ISA-88 Implementation Experiences

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Some of the key takeaways from implementing EM templates independently include time and cost savings from reusing EMs, reduced testing time, and operational benefits of having EM logic based in the controller.

Some benefits include it being easier to deal with problems early on, having flexibility to use EMs to recover from batch application manager failures, and simplified recipe development when the process is automated to the EM level.

Lessons learned include using generic names for EM templates, ensuring clarity in naming EM instances with input from operations, and carefully selecting which EM parameters can be changed versus fixed.


List of Figures vii

List of Tables xiii

WBF Foreword xv

Foreword by Walt Boyes xvii

Preface xix

1 How a Flexible Batch Application Can Save Costs 1

2 An Iterative Refinement Approach toward a Structured Recipe Design 11

3 Applying ISA-88.01 to Small, Simple Processes 21

4 ISA-88.01: A Business Model or an Engineering Implementation 35

5 The ISA-88.01 Area Model: More Than Just a Pretty Face 45

6 Flexible Recipes, ISA-88.01, and Control 61

7 Applying ISA-88: The Human Factor 69

8 Batch Data Analysis 95

9 Control Room Information for Batch Processes 101

10 Monitoring Multi-recipe Batch Manufacturing Performance 113

11 Transfer Lines as Units in an ISA-88 Framework 131

12 Applying ISA-88.01 to Polyethylene Production 139

13 Case Study of Upgrading and Adding ISA-88.01 Features

to a Legacy System 149

14 Design of a Batch Process Control Tool on the

Programmable Logic Controller Platform 157

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15 Leveraging the ISA-88.01 Standard in a Multi-station Dipping Process 175

16 Traveling with ISA-88.01: Leveraging the Standard in a

Complex Assembly Process 191

17 Quest for the Perfect Batch: A Batch Distillation Real Life Case 201

18 Unit Shutdown Design for a Batch Control Application 229

19 A Case Study for Batch Integration in a Specialty Chemical Facility 239

20 Applying ISA-88.01 to Software Migration Engineering 247

21 Automating the Manufacture of Highly Energetic Organics Using

the ISA-88.01 Models 261

22 Material Transfers 281

Index 289


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1.1. The collapsed ISA-88.01 model selected. 4

1.2. CM template usage within an EM template. 4

1.3. EM phases. 5

1.4. Agitator with Speed Control instance. 6

1.5. EM “safe” implementation. 7

2.1. Relationships among ERP, MES, and the automation layer. 12

2.2. Core MES team members. 13

2.3. Overall recipe structure. 17

2.4. A workflow model for the blister packaging process operation. 18

2.5. A workflow model for the dry granulation process operation. 19

3.1. ISA-88.01 Physical Model (partial). 22

3.2. ISA-88.01 Procedural Model. 23

3.3. The sample process. 24

3.4. Control modules on sample process. 25

3.5. EMs on sample process. 27

3.6. Recipe for the sample process. 32

4.1. Informal levels in a manufacturing business. 41

4.2. PMO relationship to Manufacturing Operations Management and

basic equipment control. 42

5.1. Define Process Areas. 56


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5.2. Define Process Cells. 57

