Aluno (A) : - Turma: 8º Ano (Ensino Fundamental) Professor: Maria Luiza Disciplina: Inglês

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Lista de exercícios

Aluno (a): ________________________________

Turma: 8º ano (Ensino fundamental)
Professor: Maria Luiza Disciplina: Inglês
No Anhanguera você é + Enem

Antes de iniciar a lista de exercícios leia atentamente as seguintes orientações:

 É fundamental a apresentação de uma lista legível, limpa e organizada. Rasuras podem invalidar a lista.
 Nas questões que exigem cálculos eles deverão ser apresentados na lista para que possam ser corrigidos.
 Questões discursivas deverão ser respondidas na própria lista.
 Não há necessidade de folhas em anexo, todas as respostas serão exclusivamente na lista.
 O não atendimento a algum desses itens faculta ao professor o direito de desconsiderar a lista.
 A lista deve ser feita a caneta, somente os cálculos podem ser a lápis.

1) Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs. Use long forms.
I am talking on the phone right now. (talk)
1 My brother TV at 8 o’clock on Fridays. (watch)
2 Calvin in the library now. (study)
3 Gustavo and Nora your e-mail right now. (read)
4 Martina the dishes on Saturdays. (wash)
5I Italian food. (like)

2) Rewrite the sentences in exercise 2. Use the negative short forms.

I’m not talking on the phone right now.

3) Complete the sentences with the comparative forms of the adjectives below.
colorful delicious difficult expensive famous

Vanessa Hudgens is more famous than my sister.

1 Your third year of English is your first year of English.
2 A car a bike.
3 A blue and yellow hat is a black hat.
4 A burger is a sandwich.
4) Write the comparative forms of the adjectives.
cold colder 4 tall
1 nice 5 late
2 sad 6 early
3 sunny 7 hot
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5) Write two sentences about each picture. Use the adjectives in parentheses.

6- Complete the sentences with the Immediate future ( Uso do “going to”)

a) I___________________________my room. ( clean )

b) He_____________________________ to some music. ( listen )

c) Joseph____________________________ a movie. ( see )

d) The boys_____________________________TV. ( watch )

7-. Rewrite the sentences.

a) Tom is going to meet his parents tonight.



b) They are going to do their homework.



8. Correct the grammar mistakes.( Corrija os erros gramaticais de cada sentença )

a) They going to play soccer.


b) I am go to listen to music.

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c) Susan are going to play the guitar.

d) You are going to travel by plane ?


9. Correct the sentences.( Corrija as sentenças )

a)They will playing volleyball tomorrow.


b) I willn’t read the magazine.


c) We will travel to London?


d ) He won’t not buy a car.


10 Complete the sentences. Use definitely, probably, maybe, or won’t.

Juan will definitely go to college. (Juan / go to college / 100%).

1 (I / learn a new language next year / 50%).

2 (Martha / be a famous singer / 0%).

3 (My dad / buy a new car / 75%).

4 (My friend and I / go on vocation in Brazil / 100%).

11 Complete the sentences with the words below.

build bring creat grow live need travel

People will probably, live on the moon in the future.

1 Let’s go the library. I some books for my project.

2 There aren’t any houses here now, but maybe they’ll some houses next year.

3 Our school website is terrible. Let’s a new one”

4 I like plants. Maybe I’ll some plants in our yard next year.

5 I’ll definitely to Italy next summer.

6 Come and play soccer with us! Your boots and soccer jersey!

12.Complete the sentences with the appropriate form of the SUPERLATIVE ADJECTIVES in arenthesis.

1. Peter is_________________________ (intelligent) pupil of the school.

2. The Grand Canyon is ______________________ (long) canyon in the world.

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3. The _______________________ (deep) canyon is Hell's Canyon.

4. John Wayne was ______________________ (famous) cowboy in Hollywood.

5. Marie is ____________________________(tall) girl in the team.

6. I am _______________________________ (good) pupil in the class.

7. That guyis _________________________________(bad) pupil in the school.

8. Wesley Paul is ________________________________ (fast) boy in the world.

9. The ______________________ (nice) breed of dog, in my opinion, is the Boxerbreed.

13-Read the text. Circle T (True) or F (False). Correct the false statements.
a) In 2040, the world’s climate won’t be very different. T / F
b) In some places, there’ll be more rain. T / F
c) We won’t be able to grow food in Britain. T / F
d) Some scientists say that Britain will have shorter winters. T / F
e) Computers will control our transport. T / F
f) We will get our news from television. T / F
g) We won’t use our cell phones much. T / F

The Future of Britain

In 2040, the world’s climate will be hotter, and in some places, wetter. There’ll be heavier rain in many
countries, and higher temperatures. Some scientists say that the British climate will change so much that we’ll
be able to grow exotic foods, such as grapes, olives, and watermelons. But other scientists say that we’ll have
a new ice age. They say temperatures will be colder, and the winters will be six months long. Who do you
Computers will control our cars, our refrigerators, and our washing machines. Our cars, trains, and planes will
talk to us, and tell us where to go, and how long it will take. Our cars will even drive for us!
We won’t read newspapers. We’ll get all our news from the Internet, and our cell phones will be the most
important gadget we have. Our cell phones will be our cameras, our computers, our diaries, and TVs … and
much more. Are you ready for 2040?

