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JPPIPA 8(4) (2022)

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA

Journal of Research in Science Education


Students' Creative Thinking Ability Through Creative Problem

Solving based Learning
Baiq Fatmawati 1, Baiq Miftahul Jannah2*, Maya Sasmita3
1Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Hamzanwadi, Selong, Lombok Timur, Indonesia
2Program Studi Tadris IPA, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan, Institut Studi Islam Sunan Doe, Sakra, Lombok Timur, Indonesia
3 SDN 4 Rumbuk, Sakra, Indonesia

Received: July 2, 2022 Abstract: Creative thinking is identified with the thinking process which includes fluency,
Revised: October 20, 2022 flexibility, originality and elaboration. This creative thinking habit can be trained by
Accepted: October 25, 2022 applying a creative problem-solving model, namely learning creative problem solving, this
Published: October 31, 2022 model is one of constructivist learning. The research focus is applying creative problem
solving-based learning to students' creative thinking. Participants are students of SMA
Corresponding Author: Negeri 1 Masbagik for the 2019/2020 academic year class X Science. Quasi-experimental
Baiq Fatmawati research design with post-test-only control design. Collecting data using a description test.
[email protected] Data analysis by t-test and using SPSS 25.0 program application for its calculations. The
results of data analysis: 1) the experimental class obtained a significant average value on
© 2022 The Authors. This open the indicators of creative thinking fluency (78.00), flexibility (77.00), originality (54.73), 2)
access article is distributed under a fluency control class (60.18), flexibility (55.48), originality (50.18). The conclusion of this
(CC-BY License) research is that creative problem-solving learning has an impact on students' creative
thinking in all indicators with an increasing average value in the experimental class.

DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v8i4.1846 Keywords: Constructivist; Creative problem solving; Fluency; Flexibility; Originality

Introduction In the world of education, the importance of

cultivating creative thinking is recognized as an essential
The purpose of integrating the four components in 21st century skill. One way to instill creativity is to give
the lesson plan, namely character education (PPK), open tasks in solving problems creatively. Kupers. et al,
literacy, numeracy, higher order thinking skills (HOTS), (2019) open tasks provide different opportunities with
and 4C (communication, collaboration, critical thinking, regard to creativity compared to closed tasks because
creativity) is none other than to train and equip students there are no "right" or "wrong" responses in the answers.
in terms of abilities. think, reason, be creative, and Biology as a lesson that emphasizes the development of
communicate students in the face of the development of thinking skills in analyzing, creating and applying
the 21st century and the era of the industrial revolution concepts to everyday life situations can be used to train
4.0. Supriano (2019) from the Director General of students' creative thinking which can help students
Teachers and Education Personnel of the Ministry of generate novel ideas in solving problems. According to
Education and Culture explained the importance of Zeidan & Jayosi (2015) the purpose of learning science is
these 4C skills in the learning process so that students to teach students to integrate skills, knowledge, and
will be able to think critically which means not only attitudes in developing scientific concepts. Suwarno et
conveying something, expressing something, but they al, (2019) argue that teaching science requires creativity
have a rational and open mind. This is also supported by as an achievement in the learning process, and requires
Arbia. et al, (2020) which states that to produce quality innovative student-centered learning. But what happens
learning, a 4C strategy is needed which emphasizes is that generally students do not interpret the concept of
more on the creative component. science as expected by the teacher because the nature of
the concept of science is abstract, teaching strategies are
How to Cite:
Fatmawati, B., Jannah, B. M., & Sasmita, M. (2022). Students’ Creative Thinking Ability Through Creative Problem Solving based Learning. Jurnal
Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 8(4), 2384–2388. https://doi.org/10.29303/jppipa.v8i4.1846
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) October 2022, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2090-2094