5.3. Define Unit classes. 57

5.4. Define Phase classes. 58

5.5. Define EMs. 59

5.6. Identify Shared Resources. 60

6.1. Portion of a flexible plant. 63

6.2. Example of hose station routing. 64

6.3. Manifold with multi-port valves. 64

6.4. Send and receive phase coordination. 65

6.5. Recipes and equipment requirements. 66

6.6. The Transfer Object. 67

7.1. ISA-88 activity model and its zones. 72

7.2. Very large and very different areas. 73

7.3. Levels of capability and people concentration. 76

7.4. Slide rule. 78

7.5. HP-35: The world’s first pocket calculator. 79

7.6. The TI-83: A far more advanced calculator. 79

7.7. Industrial controllers. 80

7.8. An individual’s skills can be lost in the crowd. 81

7.9. A people pyramid showing skills. 82

7.10. MFD. 84

7.11. TFD. 84

7.12. A miracle occurs. 85

7.13. The big picture. 85

7.14. A Repeatable Plan. 87

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7.15. Zones and skills. 91

7.16. Project types and capability requirements. 93

9.1. Process operator versus automation. 103

9.2. Overview display. 107

9.3. Operation display. 108

10.1. Bivariate scores plot (combined). 119

10.2. Bivariate scores plot (pooled). 119

10.3. Bivariate scores plot for latent variable 3 versus latent variable 4. 120

10.4. Contribution plot for latent variable 3. 120

10.5. Multi-block process performance monitoring. 121

10.6. Latent variable scores plot (consensus chart). 123

10.7. Contribution plot for latent variable 2 (consensus chart). 123

10.8. Latent variable scores plot (premixer chart). 124

10.9. Latent variable scores plot (main mixer chart). 124

10.10. Contribution plot for latent variable 2 (premixer). 125

10.11. Time series plot of mean levels resulting in distinct clusters in the
PC1 versus PC2 score plot. 126

10.12. Bivariate scores plot (pooled). 128

10.13. Bivariate scores monitoring plot. 128

10.14. Time series plots of two pressure variables. 128

11.1. Example of a transfer panel. Note the ports and U-bends. 132

11.2. Upstream and downstream tank linked with a transfer line and
single valve. 133

11.3. Upstream and downstream tank linked with a transfer line

and two valves. 133

11.4. Transfer line with upstream and downstream transfer panels. 134

11.5. Actual project. 136

FIGU R E S | ix

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12.1. Batch polymerization process. 141

12.2. Chart for batch polymerization. 141

12.3. Chart for continuous polymerization. 142

12.4. ISA-88.01 structure for batch polymerization. 145

12.5. Tracing continuous polymerization. 146

13.1. Original architecture of the system from Vendor A. 151

13.2. Architecture after replacing the first controller with a new ISA-88.01
compliant unit and adding a new HMI “II” with batch management. 152

13.3. Architecture after replacing the entire control system for the “X” line. 152

13.4. Architecture of the upgraded system. 154

13.5. Architecture of the unified HMI with batch management over both
the newer and legacy controllers. 154

14.1. SFC recipe. 163

14.2. Phase state transition diagram. 167

14.3. Recipe state transition diagram. 171

15.1. Process overview. 176

15.2. Separation: A fundamental concept. 178

15.3. Area model units. 179

15.4. Area model unit 1 equipment phases. 181

15.5. Sync phase example. 183

15.6. Robot EM. 184

15.7. Parts processing flow sample. 185

15.8. Transfer from unit 1 to unit 2. 186

15.9. Transfer from unit 1 to unit 2 using unit 2 phantom. 188

15.10. Sample operation links. 189

16.1. One manual instruction step per phase. 196


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16.2. Subassemblies built in parallel. 197

16.3. Data server change. 198

17.1. PAIP flowchart. 203

17.2. Overall strategy in using the PAIP methodology (process noise diagram). 206

17.3. Overall process flow diagram. 206

17.4. Process performance before analysis and improvement. 207

17.5. Batch distillation column equipment diagram. 209

17.6. Recycle management strategy for stabilizing charge composition. 213

17.7. Comparing analysis and improvement before and after institution of PRF. 216

17.8. Comparing before, after, and last half of the first year of PRF. 217

17.9. Recycle management strategy for optimum tank usage. 218

17.10. Starting main product cut. 219

17.11. Comparing before, after, last half of first year, and second year of PRF. 221

17.12. Average batch time changes resulting from PRF development. 223

17.13. All batch times: Changes resulting from PRF development. 226

18.1. EM concept. 231

18.2. ISA-88.01 State transition diagram. 231

18.3. Unit shutdown exception handling. 234

18.4. DCS system architecture. 235

18.5. Unit shutdown module implementation using unit phase

and batch server. 236

19.1. ISA-88 structure. 241

19.2. Object templates. 244

19.3. Simulation tools. 245

20.1. Migration engineering model. 250

20.2. Reverse engineering analysis stages. 254

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20.3. CM and phase linkages. 256

