My Lesson Plan

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School Subject Class/Semester Meeting Time Allocation Skill Theme Topic : SMP Negeri 9 Kendari : English : VIII/2 (two) : One time : 2 x 40 minutes per meeting : Speaking : Make Conversation : Starting, Extending and Ending a Conversation on the Telephone

I. Standard Competence To express the meaning in the transactional communication to interact with the environment and interpersonal

II. Base Competence 1.1 Responding the meaning in the transactional communication (to get things done) and interpersonal communication (social action) using the simply spoken type of language accurately, fluently, and acceptable to interact with the environment in handling conversation and handling telephone 1.2 Express the meaning in the transactional communication (to get things done) and interpersonal communication (social action) using the simply spoken type of language accurately, fluently, and acceptable to interact with the environment in: handling conversation and handling telephone. III.Indicators 1. To identify the expressions of starting and extending conversation on the telephone 2. To identify the expressions of ending conversation on the telephone 3. To use the correct expressions of starting and extending conversation on telephone 4. To use the correct expressions of ending conversation on telephone IV. Objectives of Learning After studying the lesson, the students are hoped to be able to:

1. Identify expressions of starting and extending conversation on the telephone 2. identify the expressions of ending conversation on the telephone 3. Use the correct expressions of starting and extending conversation on the telephone 4. Use the correct expressions of ending conversation on the telephone. V. Learning Materials 1. Student studies these dialogues. Then act them out with their friends. Dialog I Pay attention to the dialogues below! Toni : Hello! Andi : Hello, Toni. This is Andi May I come to your house this afternoon? I want you help me doing my math calculation. Toni : All right. Come here at three! Andi : Thanks. Dialog 2 Sani : Hello, who is speaking please? Fina : Hello, I am Fina Sani : Oh, Fina. Whats up? Fina : I want to borrow your Biology note. I didnt join the class this morning because I join the English speech contest. Would you like to borrow me? Sani : Sure. Please come here! By the way, who is the winner? Fina : Hmmme Sani : Did you? Fina : Right. I go to your house now Sani : Well! Congratulation! I wait for you Fina : Thank you and see you Sani : See you too. 2. Student Study the following expressions to start a conversation on phone: - Hello. This is. - Hello.speaking - Can I speak to - May I speak to. 3. Student Study the following expressions to extend a conversation on phone: - Hold on, please. - By the way. - Furthermore - Moreover..

4. Student Study the following expressions to end a conversation on phone: - See you then. Bye - Thank you very much - Ill can you later. - All right. See you again. VI. Learning Methods

Role-plays: Telephone skills

VII. Teaching Steps a. Pre Activity (10 minutes) 1. Greeting and praying 2. Check the attendance list 3. Apperception/brainstorming about the lesson that will be learned. 4. Explain the objective of the course


Main Activity (60 minutes)

1. The teacher explains and gives example about the expression of starting, extending and ending a conversation on the telephone. 2. Then, the teacher explain the learning method that will be used in learning process that is role-plays, in this case is telephone skills 3. Next, the teacher place two chairs back to back at the front of the classroom and explain to the class that students will be coming up to these chairs to perform impromptu role-plays. Because these role-plays take place on the telephone, they will not be able to see their partner. 4. Teacher divides the class into pairs. While each pair is performing the conversation in front of the class room. Then the teacher hand each one a card (one "A," one "B") to the students and give them 5 minutes to discuss about the card that they have got from the teacher.

5. The teacher will choose two students from the class to come and sit in the chairs. (Teacher can pretend to be the telephone and ring here.) 6. The students will perform the conversation based on the card that they have got from the teacher 7. Now, the teacher will ask the first pair to select the next pair. Have these next two students come to the front of the room and repeat the process.

c. Post Activity (10 minutes) 1. Asking the students difficulties in understanding conversation given and then give them the solution. 2. Concluding the newly learned material 3. Giving homework to build dialogue using the expressions they have learned 4. Giving motivation to the students Explain to the students that the material about conversation on telephone always we used in our daily life. 5. Pray before leaving.

VIII.Learning Resources LKS Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VIII Semester II www. Englishclub. www.eslpartyland.roletelephone.htm


Evaluation Oral Test

a. Technique: Student makes dialogues with use starting, extending and ending a conversation on the telephone in certain situation. b. Form: students write their own conversations, with group work (two students per group). 1 hour processing time (40 minutes) by selecting the theme provided. Then, students practice the dialogue in group in front of the class. c. Item of Instrument: classrooms.

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