Eng Grammar Book

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI


GPSC 1-2, .  7, PSI, ASI,  ,

8   , TAT, TET:1-2,    ....

ANGEL Academy
7575 072 872
 English grammar 7    9   я RANK :  
;< = > ? .
 English grammar =@A   яF ? .
 @B7C+: (spelling) 7 A  E*

     GH 9

7@ :   I 
   J ,   K:
( я   ; яM =@ )
:  ;LC

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 1
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI


1. Noun 3
2. Articles 8
3. Singular plural 12
4. Pronoun 16
5. Adjective 25
6. Verb 28
7. Adverb 33
8. Preposition 36
9. conjunction 42
10. Tense 46
11. Infinitive 52
12. Gerund 52
13. Type of sentence 54
14. Active passive 56
15. Direct indirect speech 60
16. Degrees of comparison 64
17. Spellings 67
18. Synonyms 69
19. Antonyms 74
20. One word substitute 77
21. Idioms and phrase 79
22. Important words 80
24.    GH
  ? 85

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 2
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

1) Noun ( )
N OP8, /9  /Q    ;9  M R ? .

Kinds of Noun –   G :-

(1) Proper Noun – M S  = @ >  [ U 4 я R 7..  1V 7 ]

(2) Common Noun –  1  X= S  [ U 4 9 & R 7.. Y> ]

(3) Collective Noun – яZ9 S  [R S  [ U  4  & Q *&  J  я R 7.. 7 ]

(4) Material Noun – VO S  [ U  VO  Q R    ]

(5) Abstract Noun – C S  [ U  C /  7@ U 9  ] @   Q  ^:9 7@  

@  ]

(1) Proper Noun – M S  = @ >  N /Q  OP8 [ R cd A   

N F>, _,  , @R, 7, ;A, R,   яZ9 S  R .

 `  я L A  R   Proper Noun Ex.: (1) This is a group of Adani.
(2) A Committee has taken the decision.
R . (3) It is a bundle of keys.
Ex.: (4) A crowd is standing on the road.
(1) The Narmada is a big river. (5) People are standing at the main gate of the hospital.
(2) Ahmadabad is a big city. (6) My keys are lost.
(3) Hemant is a clever boy.
(() William Shakespeare was a playwright. (4) Material Noun – VO S 

(a) I will be visiting New York next month. Oe:- U /Q   @   Q   L  я 

(6) Everyone dislikes Monday mornings @ ,  @    79 VO S  R .

(,) The holy book of Islam is the Koran. Ex.: (1) Mine is a cotton shirt.
(2) Rice is grown in Punjab.
(3) Silver is very costly.
(4) Gold is a precious metal.
(2)Common Noun –  1  X= S  (5) Add some sugar in my tea.

4 я   G, 79  /Q 4 A   +

(5) Abstract Noun – C S 
@      Common Noun R .
Oe:- f   U G<  яN  @   Q 
(1) This is a table. ` ;LC  @      C S  R .
(2) Krish is a good boy. Ex.: (1) Honesty is the best policy.
(3) The peacock is an attractive bird. (2) Democracy is the heart of our country.
(4) It is white pen. (3) We have seen goodness in him.
(a) The boys went to play cricket. (4) Darkness prevails every where.
(6) This neighborhood is one of the best in the area. (a) She screamed with great delight.
(6) His bravery in the war won him a medal.
(3) Collective Noun – яZ9 S  [R S  (,) One should learn to be as independent as

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 3
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

These collective nouns are The following collective nouns are The following collective nouns are
commonly used under the used for animals. used for things.
category of people. 21. A catch of fish. 41. A group of islands.
1. A class of students.
22. An army of ants. 42. A galaxy of stars.
2. An army of soldiers.
23. A flight of birds. 43. A wad of notes.
3. A choir of singers.
24. A flock of birds. 44. A forest of trees.
4. A crew of sailors.
25. A haul of fish. 45. A stack of wood.
5. A band of musicians.
26. A flock of sheep. 46. A fleet of ships.
6. A bunch of crooks.
27. A herd of 47. A string of pearls.
7. A crowd of deer/cattle/elephants/goats
people/spectators. /buffaloes. 48. An album of
8. A gang of thieves. 28. A hive of bees. stamps/autographs/photogra
9. A group of dancers. 29. A litter of cubs. 49. A hedge of bushes.

10. A team of players. 30. A host of sparrows. 50. A library of books.

11. A troupe of artists/dancers. 31. A team of horses. 51. A basket of fruit.

12. A pack of thieves. 32. A troop of lions. 52. A bowl of rice.

13. A staff of employees. 33. A zoo of wild animals. 53. A pack of cards.

14. A regiment of soldiers. 34. A pack of wolves. 54. A pair of shoes.

15. A tribe of natives. 35. A litter of puppies/kittens. 55. A bouquet of flowers.

16. An audience of listeners. 36. A swarm of 56. A bunch of keys.

17. A panel of experts. 37. A team of 57. A chest of drawers.
18. A gang of labourers. 38. A murder of crows. 58. A pack of lies.

19. A flock of tourists. 39. A kennel of dogs. 59. A range of mountains.

20. A board of directors. 40. A pack of hounds. 60. A cloud of dust.

Abstract noun

1) Action 4  gh 5) Average 4  я  @

2) Administrativ 4+= =/i g S    6) Awareness ;  @ X
e power
  @P8 7) Beauty Bj 27
3) Adventure 4+ 1S R 8) Belief * K 1
4) Aroma 4  2&
 9) Bitterness k*  + @

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 4
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

10) Bravery l  *Rm 45) Digestive +fU{/ S@P8

11) Brutality nk  я  o  
12) Calamity 8 =  JK 46) Disappointme g+;f1 1 я
13) Childhood Sfd+p+ *: 47) Dishonesty g+ / ;G k 
14) Choice Sf 7 48) Distance g+/1 }
15) Clarification 8 ggK  @ SA  49) Disturbance g+/*1 A
16) Clarity 8 g /q 50) Donation + @ 7
17) Cleanliness r1  @ / s? 51) Durability +‚k*k   co
18) Cleverness 8   R=@ 52) Education 4|j @ =@
19) Climate 8 f  J*R  Efficiency
53) 4gK=;1 @P8
20) Climax 8 f 8  qt 54) Elopement f  1 G   G = 
21) Comfort 5K 2A  +
9 C яƒ 
22) Commitment =  1 7 Emergency
55) f я1  
23) Concentration 1/i @ 4 u 56) Enmity 4=  m„ 
24) Consent 11  
 =/ v Exemption
57) 4  5@ [P8
25) Cooling w k x   t y   @P8 58) Facility K=k   +
26) Co-operation - @  59) Factor K8 g*:
27) Cost / g x  60) Faith Kf9 %…
28) Courage  я gRx  61) Fate K *
29) Courtesy   = 62) Fatness K @ X+N
30) Cowardness  +    63) Fertility Kg†k  K:‡ 
31) Cruelty z;{d t 64) Filtration gKdi @  : 
32) Curiosity |jg= JQ gh

33) Custom / g я, Gk  65) Firmness K   VI

34) Darkness +   @ }&Y 66) Flair ˆ  I*

35) Death +9 [ ~<j 67) Fragrance ‰ 1 2&

36) Decision g+ = 68) Freedom ‰+ / `

37) Decoration +  @ X  69) Freshness ‰@ @ я

38) Delicacy +k   v  70) Friendship ‰1+=@ = `

39) Demotion g+ @ - 71) Frigidity g‰Šяg+ =@=9 

40) Denial g+ f  72) Frustration ‰/i @ ; : 

41) Depreciation +G=4@ - 73) Generosity я  c7

42) Depth +€9 +N 74) Gesture  /S A

43) Development +  1 G= 75) Gladness ‹ + @ E@

44) Dictatorship g+8 =@ [A<@R 76) Greediness u+ @  S

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 5
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

77) Habit Rk* J7,  110) Majority яg *p 

78) Happiness R= @ 2A 111) Man power     @P8
79) Harassment R 1  @ 112) Memory    7@P8
80) Haste R/ c : 113) Minority fg “ 
81) Hatred R + K 114) Miracle =  S < 
82) Heating Rgx      115) Moral  *&
@P8 Muscle
116)    +
83) Height Rf SN
84) Honesty  / G k  117) Nature  S / C
85) Honour R *p  118) Noise f -”-
86) Humanity Œ =   119) Old age d+ 4я •I
87) Ideology Jfg+ ] = S& 120) Omen   – 
88) Illustration fdj/i @ [  121) Ownership =@ k 
89) Importance f5 1 ;< 122) Pain  f m:A 
90) Inconvenienc f 1 1 ; + 123) Performance K— 1 7 A
91) Increment f{1h  & 124) Perseverance ˜ 1 Y>9
92) Innocence f1 C: 125) Pick up = ; я 9 =
93) Intensity f1 P1   +  @P8
94) Investigation f1 {/ @  126) Politeness  f @ ™
95) Irregularity f ‹j g ;==  127) Politics k g8 я=
96) Jubilation |jk* @ cя  128) Poverty G š *f
97) Judgment яя 1 Ž 7 129) Prediction G g+ @ JR
98) Justice я/ 1 130) Pride Gf+  
99) killerinstinct g Nr1/1  E 131) Promotion G @ *I
100) Kindness f1+ @  132) Prosperity G/ g [ ~›…
101) Knowledge  я M 133) Protection G 8@ 
102) Laughter K R/ 134) Provision G  я N
103) Laziness k @ J: 135) Punishment =@ 1 X
104) Leisure k   @ 136) Recognization  r8‹ @ :A
105) Length 19 *N 137) Reduction + @ -+
106) Length and 19 41+ gh    *‘k x 138) Refusal gKj f 
f    139) Regularity  ‹j g == 
107) Loneliness r1  @ 4  140) Relief g K R
108) Loyalty d K7 141) Reputation  €j@ A7
109) Luxury  ’@J 142) Responsibility g/P1k*k  я *7

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 6
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

143) Richness gS @ ;  J +

144) Rigidity gŠя+ ;œ+ 169) Technique  = J +
145) Rudeness F+ @ c…N 170) Tempo  5 v/
146) Sadness  + @ c7 171) Theft 9 ˆ S
147) Sanction  1 @  
v 172) Theme 9 <
148) Satisfaction  g/K8@ > 173) Thickness 9  @ X+N
149) Security g    174) Thirst ¡/ 
150) Self-  dK {1K+1 J< = ž 175) Thrill =¡ 
176) Timidity g= + 
151) Selfishness  {dK @ / 9˜o
177) Tolerance  1   R  
152) Separation   @ v7N power
Seriousness @P8
153) =g  C
178) Truth ¢9 sSN
154) Shame @ @
179) Uniformity j=K= £  
155) Sharpness @ @ Ÿ
180) Unity j= 4 
156) Society   я
181) Utility jk  @
157) Solitude k  + 4 
182) Verdict g+†  Ž 7
158) Specialty / @k  A=
183) Vibration fl @  
159) Speed /+ +
184) View-point Oj  f1 V{qk*xm
160) Spirit / v/
185) Violation  @ cd -
161) Stamina / =   
186) Warmth   pK
162) Stiffness {/K @ ;œ+
187) Weakness   @ я
163) Stinginess {/r1я @  vN
188) Wealth d9 =¤
164) Strength /i 19  
189) Welfare K d
165) Success 8  K:
190) Width = 9 R:N
166) Suffering Kgx m:AR
191) Wish = @ fs?
167) Summary   @
192) Youth j 9 j  /9
168) Teaching kSx  = C 

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 7
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

2) Article

 }u ] C>  w )6 [ : ? . A, e, i, o, u, 4 S /  (vowels) ? . *  )# Oя (consonants) ? .

 }u ] C>  ` articles ? . a, an ; the

(1) A and An are called indefinite articles. The is a definite article.  = – ) : я N  @B7 A /   csS
A and An are used only before the singular nouns, while the is
used before the singular as well as the plural nouns. A and An Oя R   a Jg† [  ? .
are used only before the countable nouns where as the is used
(1) Dilip is a European (j=)
before the countable as well as uncountable nouns.

 A ; An – indefinite articles  ? ,     (2) Bharat is a union leader (j=)

 N ==ž OP8 / /QL  2 S 9Q 9. A ;
(3) This is a university (j= =£)
An `  @      9 J ? . `

4 S   J: я J ? ,
 = – . : N X= S M J: = @ > R
The – definite article ? . the 4 S ; *p S

  R  J ? . the  @    ;  ; = @ > G9 @B7 Oя R  ‘A’ [ .

 @      R  J ? . (1) kajal is a clever girl

1) A cows are grazing on the farm. (incorrect) (2) ravi is faithful boy
2) The cows are grazing on the farm. (correct)
3) A scenery of Kashmir is beautiful. (incorrect)  = – ( : я N c7 ¨ R ;   
4) The scenery of Kashmir is beautiful. (correct)
 ;9  /Q cd A R   article ‘a’ [ 
 A and An are used for general reference.

(A ; An  1 7C   ? ) ? .

 The is used for specific reference. (1) What a lovely flower!

(The - ==ž 7C   ? .) (2) What a fine pen!

(3) What a lovely scene!
I saw a car on the road.
(4) What an exciting story!
( N car 4 œ 9,  + ==ž ? .)

• ;==ž Jg† d (indefinite articles) :- A ; an

 = – a : N  OP8 = @ *    ;
 Article :- A
*   OP8 = @ = @ > X  &   R
 = – # : article ? @B7 @FJ я
 OP8 ; J:  ‘a’ Jg† [  ? .
Oя9 9 R  ‘A’ [ . A Mr. patel A Mr. Trivedi

a pen, a book, a table, a doctor A Mrs. Jani A Miss prajapati

(1) I have a pen (2) she has a book

(3) i am a doctor (4) this is a table  = – 6 : N  @B7 A /   csS

 *p S  J: A Jg† [  9. Oя R   ‘a’ [  ? .

7.. a unicorn a university a user

7.. a cars  A.

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 8
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

 = – , : N  OP8 O     = – ) : N  @B7 @FJ Oя9 9 

J:  ‘a’ [  ? . O    csS   csS / 9 9 R    @B7 J:

Oя9 9  яN4. ‘an’ [ .

A doctor, a teacher An honour, an hour, an honest
(1) prakash is a clerk. 7.. (1) Asha is an honest girl. (« /)
(2) My brother is a farmer.
(4) I am waiting for you about an hour. (; )
(3) rahul is a doctor.

 = – © : U e   @     = – . : N  ;¬ 7  U  G9 @B7

e   J:  ‘a’ [ . A Oя  csS /  R   ‘an’ [  ƒ. 

7.. a hundred, a dozen, a million. An M.A., an S.S.C. An L.L.B. an ST bus

I have a hundred rupee note.
1) Navaldan is an M.A.

 = – ª : N  /Q g x , +,  2) I am an L.L.B. student

3) She is an M.A. from Delhi university.
7@   ‘a’  c 9 ? .
4) He is an N.C.C. officer.
 A ; An one – (4 ), every (7 , G< ), single
”& : an M.A.  Q  a master of arts
(4 `) ; any ( N)  ;9   ? .
(1) This cloth costs four rupees a meter.  = - ( : N  OP8 N 7 @ R  7 @
(2) You should take this medicine three times a day.
G9 @B7 /  R   an [  ƒ.
(3) Twice a week.
(4) He has been appointed for a year. An American, an Indian

(5) She spends five thousand rupees a month. 7. (#) I am an Indian.
(6) He did not say a word against you.
(2)Soniya is an Italian.
(7) A child of five can draw this picture.
 Such ? я  @   ƒ  4 SL  J 
(8) Petrol is sold by the liter.
such ? A  An J ? .

 Article :- an Select such a friend as you can trust.

(4  = ` 7   U   = ž [   @ )

 = – # : N  @B7 @FJ я / 9

==ž Jg† (definite article)
9 R ; csS  /  R  ‘an’ Jg†
[  ? .
An orange an apple An elephant an umbrella
 S    R  the J ? .
7.. (1) Mahes has an orange.
(i) Epics ( R O) – the Ramayana, the paradise lost,
(2) Dilip is an engineer.
(3) Ravi is an American. (ii) Holy books (& u9
 ) – the bible, the Koran.

(iii) Historical buildings (­=R= N ) – the Taj

mahal, the red fort.

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 9
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

(iv) Historical events. (­=R= -) – the French (3) The Arabian ocean is deep.

revolution, the industrial revolution.

 = – . : N   (universal)  ;я+
(v) Political parties (я  ) – the conservative,
(unique object) /Q 7@   9 ? .
the whig.

(vi) Organizations of UNO (j /9) – the The earth, the sun, the Taj Mahal, the stars
(1) The earth moves round the sun.
security council, the international monetary fund.
(2) The world of enertainment is glamorous.
(vii) Rivers (7) – the ganga, the nile.

(viii) Mointains ( ) – the alps, the himalayas.  = -( : U @B7 superlative degree (% qt S ) 

R      ¯ the [ .

(ix) Oceans ([V) – the red sea, the pacific ocean.
(1) Shital is the tallest girl.
(x) Deserts (G7 @) – the sahara, the great sandy. (2) Ravi is the most useful boy.
(3) The dang is the smallest district of Gujarat.
(xi) Canals (R) – the suez canal, the panama canal.

(xii) Valley (AG7 @) – the silent valley, the

   Q   comparative degree  * A the
Shenandoah valley.  c 9 ? .
(xiii) Gulfs (;A) – the persion gulf, the gulf of  The more you read, the more you understand.
 The sooner, the better.

(xiv) Religious groups (&= £ [7) – the hindus, the

 = – a : g7@   J: 9 h S
e J:  ‘the’ [  ? .
(xv) Armed forces (17:) – the navy, the air force.
7.. the east, the first, the last, The universe,
(xvi) Nationalities (qi) – the Indians, the Russians.
the globe, the equator,
(xvii) Newspapers (   `) – the times of india.
The ceiling, the floor, the top,
The Navbharat times. The bottom, the peak, the south pole,

(xviii) Trains (+) – the sarvodaya express, the The north pole, the sky. The south pole,

Sabarmati express.
(1) The sun rises in the east.
(xix) Ships ( R) – the titanic, the bijli.
(2) You are the first boy to come here.

(xx) Musical instruments ( &) – the flute, (3) She studies in the tenth standard.
(4) He was the last man to come.
the piano.
(5) Shimla is situated in the north of india.
(xxi) Branches of government (  = C) – the

judiciary, the legislative, the executive.  = – 6 : N  X=, GX= *p S

(xxii) Designations of persons (OP8 R®) – the
  J: ‘the’ [ .
chairman, the director.
The Indians, the Brahmins
(1) The Indians are frank.
(1) The Ganga is a holy river of india.
(2) The Japanese are clever.
(2) The Everest is a very big mountain.

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 10
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

 = – ## : N = @ > JA X= 2 S <  

 = – , : 4 я OP8, ° , G  u 
J: ‘the’ [  ? .
cd A    @B7 J: ‘the’ [  ? .
The blind, the black, the needy
(1) The rose is a symbol of love. (1) We help the needy
(2) The dog is a faithful animal.
(3) The rich are not always happy.  = #) : @ ;   R  the J ? .
(4) The brave are not afraid of death.
He was wounded in the leg.

 = #. : A   OP8 S   J:

 = – © : N 7 @ 0   J: ‘the’ [  .
the [    J ? .
The U.S.A. the U.K.

7.. the U.S.S.R. is a big country.  He is the newton of our country.

 = – ª : N  ==ž @B7  /Q  

”& :  , , 7 @, |,   N 
J:  the [ .
article  9.
(1) We should help the blind
 OP8 S  ,79 S   ; C S
(2) This is the boy who is clever.
(3) Where is the book that I gave you ?   R  A  An  c ¨  9 9.
(4) The girl in pink dress is my sister.
A gold is a precious metal. (incorrect)
Gold is a precious metal. (correct)
 = – #± : N 4 /Q    c 4 
An ashok was a great king. (incorrect)

9 R ; K9   c 4 <   Ashok was a great king, (correct)
A bravery is a great virtue. (correct)
J: ‘the’ [ .
 79 S   ; C S   R 
(1) This is a pen. The pen is mine.
the J  9,  Q  я N Sœ 79 
(2) That is an elephant. The elephant is fat.
(3) There lived a fox in the forest. The fox was very Sœ OP8   R the  c
9 ? .

Whet is grown in the Punjab.

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

3) Singular - plural (4 S- *p


Singular: My mother has a colorful dish. Plural: My mother has many colorful dishes.

 Underline the noun in the given sentences and on the line in each row write whether the noun
is singular or plural.

6. My sticks are broken. singular

1. The dog jumped high. singular
7. Have you seen my kids? plural
2. Two of the glasses are broken. plural
8. That woman is old. singular
3. That old man is very generous. singular
9. The bird flew in the sky. singular
4. They gifted her a nice toys. plural
10. There are five fish in the pond. plural
5. Please call the doctor now. singular

  1  }u ] @B7 ?: “S” Tattoo – tattoos   Q  ; 7 : J @B7  ? d f

+ 9 *p S 9 ? .

folio – folios  fe R  ?   *p S  “s”
Kilo – kilos
Pen – pens, book – books, chair –
 ; 7 : J @B7  O R  ? G<  ? .
chairs, car – cars Friend – friends, Day Proof – proofs
‘s’ + 9 *p S 9 ? .
– days, Boy – boys, Radio – radios, Roof – roofs
 k€ F } O J  R  Chief – chiefs
Video – videos, Bamboo- bamboos Chef – chefs
  ‘s’ G<  ? . Handkerchief – handkerchiefs
 Q  :
 ch  csS 9 R   ` ‘s’ Belief-beliefs
 @B7 } s, ch, sh, x  o R  Safe- safes
G<  ? . cliff-cliffs
“es” G<  ? .
Dynamo – dynamos Dwarf – dwarfs
Ass - asses Photo – photos Brief – briefs
Branch – branches Logo – logos Strife – strifes
Box - boxes Reef – reefs
auto –autos
Bench – benches fife – fifes
Commando – commandos
Bush - bushes
Canto - cantos
Bus – buses
Memo -memos
Buffalo - buffaloes ). When the word ends in y preceded
Motto –mottos
Brush – brushes
Piano – pianos by a consonant, change the y to i
Class – classes
Cello – cellos
Church – churches and add @B7 } “y” R  “ies”
Epoch – epochs
Fox – foxes
Glass – glasses Stomach (/ )  , Rя – stomachs G<  ? .
Mango – mangoes Eunuch (j ) OI: – eunuchs. Lady - ladies
Potato – potatoes
Tomato – tomatoes Monarch (   ) X monarchs Story – stories
Torch – torches Study – studies
1. @B7 } f  fe R  “ves”
  Q  ; 7 : J @B7  я O Library - libraries
G<  ? .
 R  N /  R   @B7 Army - armies
Knife - knives
` ‘s’ + 9 *p S 9 ? . Wife - wives Baby - babies
Calf - calves
Radio – radios Body – bodies
Thief - thieves
studio – studios Wolf – wolves
Cuckoo – cuckoos Leaf – leaves
bamboo-bamboos Loaf – loaves

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 12
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

 Q  ; 7 : J @B7  ? d y a. Singular and Plural Auspices (–C – )

R  Q  y  R  /  R  ‘y’ ? S    4 S ; *p S  belongings (  )
‘s’  ? .   ? .
Archives (7K)

Boy – boys Deer sheep Fish crops clothes ( +)

Key – keys zebra swine species Means Customs (я )

Monkey – monkeys series Crossroads Dozen contents (;Lh k )
Donkey – donkeys thousand Score innings Circumstances (я)
Ray – rays Series hundred Means
earnings ( )
Play – plays
Savings (*S)
6. Plural only ( *p S  я R)
riches ([ ~›…)
.. Irregular Plurals(    @B7 *] S    4 SL F & ? , 
Goods (   )
C> 9 J  R 9  C> *p S   ? .

G  *p S 9)
greens (  )
Cattle (–) police ( )
Lodgings ( @)
People (  ) youth (j )
Mouse -mice looks (SR)
Poultry ( -* ) gentry ( Û )
Child - children Manners (=@qS)
Cavalry (-+   )
Louse - lice nuptials ( ‹)
crew (=   RL S 7:)
Man - men
Thanks congratulations Pains (+)
Goose- geese
particulars (= )
Tooth - teeth
 U * C ?   & ; Remains (; @ >)
Foot - feet
+ *p S  J ? . premises (N     R7)
Ox - oxen

Woman- women
Stairs (=9)
Spectacles (S„ ) glasses – (S„ )
Formula – formulae valuables (- )
Balances (`я ) scissors – ( )
Cherub – cherubim Vegetables (@ C])
Pliers (,  +) tongs – (S=)
Radius – radii troops (1)
Shears (  ) scales (`я )
Bandit – banditti Thanks (JC)
Binoculars (m *) pincers (,)
Bacterium – bacteria
Trousers ( Ü-) Socks ( X) tidings ( S)
shorts (SÝ) Pants (Þ ) Surroundings (Jv*v = /)
(. Compond nouns
pantaloons (Þ ) Knickers (= )
compliments (–C s?)

Congratulations (;kC7)
Son-in-law - sons in law

Step son - step sons

greetings (–C s?)
S   R @ *p S 
Passer by - passers by Regards (–C s?)
 ? .
Father in law - fathers in law credentials (C  `)
Amends (L  C4)
Man of war - men of war Respects (J7)
arms (@_)
Daughter in law - daughters in law

Brother-in-law - brothers in law Annals ( A)

arrears (*  )

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 13
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

(1) Uncountable nouns are used in singular, they cannot Bacterium (* 8 g) - bacteria
turned into plural.
Datum (= ) - data
  @      4 S  я J ? ,  L
Agendum ( 2 kS) - agenda
*p S 9N @ Q 9.
Erratum (–›…` ) - errata
S      @    RN  L *p S

9Q 9.
S  @B7 ` s  ? .

Album (uR9) albums

Money () furniture (K=£S)
Museum (uR ) museums
Information ( gR) bread (l +)
Forum (C/9) forums
Advice ( R) luggage ( )
Stadium ( L 7) stadiums
”& : uncountable nouns  ‘s’  ‘es’ G< 

9,  я   J: a  an ‘article ¨  (5) Foreign nouns (Greek) ending in is form their plural by
9. changing is into es.
U u   ?: is ? ,  L  *p S is  я‹4
(2) Material nouns and abstract nouns are always used in es [  9 9 ? .
Axis (&) exes
79 S ; C S   R @ 4 S  я
Analysis ( ~9œ) analyses
J ? .
Basis () beses

Copper (•) , mercy (7) wheat (-ß) Crisis (  ) crises

Bravery (*Rm)  L  *p S  9N @ . Diagnosis (=7) diagnoses

”& : 79 S ; C S   ‘s’  ‘es’ Hypothesis ( d, Qœ) hypotheses

G<  9,  я J: a  an Jg† Oasis (

) oases

J  9. Parenthesis ( á) parentheses

Synopsis (F A) synopses

(3) The following nouns are used s singular.
Synthesis (я) syntheses
S    4 S   ? .

News ( S) wages ( )

Innings (  7 ) gallows (K S+)

(6) If the final element of a compound is noun, it takes s to
The wages of sin is death (the bible).
form the plural.
я  j8    }= 7  R    ‘s’
Jà= O   wages *p S   ? .
His wages are hundred rupees a day. + 9 *p S 9 ? .

Boy-friend (Y> = `) boy-friends

Girl-friend (_ = `) girl-friends

(4) Foreign nouns (latin) endings in um form their plurals Fountain –pen (Kc1  ) foundation-pens
by changing um into a
U g   ?: um ? .  L  *p S um  (7) In compound nouns, ‘s’ is added to the noun if it is
я‹4 a [  9 9 ? . preceded by an adjective.
я  j8      R  = @ > R 

Curriculum (;¬h ) - curricula   ‘s’ + 9 *p S 9 ? .

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 14
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

Maid – servant (_  ) maid – servants. Many, several a number of the number of
one of the boy has got the first prize. (incorrect)
Fellow-traveller (9 G ) fellow travelers one of the boys has got the first prize. (correct)
a number of student was present in the meeting.
(8) When the first clement is man or woman in compound (incorrect)
nouns, both the elements are turned into plural. a number of students were present in the meeting.
|  j8  L G9 7 man  woman R (correct)
(13) The following words take singular nouns.
< * 7L *p S 9 ? .
S  @B7 ? J Q  4 S  R ? .
Woman-doctor (_ +8) women-doctors Each, every, more than
Man-servant (Y>- ) men-servants One, many a much, little.
Each girl and each boy was given a prize.

(9) When the first part of a compound noun is a verb, ‘s’ is (G< ?  ; ?  N ;j. )
added at the end. More than one policeman is involved in it.
|  j8   G9 - gh7 R  (4  à     +   ? .)

? d  -  ‘s’ + 9 *p S 9 ? . (14) When a numertical adjective is followed by two nouns,
the first noun is always singular.
Run-away (C y) run-aways
|   = @ > ?  J R  G9
Spend-thrift (c+c) spendthrifts
 R @ 4 S  J ? .
Grown-up (g8 ) grown-ups I gave him a ten-repees-note. (incorrect)
Take-off (cÝ) take-offs I gave him a ten-repuee-note. (correct)
She bought two-dozens-pencils. (incorrect)
Break-down (*& +ƒ  ) break-downs She bought two-dozen-pencils. (correct)
A four-years child was weeping at the bus stop.
(10) In a compound noun, when the first element is noun (incorrect)
and the second noun is an agent formed from the verb, A four-year child was weeping at the bus stop. (correct)
‘s’ is added the second element. (15) Noun contains – ‘c’, verb contains- ‘s’.
| * Q ~ S  R  *X -  ‘s’ S    ‘c’ J ? , gh7  ‘s’

+ 9 *p S 9 ? . Noun verb

Advice - advise
Woman-hater (_ K ) woman-haters Practice - practise
Art-lover ( G ) art-lovers Device - devise
Prophecy - prophesy
Stone-carver (Z9   ) stone-carvers Licence - license

(11) When a compound noun is formed of noun + I do not need your advise. (incorrect)
preposition phrase, - ‘s’ is added to the first element. I do not need your advice. (correct)
|  j8  - ; prepositional phrases
He should practice regularly. (incorrect)
9 * Þ   R  G9 -  ‘s’ + 9 *p S He should practise regularly. (correct)
9 ? . (16) Compound nouns ending in ful are turned into plural by
adding a to the second element.
Man-of-war (j… ) men-of-war
U  j8   } ful R    L
Mother-in-law (2) mothers-in-law
*p S ful  s + 9 9 ? .
Commander-in-chief ( =) commanders-in-
Handful ([t C ) handfuls
Mouthful ( k:) mouthful
Grant-in-aid (;L7`) grants-in-aid
(12) The noun is always plural after the following words. Spoonful (S S C ) spoonful

S  @B7 ? R @ *p SL  J ? . Cupful (  C ) copfuls

One of, each of, both of,all, few,

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

4) Pronoun- 
The word is used in the place of a noun is called a ‘pro-noun’. (  *7  @B7   R .)
I have a pen. It is given to me. It is my pen. A pen is mine.

⇒ 4   gh ; E7   + ;9 

(1) Personal pronoun – OP8 S  
я      c ç ; Q R
⇒ ¨         :-
  / S   R .
4 S *p S

G.. I (p) we (; ) Ex.: (1) Don't harm yourself.

*.. You (Q) you ( ) (2) He praised himself.
(3) She killed herself.
`.. He ( ) they ( ) (4) We did not do it ourselves.
(5) I washed it myself.
She ( )

It ( /Q  ) (3) Emphatic pronoun – C7@  

⇒ C S ; / S     1 K 

 / S    ? .  c C 7@    ?  я
    = @ >         
Subject Object Possessive Possessive Reflexive
C7@   .
adjectives pronouns
G..4. I – p Me –  My – Y Mine Y My self
Ex.: (1) I myself shall do. (p  , *я N gR 4 
G..*. We – Us – Our – ; Y Ours - ; Y Ourselves
; ; 
*..4. You – You – Your – Y Yours - Y Yourself (2) Rekha herself is responsible for this mistake.
   (3) They themselves went to the police station.
*..*. You – You – Your –  Y Yours – Yourselves
(4) Kamal himself opened the window.
`..4. He –  Him – His –  L  His – Himself
   L  (4) Demonstrative pronoun – 7@  

⇒ This, That, These, Those   7@  

`..4. She –  Her – Her –  L  Hers – Herself
   L   ? .
`..4. It –  It   Its –  L  Its  L  Itself
`..*. They – Them Their -  L Theirs – Themselves 4  G  79— ^: + 7@   
c 9 ? .

(1) Personal pronoun Ex.: (1) This is a good boy.

Ex.: (1) she gave me a gift. (2) These are beautiful flowers.
(2) All students know him. (3) That is a girl.
(3) The teacher knows me. (4) Those are big trees.
(4) The book is mine. 7 A :- Jя @B7   R     J
(5) Ours is a big school.
  7@ = @ > * X ? .
(6) These are theirs books.
(7) I am Aman. My father's name is Rakeshbhai. Ex.: (1) This girl is clever.
(8) Reena wants her pen. (2) Those trees are big.
(3) This boy is good.

(2) Reflexive pronoun – / S   (5) Interrogative pronoun – GH9 S  

⇒ who, whose, which, what   GH9 S

   c :-

ANGEL ACADEMY : .7575 072 872 #)% : & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 16
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

Ex.: (1) who – ? (OP8  ) (5) What do you want? ( /Q)

(2) Whose – L? (*&

 7@ ) (6) Which is your favorite film? ( N, j)

(3) Whom –  ? (    )

(6) Relative pronoun – *&
(4) Which - ? (G, /Q ;9  =я˜ 79

⇒ Whom, Whose, Who, Which, Who, that  c
(5) What – –? (=я˜ 79  )
Ex.: (1) Those who run fast catch the bus.
(2) The boy who got first prize is my friend's son.
Ex.: (1) Who is your class teacher? (OP8  ) (3) This is the pen whose cap is missing.
(2) What is your father? (O   ) (4) This is the book whose author is kalidas.
(5) The book which I want is not available in the
(3) Whose pen is this? (*&
 k  7@  library.
(6) What do you want from me ?
(7) All that glitters is not gold.
(4) Whom did you call? (  -  U  )

1. Relative pronouns : *= &   

1. Who =  U,  U (  = CP8)
e.g. This is the boy who came first.
• A  я‹ R   L  R ; A  я‹ ? gh7  R  gh7 J  A  я‹  who

[  ? .

2. Whom =  U ( = CP8)
e.g. This is the girl whom I proposed.
• A  я‹ R   L  R ; A  я‹ ?   (¨   L  ) J  A  я‹  whom

[  ? .

3. Whose =  UL (*= &)

e.g. This is the girl whose purse is stolen.
• A  я‹ R   L  ; A  я‹ ?   J  A  я‹  whose [  ? .

4. Which =  U (  9 = C8)

• Which  c  1  =я˜ 1  X=    ? .

e.g. this is the lion which belongs to Gujarat.
• A  я‹ R  Lq = L  R 9 A  я‹ ? gh7L F ; ;1  R < which 

? .

5. That =  U

• That  c ] ; =я˜ * X= 9 9 ? , who, whom, which  ; ]  that  @  ? . J

c S  c 9 ? .

• That is a beautiful house.

1. All, same, any, none, nothing, everything, the only U  ;==ž    ? that     ? .
e.g. raju ate everything that was in the kitchen.

2. *&
   ==ž R < that  ? .

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

e.g. the river that flows through savarkundla is the Navli.

3. OP8, G,  79 9 ;9 2S < that  ? .

e.g. the gold and the goldsmith that were found at the airport were examined by the customer officer.

4. Superlative degree   = @ > ? that  ? .

e.g. mount everest is the highest peak that is in the Himalayas.
6. what =  U

•  1  what *&

      <   ?  = kCP8L      ? . What 

c gh7@ ¨  9 ? .

e.g. I could not understand what he said.

• She will choose the colour which looks good on everyone.

• She is complaining to whoever she comes across nowadays.
• There is a car in the parking lot that someone has painted a bright pink.
• She needs to know by tomorrow who will be accompanying her on the trip.
• Is there anyone here whose mobile phone has a signal?