20.4. Software Migration Environment (SME). 258

21.1. General physical layout. 263

21.2. Simplified general recipe. 263

21.3. Phase sequence execution controlled by equipment control. 265

21.4. Example of batch or phase monitoring from within an HMI package. 267

21.5. Overview of washing operations while receiving material. 271

21.6. Tank farm equipment for Building 1. 276

21.7. Tank farm equipment for Building 2. 277

22.1. Generic transfer model. 282

22.2. Simple transfer model. 283

22.3. Transfer with a single valve. 283

22.4. Joint control with an interlock. 284

22.5. Multiple units with single valves. 285

22.6. Simple transfer with a header. 285

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1.1. Case study one: Time savings for implementation tasks, in hours 8

1.2. Case study two: Time savings for implementation tasks, in hours 9

2.1. Paper documentation versus electronic systems 15

3.1. Sample process equipment phases 28

7.1. Common skills categories and characteristics 77

7.2. MFD characteristics 88

7.3. TFD characteristics 90

10.1. Composition of the multi-recipe data sets 117

10.2. Composition of the process data sets 122

10.3. The metal etcher data sets 127

11.1. Comparison of tanks and lines 135

14.1. Recipe table 163

17.1. Process analysis tools 204

17.2. Process Reference File (PRF) 205

17.3. Summary of results 215

17.4. Batch distillation sequence table 224


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WBF Foreword

The purpose of this series of books from WBF, The Organization for Production
Technology, is to publish papers that were given at WBF conferences so that a
wider audience may benefit from them.
The chapters in this series are based on projects that have used worldwide
standards—especially ISA-88 and 95—to reduce product variability, increase pro-
duction throughput, reduce operator errors, and simplify automation projects. In
this series, you will find the best practices for design, implementation, and opera-
tion and the pitfalls to avoid. The chapters cover large and small projects in a wide
variety of industries.
The chapters are a collection of many of the best papers presented at the North
American and European WBF conferences. They are selected from hundreds of
papers that have been presented since 2003. They contain information that is rel-
evant to manufacturing companies that are trying to improve their productivity and
remain competitive in the now highly competitive world markets. Companies that
have applied these lessons have learned the value of training their technical staff in
relevant ISA standards, and this series provides a valuable addition to that training.
The World Batch Forum was created in 1993 as a way to start the public edu-
cation process for the ISA-88 batch control standard. The first forum was held in
Phoenix, Arizona, in March of 1994. The next few years saw growth and the ability
to support the annual conference sessions with sponsors and fees.
The real benefit of these conference sessions was the opportunity to network
and talk about or around problems shared by others. Papers presented at the con-
ferences were reviewed for original technical content and lack of commercialism.
Members could not leave without learning something new, possibly from a field
thought to be unrelated to their work. This series is the opportunity for anyone
unable to attend the conferences to participate in the information-sharing network
and learn from the experiences of others.
ISA-88 was finally published in 1995 as ISA-88.01-1995 Batch Control Part 1:
Models and Terminology. That same year, partially due to discussions at the WBF con-
ference, ISA chartered ISA-95 to counter the idea that business people should be
able to give commands to manufacturing equipment. The concern was that business


