Vôj Wôlum 15:3 Exodus: Praise The Lord

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Praise the lord

Memory Verses STD – 4

01. Vôj§WôLUm 15:3

LojRúW Ù jRj§p YpXYo; LojRo GuTÕ AYÚ û PV SôUm.
Exodus 15:3
The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name.

02. úX® VWôLUm 19:14

ù N® Pû ] ¨k§VôUÛ m, Ï Ú Pà dÏ Ø uú] RÓ dLû X û YVôUÛ m, Eu
úRYà dÏ l TVk§Ú lTôVôL; Sôu LojRo.
Leviticus 19:14
Thou shalt not curse the deaf, nor put a stumbling block before the blind, but shalt
fear thy God: I am the LORD.

03. úX® VWôLUm 19:16

Eu _]eLÞ dÏ sú[ AeÏ ªeÏ m úLôsù Nôpypj §¬VôVôL; ©\Ú û PV
CWjRlT¯ dÏ EhTPúYiPôm; Sôu LojRo.
Leviticus 19:16
Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people: neither shalt
thou stand against the blood of thy neighbour: I am the LORD.

04. ETôLUm 28:3

¿ ThPQj§Û m BºoY§dLlTh¥Ú lTôn; ùY° «Û m
BºoY§dLlTh¥Ú lTôn.
Deuteronomy 28:3
Blessed shalt thou be in the city, and blessed shalt thou be in the field.

05. ETôLUm 32:3

LojRÚ û PV SôUjû R ©W£jRmTiÔ úYu; SmØ û PV úRYà dÏ
ULjÕYjû Rf ù NÛ jÕeLs.
Deuteronomy 32:3
Because I will publish the name of the LORD: ascribe ye greatness unto our God.

06. II NôØ úYp 22:2

LojRo Gu LuUû XÙ m, Gu úLôhû PÙ m, Gu WhNLÚ Uô]Yo.
II Samuel 22:2
The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer.

07. II Sô[ôLUm 16:10

AYÚ û PV T¬ÑjR SôUjû Rd Ï ±jÕ úUuû UTôWôhÓ eLs; LojRû Wj
úRÓ ¡\YoL° u CÚ RVm U¡rYRôL.
II chronicles 16:10
Glory ye in His holy name: let the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD.

08. I Sô[ôLUm 16:13

AYo ù NnR A§NVeLû [Ù m AYÚ û PV At× ReLû [Ù m, AYo Yôd¡u
¨VôVj¾ ol× Lû [Ù m ¨û ]Üá Ú eLs.
I Chronicles 16:12
Remember His marvellous works that He hath done His wonders, and the
judgments of His mouth.
09. Ne¸ Rm 22:3
CvWúYypu Õ§LÞ dÏ s YôNUô«Ú d¡\ úRYÃúW T¬ÑjRo.
Psalm 22:3
But Thou art holy, O Thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel.

10. Ne¸ Rm 23:1

LojRo Gu úUnlTWô«Ú d¡\ôo; Sôu Rôrf£Vû PúVu.
Psalm 23:1
The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
11. Ne¸ Rm 33:13
LojRo Yô]j§ypÚ kÕ úSôd¡l TôojÕ, GpXôUà × j§Wû WÙ m Lôi¡\ôo.
Psalm 33:13
The LORD looketh from heaven; He beholdeth all the sons of men.

12. Ne¸ Rm 34:1

LojRû W Sôu GdLôXj§Û m vúRôj§¬lúTu; AYo Õ§ GlúTôÕm Gu
Yô«ypÚ dÏ m.
Psalm 34:1
I will bless the LORD at all times: His praise shall continually be in my mouth.

13. Ne¸ Rm 46:1

úRYu SUdÏ Aû PdLXØ m ù TXà m, BTjÕdLôXj§p Aà á XUô]
Õû QÙ Uô]Yo.
Psalm 46:1
GOD is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

14. Ne¸ Rm 113:7

AYo £±VYû ]l × Ý §«ypÚ kÕ ç d¡® Ó ¡\ôo; G° VYû ]d Ï lû T«ypÚ kÕ
Psalm 113:7
He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill.

15. Ne¸ Rm 119:71

Sôu ETj§WYlThPÕ G]dÏ SpXÕ; A§]ôp EUÕ ©WUôQeLû [d Ltßd
ù LôsÞ ¡ú\u.
Psalm 119:71
It is good for me that I have been afflicted: that I might learn Thy statues.

