA), household bleach, and artificial fragrances. There are many
concerns linked to these products, both environmental and relating to the health of those exposed to
these compounds. For example, Napthas “have been linked to cancer, lung damage, lung inflammation
and damage to mucous membranes” (SixWise, 2009). Optical brighteners, which do not actually affect
the cleanliness of clothing, “have been found to be toxic to fish and cause bacterial mutations” (SixWise,
2009). Sodium Hypochlorite, or household bleach, is a highly toxic compound that is linked to more
household poisonings than any other chemical (SixWise); furthermore, when it reacts with organics in
the environment, it creates carcinogenic and toxic compounds that case reproductive, endocrine and
immune system disorders (SixWise).
It is clear that from an environmental perspective, perhaps the generic brand detergents are not
necessarily the most eco-friendly and sustainable route to take for the SUB laundry service. The
question that remains to be asked is what are the alternatives? It seems that these detergents are so well
marketed and widely purchased that any alternatives might be difficult to find/obtain.
Due to the current awareness/trend toward more environmentally friendly household cleaning
products, there are a number of options for eco-laundry detergents that claim to clean effectively while
eliminating the toxic effects of the run-of-the-mill detergent. Seventh Generation makes a “Natural 2X
Concentrated Laundry Liquid” (Seventh Generation) that contains “a combination of plant-derived
cleaning agents and enzymes to power out even the toughest stains” (Seventh Generation, 2009). This
product is available in Vancouver, at most local grocery stores, and therefore the environmental impact
of product transportation is likely very low. According to, a 100oz bottle will cost
approximately $20 (Lucky Vitamin).
Another environmentally conscious brand of laundry detergent is EnviroRite, who claim to have
developed their detergent “by and for people with allergies, asthma and chemical sensitivities”
(EnviroRite, 2009). Additionally, EnviroRite claims that their product “contains no hazardous
ingredients, phosphates, petroleum distillates, chlorine, perfumes, dyes or animal by-products”
(EnviroRite, 2009), as it is a vegetable based product that breaks down quickly and safely (EnviroRite).
This product sells in a 64oz container for approximately $15. Unfortunately, as it is an American
company that is fairly new, the products are not readily available in Vancouver or Canada at this time.
One final option in the search for an eco-friendly laundry detergent is the „made-at-home‟
option. This method is not too well known, however those who use this type of detergent seem to be
extremely happy with it (Eco Friendly Daily). Typically, powdered detergents are made using a bar of
(non-antibacterial) soap, borax and baking soda (EFD). Borax is a chemical compound that is not
completely non-toxic, but requires larger doses in order to cause toxic effects (Wise Geek). Though this
method would seem to be favourable, the effects of Borax are not 100% positive, and therefore the
compound should not be relied on to maintain UBC‟s “Environmentally Sustainable” name.
In conclusion, using an environmentally friendly, readily available product like Seventh
Generation‟s laundry detergent is the most favourable option for laundry detergent. Despite the minimal
cost of the „made-at-home‟ option, the importance of thorough cleaning of publicly used linens renders
it unworkable. In addition, Seventh Generation is a large company and would likely be able to meet the
SUB‟s demands for amounts of detergent required per week or month, and the effects of the product on
the environment are proven to be very minimal.

6.0 Conclusion

Our analysis shows that a laundry facility such as the one proposed for the new SUB is certainly
feasible. With regards to the washing machine a machine that is as small as possible without requiring
multiple machines was chosen. This has the added advantage that should facility use decline, it is
possible to continue doing small laundry loads rather than having to do half-full loads on a very large
laundry machine. A comparison of several machines suggests that a Speed Queen SP30 is the best

The dryer analysis revealed that conventional drying machines are highly inefficient and big
energy users. As a result our group chose to analyze an alternative option – a heated chamber in which
towels would air-dry. If enough towels are kept in stock such that it is feasible to have the drying
process take a longer time then the added time required for this option will not be an issue. The heating
for the room could be run off of existing UBC steam utilities and would not have high energy

For the detergent selection several options were considered. Traditional detergents were found
to have too many harmful chemicals. On the other hand, available made-at-home options, while
environmentally friendly, were deemed to have too much risk involved, in that publicly used towels
should be thoroughly washed. As a compromise a well-established, environmentally friendly detergent
was selected despite a slight increase in cost.


British Broadcasting Corporation. (2009). Weather, Vancouver, Canada. Retrieved October 20,
2009, from

Consortium for Energy Efficiency (1). (2009). Commercial, Family-Sized Clothes Washer Initiative.
Retrieved November 7, 2009, from

Consortium for Energy Efficiency (2). (2009). Commercial, Family-Sized Clothes Washer Initiative
– Qualifying Product List. Retrieved October 20, 2009, from

Consortium for Energy Efficiency (3). (2006). Potential for an Energy-Efficient Residential Clothes
Dryer. Retrieved October 20, 2009, from

California Energy Commission. (2009). Consumer Energy Center. Retrieved November 12, 2009,

David Suzuki Foundation. (2009). Nature Challenge Newsletter. Edition four: Choose an energy-
efficient home and appliances. Retrieved November 12, 2009, from

Eco Friendly Daily. (2009). Eco-Friendly Laundry Detergent. Retrieved November 10th, 2009, from

ECO-FX. (2009). Environmental Impact of a Clothes Dryer and a Clothes Line. Retrieved
November 15, 2009, from

Energy Star. 2009. What is “Modified Energy Factor?”. Retreived October 23, 2009 from