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people had no training in the safe operation of the equipment, so boardroom control
of a plant’s fuel oil valve was really not a good idea. There were enough CEOs smit-
ten with the idea of “lights-out” factories to make a firewall between business and
manufacturing necessary. At the time, there was a gap between business computers
and the computers that had infiltrated manufacturing control systems. There was no
standard for communication, so ISA-95 set out to fill that need.
As ISA-95 began to firm up, interest in ISA-88 began to wane. Batch control
vendors made large investments in designing control systems that incorporated
the models, terminology, and practices set forth in ISA-88.01 and were ready to
move on. ISA-95 had the attention of vendors and users at high levels (project-
funding levels), so the World Batch Forum began de-emphasizing batch control
and emphasizing manufacturing automation capabilities in general. This was the
beginning of the transformation of WBF into “The Organization for Production
Technology.” Production technology includes batch control.
The WBF logo included the letters “WBF” on a map of the world, and since
this well-known image was trademarked, the organization dropped the small
words “World Batch Forum” entirely from the logo after the 2004 conference in
Europe. WBF is no longer an acronym. Conferences continued annually until the
economic crash of 2008. There was no conference in 2009 because many compa-
nies, including WBF, were conserving their resources.
WBF remained active and solvent despite the recession, so a successful confer-
ence was held in 2010 using facilities at the University of Texas in Austin. Several
papers spoke of the need for procedural control for continuous and discrete pro-
cesses. The formation of a new ISA standards committee (ISA 106) to address this
need was announced as well. Batch control is not normally associated with such
processes, but ISA-88 has a large section on the design of procedural control. There
is a need for a way to apply that knowledge to continuous and discrete processes,
and some of those discussions will no doubt be held at WBF conferences, especially
if the economy recovers. We would like to invite you to attend our conference and
participate in those discussions.
WBF has always been an organization with an interest in production technol-
ogies beyond batch processing, even when it was officially “World Batch Forum.”
Over the years, as user interests changed, so has WBF. We have not lost our focus
on batch; we have widened our view to include other related technologies such as
procedural automation. We hope you will find these volumes useful and applica-
ble to your needs, whatever type of process you have, and if you would like more
information about WBF, we are only a simple click away at
William D. Wray, Chairman, WBF
Dennis L. Brandl, Program Chair, WBF
August 2010

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Foreword by Walt Boyes

Many years ago, some dedicated visionaries realized that procedure-controlled

automation would be able to codify and regularize the principles of batch pro-
cessing. They set out on a journey that eventually arrived at the publication of
the batch control standard ISA-88 and the development of the manufacturing lan-
guage standard ISA-95.
Many end users have benefited from the work of these visionaries, who
founded not only the ISA-88 Standard Committee but also the WBF. WBF has been
an unsung hero in the conversion of manufacturing- to standards-based systems.
Today, WBF continues as the voice of procedure-controlled automation in the
process, hybrid, and batch processing industries. The chapters that make up this
book series provide a clear indication of the power and knowledge of the members
of WBF.
I have been proud to be associated with this group of visionaries for many
years. Control magazine and are and will continue to be sup-
porters of WBF and its aims and activities.
I would like to invite you to come and participate in WBF both online and at
the WBF conferences in North America and Europe that are held annually. You
will be glad you did. You can get more information at
Walt Boyes, ISA Fellow
Editor in Chief
Control magazine and


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Automation engineers old and new need to read ISA-88.

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Twenty-one of the chapters in this book were selected from WBF conference papers
because they were related to the implementation of batch control in one way or
another. In addition, the editor has added a twenty-second chapter on material
transfers that was not previously presented at a WBF conference because several
of the other chapters demonstrate the need for a standard on models and terminol-
ogy for transfers.
It is the need to use recipes to create products that complicates batch process
design. In the bad old days (or good if you were a custom systems designer), there
was no consistent set of models and terminology for turning recipes into processes.
Vendors and users evolved their own ways of describing batch process control.
This gave way to a “Tower of Babel” situation. The need for standard models and
terminology grew with each new system and each new generation of designers.
The ISA Standards and Practices Board created ISA88 in 1988. A small (and
changing) group of ISA committee members hammered out, not to say word-
smithed, a standard that was originally based on Tom Fisher’s 1990 ISA book Batch
Process Control. Ideas were submitted, reviewed, discussed, refined, and finally put
into a format suitable for an international standard.
Often, the proponent of a new idea had to educate the group so that they
would understand why it was a good idea. The separation of recipe and equip-
ment procedures was one of those ideas. It eliminated specific hardware references
in recipe procedures, at a time when nearly everyone was used to putting hard-
ware references into their recipes. The drawback of this methodology was that the
recipe had to be changed if the equipment was improved or replaced. Generally,
there are lots more recipes than pieces of equipment, and recipes have to be revali-
dated for food and pharmaceutical processes. This made recipe systems expensive
to implement and maintain. The new model eliminated all of these problems.
Many outside the committee were unaware of the usefulness of the new ideas.
Some were aware but did not fully understand how to use them. Some went ahead
and built systems anyway, claiming compliance with the standard. The WBF was
formed to address the education problem by providing a forum for control experts
to present and share their knowledge and demonstrate, through real projects, the
advantages of using the ISA-88 models.


