Guru Harkrishan Public School, India Gate Holiday Homework (2019 - 20) Class 8 English

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Note :-
Do the work on A4 size sheets.
Design an attractive cover and file the sheets.
1) Make a Poster on any of the following topics:
a) Save Water
b) Keep the Earth Green
c) Stop Violence against Women

2) Write a short story or poem on the following topics. Work should be original. Give illustrations.
a) Pets Roll No. – 1-15
b) Friendship Roll No. - 16-30
c) Nature Roll No. - 31- 46

3) a) Write a letter of complaint to the editor of local newspaper regarding lack of cleanliness and water
shortage in your area. Give relevant suggestions to resolve the issue. (Roll No. – 1-15)
b) Write a letter to the editor of local newspaper on the health hazards caused by junk food.
(Roll No. – 16-30)
c) Write a letter to the editor of a national daily promoting the cause of a girl child and discouraging its
killing. (Roll N0. – 31- 46)

4) Read any English Newspaper daily. Cut and paste Sports News and pictures and make an attractive
collage of it.

5) Words such as cellar and seller, arms and alms- that have different spellings and meanings but the same
pronunciation are called Homophones.
Complete the list with correct Homophones of the words given. Look up dictionary for help and write
their meanings.
1. air _____________
2. berry _____________
3. aloud _____________
4. board _____________
5. serial ______________
6. stationary ______________
7. wait ______________
8. sealing ______________
9. stair ______________
10. bold ______________

6) Complete Unit 1 to 4 of Work Book and revise for Unit test.

note:- swrw kMm ey -4 sweIz dI SIt qy krky ie`k PweIl iqAwr krnI hY[

1. pMjwbI vrnmwlw dy pMj s&y ilKo[

2. pMjwbI bolI bwry Awpxy ivcwr 50-60 SbdW iv`c ilKo[

3. koeI vI khwxI jW kivqw ilKo qy ic`qr vI bxwE[

4. pMjwbI dI AKbwr iv`co surKIAW k`t ky kolwj bxwE[

5. ‘a’ A`Kr qoN SurU hox vwly koeI ds muhwvirAW dy vwk bxwE[

6. ‘ru`KW nUM bcwauxw zrUrI hY’ ivSy qy 100-125 SbdW iv`c lyK ilKo[

1. न आऩ दम
2. ऩन म न
3. द न म न 10 म द द म इध - ध ऩ

4. म म आऩ ऩ ऩ मदद ऩ
5. म म आऩ मन न


Part A is the project; you have to do any two projects out of the given projects.
Part B is the revision sheet, which is just the recapitulation of whatever has been done so far. Do the
revision sheet in the Home Work note book.
1. Make a project on the sets of the following shapes; also verify the Euler’s formula for each shape.
(a) Cube (b) Triangular Prism (c) Cylinder (d) Tetrahedron

2 . Statistics: Make a comparative study of the score of various teams of IPL and represent it in the form of
bar graph. Do it from quarter to finals.

3 . Do as directed:

(a) Looking at the tables given below make the grids for square of 5, square of 7 and square of 8

1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4
4 5 6 5 6 7 8
3 4 9 10 11 12
7 8 9
13 14 15 16

(b) The middle number on each line is the difference between the two outside numbers.

37 17 20

14 6 8

6 4 2
31 12 16 4 9

10 8 18

26 22 4

6 11

Prepare a grid which follow a definite shape and pattern of numbers.

(c) A grid with magic number 15 is given in the figure where the sum of the rows, sum of the columns
and sum diagonally is 15.

2 7 6 ---->15

9 5 1 ---->15

4 3 8 ---->15


Prepare a grid with magic numbers 30. You can choose any set of numbers is sequence but the numbers
should not be repeated.

4 . Use the total numbers from 5to12 exactly once in the following outer circles, so each line adds up to


1 .Find m,so that X =

2 .A dice is a cube in which the numbers on the opposite faces must total 7. Draw its net.

3 .A is a digit and 3 A18 is a multiple of 6,which of the following can be the value of A ?
a) 1 or 9 b) 3 or 6 c) 0 or 7 d) 0 or 9

4 . Fill in the blanks.

a) Zero has _________reciprocal.
b) The numbers _______ and _______ are their own reciprocals.
c) The reciprocal of -5 is _________.
d) The product of two rational numbers is always a _______.
e) The reciprocal of a positive rational number is ______.

5 . Represent and numbers on the number line.

6. Find five rational numbers between

a) and b) and c) and

7. Two numbers are in the ratio 5:3. If they differ by 18, what are the numbers?

8. The ages of Rahul and Suresh are in the ratio 5:7. Four years later the sum of their ages will be 56
years. What are their present age?

9. Sum of the two digits numbers is 9 when we interchange the digits it is found that the resulting new
number is greater than the original number by 27. What is the two digit number?
10. Solve the following linear equation:
a) - + = 21

b) - = +

c) X+7 - = -

d) - = –t

Q11. Make a Scrap Book on any one mathematician and his contributions.