2. Interrogative pronouns : GH 2S
1. Who = ‘ ’ : who LqX=   ? , U  7. Why = ‘@  ’ :  ?   @B7  ? .

2 S ? . e.g. why do you come early?

e.g. who is your father ?

8. Where = ‘¨’ : /9: 7C  J @B7  ? .

2. Whom = ‘  ’ : whom  2 S ? . Lq X=  e.g. where do you go?

 ? .
9. Which = ‘, N’ : 7 C 2 S  OP8 ;
e.g. whom do you trust?
/Q *  which  ? .

3. Whose = ‘ L’ :    ;9 2 S ?   ?  e.g. which is your book?

Which is your favourite dish?
R я ? .
10. How far = ‘ Þ m’ : } X   ? .
e.g. whose pen is this?
e.g. how far is kundla from amreli?

4. Which = ‘. N’ : which  = CP8    <

11. How long – ‘    ’ : *N 2 S  9 gh
  ? gh7 J ? . Which OP8  я /Q 
  X   ? .
7 ;9    @  ? . e.g. how long did they play?
e.g. which is your book ? How long is the hockey ground?
which of the boys wrote his answer?
5. What = ‘–’ : =я˜ /Q   ? . 12. How much = ‘ Þ’ :   @    G R 
e.g. what is the time? 79 яZ9 X    ? .
O  X  what  ? . e.g. how much milk do you drink daily?
e.g. what is your brother?
13. How many = ‘ Þ’ :  @    79  
6. When = ‘¨ ’ :   ?   when  ? .
? .
e.g. when did you get up last night?
e.g. how many marks did you get?

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

14. how deep = ‘ Þ ßy’ : ß7N 7C   ? . e.g. how will you come?
• Which one would you like?
e.g. how deep is the Arabian sea?
• What is your name?
• Who will be managing the buffet?
15. How often = ‘   ’ : ghL G  X   • Whom did you tell about this?
 ? . • Whoever could have done this
• Whichever one will you choose?
e.g. how often do you watch movies?
• Who rang the bell?
• Whom were you meeting with
16. How = ‘ N  ’ : gh  X   ? .

3. Indefinite pronouns : ;==ž   

1. All = ‘*à, *&’ : *p SL F R 9 gh7 6. one = ‘ N 4 ’ :  7 OP8   ? .  4

*p S я  ? . SL F ? .

e.g. all the boys were present in the class. e.g. one should try to get success.

2. Any = ‘  , N’ :  1  GH9    ¨  7. no one/ none = ‘ N я gR’ : J    4

 ? . S  я  ? .
e.g. 1. Was there any coffee in the cup? e.g. no one can challenge god.
2. there wasn’t any coffee in the cup.
8. no body = ‘ f gR’ :   ;9 & ? . J  
3. Anybody = ‘  OP8’ : 4 SL F ? . gh7L
 K8 4 S   ? . J   9 Q
4 SL F  ? .  1    ;9 
gh7 4 SL R ? .
GH9 ¨   ? . e.g. no body likes to die early.
e.g. 1. Was there wasn’t anybody in the hall?
2. there wasn’t anybody in the hall.  , 9y’ : яZ9 S ;9   @ 
9. some = ‘ Þ

  OP8  /Q   <   9

4. Each = ‘7 ’ : each  c 4 S  я 9 ?
*p SL gh7  ? . G R  J  
 9   9 L  gh7 : G  4 S  я
 <   9 4 SL gh7  ? .
 ? . Each = @ >    ? <   ?
e.g. some were absent from the meeting.
  Þ   R ?   я  every  = @ > Is there any milk in the glass? There is some.
  я  ? . Every     @ Q 9
10. somebody = ‘ N OP8’ :   9 4 SL
| each  @  ? .
gh7L F  ? .

Each 9 every * 4 S F ? . e.g. somebody is there near that well.

1. Each of the teachers has a chalk with him. 11. many = ‘-o, -’ : many ?  @   ƒ  
2. Each tree was full fruits.  ? .   9 gh7L *p SL F  ?
3. Every tree was full of fruits.
e.g. 1. Many saw the thief, but none tried to catch him.
2. many people in india face poverty.
5. everyone = ‘7 OP8’ : 4 S  я  ? .  

9  4 S  Q gh7 : [я*  ? . 12. much = ‘-o’ : G R ;9    @    /Q
e.g. everyone is present in the school today.  J    ? .   9 gh7L 4

SL F  ? .
e.g. much water is needed daily.

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 19
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13. “one” and “the others” = ‘4 ’ ; ‘*v ’ : one 4è e.g. did you find anything from that safe? No, I didn’t find
4 ; the other 4  R
  *] /Q  OP8 *

9 : G  gh7L 4 SL F  ? . 16. everything = ‘7 /Q. *m я’ : 4 S  
e.g. he has two daughters one is clever and the other is 9 /Q   ? .
quite dull.
e.g. god has made everything nicely.

14. some…the others = ‘   , * ’ : * *p S

17. nothing = ‘ N я gR’ : /Q   ? .  
F R 9 gh7L : [я* *p SL я F 
;9 & ? .
? . Sœ e 9 ‘9+’  some  ? . 9 e.g. nothing is impossible for a man of will.
‘*   ’ the others  ? .
e.g. out of forty pupils some are present but the others 18. something = ‘  N , f /Q’ :  1  R 
are absent. ¨  N /Q   ? .
E.g. ya-toe found something from the backyard.
15. anything = ‘ N’ : 4 S  9 /Q 

 ? .  1  anything   ;9  GH9 • If anyone has seen my notebook please return it to me
• A few of the members were not satisfied with the
¨   ? . service.
• Nobody was answering when I called them last.

4. Reciprocal pronouns : /g   

1. Each other ; one another  reciprocal pronouns R ? .

*  ;9 ‘4 *X ’  ‘/’ 9 ? . * 4 S   sS =/* R < each other  ? . * 

c  1   /9 9 ? . 4 *XL, 4 *X, U  *&

 ;9 R < each other’s ƒ.

7 A : one other, every other, each the other   c 7=   .

• Jamie and Jack always sit beside each other in break.

• They haven’t seen one another since last year.
• The trees seem to reach towards each other in a strong wind.

5. Personal pronouns : OP8 S   

1. Subjective forms : (  F) : (10) The elephant was hungry. It couldn’t work much.
(11) the boys are in school uniforms. They have come for the
I, we, you, he, she, it, they,  F ? .   c school day celebration.
¨   /9 я 9 ? .
(1) I am watching a match. 2. Objective forms : (  F) :
(2) He went to the market. Me (  ), us (;  ), you (4. .  ), you (  ) (*.
(3) She is doing the laundry.
.  ), her (  ), it (  ), them (  ), F
(4) It is important to them.
? .
(5) She is at work.
(6) We don’t know writing. ¨    c gh7 ? /9 9 ? .
(7) You are my good friend. (1) Please give me a pen
(8) He was absent yesterday. (2) That book belongs to me.
(9) Monika knows English well. She can get a good job. (3) He will meet us later.

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(4) The teacher didn’t allow us to enter the class. (7) I have seen your friends but I haven’t seen theirs.
(5) I will call you later. (7 A : c   ›
= *&
(6) Boys, I can’t help you all
(7) Niraj fell down but nobody helped him. J Þ   9.)
(8) Mrs. Dalal is a good cook. All the Indians know her.
(9) That monkey may bite you. Don’t tease it. 5. Emphatic and reflexive pronouns :
(10) The teachers are in their classes. Call them in the office. (C S 9 / S   )

3. First possessive pronouns : (G9 *&

Myself (  X ), ourselves (;  X ), yourself

( X , 4. .  ,) yourselves (  X -*. .

My ( F), our (; F), your (F-4. .  ) your
 ), himself (  X ), herself (  X ), itself
( F-*. .  ), his ( L) , her ( L) , its ( L) , 9
(  X ), ; themselves (  X ),  C S
    ? .   ? R @
their ( L) , *&
9 / S    R ? .
N   R ?  9   *&
 = @ >
(7 A :  /  ? Q я J 
(possessive adjective)  R ? .
(1) You are my teacher    CS R ? .)
(2) That is their book, not yours. e.g. I mvself finished my work.
(3) That is our clubhouse.  /  ? Q я  J    
(4) Mr. vora has your car. / S R ? .
(5) Your school looks very big.
e.g. I finished my work myself.
(6) Our presents are always worried about us.
(7) Nishant is a lawyer. His brother is a doctor.   J   /  F G  я [  ? .
(8) Do you know kavita? Her father is a famous physician. 4 S F  self  ? 9 *p S F 
(9) The car stopped suddenly. Its tyre had a puncture.
(10) The books were quite cheap. Their pages were rough and selves  ? .
dirty. (1) You should do your work yourself.
(7 A : c   G9 *&
  ?  (2) we ourselves can complete our course.
(3) Ronak himself was injured last Sunday.
J Þ   ? .) (4) Mrs. Dixit arranged a party herself.
(5) The woman cleaned all the streets themselves.
4. Second possessive pronouns : (›
= *&
   ) : (7 A : ¨ ¨  4 S  L *&

R  yourself [ ƒ 9 *p S  L *& R

Mine ( F), ours (; F), yours (F-4. .  ), yours
 yourselves [ ƒ. )
( F-*. .  ), his ( L) , hers ( L) , its ( L) 9 (1) Shital, walk yourself.
their ( L) , ›
= *&
    ? . J    (2) Boys, read yourselves.

?  RQ 9,  Q  gh7L F RN @  ? .

• Rosa was going to take it to the shop but ended up fixing it
= *&
    }7 я     @ 9N herself one afternoon.
• He prefers to be by himself after a game.
X ? . • Apart from ordering in, they cooked a few snack
(1) This is my bicycle but where is yours? themselves.
(2) Mine is a fine school. • The horse hurt itself while trying to escape.
(3) Ours is vast and great country. • They themselves knew that the prank was in bad taste.
(4) vishal got the prize because his was the best painting. • Avoid reporting things that you yourself haven’t
(5) These are your books but what about hers? witnessed.
(6) These are your books but what about hers?

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Pronoun  Û A  U  ;< ** :

(1) The pronouns – mine, ours, yours, hers and theirs – are used Each other * OP8 / /Q 7C  J ? .
after nouns or they are not followed by nouns.
One another – * 9 à OP8 / /Q 7C  J ? .
Mine, ours, yours, hers ; theirs   ? J ? ;9 
The two girls envied one another. (incorrect)
  ?  J Q  9. The two girls envied each other. (correct)
This book is mine. We should help each other. (incorrect)
Hers is a big house. We should help one another. (correct)
Her house is big.
(8) In comparative and positive degrees, the pronouns must be in
(2) After let and between objective case of pronouns is used. the same case.
Let ; between ?     = CP8 J ? . Comparative ; positive degree     = CP8  
There is no secret between you and. i. (incorrect) R ? .
There is no secret between you and me. (correct)
He is older than i. (not me)
Let they work in their own way. (incorrect)
My father likes my brother more than me. (not i)
Let them work in their own way. (correct)

(9) When two pronouns are joined by as well as, or and both the
(3) With it + be, the subjective case of the pronouns us used.
pronouns must be in the same case.
It + be ?     = CP8 J ? .
| *   as well as ; and 9 я+ ? < *
Is it me you wish to speak ? (incorrect)
It is I you wish to speak ? (correct)    = CP8   R ? .
Is it I you wish to speak ? (correct) He as well as me is mistaken. (incorrect)
It was him who helped us. (incorrect) He as well as I is mistaken. (correct)
It was he who helped us. (correct) We invited her as well as he. (incorrect)
We invited her as well as him. (correct)
(4) If collective noun is used as a unit, it takes a singular pronoun, if This invitation is for him and i. (incorrect)
its members assert takes individuality, it takes a plural pronoun. This invitation is for him and me. (correct)
я [ R S  4 4   J  4 SL
(10) After except objective case of the pronouns is used.
  J ? .
Except ?    = CP8 J ? .
я [ R ¬ OP8  ¯  *p SL   All went except i. (incorrect)
J ? . All went except me. (correct)

The jury was unanimous in its verdict.

(11) Either, neither and both are used for two persons or thins.
(1S   Ž 7  4  RQ)
  7 C  J
Either, neither ; both * OP8  /Q
The jury were divided in their verdict.
? .
(1S  Ž 7 } C 7 R)

I have invited both ram and shyam but neither of them has
(5) Pronouns must agree to the nouns they refer.
  U    ?   X= ; S ;L
( Ü  ; „ *  J `
  J€j ? ,  * 9 4  
? .
J 9.
My uncle and guardian gave his permission.
Either of the two boys is lying.
(uncle ; guardian 4 я OP8 ? .)
(* 9 4 ?  vé *  ê ? .)
Uncle and my guardian gave their permission
(uncle ; guardian * ;  OP8 ? .)
(12) When more than two persons or things are referred, use
any in the place of either and none in the place of neither.

(6) With each and every, the singular pronoun is used.

| *   9 à OP8  /Q cd A R

Each ; every ? 4 SL   J ? . < either  я‹4 any ; neither  *7 none
Each of the girls has finished their work (incorrect)
 c 9 ? .
Each of the girls has finished her work (correct)
I like neither of these four books. (incorrect)
(7) Each other is used for two persons or things; I like none of these four books. (correct)
One another is used for more than two persons. Either of these boys can do this. (incorrect)

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Any of these boys can do this. (correct) Who is more popular, Rahul Gandhi or narendra modi ?
(13) In passive voice, objective case of the pronouns is used. Which is more popular, Rahul Gandhi or narendra modi ?
Passive voice  by ?    = CP8 J ? . (correct)

A letter is written by him. (not he)

(20) Which and that can be interchanged in some cases.

(14) Use none in the sense of all……not, neither in the sense of   я‹4 which ; what 4я*X я‹4
both … not.  @  ? .
All … not  ;9  none ; both … not  ;9 
That ; who  4 *X я‹4 J  @ .
neither  c 9 ? . The pen which / that you gave me is lost.
All of them did not go there. (incorrect)  Q  superlatives, all, only, any, none ; nothing ?
None of them went there. (correct)
Both of them did not inform us. (incorrect) that J , which  who Rë.
Neither of them informed us. (correct) Man is the only animal who can laugh. (incorrect)
Man is the only animal that can laugh. (correct)
(15) Such and same are followed by as. All which glitters is not gold. (incorrect)
Such ; same ? as J All that glitters is not gold. (correct)

Select such friends that you can trust. (incorrect)

(21) Who is used in subjective case; whom is used in objective
Select such friends as you can trust (correct)
case; and whose is used in possessive case.
This is the same sum that we solved yesterday. (incorrect)
This is the same sum as we solved yesterday. (correct) Who  = CP8 , whom –  = CP8  ;

Whose – *&
 = CP8  J ? .
(16) After negatives but is used as a pronouns.
Those who gods love die young. (incorrect)
 < @B7 ? but   J ? , but  ;9 Those whom gods love die young (correct)
who…not, This is the girl whom got the first prize. (incorrect)
Which... not 9 RN but ? not J Q 9. This is the girl who got the first prize.(correct)

There is none that wishes to be happy. (incorrect)

(22) One must be followed by one’s, oneself, not by his,
There is none but wishes to be happy. (correct)
himself, her, herself.

(17) When but is used as preposition it takes objective One  /9 R    ? one’s  oneself я J ,
pronoun. his, himself  her, herself  J .
When but is used as a conjunction it takes subjective
One should mind his own business. (incorrect)
One should mind one’s own business. (correct)
Preposition   but  9  = CP8, я   One should be honest to himself. (incorrect)
but  = CP8 J ? . On should be honest to oneself. (correct)
(23) The pronouns follow this order : the third persons, the
She invited all but he. (incorrect)
second persons and the first persons.
She invited all but him. (correct)
We, you and they are all friends. (incorrect)
It never rains but it pours.
They, you and we are all friends. (correct)
He is bad, but he has some virtues.
 Q  N ;=s?  A* w~< •   R 
(18) Some is generally used in positive sentence, any is    – G9 Y>, ›
 Y> ; `X Y> 4
generally used in negative and interrogative sentences.
h  J ? .
Some  C R < ¨  J ? .
You and I are all selfish. (incorrect)
Any –  < ; GH S ¨  J ? . I and you are all selfish. (correct)
Is there any chance of his promotion ?
Yes, there are some. (24) What is used for non-personal reference,
No, there aren’t any. What is equivalent to that which
What k* P8 7C  J ? U ;9 that which
(19) Which is used for selection.
U  9 ? .
| 7   R < which J ? .

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What (that which) cannot be cured must be endured. Will you give me your pen ? take it. (correct)
(U N я  R  R ƒ яN4.)
(30) The following nouns take feminine pronouns.

(25) That is used for personal as well as non personal S    ?  S    J ? .
referance. Moon, sea, earth, country, nature, justice, fortune, mercy,
That – P8  я k*= P8 7C   ? . peace, science.
India is proud of its rich past. (incorrect)
He was the only sailor that survived.
India is proud of her rich past. (correct)
( 4 ` A  R U *S .) Nature teaches its lessons strictly. (incorrect)
Do you remember the story that he told ? Nature teaches her lessons strictly. (correct)
(  R     7 ? ?)
(31) The following nouns take masculine pronouns.

(26) Some transitive verbs such as enjoy, satisfy, avail, burn, S    9 Y> S    J ? .
hurt absent, cheat, introduce, present, distinguish etc are Death, sun, winter, time.
often followed by reflective pronouns when there is no Death lays its icy hands on kings. (incorrect)
onject. Death lays his icy hands on kings. (correct)
  gh€7 U   enjoy, avail, absent, distinguish
(32) Possessive pronouns are used before ‘ing’ from of the
  ?  J  R    ? reflective verb.
prouns J ? . gh7 ‘ing’ : F R     *&

He enjoyed at the party. (incorrect) = CP8 J ? .
He enjoyed himself at the party. (incorrect)
I do not like him boasting. (incorrect)
He enjoyed the party. (correct)
I do not like his boasting. (correct)

(27) The demonstrative pronouns – this – these, that – those

(33) Relative pronouns – who, whom, whose, that, which, but,
should be carefully used with sort and kind. Sort and kind
as, are not used in the beginning of a sentence.
are used in singular.
       who, whom, whose, that, which,
| 7@    this – these, that – those  c
but, as ¨ @FJ   9.
sort ; kind 9    J ? < kind ; sort
Who work hard always succeed. (incorrect)
4 S  J ? . Those who work hard always succeed. (correct)
I do not like these sorts of pictures. (incorrect)
I do not like this sort of pictures. (correct) (34) In certain cases who and whom can be interchanged, but
I do not like the pictures of this sort. (correct) if preposition is used whom is preferred.
  я‹4 who ; whom 4 *X я‹4
(28) In indirect speech this and that are turned into that and
those.  @  ? ,  Q  | preposition J R <

Indirect speech  this ; these L ;Lh that ; whom J .

those  F 9 ? . Who are referring ?

Whom are referring ?
I requested him to type this letter. (incorrect)
I requested him to type that letter. (correct) Whom are referring to ? (;Rë who  J  @ .)

(29) It is often wrongly omitted. (35) Objective case of pronoun in used after prepositions.
-  it  ¨ 9 A  m     J ? . Preposition ?    = CP8 J ? .
Suffice to say, he is not guilty (incorrect) Do not look at she in this way. (incorrect)
Suffice it to say, he is not guilty. (correct) Do not look at her in this way. (correct)
Will you give me your pen ? take (incorrect)

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5) Adjective (= @ >)
“The word which qualifies a noun is called an adjective.”  v :-   ;9  &  @B7 = @ > R ? .


OP8  R = @ >   L  2 S  @B7 4 = @ >
my house is white your country is big new books are expensive we are happy here
she has three small dogs this language is very easy I have a small green house

Ex. : (1) jiya is a beautiful baby.

;Rë, beautiful = @ > ? . U OP8  R  = @ > L (B) Definite adjective : h 7@ ? .

2 S  ? . (1) My name was the third in the merit list.

(2) Dr. Jivraj Mehta was the first chief minister of Gujarat.
7 A :   ;9  я Rë ¨ gh    (3) Sunday is the first day of a week.
 gh7 ? = @ > c 9 ? .
Ex. : (1) this book is fine. (C) Indefinite adjective : ;==ž @ > – яZ9 7@ ? .
(1) This is all for you.
Kinds of adjective :- = @ > w ? G  ? : (2) I do not want to get more, it is enough.
(3) There is much water in the river.
(1) Proper adjective – M S = @ >

(2) Numeral or adjective of number – e S = @ > (D) Distributive adjective : RíS = @ >

(3) Adjective of quality or descriptive adjective –  S Each, every, either, neither  ....

= @ > Each – 4 S   – ;9 *p S U  9.

(4) Adjective of quantity – яZ9 S = @ > 7 A : distributive pronoun ; distributive adjective

(5) Interrogative adjective – GH9 S = @ >  K  :-

(6) Demonstrative adjective – 7@ = @ > = @ > R @ @FJ  [   |   [ ¨ ?

Jš [  .
(1) Proper adjective – M S = @ >
(1) Every student got a prize. (= @ >)
= @ >  9  M 9 * = @ >
Give every students a pen. (  )
M S = @ > R ? .
(2) Each girl was present. (= @ >)
(1) The Japanese people are hard working.
(2) The Chinese product is accepted by most of the people. Give each a pen. (  )
(3) We are Indian.
(3) Adjective of quality –  S = @ >
(2) adjective of number – e S = @ > (1) Rahul is a good boy.
e S = @ >  e  ^ +  gR, * (2) This is a black pen.
(3) Reena is a fat girl.
(G9 , *я  ...)  cd A 9 ? . (4) Bombay is a large city.
- e S = @ > [e S = C ? . (5) Mr. Shah is an honest man.
7 A : | ` 4 Þ = @ > R < = @ >

(A) Adjective of number : e 7@ ? . J: Jš [   R.

(1) There are fifteen students in the class. (1) Sandip is tall.
(2) Ten children are playing in the ground. (2) Kalpesh is hardworking.
(3) The hand has five fingers. (3) Jayeshbhai is emotional

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(2) He promised to pay me at a leter date.

(4) Adejective of quantity – яZ9 S = @ > /
Last : ? dÞ
g  S = @ >
(1) This is the last edition of this book.
Many – - : (2) Her name was the last in the merit list.
there are many students in the class. (3) Today is the last day for the payment of fees.

Little : & Rë .... f Uƒ .... Latest : ? d   ? d  I*L,  —¤ , % qt, c¤ ......
(1) There is little hope of his victory. (1) This is the latest technology.
(2) There was little time for consultation. (2) What is the latest news from education depart- ment ?
(3) There is little hope of his recovery.
Older : vL, /Q  , OP8   .
a little : 9y , ;< 9y ... (1) This textbook is older than one.
(2) He is older than i am.
(1) We have a little milk in the pot. (3) This fort is older than the others.
(2) There is a little hope of his success. 7 A : older  ?: than K] J .
(3) The paper should be a little thicker.
Elder : ß  7{q4 4 я w 0 * ¬  , OP8 

THE LITTLE : U 9y -o  R  L. .... .

The little [ ¨ ? that [  . (1) I have an elder sister.
(2) She is the elder of the two sisters.
(1) The little wealth that we have is not enough to buy a
flat. 7 A : elder  ?: than [  Q 9.
(2) The little milk that she has in the pot is spoiled.
First : RÞ,  h  7{q4...
Few : ;< 9y, C R  Uƒ. ....  @   (1) Who was the first prime minister of india ?
  (2) Who was the first to come.

(1) Few person can keep a secret.

(2) Few person can speak truth. Foremost : J:+Q, G=Û&, XQ
(1) Rabindranath Tagore was the foremost Indian poet.
A few : ;< 9y ... 100% 9 5% UÞ ...  @  (2) Narendrabhai modi is the foremost chief minister of
(1) I have only a few books in my bag. Father : } 7{q4 &
(2) I have invited a few friends to the party.
(1) If you walk a little farther, you will reach the collage.
(3) Only a few of our customers have accounts.

Further : in addition to : &

The few : J  U 9y -o R  L  .....
(1) Further discussion would be pointless.
The few [ ¨ ? that [  .  @    e  (2) Sanjay went to Australia for further study.
(1) The few days that he had, he spent on wine and Nearest : ?  ç }
gambling. (1) Which is the nearest way to reach college ?
(2) The few boys that we have in our street are very (2) Which is the nearest hospital ?
Next : 4 /Q ? *X *
Latter : * 9 *X *L ... ?:L ..... (1) My uncle lives in the next house.
(1) As to tea and coffee, i prefer the latter. (2) Who is the next candidate ?
(2) Of congress and B.J.P., kamal likes latter.
Later : +9,   я (5)interrogative adjective : GH9 = @ >
(1) Later on, he became the chairman of the bank. Who, which, what, how much, how many etc...

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7 A :   ? ¨    J . 3. He spoke ______.

4. Our teacher asked us ______ questions.
Ex. : who is your friend ? (;Rë  J Q 9.) –  5. There was ______ rain yesterday.
J  = @ > * .
Q.4 S  ¨  A  я‹  few, a few, little  a

(6) demonstrative adjective : =7ò @ = @ > ;9  little [   :

  S = @ >
1. I have much work, but ______ time to do it.
f /Q, G, 79, OP8 cd A ^:  2. Many went to the bettlefield. But ______ returned
   JO R < . alive.
3. There are ______ oranges in the basket. Take them.
(1) This table is heavy.
4. There is ______ milk in the cup. Take it.
(2) Those girls are hardworking.
5. I shall fall. I have ______ hope of passing.
(3) Rahul is such a boy who is clever.
(4) That is a big tree.
(5) I hate such thing. Q.5 S  ¨  A  я‹  some  any [   :
(6) Those rascals must be punished.
1. Did you buy ______ books ?
2. Yes, I bought ______ books.
Q.1 S J  ¨ A  я‹  á 
3. Do you see ______ birds on the tree ?
J  = @ >L  ‹ F [   : 4. No, I do not see ______ bird on the tree.
5. Please give me ______ sugar.

1. Patan is the ______ town in north Gujarat. (old)

2. Kanu is ______ than manu. (wise)
3. Is the ganga the ______ river in india ? (long)
4. Stone is ______ than wood. (heavy)
1. The king sat ______ to the queen. (nearest, next)
5. My brother is ______ than your brother. (thin)
2. Shreya is my ______ sister. (older, elder)
6. The ______ fruit falls first. (ripe)
3. Mr. Mehta is the teacher in our school. (eldest,
7. Mala is the ______ girl in the class. (pretty)
8. It is ______ today than yesterday. (hot)
4. The ______ police station is two kilometers away.
9. He is the ______ boy in our class. (fat)
(next, nearest)
10. Suresh is the ______ of all players. (lucky)
5. Premchand is the ______ novelist of hindi.(first,
Q.2 S  ¨  A  я‹  7 ¨ ? + 6. With all his ______ attempts, he failed. (outermost,
 7@ F +   :
á  J  = @ > Q
7. Have you heard the ______ news bulletin ? (last,
1. This boy Is ______ than his brother. (foolish) 8. He is my ______ door neighbour. (nearest, next)
2. Sudha is the ______ of all the girls. (old) 9. There were ______ than a hundered people in the
3. This is the ______ school in the city. (good) meeting. (fewer, less)
4. She is ______ than her sister. (careless) 10. ______ policeman is responsible for it. (a great
5. This dog’s bark is ______ than its bite.(bad) many, many a)
6. Gold is the ______ metal of all. (precious) 11. The situation calls for ______ consideration.
7. The ox is ______ than the horse. (useful) (further, farther)
8. The dog is the ______ of all the animals. (faithful) 12. The chapter of the novel is very interesting. (latest,
9. Surendra has ______ money than mahendra. (much) last)
10. The condition of my uncle is ______ today than 13. ______ care would have prevented the accident. ( a
yesterday. (ill) little, little, the little)
14. Would you please wait for ______ seconds ? (few, a
Q.3 S  ¨  A  я‹  much  many   few, the few)
15. He was too tired to walk any ______. (farther,
1. ______ boys were absent yesterday.
2. There is not ______ water in the pond.

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6) Verb form (gh7 F)

V1 Pronunciatio Meaning V2 Pronunciatio V3 Pronunciation Vs Ving

n n

[ :F csS ;9 ó  : csS ó w7

~  csS ‘S’  F ‘ing’  F

Arise ;N èƒ arose 4 arisen 4N Arises Arising

Awake ; N Xƒ Awoke ;  awaken ; N  Awakes Awaking

Be * 9ƒ/ Rƒ Was/were /  Been * is Being

Bear *  & ƒ Bore * Born/borne * Bears Bearing

R ƒ

Beat * ƒ Beat * Beaten * Beats Beating

Become * *ƒ Became *  N Become * Becomes Becoming

Befall *K 9ƒ, *ƒ Befell *K Befallen *K  Befalls Befalling

Begin * @F ƒ began *  Begun * Begins Beginning

Bend * 1+ :ƒ Bent * 1 Bent * 1 Bends Bending

Bite *N +ƒ Bit * Bitten * Bites Biting

Bleed B + R +ƒ Bled B + Bled B + Bleeds Bleeding

Blow B  ° ƒ Blew Bdj Blown B  Blows Blowing

Break l +ƒ Broke l Broken l  Breaks Breaking

Breed l+ c? ƒ Bred l + Bred l + Breeds Breeding

Bring lë  ƒ Brought l Brought l Brings Bringing

Build *d+ *&ƒ Built *d Built *d Builds Building

Burn * *:ƒ Burnt *1 Burnt *1 Burns Burning

Buy * A7ƒ Bought * Bought * Buys Buying

Catch  S  +ƒ Caught  Caught  Catches Catching

Choose Ž 7 ƒ Chose S Chosen S Chooses Choosing

Cling 8 ë : Rƒ  Clung 8  Clung 8  Clings Clinging

Come J ƒ Came  N Come Comes Coming

Cost / g x  Cost / Cost / Costs Costing

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Creep h   -+ Crept h € Crept h € Creeps Creeping

Cut  ƒ Cut  Cut  Cuts Cutting

Deal +    Dealt +d Dealt +d Deals Dealing

Dig + A7ƒ Dug + Dug + Digs Digging

Do y ƒ Did ++ Done + Does Doing

Draw ô 7ƒ Drew õ Drawn ô Draws Drawing

Dream ô / € Dreamt ô5 Dreamt ô5 Dreams Dreaming

Drink ô1 ƒ Drank ô1 Drunk ô1 Drinks Drinking

Drive ôN AÜS яƒ, Drove ô Driven gô  Drives Driving

R ƒ

Eat N Aƒ Ate 4 Eaten N Eats Eating

Fall K +ƒ Fell K Fallen K  Falls Falling

Feed K+ A  ƒ Fed K+ Fed K+ Feeds Feeding

Feel K ;LC ƒ Felt Kd Felt Kd Feels Feeling

Fight KN +ƒ Fought K Fought K Fights Fighting

Find KN1+ @&ƒ Found Kc1+ Found Kc1+ Finds Finding

Flee ˆ  C яƒ Fled ˆ + Fled ˆ + Flees Fleeing

Fling ˆ ë S  Kí ƒ Flung ˆ 1 Flung ˆ 1 Flings Flinging

Fly ˆ  è+ƒ Flew ˆdj Flown ˆ  Flies Flying

Forget K  ó   яƒ Forgot K Forgotten K Forgets Forgetting

Forgive K K ƒ Forgave K Forgiven K Forgives Forgiving

Freeze ‰ t яƒ Froze ‰ Frozen ‰ Freezes Freezing

Get   : ƒ Got  Got  Gets Getting

Give  Jƒ Gave  N Given   Gives Giving

Go  яƒ Went 1 Gone  Goes Going

Grow u èƒ Grew ö Grown u Grows Growing

Hang R1  ƒ Hung R1 hung R1 Hangs Hanging


Hang R1  ƒ Hanged Rí‹+ Hanged Rí‹+ Hangs Hanging

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 29
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI


Have R   Rƒ Had R+ Had R+ Has Having

Hear R; C:ƒ Heard R+ Heard R+ Hears Hearing

Hide RN+ +ƒ Hid R+ Hidden R+ Hides Hiding

Hit R GR   Hit R Hit R Hits Hitting

Hold Rd+ &ƒ Held Rd+ Held Rd+ Holds Holding

Hurt R NX R”S+  Hurt R Hurt R Hurts Hurting

Keep  Aƒ Kept  €03 Kept  €03 Keeps Keeping

Kneel     +ƒ
à Knelt  d Knelt  d Kneels Kneeling

Knit    ƒ

9 Knit  Knit  Knits Knitting
Knitted Knitted
 +  +

Know  Xƒ Knew 1j Known ’ Knows Knowing

Lay ;[ я‹4 Laid N+ laid N+ Lays Laying

[  ƒ

Lead + 7ƒ Led + Led + Leads Leading

Leap  w7    Leapt € Leapt € Leaps Leaping

Learn  Cƒ Learnt 1 Learnt 1 Learns Learning

Learned Learned

Leave  ?+ƒ Left ˆ Left ˆ Leaves Leavening

Lend 1+ c?L Jƒ Lent 1 Lent 1 Lends Lending

Let   7 ƒ  Let 1 Let  Lets Letting

Lie N 2 ƒ, J+ Lay Lain N Lies Lying


Light N :ƒ Lit  Lit  Lights Lighting

N + N +
Lighted Lighted
Lose Þ   ƒ Lost / Lost / Loses Losing

Make N * ƒ Made N+ Made N+ Makes Making

Mean  RQ   N7 Meant 1 Meant 1 Means Meaning


Pay  Ž 8 ƒ Paid  N+ Paid  N+ Pays Playing

Put  [  ƒ Put  Put  Puts Putting

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 30
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

Read + Sƒ Read  + Read  + Reads Reading

Ride N+   9ƒ Rode + Ridden + Rides Riding

Rise N èƒ Rose  Risen N Rises Rising

Run  7+ƒ Ran   Run  Runs Running

Say  Rƒ  Said  N+ Said  N+ Says Saying

See  яƒ Saw  Seen  Sees Seeing

Seek  @&ƒ Sought  Sought  Seeks Seeking

Sell  Sƒ Sold d+ Sold d+ Sells Selling

Send  1  ƒ Sent  1 Sent  1 Sends Sending

Set   J9 ƒ, ÷ Set   Set   Sets Setting

t ƒ

Sew 2  ƒ Sewed 2 + Sewn 2  Sews Sewing

Shake @ N R  ƒ Shook –  Shaken @ N  Shakes Shaking

Shine @N G @ƒ Shone @ Shone @ Shines Shining

Shoot –  *m K+  Shot @ Shot @ Shoots Shooting

Show @ 7 A+ƒ Showed @+ Shown @ Shows Showing

Shut @ *& ƒ Shut @ Shut @ Shuts Shutting

Sing ë ƒ Sang  1 Sung  Sings Singing

Sink 1 y* яƒ Sank  1 Sunk 1 Sinks Sinking

Sit  * ƒ Sat   Sat   Sits Sitting

Sleep /  -ƒ Slept / € Slept / € Sleeps Sleeping

Smell /   ƒ
2- Smelt / d Smelt / d Smells Smelling

Speak / * ƒ Spoke / Spoken /  Speaks Speaking

Speed /+ + Sped / + Sped / + Speeds Speeding

Spell / я+   Spelt / d Spelt / d Spells Spelling

Spend / 1+ ASƒ,  Spent / 1 Spent / 1 Spends Spending


Spin / ƒ Spun / Spun / Spins Spinning

Split /€  Sƒ Split /€  Split /€  Splits Splitting

Spoil /N *+ƒ Spoiled /Nd+ Spoiled /Nd+ Spoils Spoiling

ANGEL ACADEMY : .7575 072 872 #)%: & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 31
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

Spread /G + K ƒ Spread /G + Spread /G + Spreads Spreading

Spring /Gë c?:ƒ Sprang /GÜ Sprung /G Springs Springing

Stand / 1+ èC 9ƒ Stood /0+ Stood /0+ Stands Standing

Steal / Sƒ Stole / Stolen /  Steals Stealing

Stick / S  Rƒ  Stuck / Stuck / Sticks Sticking

Sting /ë +ƒ Stang  1 Stung /1 Stings Stinging

Strike /iN R+  Struck /i Striken /iN  Strikes Striking


è J ƒ

Swear /   Swore /  Sworn /  Swears Swearing

Sweep /  :ƒ Swept / € Swept / € Sweeps Sweeping

Swim /  ƒ Swam / Swum / Swims Swimming

Swing / ë ø ƒ Swang / Ü Swung /  Swings Swinging

Take  N ƒ  Took 0 Taken  N  Takes Taking

Teach S @A ƒ Taught  Taught  Teaches Teaching

Tear   K+ƒ Tore  Torn  Tears Tearing

Tell  Rƒ  Told d+ Told d+ Tells Telling

Telecast   /    Telecast   / Telecast   / Telecasts Telecasting

G ƒ

Think 9ë Sƒ Thought 9 Thought 9 Thinks Thinking

Throw ¡ Kí ƒ Threw ù Thrown ¡ Throws Throwing

Under ;1+/ 1+  яƒ Understood ;1+/0+ Understood ;1+/0+ Understan Understanding

stand ds
Wear  & ƒ Wore  Worn  Wears Wearing

Weave  = ƒ Wove  Woven   Weaves Weaving

Weep  +ƒ Wept € Wept € Weeps Weeping

Win  ]ƒ Won  Won  Wins Winning

Write N Aƒ Wrote  Written  Writes Writing

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 32
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

7) Adverb (gh = @ >)

U   ;9  &  @B7 = @ > R ?  OP8
 U gh    J  R  gh ;9  &

 @B7 gh= @ > R ? .