less varied, and still teacher-centered. This results in first grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Masbagik for the
students having difficulty when faced with questions academic year 2019/2020 which were divided into class
given by the teacher, so that student planning and X IPA 1 as the control class (N=33), and class X IPA 2 as
creativity are less developed (Sinta et al, 2020). Khairini the experimental class (N=33). The research instrument
et al, (2021) stated that in the teaching and learning used was a description test on biodiversity material with
process many obstacles were experienced such as the CPS indicators consisting of Clarify, Ideate, Develop and
lack of time allocation, lack of student understanding, Implement (CEF, 2015). Data analysis used t-test to
and the unavailability of additional teaching materials determine the significant difference between the
so that the material was not delivered properly. Initial experimental group and the control group on thinking
findings Pursitasari, et. al (2022) that the average using the SPSS 25.0 program application. In addition to
creative thinking ability of students is 38.32% in the low finding differences between the two groups, data
category due to the application of less innovative analysis was also carried out using descriptive statistics,
learning. Saptenno et al (2019) in one of the high schools namely calculating the percentage of results obtained
in Ambon that the learning model applied by the teacher from students' creative thinking both in the control and
in learning has not met the demands of the 2013 experimental classes into the categories of Very Not
curriculum which causes students' creative thinking Good, Not good, Fair, Good, and Very Good, as follows
skills are not good. Gholami et al., (2019) stated that interval.
effective teaching and learning is an interaction between > - 40 Very Not Good
the qualities of three components, namely educator
41 – 55 Not good
knowledge (related to variations in learning strategies),
teaching materials and student abilities (higher order 56 – 70 Adequately
thinking skills). These obstacles certainly have an impact 71 – 85 Good
on the lack of training / habituation of students' higher- 86 – 100 Very Good
order thinking because the learning methods used are Arikunto, 2013
less attractive. Students have not been able to create
various types of ideas (flexibility) and create something Result and Discussion
new (originality). This possibility is because the form of
description test questions only measures the level of Creative thinking is identified with the thinking process
cognitive level 1 (C1) and level 2 (C2). (Fatmawati et al. which includes fluency, flexibility, originality and
2021). elaboration. Suparji et al (2018) used three indicators of
In learning science, especially biology, is very creative thinking, namely fluency, flexibility, and
important to encourage creative problem-solving skills originality in their research. Therefore, to find out
in students in real life. Therefore, teachers must be able someone has creative ability, a description test is used
to train their students to think at a higher level, of course, which is given a score on each indicator of creative
by using interesting teaching methods. One model that thinking. Listiana & Bahri (2019) integrates creative
can be used to train students' HOTS is to use the creative thinking with learning outcomes in their essay test. The
problem solving (CPS) learning model. Guilford following describes the results of the analysis of the data
(Phaksunchai, et al., 2014; Sophonhiranraka, et al. 2015; obtained and before the t-test analysis was carried out,
Fatmawati, 2020) CPS is one of the constructivists first the normality and homogeneity of the data were
learning models to create creative, imaginative and tested (table 1 & 2).
innovative solutions with the aim of training and
teaching individuals to think divergently in solving Tabel 1. Normality Test Results
problems. problem. Cho (Lin, 2017) suggested that Sig (Normalitas)
creative problem-solving abilities such as organic Indicator Description
Ekxsperimen Control
systems interact dynamically to solve problems. Based Fluency 0.098 0.082 Normal
on this, the research question is whether using CPS- Flexibility 0.201 0.122 Normal
based learning has an impact on students' creative Originality 0.112 0.062 Normal
Tabel 2. Homogeneity Test Results
Sig (Homogenitas)
Method Indicator Description
Exsperimen Control
Fluency 0.195 0.087 Homogen
The research used was a quasi-experimental design Flexibility 0.453 0.448 Homogen
with a post-test-only control design, involving a control Originality 0.119 0.088 Homogen
and experimental group to determine the significant
effect of creative problem solving-based learning on Based on table 1 & 2, it can be seen that the
students' creative thinking skills. The participants were significant values for all creative thinking indicators in
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) October 2022, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2090-2094