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The name of the standard evolved over the years. These chapters have been
edited to use “ISA-88.01” when referring to part 1 of the standard for batch pro-
cess control that was published by the ISA as ISA-88.01-1995 Batch Control Part 1:
Models and Terminology. “ISA-88” may be used to refer to all of the parts of the
standard, or it may be used to mean the general concepts of the standard without
getting specific.
The biggest misunderstanding of all is that ISA-88.01 only applies to auto-
mation engineers. It actually lays out the design process for recipe-driven
manufacturing. ISA-88.01 should be applied before any decisions are made about
which processes can be automated and which processes require human operators
who are closer to understanding the process than computer programmers. See
Lynn Craig’s fine discussion of this subject in Chapter 4.
ISA-88.01 represented a major development in process control, and it meant
change for people who had different meanings for the terms the committee chose.
While using the new models and terminology was painful for some, it provided
major benefits for all manufacturing companies. Without common terminology
and models there was confusion in process companies as they tried to describe
their production processes to vendors and as vendors tried to define their solu-
tions to process owners. With the ISA-88 models and terminology, confusion was
reduced, process owners could describe their requirements in terms vendors could
understand, process owners could easily compare and evaluate different vendor
solutions, and vendors could explain their solutions with less misunderstanding.
Some wrongly believe that the ISA-88 standard only applies to the process
industries and batch processes. While that was the initial focus of the ISA-88 com-
mittee, the resultant work has been effectively applied in nonprocess industries
and discrete and continuous processes. The ISA-88 standard can be applied to any
process where procedural control is needed. While this is most common in batch
processes, it is also used in startup, shutdown, exception handling, and switch-
overs in all manufacturing processes.
The ISA-88 standard is a dictionary of terms and concepts. The chapters in this
book describe projects that converted the ISA concepts into reality. These chapters
represent a common body of knowledge about how to apply the ISA-88 standard
in all aspects of a project—from concept to design, implementation, maintenance,
and upgrades.
Happy reading and remember: when in doubt, refer to ISA-88.01-1995 (R2006)
Batch Control Part 1: Models and Terminology (or ask ISA for the latest version). The
European version is IEC 61512-1, published in 1997.
Bill Hawkins
August 2010
[email protected]


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C H A P T E R 1

How a Flexible
Batch Application
Can Save Costs

Presented at the WBF

North American Conference,
March 24–26, 2008, by

J. Gordon Roney
Control Systems Group Leader
[email protected]
Noramco, Inc., 1440 Olympic Drive,
Athens, GA 30601, USA

Andrew Blankenship
Integration Engineer
[email protected]
Innovative Controls, Inc.,
624 Reliability Circle, Knoxville, TN 37932, USA

This chapter is a case study of the implementation of batch-capable Equipment
Modules (EMs) at an existing facility that manufactures Active Pharmaceutical
Ingredients (API) that can be used with or without a batch manager application.
In 2004, we started the process of expanding a recently installed process control
system. We desired the ability to reuse EMs in order to save costs on system con-
figuration, qualification, and new recipe configuration. Additionally, we wanted
the capability to use these EMs independent of the batch manager application.
The EMs resided in the controllers instead of at the batch management level,
which allowed us to configure and qualify them independent of any higher-level
recipe manager. Cost savings resulted from being able to qualify them once and

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use them in multiple instances and recipes. The cost of configuring new recipes
was also lowered because the EMs were already installed and qualified, which
reduced the time required to write and qualify the new recipe.
Monitoring of process upset conditions and the response to these conditions
is implemented directly at the EM instance instead of through the batch applica-
tion manager.
This chapter will illustrate the following:

