Scada System Analysis

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International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science ISSN:2319-7242
Volume 3 Issue 1 Jan, 2014 Page No. 3743-3751


Computer Science and Engineering
(Network Security)

Abstract— This paper presents a survey on SCADA: Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition. This
discussion is centered on overview of SCADA, History of SCADA, security issues, security in SCADA,
application of SCADA, operation of SCADA .SCADA systems perform data collection and control at the
supervisory level. Some SCADA systems only monitor without performing controlling functions, but these
systems are still referred to as SCADA systems.

Keywords— RTU, HMI, PLA, IED,


I. INTROD monitoring and controlling industrial systems

UCTION including power plants, water and sewage

systems, traffic control, and manufacturing
SCADA stands for Supervisory Control And Data
industries. The security of SCADA networks is an
Acquisition. While North Americans use this term
important topic today due to the vital role that
to refer to distributed measurement and control
SCADA systems play in our national lives in
systems that are larger in scale, the rest of the
providing essential utility services. Pervasive
world applies this term to any application that
Internet accessibility at industrial work places
performs Supervisory Control And Data
increases the vulnerabilities of SCADA systems
Acquisition functions.SCADA systems perform
because this makes it possible for a remote
data collection and control at the supervisory
attacker to gain control of, or cause disruption to
level. Some SCADA systems only monitor
the critical functions of the network. SCADA
without performing controlling functions, but
Systems SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data
these systems are still referred to as SCADA
Acquisition) systems are computer based tools to
systems. SCADA systems are widely used for
control and monitor industrial and critical

Kirti, IJECS Volume 3. Issue 1 Jan, 2014 Page No.3743-3751 Page 3743
infrastructure functions, such as the generation, illustrates how a modern SCADA system is
transmission and distribution of electricity, gas, connected. The field devices consist of Remote
water, waste, railway and traffic control in real Terminal Units (RTU), Programmable Logic
time. The primary function of a SCADA system is Devices (PLC), and Intelligent Electronic Devices
to efficiently connect and transfer information (IED). A number of RTUs in remote locations
from a wide range of sources, and at the same collect data from devices and send log data and
time maintaining data integrity and security. alarms to a SCADA terminal using various
SCADA systems have been around since the communication links including traditional
1960s, when the direct human involvement in telephone and computer network, wireless
monitoring and control of utility plants was network, and fiber optic cables. Data acquisition
gradually replaced by remote operation of valves begins at the RTU or PLC level and includes
and switches through the use of modern meter readings and equipment status reports that
telecommunication devices such as phones lines are communicated to SCADA as required. Some
and dedicated circuits. The emergence of powerful industrial systems use PLCs to control end devices
personal computers and servers and the need to like sensors and actuators. Data from the RTUs
connect to the Internet have added a new and PLCs is compiled and formatted in such a
dimension to the operation of SCADA systems. way that a control room operator using a Human
For example, the operator can remotely login to Machine Interface (HMI) can make supervisory
the SCADA systems without the need to be decisions to adjust or override normal RTU (or
physically present at the remote control sites. PLC) controls. This data may also be collected
Unfortunately, this has also led to an opportunity and stored in a Historian, a type of Database
for intruders and attackers to compromise the Management System, to allow auditing, and the
system by posing as a legitimate operator or by analysis of trends and anomalies.
taking control of the operator’s computer. Figure

Kirti, IJECS Volume 3. Issue 1 Jan, 2014 Page No.3743-3751 Page 3744
Fig: An illustration of a SCADA system showing how the SCADA servers are connected to both the field
devices and the corporate LAN.

HISTORY OF SCADA data from them and issue commands. This

SCADA systems became popular in the 1960’s as network of monitoring and control devices makes

the need to monitor and control remote equipment up your SCADA system. Using sensors (discrete

grew. Early SCADA systems used mainframe or analog) and control relays, the system can

technology and required human operators to make collect information about processes and control

action decisions and maintain the information individual pieces of equipment. The system is

systems. Because this increased the human labor governed by a SCADA master, which collects

cost, early SCADA systems were very expensive data from monitoring devices and issues controls

to maintain. Today, SCADA is generally much in response (either automatically or at the request

more automated, and consequently more cost- of human operators).

Where You Can Use SCADA
APPLICATION OF SCADA While SCADA can be used to manage any kind of
equipment, SCADA systems are typically for the
The 2 Basic Components of SCADA
automation of industrial processes where humans
Any SCADA scenario involves 2 basic
are unable to manage complex or rapid operations.
These are often fast-paced processes dealing with

1. Things you want to monitor and control extremely delicate and tiny parts and equipment

2. Devices you will use to perform that are simply too difficult for human operators

monitoring and controlling functions to monitor with any consistent level of accuracy

To monitor and control these elements using a

SCADA system, you will need devices to collect

SCADA systems are often used by:

