Itest Intrebari Navigatie

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Deck - F1 Navigation

Operational Level

1. __________ is the angular distance between the prime meridian and the meridian of a point on the earth, measured eastward or westward from the
prime meridian through 180 degree.
a. Latitude
b. Longitude
c. Difference of Latitude
d. Difference of Longitude
2. The process where a navigator constantly evaluates the ship s position, anticipates dangerous situations well before they arise, and always keeps ahead
of the vessel.
a. Evaluation
b. Instruction
c. Navigation
d. Situation
3. __________ is the angular distance from the equator, measured northward or southward along a meridian from 0 degree at the equator to 90 degree at
the poles.
a. Latitude
b. Longitude
c. Difference of Latitude
d. Difference of Longitude
4. __________ is the direction in which a vessel is pointed, expressed as angular distance from 000 degree clockwise through 360 degree.
a. Bearing
b. Heading
c. Course
d. Track
5. __________ is the direction from the ship to another ship and/or one terrestrial point/object , expressed as angular distance from 000 degree (North)
clockwise through 360 degree.
a. Bearing
b. Heading
c. Course
d. Track
6. ____________ termed as latitude and longitude, can define any position on earth.
a. Coordinates
c. Tide and Current
d. Altitude
7. The difference between the magnetic meridian and the geographical meridian.
a. Compass Bearing
b. Compass Error
c. Deviation
d. Variation
8. The_________ is a great circle midway between the poles.
a. Equator
b. Bearing
c. Meridian
d. Courses
9. The difference between the magnetic compass needle point and the magnetic meridian.
a. Compass Bearing
b. Compass Error
c. Deviation
d. Variation
10. _____________ is the rate of motion, or distance per unit of time
a. Speed
b. Course
c. Bearing
d. Time
11. It is a compass error caused by the magnetic properties of any metal in the immediate vicinity of the compass

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02 Nov 2017 1903
Deck - F1 Navigation
Operational Level

a. Deviation
b. Variation
c. Compass Error
d. Magnetic Error
12. ____________ the unit of speed commonly used in navigation, is a rate of 1 nautical mile per hour.
a. Centimeter
b. Knots
c. Kilometer
d. Bearing
13. It is caused by the difference in position of the Geographic Poles and the Magnetic Poles.
a. Deviation
b. Variation
c. Compass Error
d. Magnetic Error
14. The algebraic sum of deviation and variation
a. Deviation
b. Variation
c. Compass Error
d. Magnetic Error
15. _____________ is the horizontal direction in which a vessel is steered or intended to be steered, expressed as angular distance from north clockwise
through 360.
a. Bearing
b. Course
c. Altitude
d. Distance
16. Tides are the periodic motion of the waters of the sea due to changes in the attractive force(s) of the _____.
a. Moon and Sun upon the rotating earth
b. Moon upon the rotating earth
c. Sun upon the rotating earth
d. Planets
17. A great circle through the geographical poles of the earth.
a. Equator
b. Longitude
c. Latitude
d. Meridian
18. The terrestrial great circle whose plane is perpendicular to the polar axis. It is midway between the poles.
a. Equator
b. Longitude
c. Latitude
d. Meridian
19. The meridian used as the origin for measurement of longitude.
a. Prime meridian
b. Latitude
c. Longitude
d. Meridian
20. A nautical mile is equal to _________meters
a. 1852 meters
b. 1600 meters
c. 6080 meters
d. 1500 meters
21. A circle on the surface of the earth, parallel to the plane of the equator. It connects all points of equal latitude.
a. Difference of Latitude
b. Departure
c. Parallel of latitude
d. Latitude

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Deck - F1 Navigation
Operational Level

