Nautika 5. Respond To Emergencies (Respon Terhadap Keadaan Darurat)

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Respond to emergencies (Respon terhadap keadaan darurat)

1. If a distress signal is received on board your ship, what should be the first
action that should be taken?

A. Attempt to establish contact with the distressed vessel

B. Determine how close your vessel is to the distressed vessel.
C. Contact SAR Authorities via nearest coastal Radio station
D. Determine if anyone else has heard the distress signal and if your vessel
is near the distress.

2. The Master arrives on the bridge obviously under the influence of alcohol
and states he is taking over the "con" of the ship. What actions should the
Officer of the Watch (OOW) take in this situation?

A. Attempt to diplomatically avoid taking any actions that would

put the ship or crew into danger and call the Chief Officer for
B. Tell the Master you do not think this is a good idea and retain control of
the watch.
C. Watch the actions made by the Master and if not dangerous, wait until the
Master becomes more capable to take control or leaves the bridge
D. Tell the Master you consider him incapable of taking over the
responsibility of the watch and that he should retire to his cabin and sleep
it off.

3. The ship is involved in a collision, what is the immediate action by the
Officer of the Watch after the incident has taken place?

A. Sound the General Alarm and stop engines.

B. Call the Master and check the position for any immediate dangers.
C. Contact the other ship and send the bridge lookout down to start taking
D. Stop engines and check over the side for any signs of pollution.

4. What action should be taken by the Officer of the Watch in the event of fire
being reported to the bridge during the 00.00 to 04.00 watch?
A. Sound the Fire Alarm
B. Call the Master
C. Stop engines and inform the engine room
D. Send the bridge look-out down to investigate

5. What actions should the Officer of the Watch take when the ship's steering
gear fails?

A. All of the suggested answers

B. Display the NUC signal and consider stopping the engines
C. Request the engine room to check the steering gear
D. Call the Master and advise him of the situation

6. What can be used to reduce the effect of the state of sea-waves?

A. Vegetable / Fish Oil

B. Foam
C. Fuel Oil
D. Crude Oil

7. What immediate actions should the Officer of the Watch take when the ship
goes aground on an uncharted shoal in the middle of the ocean?

A. Stop engines and call the Master

B. Stop engines and immediately request "Full Astern"
C. Stop engines and tell the engine room to switch over to high suctions
D. Sound the General Alarm and plot the ships position

8. What special equipment can often provide assistance in locating a survival

craft or man overboard and in the water?

D. A sectored search pattern

9. Which method is used to make a physical connection between a rescue
vessel and a wreck?

A. Rocket line
B. Heaving line
C. Sputnik line
D. Cosmos line
10. In case of a main engine failure what shapes would you exhibit?
A. Ball- diamond- ball
B. Single diamond
C. Two black balls in a vertical line
D. A cylinder
11. What type of message would you broadcast in case of a main engine failure?
A. No message is necessary
B. Distress
C. Urgency
D. Safety

12. Which one of these actions would you give priority in case of a main engine
A. Inform agents vessels will possibly be delayed
B. Inform charterers
C. Inform head office
D. Prepare for anchoring if in shallow waters

13. In case of a steering failure , which one of these would be your next course
of action?
A. Drop anchors
B. Pull all way off by going astern
C. Engage emergency steering
D. Prepare engines for maneuvering

14. What type of messages contain important navigational or meteorological
A. All of these.
B. Safety
C. Urgency
D. Distress

15. By using what prefix can a master of a ship make it clear in his message that
his own ship is NOT in distress?
A. Mayday relay
B. Mayday
C. Pan-pan
D. Securite

16. In the case of permanent loss of power what message would you send?
A. Securite
B. All of these.
C. Urgency
D. Distress

17. When an emergency is clearly over , how should it be cancelled?

A. By broadcasting to the nearest coast station
B. By broadcasting to all stations
C. By broadcasting to those involved
D. There is no need to do any of the above

18. In case of an emergency on board which signal should be used?

A. Ships whistle
B. Ships bell
C. General alarm
D. General emergency alarm signal

19. Who is responsible for ensuring that emergency navigation lights and
signaling equipment are in working order and ready for immediate use at all
A. Owners
B. Master
C. Managers

20. What important information must a distress alert indicate?

A. The mode of transmission
B. Neither C nor <Option 2>
C. On which frequency the follow up distress message will be transmitted
D. Both <Option 1> and <Option 2>

21. To whom should a distress alert be transmitted to in case of satellite

A. Ships in the vicinity
B. Head office
D. Nearest coast station

22. How often should emergency steering drills be carried out?

A. At least every 6 months
B. At least every 3 months
C. At least every 9 months
D. At least every 12 months

23. What type of message would you transmit if your ship has a collision and
there is grave and imminent danger?
A. Distress relay
B. Urgency message
C. Distress alert and message
D. Safety message

24. In case of a man overboard (stbd side), which of the following maneouvers
would be appropriate?
A. Williamson's turn
B. Short turn to port
C. Short turn to stbd
D. Turn on the anchor

