Kevo Proposal

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A research proposal submitted to the department of Physics in fulfillment of the requirement for

the award of Bachelor of Science in Renewable Energy in the School of Pure and Applied Sciences

(SPAS), Kisii University.

© YEAR 2024
This my original work prepared with no other than the indicated sources and support, and has not

been presented elsewhere for a degree or any other award.

Signature: …………………………………… Date: ………………………………………

Name: OLOO KEVIN OCHUNG’ Registration Number:PS25/00070/20


The undersigned certify that he was the proposal supervisor to the above-named student in Kisii

University for the proposal.

Signature: …………………………………... Date: ……………………………………...



This proposal is dedicated to my family, friends, course mates, lectures, and to anybody else, for

the different knowledge and guidance in making this proposal successful.

Thank you.


I acknowledge the Kisii University for the permission granted to access their premises and for data

given for this proposal. I also acknowledge my supervisor Dr. Willis Otieno who provide the

guidelines and procedures in achieving this proposal. I acknowledge myself for the efforts put in

researching, gathering information and materializing this proposal.


PV- Photovoltaic

AC-Alternating Current

DC-Direct Current

EVA-Ethyl Vinyl Acetate

HE-Hydraulic Energy

MPPT-Maximum Power Point Tracker

List of figures

Figure 1:Variant part of the Pvsyst software .................................................................................. 4

Figure 2:Pumping Hydraulic circuit ............................................................................................... 5
Figure 3: Difference between solar thermal and solar pv system ................................................... 6
Figure 4: photovoltaic device.......................................................................................................... 7
Figure 5: solar cell .......................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 6:Solar water pump system ............................................................................................... 10
Figure 7:Solar Water Pump Layout ............................................................................................................. 11

DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................ ii
DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................. iv
ABBREVIATION........................................................................................................................... v
List of figures ................................................................................................................................. vi
TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................................................ vii
ABSTRACT................................................................................................................................. viii
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. 1
1.0 Background of study ........................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Statement of justification .................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Justification of the problem................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Objectives ............................................................................................................................. 2
1.3.0 Main objectives ............................................................................................................. 2
1.3.1 Specific objectives ......................................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................. 3
2.0 Solar insolation .................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Pvsyst software .................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Solar energy ......................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 PV technology ...................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Solar cell ............................................................................................................................... 7
CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................... 9
3.0 Area of study ........................................................................................................................ 9
3.1 Planning................................................................................................................................ 9
CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................. 12
References ..................................................................................................................................... 13
WORK PLAN ............................................................................................................................... 14
BUDGET ...................................................................................................................................... 15


Kisii University and its surrounding frequently faces water shortages from the water supplier

(Gussi water and sanitation company), forcing them to rely on borehole water pumped using

electricity. This dependence on Kenya Power's unreliable grid results in high electricity bills. To

address these challenges, this proposal shows the design and sizing of a solar water pumping

system. The proposal will assess the university's water demand, available solar irradiance, and

borehole characteristics to determine the optimal pump size, solar panel array capacity, and

battery storage requirements. The system's economic feasibility will be evaluated by comparing

its lifecycle cost with the current electricity-powered pumping system. The proposal aims to

provide Kisii University with a sustainable and cost-effective solution to their water shortage and

electricity cost challenges using PVSYST Software.


1.0 Background of study

As the cost of electricity is increasing at a high rate within the country, Kisii University has been

affected in such a way that they spent a lot of power to pump water in case of low water supply

from Gussii company. Therefore, the aim is to design a solar water pump which is self-reliant and

effective solar powered system. To achieve this, solar water pump sizing is one of the core areas

where technicians concentrate on through its design by making use of the pvsyst software. For a

given entity to be entirely solar power dependent, and fully off grid, the total power consumed

during pumping of the entity will be calculated as well as the amount of water consumed within

the Kisii University.

1.1 Statement of justification

The increasing cost of electric power associated with grid electricity has brought about a great shift

to embrace the use of power harnessed from solar to pump water. The uptake is also due to cheaper

solar technology and the unstable nature of both hydro and wind power generation which are

expensive to install, maintain and requires a specific location for their installation.