Kirti, IJECS Volume 3. Issue 1 Jan, 2014 Page No.3743-3751 Page 3745
 Power companies: SCADA systems can production so that demand is met exactly,
be used to maximize the efficiency of which reduces inventory costs.
power generation and distribution  Providers of mass
processes. More specifically, SCADA transportation: SCADA can be used to
systems can monitor the power flow, regulate critical transportation processes,
power line voltage, circuit breaker status, like providing power for all types of public
and other electrical processes. SCADA transportation, as well as automating
systems can even be used to control related equipment, including traffic lights
individual sections of the power grid. and railroad crossing gates. SCADA
 Major Utility Companies: Both systems can even be used to track the
government and private utility companies progress of individual vehicles within a
use SCADA for water and sewage transportation network, including
services. This includes collecting water individual buses on city streets, or cars on
use and distribution information, gauging a specific subway line.
supply levels, monitoring pressure
readings, and other similar applications. IV. OPERATIONS & TASK
 Physical sites: SCADA systems can be OF SCADA
used to control environmental factors at an
organization’s physical sites. SCADA data SCADA System Operation:
collection functions can be used at There are four parts common to every SCADA
facilities and buildings to monitor system:
variables such as temperate, lighting, and
1. Sensors (either digital or analog) and
entry systems. The control functions of
control relays - These are input/output
SCADA systems can be used to maintain
devices that monitor and control the
specific environmental elements at these
managed processes and equipment.
sites, keeping refrigeration units online,
2. Remote telemetry units (RTU’s)- These
maintaining specific heating levels, and
are devices deployed in the field at specific
sites and locations. RTU’s gather
 Manufacturing companies: Production
information locally from the sensors to
managers can use SCADA to monitor their
report back to the SCADA master unit.
inventory. They can use their SCADA
RTU’s can also issue control commands to
system to regulate production machinery
the control relays it communicates with.
and implement quality control tests.
3. SCADA master units- SCADA master
SCADA can be very beneficial for just-in-
units are the main, user-end component of
time manufacturers by automating
the entire SCADA monitoring system.

Kirti, IJECS Volume 3. Issue 1 Jan, 2014 Page No.3743-3751 Page 3746
They are also sometimes referred to as the respond to data gathered from all parts of
SCADA HMI (Human-Machine the network.
Interface). The master provides the central 4. The communications network- The
processing capability for the SCADA communication network provides the
system. Master units connect the human connection between the SCADA master
operators to the system with a browser unit and the RTU’s in the field. It is the
interface that allows the system operator to all-important link between the far-flung
elements of a geo-diverse operation.

These parts enable a SCADA system to perform detailed information that can fall within a
four types of tasks: range of values, rather than a present/not
present type of situation. Analog sensors
1. Data collection- A SCADA system is
are particularly useful in measuring
composed of large numbers of sensors that
environmental factors, such as temperature
collect inputs into a system, or measure the
and humidity, battery levels, fuel levels,
output levels of a system or process. The
and more.
information collected by these sensors is
collected by the RTU’s locally, and then 2. Communication of data across the
forwarded to the SCADA master, where network- To monitor geo-diverse
reports and alarms are presented to the operational systems from a centralized
network operator. location, you need a communications
network. This network provides you with a
Sensors can be classified as two types,
means to transport all information
either discrete or analog. Discrete sensors
collected across the system. SCADA
collect information about simple events,
communications generally take place on
whereas analog sensors can provide more
Kirti, IJECS Volume 3. Issue 1 Jan, 2014 Page No.3743-3751 Page 3747
Ethernet and IP over SONET. To alleviate reports and summarizes historical trends of
security concerns when transporting data gathered by the system.
sensitive data, communication of data 4. System control functions- A SCADA
should be done over internal LAN/WANs, solution with control functions can
not the public Internet. respond to COS events anywhere in the
system by automatically issuing related,
SCADA uses protocol communication
user-specified commands. If you have an
methods, so input and output devices
advanced SCADA master, this can be done
cannot interpret or create SCADA
without any human intervention at all,
communications on their own. RTU’s
resulting in instantaneous response to
interpret information from attached
dynamic problems and threats. Advanced
sensors and transmit it to the SCADA
systems also allow overriding of automatic
master (HMI). In turn, the RTU receives
controls as the need occurs.
control commands in protocol format from
the SCADA master, and forwards these
commands to the appropriate control
We Apply Network Traffic Monitoring
relays. This allows the SCADA master to
Techniques For SCADA System Security:
control individual operational processes
throughout the network from a single Traffic monitoring is used in configuration
location management for tasks such as estimating the
traffic demands between different points in the
3. Information reporting- A SCADA
net- work, so that network capacity can be
system presents data to operators via the
allocated to these demands. In performance
SCADA HMI (Human-Machine
management, traffic monitoring can be used to
Interface). Along with presenting this data,
determine whether the measured traffic levels
the SCADA master station also performs
exceed the allocated network capacity, thus
many other tasks for network operators.
causing congestion or delays. When a fault occurs
The master continuously monitors all
in the network, traffic monitoring is used in fault
sensors and alerts the operator when there
management to help locate the source of the fault,
is a Change-of-State (COS) event within
based on changes in the traffic levels through the
the managed system. The master presents a
surrounding network elements. In accounting
comprehensive view of the entire network
management, traffic monitoring is needed to
of devices, and presents more specific
measure the network usage by each customer, so
information about the managed equipment
that costs can be charged accordingly in terms of
and processes when the system operator
the volume and type of traffic generated. Finally,
requests it. The master also presents
network traffic monitoring can be used in security