25. Which of these is the wrong action in case of a grounding?

A. Reduce draught of the ship
B. sound general emergency alarm signal
C. sound around the ship
D. Broadcast a security message

26. In case of a man overboard which of these actions would be correct?

A. All of these.
B. Go crash astern
C. Alter course towards the same side the man has fallen
D. Alter course towards the opposite side the man has fallen

27. In case of a man overboard what flag would you hoist?

A. Flag "0"
B. Hal " R"
C. Flag "S"
D. Flag "U"

28. What type of message would you broadcast in case of a man overboard?
A. Distress relay
B. Safety
C. Urgency
D. Distress

29. In case your vessel collides with another vessel, which one of the following
would be given priority?
A. Safety of the environment
B. Safety of property
C. Any one of the other options
D. Safety of life

30. In case of a fire in port who would be responsible?

A. Agent
B. The ship
C. Head of the shore fire brigade
D. Port authorities

31. In case of an oil pollution which of these would you have for ready
B. M notices dealing with oil pollution

32. When should one abandon a ship?

A. When one feels there is a threat to the ship
B. On verbal orders from the master
C. On hearing the general emergency alarm signal
D. On orders from the owners

33. In case the ship is listed and the master has passed the order to abandon the
ship , which would be the most preferable place to jump from?
A. High side
B. The ends
C. Low side
D. Any one of the other options

34. What takes place, when the roll period is equal to the apparent wave period
A. Pounding
B. Broaching
C. Synchronism
D. Pooping

35. What can be done when a vessel experiences synchronous rolling during
rough weather?
A. Alter course
B. Maintain course and speed
C. Lower the GM of the vessel
D. Alter speed

36. What can be done when a vessel experiences synchronous pitch during
rough weather?
A. After speed
B. Lower GM of the vessel
C. Maintain course and speed
D. After course

37. If your vessel is dragging anchor, which of the following would you do?
A. Drop your second anchor
B. Slip your anchor cable
C. Heave your anchor short
D. Send out a security message

38. Which of the following actions would you carry out in case of Abandoning
A. Both <Option 2> and <Option 3>
B. Sound bilges and tanks
C. Order crew members to life boat stations and prepare to
launch lifeboats/liferafts
D. Broadcast distress alert And message on authority of the master

39. Which of the following actions would you carry out in case of Flooding?
A. All of these.
B. Close all watertight doors
C. Sound bilges and tanks
D. Broadcast urgency messages if ships in the vicinity

40. Which of these are distress signals?

A. Flames on a vessel
B. A gun or explosive signal fired at intervals of about one minute.
C. All of these.
D. A continuous sounding with any fog- signaling apparatus

41. In case of a fire which would be your first action?

A. Seal of the area before calling for help
B. Raise the alarm before carrying out subsequent actions
C. Get help from nearby and proceed to fight the fire
D. Attempt to fight the fire independently

42. Which would be the correct order to fight a fire?

A. Find, extinguish, Inform, restrict
B. Find , Inform, restrict, extinguish
C. Find , restrict, inform, extinguish
D. Find , restrict, extinguish, inform

43. If you receive a distress alert on CH 70 VHF, which of these actions would
be a correct course of action?
A. Set VHF on ch 16 for voice communication
B. Acknowledge using DSC immediately
C. Set VHF on ch 70 for voice communication
D. Both :Option 1> and <Option 2>

44. What type of an extinguisher would you use if you have an electrical fire?
A. Anyone of the above
B. Foam
C. CO2
D. Soda acid

45. Which of the following actions would you carry out in case of Search and
A. Both <Option 1> and <Option 2>
B. Take bearing of distress message if radio direction finder is fitted
C. Close all water tight doors
D. Re- transmit distress message

46. In which of these cases would you transmit a Distress message

A. Steering failure
B. Both a & b
C. Main engine failure
D. Flooding

47. A liferaft must be constructed so that it operates satisfactorily after being

dropped in the water from heights of up to:
A. 10 metres
B. 18 metres
C. 20 metres
D. 4.5 metres

48. Where would you find details for your tasks and duties in case of an
emergency ?
A. In notices posted in messrooms, recreation rooms, etc.
B. In notices posted in the crew's cabins.
C. In the muster list.
D. On posters at the lifeboat station.

49. What is a 'Rescue Sub-Centre (R.S.C.) ?
A. A centre for underwater search and rescue operation.
B. A unit subordinate to a rescue co-ordinating centre.
C. A centre established to assist the main national rescue centre.
D. A national search and rescue centre subordinate to an International search
and rescue co-ordinating centre.

50. Which of these requirements regarding lifebuoys corresponds to the SOLAS

A. It must have a mass greater than 2.5 kgs.
B. It must have sufficient air.
C. If fitted with light or smoke signal, it must have a mass less than 4 kgs.
D. It must be constructed of inherently buoyant material.

51. Which of these requirements regarding abandon ship drills corresponds to

the SOLAS regulations?
A. All lifeboats shall be lowered during drills.
B. For ships on short international voyages, each lifeboat shall be launched
and maneuvered in water at least every six months.
C. Drills shall be conducted when the ship is in harbour.
D. Each lifeboat shall be launched with its assigned crew, and
maneuvered in the water at least once every three months.