■ Configuration of independent EMs

■ Cost-savings calculation
■ Integration of process monitoring at the EM without the batch man-
agement system
■ Project management lessons learned


Noramco, Inc. manufactures active pharmaceutical ingredients, narcotics, and

medical devices in three production facilities at its Athens, Georgia, site. The
oldest of the production facilities, Building 1, is used to produce active pharma-
ceutical ingredients. Historically, the production processes carried out there have
been manual operations. In 2002, to meet changing business needs and planned
expansions, Noramco began the process of installing a process control system for
use in Building 1.
As with all projects, requirements are a hard fact. The planned installation of
the process control system was no different. The three main requirements for the
implementation of the process control system were the following:

1. The operation of the production process, via the process control

system, should support both direct operator interaction and a batch
application manager when installed.
2. EMs and EM control strategies that have already been qualified and
implemented should not require a requalification when the batch
application manager is installed.
3. The automation strategy should support the automation of new
units, reusing as much existing work as possible.


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The decision to implement an ISA-88.01 based control strategy for the Build-
ing 1 process control system was not in question due to the following three factors:

1. Noramco’s previous success in implementing an ISA-88.01 based

control system onsite
2. The overriding requirements of the process control system
3. The strictly batch nature of production in Building 1

But the ISA-88.01 model that best addressed the requirements was yet to be decided.
Further evaluation of the requirements resulted in the following EM control
options: direct control by the operator, control via a higher-level operation, and
control via the batch application manager. In all of the EM control options listed,
the ability to select the needed EM, the appropriate EM control strategy, and the
input parameters for the control strategy and a means to monitor and control the
EM once execution was under way was needed. Since the batch application man-
ager was not going to be implemented in the first phase of the process control
system installation, the ability for the operator to control the EM independent of
the batch application manager clearly became the driving force in determining the
appropriate ISA-88.01 model.

Software Engineering Design and Implementation

Various control recipe procedure-to-equipment control relationships were eval-
uated to determine the best way to fulfill these requirements. The result of this
evaluation was the selection of a collapsed ISA-88.01 model (Fig. 1.1).
The collapsed model allowed equipment control independent of the batch
application manager. This independence was accomplished by placing equipment
phases—the right side of the collapsed ISA-88.01 model—in the controllers of the
process control system. The recipe procedure and phases—the left side of the col-
lapsed ISA-88.01 model—would be implemented in the batch application manager.
Design and implementation of standard EMs and subordinate Control Mod-
ules (CMs) were made much easier by making extensive use of object-oriented
programming. Object-oriented programming uses “classes” and “objects” to
develop computer-based applications. Classes define the abstract idea, and objects
are the real-world application of the class. It is often easier to think of a “class” as
a model or template—in this case an EM template. For example, a number of units
may require an EM with the same basic functionality (e.g., an agitator with speed
control). In order to promote reuse, an EM template named “Agitator with Speed


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Figure 1.1. The collapsed ISA-88.01 model selected.

Control” would be developed. This template would not have links to subordinate
CMs. Each individual application based on the EM template would have the links
to subordinate CMs.
The first major implementation activity was the introduction of CM templates.
By defining, developing, and qualifying CM templates, the links needed by EMs
would be predetermined and consistent (Fig. 1.2).
The next major implementation activity was the introduction of EM tem-
plates. Creating a new EM template is a multiple-step process. The first step is

Figure 1.2. CM template usage within an EM template.