Haddon Equipment & Supplies. (2009). Unimac on Premises Drying Tumblers. Retrieved
November 14, 2009, from

John Lewis plc. (2009). Towels Buying Guide. Retrieved November 7, 2009, from

Lucky Vitamin. (2009). Seventh Generation- 2X Liquid Laundry Detergent. Retrieved November 5th,
2009, from

Maytag. (2009). Maytag Commercial Energy Advantage Rigid-Mount front-load Washer . Retrieved
November 1, 2009, from

Natural Resources Canada. (2009). Buying and Operating Tips: Clothes Dryers. Retrieved
November 14, 2009, from

Seventh Generation. (2009). Natural 2X Concentrated Laundry Liquid. Retrieved November 5th,
2009, from (2009). The Toxic Dangers of Typical Laundry Detergent. Retrieved November 3rd,
2009, from

Speed Queen (1). (2009). Specifications – On Premises Washer Extractors. Retrieved November 7,
2009, from

Speed Queen (2). (2009). On-Premises Brochure . Retrieved October 25, 2009, from

Speed Queen (3). (2009). Product Specifications – Hardmount SC30 . Retrieved November 1, 2009,

UBC Archives. (2007). UBC Student Enrolment Figures 1915 - Present. Retrieved November 4,
2009, from

UBC Student Services. (2009). Term Dates for Winter Session 2009/10. Retrieved November 3,
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UBC TREK Program Center. (2009). Fall 2008 Transportation Status Report. Retrieved November
3, 2009, from

UniMac. (2009). Rigid Mount UWN035T3V. Retrieved November 1, 2009, from

Wattz-On. (2009). Embodied Energy Database. Retrieved November 15, 2009, from

Wise Geek. (2009). What is Borax?. Retrieved November 10th, 2009, from

Appendix A: System Load Estimation

Estimating the Daily Washing Load Source

Bike trips to UBC per day, 2008 800.00 trips (UBC TREK)
Projected UBC growth 2.00 % per year (see below)
Projected impact of showers 10.00 % increase in bike trips estimate
Percent of cyclists who would use showers 33.33 % estimate
Equipment life-span 15.00 years (CEE 1)
Equipment use at end of life span 358.90 users per day calculated from above
Mass per towel 0.35 kg each calculated from above
0.76 lb each calculated from above
Pounds washed per day 272.88 lb/day calculated from above

School days 124.00 days (UBC Student Services)

Non-school days, excl weekends 136.71 days calculated from above
Non school day capacity 25.00 % estimate
Equivalent full days per year 158.18 days calculated from above
Lifetime equivalent full days 2372.68 days calculated from above

University Growth Estimation

Year Population Growth Year Population % Growth
1969/70 22,382 n/a 1987/88 26,054 1.51
1970/71 22,509 0.57 1988/89 26,616 2.16
1971/72 21,198 -5.82 1989/90 27,139 1.96
1972/73 20,583 -2.90 1990/91 28,352 4.47
1973/74 21,358 3.77 1991/92 31,067 9.58
1974/75 23,185 8.55 1992/93 30,949 -0.38
1975/76 23,989 3.47 1993/94 31,615 2.15
1976/77 24,335 1.44 1994/95 31,118 -1.57
1977/78 24,258 -0.32 1995/96 31,331 0.68
1978/79 23,897 -1.49 1996/97 32,464 3.62
1979/80 24,344 1.87 1997/98 33,474 3.11
1980/81 25,194 3.49 1998/99 31,971 -4.49
1981/82 25,194 0.00 1999/00 33,175 3.77
1982/83 25,831 2.53 2000/01 35,382 6.65
1983/84 26,935 4.27 2001/02 38,067 7.59
1984/85 26,219 -2.66 2002/03 39,421 3.56
1985/86 25,933 -1.09 2003/04 41,092 4.24
1986/87 25,666 -1.03 2004/05 42,516 3.47
35 Year Average
Growth: 1.91 % Source: (UBC Archives)
Approximate this as 2%.

Appendix B: Specific Washer Model Comparison

Speed Queen Maytag Unimac

Model SC30 MFR30PN UWN035T3V
Capacity 30 30 35
Weight 496 430 600
Extract G 73.3 100 300
Assumed model STG*79*** MFR30PD LTUA7***
MEF 2.16 1.84 2.04
WF 5.2 5.2 4.9
Vol ft^3 4.19 4.6 5
Cycles per full day 9.10 9.10 7.80
Lifetime cycles 21581.69 21581.69 18498.59
Energy per cycle (MJ) 6.98 9.00 8.82
Lifetime energy use (MJ) 150712.11 194235.18 163222.84
Overhead/lifecycle energy use (MJ) 18878.37 16366.33 22836.74
Water Use per Load (gallons) 21.79 23.92 24.50
Lifetime Water Use (gallons) 470221.78 516233.94 453215.41
Source (Speed Queen 3) (Maytag) (UniMac)

Little information was available for the Unimac, thus some reasonable assumptions were made
for the machine‟s weight and volume. Calculations also use data for APPENDIX A. Moving down the
above table is the direction in which the calculations proceed.

The Modified Energy Factor (MEF) and Water Factor (WF) data is difficult to obtain.
Manufacturers do not readily supply this and the external organizations that tabulate it have information
that does not always match model names. Thus data must be assumed to be similar to similar models;
this is the “Assumed Model” category. Data shown in blue was obtained from the Consortium for
Energy Efficiency (CEE 2).


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