(4) Mayor looked up.
(1) Dr. patel spoke loudly. (5) I was at satlasana yesterday.
(2) Hiren ran fast. (6) Students are in the class.
(3) Mr. shah is very rich. (7) My friend is out.
(4) He worked the sum quickly. (8) I have seen that man somewhere.
(5) Govind reads quite clearly. (9) Meena sent her husband away.
(10) Here is the copy of syllabus.
Kinds of adverb : gh= @ > G  :- J c, wherever   ? .

(#) adverb of time or adverb which shows time. (.) adverb of manner or adverb which shows manner

   : 7@  : S gh= @ > 7@ gh= @ > :-

7 A : when 9 H  ? U я * :      f gh    9f    7@   ? .

: *  gh= @ > R . (1) Mayor read carefully. ( :]   )

c, as soon as, while   ? . (2) Meena sings beautifully. (27

(1) My father gets up early in the morning.

(3) He walks speedily. (+9)
(2) I have not seen him since last three days.
(3) He takes exercise daily. (4) Mr. prajapati speaks truly. (S  )

(4) I often visit to his house. (5) This novel is well written.
(5) He has already finished his work. (6) They speak English well.
(6) That day he arrived late.
7 A :   gh= @ > ;9 ;  ;  9
(7) I have heard this before.
(8) He called hare a few minutes ago. ? .

(9) I will wait till tomorrow.

(1) She worked hard. ( R   )
(10) He came eventually.
- I can hardly work. (C‹ я)

(2) He came very near. (] )

(2) adverb of place or adverb which shows place

/9:7@ gh= @ > :- - He is nearly blind. (^&: U  я)

7 A : where (¨ ?) 9 GH  ? U я * :   (3) Raju came late. ( )

/9:7@ gh= @ > R . - I have not seen my brother lately. (    9)

(1) The sun shines everywhere.

(2) Children are playing outside.
(3) Nobody was there in that place.

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 33
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

(4) Adverb of reason or adverb which shows reason –

purpose (,)adverb of comparison – A 7@ gh= @ > :-
7@ gh= @ > :-
* OP8  /Q sS Q   A     J 
7 A : why (@  , @  ,  ) 9 GH  ?
R <  ? .
U я *  @
:   7@ ;9  RQ7
(1) he is as clever as his brother.

gh= @ > R . (2) jitendra is younger than rajesh.

(3) he runs more quickly than avan.
(1) I am glad to see you. ( )
(4) heena writes better than avani.

(2) We eat to live. (RQ)

(3) Manoj came to my house to help me. ( )

J c, because, since   ? . (8) adverb of condition – @7@ gh= @ > :-

If ; unless –  c :- if –я..., unless – if not – я

(a)interrogative adverb – GH9 S gh= @ > :-
7 A: when, where, how, why   @B7 c
* ¨ sS | @ C R  R < if ;9 
¨ @FJ  GH  ?  я 9 ? .
unless  ? . J c whether ( , ;9 ) , in
(#)where did you meet me ?
case (я )  ? .
(2)when will you go to surat ?
(1) If you do not work hard, you will fail.
(3)how did you get first class ?
(2) If she does not walk fast, she will miss the bus.
(4)why did you not come with me?
(3) Unless you possess a licence, you cannot drive a car.
(4) Unless you attend your class regularly, you will be
(6)adverb of frequency – Jƒ ~=¤ S gh = @ > ;-
7 A : ¨  J Þ   do not Iƒ. If  я‹4
7 A :how often –    : 4  GH  ? 9 U
unless [  ƒ.
я * :   Jƒ ~=¤ S gh= @ > R ? .
(1) Unless you start at once, you will get late.

(#) I saw him once only. (4 ) (2) If she does not do hard work, she will faul.(use ‘unless’)

- If  я‹4 unless [  ƒ.

(2) have you ever seen a ghost ?(¨ )
- Does not  I [ .g  ?: s  es G<
(3) he came to my house twice.(* )
+ .
(4) I have never seen Kashmir.(¨  R)
(1) Unless she does hard work, she will fail.
(5) he seldom visits my house.(C‹ я)

(6)he frequently comes here.(;  ) (9) adverb of contrast – = &7@ gh= @ > :-

(7) he is always in time.(R @) * ¨ sS / = & C 7@ .

Though, although, eventhough – c :-

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 34
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

7@  ;9 “J R  ? ” 9 ? . (#) he ran so fast that he fell town.

(1) Shrilanka lost the match. (2) we eat that we may live.
Shrilankan palyers played well.

¨G :- although shrilankan players played well, (11) adverb of supposition – &7@ gh= @ > :-

shrilanka lost the match. &  ..... ==ž 9.

(2) Some people are educated.
(1) He teaches me as if he were a teacher.
They are mannerless.
(& 7@  he  9 were (X ) [   ? )
- Though some are educated, they are mannerless
(3)gold is costly but people wear it. X  =@ я  R
- although gold is costly, people wear it.
(2) He talks to me as if I were a fool.
7 A : ¨  J but  : X, though,
Remove ‘too’ 4  so…that  c :-

although ¨ @FJ  [   4 ¨ ? ;d= 

Too m   so… that [  ƒ.

[   *X ¨ ?  =  [  ƒ. (1) She is too weak to run.

 gh7 = @ >

7 A :  + gh7 + so + = @ > + that +  

But : ¨ = = & c :-
+ can + not + to I E  @B7
(1) Maganabhai is old but healthy. (however  c
She is so weak that she cannot run.
.) (2) Anil was too dull to solve the question.

- however + = @ > +  + gh7 + E  @B7 + - Anil was so dull that he could not solve the question.

”& :- ¨ я ó  :  R  cannot  /9

  + gh7 + E  @B7
could not [  ƒ.
- However old maganbhai is, he is healthy.
(3) The book is too difficult for them to understand.
(2) However old maganabhai is, he is healthy. (as 
7 A : the book + is + so + difficult + that +
c .)
for I them L [ :F they + cannot + to I
- As + = @ > +  + gh7 +   +  +
E  @B7.
E  @B7
- The book is so difficult that they cannot understand.
- As old maganbhai is, he is healthy.
(4) The poem is too long to sing.
(3) Maganbhai is old but healthy. (though  c .)
c8 ¨   J  R  one
- Though maganbhai is old, he is healthy.
;9  ‹  [  .

- The poem is so long that one cannot sing it.

(5) The tea is too hot to drink.
(10) adverb of result – g 7@  gh= @ > :-
- The tea is so that we cannot drink. It.

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 35
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

8) Preposition

 }u ]  я U prepositions (;  ) L /9 

 = – a : N Sœ A Sœ   7@ R

N P/9= 7@   9 ? .      J: on [   ? .

prepositions  ? J   ,   ;9   L 7.. (#) Bhavnaben Is coming on 4 morning.


  @B7 *я N @B7 (J:) 9  *&  (2) I am on leave.
 = – 6 : Sœ Jя G  N gh * R 
7@ ? .
    on  ? .
7.. Adhya put the book on the table.
7.. (#) the 10:30 bus started on time.
;Rë BOOK ; TABLE  *&  ‘on’ + 7@  ? . ;Rë

‘on’ /9: 7@ ? . prepositions

 /9:,  , g7@, =
2. At :
  2 S  ? .
 = -# : -g+: Sœ   7@   at
1. on : c 9 ? .

7.. kaushika will start his shop at 8 o’clock

 = – # : * /Q P/9= 7@  я ;9 ‘c’
 = -) : -g+: =   ;[ Sœ   7ò @
4  9  ‘on’ [  ƒ. * /Q 48*X /@  R 
  ‘at’  ? .
7.. I will go to cinema house at night.
7.. (#) my books are on the table.
 = -. : N ß  = @  vJ   R   at
(2) don’t seat on the cupboard
[ .
 = – ) : A  я‹ ? A, ;t g+ N 
7.. Mohan got married at twenty one.
g7  ;9  R  cd A R = on [  ƒ.
 = – ( : N  @R   +  9 <
7.. (#) Chetana will come on Friday.
th at c 9 ? .
(2) Arya is coming here on the 4 July.
(3) Astha will come here on Holi. 7.. Shared was born at Karbun.
 S  ¨  A  я‹ J: have been  has been
 = -a : я‹  /9: 7@    at c
R  since [   ? .
9 ? .
7.. (#) Avani has been here since Monday.
7.. Chetan will meet me at college.
(2) Nehal has been working since 1 may.
(3) Kalpesh has been in palanpur since Diwali.
3. Since :
 = – . : A  я‹ ? R cd A R  U 
 <9,  A9,   9, 9 since
S   R (  C ›
Sh R 7. f , /w
  cd A 9 ? . gh @F 9  9 * 
U  @B7 J:) < R   J: on [   ? .
A   2& cd A    J ? .  C
7.. (#) Sangita came on bicycle.
    :, SÞ     : ;9   
 = – ( : N  G c    ?  ƒ  7@ 
ó  : 9 ‘since‘  ? ; 4 S  
U- G   J: on [   ? .
c 9 ? .
7.. (#) will you go on horse ?
7.. (1) Atul has been working since 1980.
(2) some people are coming on the horse.
(3) jagrutihas been here since 7o’clock.

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 36
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

4. For : 6. By :
 = -# : N OP84 N c 7 RQ   L (1) ‘
’  4 ;9 ‘by’
 2 S  ? . U agent 2 S ? .

*k 7 J€j R  J  ¨  ‘for’  c 9 7.. the lion is killed by a hunter.

? . (2) By [K ;9  = 7C    ? .

7.. Gandhiji died for nation. 7.. (#) I have come by bus.

 = -) :   яZ9 (period of time) 7@ ? . ;Rë * (2)Naresh will go to Bombay by train.

g7  , * gR, * ;t g+, * >, *  U  7. Over :

  яZ9 7@  ‘for’  c 9 ? .  1 ;Rë ‘Over’  ;9  ‘c’ 9 ? ,  Q  * */Q &-

 gh7     : 9  ? . ;Rë – for @g   – R 9. f  /Q  , è+ 

 J: have  has R ? . “   R  S  /Q J  4  ;9 2 S  ? .

7.. Atulya has been serving for two years. 7.. (1) a fan is over my head.

 = -. : for  c S G   ¨  9 ? : (2)he jumped over the wall.

7.. (#) Neha asked for four rupees. 8. Above :

(2) I have bought ticket for you.  | N /Q c *] /Q ë+ R  /@ 
 = – ( : Sœ   J:  ¨ for 
 R < ‘c’ 7C   ? . ¨ G=
c 9 ? .
7C   above  ? .
7.. (#) I have rented this hotel for this vacation.
7.. the calendar is above the table.
He is above me in the classroom.
5. From :
 ‘9’ N Sœ  9 ;9  ‘/9:’ 9 7C  9. Up :
 ? .  = 2 S  gh7 9 ‘c’ 7C   ? .

 = – # : 4 /9:9 *X /9: [K  U 7.. (#) he climbed up a tree.

¨ *    c  J  preposition  

10. In & into :
from  ? .
1. A   @R, 7 @  /9: J:  ? .
7.. (#) Amin is coming from Palanpur.
*  A  OP8 @R,  /9: R ? .
(2) the student are coming from school to home.
7.. (#) kamal lives in London.
 = -) : N OP8 N 7 @, G7 @  | ?  ƒ 
(2)Ravina spent all the days in his room.
7@   from  ? .

7.. Suresh is from Canada. 2. U-   J:  ‘in’  ? .

 = – . : ‘from’  c to ;9  till : ¨  7.. (#) India became free in 1947
(2)the poor man died early In the morning.
 9 ? .  Q  ;Rë from to ;9  till  ;L ? .

7.. (#) Falgun plays from 5 to 7o’clovk. 3. Believe ; interest U  gh7 ?  in  ? .
(2) prof. Trivedi reads from 6 o’clock till 12 o’clock.
7.. (#) do you belive in god ?
 = -( : N OP8 N 9 + R  ƒ 
(2)Arya is interested in drawing.
7@  from c 9 ? .
 In to :
7.. Rita is suffering from cholera.
(1) gh = 7@  ' ' ' }7' ;9   ? .

7.. ved is coming into the garden.

Heena poured milk into the bottle.

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 37
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

(2) | N /Q }7 N gh SÞ ?   7ò @   14. Under :

'into'  ? .  | N /Q *] /Q S ?  ƒ  7@ Oj R <

7.. (#) the river flows into the sea. Under [  ? .

(2)the saint dived into the deep water. 7.. (#) a cow is under the tree.
(2)my address is as under.
11. Of :
(1) N OP8L [ ~<j N 9 9j R   ƒ  7@   15. After :

  J: ‘of’  ? .   1  after = 7C   ? . ¨

7.. Manu is died of cancer.   7C   ? .

(2) , , L,  (?ý = CP8) k  7C  ‘of’  7.. the lion is running after a cat.
She will come after an hour.
? .
All the nations of the world want peace, not war. 16. Beside :
(3) - A superlative degree  = @ > ;9  gh 7.. (#) Dipu sat beside me.
= @ >  ‘the’ ‘of’
 ;L   J ? . (2)i know English besides Gujarati.

7.. Chaitanya Is the tallest of all the boys.

17. Behind :
(4) - phrases  ?  of [  ? .  N  /Q ‘?:’ ;9 P/9 7C  2 S
7.. instead of, inspite of, because of ? .
(1) Because of my lilnes, I didn’t come to school.
7.. (#) he stood behind her.
(2) Inspite of this good health, he did not go to see picture.
(2)my house is behind the temple.
(5) Afraid, fond, scared, aware, capable, think, consist U 

@B7 ? ‘of’ [  ? . 18. Across :

7.. (#) I am fond of music.  4 *v9 *] *v 2& – :   7C 

(2)be aware of dog. ‘across’ c 9 ? .

(3) I am capable of climbing the hill.
7.. I ran across the road.

12. With :
19. Beyond :
(1) N &  /Q + N  jþ R = ‘with’ 
  , ‘*] *v4’ ;9  ‘ &L’ 4  ;9 9 ? .
? .
7.. (#) there is a garden beyond the river.
7.. (#) I write with a pen. (2)I worked beyond one hour.
(2)don’t worry, I am with you .

(2) N *    ;9  ‘with’ 2 S ? . 20. Along :

7.. the trees are planted along the road.
7.. ved goes to school with Shubham.

13. Between, among : 21. Through :

 ;Rë between ; among @B7 ;9 A ? ,  `
 N 9  9  7C   ? .
* я /Q, * OP8 c4d A R  between [  ? 7.. I walked through the crowd.

| * 9 à /Q  OP8 cd A R  among

22. Up to :
[  ? .
 ;[ R7 2&,  9 & gR  ;9  upto  c
7.. (#) give the books between ram and Laxman.
9 ? .
(2)divide the oranges among the class.
7.. pupils walked up to the hills.

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 38
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

(7) With regard to (= 9 g+ 0)  ;L 

23. To:
7.. with regard to the severe drought in north Gujarat, they
  K, g7@ K,  1  = 2 S  gh7 9
helped the victims.
 ? .
(8) In view of (f Oj  K)  Û  
7.. Ravi went to library. The government of India has declared a new policy of free
economy in view of the current trend of world economy.
24. Till : (9) In the middle of (f & = + K)  sS
 | 2&, < 2& 7C   1  R   till  Sachen goes to the mount abu in the middle of may every year.
c 9 ? .
3.prepositions in, at, on (= @ > c) :
7.. wait till they come.
Preposition Examples.
We sit in the class.
25. Until :
I saw a house in the film.
 ‘| 2&, < 2&’ 7C   1     until In There are crocodiles in the river.
He lives in palanpur.
c 9 ? .
I found the picture in the textbook.
7.. don’t go until I return. He sits in the corner of the class.
He sits in the back of the car.
We arrived in tharad
26. Within : He gets in the car.
     9 R    ;9  ‘within’  ? . She likes walking in the moonlight.
My brother lives in a small village.
7.. Latika will come within a day. There are birds in the sky.
He plays in the playground.
She lives in a hotel.
The boys stand in a queue.
 Phrase preposition :
There is a big tree in the middle of the road.
    , = @ > ; gh7 ? ;[ preposition He is in Bhavnagar.
I have to stay in bed
 ? . ¨ ;  ; 0w
 S *  
The robber is in prison now.
phrase preposition  c 9 ? . She sat at the desk
Open your books at page 9.
(1) According to ( 4 g+ 0)  [я*,   The bus stops at the school.
I stay at my grand father’s house.
7.. according to Gandhiji, ‘truth is god.’
I stand at the door.
(2) Because of / On account of / Owing to / Due to --  & , Look at the top of the page.
The car stands at the end of the street.
  You musn’t park your car at the front of the office.
(1) The match was cancelled on account of heavy rain. at Can we meet at the corner of the street ?
(2) He was saved dae his good repulation in the society. I met ved at a party.
Arya wasn’t at home yesterday.
(3) Instead of (f1/ + K)  *7 I study economics at the school.
(1) Instead of traveling by bus, vaibhav prefers to travel by train. The children are at their uncle’s house.
He’s looking at the garden.
(4) Instate of : (f/f K)
He always arrives late at the university.
 ?, ?  The map lies on the desk
The picture is on page.
7.. (#) inspite of his richness, he is miser. The photo hangs on the wall.
He lives on a farm.
(5) With a view to (= 9 JOj  0)  RQ9
I live on the first floor.
1. You should learn good English with aview to going to the U.S.A. Children’s clothes are on the third floor.
(6) In the meantime, meanwhile (f &  N , ORN ) The old man lives on the hill.
The shop is on the right
   7=  on My friend is on the way to Anand.
Write this information on the front of thr latter.
7.. the hero and the heroine started singing a song. In the
I saw a film on TV.
meantime I left my seat to bring some snacks from outside.

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

Preposition Use Examples

Months In june, in September
Year In 1978, in 1999, winter of 77
In Seasons
Part of the day In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, in the night
Duration In a minute, in two weeks, in few minutes
Part of the day At night, at morning
at Time of the day At 7 o’clock, at midnight
Celebrations At holi, at diwali, at etc,
Fixed phrases At the same time.
Days of the week date On Sunday, on Monday on the 25 of October.
On Special holidays On the republic day, on my birthday.
A special part of a day On the morning of septermer the 11
After Later than something After school, after lunch
Ago How far something happened (in the 8 years ago
past )
Before Earlier than something Before holi
Between Time that separates two points Between Monday and Friday
By Not later than a special time By Tuseday
During Through the whole of a period of time During the vacation
For Period of time For four weeks
From …. To Two points from a period From Monday to Wednesday from Monday till Wednesday from
from…… Monday until wedenesday
Past Time of the day 23 minutes past 8 (8 : 23)
Since Point of time Since Sunday
Till/until Not later than a special time Till tomorrow until tomorrow
To Time of the day 23 minutes to 5 (4 : 37)
Up to Not more than a special time Up to 5 hours a day
Within During a period of time Within a day

Preposition of place and direction (/9: ; g7@)

Preposition Use Examples

Above The picture hangs above my table.
Across You mustn’t go across this road. This ins’t a bridge across the river.
After The dog ram after the cat.
Against The sparrow flew against the window.
Along They’re walking along the river bank,
Among I like being among younger.

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

Around We’re sitting around the campfire.

Behind Our house is behind my office.
Below This town is 87 metres below sea level.
Between Our house is between the Theatre and the school.
By She lives in the house by the river.
Close to Our house is close to the RTO office.
Down He came down the steps.
From Do you come from banaskantha ?
In front of Our house is in front of The temple.
Inside You shouln’t stay Inside the house in this Beautiful weather,
Into You shound’t go into That house.
Near Our house is near The theatre
Next to Our house is next to the theatre.
Off The monkey jumped Off the roof.
Onto The dog jumped onto the roof
Opposite Our house is opposite to the school.
Out of The cat jumped out of The window.
Outside Can you wait outside ?
Over The horse jumped over the wall
Past Go past the past office.
Round We are sitting round the campfire.
Through You should not walk through the forest at night.
To I like going to saputara.
Can you come to me ?
I have never been to mumbai.
Towards We ran towards the classroom.
Under The cat is under the table.
Up He went up the hill.

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

9) Conjunction
 Conjunctions 4 *&
   U * ;  objects ;9  2. as soon as the giant saw the children, they ran
clauses  я+ ? . * /Q  ¨ sS  *&

G/9=  ? . 6. While / as :
  L 2 S  ? .
1. Though / although / Eventhough / even if :  SÞ   :  SÞ ó  : ¨   
 J я  * ¨ sS = &C 7@ ? .
c 9 ? .
 ¨ @FJ   sS J ? .
 ¨ @FJ   sS J ? .
7.. #. Though / although she failed, she did not lose
7.. 1. as he was running, he fell down.
2. don’t talk while you are eating.
2.My father can run fast although he is old.
7. Before :

2. But / yet / still :    ; /9L 2 S  ? .

 J я  * ¨ sS = &C 7@ ? .  ¨ sS J ? .

 ¨ sS J ? . 7.. #. We shall come. Here before 6 Pm.

7.. #. He had more rupees yet he looked sad. 2. the mouse is running before the cat.
8. After :
2.akash is tall but his sister Avi is short.
   ; /9L 2 S  ? .
3. If :  ¨ sS J ? .
 @L 2 S  ; R  ;9 7@ ? .
7.. #. Don’t come here after 6 pm.
 ¨ @FJ   sS J ? . 2. the cat is running after the mouse.
   9 L  ¨ 7  :L ; ?L ¨ 9. Either …. Or :
 * = d я+ ? ; R  ;9 2 S ? .
7 C= q :  R ? . ( C )
 ¨ @FJ   sS J ? .
7.. #. If you work hard, you will pass.
2. my father asks me if I am telling the truth. 7.. #. Sharadbhai is either a teacher or a writer.
2. either mehulbhai or jagamalbhai is a
4. Unless : teacher.
 @L 2 S  ? ;   ;9 7@ ? .
10. Neither ….. nor :
 ¨ @FJ   sS J ? .
 * = d я+ ? ;   ;9 2 S ? .
  1    9 L  ¨ 7   :  ;
 ¨ @FJ   sS J ? .
?L ¨ 7 C= q :  R ? .
7.. #. Neither nimishaben nor sunitaben is weak.
7.. #. Unless there is peace, a country cannot make 2. you drink neither milk nor tea.
2. he cannot get the bus unless he gest up early. 11. Not only …… but also :
 * = d я+ ? .
5. When / as soon as :
 ¨ @FJ   sS J ? .
  L 2 S  ? .
7.. #. Not only ram but also shyam is handsome.
 ¨ @FJ   sS J ? .
2. Arya, my daughter is not only clever but also
7.. #. When I met my brother, he finished his home- brave.
work. 12. Both …… and :
 * = d я+ ? .

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

 ¨ @FJ  í sS J ? . 2. Adhya was ill, so/therefore she didn’t go to

 я ¨ @FJ  J  gh7 ; :A 18. Since / as / because :
*p S  J @ .   7@  ¨ J: J .

7.. #. Both hetal and rinku are good friends.  Since ; as ¨ @FJ   sS J .
2. Ravi is both handsome and brave.  Because ¨ sS J .

13. Or / otherwise :  g 7@ ¨ + since / as / because + 7@

 7, S  , &  C 2 S ? . ¨.

 ¨ sS J ? . 7.. #. I could not attend the school because I was

7.. #. Sit quiet or go home. ill.

2. since it was raining, all could not go out.
2. work hard otherwise you will not pass.
3. they canceled their tour since/as/because it
was raining heavily.
14. Or :
 7 ;9  = d 7@ ? . 19. Till :
 ¨ sS J ? .   L 2 S  ? ; R  ;9 7@ ? .

7.. #. We shall buy a TV or a washing machine.  ¨ sS J ? .

15. Since : 7.. I wait till I come.
  L 2 S  ? . 20. Until :
  1      : (have/has + ó w~7)    L 2 S  ? ;   ;9 7@ ? .

¨   ? .  ¨ sS J ? .

 Sœ   7@  @B7 J: J . 7.. don’t go until I finish my work.

 ¨ @FJ   sS J ? . 21. If / Wheather :

 Indirect speech GH9 ¨   ? .
7.. #. She has been here since 10 am.
2. since morning, the shopkeeper has closed the  Asked / inquired   ? J .
shop.  ¨ sS J .
16. For :
7.. my teacher asked me. If I had shown her my
  L 2 S  ? .
     : (have/has + ó w~7)  ¨  22. And :
 ? .  * v7 v7 gh я+ ? .

 ;Sœ   ;9   : 7@  @B7  ¨ sS J ? .

J: J ? . 7.. my brother ran fast and caught the bus.

 | @FJ   sS J  @ . 23. So that :

 RQ   f7 7@  ¨ J: J .
7.. #. My father has stayed in tharad for two days.
2. for a long time, I haven’t met her.  ¨ sS J .

   ?  ; R  gh7 U  can, may,

17. So / therefore :
could, might J .
 g 7@ ¨ J: J .
7.. I read regularly, so that I can get 85% marks.
 ¨ sS J .
24. As … as :
 7@ ¨ + so / therefore + g 7@ ¨.
 Positive degree R  ¨   ? .
7.. #. Kaushik reached late therefore he could not
get the ticket.

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

 4  *X  U  ;9  U  ?   ;9 7@ [   @ .

? . 7.. this is the boy whom teacher punished badly.

 ¨ sS J ? . 30. Whose :

 whose *&
 = CP8   c 9 ? .
7.. Bunty is as strong as chintu.
  L  + A я‹ + k    /Q (,
25. So ….. as : S+, ) J R  A я‹  whose [  
 Positive degree   ¨  .
@ .
 4  *X  U  ;9  U  9   ;9
7.. this is the man whose purse is stolen.
7@ ? . 31. Which :
7.. Palanpur is not so big as ahmedabad.  Which =я˜  1  X=   c  ? .

 =я˜  1  X= + A я‹ + ;1 @B7.

26. Than :
7.. this is the lion which bit the man.
 Comparative dagree R  ;   ¨  
32. What :
? .
 what c =я˜  1  X= *&
 4  *X  9 & Sg+ ? ;9  
 ? .
è  ? 4  ;9 7@ ? .
 gh7 + A я‹ + = CP8L  / 
 More, bigger, batter   U  comparative degree
7.. I could not understand what they say.
= @ > ? J . 33. That :
7.. #. Ved is taller than kajal.  That c ] ; =я˜ *  9 ? .
2. a dog is not faster than a tiger.  я   that c  ? .

27. So…..that : 7.. this is the book gives us good knowledge.

 g 7@ ¨ J: J ? .  Superlative degree   = @ > ? that

 So ? = @ > J , U  fine, strong, brave, beautiful c  ? .

 . 7.. she is the smallest girl that I ever saw.

 = @ > ? that J .  All, the same, any, none, nothing, everything, the only
  ? that    J ? .
 ¨ sS J ? .
7.. all that glitters is not gold.
7.. #. The tree was so tall that I could not climb on it.
2. Rani is so poor that she cannot buy a new bag.  It is / is it  is was / was it9 @F 9 S  that J 
28. Who : @  ? .
 Who  = CP8    ? .
7.. it is true that today is a holiday.
 A.я. R   L  J Þ   R ; A.я. ? 34. When :
 я gh7  R  gh7 J Þ   R    L 2 S  ? .

A.я.  who [   @ .  ¨ sS J .

7.. this is Sharad who won the first prize.   7@ @B7 the day, the month   ?  J 

@ .
29. Whom :
7.. #. I know the month when my son was born.
 whom  = CP8   c  ? .
2. tell me when dipti will return.
 A.я. R   L  J Þ   R ; A.я. ?

    L  J Þ   R  A.я.  whom

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

35. Where :
 /9:L 2 S  ? .

 ¨ sS J ? .

 /9:7@ @B7 the place, the school   ? 

J .

7.. #. This the school where I study.

2. he does not know where she lives.

36. Why :
  X    ? .

 * ¨ sS J ? .

 The reason ?  J .

7.. #. I don’t know the reason why sherya is absent.

2. nobody knows why Mr. Trivedi has resigned.

37. How :
 N     9j  X    ? .

 ¨ sS J ? .

7.. My uncle doesn’t know how I succeed in my work.

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

10) Tense ( :)

(1) Simple present tense : 7   :

• He, she, it 9 4 S N  G   9  

   `я F> 4 S R ? .
     *= & gh/P/9= 7@   , U  ,
•  `я F> 4 S R < gh7 ‘s/es’ G< 1. Delhi is the capital of indai.
+ƒ. 2. People travel by trains for safety.
3. Schools and colleges provide education.
• 7   :L ¨ gh7@  R < to be L
  :L F am/is/are  ? .  JM9 ¨ , U  ,
I am samat gadhavi. I am a teacher 1. Stand up please.
•    7@ ¨ R < to have L   :L F 2. Rahul, do your work yourself.
3. Sir, teach us the lesson again.
have/has  ? .
”& : JM9 ¨  gh7L [ :F я  ? .
I have a car. He has a pen.
 If ;9  unless : condition clause (@7@ c ¨) 
• gh7 ? + ‘y’ R 9   J: Oя R < ‘y’  ‘I’
U  ,
 ‘es’ G< +ƒ U  , try = tries, cry=cries.
1. If you read well, you will learn well.
• gh7 ? + ‘s, ch, ss, sh, o  x J  R <   ‘es’ G< 2. I won’t go unless she invites me.
+ƒ. 3. The patient will die if the doctor doesn’t come in time.
4. Unless I take medicines, I can’t recover soon.
Uses = c. 5. If your parents pay the fees, you will be allowed to appear in the
 Šяx7 gh 7@   , U  examination.
1. Asha gets up at 6-00 a.m. daily ”& : if ;9  unless = L main clause [e c ¨)
2. Everyday we do not visit the temple. 7   :  7 C= q :  я R ? .)
3. Does Vimal attend his periods daily ?
4. What do you eat daily ?
5. How does rahul prepare his food everyday ?  When, before, after, till, until U   7@  я  9 ,
U  ,
  F gh  , U  , 1. When the rain starts, the peacocks dance gracefully.
1. My father reads a newspaper in the morning. 2. The plane will take off before you reach the airport.
2. My school teachers teach all the students well. 3. After the peon rings the bell, the pupils should enter the school
3. I don’t take tea in the morning. bulding.
4. The match will not start until the rain stops.
 always, sometimes, never, generally, usually, frequently rarely, 5. Please don’t go away till I return.
hardly, often, mostly U   7@ @B7 9 U  , ”& : when, before, after, till, until = L main clause ([e
c ¨) 7   :  ;9  7 C= q :  я
1. Mr. patel always reaches his office late.
2. I never tell a lie. R ? .
3. The trains in india usually run late.
4. Generally good students help the dull pupils.  R , ;   FgIG 7@   , U  ,
5. Mayank mostly stands first in my class.
1. Honesty is the best policy.
2. Lord Krishna said ‘life is a struggle.’
 Every year/every month/every week/every Sunday/ every
3. Pandurang dada said ‘death keeps no calendar.’
morning U    9 , U  , 4. Hard work has no exception.
1. Every year we celebrate diwali. 5. Man proposes and god disposes.
2. Every month our school holds a test. J c, ë  1i 9 &= £я  ­=R=   
3. Every Sunday my father takes me for the outing.
7   :  ? .
  < 7@   , U  ,

1. The sun gives us light and heat.

2. The moon shines at night. (2) SIMPLE PAST TENSE : 7 ó  :
3. The earth moves round the sun.

 k=  M= =  =… 2S   , U  ,

• gh7 d/ed G< + 9 ó  :L F * ? . U  ,
1. TWO and two make four.
2. Water boils at 100 c. talk = talked, play = played, jump = jumped,  .
3. Light travels in a straight way. • gh7 ? + ‘e’ R  ` ‘d’  ? U  , smoke =
4. A zero is a figure.
smoked, welcome = welcomed, prove = proved,  .

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

• gh7 ? + ‘y’ R 9   J: Oя R < ‘y’  (3) Simple future tense : 7 C= q :
i  ‘ed’ + ó  :L F * ? . U  , try = tried, • i/we 9 shall  ? .
cry = cried, fry = fried.
• i/we = ,  9 will  ? .
• gh7 ? + Oя R 9   J: 4 0  /  R
< }  Oя * +  ó  :L F * ? U  , • Shall not L 0w F shan’t 9 will notL 0w F won’t 9 ? .

stop = stopped, ho = hopped, commit = committed  . • Shall ;9  will 9 R @ gh7L [:F  ? .
• ó  :    F ;==  R ? U d/ed G< Uses = c.
 9, U  run = ran, write = wrote, see = saw, ride =  Tomorrow, next week/next month/ next year/ next Sunday U 
rode, speak = spoke  .
C= q7@ @B7 9 , U  ,
•    gh7 ó  : F  A я R ? . U
1. Tomorrow we shall arrange a party.
 , cut = cut, put = put, hurt, shut = shut  . 2. Next month, soham will visit abu.
• ó  :   ` P/9 7@  was/were 9 3. The pilgrims will leave for badrinath next Monday.

   7@  had  ? .  Soon, shortly, in a few minutes, this diwali, U  C= q7@

@B7 9 , U  ,
Uses = c.
1. Soon the match will begin.
 U gh ó  :  * N R 9     9   2. The last train will leave the platform shortly.
N *&
  R   gh 7@   , U  , 3. The kids will visit a public garden this evening.
1. India won the cricket world cup in 1983. 4. In a few minutes, the magician will appear on the stage.
2. The principal appointed two new teachers.  In fiture, coming......, following......., in 2010 U  C= q7@
3. Shalin did not take interest in the tour.
@B7 9 , U  ,
 ó  :   gkS gh/P/9= 7@   U  , 1. India will be a super-power in future.
1. The britishers ruled over india. 2. We shall arrange a quiz compertition coming Sunday.
2. India was prosperous contry. 3. On following day, sachin will play in a charity match.
3. Gandhji was born in porbandar.
 If / unless  condition clause (@7@ c ¨)
4. Jawaharlal Nehru became the first prime minister of india.
5. The Rajputs fought bravely against the moghuls.   :  R < 9 L  main clause 7 C= q : 

 Yesterday/last week. Last month/ last year/ last Monday/ last R ? . U  ,
evening, ago, before, in ancient time, in the past, in those days, 1. If Mr. Rao behaves politely. All will respect him.
that day, in old days, U  f ó  :   9 , U  , 2. Unless we are united, we will not make progress.
1. Whom did you meet yesterday ? 3. If our cricketers play for the country, they will win almost all the
2. Priyanka and rahul took part in the competition last week. matches.
3. Last year i was in std IX.
4. Unless we study properly, we will be backward.
4. Before an hour, i saw a stranger in the street.
5. In ancient time, the people believed in many super-natural  When, before, after. Till, until я  time clause 7
6. In the past, we had less scientific technology.   :  R <  = L main clause 7
7. In 2003, may family migrated to Canada. C= q :  R ? U  ,
1. When you come, we shall go on a picnic.
 And, but, because, so, there fore, till, until, yet U  я 
2. The shop-keeper will close the shop before it is 9-00 p.m.
9 L  4 c ¨ 7 ó  :  R < , U  3. After the plane departs, the visitors will leave the airport.
1. The dog came and jumped over the table. 4. The train will not move until signal is given.
2. Vishal tried hard but he not pass. The beggar will not go till you given him some money.
3. The train stopped because the signal was not given.
4. The driver was careless therefore the accident took place.
5. Shital did not leave the hall until she finished her paper.