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development of the EM template functional specification. This document defines
how the EM and its phases will function. The second step is the implementation
of the EM template. Once an EM template had been developed, the first instance
was created followed by the qualification of the first instance and its EM template.
Figure 1.3 is a snapshot of the EM phases for the Agitator with Speed Control
EM class. Depending on which phase is executed, the agitator may be started or
stopped and the function of the speed controller would be set (e.g., control at set-
point, manual with a fixed output, and so forth).
When an application requires the use of an existing EM, an instance of the
qualified EM template is created. Creating the tangible EM from the EM template
is known as “instantiation.” Figure 1.4 depicts an instance of the Agitator with
Speed Control EM. Circled in red on the top left side of the figure is the specific
instance name, on top, with the EM template name below it. Connection points
for the generic CM names defined in the EM to the subordinate CMs themselves
are circled in blue. In this example, the agitator speed setpoint “SP_AI” (circled in
blue on the left side) is of one of the parameters an operator or batch application
manager can change as part of the available phases. The links to the subordinate
CM (in this case the agitator speed controller) can be found at the bottom right of
Figure 1.4, circled in green.
Because an instance is an exact functional replica of an EM template that has
already been qualified, it is not necessary to fully qualify each instance’s functional-
ity. Only the instance’s unique attribute values must be qualified. In practice, this is
equivalent to the EM instance interaction with subordinate CMs and any parameters
that can be modified for that instance (e.g., setpoints). Once in service, implementa-
tion of changes is simplified because instances inherit the functionality of the EM

Figure 1.3. EM phases.


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Figure 1.4. Agitator with Speed Control instance.

template. A change is implemented and tested once at the EM template, and the
functionality is propagated to each instance of the EM template.
Another important aspect of implementing EMs at the controller level is
related to the safe, normal operation of equipment. The response of the EM to an
initiating event or events that warrant the subordinate CMs to assume a predes-
ignated state can be implemented and tested prior to the implementation of the
batch application manager. It is important to note that this functionality does not
serve the functionality of a safety-instrumented system.
Most if not all EMs that have been implemented to date have a dedicated phase
called “safe” for this predetermined state. Initiation of this phase can be internal to
the EM, via operator initiation of the “safe” phase, or initiated externally to the EM
itself (Fig. 1.5). Examples of these external events include the shutdown of a unit,
power loss, cascaded unit shutdowns, and so on. When the “safe” phase is called
upon to execute, the EM will execute the predetermined actions. By monitoring and
responding to initiating events at the controller level directly, the response time can
be reduced as compared to EMs hosted on a server-based batch application manager.


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Figure 1.5. EM “safe” implementation.

Cost Savings
Pharmaceutical manufacturers, like most other manufacturing companies, under-
take the standard activities of engineering configuration, preimplementation
testing, and operational testing when implementing control systems and new con-
trol strategies. Unlike other manufacturing companies that do not operate in an
FDA-regulated environment, pharmaceutical manufacturers must undertake the
following additional activities when implementing control systems and new con-
trol strategies:

■ Developing documentation to describe what the control system and

its control strategies should do (user requirements)
■ Defining and documenting how the task is to be done (functional
■ Documenting the qualification and commissioning rationale (e.g.,
impact assessments, project qualification plans)
■ Testing (e.g., software acceptance, installation, and operational quali-
fication tests)

The extensive hours and expenses associated with these tasks make the reuse of
EMs, support documentation, and testing extremely appealing.
It should come as no surprise that the largest investment of time, and therefore
expense, comes in the development of the first instance of the EM. Once the first
instance is created and qualified, subsequent instances do not need to be function-
ally qualified to the extent of the original model. In contrast, if no EM templates are
used, then complete testing of functionality must be undertaken because no defined
template has been qualified. Two case studies comparing the initial EM implementation
to a subsequent implementation of the same type are detailed in the following sections.
These examples demonstrate the cost savings afforded by controller-based EMs.


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Case Study One
The first case study involves the implementation of an Agitator with Speed
Control EM. The original implementation occurred during 2004 and the second
implementation in 2007. The EM consists of an agitator and an agitator speed con-
troller. Four relatively simple control strategies are available. Table 1.1 lists the
time for each major implementation task and the time savings gained for the sec-
ond implementation.
The overall time savings for the second implementation was approximately
86 hours, or a 45% reduction in labor hours. The greatest percentage decrease
occurred in the task related to requirement and specification development, which
took 67% less time for the second implementation. This large drop can be attrib-
uted to the copying or revision of existing documentation. In terms of hours saved,
engineering configuration tasks experienced the greatest drop of 36 hours, or
approximately 50%. In this case, the time savings can clearly be attributed to the
reuse of the EM. The hours presented for both the original implementation and
second implementation include the cost for implementing the underlying CMs.