52. The ship's training manual must contain instructions and information on the
life-saving appliances carried onboard. Which of these duties must also be
included ?
A. Correct use of navigational equipment for survival crafts.
B. Correct use of oars and other propulsion equipment for survival crafts.
C. Correct use of survival craft facilities in order to survive.
D. Correct use of on-board communication equipment.

53. What is a 'Rescue Unit" (RU) ?
A. A unit ready for search and rescue operations at sea at anytime of the day.
B. A unit composed of trained personnel suitably equipped
expeditious search and rescue.
C. A unit specializing in search and rescue operations at sea.
D. Permanently manned rescue vessel.

54. The ship's training manual must contain instructions and information on the
life-saving appliances carried onboard. Which of these duties must also be
included ?
A. Correct method of release of survival craft from launching appliances.
B. Correct donning of fire protective clothing.
C. Correct use of oars in survival crafts.
D. Correct method for use of on-board communication system.


A. A cone like device that is thrown into the sea to keep the lifeboat's bow
pointing into the wind
B. A piece of wood put through the painter allowing it to be untied even
when there is weight on the rope.
C. A device that allows an inflatable life raft to be deployed
automatically if a ship sinks.
D. Securing device on the lifeboat gripes that allows them o be easily

56. What should you do first if you see a man fall overboard ?
A. Alert other crewmembers and tryto keep him or the lifebuoy in sight.
B. Inform the officer of the watch.
C. Release the nearest lifebuoy on the side he has fallen.
D. Dive in the sea after him to attempt a rescue.

57. The ship's training manual must contain instructions and information on the
life-saving appliances carried onboard. Which of these duties must also be
included ?
A. Correct use of navigational equipment for survival crafts.
B. Correct use of surface to air visual signals by survivors.
C. Correct use of ship's line throwing apparatus.
D. Correct use of escape routes and other escape methods.

58. Which of these items has to be included in a distress message ?

A. Weather in the immediate vicinity.
B. Ship's destination.
C. Ship's last port of call.
D. Ship's identification.

59. What type of release is allowed for fixed gas fire extinguishing installations
onboard ?
A. An automatic release system activated by fire alarms.
B. A manual operated release only.
C. Any automatic release system.
D. An automatic release system activated byfire detectors.
60. The ship's training manual must contain instructions and information on the
life-saving appliances carried onboard. Which of these duties must also be
included ?
A. Correct method of revival of casualties.
B. Correct use of oars and sails for survival crafts.
C. Correct boarding, launching and clearing of survival crafts and
rescue crafts.
D. Correct donning of fire protective clothing.

61. What information is found on a ship's fire plan ?

A. The locations of various fire fighting appliances and equipment.
B. The action to take if you heard the fire alarm..
C. The signal used on the ship to indicate there is a fire.
D. The duties of each crew member in case of fire

62. After abandoning ship in a liferaft or lifeboat, which of these should be done
as soon as possible?
A. The occupants should all take a drink of liquor and then sing songs to
keep up their spirits.
B. Available rations should be shared out equally among all the occupants.
C. All occupants should take a seasickness tablet.
D. All money should be collected and held by the leader.

63. The ships training manual must contain instructions and information on the
life-saving appliances carried onboard. Which of these duties must also be
included ?
A. Correct donning of life-jackets.
B. Correct use of oars and sails for survival crafts.
C. Correct donning of protective clothing.
D. Correct use of communication equipment.
64. In cold climates what should be done by the occupants of a liferaft to
provide more insulation ?
A. Inflate the floor of the raft.
B. Deflate the floor of the raft.
C. Rig the emergency heater.
D. Close the doors and ventilators.

65. On a fire plan, what does this symbol mean ?

A. A fire hose.
B. A fire alarm bell.
C. A push button fire alarm.
D. A fire detector.

66. On a fire plan, what does this symbol mean ?
A. A sprinkler head.
B. A smoke detector.
C. A dry powder nozzle.
D. A horn or siren fire alarm
67. What does this symbol indicate ?

A. A CO2 extinguisher.
B. A CO2 detector.
C. A CO2 warning horn.
D. A CO2 release nozzle.

68. On a fire plan, what does this symbol mean ?

A. A foam monitor.
B. A fire main.
C. A fire fighting water gun.
D. A foam fire extinguisher.

69. What does this symbol indicate ?

A. A fire equipment locker.

B. A fire alarm bell.
C. A fire hose reel.
D. An automatic fire detector.

70. What would you do if someone's clothes catch fire ?
A. Go and find a fire hose.
B. Smother the flames with a blanket or jacket.
C. Shout for help while getting the first aid kit.
D. Telephone the bridge.

71. How do you direct a fire nozzle under full water pressure ?
A. Direct the nozzle slightly upwards.
B. Direct the nozzle slowly from side to side.
C. Direct the nozzle straight out.
D. Direct the nozzle slightly downwards.