22. _____________ difference between the compass heading and the magnetic heading, due to ships construction and ship location.
a. Deviation
b. Application
c. Correction
d. Intention
23. What does RADAR mean?
a. Radio Detection And Ranging
b. Radio Distance Apparatus
c. Remote Detecting and Range
d. None of the above
24. The point on the celestial sphere vertically overhead of an observer _____.
a. Zenith
b. Nadir
c. North Pole
d. North Point
25. The point on the opposite side of the sphere vertically below the observer.
a. Zenith
b. Nadir
c. South Pole
d. South Point
26. Which is NOT a distress signal under the Rules?
a. International Code Signal "AA"
b. Orange-colored smoke
c. Red flares
d. The repeated raising and lowering of outstretched arms
27. A light signal of three flashes means _________.
a. "My engines are full speed astern"
b. "I am in doubt as to your actions"
c. "I am operating astern propulsion"
d. "I desire to overtake you"
28. A power driven vessel "not under command" at night shall show her sidelights when ______.
a. making no headway
b. not at anchor
c. making headway
d. moored to a buoy
29. A power-driven vessel underway in fog making NO way must sound what signal?
a. one long blast
b. one prolonged blast
c. one prolonged and two short blasts
d. two prolonged blasts
30. How long is the duration of a PROLONGED BLAST?
a. 4 to 6 seconds duration
b. 2 to 4 seconds duration
c. 6 to 8 seconds duration
d. 8 to 10 seconds duration
31. A self propelled dredger not engaged in dredging but proceeding to a dredging position shall exhibit __________.
a. not required to show any light but all round white light
b. lights of a dredger
c. an all-round white light
d. lights of a power driven vessel
32. A vessel 75 meters in length and restricted in her ability to maneuver is carrying out her work at anchor. What signal should be sounded in restricted
a. 4 short blasts at intervals of not more than 2 minutes
b. 5 seconds ringing of a bell and 5 seconds sounding of a gong at intervals of not more than 1 minute
c. 1 prolonged blast followed by 2 short blasts at intervals of not more than 2 minutes

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02 Nov 2017 1903
Deck - F1 Navigation
Operational Level

d. 5 seconds ringing of a bell at intervals of not more than 1 minute

33. A vessel aground must display by day __________ in a vertical line.
a. three black balls
b. two black balls
c. two black balls and a black diamond shape in between
d. two black diamond shapes and a black ball in between
34. A vessel aground must display by night __________ in a vertical line, in addition to the lights required for a vessel at anchor.
a. two white lights
b. three white lights
c. three red lights
d. two red lights
35. A vessel shall be deemed to be ____________ when coming up with another vessel from a direction more than 22.5 degrees abaft her beam and at
night she would be able to see only the stern light of that vessel but neither of her sidelights.
a. overtaking
b. crossing
c. passing
d. meeting
36. A vessel at anchor shall display ________ between sunrise and sunset on the forward part of the vessel where it can be best seen.
a. 1 black ball
b. 2 black balls
c. 1 red ball
d. 2 orange and white balls
37. A vessel is "in sight" of another vessel when ________.
a. she can be seen well enough to determine her heading
b. she can be observed visually or by radar
c. she can be observed visually from the other vessel
d. her fog signal can be heard
38. A vessel is being propelled both by sail and by engines. Under the Rules, the vessel is _______.
a. considered a power-driven vessel
b. considered a "special circumstance" vessel
c. could not cover under any category
d. considered as a sailing vessel
39. A vessel is considered "engaged in fishing" according to the Rules of the Road, when ________.
a. showing lights and shapes for a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver
b. using trawling lines
c. when a vessel is power driven
d. using fishing apparatus that restricts her maneuverability
40. A vessel must proceed at a safe speed _______.
a. in restricted visibility
b. at all times
c. in congested waters
d. during darkness
41. A vessel showing the International Code Flag "A" is engaged in ________.
a. mine clearing operations
b. dredging
c. fishing
d. diving operations
42. A vessel which is "restricted in her ability to maneuver" is one which _______.
a. has lost steering and is unable to maneuver
b. through some exceptional circumstances is unable to maneuver as required by the rules
c. due to adverse weather conditions is unable to maneuver as required by the rules
d. from the nature of her work is unable to maneuver as required by the rules
43. A vessel which is unable to maneuver due to some exceptional circumstances, shall exhibit __________.
a. when making way at night, a masthead light, sidelights, and a sternlight
b. when making way at night, 2 all-round red lights, sidelights, and a sternlight

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Deck - F1 Navigation
Operational Level