the experimental and control classes have values greater students' creative thinking abilities, including Lin (2017)
than the 5% confidence level, so it can be said that the concluding that there is an effect on divergent thinking
data on all creative thinking indicators are normally skills, creatively solving problems on students using
distributed. Likewise, to see the homogeneity of the two CPS. Kristanti et al (2018) apply CPS in their learning
groups, the experimental and control classes also have a and find that through the implementation of CPS,
value greater than the 5% confidence level, so it can be students are able to strengthen their creative techniques
said that the creative thinking abilities of the two classes and adaptive reasoning. Research from Wilany &
are homogeneous. Rahman (2020) which uses creative problem-solving
Furthermore, to find out whether there are methods, found that there is a significant effect of this
differences in creative thinking skills using the CPS method and by using creative problems, students can
method and conventional learning, it is analyzed using find the best solutions for their problems. In addition,
a t-test. Hypothesis testing in this study used the research on creative thinking was also proposed by
"Independent Sample Test" with a 5% confidence level. Wahyuni et.al, (2021) when developing ISLE-based
The test criteria are "if P value > 0.05 then it is accepted worksheets found an increase in students' creative
and if P value < 0.05 then it is rejected. thinking skills on the indicators of flexibility, originality,
elaboration, fluency, and evaluation but the highest
Tabel 2. Average Value of Creative Thinking and increase was on the fluency indicator. Suryana et al
Hypothesis Test Results (2021) creative thinking ability increased on all
Mean Sig. (2 indicators of creative thinking, namely 16% fluency,
Indicator T df
Exsperimen Control Tailed) 18.80% flexibility, 10.20% originality by using a different
Fluency 60.18 78.00 2.907 64 0.000 model, namely RADEC.
Flexibility 55.48 77.00 0.973 64 0.000
Originality 50.18 54.73 7.578 64 0.054

Based on table 2, the experimental class obtained a

significant average value on the indicators of creative
thinking fluency and flexibility, the results of data
analysis using the independent sample test t test
obtained a sig value. (2 Tailed) < 5% (0.000) level of
confidence means that students' creative thinking skills
taught by creative problem solving are better than
conventional learning. In contrast to the originality
creative thinking indicator, it is not very significant, after
data analysis it was found that the sig. (2 Tailed) > 5%
(0.054) level of confidence means that students' creative
thinking skills taught by creative problem solving do not
have a significant effect, this is because the novelty of
students' ideas has not been too much in suggesting
solutions, it is still general. Munastiwi et al (2021) Figure 1. Comparison graph of creative thinking indicators in
conducted a t-test when developing the CIPS-based the control and experimental classes.
training module, that the experimental group obtained a
higher average score than the control group. Creative thinking skills are important to be trained
Next, the percentage gain for each indicator of to students in studying biology, such as in formulating
students' creative thinking in the experimental and new ideas to help students solve their own problems.
control classes which are grouped into the category Lince (2016) suggests that the thinking process as well as
"very poor, not good, enough, good, and very good", is some of the intelligences possessed by students,
presented in graphical form (Figure 1). modalities and learning styles, should be managed as
When viewed from the graph, in the control class much as possible to become an effective learning
for indicators of fluency, flexibility, and originality, the strategy. And in its delivery, teachers must also use
highest percentage gain is in the "enough" category. The scientific language in a way that is comfortable in
experimental class for the fluency and flexibility conveying concepts, and motivates students to want to
indicators has the highest percentage gain in the "good" explore information independently (Khaira et al. 2020).
category, but differs from the originality indicator in the Ritter et.al (2020) also suggested that practicing creative
"enough" category. From these results it can be thinking in learning can improve students' ideation
concluded that the creative problem-solving model has skills and cognitive flexibility. In addition, teachers must
an impact on students' creative thinking skills. Some also be proactive in taking the initiative in an effort to
researchers also use CPS which is associated with develop students' scientific creativity (Sidek et al 2020).
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) October 2022, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2090-2094

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