72. What is meant when we say a dressing is sterile ?

A. It is waterproof.
B. It will not stick to the wound and can be easily replaced.
C. It is large enough to cover most wounds.
D. It is free from germs.
73. What action should the watch officer take on being notified of man
overboard ?
A. Call for a lookout.
B. Release the bridge wing buoy, notify master and start slowing
down to maneuvering speed.
C. Alter course 180 degrees and sound the alarm.
D. Alter course hard over on the side the man fell in and nform engine room.

74. What signal is used to mean "ABANDON SHIP" ?

A. A verbal command given bythe master or officer in charge.
B. 3 short blasts on the ship's whistle.
C. 1 short blast - abandon ship to starboard; 2 short blasts - abandon ship to
D. 7 short & 1 long blast on the ship's whistle.

75. The ship's training manual must contain instructions and information on the
life-saving appliances carried onboard. Which of these duties must also be
included ?
A. Correct use of sea-anchors (drogues).
B. Correct donning of fire protective clothing.
C. Correct use of on-board communication equipment.
D. Correct use of oars and other propulsion equipment's for survival crafts.
76. In terms of flashpoint, what defines if a container carrying a flammable
liquid must carry this sign ?

A. Required for anyflammable liquid regardless of the flashpoint.

B. Required for a flashpoint of 55 degrees C or below.
C. Required for a flashpoint of 100 degrees C or above.
D. Required for a flashpoint of 80 degrees F and above.
77. In which order should we place the priorities of survival, from highest to
lowest ?
A. Location, protection from the environment, water, food.
B. Protection from the environment, location, water, food.
C. Food, water, location, protection from the environment.
D. Water, protection from the environment, food, location.

78. What is the name of the type of stretcher often found on board?
A. The Hart 'moo stretcher.
B. The Neil Robertson stretcher.
C. The SOLAS stretcher.
D. The canvas pole stretcher.

79. What is a Thermal Protective Aid ?
A. A portable electric heater.
B. A large plastic bag big enough to put a man inside.
C. Special clothes that prevent a survivor from loosing heat.
D. A chemical compound which when mixed produces light and heat.

80. Which of these items of clothing would be best at preventing loss of body
heat ?
A. A vest.
B. A woolen hat.
C. Thick woolen socks.
D. Short pants.

81. What is an immersion suit ?

A. Special clothing that allows the wearer to get close to a fire.
B. Special clothing to protect the wearer from the effects of being in a
cold sea.
C. Special clothing that is worn bythe lookout whilst on watch.
D. A type of life jacket.

82. If you had to board your lifeboat which of the following do you think is
most important ?
A. Carry your important documents such as passport and seaman's book.
B. Keep all your belongings packed in a bag.
C. Wear as many layers of warm clothing as possible.
D. Drink a large cup of hot coffee or hot tea.

83. What is a Class B fire ?

A. A fire involving gases.
B. A fire involving solid materials.
C. aA fire involving liquids or liquefied solids.
D. A fire involving metal

84. What type of boat is seen in this picture ?

A. Fast rescue boat.

B. An open free fall lifeboat.
C. A totally enclosed lifeboat.
D. A liferaft.

85. What is a SART?

A. Search And Rescue Transponder.
B. Satellite Activated Rescue Telephone.
C. Systematic Advised Rescue Tracker.
D. Semi Automatic Rescue Transmitter.

86. When should doors, side scuttles, gangway doors, cargo ports and other
openings which are to be kept watertight at sea be closed at the start of the
voyage ?
A. Before encountering heavy weather.
B. Before entering open waters.
C. Before leaving the port.
D. Before leaving the pilot station.

87. At least how often should rescue boats be launched with their assigned crew
aboard and manoeuvered in the water ?
A. Every three months.
B. Every month.
C. Every two weeks.
D. Every week.

88. Which of the following activities will have the best effect in the event of a
fire ?
A. The chief officer is called.
B. All fire fighting teams are organised as soon as possible.
C. All possible fire fighting equipment is brought to the scene.
D. The extinguishing attempt is started immediately by the Berson who
discovers the fire.

89. What should be done before throwing the life raft overboard ?
A. Secure the painter to a strong point.
B. Activate the EPIRB.
C. Open the fiberglass cover.
D. Pull the painter all the way out.

90. Which of these statements is true ?

A. We should bring important documents and personal belongings with
us in the liferaft.
B. We should only abandon ship when told to by the master or officer in
C. If the ship is on fire we have to abandon ship.
D. If the emergency alarm is ringing we have to go to the bridge.

91. What type of fire hose nozzles shall be available aboard ?

A. Dual purpose ( jet/spray ) type incorporating shutoff.
B. Spray type.
C. Dual purpose ( jet/spraytype ).
D. Jet type.

92. What alarm signal is sounded by the ship's alarm bells in the case of fire
onboard ?
A. A series of 5 long rings.
B. One long ring followed by seven short rings.
C. A series of 5 short rings.
D. Continuous ringing of the bell.

93. What do the letters E.P.I.R.B. stand for ?

A. Extremely Powerful Immersed Rescue Boat.
B. Enhanced Plotted Information Radio Broadcast.
C. Electronic Precision Illuminated Radar Buoy.
D. Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon.