(4) Continuous present tense : SÞ   :

 SÞ ó  : gh 9 , U  , Oe :      gh SÞ R  7@  :
continuous present tense R ? .
1. When you came, i was sleeping.
2. The pupils listened to the teacher while the teacher was • I 9 R am  ? .
teaching. • He/she/it ;9  4 S N   9 is  ? .
3. Most of the people were sleeping when the earth quake
occurred, • We/you/they ;9  *p S f  9 are 
4. While the children were playing in the garden, the giant ? .
shouted at them.
5. When the this stole the jewellery, the merchant was talking to
a woman.

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

‘ing’   =  : (5) Continuous past tense : SÞ ó  :

1. gh7 ? + ‘e’ R  m 9 ? . U  • ó  :  f ==ž   gh SÞ R  7@ 
come = coming, smoke = smoking, ride = riding  . : continuous past tense R ? .
2. gh7 ? + Oя R 9   J:  /  R <
• i/he/she/it 9 4 S f   9 R was
}  Oя * + ? . U  ,
 ? .
run = running, cut = cutting, stop = stooping  .
• You/we/they 9 *p S f   9 were 
? .
Uses = c.
Uses = c.
 *  A  C: A gh я   * R R
 ó  :  f ==ž   N gh * R R 
 7@   , U  ,
1. The children are fiving kites. 7@   . U  yesterday at 3’o clock, last Sunday in the
2. I am listening to a radio. morning, last night at 8-30, U  ó  : *   7@ 
3. We are taking our dinner.
R ? , U  ,
 Look, see, watch, hear, listen, behold U  JM97@ 9 1. Anil Ambani was working on a computer yesterday at 5-00 p.m.
2. Rahul and Sehwag were batting last noon at 2 o’clock.
SÞ   :  ? , U  , 3. Abhi was recording his song last Monday in the morning.
1. Look, that shepherd is riding a buffalo. 4. Mr. Modi was addressing the farmers at 10-30 yesterday.
2. See, those kids are quarrelling among themselves. 5. The animals in the zoo were sleeping soundly at noon yesterday.
3. Hear, a sweet voice is coming from that field.
4. Listen, Anup jalota is singing a new ghazal.  Then, at that time, at that moment, that day, that morning U 
5. Behold, the masons are carrying bricks on their heads.
ó  :  7@  9 SÞ ó  :  ? , U  ,
 Now, at this time, at this moment, at present, still now U  1. Hitesh was digging a ground then.
2. Asha and mallika were writing their papers at that time.
 7@  9 SÞ   :  ? , U  , 3. My mother was scolding me at that moment.
1. What are you cooking in the kitchen, now ? 4. Mr. Yadav and mr. Vaidya were quarrelling that day.
2. Shohan and john are having a political discussion at this time. 5. We were having our lunch that noon.
3. I am not writing my answers at this moment.
4. Mr. And mrs. Lakdawala are sitting in the drawing-room at  While/as  7@ я  9 SÞ ó  :  ? .
5. Monohar is still practicing for his drama. (”& : while/as = L main clause ó  : я R ? .) U  ,
6. Are you painting your picture still now ? 1. While i was teaching in the class, someone called me.
2. The rain started as the pilgrims were climbing the mountain.
 JM9 ¨ 9  SÞ   :  ? , U  , 3. The dog barked while the thief was trying to enter the house.
4. While the women were washing the clothes, they saw a
1. Please stop here. The train is passing.
crocodile in the river.
2. Don’t talk loudly. The doctor is examining the patients.
5. As Abhishek was dancing, he fell down.
3. Boys, hurry up. The last bus is leaving.

 When  7@ я : gh 7 ó  :  R <

 C= q   ==ž ;9  Jя   gh 7@ 
[e gh SÞ ó  :  R ? , U  ,
 SÞ   :  ? , U  ,
1. When the teacher came, the naughty pupils were fighting.
1. I am leaving for London tomorrow.
2. When you called me, i was writing my answers.
2. The indian president is visiting ajmer the next week.
3. When the fielder threw the ball, the batsmen were running to
3. The S.S.C. students are appearing in the final examination the
take the second run.
next month.
4. When lord Krishna left Mathura. All the people were erying.
4. I am joining a new institute the next Monday.
5. When mr. Dave telephoned Mrs. Dave, she was cooking in the
5. Mr. Patel is starting a new business from the next diwali.
(”& : when =  main clause  begin, start, end, die U 
 ‘while/as’  7@ я  9 SÞ   :  ? .
SÞ :   7@  @    gh R ;9  main
(”& : while/as = L main clause   :  я R ? .)
clause  already J Þ  R <   ó  :  .)
U  ,
1. While the pupils are reading. Don’t disturb them.
2. You should not talk to me as i am driving my car. (6) Continuous future tense : SÞ C= q :
3. Don’t go out while it is raining heavily outside.
• C= q N ==ž   gh * R R@  2S 
4. As the manager is talking to a costomer, please wait outside.
5. Boys, switch off T.V. sets while you are preparing for you : continuous future tense R ? .
Uses = c.
 Tomorrow at this time, next Sunday at 5 o’clock, next week on
Monday, tomorrow at night U  C= q * ==ž  

9 SÞ C= q :  ? , U  ,

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 48
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

1. Gopal will be preparing for his test at this time tomorrow. (8) Perfect past tense :   ó  :
2. Shahid and kareena will be dancing together the next day in the
ó  :  f ==ž   gh   9N N R  7@ 
3. The pupils will be writing their papers the next Monday at 11-00
p.m. : perfect past tense R ? .
4. Mr. sahai will be visiting the poor farmers the next month in the Uses = c.
morning.  ó  :    *  * gh 9 G9 *  gh
5. My teachers will be teaching us at this moment tomorrow.
   ó  : 9 *] *  gh  7 ó  :
 ? .
(”& : J G  * h= gh  я   when, before,
(7) Perfect present tense :     :
;9  after  ? .)
Oe : ó  :  gh   9N N R,  Q   gh ;
G9 gh *] gh
    2& SÞ R  7@  : perfect present
1. The patient had died . When the doctor come.
tense R ? . 2. The patient had died. Before the doctor come.
• ¨  `я F> 4 S R < R   has 3. After the patient had died, The doctor come.
4. The audience had left the When the match was
 ? . stadium over.
• ¨  i/we/you/they ;9  *p SL f   5. The audience had left the Before the match was
stadium over.
R < R   have  ? . 6. After the audience had left the The match was over.
• gh7 Cw7
~   F A 7  . stadium,
• Have notL 0w F haven’t 9 has notL 0w F hasn’t 9
7 A :
? .
(c ¨ [я* when 9 before =  clause
Uses = c.
(c ¨)  9 after : clause    ó  :  ? .)
 gh ; 7@  ¨ 9     :  ? ,
U  ,  Indirect speech ¨  reporting verb ( 9 gh7)
1. Sorry, you can go now. I have sold all the tickets
ó  :  R < reported speech ( 9 ¨)   
2. Bunty looks very happy because he has got a medal.
3. Sunidhi has succeeded in the quiz therefore she is glad. ó  :  ? , U  ,
4. Sir, may i go now? I have finished my work. 1. The captain said that he had won the toss.
5. Mohini has painted a nice picture. Would you like to see it? 2. Khan thought that he had made a serious mistake.
6. I think that i have seen him somewhere. 3. Kumud asked me what i had done for her.
4. The children asked gandhiji of he had hidden their toys.
 Already, just, just now, ever, never, yet, recently, so far, till now, 5. The director told the actor that he had been ready for the next
up till now, U  @B7 9     :  ? , U  , shot.
1. He has already gone out. 6. A man inquired at the counter if the bus for anand had arrived,
2. I have just had my tea. 7. Mrs. Sharma wrote her husband that she had paid all the
3. The guests have left for the airport just now. premiums.
4. Have you ever seen a dancing peacock ? 7 A :
5. Surili has never told a lie in her life.
(c   ¨  [e gh7 ó  :  ? .)
6. The children haven’t returned from the school yet.
7. My father has recently started a new business.
8. Our country hasn’t won any world cup in india so far.  By the time, by 11 o’clock yesterday, by the end of last term, by
9. We haven’t teken any food till now. last Sunday, by the last june U  Sœ ó  :   9
”& : ‘ever’ GH ¨   ? .   ó  :  ? , U  ,
 ‘since’, 9 ‘for’ (prepositions)   ;     1. Who had finished the work by the last month?
2. How many runs had the opening pair scored by 2-30 p.m.
 R <     :  ? , U  ,
1. Chetanbhai has been a teacher since 1991. 3. I has already paid my fees by the end of last month.
2. We have not visited Kashmir for many years. 4. Most of the pupils had not submitted their assignments by the
3. Amitabh bachchan has been a popular actor for thirty years. last Monday.
4. Rohan has been unhappy since he married. 5. What had you received by 3 o’clock yesterday?
5. My family has shifted to a new house since last Diwali.
6. Mr. Lakhani has written his poems for two hours.
 Could have/would have/should have/might have U 
7. The principal has left his office since 11 o’clock.
ó  :7@ perfect modal auxiliaries (  = d R )
: clause  9  clause    ó  :  ? , U
1. If you had tried, you could have won the match.
2. The patient would have been saved of the doctor had been more

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 49
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

3. Had the driver been careful, the accident could have been      :  0 : gh U   close, finish,
open, leave, arrive, die, begin, start  ? . |   SÞ
  :  wait, stay, work, sleep, write, live   U 
*: gh  ? .
(9) Perfect future tense :   C= q :  All this week, all the afternoon, all this vacation, how long U 
Oe : C= q f ==ž   N gh   9N N R@   7@  9   S   :  ? ,   ,
7@  : perfect future tense R ? . 1. The players have been playing the all afternoon.
2. How long have you been staying here ?
3. Mr. Lakhani has been writing all the evening.
 By the end of next year, by the next month, by next Monday, by
4. Sachin has been practising all the evening.
the next time, by 10 o’clock tomorrow U  C= q ==ž 5. Mr. Chauhan has been preparing for his test the whole night.
  9   C= q :  ? , U  ,
1. All of us will have paid our fees by the end of this month.
2. Mr. Raval will have opened his store by 8 o’clock tomorrow. (11) Perfect past continuous tense :   SÞ ó  :
3. Will you have finished your work by tomorrow evening ?
4. The team will not have won the match by the tea-time
Oe : ó  : N ==ž   N gh S  R R 
5. Our English teacher will have completed his course by the end of 7@  : perfect past continuous tense R ? .
next anuary.
 J : ó  :  я ;c9 @F 9  gh S  R

 C= q  * gh *  R < G9 gh    ƒ  7@ ? .

C= q :  A ? ; * 9 gh 7 Uses = c
  :  A ? . (”& : J G  ¨  when,  ‘when’ я  9 [e< J :  ? , U  ,
before, ;9  after я     ? .) U  , 1. When you telephoned me.
1. When the rain stars, i shall have reached my home. I had been writimg my exercises.
2. Before the rain stars, i shall have reached my home. 2. When mr. Raval got up in the morning, the strom
3. The movie starts, after he will have sold all the tickets.
Had been blowing still.
4. The thief will have disappeared in the dark before the police
5. Before the match stars, the spectators will have taken their 7 A :
•   SÞ ó  : gh 9 7 ó  :  ? .
7 A :
• When + 7   : +   C= q :
• Before + 7   : +   C= q : (12) Perfect future continuous tense :
• After +   C= q : + 7   :.   SÞ C= q :

Oe : C= q  N   2& gh S  R R@  7@ 

: perfect future continuous tense R ? .
(10) Perfect present continuous tense :   SÞ   :

Uses = c.
Oe : ó  :  f   @F 9  gh     
‘when’ я  c ¨   :  R <   9
 SÞ R  7@  : perfect present continuous tense
R ? .   SÞ C= q :  ? , U  ,

•  he, she, it ;9  f 4 SL  R < R 1. When my father comes, i shall have been reading.
2. When the match begin, the people will have been taking their
  has been  ? . ;1  9 have been 
? . 3. When you come to my home,
Uses = c. I shall have been preparing my lunch.

 ‘since’, 9 ‘for’ (prepositions) 9   SÞ   :

 till 3 o’clock tomorrow, up to the morning the next day. Till late
 ? . U  ,
night next Monday U    J :  ? , U  ,
1. I have been learning Sanskrit for three years.
2. Vishal and vinod have been sleeping since 3 o’clock.
3. Have you been living in a village since your birth? 1. Will you have been watching a match till 6 o’clock
4. Who has been teaching in that class for an hour? tomorrow?
5. The actors have not been performing well since the film started. 2. Mr. Rathod will not have been waking till late night
7 A : tomorrow/
3. Who will have been waiting for you up to the sunset the
next day?

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 50
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

Simple present Positive : S+V(s,es)+ 0 o + am/is/are + (not)+ (V -III) + by + s always (R @), daily (я), everyday
tense Negative : S +do/does + not + V1 + 0
(7я), sometimes (   ), often

(;   ), usually (  C )

Simple past Positive : S+V–II + 0 o + was/were + (not) (V -III) + by + s yesterday (N  ), last time (=  
tense Negative: S + didn’t + V1 + 0
  ), last night (N `4), last

week ( ;t + ), last year (

>¯), that day ( g7  ), no that day

(  g7  ), two days ago (* g7 

R ), once (4 ), ago (;c). In

the past (R )

Simple future S + will/shall + (not) + V1 + 0 o +will / shall + (not) + be + (V -III) + by + s  tomorrow (J   ), next year
(J  >¯), next month (J 

gR , probably (C=   ), perhaps

( 7S), in the future (C= q ), tonight

(JU ` )
Continuous S + am/is/are + (not)+ (V + Ing) + 0 o + am/is/are + (not)+ being + (V -III) + by + s look (v), see (я), watch (Û9
present tense
я), listen (C:),now (;< , R ),at

this moment (R   ), hear (C:)

currently (R ), today evening (JU

U), now a days (Jя  )

Continuous S + was/were + (not) (V + Ing) + 0 o + was/were + (not) being + (V -III) + by + s when (U  ), while(| ), As
past tense
(я ),so, therefore (   9), then (

Continuous S +will/shall + (not) + be + (V + Ing) + 0 ---------- tomorrow at this time (J   J
future tense
  ), next week (J  ;t + )
Perfect S + have/has + (not) + V-III+0 o + have/has + (not)+ (V -III) + by + s just (R ),already (  ) recently
present tense
(R ), lately ( +9), since (U

 9), for (  :9), ever

(R @), till now (Rv 2&), never (¨

Rë), yet (Rv ), even today (JU ),

just now (R  я

Perfect past S + had + (not) +V –III +0 o + had + (not) + been + (V -III) + by + s before (R ), after (?), when (U 
Perfect future S + will/shall + (not) + have + V-III +0 o + will + (not) have + been + (V -III) + by + s by the time (;[   2& ), within
(;[   2& ), before (;[

  R )
Continuous S + have/has + (not) + been + (V + Ing) + 0 ------- since, for, all day, all week
present tense
Continuous S + had + (not) been + (V + Ing) + 0 ------ before, when, after
prefect past
Continuous S + will/shall + (not) + have been + (V + Ing) + ------ by the time (;[   2& ), for
prefect future 0
tense (  :)

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 51
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

11) Infinitive
gh7 [ : F 4 J: to [  9 infinitive * ? . 7 A :- to + gh7L [ : F

 7@  to + [ :gh7  c :-

gh ?: R  RQ ;Rë c ¨  to verb  ?: J  @B7  ? .

¨  infinitive  c ` G  9 ? :

(1) To climb girnar is very difficult.  = : 3  [ ¨ *7 infinitive  c :-
(2) I want to get first class. - 4 OP8 *] OP8  gh    < :-
(3) My friend wishes me to pass the test.
(1) Mr. Chaudhari wants him to write this work.
c   ¨ gh RQ  7@ ? . (2) Will you help me to solve this problem ?
(3) We wish her to attend this meeting.
 = : 1 ¨   я    infinitive  c :- c `  ¨  A  я‹ R  J him, me, her 
(1) To respect our teacher is our duty. ? .
(2) To err is human.
(3) To forgive is divine.
(4) To find fault is easy.  = : 4   = @ >   infinitive  c :-
(1) This is the time to relax.
 = : 2 gh7    infinitive  c :- (2) He is the man to consult.

-    ?  * .
OP8 ;[ gh RQ9
 = : 5   gh= @ >   infinitive  c :-
(1) Sadhna wants to sing a song.
(1) The coffee is too hot to drink.
(2) We like to play cricket.
(2) This sum is too difficult to solve.
(3) Vikram wants to achieve his goal.

12) Gerund
gh7 [ :F ‘ing’ G< +   w~7 * ? . U }u ]  Gerund R  ? .

  – 1 :- gerund as subject of a verb : gh7    . (1) He is fond of collecting photographs.
(2) Raj is punished for playing mischief.
 1 P/9=,  <, J7, FkS,  7@   ? . (3) Ketki is afraid of going near a cat.
 R @ ¨ @FJ  R. (4) On receiving the telephone call, she went out.
(5) Don’t judge without watching.
[ .gh.  ?: ing + 9 * ? .

gh7    ¨ @FJ  [  .  = -4 :- gerund governed by possessive :  gh 
(1) Cycling is the best exercise.   :
(2) Mountaineering is difficult.
(3) Walking is the best exercise. k  7@  @B7 ¨  J R.

Her, his, their, my, our  . .

 = – 2 :- gerund is subject of a verb : gh7    : (1) Her hobby is singing.
 R @ gh7 ?: [  . (2) His handling of situation is wonderful.
(3) He did not like my leaving home early.
What 9 GH  ? 9 U я * :  .
(1) I like reading novels. (what do i like ?)  = – 5 :- яë7 gh – daily activities  gerund 
(2) Children love watching cartoon films.
(3) They hate shouting. ? .
(4) I know cycling. (1) They go for riding.
(5) Teach me reading. (2) She goes shopping.

 = – . :- gerund governed by preposition :  

 = : 6 = @ >   the present participle  c :-
;      :
(1) He told me an interesting story.
A  я‹ R  preposition ;9    ;   J (2) We watched an exciting cricket match on T.V.
R. (3) Look at the setting sun.
(4) Don’t throw stones at the sleeping dogs.

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 52
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

- 4 gh   9 ? *] gh * <   9  G9

 = : 7 | * gh7 sS    : (gap of
gh 7@    w~71 .
time) R 9 < * ¨ я+    w~71 

? .  = : 1 * gh     R  *   [  

(1) Opening the text book our teacher began to read lesson. ¨S * .
(2) Taking off our shoes, we intered the temple.
(1) I wrote a letter. I posted it immediately.
(3) Opening the car door, he got out.
- Having written a letter, i posted immediately. Or
- I having written a letter, posted immediately.
 = : 8 | 4 я 
 * gh 4 я   9 R
(2) Having received the news of my friend’s accident, i rushed to the
<  *   4 gh * 7@   the present hospital.
(3) Having closed his shop, the shopkeeper went home.
participle  ? .
(1) She came on the stage dancing.
 = : 2 ¨  after ?  J ¨S * ? .
(2) Anand left home saying goodbye to his life.
(3) Krish entered the house shouting. (1) She having finished her work, went to bed.
- After having finished her work, she went to bed.
 = :9     the present participle *X @B7 9
 = : 3 C= q  f 4 gh   9 ? *] gh
J  adjective phrase L   <  = @  f = @ >
@  ƒ  7@    perfect participle .
R   w~71  ? .
(1) After having taken my lunch, i shall take rest for twenty minutes.
(1) We saw rajesh flying kites.
(2) After having finished my work, i shall go home.
(2) Bring me the book lying on the table.
(3) I saw the parrot flying.
 = : 4 ¨ passive voice R  ¨ S :-

 = : 10 ‘on’   ;   c  *  + having + been + [ . gh. P.P. + by + 

 w~71 :- = CP8 + ;d=  + *v ¨

(1) On hearing the news of my father’s death. I fainted. (1) The chain having been pulled by the passenger, the train
(2) On receiving the message of his result, i enjoyed. stopped.
(2) The answer books having been collected the supervisor allowed
(2)the perfect participle (  w~71) the examine to leave the examination hall.
(3) Having been interviewed twice, i was not selected for the post of
a lecturer.

past participle (ó w7

~ 1)
- = @ >L   ; ó  :  *   gh 7@  F past participle ;9  ó w7
~ 1 R ? .

- gh   2 S ? .

- }u ] gh7 `X F (third form)  past participle R ? .

 = : 1 = @ >   past participle  c :- (1) Mr. Patel felt disgusted.
(2) Don’t be disappointed.
(1) I have a written letter.
(2) Himanshu saw a beautiful picture painted in different colours.
(3) That is a used car.  = : 3  gh    past participle  c :-Y3
(4) Have you read the autobiography ‘my experiments with truth’ (1) Those glasses are broken.
written by mahatma Gandhi. (2) My brother got a new shirt made.
(5) The officer gave him used stamps.
(6) The frightened children began to cry.  = : 4 passive voice : ¨S  past participle 
(7) A written document is a convincing proof of anything.
c :-

 = : 2  gh    past participle  c :- - R @ ¨ @FJ  я  ? .

- J ó w7
~ 1 to be gh7 F ?  [e gh7 ? (1) Forgotten by its mother, a baby was crying in a fair.
(2) Harassed by her boss, she resigned her job.
J ? . . (3) Born in porbandar, gandhiji became the father of the nation.

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 53
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

13) Type of sentence

• A group of words that makes complete sense is called a sentence.
color blue favorite is My. (makes no sense, therefore it is not a sentence)
My favorite color is blue. (makes complete sense, therefore it is a sentence)
• વા રચનાના ુ ય ચાર કાર છે (There are four kinds of sentences)
1. િવધાન વા (assertive or declarative sentence) (a statement) 3. આાથ વા (imperative sentence) (a command)
2. ાથ વા (interrogative sentence) (a question) 4. ઉદગાર વા (exclamatory sentence) (an exclamation)

1. િવધાન વા (assertive or declarative sentence)

 વા માહતી ! ૂ#ુ પાડ& ું હોય તેને િવધાન વા કહ) છે . માહતી બે કારની હોય છે (અ) હકાર (બ) નકાર તેથી િવધાન વાના બે પેટા
કાર પડ) છે .
(અ) હકાર વા (affirmative sentence) (બ) નકાર વા (negative sentence)
 Samat is a student.  He does not go home.
 She lives in a big city.  Man is not immortal.

2. ાથ વા (interrogative sentence)

 વા કોઇપણ કારની માહતી ! ૂછ&ુ ં હોય તેને ાથ વા કહ) છે .
 What is your name?  Where is the butter?  What is your favorite movie?
 Where do you live?  When did dinosaurs live?

3. આાથ વા (imperative sentence)

 વામાં બોલનાર) સાંભળનારને કોઇ 6યા કરવાની ક) ન કરવાની આા કર) લ હોય અથવા કોઇ 6યા કરવાની ક) ન કરવાની
દરખા8ત ૂક)લી હોય તેને આાથ વા કહ) છે . આાથ વા 6યાપદથી શ: થાય છે . તેમાં કતા આ;યાહાર હોય છે .

 Go to your room. (an order)  Show me the butter.  Play the movie.
 Please lend me your book. (a request)  Give me a dinosaur for my birthday.
 Have a good time at the picnic. (a wish)

4. ઉદગાર વા (exclamatory sentence)

<યાર) િવધનાવા માં રહ)લી િવગતને (બાબતને) ભાવ! ૂણ (ભાવના=મક) ર>તે ર?ૂ કર) લ હોય =યાર) ઉદગાર વા બને છે .
 What a shame!  I can't find the butter!  I love this movie!
 Boy, am I tired!  The tyrannosaurus rex was huge!

Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences :

Being tired, he went to bed. As he was tired, he went to bed. He was tired. He went to bed.
Having finished his work, he returned home. After he had finished his work, he returned home. He had finished his work. He returned home.
I saw a girl wiht blue eyes. I saw a girl who had blue eyes. I saw a girl. She had blue eyes.

1. Simple Sentences
A simple sentence has the most basic elements that make it a sentence: a subject, a verb, and a completed thought.
Examples of simple sentences include the following:
1. The boys are singing 5. Joe waited for the train.
2. Birds live in nests. 6. The train was late.
3. The kettle boils 7. Mary and Samantha took the bus.
4. The dog barks 8. I looked for Mary and Samantha at the bus station.
9. Mary and Samantha arrived at the bus station early but waited until noon for the bus.

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 54
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

2. Compound Sentences
A compound sentence refers to a sentence made up of two independent clauses (or complete sentences) connected to one
another with a coordinating conjunction. Coordinating conjunctions are easy to remember if you think of the words "FAN
BOYS": For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So
Examples of compound sentences include the following:
1. Joe waited for the train, but the train was late.
2. I looked for Mary and Samantha at the bus station, but they arrived at the station before noon and left on the bus
before I arrived.
3. Mary and Samantha arrived at the bus station before noon, and they left on the bus before I arrived.
4. Mary and Samantha left on the bus before I arrived, so I did not see them at the bus station.
5. You may watch TV or you can go out to play.
6. You should either sit quietly or go out.
7. The old man could neither see nor hear.
8. He took the test several times but he couldn’t pass.
9. He is famous, yet he is very humble.
10. She was angry, still she kept her cool.
11. The thieves not only robbed the man of his possessions, but also inflicted injuries on him.

3. Complex Sentences
• because Mary and Samantha arrived at the bus station before noon
• while he waited at the train station
• after they left on the bus
Dependent clauses such as those above cannot stand alone as a sentence, but they can be added to an independent clause to
form a complex sentence.
Dependent clauses begin with subordinating conjunctions. Below are some of the most common subordinating conjunctions:
• after, although, as, because, before, even though, if, since, though, unless, until, when, whenever, whereas, wherever,
A complex sentence joins an independent clause with one or more dependent clauses.
1. Because Mary and Samantha arrived at the bus station before noon, I did not see them at the station.
2. While he waited at the train station, Joe realized that the train was late.
3. After they left on the bus, Mary and Samantha realized that Joe was waiting at the train station.

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

14) Active – passive

Voice w * G   G ? . (1) Active voice ; (2) passive voice.

(1)Active voice (  G) :- 7A :-

U  gh   [e R ? . ;  9  ● Voice *7  A ¨ : *7  9.

/ /9 R  ¨Active Voice  ?  R @ . ● Passive Voice  ¨  gh7L ó w~7 F я

e.g - Samat plays chess.  ?
(‘ ’  ? 9 я * :   )
● SÞ C= q : (Future Continuous Tense) 9  

SÞ   : (Perfect Continuous Tense)  ¨L

(2) Passive Voice (  G) :-
Passive voice 9N @  gR.
U       = @ > R< J   J
● SÞ
  (Continuous Tense)  Passive Voice 
? . 9 [ :    /9 [   J ? .J ,  ;
gh7 ó w~7 F 9 being  ? .( Ving –
L  /9 *7  ? .   Passive Voice  ¨ ? 
R @ .
● Passive voice   C ‘by’  ? , ;
e.g. - Chess is Played by Samat.
¨ ‘in’  ? .
● Active Voice L passive Voice  Y :-

Active Voice  ¨ S Passive Voice  F 

(1) 7   : (Simple Present Tense):-
A   KK 9 ? .U J c7R 9 Active voice:- S + V1 / VS + O
Passive voice:- S + is / am/ are + V3 + O
A.V: Ravi Watches a movie e.g.- He draws a picture.(Active)
 gh7  A picture is drawn by him. (Passive)
P.V: A movie is watched by Ravi
- He drinks water. (Active)
 is ó w~7 by 
Water is drunk by him. (Passive)
(‘–’ 9 ‘  ’  ? 9 я * :  )
- We hold these meetings in the office.(Active)
J , ¨L Active Voice 9 Passive Voice  F  These meetings are held in the office.(Passive)
A S G  KK 9 ? .

(1) ¨   L  /9  ? . ● ¨  я  ;9   /9 @B7 *7

(2) ¨  L  /9  ? . phrase R <  phrase L /9  *7  ? .
(3) :G  ‹ R  gh7 [  ? . e.g. - Mr.Dilip manages a big industrial empire. (Active)
A big industrial empire is managed by Mr. Dilip.
(4) gh7L ó w~7 [  ? .
(5) ¨ } By
  , L  /9 ? .
-The entire staff of our office respects
(6) я   * ;   * ? < 4 S Mr.Navaldan(Active)
 *p S  [я* R  gh7 [  ? . Mr. Navaldan is respected by the entire staff of our office.
I by me
We by us
● я N ¨  gh7 9   ; 
You by you
You by you (preposition) я+ R   ¨ L Passive  F
He by him
 A preposition  N KK 9 9.
She by her
It by it
They by them

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e.g. - We object to this proposal. (Active) -Did he write answers in the classroom ? (Active)
This proposal is objected to by us. (Passive) Were the answers written by him in the classroom ?
-A nurse looks after this little girl. (Active) -Who broke the mirror ? (Active)
This little girl is looked after by a nurse. (Passive) By whom was the mirror broken ?(Passive)

·   ¨ :-
(4) SÞ   : (Present Continuous Tense):-
●   ¨L ‘Passive voice’  F  A ‘do’ 
Active Voice: is/ am/ are +  w~7
‘does’  : X ? .; R  gh7 (am, is, are)
Passive Voice: is/ am/ are + being + ó w~7
9 ‘not’ [  ? .
e.g. Kajal does not watch movies. (Active) e.g., - I am eating apples. (Active)
Movies are not watched by Kajal. (Passive) Apples are being eaten by me. (Passive)
- Mr.Shah is teaching English. (Active)
· GH9 ¨ :- English is being taught by Mr.Sharma . (Passive)
-My mother is preparing food. (Active)
GH9 ¨ * G  R ? ,-
Food is being prepared by my mother. (Passive)
(1) Do/Does 9 @F 9 ·   ¨ :-

(2) GH9 2S @B79 @F 9. e.g. -I am not taking lunch. (Active)
Lunch is not being taken by me. (Passive)
Do/Does : GH9 ¨L Passive voice  F  -Children are not playing cricket in garden. (Active)
Cricket is not being played by children in garden.
A Do/Does  : X ? . ;   *7 to be L ‹
F (am, is, are) ¨ @FJ  [  ? . · GH9 ¨ :-
What,Why, When, How   @B7 4 я R ? . e.g.- Is he playing cricket in the playground ? (Active)
e.g.- Do you play cricket ? (Active) Is cricket being played by him in the playground ?
Is cricket played by you ? (Passive) (Passive)
- When does he complete the home wark? (Active) -Where is he putting his book ? (Active)
When is the home work completed by him ? (Passive) Where is his book being put by him ? (Passive)
-Who is teaching you now ? (Active)
By whom are you being taught now ? (Passive)
(2) 7 ó  : (Simple Past Tense):-

Active Voice:- gh7L ó  :L F (5)SÞ ó  : (Past Continuous Tense) :-

Passive Voice:- was/ were + gh7L ó w~7 F
e.g. - The special commandos surrounded the building. Active voice : was/ were +  w~7
Passive voice : was/ were + being + ó w~7
The building was surrounded by the special commandos.
-I saw an accident yesterday. (Active) e.g. - Rakesh was eating an apple. (Active)
An accident was seen by me yesterday. (Passive) An apple was being eaten by Rakesh. (Passive)
-We broke a glass. (Active) -The Pupils were learning their lessons. (Active)
A glass was broken by us. (Passive) Their lessons were being learnt by the pupils.(Passive)
-When I went to home , they were eating Panipuri.
·   ¨ :-
●   ¨L ‘Passive Voice’  F  A ‘did’ When I went to home Panipuri was being eaten. (Passive)

 : X ? . ; R  gh7 (was/ ·   ¨ :-

e.g.- I was not preparing food, when he came. (Active)
were) 9 ‘not’ [  ? .
Food was not being prepard by me when he came.
e.g., Parthi did not complete the project. (Active) (Passive)
The project was not completed by Parthi. (Passive) -They were not drawing the picture. (Active)
· GH9 ¨ :- The picture was not being drawn by them. (Passive)
· GH9 ¨ :-

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

e.g., - Was she drawing a picture then ? (Active) (8)  C= q : (Future Perfect tense) :-
Was a picture being drawn by then. (Passive)
-What were you doing there ? (Active) Active voice : will / shall + have + ó w~7
What was being done by you there ? (Passive)
Passive voice : will / shall + have been + ó w~7
(6)     : (Present Perfect Tense) :-
E.g. - They will have finished the breakfast by eight. (Active)
Active Voice:- has/ have + ó w~7 They breakfast will have been finished by eight. (Passive)
-We shall have withdrawn money from the bank by
Passive voice:- has/ have + been + ó w~7 tomorrow. (Active)
e.g.- Bhairav has drawn this picture. (Active) Money will have been withdrawn from the bank by
This picture has been drawn by Bhairav. (Passive) tomorrow. (Passive)
-I have finished my work now. (Active) ·   ¨ :-
My work has been finished now. (Passive)
E,g, - We will haven’t finished the project by five. (Active)
-They have taken all the material. (Passive)
The project will have not been finished by us by five.
·   ¨ : (Passive)
e.g.- You haven’t finished your work. (Active) · GH9 ¨ :
You work hasn’t been finished by you. (Passive)
e.g.- Will you have signed all the letter before they close the
- Ved hasn’t completed homework.
office ? (Active)
Homework hasn’t been completed by Smit.
Will all the letters have been signed before the office is
· GH9 ¨ :- closed ? (Passive)
e.g.- Have the girls sung the prayers ?
Have the prayers been sung by the girls ?
-Why have you brought only note books? (9) Modal Auxiliaries :
Why have only note books been brought by you ? (Can, Could, May, Might, Shall, Should, Will, Would etc.)
Simple Modal Auxiliaries:
7   ó  : (Past Perfect Tense) :- (1) Active voice: Auxiliary + gh7 L [ :F

Active voice: had + ó w~7 Passive voice: Auxiliary + be + ó w~7

Perfect Modal Auxiliaries
Passive voice: had + been + ó w~7
(2) Active voice: Auxiliary + have + ó w~7
e.g.-My brother had taken breakfast before they sang .
(Active) Passive voice: Auxiliary + have been + ó w~7
Breakfast had been taken by my brother before they sang.
e.g. - The government should deal with the corrupt officials
strictly. (Active)
-He had sold the car before we reached. (Active)
The corrupt officials should be dealt with strictly.
The car had been sold by him before we reached. (Passive)
·   ¨ : - Shital will have finished her home work before 6 O’clock.
e.g. -The girl had not sold the pane before I went there. (Active)
(Active) Shital’s homework will been finished by her before
The pen had not been sold by the girl before I went there. 6’Oclock. (Passive)
(Passive) ·   ¨ :-
-He had not disclosed the secret before evening. (Active)
E.g,. - He can not have made toys. (Active)
The secret had not been disclosed by him before evening.
Toys can not have been made by him. (Passive)
- Untill he work hard , he can not achieve success. (Active)
· GH9 ¨ : Untill he work hard, success can not be achieve. (Passive)
e.g. - Had he warned the thief before firing the gun ? (Active) · GH9 ¨:-
Had the thief been warned by him before firing the gun ?
e.g. - Should we give respect to that person ? (Active)
Should that person be given respect by us? (Passive)
-Who had broken the glass when I went outside ? (Active)
-Who must have built that beautiful building ? (Active)
By whom had the glass been broken when I went outside
By whom must that beautiful building have been built

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

(10) Infinitive :- OR
● Infinitive 4 to 9 Lg h7, You are requested to switch off the light. (Passive)
Sell this old car off. (Active)
c7R   to err, to help, to complete, to walk   . Let this old car be sold off. (Passive)
● ‘Adjective’  ‘Adverb’ ? infinitive  <
This old car should be sold off. (Passive)
 Adjective  Adverb  ;9  gh7
 & 2 S OR
You are requested to sell this old car.
? . ;  Adjective  Adverb  qualify  ? .
(12) Sentences beginning with ‘let’ :-
e.g. I am too weak to walk. Active voice :- Let + ………+ gh7L [ :F
;gR weak = @ > ‘to walk’ qualify  ? .
Passive voice :- Let + ……….+ be + ó w~7
J я G  ‘Noun’ ? Infinitive  < ‘Noun’ 
e.g.-Let Mr. Sanjay preside over the conference . (Active)
;9  & 2 S ? . 》  qualify  ? . Let the conference be presided over by Mr.yadav.
e.g., He has a project to complete.
-Let Srinath coach our fast bowlers. (Active)
;gR ‘Project’   ‘to complet’ qualify  ? . Let our fast bowlers be coached by srinath .(Passive)
(13) It is said
Infinitive &  ¨L Passive voice  F  to
e.g. Sugar tastes sweet. (Active)
be + ó w~7  ? . It is said sugar tastes sweet. (Passive)
e.g.- I am to finish this work . (Active) Passive Voice to Active Voice :-
This work is to be finished by me. (Passive) (1) The house was painted red by them. (Passive)
-We have to finish this project today.(Active) They painted the house red. (Active)
This project his to be finished today. (Passive) (2) We shall be blamed by everyone.(Passive)
-Tea is too hot to drink.(Active) Everyone will blame us .(Active)
Tea is too hot to be drunk . (Passive) (3) The harvest is gathered by the farmer.(Passive)
-It is time to send the telegram to be sent .(Active) The farmer gathers the harvest. (Active)
It is time the telegram to be sent . (Passive) (4) It was time the watch to be repaired .(Passive)
-I expect Mohan to do this. (Active) It was time to repair the watch. (Active)
I expect this to be done by Mohan. (Passive) (5) You are ordered to be quiet. (Passive)
Be quiet.(Active)
(11)Imperative Sentences :- (JM9  )
(6) Let a movie be watched by us.(Passive)
Active voice:- gh7 L [ :F Let us watch a movie.(Active)
(7) A red alert has been sounded in the city.(Passive)
Passive Voice :-
The police has sounded a red alert in the city.(Active)
Let +  + be + ó w~7 (8) By whom was the metro rail project inaugurate ?
OR (Passive)
 + should + be +ó w~7 Who inaugurate the metro rail project?(Active)
(9) Are the attendance rules being relaxed ?(Passive)
OR Are the college authorities relaxing the attendance rules
You are requested/ordered/advised + to + Sentence ?(Active)
e.g. -Switch off the light. (Active) (10) Nothing can be achieved without hard work.(Passive)
Let the light be switched off. (Passive) Try yourself.
The light should be switched off. (Passive)

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

15) Direct - Indirect speech

f ¨ S *  9 ? – G<  ;   gh7 am / is /are + ing was / were + ing
(4) Past continuous tense past perfect continuous tense
- Direct speech 4 – ? (SÞ ó  :) (  SÞ ó  :)

gh7 was / were + ing had been + ing

| f ¨  *  OP8 @B7 ;  kS 
(5) Present perfect tense past perfect tense
f G  KK  [    JO R   G< S
(    :) (  ó  :)
R .
gh7 have / has + been had been
(6) Present perfect continuous tense past perfectr continuous
- Indirect speech 4 – ?
(  SÞ   :) (  SÞ ó  :)
| ¨  *  OP8 @B7 ;1 f  OP8 

@B7  R R    v    JO R    gh7 have / has + been + ing had + been + ing
S R ? .
(7) Past perfect tense KK 9 9.
[e< `  direct L indirect  KK 9 ? : (8) Past perfect tense KK 9 9.

