A Detailed Lesson Plan in English II (Sir Mannie)

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English II

I. Learning Outcomes

At the end of this lesson, the Grade 8 students are expected to

attain the following learning outcomes with 90% proficiency level:

a. recognize the dimensional approach in teaching reading

b. express the thought and values underscored in the text
c. read and understand the text by following the guidelines in
dimensional approach

II. Learning Content

A. Topic: Dimensional Approach: A Method in Reading

The Origin of the Owl and Other Creatures by Anonymous

B. Reference: Better English II For Philippine High Schools Third Edition

by Josephine B. Serrano

C. Materials: Hand-outs, Manila papers, Permanent markers

D. Concept: The dimensional approach in teaching reading starts with

reading a story by the student and then followed by the comprehension
check up. It follows four dimensions of questions which is from easiest to

E. Methodology: Inductive Method

F. Strategy: Teaching reading

III. Learning Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities

1. Review

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Hello dear students! Good morning! Good morning, sir!

Okay. So today class, we will have a new (1-3 students will share their ideas in 2-3
lesson to tackle with. But before we minutes)
proceed, let’s have first a review. Anyone Sir, we have discussed about legend.
from the class, what have we discussed Legend is a form of folk narrative which
last meeting? explain how things came to be and why
things are as they are, example is the
origin of an animal.
That’s right, Jhermiel. Another idea Legend also explain how things and
please? places got their names.

Very good, Jomel. Thank you.

2. Motivation

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

I have a question. Who among of you here Sir! Sir! Sir! (raising hands)
have read the Bible?

What do you know about how things here Sir, the heaven, earth, plants, animals, and
in Earth get started? What are the first human are the first creations of God.
things that God has created?

Very good. So, do you think this is an For me sir, yes. Because it explain how
example of a legend? Yes or no? are things came to be and the history of

Alright. Of course, this is an example of a Yes, sir!

legend but it is true and factual. You get it?

B. Lesson Proper

1. Presentation

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Class, I have here a sample of a legend Okay, sir!

entitled ‘The Origin of the Owl and Other
Creatures’. I will be the one to read it first,
then you will read again the story in a
silent mode. Make sure you really
understand the story because later you will
answer the following questions orally that I
will give to you.

2. Discussion

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Time is up. Are you done reading? Yes, sir!

This time, we will now answer
comprehension check-up questions. Sir, the main characters of the story are;
Wari, a man; Lumabot, the Great spirit;
Who are the main characters of the story? and, a woman spirit.
Where did the story happen? The story happened in heaven.

That’s right, Simon. Why does Wari always Sir, because Wari is always thinking of
feel hunger in heaven? food.

Thank you, Nerissa. Yes sir. I think the lesson here is that we
don’t have always to be in a hurry in
Does this legend teach a lesson? What is asking for favor or expecting things to
it? happen. Patience is a must for us every

Very good, Sandra.

For me sir, no. Because there is a rule that
Would you have made the same decision I have to follow and I have to stick into it
if you were in Wari’s place? Why or why because there would be some bad
not? consequences I will face afterwards.

Okay. Your answers are all correct. It Thank you, sir!

seems you have really understood the
story. Good job!

So, have you noticed that the questions I Yes, sir!

asked to you are arranged from simple to

It is because we have followed the

guidelines in reading through the
Dimensional Approach.

3. Generalization

The dimensional approach in teaching reading is based on the

principle that learning is best when it proceeds from the easiest to the
most difficult. The first dimension or literal understanding answer the who,
what, where, when questions which is the simplest form. The second
dimension answer the how and why questions which require interpretation
and reasoning. The third dimension involves critical evaluation. The reader
evaluates, comments, and make judgments about certain aspects of the
story. The fourth dimension of questions focuses on application or
4. Application

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Class, I want you to group yourselves into (The students will group themselves into
three. I have here 3 manila papers and three.)
permanent markers. This is a contest
known as “Poster Making”.

What are you going to draw on that manila (The students will do the activity in 5-10
papers is the thought or values that are minutes only and then present it to the
underscored in the story. You can start class.)

IV. Evaluation

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

I have here different questions provided. (The students will now start to do the
Your task is to identify on what dimension assessment.)
they belong. I will give you 15 minutes to
work on it.

V. Assignment
Read another legend or story. Answer the comprehension check and identify
to what dimension they are. Present it to the class next meeting. Do that by

Prepared by:
BSEd-3A Social Science

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