1.2 Justification of the problem

Solar water pump sizing of Kisii University will provide the required number of solar modules

together with batteries that can fully generate enough power to sustain the water pump even when

there is little or no sunshine. Also, water pump sizing using pvsyst enables the stakeholders to

know amount of energy that will be produce to sustain the pump and also number of panels. The

end product is a self-reliant solar powered system that can pump water to sustain the University.

The type of solar module used is one-axis tracker that are typically designed to track the sun from

east to west in order to attain the high-power output per day from the solar panel.

1.3 Objectives

1.3.0 Main objectives

• To determine solar water pump sizing using Pvsyst software to mitigate water shortage and

electricity cost within Kisii University.

1.3.1 Specific objectives

• To determine the load that Kisii University is using to pump water.

• To determine the number of solar panels that can sustain the power to run the pump.

• To determine the size of controller, inverter and solar modules that can sustain the system.

2.0 Solar insolation

Kenya is lying in the equatorial regions which receives good solar insolation throughout the year

and with no significant changes of seasons. The country receives an average daily insolation of 4-

7 kWh/m2 (Ongaki, 2021) (EPRA, 2018). Most areas in Kenya receives peak insolation for about

6-7 hours in a day. This shows the potential of the country has to harness the available solar energy

into electrical energy, which can help in industrial areas, transport and for solar water pump system

which is the main task to be done.

2.1 Pvsyst software

PVsyst is the most widely used solar simulation software for the energy yield estimation and for

optimal design of solar power system. The configuration of the photovoltaic system depends on

the location and solar irradiation. The quality, orientation and inclination of solar panels often

rely on the modules and inverters. (Markson, I., Ozuomba, S. and Abasi-Obot, I.E.,, 2019)

Pvsyst as a tool is used in the analysis for simulation of all data that will be used to achieve solar

water pump sizing.

To design a solar water pumping system collection of the information regarding the system

components and local climate data of the location are required. This information helps to obtain

preferred design and results. To obtain this design, optimization of PV system is done by

simulation software tool PVsyst 5.52 (Sharma, Rakhi, Shivanshu Sharma, and Sumit Tiwari.,

2020). This simulation software helps to design the system and shows how the different

parameters affect the system performance results. This will make it easier for determining PV
array, controller, pumping unit, water supply network is needful to fulfill design requirements.

The performance evaluation of a system located at Babaracho region is done with help of

simulation software by using existing local data. The theoretical and simulation results are used

to understand the system design and its performance by taking different parameters into

consideration. These includes

1.Downloading and installing the pvsyst software in the laptop

2.Openning of the software ie launching the software system, this entails the orientation part of

the software, the water needs, system itself ie the number of modules, hydraulic system, type of

MPPT system to be used as shown below:

Figure 1:Variant part of the Pvsyst software

Figure 2:Pumping Hydraulic circuit

2.2 Solar energy

Solar panels are a proven and reliable way to produce clean electricity where it’s needed – on a

home, RV, boat, farm, or anywhere else that receives at least moderate sunlight (website, June

2008). The sun delivers its energy to us in two main forms: heat and light. There are two main

types of solar power systems, namely, solar thermal systems that trap heat to warm up water and

solar PV systems that convert sunlight directly into electricity as shown in figure below.

Figure 3: Difference between solar thermal and solar pv system

In the solar photovoltaic system, direct light (sunlight) shining on the solar cells which induces the

photovoltaic effect, generating DC electric power. This DC power can be used, stored in a battery

system, or fed into an inverter that converts DC power into alternating current AC power, so that

it can feed into water pump AC without affecting the quality of power supply. PV cells and

modules do not utilize the heat, only the light. When the source of light is not the sunlight then the

photovoltaic cell is used as the photo detector for example infra-red detectors. Homeowners and

businesses are increasingly demanding solar systems that are paired with battery storage. While

this pairing is still relatively new, the growth over the next five years is expected to be significant

(Nelson, Jenny A., December 2003).

2.3 PV technology

The basic unit of a photovoltaic system is the photovoltaic cell. Photovoltaic (PV) cells are made

of at least two layers of semiconducting material, usually silicon, doped with special additives.

One layer has a positive charge, the other negative. Light falling on the cell creates an electric

field across the layers, causing electricity to flow. (El Chaar, L., and N. El Zein., 2011)The

intensity of the light determines the amount of electrical power each cell generates.