(1)    KK 9

(2) :  KK 9. = – . : gh7  9 KK :-

(3)    я ]  7@  @B7  KK 9. Direct Indirect

Do / does Did
Have / has Had
Did Had
= –1    9 KK Can Could
May Might
Shall would
G9 Y>    R.
Will Would
Could Could
 = CP8  = CP8 *&
 = CP8 R Should Should
I Me My-mine Would Would
We Us Our-ours Might Might
You You Your – yours Must Must / had to
He Him His – his Had better Had better
She Her Her – hers Ought to Ought to
It It It – its Used to Used to
They Them Their – theirs Had Had

= – 2 reporting speech  :  я gh7  9 KK : = – 4 :    я  ]  7@  @B7  KK :-

Direct indirect Direct Indirect

This That
(1) Simple present tense simple past tense These Those
(7   :) (7 ó  :) Now Then
gh7 am / is / are was / were Ago Before
Today That day
(2) Simple past tense past perfect tense
Tonight That night
(7 ó  :) (  ó  :) Last night The previous night or The night before
gh7 was / were had been Yesterday The previous day or The day before
Tomorrow The following day or The next day or
(3) Present continuous tense past continuous tense
The day after
(SÞ   :) (SÞ ó  :)

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Next day The following day - She told me that she wanted that purse.
Next week The following week
Next month The following month = – 6 : SÞ   :L SÞ ó  :  F :-
Here There
Last year The previous year (1) She said,” I am reading short story.”
Just Then - She said that she was reading short story.
Thus So or in this way (2) The teacher said to the principal, “the pupils are writing a
Come Go paragraph on” swarnim Gujarat”.
Hence Thence - The teacher told the principal that the pupils were writing a
Hither Thither paragraph on ‘Swarnim Gujarat’
(3) My uncle said, “I am going to office now.”
- My uncle said that he was going to office then.
7 A :  1  direct L indirect ¨  F 

A S  KK 9 : = – 7 :     :L   ó  :  F :-

(1) He said, “ i have done it.”

(1) reporting verb *7 .
- He said that he had done it.
(2) Dhaval said to rupesh, “amit has finished his work just.”
; 7 – reporting verb 7   :, 7 C= q :  R
- Dhaval told rupesh that amit had finished his work then.
 gh7 : *7  9. (3) Our peon said to me, “I have not seen your bag.”
- Our peon told me that he had not seen my bag.
Direct Indirect (4) Miss dolly said, “I have studied English for two years.”
Say Say - Miss dolly said that she had studied English for two years.
Says Says
Will say Will say = – 8 : 7 ó  :L   ó  :  F :-
Shall say Shall say
Have said Have said (1) Dhaval said, “my mother visited the lotus temple last
Have told Have told week.”
Has told Has told - Dhaval said that his mother had visited the lotus temple the
Said Said previous week.
(2) Mr. subhashbhai said to me, “I saw you playing cricket in
the playground yesterday.”
 Q, says to R  tells - Mr. subhashbhai told me that he had seen me playing cricket in
the playground the previous day.
Said to R  told (3) The worker said to his master, “I finished this work earlier.”
- The worker told his master that he had finished that work
Said to GH9  R  asked [  . earlier.

= – 9 : SÞ ó  :L   SÞ ó < :  F :-

(2) GH9 ¨ =  = & ¨  reporting verb 

KK  я [   ¨ * ƒ. (1) Dr. jadav said to me,” I was waiting for prof. chudhari.”
- Dr. jadav told me that he has been waiting for prof. chaudhari.
(3) reporting verb ? J  ;d=  ; ; kS gI (2) Aman said to me, “I was doing my work.”

A . - Aman told me that he had been doing his work.
(3) She said to her friend. “ I was watching T.V. yesterday. “
- She told her friend that she had been watching T.V. the previous
7 A :- я 7 ó  :  R ...  , :  ,;я
]  7@  @B7 `  **  KK 9 ? .
= – 10 :   SÞ   :L   SÞ ó  :  F :-
= – 5 : 7   :L 7 ó  :  F :-
(1) Prof. B.S. patel said, “ I have been working in this college
(1) My mother said, “nisha is not well.” since 2003.
- My mother said that nisha was not well. - Prof. B.S. patel said that he had been working in that college
(2) Pranjal said, “I like this toy” since 2003.
(2) Prof. Vyas said to me,” I have been teaching English for
- Pranjal said that she liked that toy.
seven years.
(3) Dharmveer said, “ I study English every morning. “
- Prof. vyas told me that he had been teaching English for seven
- Dharmveer said that he studied English every morning.
(4) She said to me,” I want this purse.

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 .. 61
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

(1) Our geography teacher said to us, “ the earth moves

(3) Smita said to her friend, “ I have been doing my homework round the sun.”
since 9.00 p.m. - Our geography teacher told us that the earth moves round the
- Samita told her friend that she has been doing her homework sun.
since 9.00 p.m. (2) The yogi said, “ god is immortal and man is mortal.”
- The yogi said that god is immortal and man is mortal.
= – 11 : R  gh7L direct 9 indirect  (3) The village sarpanch said to villagers, “the voice of
F :- people is the voice of god.”
- The village sarpanch told the villagers that he voice of people is
(1) Our parents said to us, “ you may play outside,” the voice of god.
(4) The teacher said,” four and four makes eight.”
- Our parents told us that we might play outside.
(2) I said to pintu,” you can repair this scooter. - The teacher said that four and four makes eight.
(5) My father said to me, “ slow and steady wins the race.”
- I told pintu that he could repair that scooter.
(3) She said, “ I may not watch T.V. tonight.” - My father told me that slow and steady wins the race.
(6) Our teacher said, “ honesty is the best policy.”
- She said that she might not watch T.V. that night.
(4) Bhavik said to me, “ I will fight for my right.” - Our teacher said that honesty is the best policy.
(7) The saint said. “ knowledge is power.
- Bhavik told me that he would fight for his right.
(5) Janvi said to dhruv, “you cannot park my car here.” - The saint said that knowledge is power.
(8) My elder brother said,” india got freedom on 15th
- Janvi told dhruv that he couldnot park her car there.
august, 1947.”
(6) Our teacher said, “ we must obey the law.”
- My elder brother said that india got freedom on 15th august,
- Our teacher said that we must obey the law.
(7) Palak said to vatsal, “ we ought to love our parents.”
(9) Our history teacher said, “ the second world war took
- Palak told vatsal that they ought to love their parents.
place in 1939.”
(8) She said, “I must go there.”
- Our history teacher said that the second world war took place in
- She said that she had to go there.
(9) Bittu said to pintu, “ I used to play football. “
(10) Our grand father said to us, “ Pakistan attacked india in
- Bittu told pintu that she used to play football. 1965.”
(10) Rani said to me, “you had better consult a good doctor.”
- Our grand father told us that Pakistan attacked india in 1965.
- Rani told me that I has better consult a good doctor.
= – 13 : GH9 ¨L direct 9 indirect  F :-
7 A : я *  OP84 ¨  f /9: я  cd A

  come jþ R  go ƒ Rë. 7 A :-

(1) Ketan said to his friend, “ I am coming from patan on - Said to  *7 asked, inquired, demanded, wondered [  .
”& : asked  = @ > c  .
- Ketan told his friend that he was coming from patan on Monday.
- Asked [ ¨ *7 ;  kS I if ;9  whether
Come L go ¨ 9 ?
я 9 ¨ я+ƒ.

(1) Pinky said to piyush, “ I will come to your school tomorrow.” - Direct  ¨ GH9 R  indirect = & ¨ * 4
- Pinky told piyush that she would go to his school the following
 ¨ } (?) GH9 kS m    =  [  ƒ.
- я GH9 ¨ wh- 9 @F 9Q  R (what, where, when,
= – 12 : direct speech  ¨ :-
whom, who) < я   if ;9  whether [  ƒ R.
(1) Arvind said to virjibhai, “ is this your file ?”
- я  < R < ....
- Arvind asked virjibhai if that was his file.
- M= =Û& J& R < .... (2) The teacher said to sunil, “ are you dr. mehta’s son ?”

- k 2 ` R < .... - The teacher asked sunil if he was dr. mehta’s son.
(3) Prof. dipakbhai said to me, “ have you read today’s
- X R  ;9  f Sœ = R < ... newspaper ?”
- ó  :  f A ­=R= -  G *1 R < - Prof. dipakbhai asked me if I had read that day’s newspaper.

 L  indirect *  A (1) reporting speech  f KK

  R. (2) ;  kS ; ;d=  m   sS

that я [  ƒ.

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

Active voice Passive voice

1. You are playing cricket. Cricket is being played by you.
2. He should speak the truth. The truth should be spoken by him.
3. Who helps that old man ? By whom is that oldman helped ?
4. The postman brings our letters. Our letters are brought by the postman.
5. Meena is not counting the coins. The coins are not being counted by meena.
6. I do not forget the story. The story is not forgotten by her
7. She does not like films. Films are not liked by her.
8. They did not meet me. I was not meet by them.
9. I shall explain this later. This will be explained by me later.
10. My pocket has been picked. Someone has picked my pocket.
11. Open your book. You are requested to open your book.
12. When did you write this book ? When was this book written by you ?
13. Somebody has stolen my cycle. My cycle has been stolen by (somebody).
14. Akash may help me. I may be helped by akash.
15. Who will bring the camera ? By whom will the camera be brought ?
16. The gate will be closed at 10.00 p.m. Our security will close the gate at 10.00 p.m.
17. Children will draw the picture. The pictures will be drawn by children.
18. Who is helping you ? By whom are you being helped ?
19. Our teacher teaches us a new lesson. A new lesson is taught to us by our teacher.
20. Prof. parmar elected as the chairman. People were elected ptof. Parmar as the chairman.
21. He will not invite me. I shall not be invited by him.
22. Palak may not like the ring. The ring may noy be liked by palak.
23. Shall I open the window ? Will the window be opened by me ?
24. They made dhruv as monitor. Dhruv was made monitor by them.
25. This book will be published by me in august 2011. I shall publish this book in august 2011.
26. Janvi cound not do the sum. The sum could not be done by janvi.
27. Meshwa reads a news paper daily. A newspaper is read by meshwa daily.
28. Vansh does not like games. Games are not liked by vansh.
29. Dimpal should take medicine regularly. This medicine should be taken by dimpal regularly.
30. My brother may buy this house. This house may be bought by my brother.
31. Rules must be obeyed. We must obey the rules.
32. Discipline must be maintained. Everyone must maintain discipline.
33. The thief was arrested. The police arrested the thief.
34. New budget will be presented in assembly in February 28. The finance minister will present new budget in assembly in February
35. Everyone praises beautiful things. Beautiful things are praised by everyone.
36. Elders should be respected by us. We should respect elders.
37. We celebrate our republic day on 26th January every year. Our republic day should be celebrated by us on 26th January every year.
38. Students should take light food at the time of the Light food should be taken by students at the time of the examination.
39. Sweta has played a brilliant role in the drama. A brilliant role in the drama has been played by sweta.
40. Have you seen my purse ? Has my purse been by you ?
41. Where has the peon kept the file ? Where the file been kept by the peon ?
42. When did you pay your fees ? When were your fees paid by you ?
43. Megha helps me. I am helped by megha.
44. She reads news. News is read by her.
45. I gave him a chocolate. A chocolate was given (to) him by me.
46. Will people buy our goods ? Will our goods be bought by people ?
47. Many workers are constructing the building. The building is being constructed by many workers.
48. Can the stars be counted ? Can anyone count the stars ?
49. My friends will be invited on birthday party. I shall invite my friends on birthday party.
50. Please, do hard work. You are requested to do hard work.

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

16) Degree
Positive ( 7@ ) Comparative ( ;=& 7@ ) Superlative ( % qt7@ )

Positive csS ;9 Comparative Superlative

Bold *d+ *Rm,+ Bolder Boldest
Cheap kS /Q  Cheaper Cheapest
Clever 8  R=@ Cleverer Cleverest
Dear + =G, RÞ, ”“ Dearer Dearest
Deep + y Deeper Deepest
Few K  9+ Fewer Fewest
Great u  R Greater Greatest
High Rf Ž Higher Highest
Kind f1+ 7 Kinder Kindest
Long 1 •  Longer Longest
Poor ; * Poorer Poorest
Rich gS 7 Richer Richest
Short @ 0w Shorter Shortest
Small / ‘ L Smaller Smallest
Sweet /  
j Sweeter Sweetest
Tall ‘ Ž Taller Tallest
Thick =9 Xy Thicker Thickest
Young  v  Younger Youngest
Able ’*  9 Abler Ablest
Brave l *Rm Braver Bravest
Fine Kf  Finer Finest
Large   7L Larger Largest
Noble ‘* c 7 Nobler Noblest
True ¢ Ž Truer Truest
White ORf K7 Whiter Whitest
Wise f 3 +ΠWiser Wisest
Big k* 0 Bigger Biggest
Fat K Xy Fatter Fattest
Hot R  Hotter Hottest
Red  +  Redder Reddest
Sad  + c7 Sadder Saddest
Thin =9  Thinner Thinnest
Wet  CL Wetter Wettest
Dry ô 2 w Drier Driest
Easy f RÞ  Easier Easiest
Happy R 2A Happier Happiest
Heavy R  C , я7 Heavier Heaviest
Merry  J7 Merrier Merriest
Wealthy d& &  Wealthier Wealthiest
Ugly ;‹  7F Uglier Ugliest
Helpful Rd 77F More helpful Most helpful

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 .. 64
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

Beautiful Bjg 27

  More beautiful Most beautiful
Careful   :]  More careful Most careful
Important f5 1 ;<L More important Most important
Proper G ‹ More proper Most proper
Useful j c More useful Most useful
Learned ¯+ M More learned Most learned
Wonderful 1+ ;7ó More wonderful Most wonderful

Positive degree = ( 7@ Q )

1. You are as lucky as I. 7 A :
2. They didn’t speak so rudely as we.
1. CD  N  4  ;9     ;=& 
3. The manager wasn’t so busy as the clerks
4. Mahi can learn as quickly as shivam 7@   J ? .
5. Did the Indians play so well as the kangaroos ?
2. ;=&  = @ > ;9  gh= @ > R ? .
7 A :
3. PD  F = [я*  F = [я* ‘er’ ;9 
PD  R  ¨  as….as  ? .
‘more’ G< + CDL F * ? .
  ¨  so….as  ? .
4. ;==  R   L  ‹ CD F (better, worse, etc.)
‘as…as’ ;9  ‘so…as’  sS PDL ‹ = @ >
[  ? .
;9  gh = @ >L F  ? .
5. CD F ? ;=& 7@ @B7 than [  ? .
‘as…as’ ;9  ‘so…as’ ;9 ‘ UÞ’ 9 ? .
6. Than  ;9 ‘9 à’ 9 ? .
S :
S :
R  ¨ :...as + = @ >/gh = @ > + as…
... ‹ CD F + than
  ¨ :...not so + = @ >/gh = @ > + as….
Exercise :
S  ¨ CD F 9 than  K9 A.
1. Exercise :
1. Rose is beautiful but lotus is more beautiful.
S  ¨ ‘as…as’ ;9  ‘so…as’ 9 я+ :
Ans. Lotus is more beautiful than rose.
1. I am tall. You are equally tall. 2. Atlas was not so strong as herculis.
Ans. You are as tall as I (am). Ans. Herculis was stronger than atlas.
2. A deer can run fast. A leopard can’t run so fast. 3. Iron is useful. Gold is not so much useful.
Ans. A leopard can’t run so fast as deer. Ans. Iron is more useful than gold.
3. Sachin doesn’t play cricket well. Saurav also doesn’t play
cricket well.
Ans. Sachin doesn’t play cricket so well as saurav. Double comparision : gV< Q 
4. Montu and megha are equally fat.
Ans. Montu is as fat as megha. e.g. #. The larger a house is the costlier it is.

(  UÞ 0  Þ ”“)

).the fatter you are, the slower you can walk.

Comparative degree = (;=& 7@ Q ( U  X+  Þ à &[  S  @ )

..the more you earn. The more you spend.

e.g. 1. English is easier than any other language.
2. lion is more furious than leopard. ( UÞ à   Þ à  )
3. yogesh learns better than yogita.
4. Rajkot is not better than ahmadabad. 7 A :
5. does veena sing worse than sarangi ?
1. C   =7ò @    J S  ? .

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

2. * = @ >  gh = @ > J: the J ? . 2 VERY FEW MOVIES WERE AS HIT AS ‘SHOLAY’.
3. ;9 = UÞ. .. Þ. ..
S :

VERY FEW + *. .L  + gh7 + AS + = @ /gh @ +

S :
 /  .
The + CDL F +  + gh7 + the + CDL F + 
+ gh7.



S  ¨ double comparision c9 я+ : S :

NO OTHER + 4. .L  + gh7 + SO + = @ /gh7 +

1. A man is rich. A man is upset.
Ans. The richer a man is the more upset be is.  /  .
2. The teacher speaks fast. We learn less.
Ans. The faster the teacher speaks,the less we learn.

Ans. The more we read, the more we think. 2. SHOLAY WAS HITTER THAN MOST OTHER MOVIES.
Exercise :
S :


Q   + gh7 + ONE OF THE + SDL F + *. L  .

7 A .)
1. SD ¨  f 4   % qt 7@  
2. SD = @ > F J: ‘THE’ ; „ [  ? .
3. = [я* SD F ‘EST’ ;9  ‘MOST’  ? . S  CD ¨ PD  K  :
5. SD F ;9 ‘9 à’ 9 ? .
1. f  PD ¨  AS….AS ;9  SO…..AS R ? .

R ? .

• ‘VERY FEW’, : ‘POSITIVE DEGREE’  ¨ : 3. f SD ¨  SDL F R ? . 9 SD F


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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

17) Important Spellings

1. Abracadabra 30. Blissful 59. dependant 88. Fulfillment

2. Accessible 31. Budgetary 60. Diarrhoea 89. generally

3. Accommodative 32. Campaign 61. Dictionary 90. Generator

4. Accommodative 33. Cassette 62. Dictionary 91. genius

5. Accomplice 34. Catalogue 63. Digression 92. government

6. Achievement 35. category 64. Dilemma 93. Grammar

7. acknowledgment 36. Cavalcade 65. discipline 94. Grammar

8. Acoustic 37. cemetery 66. disease 95. Grievance

9. Acquisition 38. Centenarian 67. Dysentery 96. guarantee

10. Advertisement 39. Champagne 68. Dysentery 97. Guarantee

11. Aesthetics 40. Chancellor 69. Elevate 98. Haemoglobin

12. Affectionately 41. cigarette 70. embarrass 99. Haemorrahage

13. Appalled 42. Cigarette 71. Embarrassed 100. harass

14. Apparel 43. Clairvoyant 72. Embarrassment 101. Homogeneous

15. Apprehension 44. Collaborate 73. Embarrassment 102. Hygiene

16. Approached 45. Colonel 74. encouragement 103. ideally

17. Archeology 46. Commissioner 75. Energy 104. Ignominious

18. Argument 47. commitment 76. Enthusiasm 105. Immediate

19. argument 48. Committee 77. Equilibrium 106. Impiety

20. Arithmetic 49. committee 78. Etiquette 107. inadvertent

21. Arraign 50. Communication 79. exaggerate 108. Incentive

22. Attractive 51. correspondence 80. Exercise 109. Incidentally

23. Avaricious 52. Councillor 81. existence 110. incredible

24. basically 53. Counselor 82. experience 111. independent

25. beginning 54. Courageously 83. experiment 112. influential

26. Beneficial 55. Curious 84. Fahrenheit 113. insurance

27. Benevolence 56. Deceive 85. foreword 114. intelligent

28. Benevolence 57. definitely 86. Forfeit 115. interrupt

29. Bibliophile 58. department 87. Forfeit 116. Irreparable

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

117. Jeweler 140. Mysterious 163. prerogative 186. safety

118. Jewellery 141. neighbour 164. Presumptuous 187. Satellite

119. Jubilant 142. Nonagenarian 165. Privilege 188. Sedentary

120. judgment 143. occasion 166. Privilege 189. separate

121. knowledge 144. Occurred 167. privilege 190. Separately

122. length 145. occurred 168. proceed 191. Serenity

123. liaison 146. Occurrence 169. Profession 192. Serenity

124. license 147. occurrence 170. professional 193. sincerely

125. Lieutenant 148. Omission 171. psychological 194. Sparrow

126. luxurious 149. Omniscient 172. Psychology 195. success

127. Maintenance 150. opportunity 173. psychology 196. successful

128. Maintenance 151. Ordinance 174. Pyorrhoea 197. supersede

129. maintenance 152. originally 175. quality 198. technical

130. management 153. Passenger 176. quantity 199. technique

131. manufacture 154. Pedestrian 177. Receipt 200. temperature

132. Maritime 155. Performance 178. Receptive 201. temporary

133. marriage 156. permanent 179. Recurrences 202. Thesaurus

134. married 157. Perseverance 180. Referee 203. Tomb

135. Meager 158. perseverance 181. Rejuvenation 204. unforgettable

136. millionaire 159. Perusal 182. religion 205. unique

137. Mischievous 160. physician 183. religious 206. Uniquely

138. Monarchy 161. possibility 184. remember 207. Veterinarian

139. Moustache 162. practically 185. sacrifice 208. withhold

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

18) Synonyms ( 9˜ @B7)

1. Abandon (?+ 7 ƒ  ) give up, leave, quit 2. ache ( 7 9  ) pain
3. accuse (J [   ) blame, indict, charge, impeach 4. actual ( /= ) real, genuine
5. admit ( •  ƒ ) confess 6.   ƒ ) approve, consent, assent
agree ( v
7. advance (G=   ) progress 8. aim (RQ  ) purpose, motto
9. allot (Jƒ, K ƒ ) give 10. allow (X J  ) permit
11. annihilate (@ ƒ ) destroy 12. appreciate ( 7   ) praise
13. ascent (SIƒ ) climb 14. aton (/    ) repent
15. attempt (G   ) try 16. begin (@F ƒ ) commence
17.   ƒ,  S ƒ ) perplex
bewilder ([ 18. chase (?   ) persue
19. cease (*& 9N яƒ ) stop 20. cling ( : Rƒ  ) stick
21. compel (Kя +  ) force 22. conceal (+ƒ ) hide
23. connect (я+ƒ ) join 24. convert (KK 9ƒ, F ƒ ) change
25. curb (==`   ) control, restrain, limit 26. declare (яR ƒ ) announce, proclaim
27. defy (= &   ) olppose, resist 28. elevate (c N яƒ ) raise
29. endorse ( 1 J  ) approve 30. forgive ( K J  ) pardon
31. gain ( : ƒ ) achieve 32. gather (C   ƒ ) pcollect
33. guard ( ƒ ) protect 34. halt (; ƒ ) stop
35. harm (NX   ) hurt 36. haste (c :   ) hurry
37. heed (Û Jƒ ) attend 38. limitate (   ) colpy
39. jeer ( X   ) mock 40. menace (&  J  ) threaten
41. mend (2&ƒ ) repair 42. observe (Û  ƒ  ) notice
43. object (= &   ) protest, dissent, oppose 44. glitter (S: ƒ ) shine, glow, brighten, sparkle
45. prohibit ( N K   ) forbid, ban 46.    ƒ ) confuse
puzzle ([
47. quit (?+ 7 ƒ  ) leave 48. recognise (:Aƒ ) know
49. remember (7 ƒ ) recollect, recount 50. smash (;9+ ƒ ) break, shatter
51. struggle ([ *    ) fight 52. submit (@ яƒ ) yield, surrender
53. support ( 77   ) help, aid 54. tolerate (R ƒ ) bear
55. utter (* ƒ ) speak, tell express 56. welcome (J ƒ ) receive, greet
57. apprehend (+ƒ ) fear 58. disappoint (=@ 9ƒ ) frustrate
59. comprehend ( яƒ ) understand, grasp 60. scold (t  J  ) rebuke, reprimand
61. maon (=    ) lament, moum, grieve 62. annoy (Aя ƒ ) tease, displease
63. deceive (? ƒ ) cheat, hoodwink 64. pilfer (S   ) steal
65. expand (K  ƒ ) spread 66. diminish (-+   ) decrease reduce
67. adopt (;Lw:
 ƒ ) adjust 68. barter (= =    ) exchange
69. despise (K   ) hate, detest, scorn, abhor, disgust, 70. predict (;R   ) foretell
71. refuge (J@ J  ) shelter 72. deny ( +  ) refuse
73. separate (vm ƒ, ;    ) divede 74. command (J7 @ J  ) order, dectate
75. defeat (R ƒ ) thwart 76. amuse (  я ƒ ) entertain, please, delight
77. attack (p    ) invade, assault, assail 78. challenge (+ ƒ ) dare, defy
79. fade ([XN яƒ ) wither, languish, decline, decay 80. live (Rƒ  ) dwell, languish, decline, decay
81. quarrel (-+   ) fight 82. see (яƒ ) look, behold, gaze, stare, eye, glare
83. shake (я ƒ ) tremble, quiver, shiver, shudder 84. sing (ƒ ) chant
85. think (= Sƒ ) reflect, ponder, meditate, contemplate, 86. build (*&ƒ ) construct, erect

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

87. discrebe (  ƒ ) relate, recount 88. pass (K: 9ƒ ) succeed, achive
89. teach (C ƒ ) educate, instruct 90. discriminate (C 7C A  ) distinguish
91. respect (  Jƒ ) honour, esteem 92. defame (*7 ƒ )
93. recover (X 9ƒ, K9 : ƒ ) regain, cure 94. abbreviate (k€ ƒ ) abridge, shorten
95. abstain (8@ , J79 m  Rƒ  ) refrain 96. mix (C : ƒ ) mingle
97. exphasize (C [   ) stress 98. labour ( R   ) work
99. abserve (=g ƒ ) watch 100. suffer (R ƒ, 7 ƒ ) undergo, endure
101. abolish (@ ƒ, 7 ƒ) cancle, annual, exterminate 102. abscond (C яƒ ) flee, run away
103. absorb (   9N яƒ ) engross, obsess 104. abuse (m  c   ) misuse
105. advise ( R J  ) counsel 106. advocate (    , C     ) plead
107. amend (2&ƒ ) improve, reform, rectify 108. attain ( : ƒ ) gain, get, obtain
109. assist ( 77   ) support, back, aid, help 110. kill (  Aƒ ) slay, murder, slaughter
111. buy (A7ƒ ) purchase 112. catch ( +ƒ ) capture, grip, clutch
113. censure (    ) criticise 114. certify (G k ƒ ) testify, attest
115. choose (7 ƒ ) select, cull 116. debase (c +ƒ ) degrade, disgrace, dishonour
117. decide (œ ƒ ) determine, resolve 118.    Aƒ ) erase, rub out, disfigure
deface (ó
119. defend (*S   ) save, protect, guard 120. desire (Ns?   ) wish, want, long, crave
121. displant (c9   +ƒ ) overthrow, destroy, raze 122. deprive (+  ƒ  ) despoil, rob, debar
123. depute (= o    ) appoint, delegate 124. devote (; ƒ ) dedicate
125. diffuse (= /ƒ ) expand, spread 126. discover (@& ƒ  ) disclose, detect, expose, discern, find,
127. embrance (Jk x Jƒ/ C ƒ ) hug 128. banish (7 @ =  ƒ ) exite
129. rape (*:< , *: ƒ ) ravish 130. encounter (->   ) struggle, fight, embattle
131. enlighten (G @ +  ) elucidate 132. trap (K ƒ,  Y  -+ƒ) plot, intrigue
133. entreat (=   , J]]   ) beg, implore, 134. evaluate ([ d  ƒ) appraise, assess
request, beseech, solicit, supplicant
135. excuse ( K ƒ ) pardon, acquit, exmpt, forgive, free, 136. expel (ç0 ƒ) die, perish
137. expire ([ ~<j  ƒ ) die, perish 138. follow (;Lƒ) accompany, pursue, truce
139. chuckle (7 I ) giggle, guffaw, cackle 140. disappear (;7 „ 9N яƒ ) vanish
141. govern ( R    ) administer, rule 142. guide (7  J  ) lead, direct
143. happen (9ƒ, *ƒ ) occure, befall 144. hinder (; &ƒ ) block, hamper, obstruct
145. ignore (;    ) neglect, disregard 146. irritage (Aя ƒ ) annoy, tease, pester
147. jump (w 7    ) jerk, leap, hop, bound 148. justify (*S   ) defend, vindicate
149. mould (-+ƒ ) construct, shape, form, compose 150. grumble (;> R  ) complain, murmur
151. portray (=F ƒ ) describe, depict, delincate, 152. presume (Rƒ ) guess, assume, conjecture
153. provoke (c„  ƒ) agitate, excite, arouse 154. punish (=@   ) castigate, chastise
155. realize (C 9ƒ ) know, understand 156. require (яF R  ) need, want, necessitate
157. restore (  /9   ) rebuild, reconstruct, 158. rob (Þ ƒ ) loot, plunder, steal
159. satiate (@ ƒ, > J  ) appease, gratify, satisfy 160. scrutinize ( ~Z9    ) analyes
161. search (@&   ) seek, probe 162.   J  ) grant, approve
sanction ( v
163. snare (+ ƒ, K 7  ƒ  ) trap, seize, catch 164. split (=+ + ) cleave, rip, slit
165. substract (ç ƒ ) diminish, duduct, lessen, reduce, 166. add ( &   ) increase
167. supply (Y  +ƒ ) furnish, provide 168. suppose ( ƒ, &ƒ ) delieve, assume, presume
169. suspect (@    ) doubt, mistrust, question 170. tarry (= *   ) delay, postpone, adjourn

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

171. terrify (+ ƒ ) alarm, dismay, frighten horrify, terrorize, 172. turn ( :ƒ ) circulate, revolve, rotate, wheel, whirl
173. twist ( :ƒ, S +ƒ) bend, crook, curve 174. expect (;  A  ) hope
175. urge (JuR  ) crave, yearn, long 176. vacillate (R + , S   9ƒ ) fluctuate, oscillate,
177. vary (*7  ƒ, KK 9  ) change, alter, shift, modify, 178. wander (A+ƒ ) rove roam, loaf
179. worship ( X   ) deify, idolize, venerate, adore 180. beautiful (I ƒ ) clothe, cover, envelope
181. beautiful (27
  ) hundsome, pretty, lovely, comely, 182. brave (*Rm  ) bold, fearless. Daring, courageous, valiant,
charming, attractive, exquisite
183. careless (* 7  ) reckless, heedless, unttentive, negligent 184. clever (R=@ ) expert, smart, intelligent, talented
185. stupid ([ A ) foolish, silly, dull, idiot 186. eager, (JQ ) earnest, keen, zealous, ardent, enthusiastic,
187. earthy (m1  ) mundance, workly, material 188. dirty (m ) shabby, filthy, untidy
189. enough ( Q  ) sufficient, ample, adequate 190. etemal (ž ) everlasting, immortal, perpetual
191. false (A0 , *  ) untrue, ficticious, fake, bogus, 192. famous (XQ  ) well-known, noted, notable, illustrious,
193. frank (=A  ) candid, untidy 194. obstinate (muR ) obdurate, stubborn, unyielding,
195. ancient (GS ) old, primitive, antiquated 196. polite (=  ) corutcous, civil, meek, humble, modest,
197. rude (c… ) huaughty, disccurteous, rough 198. sad (c7 ) sorrowful, doleful, moumful, gllomy, dismal,
199. smooth ([  ) polished, sleek, glossy 200. stern ( + ) strict, severe, hard, rigid, stiff
201. tired (9  Þ  ) weary, fatigued, exhausted 202. rogue (*7 @ ) rascal, scoundrel,
203. weak (* ) feeble, infirm 204. wet (CL ) damp, drenched, humid, soaked
205. wise (+Π) prudent, judicious, discreet 206. young (j  ) youthfull, juvenile, immature
207. useful (c ) advantageous, expedient, 208. authentic ( /= ) genuine, real
209. gentle (v ) mild, tender, kind 210. dangerous (яA  ) perilous, harzardous, kind
211. abvious (7 AQ  ) clear, evident 212. conventional ( g ) traditional, customary
213. sly (ÞsS ) cunning, crafty, deceitful 214. savge (я   ) barbarian uncivilized
215. lawless (   7L ) liiegnal, unlawful 216. vacant (A  ) void, empty
217. rare (; 1 ) scarece, uncommon 218. brief (0 w ) short, concise, terse
219. annual ( =>£ ) yearly 220. awkward ( I  ) clumsy
221. absent ( Rя ) missig, lost 222. absolute (  ) perfect, complete, total, thorough
223. active (gh ) aalert, diligent, busy 224. timid (+ ) fearful, alarmed, cowardly, cowardly,
225. aged (ƒ ~
) senile, elderly ripe, old 226. bright ( я/  ) glaring, lustrous, dazzling, sparkiling, radiant
227. cruel (-  ) brutish, savage, tyrannical, callous 228. calm (@ ) cool, quiet, placid
229. casual (J P/ ) accidental 230. certaim (Sœ ) sure
231. cheap (/Q  ) low, worthless, inexpensive 232. cheerful (J7 ) gay, merry, buoyant, joyous, joyful, happy
233. chief ([e ) principal, supreme, prime, main 234. cold (t y ) coldly, frosty, cool, wintry
235. confident (= ž2, ==žQ 3 ) sure, assured 236. considerate (= S@ ) menitative, thoughtful
237. corrupt (q ) base low, mean, debased 238. considerate (A ) meditative, thoughtful
239. dear (=G, ”“ ) costly, beloved 240. dead (=я˜ ) lifeless, deceased, inanimate
241. definite (==ž ) fixed, exact 242. deformed (* +:) istorted, misshapen, crippled
243. delicious (/ g7q ) sweet, tasteful, savoury 244. difficult (g gt ) hard, intricate, obscure, puzzling
245. docile (™ ) meek, mild, gentle, pliable 246. durable ( c ) lasting, abiding, enduring
247. eccentric (= kS` ) strange, odd, quaint, queer 248. eminent (”&G` ) consipicous, prominent
249. empty (A  ) devoid, hellow, vacant 250. enormous (= @3 ) huge, colossal, gigantic, immense, vast
251. equivalent (4 F, 4   ) equal, identical 252. spacious ( ) broad, roomy
253. extraordinary (;7ó ) marvelous, rare, wonderful 254. familiar (gkS ) acquainted, intimate, close