94. What are the two satellite systems that use EPIRBS ?
A. Cospas Sarsat & Inmarsat.
B. Transit & GPS.
C. Comsat & Rescuesat.
D. Sputnik & Metsat.

95. Which of these would NOT be a good thing to do after abandoning ship ?
A. Activate the EPIRS and SART.
B. Sail away from the area of the sinking ship in the direction of the
nearest land.
C. Stay in the area that the ship sank in.
D. Collect all the survival craft together.

96. Over spoken radio communication, what is the code word used to indicate a
distress message ?
C. S.O.S.

97. What is the part of the lifeboat indicated by the arrows ?

A. The bowsing in tackle.

B. The on-load release.
C. The fall.
D. The gripe.

98. What item of safety equipment is shown

here ?

A. A float.
B. An inflatable life raft.
C. A lifebuoy.
D. An emergency position indicating radio beacon (EPIRB).

99. How is a throw-over liferaft usually secured on deck ?

A. With a steel wire strop.
B. With a heavy object as an anchor.
C. With a hydrostatic release unit.
D. With an atmospheric release.

100. Which of the following items should be included in each fire drill ?
A. Checking the fire wires.
B. Checking the operation of watertight doors, fire doors, fire
dampers and relevant communication equipment.
C. Checking the operation of fire doors.
D. Checking closing mechanism for all air ventilators and other openings to
accommodation, engine rooms and cargo spaces.

101. What item of fire extinguishing equipment, usually found in the galley, is
particularly effective on fires nuolving hot cooking oil ?
A. A fire blanket.
B. A water filled extinguisher.
C. A bucket of water.
D. A fire hose.

102. Which fixed fire extinguishing medium is most commonly found in

machinery spaces like the engine room
A. High expansion foam.
B. Carbon Dioxide (CO2).
C. Water sprinkler system.
D. Dry powder.

103. Wich fire fighting system is the most efficient and with least side effects in
the event of a fire in the engine room ?
A. The powder extinguishing system.
B. The central CO2 extinguishing system.
C. The sprinkler extinguishing system.
D. If the central foam extinguishing system.

104. Which of these are attached to a lifejacket ?
A. A light & a whistle.
B. A dye marker & shark repellant.
C. Red light and orange smoke distress flares.
D. A radar transponder.

105. What kind of alert message would you broadcast if you have a man
overboard ?
A. Pan-Pan.
B. Mayday.
C. Security.
D. Mayday relay.

106. What is the purpose of emergency drills ?

A. To get crew to work outside overtime hours.
B. To test the emergency equipment and train the crew.
C. To fill in the required forms to show port state control inspectors.
D. To find out if all the crew are awake.

107. What should be done before throwing the liferaft overboard, after securing
the painter to a strong point ?
A. Untie the painter from the strong point.
B. Inflate the life raft.
C. Check that there is nothing in the sea below.
D. Open the fiberglass case

108. Ship's whistle and alarm bells sound an alarm signal consisting of seven
short blasts followed by one long blast. What should you do ?
A. Report to the master.
B. Report to your department head.
C. Go to your lifeboat station.
D. Go to your muster station.

109. Which of these has to be included in an abandon ship drill according to

SOLAS regulations ?
A. Launching & recovery of a survival craft.
B. Maneuvering the lifeboat in the water.
C. Starting and operating radio life-saving appliances.
D. Checking that life-jackets are correctly donned.

110. Aside from reducing drift, what other things does the sea anchor on a liferaft
do ?
A. Keeps the doors pointing into the wind.
B. Keeps the doors at right angles to the wind.
C. Releases an orange dye marker into the water.
D. Allows the EPIRB to send a distress message.

111. Where on board are these fire risks likely to arise ? Fuel and lubricating oils,
hot surfaces, welding and oxyacetylene cutting equipment.
A. The engine room.
B. The bridge.
C. The galley.
D. The cargo hold

112. Mere can shore side personal find necessary information on ship's fire
control systems in an emergency situation ?
A. A copy of the fire control plan is permanently posted in prominently
marked locations onboard ships.
B. Information is to be given by the owners through the nearest
rescue centre.
C. From the duty officer.
D. A copy of the fire control plans/folders is stored in a watertight and
prominently marked container outside the deckhouse or accommodation.

113. When a fire spreads because of the hot gasses rising and heating other fuel
sources, the fire has been spread by
A. Conduction.
B. Convection.
C. Expansion.
D. Radiation.

114. How does heat travel to the earth from the sun ?
A. By radiation.
B. By conduction.
C. By isolation.
D. By convection

115. Which of the following conducts heat well ?

A. Paper.
B. Steel.
C. Styrofoam (Polystyrene).
D. Wood.

116. In a mixture of flammable vapour and air, if there is too much vapour and
not enough air to support combustion, we say the mixture is
A. Too rich.
B. Saturated.
C. Too lean.
D. Over concentrated.

117. What are the 3 ways that heat can be transmitted ?

A. Convection, radiation and concoction.
B. Convection, radiation and conduction.
C. Thermal, infra red and ultra violet.
D. Explosive, electrical and intrinsic

118. When heat passes from one place to another by direct contact, it is called
A. Insulation.
B. Convection.
C. Radiation.
D. Conduction.

