Becoming A Child of God: Personal Notes
Becoming A Child of God: Personal Notes
Becoming A Child of God: Personal Notes
child of God
Name: ......................................
Personal notes
I n the beginning, God made every-
thing there is. He made...
The planets
and stars
The land
and sea
The plants
and trees
All kinds of
(Adam and Eve)
30 Genesis 1 3
The prayer of Jesus
28 Genesis 3:1-19 5
But God loved us so much that he sent Jesus told us that He is coming back
his Son Jesus to take away our sin. soon. When we comes back, we will see
him in the clouds. Those who belong to
Jesus showed people how much God
Jesus will go up be with him. We will
loves them. But instead of listening to
have perfect bodies in heaven and be
Jesus and following God’s ways, some
so happy that we can’t even imagine
bad people hurt Jesus and nailed him to
what it will be like!
a cross.
We will also receive a beautiful crown
While Jesus was on the cross, God put
from Jesus; and each one of us will
the sin of the whole world on him.
receive a reward for the good we have
Then Jesus took done on earth.
the punishment
for everyone’s sin.
He died so that
we can have
never-ending life.
l died for our sin. He took the
blame for our sin.
l wants to save us from sin and
give us eternal life.
To be
l saved, you must ask Jesus
This is something you must decide! to forgive you and make you new.
about anything.
When you ask for something, believe
that God will hear your
Son Spirit
The Bible
l will help you to know right believe in him.
The Bible
l will help you to grow in us is a sign that we are saved.
The Bible
l will help you know what gives us power to do what is right.
God wants you to do. helps us understand the Bible.
God’s promises will encourage you!
l guides us to know God’s plan for us.
20 Psalm 119:105, 2 Timothy 2:15 John 14:16-17, John 14:26, 1 John 3:24 13
Your name has been written in the
Book of Life, which is kept safe in
heaven. (Revelation 3:5) How will
your life be
You may not even feel any
John 1:12-13 17