Do any five.
1. Write a brief report on the precautions to be taken during use of LPG.

2. Find out the health concerns associated with Chromium Electroplating. How are people
trying to resolve them?

3. Collect newspaper cuttings and information from magazines about HIV/AIDS.

4. Find out why antibiotics should not be overused. Prepare a short report.

5. Make a poster on “Say no to plastics”, on an A4 size sheet.

6. Find out what steps are being taken by Automobile manufacturers and Oil Companies to
reduce air pollution due to mobile exhaust. Write a brief report.
a) Compile all the work in a file
b) Add pictures in all reports.


Answer the following questions in an A4 sheet file:

1. Study the Revolt of 1857 and make a project. Focus should be laid upon the following:
a) Causes of the revolt.
b) Outbreak of the revolt.
c) Result of the revolt.

2. Describe the various methods of conservation of Soil and Water. Explain it and paste the pictures
related to the topic.

3. Draw a neat table showing the Conventional Sources of Energy.

4. Make a note on General Elections in India. Collect the pictures, news, articles published relating to
the elections in Delhi in 2019.Make a list of parties, their election symbols and candidates who are
contesting the Elections in Delhi.

5. Paste the political map of India and locate the following:

a) Tribal groups in India.
b) Indian Provinces and Princely States before 14 August, 1947.

Do the following work in the Divinity note book.

1. ਜਪੁਜੀ ਷ਾਹਸਬ , ਷ਵ੄ਯ੄ ਅਤ੃ ਰਹਸਰਾ਷ ਷ਾਹਸਬ ਦਾ ਪਾਠ ਰ੅ਜਾਨਾ ਕਰ੅ ਅਤ੃ ਅਰਦਾ਷ ਕੰ ਠ ਕਰ੅ l

2. ਭਾਈ ਵੀਰ ਹ਷ੰ ਘ ਜੀ ਦੀ ਹ਱ਹਿਤ ਹਕਤਾਬ " ਗੁਰ ਬਾ਱ਮ ਷ਾਿੀਆਂ - " ਪਾਤਸ਼ਾਸੀ ਪਹਸ਱ੀ " ਬੰ ਗ਱ਾ ਷ਾਹਸਬ ਱੄ ਕ੃
਷ਾਿੀਆਂ ਪੜ੅ ਤ੃ ਪੰ ਜ ਷ਾਿੀਆਂ ਦਾ ਷ੰ ਿ੃ਪ 200 ਅੱ ਿਰਾਂ ਹਵੱ ਚ ਹ਱ਿ੅ l

3. ਬਾਬਾ ਬਘ੃਱ ਹ਷ੰ ਘ ਅਜਾਇਬ ਘਰ (ਬੰ ਗ਱ਾ ਷ਾਹਸਬ ਷ਹਥਤ ) ਜਾ ਕ੃ ਉਥੋਂ ਦ੃ ਬਾਰ੃ ਆਪਣ੃ ਹਵਚਾਰ 200 ਅੱ ਿਰਾਂ
ਹਵੱ ਚ ਹ਱ਿ੅ l

4. ' ਷ੁਚੱਜਾ ਹਵਵਸਾਰ ' ਹ਷ਰ਱੃ ਿ ਸ੃ਠ ਇਸਨਾਂ ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਷ਤਰਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਹ਱ਿ੅ :-
(i) ਷ਾਂਝ ਕਰੀਜ੄ ਗੁਣਸ ਕ੃ਰੀ
ਛ੅ਹਿ ਅਵਗਣ ਚ਱ੀਐ ll
(ii) ਷ਚਸੁ ਓਰ੄ ਷ਭ ਕ੅ ਉਪਹਰ ਷ਚੁ ਆਚਾਰ ll

(iii) ਹਮਠਤ ਨੀਵੀ ਨਾਨਕਾ

ਗੁਣ ਚੰ ਹਗਆਈਆ ਤਤੁ ll
(iv) ਨਾਨਕ ਹਿਕ੃ ਬ੅ਹ਱ਐ
ਤਨ ਮਨ ਹਿਕਾ ਸ੅ਇ ll
(vi) ਘਾ਱ ਿਾਇ ਹਕਛ ਸਥਸੁ ਦ੃ਇ
ਨਾਨਕ ਗਸੁ ਪਛਾਣਹਸ ਷੃ਇ ll

 Note:- Make a beautiful/creative file (A4 size). Paste printouts of all the given work in it.

 Make a beautiful card on New Year. (using MS Word)

 Bring printout of any two of your favourite websites homepage.

 Collect pictures of different Air Transport and make a collage. (using MS Word)

 Write a note on Mahinder Singh Dhoni with his picture. (using MS Word)

 Describe National Emblem of India with its picture. (using MS Word)

 Write a beautiful Motivational thought. (using MS Word)

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