119. Approximately, what is the temperature of a cigarettes burning tip ?

A. 5,000 degrees C
B. 35 degrees C.
C. 500 degrees C.
D. 100 degrees C.

120. Mat should first be done before the central gas extinguishing system is used
on a fire in the engine room or cargo holds ?
A. Stop all fans and engines.
B. Close down boilers.
C. Close all openings.
D. Make sure that the compartment has been evacuated.

121. What is the main advantage of a davit launched liferaft compared to the
throw-over type ?
A. It contains more equipment then the throw overboard type.
B. It allows the occupants to board without getting wet.
C. It is quicker to launch.
D. It is stronger then the throw overboard type.

122. How manyfireman's outfits are required to be carried on tankers ?

A. At least four sets.
B. At least three sets.
C. At least two sets.
D. At least one set.

123. Why is Halon not used much as a fire extinguisher on board vessels ?
A. It is harmful to the ozone layer.
B. It is not effective on oil fires.
C. It damages electrical equipment.
D. It is too expensive.

124. In addition to a fire suit, a fireman's outfit also comprises breathing
apparatus and fireproof lifeline. According to SOLAS- how many such sets
of fireman's outfit are required to be carried by all ships?
A. At least three.
B. As required bythe ship's administration.
C. At least two.
D. At least one.

125. What is a ship's contingency plan ?

A. The plan for maintenance and repair of safety equipment.
B. The loading plan for hazardous cargo.
C. The plan for safety preparedness.
D. The plan for the next voyage.

126. Fuel flowing in a pipe is prone to which of the following ignition sources ?
A. Static electricity.
B. Friction.
C. High pressure action.
D. Chemical reaction.

127. If you were at the entrance to an enclosed space and you lost communication
with a crewmember inside, what should you do ?
A. Holding your breath, enter the enclosed space to see if can
spot the crewman.
B. Put on a BA set and enter the enclosed space.
C. Raise the alarm with the bridge or other officers in the area.
D. Wait for a few minutes in case the crewmember is busy.

128. What is the most common cause of death after a shipwreck ?

A. Starvation.
B. Dehydration.
C. Hypothermia.
D. Burns.

129. In a distress situation, how many times or for how long should the
emergency alarm signal be sounded ?
A. Until the emergency is over.
B. Until all crew members and passengers have reported to their respective
muster stations.
C. 3 minutes.
D. 3 times.

130. Which of the following types of breathing apparatus are most likely found
onboard a modern ship ?
A. Compressed Air Breathing Apparatus.
B. Oxygen Breathing Apparatus.
C. Atmospheric Breathing Apparatus.
D. Gas Mask type Breathing Apparatus.

131. Which side of the fire triangle most commonly causes a fire ?
A. The introduction of fuel.
B. The introduction of air.
C. The introduction of heat.
D. The introduction of oxygen.

132. If heat is removed from the fire triangle, what is this called ?
A. Starving.
B. Wetting.
C. Cooling
D. Smothering.

133. Fuel is removed from the fire triangle, what is this called ?
A. Starving.
B. Suffocating.
C. Smothering.
D. Cooling.

134. What unit in the S.I. system is used to measure heat ?
A. Degrees F.
B. Degrees C.
C. Amperes.
D. Joules.

135. Which of the following fuels has the lowest flash point ?
A. Kerosene
B. Coal
C. Diesel fuel
D. Candle wax

136. At what percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere is it possible to have a fire

A. At 100%
B. At 21%
C. Above 8%
D. Below 4%

137. What is a fire hydrant ?

A. A type of automatic smoke detector used on ships.
B. A valve on the fire main where fire hoses are connected.
C. A type of portable fire extinguisher.
D. A fixed nozzle used for filling the engine room with CO2.

138. Mat fixed and portable fire extinguishers are often found on gas tankers
because they are considered to be most effective with burning gas ?
A. Dry Powder - Dry Chemical.
B. Foam.
C. CO2.
D. Water.

139. Which of these extinguishers would not be very effective against a Class A
fire ?
A. A.F.F.F.
B. Water.
C. Foam.
D. Dry Chemical.

140. On fires involving burning liquids, which of these extinguishers is

considered most effective ?
A. Foam.
B. CO2.
C. Dry Powder.
D. Water.

141. Wich of these extinguishing agents is best to use on a fire involving a

burning cabin that had been electrically isolated ?
A. Carbon dioxide (CO2).
B. Water.
C. Dry Powder - Dry Chemical.
D. Foam.

142. What setting are these firefighters use on their nozzle ?

A. Spray.
B. Fountain.
C. Jet.
D. Stream.

143. What item of fire fighting equipment is shown here ?

A. A jet spray nozzle.

B. A foam extinguisher.
C. A foam eductor.
D. A fire hydrant.

144. If oxygen is removed from the fire triangle, what is this called ?
A. Starving.
B. Smothering.
C. Blowing.
D. Cooling.