c. during the day, 3 balls in a vertical line

d. during the day, 3 shapes, the highest and lowest being balls and the middle being a diamond
44. If you are approaching a bend and a whistle signal of one prolonged blast from around the bend, you should answer with a signal of ________.
a. 1 short, 1 prolonged, and 1 short blast
b. one prolonged blast
c. a long blast
d. a short blast
45. If you are the stand-on vessel in a crossing situation, you may take action to avoid collision by your maneuver alone. When should this action be
a. at any time you feel it is appropriate
b. when it becomes apparent to you that the give-way vessel is not taking appropriate action
c. only when you have reached extremis
d. when you determine that your present course will cross ahead of the other vessel
46. The Regulations for Preventing Collision At Sea allows under Rule 2 __________.
a. crossing the bow of a stand on vessel
b. a vessel to sail without operational radar
c. a vessel to anchor in a roadstead during emergency
d. a departure from the rules to avoid immediate danger
47. The rules concerning lights shall be complied within all weathers from sunset to sunrise. The lights _______.
a. need not be displayed by unmanned vessels
b. need not be displayed when no other vessels are in the area
c. shall be set at low power when used during daylight hours
d. shall be displayed in restricted visibility during daylight hours
48. The word "vessel" in the Rules includes __________.
a. sailing ships
b. non-displacement craft
c. seaplanes
d. all of these
49. Two vessel meeting in a "head on" situation are directed by the Rules to ______.
a. alter course to port and pass starboard to starboard
b. alter course to starboard and pass port to port
c. decide on which side the passage will occur by matching whistle signals
d. slow to bare steerageway
50. What must a vessel display during the day if she is constrained by her draft?
a. a cylinder
b. a black cone, apex downward
c. a black cone, apex upward
d. two black balls in a vertical line
51. When shall the stand-on vessel change course and speed?
a. After the give-way vessel sounds 1 blast in a crossing situation
b. when two vessels become less than half a mile apart
c. The stand-on vessel may change course and speed at any time as it has the right-of-way
d. when the action of the give-way vessel alone cannot prevent collision
52. When two vessels are in an overtaking situation, which light does the overtaking vessel see?
a. stern light only
b. stern light and a sidelight
c. stern light and the after mast light
d. stern light, sidelight and the after mast light
53. ______________ is the state of the earths atmosphere with respect to temperature, humidity, precipitation, visibility,cloudiness, and other factors.
a. Weather
b. Sailing
c. Celestial
d. Azimuth
54. ______________ refers to the average long-term meteorological conditions of a place or region. All weather may be traced to the effect of the sun on
the earth.

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02 Nov 2017 1903
Deck - F1 Navigation
Operational Level

a. Weather
b. Climate
c. Sea Condition
d. Tide and Current
55. The rotation of the earth exerts an apparent force which diverts the air from a direct path between high and low pressure areas.
a. Coriolis force
b. Celestial force
c. Wind force
d. Weather Change
56. It is relatively thin shell of air, water vapor, and suspended particulates surrounding the earth. Air is a mixture gases and, like any gas, is elastic and
highly compressible.
a. Weather
b. Climate
c. Atmosphere
d. Pressure
57. A standard sea level pressure is __________.
a. 1013.25 millibars of mercury
b. 1015.25 millibars of mercury
c. 1018.25 millibars of mercury
d. 1020.25 millibars of mercury
58. It is a visible aggregate of tiny water droplets and/or ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere and can exist in a variety of shapes and sizes.
a. Cloud
b. Smoke
c. Rain
d. Fog
59. It consists of fine dust or salt particles in the air, too small to be individually apparent, but in sufficient number to reduce horizontal visibility and cast
a bluish or yellowish veil over the landscape, subduing its colors and making objects appear indistinct.
a. Advection fog
b. Radiation fog
c. Haze
d. Mist
60. It is synonymous with drizzle in the United States but is often considered as intermediate between haze and fog in its properties. If it is heavy, it can
reduce visibility to a mile or less.
a. Haze
b. Mist
c. Snow
d. rain
61. The compass deviation changes as the vessel changes.
a. geographical position
b. speed
c. heading
d. longitude
62. When reporting wind direction, you should give the direction in __________.
a. true degrees
b. magnetic compass degrees
c. relative degrees
d. isobaric degrees
63. The annual change in variation for an area can be found in __________.
a. the handbook for Magnetic Compass Adjustment, Pub 226
b. the center of the compass rose on a chart of the area
c. the compass deviation table
d. Variation does not change.
64. Inferior conjunction is possible for __________.
a. Mercury
b. Saturn

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Deck - F1 Navigation
Operational Level

c. Mars
d. Jupiter
65. The chart indicates the variation was 3Deg45MinW in 1988, and the annual change is decreasing 6Min. If you use the chart in 1991 how much
variation should you apply?
a. 03Deg 27MinW
b. 03Deg 27MinE
c. 04Deg 03MinW
d. 04Deg 03MinE
66. The angle measured from the observer's meridian, clockwise or counterclockwise up to 180Deg, to the vertical circle of the body is the __________.
a. local hour angle
b. azimuth angle
c. meridian angle
d. observer's longitude
67. Horizontal movement of water is called:
a. variation
b. deviation
c. current
d. leeway
68. To find a magnetic compass course from a true course you must apply __________.
a. deviation
b. variation
c. deviation and variation
d. compass error
69. A vessel heading SSE is on a course of __________.
a. 112.5Deg
b. 135.0Deg
c. 157.5Deg
d. 180.0Deg

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