Figure 4: photovoltaic device

2.3 Solar cell

The solar cell is the basic unit of a PV system. A typical silicon solar cell produces only about 0.5

volt, so multiple cells are connected in series to form larger units called PV modules. Thin sheets

of EVA (Ethyl Vinyl Acetate) or PVB (Polyvinyl Butyral) are used to bind cells together and to

provide weather protection. The modules are normally enclosed between a transparent cover

(usually glass) and a weatherproof backing sheet (typically made from a thin polymer or glass).

Modules can be framed for extra mechanical strength and durability. Usually, 36 solar cells are

connected to give a voltage of about 18V. This is enough to charge 12V battery.

Figure 5: solar cell


3.0 Area of study

This proposal aims at solar water pump sizing for Kisii University located along Kilgoris road,

(Nyanza region, Kenya). This targeted the wells dung within the Kisii university so that the

electricity cost of pumping water to be reduced by 55%.

3.1 Planning

After inquiring permission from Kisii University management team, an extensive planning of the

approach of the sizing follows in order to meet the objectives of the work proposal. Planning also

provides the time period that will be taken to accomplish the intended purpose of the proposal.

Energy used in Kisii University covers all the activities related to the energy used in the University

premises like pumping water using electricity which increases the University bills. Here are the

materials that will be used to achieve the problem that University faces.

- PV Modules- the devices that convert sunlight to DC electricity.

-Solar array mounting system- for fixing PV models

-Charge controller- protects the battery from overcharging or discharging.

- Inverter- to convert the DC electricity to AC electricity (this will mainly depend with the

type of generator used.

-Storage batteries- stores electric power for operation during nighttime or during extended

periods of cloudy or overcast weather when the PV array by itself cannot supply enough power.

-Cables and connectors-for effective electric flow

-Pvsyst software -mainly used for designing of the solar water pump in such a way that it

determines the number of modules that will help to pump a given amount of water.

The apparatus will be connected as below;

Figure 6:Solar water pump system

Using Pvsyst software the following can be carried out to achieve the main objectives:


Determination of the Hydraulic Energy(HE) needs over one day, assuming that Flow and Head

are rather constant over the year (otherwise the day-by-day rough simulation will be indicated in

the pvsyst software) operating during about 6 hours; i.e.; provide a flowrate [m³/h] of about the

daily water yield [m³] / 6[h].

PV-array sizing:

This will depend with the consumption rate i.e. amount of water to be used within the University,

since the consumption is very high, the pvsyst will provide the number of solar panels depending

on the needs i.e. amount of power that will sustain the water needed within the premises.

Tank sizing:

Through pvsyst software the tank size is simply determined by the required autonomy which

fluctuates depending on the region, using the daily consumption defined by the user which is in

this case is Kisii University.

Here is the layout of the structure:

Figure 7:Solar Water Pump Layout


Energy plays a crucial role in modern societies. It has a vital input to all sectors i.e. residential,

transportation, and manufacture, and is essential to generate electricity. All societies require energy

services to meet basic human needs such as lighting, heating and mobility. Through this proposal,

it help Kisii University to meet their basic needs and to lower the electrical bills and shortage of

water within university premises. Having the knowledge on renewable energy course, the design

and sizing of solar water pump sizing using pvsyst software can be made successful compare to

other renewable energy sources.


El Chaar, L., and N. El Zein. (2011). . "Review of photovoltaic technologies." . Renewable and
sustainable energy reviews , 15, no. 5.

Foster RE, C. A. (2024). Afghanistan photovoltaic power applications for rural development,”
Area 9.5 Modules and Systems.
Jain, D. (2017). International Journal Renewable energy Research.
Markson, I., Ozuomba, S. and Abasi-Obot, I.E.,. (2019). Sizing of solar water pumping system
for irrigation of oil palm plantation in Abia State. Universal Journal of Engineering
Science,, 7(1), pp.8-19.
Nelson, Jenny A. (December 2003). The physics of solar cells. MLA: World Scientific
Publishing Company.

Sharma, Rakhi, Shivanshu Sharma, and Sumit Tiwari. (2020). "Design optimization of solar PV
water pumping system.". Proceedings 21 (pp. 1673-1679.). MLA: Materials Today:.









1. STATIONARY 1000/=


3. SOFTWARE 15000/=

TOTAL 16800/=


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