145. If you abandoned ship by jumping into the sea wearing a lifejacket, what
should you do then ?
A. Swim vigorously to help maintain bodytemperature.
B. Hold on to part of the ship.
C. Swim in the direction of the nearest land.
D. After getting clear of the ship, float as still as possible.

146. Where can ships' officers find information about the ships fire protection
arrangements, fire detection and xtinguishing equipment ?
A. In the wheel house.
B. In permanently exhibited fire plans.
C. In a special instruction folder at all fire control stations.
D. In permanently exhibited muster lists.

147. What does A.F.F.F. stand for ?
A. Anti Fire Frothing Foam.
B. Aqueous Film Forming Foam.
C. Aqueous Fire Fighting Foam
D. Active Fire Finishing Foam.

148. When is the risk of fire greatest ?

A. When the vessel is at sea in stormy weather.
B. When the vessel is in hot, dry climates.
C. When the vessel is in dense traffic situations.
D. When the vessel is in port, particularly dry-dock.

149. What action should be taken first when discovering a fire on board ?
A. Go to your emergency muster station.
B. Go to your cabin and gather your belongings.
C. Look for the nearest fire extinguisher.
D. Activate a fire alarm.

150. What should you do when you hear emergency signals ?

A. Report to your muster station.
B. Telephone the bridge for advice.
C. Put on warm clothes and your lifejacket.
D. Ignore the signal unless you have been told there will be drill.

151. Some cargoes like certain types of coal can heat themselves up to a
temperature where they can automatically ignite. What is this process called
A. Spontaneous combustion.
B. Biological heating.
C. Nuclear fission.
D. Biomass conduction.

152. What is the international signal for 'Than overboard" ?
A. Three long blasts followed by three short blasts on the whistle.
B. Three long blasts on the whistle.
C. Repeated raising and lowering of arms.
D. If hree short blasts on the whistle.

153. Control wich of these portable fire extinguishers are found on the Bridge, in
the Radio Room and in the Engine Control Room because they are
extremely effective with fires involving lice electrical and electronic
equipment ?
A. Dry Chemical - Dry Powder.
B. Carbon Dioxide (CO2).
C. Foam.
D. A.F.F.F.

154. For fire to occur, which of the following sets of elements must be combined
A. Heat, fuel and oxygen.
B. Air, fuel and oxygen.
C. Conduction, convection & radiation.
D. Air, earth, and water.

155. What is the signal to "abandon ship" ?

A. Seven short blasts followed by one long blast.
B. A verbal command from the master.
C. Five short blasts followed by two long blasts.
D. Three long blasts followed by three short blasts.

156. Mich of these fire extinguishing media is preferred to fight a fire in an

electric installation (eg. the main switchboard) ?
A. Powder.
B. Foam.
C. Sprinkler.
D. Water fog.

157. Which of these fire extinguishing media is most effective against an open oil
fire ?
A. Powder.
B. Foam.
C. Water.
D. Gas.

158. Which of the following does NOT need to be done right after a fire drill ?
A. Have a debriefing with all members of the safety committee.
B. Return all the equipment to its correct place.
C. Note any defects in the equipment for repair or replacement.
D. Recharge extinguishers and compressed air bottles.

159. Which of these requirements regarding the launching and

recovarrangements for survival crafts corresponds to the SOLAS regulations
A. Each lifeboat shall be provided with separate appliances that are capable
of launching and recovering the lifeboat.
B. Launching and recovery arrangements shall be such that the operator at
all times can observe the survival craft and life boat.
C. Different type of launching and recovery arrangements shall be used for
similar survival crafts on board the ship.
D. Means shall be available to prevent any discharge of water on to
survival crafts during abandonment.

160. Why is it advisable to board a life raft without getting wet if possible ?
A. You might drink sea water which will make you more thirsty.
B. Getting wet will increase the bodies insulation against cold.
C. You could be attacked by sharks whilst in the water.
D. Getting wet will increase the loss of body heat.

161. What is meant by the term "self ignition temperature (S.I.T.) ?
A. The lowest temperature where enough vapours are given off that they
will ignite and keep burning if an external ignition source is applied.
B. The lowest temperature where the vapours given off will
automatically ignite without the presence of an external ignition
C. The lowest temperature where enough vapours are given off that they
will ignite and then go out if an external ignition source is applied.
D. The lowest temperature that a liquid will start giving off vapours.

162. What is meant by the "flash point" in a liquid fuel ?

A. The lowest temperature that a liquid will start giving off vapour.
B. The lowest temperature where enough vapour is produced that would
ignite and go out when an external ignition source is introduced.
C. The lowest temperature where enough vapour is produced that would
ignite and keep on burning when an external ignition source is
D. The lowest temperature where vapours produced would
automatically ignite without an external ignition source

163. Is it advisable to jump onto the canopy of the raft ?

A. Yes, as tong as from not too great a height as it will save time.
B. Yes, as long as you land on the top of the life raft.
C. No, as you might injure yourself or someone under the canopy.
D. No, as if you fall through the opening you might go hrough the
floor of the raft.

