Slit Diffraction Technical Paper
Slit Diffraction Technical Paper
Slit Diffraction Technical Paper
The experiment was conducted in order to investigate the behavior of light as it passes through varying slit
interfaces. The researchers wanted to observe how this behavior would change with respect to the different
characteristics of the slit used. As such, the experimental setup used by the researchers allowed the use of several
configurations of the slit interface, varying in number of slits, width of the slits and separation of slits. A laser
diode was used to observe this phenomena with a white paper placed in the opposite end to act as a viewing screen
for the resulting laser projection. Generally, the experiment was able to conclude how slit width is inversely
proportional to the width of the central maximum Δy 1 and how an increase in slit distance m leads to an increase
in the number of fringes to be observed in the diffraction pattern.
1 Introduction
Electromagnetic radiation propagates as a wave, and as such can exhibit interference and diffraction. [1] The
wave properties of light are most easily demonstrated by the interference and diffraction of a beam of light as it
passes through one or more small slits. As light goes through narrow cavities or openings in the case of slits,
diffraction and interference are observed and studied under the projections of a diffraction envelope.
Interference occurs when waves meet. It is the phenomena that occurs when two or more waves overlap in
space. The resulting wave from this overlap adheres to the principle of superposition, which states that the
vector sum of the displacements that would be produced by each individual wave [1]. It is then either
constructive or destructive if, under the circumstance, their wavelengths add up or cancel each other.
In the case of electromagnetic waves, specifically light waves, interference can be observed through
interference patterns, which are produced by light waves passing through one or more slits, and characterized by
regularly spaced, an alternating bright and dark fringes. Constructive interference is represented by the bright
fringes, and destructive interference is represented by the dark fringes [2]. Wave interference and diffraction can
thus be observed by performing single and double slit experiments. For a single slit experiment, when light is
shone such that it passes through a slit of known width a and a slit-to-screen separation of L, a projection of
fringe patterns can be observed. A large amount of light coming from the source would be located at the linear
center of the propagation. This single most prominent projection is called the central maximum. The fringes next
to the central maximum of mth intensity can be found by using the equation below:
a= ym
, (m = ±1, ±2, ±3,...) (1)
For the double slit, the light is shone through a medium with two identical slits of known separation d
at a distance L f rom the light source. The distance to the mth intensity peal (center of a bright fringe) away from
the center is:
ym = d , (m = ±1, ±2, ±3,...) (2)
2 Methodology
The 0.004 mm width single slit disk was placed in its holder about 3 cm away from the laser. A white sheet of
paper was attached on a side of a box to make sure that the laser would hit it when turned on. The single slit
wheel was rotated until the laser light beam is incident on the rectangular shaped single slit. The adjustment
screws on the back of the diode laser was used to adjust the vertical position of the beam, if necessary.
Figure 1: Set-up of laser slit disk holder and screen on optical bench for the both the single-slit and double slit diffraction
With the lights turned off, the boundaries of the dark fringes on the white sheet was marked. From this,
the intensity minima were located as well as the distances between the first order and the second order minima.
The central peak, which is the brightest region at the center of the pattern and is bracketed by two dark spots
were also identified. For the 0.02 mm slit width, the same procedures were performed, while for the 0.08 mm
slit width, the diffraction pattern was sketched to scale.
The 0.04 mm slit width with slit separation, d, varying from 0.125 to 0.75 was placed 3 cm in front of
the laser. A screen composed of a sheet of paper was placed on the adjacent vertical wall. This was done by
rotating the slit disk until the double slit is centered on the slit holder. The interference fringes and the
diffraction envelope were observed as the slit separation was varied.
[1]Hugh D. Young, Roger A. Freedman,, University Physics with Modern Physics 13th Edition,, 1190-1201
[2] Newman, J., Physics of the Life Sciences, Chapter 22, Springer Science and Business Media, USA 2010.
[3] Gupta, S., Engineering Physics: Volume 1, 18th ed., pp. 168-169, Krishna Prakashan Media, India, 2010.
[4]R. Nave, "Fraunhofer Diffraction", [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 18- Sep- 2018].
a = 0.02 mm, m
= 1 a = 0.04 mm, m
= 1
Sample Calculations
a.) Wavelength
y 1 ≈ mλL
λ = mL1
b.) Percent Difference
Expected − Actual
% Dif f erence = Expected + Actual x 100
m = 1 m = 2
Sample Calculations
a.) Slit Width
y1 ≈ a
a= mλL
b.) Percent Difference
Expected − Actual
% Dif f erence = Expected + Actual x 100
m = 1 m = 2
Sample Calculations
a.) Slit Width
y1 ≈ d
y 1 = mλL
a= y
0.25 mm
d= 0.50 mm
d= 0.25 mm
d= 0.50 mm
Number of fringes 13 25 5 11
Sample Calculations
a.) Fringe Width
N umber of F ringes
W idth of central maximum