16. Ne¸ Rm 119:142

EmØ û PV ¿ § ¨j§V ¿ §, EmØ û PV úYRm Nj§Vm.
Psalm 119:142
Thy righteous is an everlasting righteous, and Thy law is the truth.

17. ¿§ù Uô¯ Ls 1:10

Gu ULú], Tô® Ls E]dÏ SVeLôh¥]ôÛ m ¿NmU§VôúR.
Proverbs 1:10
My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.

18. ¿§ù Uô¯ Ls 2:6

LojRo Oô]jû Rj RÚ ¡\ôo; AYo Yô«² uß A± Üm × j§Ù m YÚ m.

2 T.P.M Sunday School

Proverbs 2:6
For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of His mouth cometh knowledge and

19. ¿ §ù Uô¯ Ls 9:10

LojRÚ dÏ l TVlTÓ RúX Oô]j§u BWmTm; T¬ÑjR¬u A± úY A± Ü .
Proverbs 9:10
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy
is understanding.

20. ¿ §ù Uô¯ Ls 24:10

BTjÕd LôXj§p ¿úNôokÕ úTôYôVô]ôp, Eu ù TXu Ï ß¡]Õ.
Proverbs 24:10
If thou faint in the day of adversity; thy strength is small.

21. ©WNe¡ 9:18

Ù jR BÙ ReLû [l Tôod¡Û m Oô]úU SXm; Tô® Vô] JÚ Yu ªÏ kR
Suû Uû Vd ù LÓ lTôu.
Ecclesiastes 9:18
Wisdom is better than weapons of war: but one sinner destroyeth much good
22. HNôVô 2:22
Sô£«úX ÑYôNØs[ Uà `û ] Sm× Yû R ® hÓ ® Ó eLs; GiQlTÓ YRtÏ
AYu GmUôj§Wm.
Isaiah 2:22
Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be
accounted of?

23. HNôVô 35:3

R[okR û LLû [j §PlTÓ j§, Rs[ôÓ ¡\ ØZeLôpLû [l TXlTÓ jÕeLs.
Isaiah 35:3
Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees.

24. HNôVô 43:15

Sôú] EeLs T¬ÑjRWô¡V LojRÚ m, CvWúYypu £Ú x¥LÞ m, EeLs
Isaiah 43:15
I am the LORD, your Holy One, the Creator of Israel, your King.

25. HNôVô 48:22

ÕuUôodLÚ dÏ f NUôRô]m Cpû Xù Vuß LojRo ù NôpÛ ¡\ôo.
Isaiah 48:22
There is no peace, saith the LORD, unto the wicked.

26. HNôVô 49:16

CúRô, Gu Es[eû LL° p Euû ] Yû Wk§Ú d¡ú\u; Eu U§pLs
GlúTôÕm GuØu CÚ d¡\Õ.
Isaiah 49:16
Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of My hands; Thy walls are
continually before Me.

3 T.P.M Sunday School

27. HNôVô 55:6
LojRû Wd LiPû PVjRdL NUVj§p AYû Wj úRÓ eLs; AYo
NÁ TUô«Ú dû L«p AYû W úSôd¡dL á l©Ó eLs.
Isaiah 55:6
Seek ye the LORD while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near:
28. GúWªVô 10:6
LojRôúY, EUdÏ JlTô]Yu Cpû X ¿ úW ù T¬VYo; EUÕ SôUúU YpXû U«p
ù T¬VÕ.
Jeremiah 10:6
For as much as there is none like unto Thee, O LORD; Thou art great, Thy name
is great is might.
29. GúWôªVô 17:7
LojRoúUp Sm©dû L û YjÕ, LojRû Wj Ru Sm©dû LVôLd ù Lôi¥Ú d¡\
Uà `u Tôd¡VYôu.
Jeremiah 17:7
Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is.

30. × XmTp 3:22

Sôm ¨oêXUôLô§Ú d¡\Õ LojRÚ û PV ¡Ú û TúV, AYÚ û PV CWdLeLÞ dÏ
Ø ¥® pû X.
Lamentations 3: 22
It is of the LORD’s mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions
fail not.

31. úVôúYp 2:21

úRNúU, TVlTPôúR, U¡rkÕ L° á Ú ; LojRo ù T¬V Lô¬VeLû [f ù NnYôo.
Joel 2:21
Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice: for the LORD will do great things.
32. UjúRÙ 5:5
NôkRÏ QØs[YoLs Tôd¡VYôuLs; AYoLs éªû Vf ÑRkR¬jÕd
ùLôsÞ YôoLs.
Matthew 5:5
Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

33. UjúRÙ 10:38

Ru £Û û Yû V GÓ jÕdù LôiÓ Guû ]l ©uTt\ôRYu G]dÏ l Tôj§Wu
Matthew 10:38
And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after Me, is not worthy of Me.