164. You are in a survival craft, after clearing the sinking ship, what should be
done to minimize the rate of drift
A. Tie the painter to a piece of floating wreckage.
B. Stream the sea anchor.
C. One survivor should get into the sea and hold on to the grab lines.
D. Use the paddles or oars.

165. After throwing a liferaft into the water, what should be done next ?
A. Throw a lifebuoy into the water as near to the liferaft as possible.
B. Climb down the embarkation ladder and board the life raft.
C. Pull the painter all the way out and give it a tug to inflate the liferaft.
D. Jump into the water and swim to the case, then hold onto the case.

166. What percentage of air is made up by oxygen ?

A. 78%
B. 21%
C. 100%
D. 4%

167. If you are in water at a temperature 10 degrees C, wearing only shorts,

approximately how long would you be able to survive ?
A. About 5 minutes.
B. Less then 1 minute.
C. About 5 hours.
D. About an hour.

168. If it is necessary to enter the water, how should you jump from the ship ?
A. Dive head first with your arms pointing over your head.
B. Look down, jump feet first with legs extended and arms out at
right angles to your body.
C. Fall forwards in order to land on the water chest first with arms straight
by your sides.
D. Look straight ahead, legs together, jump feet first with arms crossed over
your chest.

169. What is the usual signal for a fire alarm ?

A. Slow ringing of alarm bells or gong.
B. Verbal notification from the master.
C. Five long blasts on ship's whistle.
D. Continuous ringing of alarm bells or gong.

170. What does this sign mean ?

A. Keep your hands in the boat.

B. Keep warm.
C. Secure hatches.
D. Heavy objects.

171. What life saving appliance is indicated here ?

A. A lifejacket.
B. A lifeboat.
C. A rescue boat.
D. A liferaft.

172. What does this sign mean ?

A. Rescue boat crew.

B. Emmersion suit.
C. Wear warm clothing.
D. thermal protective aid.

173. What life saving appliance would be found near this sign ?

A. A radar transponder beacon.

B. A lifeboat radio.
C. An Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB).
D. A GMDSS receiver.

174. If you noticed that a piece of equipment is broken, what should you do ?
A. Try to fix it yourself.
B. Pretend that you have not noticed that anything is broken.
C. Report it to the officer on watch.
D. Get another AB to help you fix it

175. What does this sign indicate ?

A. A crew messroom.
B. A passenger holding area.
C. A muster station.
D. A lifeboat embarkation point.

176. What does this sign mean ?

A. Let go lifeboat.
B. Secure painter.
C. Release gripes.
D. Release falls.

177. What would you expect to find near this sign ?

A. Embarkation ladders.
B. Escape shute.
C. Emergency radio.
D. Liferafts.

178. What kind of liferaft is shown in this sign ?

A. A davit launched tiferaft.

B. A liferaft at the bow.
C. A disposable life raft.
D. A rigid liferaft.

179. What does this sign mean ?

A. This way to emergency exit.

B. Embarkation ladder.
C. This way down.
D. Escape shute.

180. What distress signal would be located near this sign ?

A. Invoke floats.
B. Star shell rockets.
C. Hand flares.
D. Parachute flares.

181. What part is shown by letter C ?

A. The painter.
B. Etowsing Tackle.
C. The grablines.
D. Leaving lines.

182. What does this sign mean ?

A. Lower literaft to water.

B. Emergency muster station.
C. Abandon ship.
D. Liferaft ahead.

183. What do the words "spontaneously combustible' mean ?
A. When this substance burns it burns completely and does not leave any
residue or ash.
B. The substance is very difficult to set alight, even when it is very hot.
C. The substance can catch fire by itself without an external source of
heat or ignition.
D. When the substance burns it becomes very hot.

184. The fall block on a lifeboat is capable of on-load release, what does this
mean ?
A. The lifeboat will automatically float free if the ship sinks.
B. The lifeboat can only be released from the falls when it is in the water.
C. There is a safety device built into the block that does not let it release
until after the other block has been released.
D. The lifeboat can be released from the falls before it enters the water.

185. What does this sign mean ?

A. Automatic release.
B. Lifeboat embarkation point.
C. Release gripes.
D. Lower lifeboat to water.

186. What does this sign mean ?

A. Flammable.
B. Radioactive.
C. Explosive.
D. Dangerous gas.

187. What does this sign mean ?

A. Release brake.
B. Alter course.
C. Start engine.
D. Lower lifeboat.

188. What does this sign mean ?

A. Radar transponder beacon.

B. Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB).
C. Walkie talkie.
D. Survival craft portable radio.

189. What is attached to the lifebuoy in the sign ?

A. A light and die marker.

B. A light and E.P.I.R.B.
C. A smoke float and light.
D. A smoke float and E.P.I.R.B

190. What does this sign mean ?

A. Proceed to embarkation station.

B. Children's lifejacket.
C. Put on your lifejacket.
D. Life jackets are located to the left.

191. Under STCW regulations what must each new crew member do before
commencing assigned duties ?
A. Read all posted noticesfregutations carefully.
B. Be familiar with safety procedures.
C. Report to the master for signing on the ship's articles.
D. Locate his working area and working clothes.


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