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255. feminine (_  Q  ) female, womanly 256. final (}= ) last, eventual, terminal,
257. frugal (  j8 ) economical, thirfty, stingy 258. funny ([ ], R//7 ) amusing, humourous
259. talkative ( +j ) garrulous, loquacious 260. glorious (CO ) elevated, exalted, grand
261. grieved (O=9 ) pained, hurt, afflicted 262. healthy (m/Q3 ) sound, hygienic
263. heavently (/ ˜, g7O ) celestial, divine 264. heavy (C ) weight, burdensome
265. human (7 ) forgiving, merciful, kind 266. impressive (GC ) arresting, commanding
267. inccssant (;=  ) ceaseless. Constant, endless. Continual, 268. lincongruous (=  7 ) discrepant
269. indispensable (;=  ) essential, fundamental, intrinsic 270. indolent (J:2 ) lazy, idle, slothful, sluggish
271. industrious ( RQ  ) busy, diligent 272. injurious (L  w3 ) damaging, harmful
273. innocent (=7—> ) blameless. Faultless 274. insolent (c… ) arrogant, impudent
275. instinctive (RŠя ) impulsive, willing, voluntary, 276. invulnerable (;я ) invincible, unconquerable
277. irritable (Sg+j ) excitable, peevish, petulani 278. languid (* ) feeble, faint, weak
279. lantent (2€ , € ) concealed, dormant, hidden 280. liearned (R=@ ) intelligent, scholar
281. legitimate ( 7 L ) nuthentic, genuine, genuine, 282. lenient (c7 ) forgiveng, humane, element, compassionate
283. lucky (C‹@: ) fortunate, favoured 284. monotonous (  :я ) boring, burdensome, dreary, dull
285. miraculous (;7ó, S < g ) marvelous 286. numerous (;e ) diverse, manifold, many, various, several
287. oblivious (ó o ) unmindful, heedless 288. paradoxical (= &C ) contradictory, contrary
289. paradoxical (7я ) contradictory, pathetic, moving 290. plausible (@8  ) likely, possible, probable
291. preposterous (R//7 ) absured, nonsensical, ridiculous 292. prejudiced (  uR  ) blassed
293. quick (+ ) brisk, hasty, swift, speedy 294. rational (•›…     Q  ) intelligent, judicious,
reasonable, sensible
295. rebellious (*: A ) defiant, unruly, refractory 296. royal (X Q  ) kingly, monarchiall, courtly, regal,
297. relative ( ) kindred, kinsfolk 298. relaxed (*& ) pleasing, restful
299. reliable (= ž, A  ) certain, trusty, 300. reluctant (E@, ;=s?  ) disinclined, unwilling,
trustworthy, hesitang,
301. repentant (/  9  ƒ  ) penitent, remorseful 302. ruthless (=7 , -  ) barbarous, bestial. Brutal, brutish,
303. sensitive ( @ ) perceptive, responsive, emotional 304. sharp (=Ÿo3 ) keen pointed
305. shy (@ : ) bashful, reserved, coy 306. sick ( m ) ailing, diseased, ill, unhealthy
307. stable (7 I, P/9 ) constant, established, firm, steady, 308. superficial (c ?dÞ ) frivolous, shallow, flimsy
309. tainted ( g  ) contaminated, spoiled 310. temporal (m1 , ­gR ) mundane, earthly, wordly
 ) emplhlemeral, momentary,
311. transient (C 312. turbulent (K, |   ƒ,  + Uƒ ) windy,
temporary, evanescent stormy
313. ugly (* +:, à ~я ) deformed, repulsive 314. pretentious (7 C ) feigned, showy
315. prolific (*pK:7 ) bountiful, fertile, fruitful, plenteous 316. valuable (g  ) costly, expensive, precious, dear
317. vertical (c… , @ * ) perpendicular, upright 318. vigorous (c<R ) active, energetic, spirited
319. virulent (
> ) hostile, malevolent, malicious, 320. volent (gRx ) furious, impetutous, raging, raving, turbulent,
malignant, spiteful, wicked, wild,
321. voluntary (/ rs? ) automatic, instinctive, willing 322. wealthy ([ ~… ) affluent, rich, opulent , prosperous, well-to
323. witty (Rя я *, w @u •›…  ) talented, smart, 324. zealous (c<R ) ardent, eager, enthusilatic, fervent, keen
ingenious, apt, profound
325. profound (R ) penetrating, deep,solemn 326. precise (Sœ ) accuratge, exact, distinct
327. sudden (kSQ  ) abrupt, unexpected 328. popular (kSxQ  ) known, familiar, favourite
329. ability (   ) capacity, skill, competence 330. anger (/ ) rage, wrath, fury, resentment
331. caution (S   ) warning 332. content (> ) satisfaction

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333. diceit (? ë+ ) fraud, deception 334. face (SR ) countenance, appearance, visage, complexion
335. fear (+ ) alam, horrow, terror, firght 336. joy (J7 ) mirth, delight gaiety, glee, revelry
337. joke ( X ) jest, 338. maxim (2 `, R  ) saying, proverb, aphorism
339. news ( S ) tidings 340. patience (&я ) fortitude, preservance
341. poverty (*N ) penury, destitution 342. quarrel (-+ ) dispute, dissention, squabble
343. priority (;ku  ) preference 344. hatred (=/  ) condemnation
345. malice (N> ) ill-will 346. magician (Xm, =` ) sorcerer
347. wisdom (M, +R ) knowledge, learning 348. bravery (*Rm ) courage, gallanty
349. deference (J7 ) reverence, respect, veneration 350. variance (= kC ) variety, variabtion
351. paint (mA ) grief, sorrow, agony 352. restraint (=` ) constraint
353. emblem (G ) symbol 354. adversity (JK ) calamity, misery, hardship
355. envy (N> ) jealousy 356. error (ó  ) mistake, blunder
357. bias (  uR ) prejudice 358. enemy (g7„  ) foe, antagonist, apponent, adversary
359. accident (; /  ) mishap 360. admiration (G ) appreciation, praise
361. ambition ( R<  ) aspiration desire, earnestness 362. fate (* ) fortune, luck, destiny
363. friend (= ` ) comrade, companion 364. combination (я+ ) union, association, leaguye
365. despair (=@ ) dejection, depression, hopelessness, 366. desctrucition, (= @ ) ruin, annihiliation, extinction
367. disease ( ) malady, sickess. Allment 368. disgrace (; w~ ) dishounour, shame, infamy
369. bettle ( +N ) fight, combat, duel, struggle 370. energy(@P8 ) strength, vigour, capacity
371. enjoyment (J7 ) pleasure, joy, gladness 372. entertainment (  я ) amusement, recreation
373. example (c7R ) sample, sample, illustration 374. inquiry ( ) querry, quest, investigation
375. success (K: ) achievement, victory 376. faulth (A , 7> ) defect, flaw
377. fidelity ( K7 ) devotion, constancy, loyalty, faithfulness. 378. benefit ( C ) profit, advantage, gain
379. garment ( _ ) clothing, array, attire, dress, garb, vestment, 380. generosity (c7 ) charity, humanity, kindles,
vesture, apparel magnanimity, philanthropy
381. hallucination ( ) fantacy, phantasm illusion 382. faith (= ž ) trust, confidence
383. hurt (NX, L  ) damage, detriment, injury 384. idea (= S ) concept, though, notion, opinion
385. imitation ( ) copy, duplicate, replica 386. occupation (O  ) profession, profession, dusiness,
387. labour ( R,  ) toil, work 388. lethargy (J: ) lassitude, idleness
389. mind ( я,  ) brain, psyche 390. monument (/ w3 ) memorial
391. temper (/ C ) disposition, mood, temperament 392. marriage ( ‹ ) matrimony, wedding, nuptial
393. diet (A ) food, meal, victuals 394. objection (= &, ; 1 ) difference, dissent
395. opulence ( [ ~›… ) affluence, money, riches, 396. origin (c7C ) birth, source
397. decoration (@ ) ornamentation, adomment, 398. alien (= 7 @ ) foreigner, outsider, stranger
399. passion, (C ,  ) affection, emotion, feeling 400. perception ( я ) apprehension, understanding
401. permission (  ) leave, liberty, consent, permit, 402. petition (;я ) appeal, law-suit
403. request (=  ) plea, eentreaty, supplication 404. introduction (G/ ) preface, foreword, preamble,

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19) Antonyms ( = Y…9˜ @B7 )

1. Difficult ;-Y  Easy : 42. Weak =*: Strong *:

2. Beginning J C End } 43. Heat   Coolness t +
3. Inside }7 Outside *R 44. Cruel  Kind 7
4. Import J Export =  45. Dim E  Bright  я/ 
5. Dry Y Wet CL 46. Raw Ž Ripe w
6. Darkness }&  Light G @ 47. Delicate v Hard t
7. Useful c Useless k*c 48. Lazy J:2 Diligent c& 
8. Modern Jà= Ancient GS 49. Income J Expenditure X
9. Complete   Incomplete ; 50. Blessing J@ 7 Curse @
10. Original ;  Imitation   51. Attach я+ƒ Detach +ƒ
11. Private A Public XR 52. Proud ;kC  Humble =kC 
12. Proper ‹ Improper ;‹ 53. Best % qt Worst A* 
13. Birth я1 Death [ ~<j A*
14. Purchase A7 Sale S 54. Active gh Inactive ={qh
15. Transparent 7@ Opaque ;7@ 55. Permanent   Temporary R 
16. Just 1 Unjust ;1 56. Internal ^g External *ê
17. Pure –… Impure ;–… 57. Rise S+ Fall +
18. Later ?9 Sooner < k 58. Perfect   Imperfect ;
19. Ugly * +: Beautiful 2+: 59. Add c ƒ Subtract *7 ƒ
20. Living ]  Dead [ ~ 60. Lost A  Found я+
21. Quite @ Noisy --gj 61. Absence  Rя Presence Rя
22. Bottom k:j Top S 62. Above c Below S
23. Compulsory KŠя Voluntary Šя 63. Deep y Shallow ??Y
24. Bound *=& Unbound ;*=& 64. Sharp Ÿ Blunt •
25. Little 9y Much -o 65. Enter }7 J ƒ Exit *R яƒ
26. Punish X   Reward *7  66. Strength @P8 Weakness ;@P8
J  67. Tired 9  Þ  Fresh я
27. Minority “  Majority *p  68. Success K: Failure =qK:
28. Separation =  Meeting  69. Delay = * Haste c :
29. Advantage C Disadvantage   C 70. Tragic Y Comic R/=
30. Waste *+ Save *S 71. Annoyed  @ Pleased E@
31. Dear ”“ Cheap /Q  72. Sympathy RLó = Antipathy = 
32. Tiny L Huge 0 73. Promptly < g Slowly &
33. Dirty k  Clean = : 74. Appear 7 Aƒ Disappear ;V„
34. Speaker 8 Listener % 75. Rare C‹ я Common  1
35. Sunrise 2 —7 Sunset 2/ 76. Satisfaction > Dissatisfaction ;>
36. Halt  ƒ Continue SÞ Aƒ 77. Arrange t ƒ Scatter = A ƒ
37. Joy R> Sorrow @ 78. Waste *+ƒ Preserve S ƒ
38. Profit K Loss L @ 79. Arrival J  Departure = 
39. Respect J7 Insult ;  80. Withdraw ç A Sƒ Advance J: &ƒ
40. Auspicious –C Inauspicious ;–C 81. Virtue 7 Vice m
41. Guide 7 ƒ Misguide   ¯ 82. Ashamed @ C Þ  Proud C C Þ 
7ƒ 83. Mature g8 Immature ;g8

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84. Junior SÞ Senior cL 126. Constructive  < Destructive = @<
85. Inspire G  Discourage =Y<R 127. Demand  Supply  t
J  ƒ 128. Credible = ž Incredible ;= ž@
86. Inhale ž  Exhale ž I  129. Apparent /q  Doubtful @ /7
87. Sleep -ƒ Wake Xƒ 130. Care C: Neglect ; 
88. Pull AÜSƒ Push &œ   131. Attack Jh  ƒ Protect *S  
89. Agree R  Disagree ;R  132. Drop +Q  [  ƒ Pick-up c+ƒ
90. Upper cL Lower S L  133. Hostile m„  C Friendly ` Cjþ
91. Bitter +ƒ Sweet 
j jþ
92. Take off è+ƒ Land c¤ ƒ 134. Ability @P8 Inability ;@P8
93. Heaven /  Hell   135. Ignorance ;M Knowledge M
94. Narrow  y Broad = @: 136. Fertile K:‡  Infertile k*K:‡ 
95. Oral kA Written kA 137. Greedy C Generous c7
96. Wild 1 Pet  Q  138. Initial @FJL Final }L
97. Lend c?L Jƒ Borrow c?L ƒ  139. Memorize 7 ƒ Forget ó  ƒ
98. Admit /  ƒ Deny ;/   140. Confidence = ž Diffidence ;= ž
  141. Particular = @ > General  1
99. Experienced ;LC  Inexperienced k*LC  142. Ordinary & Extraordinary ;&
100. Fact R   Fiction d 143. Parting = E  +ƒ Meeting = 
101. Fortune 7C‹ Misfortune mC‹ 144. Victory = я Defeat R
102. Conclude   ƒ Begin J C   145. Upward c K Downward S  K
103. Bravery *Rm Cowardice  146. Trained   *… Untrained   = R
104. Boring   я Interesting G7 147. Wholesale яZ9*& Retail 
105. Beneficial K7  Harmful L @ 148. Gloomy c7 Bright  я/ 
 149. Forward G=@ Backward ?
106. Disappoint = ƒ Please ] ƒ 150. Console Jž Congratulate ;kC7
107. Proceed J: &ƒ Recede ?: +ƒ Jƒ J 
108. Different vm vm Same E 151. Deliver RíSƒ Capture *U ƒ
109. Expand = /ƒ Contract  Sƒ 152. Similar   Dissimilar ; 
110. Optimist J@ 7 Pessimist =@ 7 153. Uniform 4 F Varied = = & F
111. Synonym  9˜ Antonym = &9˜ 154. Attraction J > Repulsion ; >
112. Educated C Þ  Uneducated ;C 155. Certain Sœ uncertain ;Sœ
113. Dominant G&1  Subsidiary  156. Accurate Sœ Inaccurate ;Sœ
114. Senseless ;9= R Sensible ;9C 157. Capable  Incapable k*
115. Vacant A  Full C Þ  158. Prosperity [ ~›… Adversity 
116. Worship  X   Ridicule R c+  159. Extravagant AS: Economical  j8
117. Artificial w~=` Natural w 7 160. Frightened + Þ  Unafraid =C
118. Digestion S Indigestion ;S 161. Hesitant AS Q  Willing / =?
119. Harmony  g7 Conflict -> 162. Aggressive Jh Defensive <
120. Occasional Gk Frequent ;   163. Popular  =G Unpopular ;=G
121. Master k Slave   164. Safety    Insecurity k*  
122. Employment я Unemployment * я 165. Suitable ;LF Unsuitable k*;LF
123. Fearless *Rm Timid + 166. Wisdom @ Folly [ A
124. Responsible я *7 Irresponsible * я *7
125. Admire G@   Condemn =x7  

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Proceed X Recede Top X Bottom Gently X Harshly

Propose X Dispose Tragedy X Comedy Crest X Base
Pride X Humility Tragic X Comic Cheerful X Cheerless
Quiet X Noisy Transparent X Opaque Fierce X Tame
Rear X Front Uniform X Varied Weep X Laugh
Remote X Near Upper X Lower Primeval X modern
Rise X Fall Useful X Useless Flimsy X Concrete
Rough X Smooth Conquest X Seized X Released
Sleep X Wake Victory X Alone X Together
Smile X Frown Triumph X Doomed X Blest
Somewhere X Nowhere Virtue X Vice Decimated X Created
Strange X Familiar Weal X Woe Sinking X Floating
Subtract X Add Wholesale X Retail Forward X Backward
Success X Failure Wisdom X Folly Dusk X Dawn
Superior X Inferior Comrade X Enemy, Foe Vain X Fruitful
Sympathy X Antipathy Poached X Reared Infect X disinfect
Thoughtful X Thoughtless Whisper X Shout Obvious X Hidden
Prolong X Discontinue Intimacy X Detachment Purity X Impurity
Evocative X Subdued Dangerous X Safe Odd X Even
Pinnacle X Base Sharp X Blunt Dyspeptic X Strong
Blunders X Accuracy Ability X Inability Negate X Affirm
Efficient X Inefficient Occasionally X Regularly Several X Few
Annoy X Please Honest X Dishonest Appreciate X Criticise
Fortune X Misfortune Attract X Repel Indolent X Busy
Corpulent X Skinny Astray X On line Beginning X End
Gloomy X Bright Fake X Genuine Stoically X happily
Redolent X Smelly Torrential X Light Canopied X Open
Gaunt X Thick Savour X Dislike Glance X Gaze
Dominating X Submitting Collect X Distribute Objection X Acceptance
Private X Public Doubt X Surety Aggressive X Submissive
Composed X Fretting Unkempt X Stylish Variegated X Plain
Nether X Top Detain X Release Danger X Safety
Contraband X Legal Reproach X Cajole Serene X Noisy
Poverty X Prosperity Sufficient X Insufficient Fraudulent X Genuine
Ennui X Excitement Snug X Comfortable Incoherent X Confident
Vividly X Hazily Depredation X Construction Rural X Urban
Risibly X Convincingly Fetid X Fresh Rustic X Urban
Mourning X Celebrating Cramped X Spacious Pastoral X Urban
Perished X Alive Enormous X Tiny Bucolic X Urban
Futile X Useful Bravely X Cowardly Commotion X Silence
Overt X Concealed Lurch X Steady Seldom X Often
Hamper X Support Human X Inhuman Hide X Reveal
Native X Foreign Innocence X Guilt Peace X Unrest
Motion X Stillness Inhabit X Vacate Brief X Lengthy
Decay X Fructify Allied X Alienated Mourn X Rejoice

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20) One word substitute ( @B7 [ R  4 @B7)

1. That cannot to be read illegible ( S  @   ƒ)
2. An expert who forecasts in changes of weather meteorologist (R  @_)
3. Known for bad deeds notorious ( S, w = e)
4. Original hand written copy of a book manuscript (R/G)
5. The life history of a person written by himself autobiography (J<  9)
6. Belonging to the same time or period contemporary (  )
7. One who is easily frightened timed (+ )
8. To feel about something in advance foretell (JR)
9. Consent given by all unanimous ( L  )
10. That which is not possible impossible (;@¨)
11. That which can be easily bent flexible : @   ƒ 
12. That which is contrary to law illegal, unlawful (  7 )
13. fit to be eaten edible (A   )
14. expert in constructing building, roads etc. = civil engineer (=  4r1я)
15. writing material (pen, ink note paper etc.) stationery (/ @)
16. too strong to be defeated invincible (;U)
17. unpaid position honorary (  )
18. without beginning or end, lasting for ever eternal (  )
19. the place where bread is prepared backery (* )
20. a word with the similar meaning as another synonym ( 9˜)
21. that which is spread by contact contagious (S )
22. a made up story fable (7  9)
23. Belonging to all parts of the world universal ( =` )
24. One who renders his services by his own desire volunteer (/ rs? )
25. A person who dies for a noble causes of a principal martyr (@R7)
26. Incapable for being heard inaudible (  C: @   ƒ)
27. One who entertains guests host (я )
28. A speech made without preparation extempore ( = L)
29. One who does not eat meat vegetarian (@ R)
30. To create a feeling of dislike in repel (; )
31. Indifferent to the suffering of others calloas (*  R)
32. Word that is contrary in meaning to another antonym = F…9˜
33. First public address maiden speech (C>)
34. Selling goods into or out of the country secretly and illegally smuggling (7S)
35. Without a name of anonymous (@= )
36. Work done in a friendly manner or peaceful way amicable (@= )
37. One who leaves his country to settle in another country emigrant (g 7 @ )
38. One who takes a gloomy way of everything pessimist (=@ 7)
39. One who believes that everything is decided by fate fatalist (GB& 7)
40. That which is out of fashion obsolete (U S   9  )
41. One who is easily annoyed irritable (kS+  ƒ)
42. Incapable of being believed = incredible (  @   ƒ)
43. One who is easily deceived gullible (?   ƒ)
44. Of cool and even tamper equanimous (@ Gw~=)

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45. One who never drinks teetotaler (7F  9  )

46. That which is sure to happen inevitable (;= 4)
47. That which causes the bowels to empty laxative ( S )
48. A person who eats too much glutton (Ac&Y)
49. One who cannot read or write illiterate (=)
50. A person who live on vegetables Vegetarian ( @ R )
51. One who is unable to pay this debt Insolvent( я7, 7, 7 k:j)
52. A person who leaves one’s country to settle in another country Emigrant ( / 7 @ ?+ 7 @    я)
53. A person who sees only the side of things pessimist
54. A person runs away to escape the law fugitive
55. A person who collects the news for the newspaper correspondent,
56. A person of extra ordinary talents genious
57. person found guilty oby the court convict
58. A man whose wife is dead widower
59. An unmarried man bachelor
60. A person who sacrifices for noble cause martyr
61. A person who betrays one’s country - traitor
62. A person who believes in God - Theist
63. A person who believes in fate fatalist
64. A person who hates mankind misanthrope
65. A person who hates marriages misogamist
66. A person who never drinks wine or, alchoholic drinks teetotaler
67. A person who walks on foot pedestrian
68. A person with whom you work colleague
69. A person who love money for its sake and spends very little miser
70. One who pleads for equal right and spends welfare of women feminist
71. One who loves books bibliophile
72. One who collects stamps philatelist
73. A person who overeats glutton
74. A man who eats human flesh cannibal
75. A person who practices severe austerity ascetic
76. One who is unable to read and write illiterate
77. One who is easily befooled gullible
78. One who entertains guests host
79. A person who in limning in the same age contemporary
80. One who is prepares the designs of building architect
81. One who excels in many things versatile
82. A person who suffers from mental disorder pacifist
83. One who is very talkative loquacious
84. Husband who is rules by wife a hen pecked husband
85. A short tempered wife shrew
86. One who breaks images iconoclast
87. One who examines account auditor
88. One who robs the ships in the sea pirate
89. One who robs the ships in the sea highwaymen
90. A person one confides in confidant
91. One who is highly refined elite
92. Speacialist in heart diseases cardiologist
93. Specialist in eye diseases occulist, ophthalmologist
94. Specialist in mental and emotional disorders psychiatrist
95. Specialist of brain disorder neurologist
96. A doctor who treats animal veterinarian
97. mental disorder psychosis
98. inability of sleep isomnia
99. disease that spread by contact contagious
100. examination of body after death post morten

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21) Idioms and phrase( YgIG ; ¨@ )

1. To give up – to abandon (?+ 7 ƒ) 2. To keep well – to be in good health (/ /9 Rƒ)
The doctor advised him to give up smoking I am not keeping well these days
3. To break donw – to collapse (+ Cƒ) 4. To break out – to erupt suddently (4 4 K  :ƒ)
After his wife’s death, he broke down utterly, Last night the fire broke out in that house,
5. To look into – to investigate(  ) 6. To take off – to begin a flight (cÝ ƒ)
The senior police officer is looking into the matter, The plane took off despite the fog,
7. To stand by – to support ( 77  ) 8. To put off – to postpone ([   Aƒ)
We should stand by to one another in the time of natural clamity, I can’t put off consulting the doctor any longer,
9. To call on – to meet ( :ƒ) 10. To drop in – to play sudden visit (;S [   )
The prime minister called of the visiting American president, He dropped in to her house,
11. To bring up to - educate or to rear (c? ƒ) 12. To carry on – to manage or continue (SÞ Aƒ)
He was broght up by his grand mother, She carried on the business after her father’s death,
13. To cast off – to drive away (m  ƒ) 14. to draw a blank – to fail (=qK: яƒ)
We must try to cast off the evils of the society, he drew a blank in the lottery of life
15. To get through – to pass ( 9ƒ) 16. To keep back – conceal or hid (ç ƒ)
He works hard to get through the GPSC examination , I shall keep back nothing from you,
17. To pass through – to undergo ( 9ƒ) 18. To turn a deaf ear to – to ignore (;   )
He has passed through many ups and down in life, He turned a dead care to all our demands
19. To take to task – to scold (t  J ) 20. To call for – to require (яF R , Û Jƒ)
He was taken to task for the negligence in duty, The situation calls for considerable tact,
21. To cat down – to decrease (-+ƒ) 22. To make the mark to be distinguished (=›
G€  )
We must cut down our expenses. He has up the mark in physics,
23. To crave for – to yearn for (A  ) 24. To give in – to yield ( Q  яAƒ)
A man in sorrow craves for sympathy, He was forced to give in,
25. To get rid of - to get free form (ç  : ) 26. To add fuel to the fire – to excite further (*:  -
The step mother wanted to get rid of the child, R ƒ)
My remarks only added fuel to the fire of his anger,
27. To bear in mind – remember (7 Aƒ) 28. To breath one’s last – die ([ ~<j  ƒ)
Students should always bear in mind the advice to their teachers. The wonded soldier breathed his last,
29. To call a spade a spade – to tell in plain words (/q @B7  30. To leave no stone unturned – to make all afforts (*& я
Rƒ) G   ) the detective left no stone unturned to
he was never afraid o calling a spade spade, find out the culprit,
31. To hold one’s tongue – keep silent (Ž  Rƒ) 32. To be after – to want (Ns?ƒ,  ?: Rƒ)
I told him to hold his tongue and leave me alone, He is after money,
33.     [ N яƒ, •›… *R
To be at one’s wit’s end – euzzle ([ 34. To make a clean breast of – confess ( •    )
 я ) He made a clean breast of himself before the police
We were at out wit’s end how such a a basless rumour came into
35. To take to one’s hells – run away (C яƒ) 36. to cry over spilt milk – to lament in vain (=9 = 
At the barking of the dog, the thief took to his heels,  ) do not cry over spilt milk,
37. To bury the hatchet – to forget enmity (m„   ó   я ) 38. To be taken aback –to astonish (Jž ;LC ƒ)
The tow families buried the hatchet and became friends again, I was taken aback at his involvement in stealing,
39. Apple of one’s eye – to be very dear or to be precious (E * я =G 40. Apple of discord – cause of dispute ( ŠяL [ :)
Rƒ) Kashmir is the apple of discord between India and
Being an only child, she was the apple of her mother’s eye,
41. To back up – to support (  J ) 42. To beat the air – to strive in vain (=qK: G  )
He had no chance if you had not backed him up, The speaker was simply beating the air, there was no
substance in his speech,

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 .. 79
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

22) Important words ( ;< @B7)

1. Pious  = ` 43. Devious += ; w Ž w

2. Intention f1 1@ f7 44. Random  1+ ;/O/
3. Own/owner / L/ k 45. Candidate  {1++ c 7 
4. United jf + j8  46. Shallow @  ??Y 
5. Scold / d+ t  J  47. Voluntary ‘ 1 Šя
6. cyclone 8   y 48. Manger 1  
7. Opportunity «sj=   49. Miracle =  S < 
8. Leading g+x J: +Q  50. Overnight  f 
9. Den + K 51. Oversight  f Ž 
10. Enlarge 4  0 ƒ 52. Jealous U  N>
11. Naughty  K 53. Transparent i1 1 7@
12. Lid + I  54. Wind = 1+  
13. Transit ir1 /  55. Sole  L k:j
14. Opposite k = Y… 56. Soul ‘ J< 
15. Detachable + S* 0 + @   ƒ  57. Garbage *¯ S
16. Stranger /i я ;X  58. Monk 1 à,,1
17. Dilemma g+  &    59. Kleptomania 8 € = S  , 
18. Planet €   uR 60. Rude F+ c…, ;¬
19. Satellite   f cuR 61. Superior 2= SgIQ 
20. Superstitious 2{/@ R , }& %… 62. Throat ¡ 
21. Transaction i1 8@  +7 + 63. Knight f …
22. Aspect 4/ 8 7 A , gP/9= 64. Shoulder d+ AC
23. Initial f=@ G kC , k 65. Tap   :
24. Unpleasant ;r€ 1 mA:7 66. Shrewd +
25. Liberal k *  / C L 67. Snake-charmer / S  7
26. Creeper gh 68. Statue / sj  
27. Wound ƒ1+ A ,- 69. Stomach /  
28. Fortnight K f A g+j 70. Fatigue K 9
29. To tame 0  :ƒ 71. Ego f ;R
30. Trig gi KS 72. Echo f  +-
31. Widow = + = &  73. Idol Jf+ [ =£
32. Widower = + = à 74. Bud *+ °  :
33. Delicious +k @ 2 = 75. Slave /  
34. Maize f f 76. Fairy Kf 
35. Mansion 1@ R  77. Franchise ‰1Sf =& 
36. Mention 1@ cd A   78. Fiasco gK/  KU
37. Mayor  = 79. Skeleton /   R+=xя
38. Opaque  ;7@ 80. Generous я c7 / C L
39. Flamboyant K 5*1  Q  81. Ghost / ó 
40. Excited 48f + c¤ Šя 82. Trigger gi =/  -+
41. Dissimilar g+==  ;  83. Stream /i o
42. Haughty R ;R  84. Tress pass i   9  ƒ

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 .. 80
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

85. Glory ‹  gR  =9x K  

86. Graceful u  Xя  128. Panic  = `
87. Immature f s ;g8 129. To trail behind 0 if ?: R яƒ
88. Sinner =  k*Rf1+
89. Rumour Y  ;K  130. Isolated Jf + = 
90. Deserving g+я ë  131. Fatal K G-
91. Duffer +K +K: 132. Hindrance gR1ô1 +
92. Gigantic XN {1 R  133. Stain / f +-
93. Wick = 7   134. As a mark of 4 ;    =@ F
94. Tenure  1  : K
95. Wisdom = + +R 135. In full swing f  P/    я@ 
96. Amazing ; k  Jž + ƒ  136. Reliable  4* C`
97. Rubbish * S 137. Scar /  kS
98. Rome was not  ‘      138. Superstition 2{/@ }&%…
built in a day
*d f 4 + C 139. Straight /i f à
99. Cudgel + +, я•   + 140. Smooth /[ 9 /2
100. Howl Rc *+ +  141. Gangster  1/ +
101. Up side down (;f+ c- 9 142. Cannon   
+c 143. Ankle 41  
102. Spasm // JS  144. Anchor 41  Gu v 
103. Hasty R/ c : 145. Glad ‹ + E@
104. Substitute B/   ; ]  146. Glamorous ‹   R
105. Epidemic 4=+= S: 147. Tedious  +  : cX  ƒ 
106. Civil services ==  ˜ XR   148. Hooligan p   
107. Procession G  -+ 149. To be afraid of 0 * ;‰+ K  9 +ƒ
108. Martyr š @R7 150. To get angry   41u / 9ƒ
109. Including f18Þg+x R 151. Annual ;1j =>£
110. Wet  CL 152. Assembly ; 5*  C
111. Savage   я   153. Bitter * +ƒ
112. Paramount   c1  — 154. Sour   A0
113. Palm  R9 : 155. Obstinate «B  ]®
114. Indigenous f{1+ / 7 @ 156. Devotee g+  C8
115. Indigo f{1+ : 157. Millionaire    A=
116. Congested 1U/ + S 158. Strap /i  -g+: ý
117. Whim =   159. Scrap /h  C
118. Whimsical 0 = =   160. Hiccup gR  R+ 
119. Circumstances   / 1 я 161. By hook or by * p  f  C
120. Palanquin  1  +  * z
121. Slum / +ý 162. Who ever p 4  U N
122. Urban ;* @R 163. Stingy /1  v
123. Hut R + 164. Almighty  f   @P8@:
124. Shell @ ? Þ 165. Gloves ‹ O R9 X
125. To kneel down 0  +c “
    166. Rug  &*:
126. Stubborn /*‘ I  167. Influence f1KÞ;1  
127. A good for 4 + K t   168. To commit 0 =  2f J< R<  
nothing fellow suicide

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

169. No power on    « m= f   212. To have a soft 0 R ˆ   w

earth corner for
;9  K  R 
170. Auspicious /@ –C 213. Impartially f5@˜   
171. Fictitious gKg @ d= 
172. Funeral Kj / @` 214. Diplomatic g+€  g jP8*я
173. Destination +{/ @ Š я 215. Flower vase K     7
174. Designation +]‹ @ R® 216. Ditch g+S 
175. unconscious ; P1 * C 217. To ditch 0 g+S   ƒ
176. Caravan    K  218. Bitch *S w
177. Carpenter  1 29 219. Witch S + 
178. Cartoon 0  OkS` 220. Orphan K  ;9
179. Citizen = g 221. Curious ; JQ 
180. Competition P5g@ /& 222. Furious Kj; / 9 C
181. Courage  я gRx  223. Tribute giBj }я  J 
182. Curtain   +7 224. Handicapped R{1+   ;
183. Emotional f @ @ 225. Tom, dick and  , + 41+  1 
184. Tears ; ^2 R dÞ v
185. Pickle = ;9o 226. Splendid /€ {1++ CO
186. Cunning = ÞsŽ 227. Ultimate ;d  ? L
187. Bandit * {1+ +w 228. Prominent G=  1 J: +Q 
188. Rotten  +  229. Unusual ;jø; ; 1
189. Virtues sj
  230. To be under the 0 * ;1+  R R 
190. Gaudy c+ C 7 impression ” f5G @
191. Shabby @ * K Þ  231. To carry tales 0    d S+ A 
192. Caution ‘@  S  232. Drawback ô* A 
193. Famine K  mq : 233. Setback  * ? Rt
194. Flood ˆ +   234. To quench the 0 8 1S & 
195. Mortar  7 ¡/
196. Swallow 235. Intimate f{1  =? 
/  7 S 
197. Incident fP1+1 *
236. To intimate 0 f{1  ] L, w
198. Coincident 237. Guts  ` +
‘fP1+1 L
238. Riot  K
199. To feel giddy 0 K k+ Sœ J 
200. Extravagant 239. Once in a blue 1 f 4 ¨ ¨
4 /i 1 AS:
201. To wait & watch 0 f ’1+ я ƒ Bdj [

240. Tyranny  vd
202. Intoxicating 241. Prostitute G{/  „
f1  gx 7
203. Decorum 242. Farewell K = 7
+  =@qS
204. Directory 243. Hen pecked R  8+ яF   
g+ 8   k
205. Elbow 4d*  R*1+
244. Angel 41я 7 m 
206. Elocution ; @ 8Q ~<
245. Mischief = SK K
207. Entertainment 41  1  я
208. Feather gK ëç
246. Suffocation K  @   : 