34. UjúRÙ 24:12

Ad¡WUm ªÏ §VôY§]ôp AúSLÚ û PV Au× R¦ kÕúTôm.
Matthew 24:12
And because iniquity shall bound, the love of many shall wax cold.

35. UôtÏ 4:22

ùY° VWeLUôLôR AkRWeLØ ªpû X ù Y° dÏ YWôR Uû \ù TôÚ Þ ªpû X.
Mark 4:22
For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing
kept secret, but that it should come abroad.

4 T.P.M Sunday School

36. UôtÏ 8:36
Uà `u EXLm Ø Ý Yû RÙ m BRôVlTÓ j§dù LôiPôÛ m, Ru Ë Yû ]
SxPlTÓ j§]ôp AYà dÏ XôTm Gu]?
Mark 8:36
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own

37. í dLô 1:49

YpXû UÙ û PVYo U¡û UVô]û YLû [ G]dÏ f ù NnRôo; AYÚ û PV SôUm
Luke 1:49
For He that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is His name.

38. úVôYôu 1:4

AYÚ dÏ s Ë Yu CÚ kRÕ, AkR Ë Yu Uà `Ú dÏ J° Vô«Ú kRÕ.
John 1:4
In Him was life; and the life was the light of men.

39. úVôYôu 14:18

Sôu EeLû [j §dLt\YoL[ôL ® úPu, EeL° Pj§p YÚ úYu.
John 14:18
I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.

40. I ù Lô¬k§Vo 13:10

¨û \Yô]Õ YÚ múTôÕ Ï û \Yô]Õ J¯ kÕúTôm.
I Corinthians 13:10
But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done
41. LXôj§Vo 6:2
JÚ Yo TôWjû R JÚ Yo ÑUkÕ, ClT¥úV ¡±vÕ® à û PV ©WUôQjû R
¨û \úYßeLs.
Galatians 6:2
Bear ye one another’s burden, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
42. GúT£Vo 5:21
ùRnY TVjúRôúP JÚ YÚ dù LôÚ Yo ¸rlT¥k§Ú eLs.
Ephesians 5:21
Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.

43. GúT£Vo 6:1

©sû [Lú[, EeLs ù Tt\ôÚ dÏ d LojRÚ dÏ s ¸rlT¥Ù eLs, CÕ ¨VôVm.
Ephesians 6:1
Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.

44. ©ypl©Vo 4:4

LojRÚ dÏ s Glù TôÝ Õm NkúRô`Uô«Ú eLs; NkúRô`Uô«Ú eLs Guß
UßT¥Ù m ù NôpÛ ¡ú\u.
Philippians 4:4
Rejoice in the Lord always; and again I say, Rejoice.

5 T.P.M Sunday School

45. ùLôúXôù NVo 3:20
©sû [Lú[, EeLs ù Ttú\ôÚ dÏ GpXôd Lô¬Vj§úXÙ m ¸rlT¥Ù eLs; CÕ
LojRÚ dÏ l ©¬VUô]Õ.
Colossians 3:20
Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord.

46. I úTÕÚ 4:9

Ø ßØ ßl©pXôUp JÚ Yû Wù VôÚ Yo ETN¬Ù eLs.
I Peter 4:9
Use hospitality one to another without grudging.

47. I úTÕÚ 5:7

AYo EeLû [ ® Nô¬d¡\YWô]T¥Vôp, EeLs LYû XLû [ù VpXôm AYoúUp
û YjÕ® Ó eLs.
I Peter 5:7
Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you.

48. I úVôYôu 4:8

Au©pXôRYu úRYû ] A±Vôu; úRYu AuTôLúY CÚ d¡\ôo.
I John 4:8
He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

49. I úVôYôu 5:4

úRY]ôp ©\lTù RpXôm EXLjû R ù _«dÏ m; SmØ û PV ® ÑYôNúU EXLjû R
ù _«d¡\ ù _Vm.
II John 5:4
For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that
overcometh the world even our faith.

50. III úVôYôu 2

©¬VUô]Yú], Eu BjÕUô Yôr¡\ÕúTôX ¿ GpXôYt± Û m YôrkÕ
ÑLUô«Ú dÏ mT¥úYiÓ ¡ú\u.
III John 2
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even
as thy soul prospereth.

6 T.P.M Sunday School

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