Kirti, IJECS Volume 3. Issue 1 Jan, 2014 Page No.3743-3751 Page 3748
management to identify unusual traffic flows, targeting the SCADA system, which had been
which may be caused by a denial-of-service attack previously isolated from the corporate information
or other forms of misuse. technology and communications infrastructure.
Since most SCADA protocols were not designed
Today many of the SCADA systems are also
with security issues in mind, therefore, an attack
connected to the corporate network where a
on the TCP/IP carrier could expose the
manager or an engineer can view and change
unprotected SCADA data. In addition, traditional
control settings. The data is transferred through a
attacks from the Internet could be transported
communication server that is protected by a
through the interconnected corporate network into
firewall from the corporate network which is often
the SCADA network and disrupt the industrial
connected to the wider Internet. The SCADA data
is increasingly being transported using the TCP/IP
protocol for increased efficiency, enhance PROTECTING SCADA SYSTEMS :
interconnectivity, and because of the ease of using By Using Network Traffic Monitoring As shown
commercial-off the shelf hardware and software. in Fig., SCADA system is different from normal
Protocols such as Mod bus and DNP3 that had TCP/IP network. In addition to the normal TCP/IP
been traditionally used for interconnection within network, a SCADA system has its own industrial
SCADA network are increasingly being process which is normally involving industrial
transported over TCP/IP as the field devices are specific networking protocols. No literature report
also providing IP support. This leads to a has been found on how to use network traffic c
standardized and transparent communication monitoring management for the protection of the
model both within and outside the SCADA SCADA systems. In this chapter, an architecture
network. As TCP/IP is becoming the predominant of network traffic monitoring management is
carrier protocol in modern SCADA networks, it suggested as shown in Fig. for the protection of
introduces the potential for innovative attacks the SCADA systems.

Kirti, IJECS Volume 3. Issue 1 Jan, 2014 Page No.3743-3751 Page 3749
Moniter C network

Moniter C
Moniter B

Moniter A

Fig: Monitoring of SCADA server

This is a distributed network traffic monitoring

architecture. In this architecture, monitoring
Cryptographic Protection of SCADA
sensors A, B, C, and D are deployed in the
system. Monitor A is deployed between the
Goal is to protect Master-Slave(RTU)
Corporate LAN and the firewall of the SCADA
communication links from a variety of
network .Monitor B is deployed immediately after
active/passive attacks
the firewall of the SCADA network. This
• Develops standard ―retrofit solution‖ for
arrangement can monitor the network traffic
insecure communication links via ―cryptographic
attempting to access the SCADA system and
modules‖ Dialup Frame Relay Microwave and
network traffic that has eventually gone through
other Serial Links
the firewall. As new attack scan potentially
• Encryption and key management protocol
penetrate the firewall, it is essential to monitor all
developed specifically for low-latency
traffic that has successfully passed the firewall.
Monitor C is monitoring all traffic flowing with
Low speed links
in the SCADA LAN.
Short Messages
Polled Messages

Kirti, IJECS Volume 3. Issue 1 Jan, 2014 Page No.3743-3751 Page 3750
Addressing SCADA Control System Internet accessibility at industrial work places

Vulnerabilities increases the vulnerabilities of SCADA systems

because this makes it possible for a remote
So what needs to be done?
attacker to gain control of, or cause disruption to
Best Practices – policy, procedures, design and
the critical functions of the network.
deployment of existing tools and technology
New Technology – identify limitations of existing
products and technology, conduct mid-long term Refrences:
R&D to define requirements  Network monitoring
Both require extensive testing and validation. tools,availableathttp://www.slac.stanford.e
 Provides shared-key authentication du/xorg/nmtf/nmtf-tools.html
 Defines new SCADA Link Security (SLS)  Technical white paper for NetStream,
Protocol available at
Scada is the acronym for supervisory control and  SandiaNational Laboratories, available at
data acquisition which are industrial control
systems. These systems are used to monitor df
various processes such as those involving the  An engineering approach to
development of infrastructure and industrial computernetworking: ATM networks ,the
processes. These systems however do not control internet, and the telephone network.
processes in real time. The primary function of a  Cisco: Introduction to CiscoIc OS
SCADA system is to efficiently connect and NetFlow at technical overview.
transfer information from a wide range of sources,  Shaw, T., "Energy Infrastructure Cyber
and at the same time maintaining data integrity Security: Pipelines—A Step-by-Step
and security. The security of SCADA networks is Guide for Keeping Pipeline Infrastructure
an important topic today due to the vital role that Safe From All Cyber Attacks," Oil & Gas
SCADA systems play in our national lives in Journal Research Center, 2009.
providing essential utility services. Pervasive  www .dpstele .com/training

Kirti, IJECS Volume 3. Issue 1 Jan, 2014 Page No.3743-3751 Page 3751

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