209. Forehead KR+ :
247. To be engrossed 0 * 4u/+ d  Rƒ
210. Turban 248. Gloomy ‹Þ  –/
* -+
211. Constipation r1/ @ *Šя
249. Scandal /  1+ KY 

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 .. 82
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

250. Guilty d   293. Druggist ôk/ 7  S

251. To stroll 0 /i    294. Dentist +{1/ 7 +‘8
252. Substantial */ P1@   G   295. Shopkeeper @  m  
253. Dowry +c 7Rя 296. Nurse  gSg 
254. Horns R1 =@x+ 297. Washer-man @-  &*
255. Prehistoric =GgR/g f=R R L 298. Draftsman ôˆ  *&    @
256. Bribe lf* S * 
257. Broom n   299. Dramatist ô {/  
258. Banister * =/ t+ 300. Inspector f1 8 
259. Central idea  1i Jf+ Û ˜ = S 301. Examiner 48=  
260. Hydrophobia RfôK*J R+  302. Constable ” * R  7
261. Quest 8 / @&,Aя 303. Publisher  B @ G @
262. Disgusting +{/ R  G  304. Manager  я O /9
263. To be situated at 0 * =sj4 +  J Þ  Rƒ 305. Hawker R‘  Kg
4 306. Photographer KuK K +
264. To be depressed 0 * +G „+  9ƒ 307. Carpenter ¯1 29
265. Predecessor =Gg+    308. Conductor  1+   1+ 
266. Subsequent * 1+ ;L  309. Beggar *  kCA
267. Bride lf+ mdR 310. Fisherman gK@  ? 
268. Bridegroom lf+ö X 311. Cleaner 8  KN  7
269. Zeal  c<R 312. Proprietor Gf k
313. Gardener +  :
314. Mechanic =  = ` 
270. Teacher S =@ 315. Agent 4я1 J+=/7 
271. Engineer 4r1я= fя  316. Sweeper /  y :
272. Compounder  c1+  5c1+ 317. Cobbler *  S
273. Poet 4 = 318. Clerk  w 
274. Assistant J=/1 R 319. Chemist  = / 7  S
275. Businessman k* @  &&7 320. Dyer +   
276. Artist Jg†/   321. Politician k g=@ я 
277. Farmer K  
A y 322. Blacksmith B P/ 9 ÞR
278. Potter  w C 323. Advocate 4+    
279. Coachman ‘S  + S   324. Physician gKk=@ &
280. Retailer     S 325. Musician 5jk=  
281. Peon €j  : 326. Merchant S1 
282. Author/writer «9, f A 327. Editor 4g+ 7 , `
283. Milkmaid = d f m & : 328. Barber ** RX
284. Painter f1 kS`  329. Waiter f f
285. Watchman ‘S  S 7
330. Treasure i  AXS
286. Surgeon   I  
331. Minister = =/ `
287. Landlord 1+ +  k
332. Player €  A +
288. Magician Šя=@ Xm 
333. Hero gR j… 
289. Weaver    
334. Soldier dя =
290. Contractor 1i8 1i8
335. English/british !r‹ @/klg@ }u я
291. Oilman f   
336. Commissioner = @ = @
292. Broker l  7 

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

337. Collector 8   348. Councillor cP1   7/

338. Voter  7 349. Judge яя 1&@
339. Social worker =@    Šя   350. Reporter/journal g /яk ` 
340. Graduate u |j4 / /
341. Practitioner G {8@ O  351. Sailor f  =
342. Officer «gK ;=&  352. Jailor U  U ;=& 
343. Counsellor c1   R J 353. Jeweler "   
344. Tailor  f  7] 354. Smuggler /   7S
345. Archer JS * :,  7 355. Grocer u g 
346. Partner   C7 356. Notary  7/ я G k
347. Cook, chef w , @ K f 

Positive csS ;9 Comparative Superlative Sad  + c7 Sadder Saddest

Bold *d+ *Rm,+ Bolder Boldest Thin =9  Thinner Thinnest

Cheap kS /Q Cheaper Cheapest Wet  CL Wetter Wettest

Clever 8  R=@ Cleverer Cleverest Dry ô 2 w Drier Driest

Dear + =G, RÞ Dearer Dearest Easy f RÞ  Easier Easiest

Deep + y Deeper Deepest Happy R 2A Happier Happiest

Few K  9+ Fewer Fewest Heavy R  C , я7 Heavier Heaviest

Great u  R Greater Greatest Merry  J7 Merrier Merriest

High Rf Ž Higher Highest Wealthy d& &  Wealthier Wealthiest

Kind f1+ 7 Kinder Kindest Ugly ;‹  7F Uglier Ugliest

Long 1 •  Longer Longest Helpful Rd 77F More helpful Most helpful

Poor ; * Poorer Poorest Beautiful Bjg 27

  More beautiful Most
Rich gS 7 Richer Richest
Careful  :]  More careful Most careful
Short @ 0w Shorter Shortest
Importa f5 1 ;<L More Most
Small / ‘ L Smaller Smallest nt important important
Proper G ‹ More proper Most proper
Sweet /  
j Sweeter Sweetest
Useful j c More useful Most useful
Tall ‘ Ž Taller Tallest
Learned ¯+ M More learned Most
Thick =9 Xy Thicker Thickest
Young  v  Younger Youngest Wonderf 1+ ;7ó More Most
ul wonderful wonderful
Able ’*  9 Abler Ablest
Good, + Y  Better Best
Brave l *Rm Braver Bravest well
Bad, ill, * + A* Worse Worst
Fine Kf  Finer Finest
Large   7L Larger Largest Much S -o More Most

Noble ‘* c 7 Nobler Noblest Many  - More Most

True ¢ Ž Truer Truest Little k  9y Less Least

White ORf K7 Whiter Whitest Late  y Later, latter Latest, last

Wise f 3 +ΠWiser Wisest Far K m  Farther Farthest

Big k* 0 Bigger Biggest In f }7 Inner Innermost,

Fat K Xy Fatter Fattest
Up ; c Upper Uppermost,
Hot upmost
R  Hotter Hottest
Out Jc *R Outer Utmost
Red  +  Redder Reddest

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

24)    GH

1. ______ bay of Bengal lies in the Indian ocean. The An A There
2. ______ birds are flying in the sky. The None of the A An
3. ______ brave is not afraid of death. An A The No article
4. ______ earth moves round ______ sun. The, the An, a An, the An, an
5. ______ north Gujarat university is ______ good The, a A, a The, the None, a
6. ______ Quran is the holy book of Muslims. An a That The
7. ______ sun shines very brightly in summer. A That An The
8. ______ ugly should not be hated. They, too are The Those A An
human beings.
9. All ______ students in my class are clever. An That The A
10. Arya is ______ intelligent student. A An The None
11. I bought ______ horse, ______ ox and ______ The, an, The, a, a The, an, the A, an, a
buffalo. a
12. I have sent ______ S.M.S. An None A The
13. I saw a man and a woman in AGORA MALL yesterday The An A That
______ man was fat and short. The woman was slim
and tall.
14. It was ______ winter evening. A On The none
15. Mr. mauna Vyas is ______ M.A. (English) The Of An A
16. Rama is selling ______ apples. The A An None
17. Raman is ______ honest man A An The None
18. Samir is ______ SSC student A An The None
19. That is ______ dog. ______ dog is ______ strong A, a, a A, the, a The, the, A, the, the
animal. the
20. The train had already gone, ______ I reached the When Whenever Because But
21. This is ______ elephant. ______ elephant is ______ An, the, An, an, a The, an, a The, the, a
big animal. a
22. Today I saw ______ European in a temple. The None A An
23. Tulsidas wrote ______ Ramayana. A An The None of the
24. Ved has ______ new scooter. A An The None
25. Would you like ______ jam on your bread. Few A Little Some

1. _______ dress is this ? Whom What Whose Which
2. _______ grammar book is this ? Whom Whose What Who
3. _______ of the pupils was sad as the one day picnic was Every All Each Many

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

4. _______ opon a time, there lived a king in a big palace. Once Oence Ounce One’s
5. ‘bunch’ is An abstract A common A collective None of
noun noun noun the above
6. A _______ is a word used instead of a noun. Adverb Adjective Pronoun Verb
7. Do you know adhya _______ father is a doctor ? What Whom Whose Which
8. Father is A common A proper An abstract A collective
noun noun noun noun
9. Find “the pronoun” used in the following sentence : “ram And So They Be
and shyam are so close that they cannot be separated.”
10. Find out feminine noun Hero Mare Nephew Poet
11. Find out the material noun. Flock Water Crowd Suresh
12. Find out the wrong pair. Man- men City – cities Tooth – Sugar –
tooths sugar
13. Give plural of child. Childhood Childs Children Child
14. Give the plural : sheep Sheep Sheepes Sheeps None
15. He is a firman. _______ name is Ravi. His Her Him Your
16. He is a man _______ I know, you can trust completely Whom Whose Who Which
17. I am a postman. This is _______ scooter. Mine My Us Your
18. I want him to do his work. Yourself Himself Themselves Myself
19. Is there _______ water in the well ? Any Many Much Some
20. Odd one out Apple Banana Lady Dog
21. Odd one out. Grass Sugar Glasses Wife
22. Please recite _______ you have learned. What Who Whom Which
23. Savan and hir loved _______ Eachother One each other’s Very much
24. Spring is the season _______ nature is the most beautiful. Where When Which As
25. Supply the correct pronoun. His Her Theirs Their
Sachin and Radha have a house _______ house is quite
26. The abstract noun of ‘young’ is _______ Youngster Youth Younger Younker
27. The match had hardly started _______ it began to rain. Than When As Since
28. The two brothers generally wear _______ clothes. One others Each other. One another’s Each
29. There is _______ water in the jug so you can take it. Little A little Few A few
30. Which is material noun ? Police Mercury Army Girl
31. Which one of the following is not correct ? Gentleman- Hero- Prince- Driver-
lady heroine princess driveress
32. Will you object to _______ sitting there ? I Me my Mine
33. j я+w A0 ? ? Suman – Market – A team – Courage –
proper noun material collective abstract
noun noun noun

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 .. 86
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

1. Find “the adjective” of the following sentence from the Very Student To understand Difficult
given alternativs : “the question is very difficult for the
students to understand”
2. Find “the adjective” of the following sentence from the Apple sweet my Whilr
given alternativs : “the sweet apple was purchased by my
father while returning from the office.”
3. Make haste……….. you will be late. And or Either But
4. Give the adjective form of ‘procedure’. Preceding Proceeding proceed Procedural
5. Give the adjective form of ‘prevent’. Prevention prventive Preventful preventous

1. _______ all, I love music. Above In At Over
2. Always try to be polite _______ others. On To With For
3. Blind fish, which spend their whole lives in caves, have _______ eyes Not any Neither Nor Without
nor body pigments.
4. Distribute the sweets _______ the two children. Between Above Both Among
5. Do not leave _______ my permission. Without With Near By
6. Early carpenters were having _______ nails, had to use wooden pags No Not Without Neither
to secure their consructions.
7. Fill in the blank : his bunglow is _______ the sea side. Over On Into By
8. Fill in the blank : the inland is located _______ the Arabian sea. In Into At On
9. Gandhiji fought _______ the british. For Against Ander Before
10. Geeta was crying _______ help. Of For On To
11. Grandmother is sitting _______ the fire. By With On In
12. He distributed the two bananas _______ two brothers. Between Before For Among
13. He is _______ royal blood. Of In With For
14. He is brave _______ strong. And But Though By
15. He moved _______ the room. In To Into Inside
16. He suffers _______ headache. With From By In
17. He turned his back _______ her. By On Next Beside
18. He would not take advice and now hw has got _______ difficulties. To With For Into
19. Her parents were _______ poor to send her to college. Much Too That While
20. His conduct is _______ reproach. On Above At To
21. I am fond _______ music. Of In At The
22. I could not attend the school _______ I was ill. Though Because Since So
23. I did not go to school because _______ my illness. Of For At On
24. I read from 6 : 00 _______ 10 : 00 P.M. at By To On
25. I shall be ready _______ a moment. On In For With

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 .. 87
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

26. I will visit Balaram _______ April. In At With For

27. Mr. Trivedi is good _______ teaching English. For At In With
28. My brother did not agree _______ my pror On To With At
29. My sister cust vegetables ________a knife. By With To In
30. Our English teacher is satisfied _______ our work. In To With At
31. Rahul cuts the vegetable _______ the knife. By For In With
32. Rahul said that he was not averse _______ the idea. In For Of To
33. Run fast _______ get your ticket. Or But Otherwise And
34. Sanjay must go _______ the library today to changes the books. In To At On
35. She died _______ sorrow. From Of For At
36. She walks _______ the bank of the river. Along Below Over On
37. Smita has joined the school _______ three years. For To On Since
38. Take the toy out the box _______ you throw the box away. Now Before After Then
39. The boy hid _______ the wall. Behind In Over On
40. The children are swimming _______ the pool. between Behind At In
41. The doctor was helpless, _______ the medicine did not work on the Till Because And But
42. The father is looking _______ his lost baby. For At After Up
43. The lion jumped _______ the well. Into In At With
44. The principal asked the teacher _______ he had punished yesterday. Who Which Whose Whom
45. The teacher distributed the chocolates _______ the students of the In Between Among Into

class A  я‹  *& *  @B7  .

46. Two cars collided _______ each other near the school. Of Into Over With
47. You are not eligible _______ the post. Of For At About
48. You should give _______ smoking. On In Up Away

Conjunction and Question tag

1. ______ bunty was riding a motor bike, he hurt an old woman. Though While Then So
2. ______ healthy he is , he could not run fast. as Though So However
3. ______ I was in ahmedabad I made a lot of friends. With While For During
4. ______ I was tired, I managed to finish the work. Choose the Although But Yet Still
correct option and fill in the blanks.
5. ______ sagar’s school is longway from his house, his father So As But And
bought him a new bicycle.
6. “roll” means ______ Motion Motion from Motion from Motion
from side up to down east to west from south
to side to west
7. A ______ is a word used to join words or sentences, Noun Interjection Preposition Conjunction

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8. An honest person will never cheat anyone, ______ he gets a If Even though Even if Because
golden gift.
9. Call all the candidates ______ names are not written on the board. Who Whom Whose Which
10. Choose the correct question tag: I used to tell him. Won’t i? Will I ? Shall i? Didn’t i?
11. Death Is the brother of sleep, ______ ? Isn’t it? Aren’t it? Isn’t they? None
12. Don’t go ______ I tell you. Until Before So Till
13. Four friends made a doll ______ looked like a young lady. Who Whom Whose Witch
14. He has not completed his work, ______ ? Will you ? Has he ? Does it ? Have he ?
15. He will never buy any good thing for himself, ______ , Isn’t it Won’t he Will he Will he not
16. I am a teacher, ______ ? Amn’t I ? Shall we ? Has it ? Aren’t I ?
17. I like good books, ______ ? Don’t I? Won’t i? Hasn’t I? Aren’t I?
18. I saw a green snake, ______ I saw crossing the road. Till While Until When
19. I shall visit ______ Dubai or Singapore. To Too Neither Either
20. Kishan hasn’t a bicycle, ______ ? Is he Is it Hasn’t he Has he
21. Let’s play the same game, ______ ? Will he ? Will they ? Shall we ? Haven’t they ?

22. My grandmother always says to me that. “you cannot achive Unless If Although As
anything in life ______ you work hard.”
23. Naresh got good marks ______ he was dull. Though And Or After
24. Nayana won’t marry ______ she finds someone rich and handsome. Until Till Unless If
25. Nobody wils to die, ______ ? Does they Will they ? Have they? Do they?
26. None ______ the fool can trust him. All That Which But
27. Select the right question tag the given sentence. Somebody has Have they? Has he? Hasn’t she? Haven’t
called. they?
28. She is beautiful girl, ______ ? Hasn’t it ? Is it ? Will you ? Ins’t he ?
29. Sit here ______ I come back. When Unless Until Because
30. Spring is season ______ is the most beautiful. Which As When Who
31. Sweta got first class in B.Sc. ______ she got a good job. Because Therefore Untill If
32. Take exercise regularly ______ you will become overweight. Otherwise Because Therefore So
33. The bag is ______ heavy that I can ______ carry it. Very, Too, not Extremely, So, hardly
easily seldom
34. The teacher distributed the chocolates ______ the students of Among In Into Between
the class.
35. The visitor could understand ______ speak Hindi well. And Because That From
36. This village is ______ two hills. Besides Over Among Between
37. Unless you run fast, ______ You can You don’t You catch the You can not
catch the catch the bus bus catch the
bus bus
38. We divided the candy ______ us. At In Between Behind
39. We eat ______ we may live. So that But Therefor That
40. Work hard, ______ you will not get more marks. Otherwise Or Since But

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1. ______ I ______ you Maths daily ? Does, teach Do, teaches Does, teaches Do, teach
2. ______ she ______ her new dress when you saw her? Did, ironed Does, iron Was, ironing Has, ironing
3. ______ she ______ in the kitchen ? Is, cooking Do, cooking Does, cooking Are, cooking
4. ______ you ______ at that time ? Were, crying Was crying Was cried Was cry
5. ______ you ______ me your bicycle next Sunday ? Give Gives Gave Will, give
6. ______ you ______ out the light before you went to bed ? Had, not put Had not, put Had, not putted Had not,
7. ______ you ______ with your mother at that time ? Is talking Are talking Was talking Were talking
8. ______ you ever ______ an e-mail to your friend? Have, written Has, writing Have, writing Has, written
9. A crowd of people ______ waiting for the minister. Are Have been Is Were
10. A grand festival ______ in the next January. Shall celebrate Would celebrate Is celebrated Will be
11. An apple ______ on his head yesterday. Drops Dropping Dropped Drop
12. As I was sick, I ______ my family doctor. Consulted Was consulted Conslult Is consulted
13. As my friend was busy, I ______ not to disturb him. Decide Decided Deciding Is decided
14. Be quick. Everyone ______ for you. Is waiting Are waiting Waiting Waited.
15. Before the world-war ll ended, USA ______ two Japanese Had been Had been Attacked Had attacked
cities with atom bomb. attacked attacking
16. Bharati ______ the prime minister next month. Is going to meet Is meet Is met Will meeting
17. Bijal ______her course thrice, before she appeared for her Completed Was completely Had completed Had been
examination. completed
18. Chess ______ her fovourite board game. are Tell Is Mean
19. Don’t disturb your father, he ______ his book since early Has been Has arranged Arranged Had arranged
this morning. arranging
20. Each of the girls ______ active Are Has Is Am
21. Early to hed and early to rise ______ a man healthy. Make Makes Shall make Made
22. Generally honesty ______ from the heart. Came Has came Comes Coming
23. Generally, the dog ______ at unknown persons. Barked Will bark Barking Barks
24. God ______ those who ______ themselves. Helps, help Help, helps Helps, helps Help, help
25. He ______ in this town since 1980. Have been Has been working Is working Works
26. He ______ the house one month ago. Bought Buy Buyed Will buy
27. He ______ you while you were crossing the road. Met Meets Is meeting Meeted
28. He explained that he never ______ meat. Eat Ate Eaten Eats
29. He thanked me for what I ______ Had done Have been doing Did Have done
30. He thanked me for what I ______ for ? Have done Had done Do Did do
31. How long ______ he ______ English ? Have, been Has, been learning Have, been Have, been
learnt learning learned
32. How long ______ you ______ TV ? Do, watch Does, watch Do, watches Does, watches
33. How many ______ does your father give you ? Rupee Rupees Rupees Rupe
34. How many toys ______ you ______ tomorrow ? Will, buy Will, be bought Does, buy Do, buy
35. I ______ to his house yesterday. Was not went Did not go Did not went 7 was not go
36. I ______ all my books since I left study. Have been sold Has been sold Have sold Have been

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37. I ______ for chintan since seven o’clock. Have been Have been waited Have wait Am waiting
38. I ______ in tharad since 2013. Have been lived Have been living Have lived None
39. I ______ never ______ a marvelous film like ‘Swadesh’. Have, watching Has, watched Has, watch Have, watched.
40. I ______ surely ______ you. Does, help Was helping Will, help Did, help
41. I ______ the ‘Indian express’ when my better half returned Was reads Was reading Is reading Were reading
from market.
42. I ______ to play chess from my college days. Am using Am used Used Will use
43. I am tired. I ______ to bed now. Am going Goes Going Go
44. I found my lost mobile phone when I ______ in the staff Had entered Entered Was entering Enter
45. I usually _____ to college but today ____ in my uncle’s car. Walk, went Walked, went Walk, go Walking, will go
46. I want to ______ new car. Buy Bought Buying Buys
47. Identify the assertive sentence. Do the flowers How colourful the The flowers are Are the flowers
colourful? flowers are I very colourful. colourful?
48. If ______ I would not lose temper. I were you I was you I am not you I am you
49. If he ______ hard, he will pass. Working Works Worked Will work
50. If it ______ we shall stay at home. Rains Is raining Raining Rained
51. If she comes in time, she ______ Will not be Will not punish Was punished Will be
punished punished
52. India ______ free in 1947. Become became Becomed Becamed
53. It ______ that some of the students are involved in Has been learnt Is learned Is learning Learns
54. It is not advisable ______ a car bought from a ‘car mela’ Have been Have to To have Having
55. It is the utrarayna day. The kite lovers ______. Have been flying Have been flew Has been flew Has been flying
56. Last Sunday. I ______ to the market. Go gone Had gone Have gone
57. Listen, a great leader ______ now. Speaks Was speaking Has spoken Is speaking
58. Listen, lata ______ a nice song, on radio mirchi. Is singing Is being sung Singing Sings
59. Many people are fond of ______ fruits. Cat Ate To eat Eating
60. My father ______ on vacation last week. Is Were Was Am
61. My friend ______ never ______ the Himalayas. Have, visited Has, visited Have, visiting Has, visiting
62. Next week dinesh ______ a picnic. Will go on Go on Goes on Will go
63. No, I ______ not ______ it yet. Have, ______ Have, ______ Have, ______ None
read. reading been reading
64. People who get sick very often ______ take care of their health. Do not Are not Will not Did not
65. Please start your meal, I ______ the dish. Have served Have serve Have been Have serving
66. Please start your meal. I ______ the dish. Serve Have served Have been Has been
served served
67. Radha ______ to sita by next month. Will have been Will been read Will have read None
68. Rucha and kavya ______ their home work yesterday. Had finished Has finished Finished Finished
69. Saurabh ______ to the U.S.A. within a week. Will have filed Will have flown Will have fly Will flying
70. Scarcely ______ the teacher ______ when the students Did Did ______ Had ______ Had ______

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stood up. ______arrived arrived arrive arrived

71. See, that gardener ______ the roses from the the garden. Plucking Is plucking Plucked Has plucked
72. See, the bees ______ collecting honey. Have Are Were Is
73. She ______ about her family. Thought Think Thinks Will think
74. She ______ about her family. Thinks Will think Thought Think
75. She ______ me while I was crossing the road. Meet Met Is meeting Meeting
76. Smile and the world ______ with you. Will smiling Will smile Smiles Smile
77. Some children ______ here and there. Are running Is running Running Run
78. Students ______ not ______ their time Will, waste Will, be wasting Did, wasted Do, waste
79. Students ______ their tasks before the teacher asks for. Will have Will been written Will have been Will have
written written
80. The child ______all this afternoon. Has, been slept Have slept Has been Have, sleeping
construction company of shre dinesh agrwal ______ the bridge Are building Has been building Had been built Have built
at vastrapur for several months.
82. The earth ______ round the sun. Moving Moved Will move Moves
83. The light ______ while I was reading. Gone out Went out Was going Goes out
84. The number of the buses ______increasing. Are Has Have Is
85. The patient ______ before the doctor came. Was died Had dies Has died Died
86. The purpose of cost accounting is ______ involved in As a The cost That To determine
producing and selling a good or service. determination determined determines the the costs
of its cost costs
87. The team having won by twenty points. ______ the first Got Get Getting Gets
88. The train ______ not ______ at Anand station. Does, stops Did, stop Do, stop Is stop
89. The villagers once ______ to the forest a year ago. Is going Went Will go Goes
90. There ______ a lot of people at our party yesterday. Is Were was Am
91. They ______ him if the is found guilty. Will be Will punish Punished Willpunishing
92. They ______ not ______ to mansarovar in the future. Go Goes Went Will, go
93. Traffic ______ by the school-boys now. Is being Is controlled Is controlling Controlled
94. Use the correct verb. A mango was ______ by manju. Eat Ate Eats Eaten
95. Vandana had swept the floor when I ______ Have come Come Came Had came
96. Water ______ at 100 C. Boli Boits Boiling None
97. We ______ English everyday in the English study centre. Learn Learned Learns Learnt
98. We ______ grand festival in the next January. Will have Will have Will have been Will celebrated
celebrate celebrated celebrated
99. We ______ holiday last week. Enjoyed Enjoy Have been Is enjoying
100. We ______ our relatives next week. Invite Invited Invites Will invite
101. We regret to inform you that we ______ just ______ our Have, sold Had, sold Are, selling Has, sold
102. We went on ______ Talk To talk Talking Talks
103. We will be ______ by our guest speaker tomorrow. Addresses Addressed Address Addressing
104. What ______ she ______ with her ? Is, taking Are, taking To do, taking Does, taking

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105. What ______ the children ______ here yesterday at 8.00 Were, doing Was, doing Is doing Were, done
p.m. ?
106. What ______ you ______ in my room ? Were ______ Were ______ Was ______ Was ______
doing done doing done
107. When ______ she ______ this village again ? Will, visiting Will, visit Do, visit Did, visit
108. When ______ you ______ up ? Do, get Do, get Does, get Do, gets
109. When ______ you start to go to office ? it is already 10:30 Will Did Have Had
110. When I saw him, he ______ not ______ Is studying Are studying Was, studying Were studying
111. When I went there, I found that bhumika ______ Cooking Was cooking Cook Cooked
112. When Mr. raval came to the school in 1995, Mr. parmar Had, been Was, teaching Having, taught Has, taught
______ already ______ there for five years. teaching
113. When we reached the station, the train ______ already ___ Have, left Had, left Have been left Was , lefting
114. When we stepped into the room, the prayer ______ Had begun Had begin Had been begun Had beginning
115. Where is bhavika ? she ______ the incometax office. Have gone Has gone Has go Has been gone
116. Who ______ at that time, kareena ? Was singing Was been sung Was sung Were singing

117. You ______ not ______ late to office now onwards. Were, to Will, to Are, be Will, be

Agreement between subject verb

1. every one _______ to remove their shoes outside temple. Have Has Is Are
2. Computers and new methods of communication _______ Have Has To have That have
revolutionized the modern office.
3. Twenty-six years _______ a long time. Is Are None Were
4. Two and two _______ four. Makes Make Making Made
5. The minority of the students _______ girls. Is Are Were Have
6. Neither of you _______ wrong. Are Is Were Has
7. To laugh at the poor _______ unkind. Am Is Are None
8. More than one girl _______ hurt Are Was Were Is
9. Neither of us _______ to be told what to do. Like Liked Likes Liking
10. Time and tide _______ for nobody. Waits Wait Waiting Waited
11. The cheif minister with her ministers _______ coming here Are Is Have Has
12. Only the brave _______ the fair Deserves Deserve Deserving None
13. The mob _______ no mind. Have Has Are Is
14. Each of the players _______ well. Play Plays s Playing Played
15. She runs as if she _______ mad. Is Was Were Has been
16. The main points are as _______ Follow Followed Follows None
17. _______ your brother and sister at home ? Is Was Are Have
18. We each _______ allowed to come in. was Have been Were Have
19. Many a post _______ been approved Has Have Is Are
20. It is I who _______ responsible for that. Am Is Are None
21. The chairman as well as the members _______ absent Was Were Are None
22. Iknow him. He is a _______. Princess Hostess Dancer Queen
23. Scotland lost many of _______ in two great rebellions. His bravest man His bravest Her bravest Her bravest
men men man

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Gerund or present participle

1. _______ the dog, the cat ran away. see saw Seen Seeing
2. _______ dogs seldom bite. Barking Bark Barks Barked
3. He likes _______ Writing Written Write To write
4. _______ is good for our health. Walk Walks Walking Walked
5. Yesterday they saw an _______ match on Tv. Interested Interesting Interest Interests
6. She went out of the kitchen _______ Is singing Was singing Has sung Singing
7. Instead of _______ my question, he made arguments. Having To answer Answer Answering

Past participle
1. I found out my _______ pen. Lost Lose Losing To lose
2. These pages are _______ Use Used Using Uses
3. The pandit was a _______ man. Learned Learning Learns Learning
4. Can you get back the _______ time ? Going Go Gone Goes
5. My father lives a _______ life in surat. Retired Retire Retiring Non
6. Choose the past participle of ‘to go’ Goed Going Went Gone
7. Choose the past participle of ‘to go’ Went Gone Goed Going

Modal auxiliaries
1. _______ you like to accompany me ? Should Would Will Might
2. _______ you live a long life ! May Might Need Must
3. Come what may, I _______ do this work. Shall Will May Can
4. They _______ pay the money before talking possession of the house. Must Ought Should Shall
5. Last night, i_______ catch the burglar. Can Could Should Would
6. _______ I help you ? May Can Could Will
7. You _______ get a prize if you win. Will Shall Can May
8. The rich _______ help the poor. Can Could Would Will
9. _______ I have your pen, please ? Can Could Will Shall
10. You _______ work hard if you went to succeed. Should Would Could Can
11. You _______ send a letter immediately. Ought Must Would Should
12. _______ you mind telling the time ? Ought Must Would Should
13. She _______ pay the fees in time. Must Ought Would Should
14. I hurried lest I _______ be late. Should Shall Would Will
15. You _______ come in time. Ought Must May Might
16. We _______ respect our national flag. Should Must Can Could
17. _______ I use your mobile ? Shall Will May Might
18. Prathmesh _______ catch that theif yesterday. Ought Must Can Could
19. I think it _______ rain toinight. Shall Will Could Can
20. He _______ to send an application immediately. Ought Must Could Would
21. _______ her soul rests in peace ! May Might Will Would
22. I _______ rather starve than beg. Will Would Must Could
23. She said that she _______ do it in a much better way. Shall Should Can Could
24. You _______ to leave room immediately. Ought Must Might Can
25. You _______ consult a at once. Shall Should May Might
26. We _______ respect our elders. Shall Should May Might
27. _______ god bless your effort ! May Might Ought Must
28. What are you doing here ? you _______ be in bed. Would Should Could Must
29. Till last month. He _______ walk without support. Can Could Must Ought
30. Even if there is a bus strike, I _______ go to Bombay. Shall Will May Might
31. The red light is on. You _______ stop. Should Would Must Could
32. Your eyes are weak. You _______ contact an a eye specialsit. Has to Have to Would Had to
33. The table was light. I _______ lift it. Should Would Could Mast
34. The rich _______ help the poor. Should Would Must Could
35. What _______ you like to drink tea or coffee ? Would Should Must Could
36. I _______ swim across the when I was young. Could Cant not Can be Can
37. _______ I come in ? May Will Can Should

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use of some, many any, few, a littel, since and for

1. I am so happy. _______ of my _______ have become rankers. Few, A few, A little, A little,
students students students students
2. _______ men don’t fear death. A few Few Little A little.
3. I don’t want _______ help. Any Little Few A few
4. Find out the preposition : hari is hiding _______ the chair. Up In Between Behind
5. He has been playing _______ tea break. Until Since From For
6. _______ words of references are so valuable as the encyclopedia Fewer Few A few The few
7. He worked hard lest he _______ fail. Shall Might Should May
8. He has been hospitalized _______ Monday. He will be discharged after On By For Since
a week.
9. There are clouds in the sky. It _______ rain Might May Shall Will
10. _______ I keep my bag here ? Do Have to Would May
11. We _______ obey the advice of our parents. can Could May Should
12. We _______ drive on the lest side of the road. Might Must Can Have

Degrees of adjectives

1) Change into superlative degree.

Very few students are as good as you.
No other students is as You are one of the best Vsry few students are so None of the above.
good as you. students. good as you.

2) He is so clever that he will see through your tricks.

He is clever enough to see He is clever enough see He is clever enough seeing None of the above.
through your tricks. through you tricks. through your tricks.

3) Change into superlative degree.

Very few students are as good as you.
No other students is as You are one of the best Very few students are so None of the above.
good as you. students. good as you.

4) He is clever that will see through your tricks.

He is clever enough to see He is clever enough see He is clever enough seeing None of the above.
through your tricks. through you tricks. through your tricks.