Case Study Two

The second case study involves the implementation of a tank temperature control
EM. The original implementation occurred during 2004 and the second implemen-
tation in 2005. The purpose of this EM is to control the equipment used for heating,
cooling, and maintaining the temperatures of tanks and reactors. The EM consists
of a pump, multiple valves, a tank temperature controller, and a jacket temperature
controller. Six control strategies are available. The EM phases sequence the starting
and stopping of the pump, the opening and closing of valves, the configuration of

Table 1.1. Case study one: Time savings for implementation tasks, in hours
Task Original Second Saved
Requirements and 24 8 16
Qualification 80 51 29
Engineering 73 37 36
Preimplementation 12 8 4
Total 189 104 85


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temperature control loops, the ramping of temperatures, the monitoring of condi-
tions, and so forth. In this case study the time for requirement, specification, and
qualification documentation development is not included, since the original imple-
mentation was part of a larger project and could not be easily broken out (Table 1.2).
As in case study one, the hours presented for both implementations include
the cost for implementing the underlying CMs. In this case study, the task engi-
neering configuration experienced a drop of 55%. The drop of 55% is in line with
the percentage reduction in hours for the same task in case study one (by 50%).
Preimplementation testing for the second implementation took 50% less time than
the original implementation, due to the reduced testing of complex EM logic.
Although not presented here, a large time savings was noted during the second
implementation for both requirement and specification development and qualifi-
cation documentation development.
Implementation of a batch application manager began in mid-2005 and hit full
stride during 2007. No requalification of the underlying EMs has been required
because the batch application manager uses the same EM attributes to execute the
EM, as does an operator. During the qualification of recipes, verification that the
correct parameters and that the correct phase is executed at the EM level is per-
formed. The states of the CMs within the EM are not verified because they were
verified in previous testing. This has resulted in less complex and faster qualifica-
tion of recipes, compared to solely recipe-driven production processes on-site.

Lessons Learned and Additional Advantages

Outside of the obvious time and cost savings gained via the reuse of EMs and the
operational benefits of having them based in a controller, a few lessons have been

■ EM templates should use a generic name. During the initial phase

of the control system implementation, the first few EM templates

Table 1.2. Case study two: Time savings for implementation tasks, in hours
Task Original Second Saved
Engineering 178 80 98
Preimplementation 32 16 16
Total 210 96 114


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were given the name of the first instance. This has created difficulties
when troubleshooting problems and during subsequent implementa-
tions when different individuals would perform the work.
■ Clarity is important in naming EM instances. A descriptive name
for the EM instance that leaves no doubt as to its functionality is
extremely important. Input from Operations personnel is solicited,
and acceptance of the proposed and agreed to name is crucial. Fur-
thermore, consistency in naming EM instances derived from the
same EM template has proven to be a time saver.
■ Carefully select EM parameters that can be changed and those that
are fixed. Experience has shown that fewer parameters can be better.
Fixing parameters that are not directly related to a process, such as
line purge times, simplifies and minimizes operator interactions.

In addition, many advantages have been achieved by choosing a flexible batch

application that allows EMs to be executed independently of the batch application

■ It has been far easier to deal with problems early on rather than dur-
ing the production startup of a recipe. In practice, it has been useful
to have operators manually execute EM logic, catch control logic
obstacles before recipe implementation, and address them.
■ Having EM logic within the controller has allowed the flexibility to
use EMs to recover from a batch application manager failure.
■ Recipe development has been simplified. If the production process
has been automated to the EM level, then the development of a
recipe is greatly facilitated. This is the result of the operating instruc-
tions being written at the EM level.

Overall, the implementation of EMs independent of a batch application man-

ager has been successful. Basing EMs within controllers has saved time and has
led to more cost-effective subsequent implementations, in addition to the opera-
tional advantages of a controller-based application.

10 | THE W BF BO O K S ER IES : VO L U M E 1

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