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14 Complete the dialogue with questions using will.

Reporter; Yesterday the European Space Agency said that aliens from the planet Mars will visit the Earth
soon. Dr Reys, who will they speak to ?

Dr Reys: They will speak to the United Nations Organization.

Reporter: Where __________________________________________________________?

Dr Reys: The alien will land in London.

Reporter: When __________________________________________________________?

Dr Reys: They will arrive next July.

Reporter: Where __________________________________________________________?

Dr. Reys: They´ll stay in a 5-star hotel.

Reporter: ________________________________________________________________?

Dr Reys: Yes, they´ll eat human food.

Reporter: Who ___________________________________________________________?

Dr Reys: They will meet the Queen first.

Reporter: ________________________________________________________________?

Dr Reys: Yes, they´ll visit other countries.

Reporter: Well, thank you, Dr Reys. It will be an interesting visit.

Read the text.

15 Complete with the right option:

1- Meet the 9 CEOs with ___________ reputations. (Conheça os 9 CEOs com a pior reputação.)

( ) the worst ( ) the badest

2- What’s _________ car in the world? (Qual é o carro mais rápido do mundo?)

( ) the faster ( ) the fastest

3 - Watch _________ videos on YouTube. (Assista os videos mais populares do YouTube)

( ) the more popular ( ) the most popular

4 – These are__________ smartphones of 2014. (Estes são os melhores smartphones de 2014.)

( ) the goodest ( ) the best

5 - London was considered _____________city to live in the world. (Londres foi considerada a cidade mais
cara do mundo para se viver.)

( ) the more expensive ( ) the most expensive

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6 - What are _________mistakes managers make? (Quais são os maiores erros que gerentes cometem?)

( ) the biggest ( ) the most big

7 – It’s simply ______________ book I had to read. (É simplesmente o livro mais chato que tive que ler. )

( ) the most boring ( ) the borinest

8 – Buy _______________ airline tickets online! (Compre as passagens aéreas mais baratas online!)

( ) the more cheap ( ) the cheapest

9 – Find out _____________ beaches in the world chosen by millions of avelers. (Descubra as prais mais
bonitas do mundo eleitas por milhares de viajantes.)

( ) the most beautiful ( ) the beautifulest

16. Read the story below and do the following exercises.


This week, our report is based on the results of the student activity survey we did at Hilltop High
School. We asked students in grades 6, 7, and 8 what kinds of things they do for fun. Many thanks to all the
students who answered our questions!

First we asked to know how many times a week our students exercise. Seventy-five percent of students
exercise three to four times a week. Ten percent of the students exercise only one to two times a week.
Fifteen percent of our students exercise every day. Our students do many kinds of exercise, but the most
popular kind is playing sports.

We next asked students about Internet use; Hilltop has some very “connected” students! Ninety percent of our
students use the Internet every day and the other ten percent use it three to four times a week. But why are
the students surfing the Net? Is it for homework? No, it’s not. Most students reported that they surf the Internet
for fun.

The answers to our question about watching television were also interesting. Only two percent of the students
watch TV one or two times a week. Thirteen percent watch TV three times a week. The largest number of the
students (eighty-five percent!) watches TV every day. We asked students what kinds of TV shows they watch.
The number one answers were comedies. It looks like our students like to watch something funny after all that
exercising and surfing the Net! (Taken from: Go For It Thomson&Heinle)

A. Write complete answers to the following questions

1. What two things do most teens do in their free time?


2. How many students exercise every day?


3. What’s the most popular kind of exercise?


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4. How many students use the Internet every day?

5. Why do most students surf the Net?


6. How often do most students watch TV?


7. What do they usually watch?


Descrição do trabalho

Este roteiro tem o objetivo de ajudá-lo em seu trabalho durante o período de recuperação.
O aluno deverá fazer todas as atividades propostas na Lista de Recuperação.
Na recuperação os alunos farão uma revisão dos conteúdos propostos e esclarecerão suas dúvidas.
1. Reflexão
 Você fez todas as lições de casa?
 Você tem o seu material completo e organizado?
 Você prestou atenção nas aulas?
 Você procurou participar positivamente falando inglês sempre que possível?
 Você tentou tirar suas dúvidas com a professora?

2. Como estudar?

 Participe positivamente das aulas e tire suas dúvidas com a professora;

 Faça todos os exercícios da Lista de Recuperação; estude usando Student Book, notebook,
Grammar Rules (livro do aluno) e Avaliações Anteriores.
 Entregar as atividades no prazo combinado.

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