5) Find out the correct superlative degree form of the following sentence from the given altermatives.
“no other mountain is so high as Himalayas”
Himalayas is higher than Himalayas is the highest There are few highest Himalaya and few other
any other mauntain among all the mountains mountains like Himalayas mountains are the highest
6) Sachin did not play go ______as surav did. Well Good Better Best
7) The new tower blocks are much _______ the old Higher Higher to Higherer Highere to
building. than than

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8) The skin temperature of humans is _______ their Not high Not so high As low Lower than
internal temperature. as
9) Dravid is technically _____ than ganguly. Good Better Best More
10) Ramesh is taller _____ all of us. That There Then Than
11) I am taller _____ my papa. To For Than Then

One word substitutes

1. Mr. Ratan tata is famous _______ of Industrialist Industrial Industrious Industrialized
your country.
2. Dr. Mahesh yagnik delivered A Couraging An encouraging An encouraged A courageous
_______ speech at the annual prize.
3. Ahmedabad is a _______ city. Historical Historically Historian History
4. A _______ way ti show love the Wonder Wondering Wonderful Wonderous
5. Understanding the _______ of time. Valuable Valuation Value Evaluate
6. Ours is a _______ country. Democratically Democracy Democratic Undemocratic
7. Jatin is a very clever boy. We are Clever Cleverly Cleverness Cleverless
proud of his _______
8. We _______ our representatives. Election Electless Elective Elect
9. Virat kohali played _______ in the Aggressive Aggressively Aggression Aggressiveness
last one day against Pakistan.
10. Raj can solve difficult sume _______ Easy Easily Easiness Uneasily
11. A word which can be interpreted in Amphibious Ambiguous Anachronistic Confusing Desultory
any way --
12. A thing which catches fire easily- Callous Efflorescent Effervescent Inflammable Impatient
13. One who hates mankind- Mercenary Neurotic Philanthropist Misanthropist Callous
14. Animals which live both on land and Abstemious Ambiguous Amphibious Rapacious Delectable
in water-
15. A tank where fish or water plants Nursery Apiary Aquarium Aviary Hydrohabitat
are kept-
16. One who believes easily- Sedulous Credible Assiduous Creditable Credulous
17. A speech made for the first time- Simulataneous Drawn Extempore Uxorious Maiden
18. A science which studies insects - Entomology Epistemology Etymology Biology Geobiology
19. That which cannot be conquered - Inviolable Invincible Ineluctable Ineffable indelible
20. A disease which spreads by contact- Infectious Contiguous Contagious Uxorious Herbal
21. A person who is violently hostile to Heretic Agnostic Apothecary Theist Loonoclast
established beliest , customs,
traditions, institutions-
22. That which cannot be corrected - Ineligible Ineluctable Inscrutable Incorrigible Intractable
23. A child born after the death of its Posterior Posthumous Pantomime Peripatetic Post script
father or a book published after the

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death of its author-

24. Round about way of saying- Circumvention Circumspection Circumlocution Circumcision Circumcision
25. One who collects postage stamps- Sinecure Gourmet Philanderer Philatelist Maniac
26. One who is easily fooled- Credulous Gullible Bully Voluble Tractable
27. Scientist who studies the Geologist Dermatologist Zoologist Philogist Entomologist
composition of the earth-
28. Something that must happen and Inexorable Inscrutable Inevitable Inimitable Invariable
cannot be avoided-
29. One who is citizen of the world is- Cannibal Teetotaler Cosmopolitan Obsolete Auspiclous
30. Government based on religion- Dyarchy theocracy Plutocracy Oligarchy Aristocracy
31. That which cannot be rubbed off- Incredible Incompatible Indelible Inedible Inviolable
32. One who studies the origin and Philologist Linguist Bibliophile Gourmet Archaeololgist
growth of languages-
33. The study of right and wrong in Semantics Ethics Aesthetics Anaesthetics Morality
human conduct-
34. The school college in watch one has Alma mater Alumini Cloister Calvin Matinee
been educated-
35. One who is morbidly anxious about Maniac Valetudinarian Pessimist Hypochondriac Sagacious
one’s helath-
36. ‘just’ L gh7 F  ? Justification Justified Justice Justify

37. Cow is our _______ animal. Domestic Domastic Domise Domestic

38. My cello pen is _______ working in Nicely Ncie Necie Nice
the assay competition.
39. Every person in the society needs to Tolerate Tolerance Tolerant Tolerable
develop a virtue of _______
40. After a decade, ahmedabad will be Industrial Industries Industrious Industry
one of the most developed _______
cities in India.
41. That good boy always speaks Impolitely Politeness Polite Politely
42. A lazy person can never _______ in Successful Succeed Success Successful
43. His profession is teaching although Ayocation Vacation Vacation Vocational
his _______ is photography.
44. He is so _______ that he readily Incredible Credulous Creditable Credible
believes everything that others tell
45. At present I am busy, I will watch Later Letter Later Letter
the TV _______
46. Government by a single person Plutocracy Aristocracy Monarchy Autocracy

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

Idioms and Phrases

1. A task that can be accomplished very A piece of A piece of A piece of A piece
easily chocolate strawberry cake of
2. When you are mistreated the same way A taste of your A taste of your A taste of A taste
you own food own pill your own of your
enemy own
3. Someone who is cherished above all Apple of my eye Orange of my Pie of my eye Fruit of
others. eye my eye
4. Having to start all over again. Back to point Back to square Back to same Back to
one place the head
5. A rare event A full moon A red moon A blue moon A radiant
6. One who was previously unknown and is Dark mule Dark elephant Dark dog Dark
now prominent horse
7. An unbelievble tale A cock and bull A black story A black story A bullish
story story
8. Go to bed or go to sleep. Hit the rug Hit the sack Hit the bowl Hit the
9. To die Hit the heaven Hit the hell Hit the bucket Hit the
10. To forget about a disagreement Let bygones be Let oldies be Let new wind Let old
bygones oldies be gold
11. Shyam is very calculative and always has Has no result Works for both Has a private Fails to
an axe to grind. side agenda arouse
12. The police looked all over for him but drew Did not find him Put him in Arrested him Took him
a blank. prison to court
13. On the issue of marriage, sarita put her Stood up Was firm Got down Walked
foot down. fast
14. His investments helped him make a killing Lose money Plan a murder Murder Make
in the stock market. quickly quickly someone money
quickly quickly

word (A) (B) (C) (D)
1. ABUSING Cursing Beating IIItreating Accusing
2. ACCOMPANY Go with Together Synchronously Along
3. ACCOMPLINCE Co-traveller Collaborator Controller Coordinator
4. APING Criticizing Observing Imitating Visualizing
5. ARTISAN Skilled worker Show Heavy gun Art
6. ASCRIBED Attributed Donated Attached Withdrew
7. BEGETS Produces Loses Expects Avoids

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8. CHANT Pray Recite Song Verse

9. COMPETE Fight Struggle Defeat Participate
10. CONDUCT Behavior Handle Action Habits
11. CONFRONT Face Tolerate Succumb Eliminate
12. CRIED Wept Screamed Protested Tearful
13. CURRICULUM Bio-data Course Programme Syllabus
14. DEDICATED Appointed Deployed Devoted Religious
15. DEFT Expert Genius Lively Flexible
16. DEMONSTRATE Protest Occur Estimate Prove
17. DENUDED Uncovered Stripped Destroyed Discarded
18. DETERMINE Verify Conclude Decide Limit
19. DOUBT Certain Uncertain Relapse Sensing
20. EMANATE Express Originate Invent Enter
21. ENCOURAGE Animate Urge Stimulate Dissuade
22. ENELOPED Surrounded Included Wrapped Closed
23. ENTHRALLED Immensely pleased Greatly distracted Eagerly Entranced
24. EQUIPPING Providing Preparing Projecting Proclaiming
25. EXHORT Threaten Show Encourage Alert
26. EXPLORATION Execution Twisted Spinned Discovery
27. EXTREME End High Severe Serious
28. FEAT Process Focus Fact Goal
29. FIXING Stabilizing Hardening Focusing Distributing
30. FOCUS Adjust Concentrate Meditate Circulate
31. FOLLY Argument Mistake Words Conflict
32. FOLLY Argument Mistake Words Conflict
33. FORTUNATE Rich Liked Happy Lucky
34. FROZE Cold Numb Shivered Stood still
35. GAINING GROUND Obtaining land Making advances Losing heavily grounding due
to losses
36. GLORY Remarkable Darkness Honour Doom
37. HANDSOME Beautiful Cute Urge Elegant
38. HEAVY Weight Strict obese Burdened
39. HINDRANCE Handicapped Delay Interruption Difficult
40. IDENTIFYING Choosing Discovering Solving Intensifying
41. IGNORING Unaware Delaying Disregarding Humiliating
42. IMPERATIVE Trivial Dispensable Inadequate Unavoidable
43. INTERVENTION Interference Environment Inter-relation Upgradation
44. LODGED Sentenced Declared Arrested Housed
45. LYING Sleeping dishonest Relaxing Remaining
46. MEETING Gathering Assembly Summit Accomplishing

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

47. OBLITERATE Wipe off Eradicate Give birth Wipe out

48. OFFERED Forward Willing Volunteered Provided
49. OUT-OF THE ORDINARY LUXURY Something for sandess Something for Something Something
and not common enjoyment and not dirty indifferent to
need; not common social problems
50. PARTIALLY Divided into pats Logically Completely Not comp
51. PARTICULAR Special Definite General Specific
52. PATROL Alert Caution Defence Safeguard
53. PAUSED Halted Relaxed Ended Stuck
54. PERSISTED Fixed Insisted Applied Continued
55. PLIED Handled Poured Utilized Provided
56. PONDERED Guessed Puzzled studied Thought
57. POUNCED Climbed Looked Roared Jumped
58. PPARTICULAR Special Definite General Specific
59. PRECISION Soft Accuracy Accurate Amendment
60. PURELY Morally Honestly Completely Perfectly
61. RAISED Nurtured Lifted Grew Built
62. REAPITE Stop Part Delay Relax
63. REITERATED Pleaded Regurgitated Protested Repeated
64. RELUCTANT Disinclined Opposed Against Resistant
65. REMAINED Pending Waited Lasted Survived
66. REMEDY Medicine solve Therapy Heal
67. REMOVED Sent away Lost from Stolen Kidnapped
68. REPUTATION Character Respect Fame Report
69. REPUTATION Character Respect Fame Report
70. REST Balance Relax Calm Quiet
71. RETURN Reject Profit Settle Exchange
72. REVOLUTIONIZE Affect adversely Develop gradually IIIuminate Change
completely drastically
73. SELF-SUFFICIENT Adequate Dependent Overflowing Self-reliant
74. SERIOUSLY Slightly Sincerely Casually Acutely
75. SHOCKED Paralysed Surprised Amused Pained
76. SHRIEK Dreadful Sharp screem Hue and cry Disco music
77. SINCERE Open Earnest Dissolute Upright
78. SPEND Pay Bought Devote Empty
79. SPIED Noticed Keep watch Followed Spot
80. SQUARELY Rigidly Firmly Directly At right angel
81. STAYED Delayed Remained Lived Postponed
82. STERN Hard Tall Easy Severe
83. STRESS Strain Anxiety Emphasise Burden
84. STROKED Patted Beaten Contributed Encouraged

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

85. STUNNED Fainted Surprised Pleased unconscious

86. SUPERFICIAL Artificial Shallow Complete Profound
87. SUSTAINS Supports Defends Comforts Holds
88. TECHNIQUES Skill Gigantic Famous Technical
89. TRICK Joke Skill Mislead Technique
90. TURNED Rotated Cultivation Foundation Assimilation
91. UNKNOWN Undecided Anonymous Renowned Unfamiliar
92. UNTIMELY Early Rapid Punctual Late
93. URGE Advice Need Pray Encourage
94. VAIN Idle Very good Cruel Weak
95. VENTURED Dared Discouraged Emphasized Repented
96. VULNERABLE Insecure Indispensable Risky Promising
97. WOBBLY Newly Well made Well-decorated Shaky
98. If we had more rains, our crops Would grow Had grown Grew Would have
____ better. grown
99. The minister delivered his speech to Spoke Gave Gave birth to Made
the public.
100. He replied in a haughty manner Proud Arrogant Meek Clever
101. Jovial Revolting Incredulous Dizzy Merry
102. Indifferent Unkind Precious Mean Neutral
103. Charisma Charm Force Ghost Courage
104. Distort Wrong Evil Deform Harm
105. Imply Thick Stab Suggest Destroy
106. Aloof Reserved Clever Tidy Above
107. Resolve Puzzle Turn Want Decide
108. Congregate Disturb Worship Gather Hurry
109. Utter Express Laugh Defer Borrow
110. Irksome fearsome Outrageous Annoying Impoverished
111. Destitute Impoverished Affluent Desolate Meticulous
112. Sedentary Juvenile Disgraced Inactive Treacherous
113. Judicious Legal Persuasive Aggravated Balanced
114. Ascend Go out Climb Get down Send out
115. Mingle Mix A fruit Complain Confuse
116. Indict Get inside Issue an edict Walk properly Charge with
117. Sever Cut into two Intense Provide food Scold
118. Adulterate To make angry To amuse To become an To make
adult impure
119. Ambiguous Not clear A kind of animal Bacteria Pertaining to
120. Decorum Decorate Deceive Correct Dictate

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

121. Stigma Mark of shame A type of stick Stick Correct count
122. Monotony Lost of money A kind of tonic A single bench Lack of
123. Abscond Sleep Shorten To leave Have an
secretly abscess
124. Chaos Bye bye Confusion A type of snack Bitter
125. Adore To love somebody To go off in a hurry To leave To learn
somebody something

word (C) (D) (C) (D)
1. ABILITY Competency Aptitude Inefficiency Lethargy
2. ACCRSSIBLE Convenient Unavailable Unfavourable Unpleasant
3. ACQUIRED Grabbed Freed Stopped Lost
4. APPEARED Evaporated Died Invisible Vanished
5. AVID Unenthusiastic Efficient Boring Impartial
6. BARREN Uncultivated Fertile Forest Unlevelled
7. BARREN Uncultivated Fertile Forest Unleveled
8. BEST Damaged Inferior Spoiled Defective
9. BOTHERED Calm Uninterested Focused Distracted
10. BRIGHT Dim Soft Dull Faint
11. BRUTALLY Cruelly Partly Gently Rarely
12. CLAPPED Applause Thunder Crash None
13. COLLECTIVE Alone Separately United Partial
14. CONFLICT Conformity Betrayed Attest Abandoned
15. CONGRATULATING Avoiding Discrediting Recognizing Punishing
16. CONTENT Pitying Miserable Sorrow Unlucky
17. CONTINUED Irregular Destroyed Reckoned Suspended
18. CREDIT Debit Ungrateful Reject Blame
19. CRUCIAL Trivial Fundamental Vital evasive
20. CURSED Blamed Hated Blessed Ignored
21. DEEP Low Distracted Flat Awake
22. DEEP Calm Late Light Weak
23. DENSE Crowded Dark Sparse Transparent
24. DENSE Crowded Dark Sparse Transparent
25. DESIRABLE Unpleasant Irrational Unwanted Unscrupulous
26. DEVASTATING Ravaging Frivolous Refreshing Weighty

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

27. DISCIPLINE Orderly Wrecking Indiscipline Restoring

28. DISMAY Joy Interest Desire Humour
29. DISPARITY Adequacy Comparison Contrast Balance
30. DIVIDED Distributed Agreed Connected Multiplied
31. EDGE Blunt Beginning Indoors Interiors
32. ENRICH Poor Courage Diminish Poison
33. EXAHAUSTED Consumed Drained Restless Desirous
34. EXPANDED Increased Extended Banned Curtailed
35. EXTENSIVE meagre Intensive Immense Ardent
36. FAVOUR Mistake Bias Appeal Discouragement
37. FEEBLE Strong Intense Unbrekable Preserved
38. FIERCE Timid Emotional Civilized Pleased
39. FLOURISH Flower Tarnish Gain Deteriorate
40. GATHERED Dissolved Collected Dispersed Melted
41. GIFT Subscription Forfeit Endowment Looted
42. GOOD Dishonest Incapable Unhealthy Unsuitable
43. GRACIOUSLY Rudely Ignorantly Opposing Cruelly
44. HANDSOMENESS Abusing Stunning Ugliness Plentiful
45. HARSH Peculiar Vigorous Mild Inferior
46. HAZARDOUS Harmful Risky Comfortable Safe
47. HEARD Deaf Acted Ignored Listened
48. HIDE Seek Show Go away Indicate
49. HIDE Seek Show Go away Disclose
50. IMMERSED IN Safe from Distracted from Boring Drowning in
51. IMPROVE Retard Disprove Prove Accelerate
52. INTENSE Active Succeed Feeble Failure
53. LATTER Final Concluding Second Former
54. MATCHING Duplicate Dissimilar Original Identical
55. MERCILESSLY Calmly Compassionately Mildly Sympathetically
56. ODD Rare Ordinary Abnormal Even
57. OPENED Shut Disappeared Vanished Concluded
58. OPTIONAL Voluntary Compromise Pressure Mandatory
59. PARDON Punishment Excuse Convict Intolerance
60. PETTY Tremendous Huge Vast Important
61. PILED Low Empty Blank Nothing
62. PLEASANT Admirable Disgusting Nice Indecent
63. PLEASING Sorrow Disliking Worsening Offending
64. POUNDEP Weighed Released Paid Attended
65. PRECARIOUS Menacing Restrain Secured Turbulence
66. PREVIOUS New Preceding Novel Subsequent
67. PROMOTION Premonition Threatening Demotion Firmly

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

68. PROMPLTY Later Behind Relaxed Lately

69. PUNISHMENT Compensation Whipped Scourge Reward
70. REAL False Imitated Dishonest Imagine
71. REALITY Authentic Superfluous Imagination Lackadaisical
72. RESUMED Dissolved Disorganized Discontinued Depleted
73. REVEAL Secret Darken Disclose Hide
74. REVEAL Show Conceal Secretive Exhibit
75. RIGHT Immoral Unsuitable Inaccurate Inconvenient
76. ROBBED Stole Supplemented Taught Provided
77. SACRED Devil Unfaithful Sinless Unholy
78. SACRIFICE Assimilate Abandon Associate Acquire
79. SECRETELY Privately Untimely Carelessly Openly
80. SEVERELY Drastically Intensely Minutely Slightly
81. SIGNIFICANT Trivial Noteworthy Momentous Important
82. SILENTLY Aggravately Noisefully Quietly Flourishingly
83. SIMULTANEOUSLY Independently Partially Freely Jointly
84. STRANGE Familiar Unseen Famed Novel
85. SUCCESS Defeat Disagreement Abrupt Combat
86. SUPPORTED Advocated Facilitate Opposed Obstruction
87. TENDED Negligible Watched Inclined Ignored
88. TRIVIAL Perilous Blunt Important Momentous
89. TRUTHFUL Unbelievable Irresponsible Falsehood Dishonest
90. UNKNOWN Famous ignoble Aware Knowledgeable
91. UNSTABLE Changing Steady Stagnant Confined
92. UNUSED Accustomed Routine Often Normal
93. VAST Miniature Magnified Enormous Small
94. WILTED Fell Stand Tall Flourished
95. WORTHWHILE Valuable Effortless Futile Useless
96. The word ‘approve’ is Reject Accept Return Confirm
opposite in meaning to
97. Find out be most nearly Robbery Hatred Weakness Cruelty
word the opposite in
meaning of the word
given kindliness.
98. Choose the opposite Presumption Assumption Exemption Consumption
word of ‘liability’.
99. The opposite of Inresponsible Imresponsible Arresponsible Unresponsible
‘responsible’ is _____
100. The antonym of Doubtful Diffident Confident Strong
‘suspicious’ is
101. Withdraw Reduce Need Advance Want

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

102. Secret Friendly Covert Hidden Overt

103. Impartial Hostile Biased Dislike Worried
104. Luminous Clear Dim Brittle Clever
105. Awe Borrow Shallow Low Contempt
106. Telent Ungrateful Silent Show Inability
107. Meagre Kind Generous Thoughtful Copious
108. Zenith Worst Apex Nadir Past
109. Colossal Easy Tiny Graceful Roof
110. Heal Sew Foot Good Maim
111. Impeccable Faulty Flashy Tedious Boring
112. Complex Ordinary Common Simple Compound
113. Hampered Facilitated Relived Prompted Instigaten
114. Hostile Dogmatic Easy going Friendly Steady
115. Orderly Democratic Chaotic Disciplined Semitic
116. Undermine Appreciate Donate Bolster Decay
117. Abet Exaggerate Arrange Refuse Deter
118. Tentative Permanent Definite Adjacent Amiable
119. Erroneous Gareful Accurate Convincing Thoughtful
120. Tame Wild Dangerous Clean Active

General question

1. __ workers went on strike. A an The No article

2. ___ beggars must not be choosers. The An A No article
3. ___ clever he was, he could not get However As Though Even if
the first class.
4. ___ dancing and singing. Many a girls Many a girl is Many girls is Many a girl are
5. ___ employed will be given the A An The No article
computer training.
6. ___ English is a difficult language. A An The No article
7. ___ had I spoken than he left. No sooner Hardly Scarcely As soon as
8. ___ her illness, she could not attend Despite Owing to Inspite of Instead of
the meeting.
9. ___ I and my brother look alike? Do Does Is Are
10. ___ it rain, there will be no match. If Should Would Will
11. ___ of you have done this? Which What Who Whom
12. ___ she or her brothers responsible Were Are Have Was
for it?
13. ___ you invite him, he will not come. If Even though Even if As though

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 .. 105
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

14. ___ you say may be true. Which That Who What
15. ____ all your wishes come true ! Shall May Might Can
16. ____ boys are as active as Mahesh. No other Few The few Very few
17. ____ certain defects, the good are Because Owing to Since As
still unsold.
18. ____ he is poor ____he is honest. Not only…but Both…and Though…yet Neither…nor
19. ____ is a nice house. Their Her Yours Our
20. ____ it rains, we must start. If When While Even if
21. ____ mankind should love A, the The, the No article, the No article, no
____nature. article
22. ____ politician was involved in it. Many Many a More A several
23. ____ soldier was killed in the war. A few Many Many a Very few
24. ____ we reached the station, the No sooner did While As soon as Before
train arrived.
25. ____ wise know when to be silent. A An The No article
26. ____ you are ill, I will act for you. Unless Since Owing to Because
27. ____ your father and mother at Is Are have Was
28. ____clever he is, he is often cheated. As Though But However
29. ____minute you came, he ran away. A An The No article
30. ___proposal is better than the The later The latter The letter Last
31. A party of American students ____ Was Were Is Are
coming hare.
32. A patient should eat nothing ___ But Which That Only
light and simple food.
33. A series of objections ____ been Has Have Are Is
34. Add ____ sugar in tea. A few A little The little Little
35. All ____ you say is certainly true. What Which As That
36. All the money v I gave him gas been That Which As What
37. An apple ___ day keeps the doctor An A The No article
38. Anyone ____ make mistake. Can Will Could Shall
39. At last he ____ for his efforts. Rewarded Will be Was rewarded Had been
rewarded rewarded
40. Bread and butter ___ what they Was is Were Are

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 .. 106
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

41. Butter is made ____ milk. By From Of With
42. Cloth is sold ____ the metre. At From By Of
43. Convey my ____ to your brother. Compliment Complements Compliments Compliment
44. Do not enter ____ unnecessary In Into For No preposition
45. Do not go ____ I return. Until Till By If
46. Do not make ___ noise. A An The No article
47. Do not quarrel ____ trifles. On Over From About
48. Do not waste your time lest you ___ Might Would Should May
49. Draughts___ not played in India. Were Have Is Are
50. Each of the girls has finished ___ Their Theirs Her Hers
51. Gandhi fought for ____ freedom of The A An No article
our country.
52. Give some books to me, keep the ___ Rest That Which Any
with you.
53. Gulliver’s travels ___ a satire. Are Is Were have
54. He ___ since morning. Is working Works Has been Worked
55. He ____ had you informed him. Came Would come Would have Had come
56. He ____ I is wrong. As well as Or And Nor
57. He ____ not to have gone out in such Used Should Would Ought
bad weather.
58. He ____ to be at home now. Must May Will Ought
59. He __friends has come back. And his Or his Along with his Or
60. He always ___. Speaks a lie Says lie Tells a lie Tells lie
61. He as well as I ___ wrong. Am Is Were Are
62. He asked me ____ a teacher. Was I That I was If I was Are you
63. He ate ___. Four breads Four bread Four piece of Four pieces of
breads bread
64. He bought ____ A number of The number of The numbers A numbers of
books books of books books
65. He cut the tree ___ an axe. By For On With
66. He denied that he ___ a thief. Is not Was not Could not be Was
67. He did nothing ____ laugh. But Yet Still Though

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 .. 107
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

68. He died of ___ typhoid. A an The No article

69. He died without ____ heir. An A The No article
70. He filled the bucket ___ water. Into With By In
71. He had no choice ____ to yield. But Than Or Unless
72. He has no pen ___. To write with To write To write by To write for
73. He has not come, ___ has he sent any Nor Or Neither Either
74. He has seen many ___ in life. Crisis crisises Crises None of above
75. He has turned into ____ smuggler. A An The No article
76. He is ___. A man of Men of letter A men of Men of letters
letters letters
77. He is ____ tall than you. Lesser Less Much Very
78. He is ____me. Very well Known very Very well Known very
known by well by known to well to
79. He is addicted ____ smoking. For At To About
80. He is becoming ____ every day. Strong Stronger Strongest More stronger
81. He is junior ___ me in service. Then than To By
82. He is my ___. Niece Maidservant Hostess Nephew
83. He is one of those who____ hard to Was Is Are Were
84. He is quite confident ___ success. Of To For In
85. He likes ___. Fruits and Fruit and Fruit and None of above
vegetable vegetable vegetables
86. He made ___ most impressive speech The Very Much A
in the meeting.
87. He must be ashamed ___ his Of At By In
88. He needs five ___. Hundred rupee Hundreds rupee Hundred Hundreds
rupees rupees
89. He needs more ___. Practice Practise Practices Practices
90. He or his assistants have not His Theirs Their Them
comfessed ___ fault.
91. He picked up the coin which ___ on Ile Lay Laid Laid up
the ground.
92. He sees as if he ___ everything. Suspects Is suspecting Suspected Suspect
93. He spent ____ money he had. The few Little A little The little
94. He took off ____ cost and set to A An The No article
95. He travels by ____ bus. A An The No article

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 .. 108
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

96. He walks father than ___. Me I Myself Her

97. He wants ____ A paper Papers A piece of A piece of
paper papers
98. He went to Mumbai in ____ A An The No article
99. He will not come ____ you force him. Unless untill If Till
100. He will not object to ___ going there. Me You Us My
101. Her husband as well as his friends Is Are Were Have been
____ coming.
102. Here ____ my guardian and uncle ! Is coming Are coming Comes Come
103. His bag is more beautiful than ___. Yours Her Your Their
104. How ____ you call me a liar ? Could Will Dare Shall
105. How many candidates are going To appoint To being To be appoint To be
____ ? appointed appointed
106. Hw is ____ man. A miserly A miser Miser Miserly
107. Hw is among the persons who Is was Has been Are
____against me.
108. I ___ her to come in. Told Said to Said Spoke
109. I ___ we should accept the offer. Will think Would think Think Should think
110. I ____ go there, to come what may. Will Shall Can Should
111. I ____ listen to you unless you talk Won’t Shan’t Can’t Mustn’t
112. I ____ my keys, I cannot remember Lost Have lost Lose Had lost
when I last saw them.
113. I am ____ tired to work today. Very Much Too More
114. I am always true ___. To my words To my word With my For my words
115. I am in ___ hurry. A An The No article
116. I can come early ____ I live far But Still Yet Although
117. I could not meet the secretary ____ So that Therefore When As
he was out of station .
118. I do not know ____ he managed to Why As Whether How
get through.
119. I do not know ____ it is going to rain Till Unless Whether That
120. I do not like ___ sort of books. This These Those Which
121. I doubt if there are ____ sweets left. Any Some Much Little
122. I entirely disagree ____ you on this To With For About

.7575 072 872 #)% & -#,  :(-D, -#⅟₂,│)) * +  ,  :,-C, --., │ .)/0+123 4 +  5,  -)),--6 .. 109
  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

123. I gave him ____. A ten-rupee Ten rupees A ten-rupees Ten rupees
note note notes
124. I go to ___ college every day. A An The No article
125. I have done some of the work, ___ is The rest Much A few Some
left for you.
126. I have to write a long assay. Turn I have a long I have a long A long essay A long essay
into passive. essay to written essay to have has to be has to written
by me. been written. written by me. by me.
127. I hurried ____ I should be late. Otherwise Else Lest Unless
128. I know it is cold, ____ it is snowing. As Because of For Due to
129. I paid the price ____ cash. For By In For
130. I reminded him ____ his promise. About For To Of
131. I saw ____ of the three. Either Neither None Every
132. I saw a cow ___ the farm. In On At On to
133. I think I ___this news. Read Have read Had read Would read
134. I thought he ____ at home. Might May Will Could
135. I want ____ help of ____ few No article, the The, the The, no article The, a
136. I wish I ____ the wedding. Will attend Attend Attended Had attended
137. I wish, he ___ with me. Is Was Would be Were
138. I would like to learn ____ guitar. A An The No article
139. I would rather you ____ her the Tell Told Have told Are telling
truth now.
140. If he knew our address, he ____ Will Could May Would
come and see us.
141. India is proud of ___ rich past. His Its Her It’s
142. It ___ for an hour when we went out. Rained Was raining Had rained Had been
143. It ____ they who would help you. Are Is Would Were
144. It is ____ wisest to avoid liars. The A No article An
145. It is difficult to say that _____. They should They will agree They would They would
agree agree agree or not
146. It takes two men to make A an The No article
147. It was ___ who told us. Him She Her Them
148. Learn this peom by ___ heart. The a No article An
149. Let you and ___ work together. We Me I They

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

150. Let’s go to ____ restaurant tonight. A An The No article

151. Listen, the news ___. Is telecasting Are telecasting Is being Is being
telecast telecasted
152. Many a man ____ working in the Are Have been Is Has been
153. Many a post ___ been approved. Is Has Have Are
154. Mare than one scientist ___ Are Were Was Have
155. May o ask you ____ questions? Few A few The few Many
156. More soldiers than one ____ killed. Is Has been Were Was
157. Most of the money ___ been spent. Has Have Is Are
158. My brother deals ___ cloth. With For In About
159. My brother is always ____ me. Teases Tease Teasing Has teased
160. My income is ___ that of your. Lesser than As little as Less to Less than
161. My life and ___ are close friends. Your Yours Him Me
162. My mother made me ____ the room Cleaned Was cleaning Clean Had cleaned
163. Neither he nor his friends ___. Have arrived Has arrived will arrived Was arrived
164. Next time he ____ the library, he will Visits Will visit Is visiting Will be visiting
find us there.
165. No one ____ challenge god. May Can Must Should
166. No sooner did he leave ___ the guests Then Than When As
167. Nobody could suspect that it was Herself She Her Him
168. None ____fool can do this. Who As But As
169. Of the two plans, this is the ____ . Best Good Better More better
170. One cannot eat ____ cake and have His Their It’s One’s
171. One must do ____ duty. His Their Ones One’s
172. One should abstain ____ wine. To At From About
173. One should mind ___ own business. His Their One’s Their
174. Only you and ___ can do this work. Him Her I Me
175. Open your book ___. At page six On page six At six page On six page
176. Please excuse ____ coming late My Me Myself I
177. Please wait here till it ____ raining. Stops Stopped Will stop Had stopeed
178. Prevention is ____ than cure. Worse Better The best Good

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

179. Read regularly lest you ____ fail. Would Should Will Would
180. Run fast lest you ____ miss the train. Will Can May Should
181. Scarcely had he left ___ the guests Then Than After When
182. She ___ a moment ago. Left Has left Will leave Had left
183. She dislike ___ coming late. Me My I Myself
184. She found ___ one ruppe coin. A An The No article
185. She has no pen to write ____. On With By For
186. She is ___ of all the girls. More beautiful Beautiful The most The more
beautiful beautiful than
187. She is a famous ‘___ in the town. Tutor Author tailoress Landlord
188. She is married ____ Bhadresh. With For To About
189. She is not such a beautiful girl ____ That Whom Who As
he expected.
190. She is suffering from ___ headache. A An The No article
191. She purchased ____ books. Any Some None Each
192. She talks ___ she were mad. If Even if As if Even though
193. She turned off ____ light and closed A, a The, a The, the A, the
____ door.
194. Shreya, rather than other girls, ____ Is Are Were Has been
at fault.
195. Smoking is injurious ____ health. For To About ith
196. Sudha is ___. A bachelor A widower An emporor A spinster
197. Suggestion sent to the chairman Are taken up Will be taken up Have taken up Have been
____ in the next meeting. taken up
198. Supposing he ____ what will you do? Refuse Will refuse Refuses Refused
199. Take care of your ___. Luggage Luggages Luggageses Luggagess
200. Tell him ___. To repeat To repeat it To repeat To repeat it
again again
201. Tell me ____ you want me to do. What Which That When
202. The assignment ___ she went home. Having Having been Being checked Had been
checked checked checked
203. The baby ____ for last two years. Is sleeping Has slept Had slept Has been
204. The bad news ____ quickly. Spread Is spreading spreads Are spreading
205. The belief is ____ she is a writer. Which That Who As
206. The box is not so heavy as it seems. The box is The box is much The box is less The box is as
The sentence can be rewritten as…. heavier than it heavy as it heavy than it light as it

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

seems. seems. seems. appears

207. The boy whom you are looking ____ For At In About
has come back.
208. The brave ___ praise. Deserves Are deserving Deserve Deserved
209. The children should abide____ the By About Upon On
decision of their parents.
210. The dacoits set the house ___ fire. On At Into In
211. The days are short, ___ it is Because For As since
December now.
212. The dog swam ____ the river. Of Into Across About
213. The farmer owns several ____. oxes Oxs Oxen Oxens
214. The gentry ____ invited to the tea Is Was Were Will
215. The girl ___ him a scoundrel. Told Said Called Said to
216. The horse and carriage ____ Has Have Were was
217. The Jews worship ___fire. A An The No article
218. The letter ___, I posted it Having written Having writing Having been Had been
immediately. written written
219. The mob ___ no mind. Is Have Has Are
220. The negative of : ‘he is too dull to He is not too He is so dull He is so dull He is not too
understand it’- dull to that he he cannot dull that he
understand it. understands it. understand it. cannot
understand it.
221. The number of smokers ___ Were Are Is Has
increasing day by day.
222. The number of the candidates ____ Is Are Were Have been
very large.
223. The passive voice of : ‘will you not Will I be not Shall I not be Won’t I be Shall I not be
help me ?’ is helped by you : helped by you? helped by being helped
you? by you?
224. The passive voice of ‘the people The police was The police was The police The police had
attacked the police’ : attacked by the being attacked were attacked been attacked
people. by the people. by the people. by the people.
225. The plural if ‘handkerchief’ is Handkerchiefs handkerchieves Handkerchief Handkrechiefs
226. The plural of ‘medium’ is Media Mediums Mediums A and b
227. The plural of ‘synopsis’ is synopsiss synopsisess synopses Synopsesess
228. The plural of ‘volcano’ is Volcanos Volcanoes Volcanoss Volcanosess
229. The poet and philosopher ____ said Is Are Has Have

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

230. The police made him ___ his crime. Confess Confesses To confess Is confessing
231. The project ____ by next june. Will be Will complete Will have Will have been
completed completed completed
232. The rose is sweetest of all flowers: Many flowers All flowers are The rose is The rose is
turn into comparative degree. are not sweeter not sweeter than sweeter than sweeter than
than rose. rose. many other any other
flowers. flowers.
233. The sick king ___ in bed. Lay Lied Laid Lays
234. The sons as well as their father ____ Are Was Has Have
235. The sooner, ___. The more The best The better The worst
236. The students___ good night to their Wished Bade Told Asked
237. The sum is ____ difficult to solve. Enough Too Much A little
238. The synonym of ‘thin’ is Fat Weak Lean Light
239. The teacher asked me ___ I had That Whether That way The reason
broken the window. because
240. The thief came ____ the window. Into Upon In Through
241. The time ____ is lost is lost for aver. That Whom Who As
242. There are trees ____ the river bank. In An Among Along
243. There is ____garden behind ____ A, the The, a The, the A, a
244. There is an exception ___ every rule. Foe In To About
245. There is no point ___ there. In going To go Going For going
246. There is no rose ___ has some That Same Such But
247. There was no one ____ weqt. Who That As But
248. There were ____ than twenty boys in Less Lesser Much Fewer
the class.
249. They thought they ____ the thief but Found Would find Had found Would have
they were mistaken. found
250. This is ____ most useful device. A An The No article
251. This is the ____ train for Rajkot. Last Later Latest Latter
252. This is the best book ___ I have read. Which That What As
253. This is the best thing ____ we liked. That Which Who Why
254. This is thee same beggar ___ we saw Whom as That Who

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

255. This pen is superior to ____. Your Her Yours Their

256. Though I ___ him yet I recognised Have ever seen Had never seen Not seen Never saw
257. Three fourths of the work ____ still Are Were Is Has
258. Trust in god ____do the right. And As well as But Or
259. Twenty rupees ___ too much for this Are Is Has Were
260. Two friends love ___. One another To each other Each another Each other
261. Very few metals are as costly as Gold is the Gold is the Gold is one of Gold is one of
gold. Turn in the superlative. costliest metal. costliest of all the most the costliest
other metals. costly metal. metals.
262. We ___ not accept his proposal at Will Shall Ought Could
any cost.
263. We ____ rather die than surrender Should Would Might Can
264. We agree ___ him ___ all the points. To, with With, to To, on With, into
265. We each ___ allowed to speak in the Is Are Was Were
meeting yesterday.
266. We ere safe till pure water ____. Is drunk Drinks Is drinking Will drink
267. We invited her as well as ___. Him He They Their
268. We pay mare rent than ____. Them Their Theirs They
269. We saw ___great many people there. An The A No article
270. We wear warm ____ in winter. Cloth Cloths Clothes Clothses
271. What ___ exiting story! A An The No article
272. What ____ if you had missed your Had you done Would have Would have Would you
train? been done you done have done
273. What is the plural of ‘sister-in-law’? Sisters-in-laws Sisters-in-law Sister-in-laws Sisters-in-laws
274. What is the plural of soliloguy? Soliloguys Solilouyes Soliloquies Soliloques
275. What we need ___ good government. Is Are Was Were
276. What we need ____ customers. Is Are Were Have
277. When I saw she ____ chess with her Played Was playing Had played Had been
children. playing
278. When my papa ____ I will complain Will come Comes Came Is coming
to him against you.
279. When the sun rose, the fog ____. Disappeared Will disappear Would Has
dispear disappeared
280. Which is the correct plural form ? Women-hater Women-hater Women- Woman-haters

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  GPSC 1-2,  ,   ,  , TAT, TET       . By - SAMAT GADHAVI

281. Which is the correct plural form? Grant-in-aids Grants-aids Grants-in-aid Grants-ins-aids
282. Which one of these novels ____ Are Were Is Was
yours ?
283. Which words will take ‘s’ to form Piano, Cargo, canto, Volcano, Bamboo,
the plural? monarch, canto photo radio, photo potato, hero
284. While the prizes ___ to the winners, Were Had been Were being Was being
it began to rain. distributed distributed distributed distributed
285. Whit will the chief miniter as well as Will arrive Arrive Arrives Are arriving
other ministers ___
286. Whom have you informed ? turn Who has been By whom have By whom has Who have you
into passive voice. informed by you been you been been informed
you ? informed? informed ?
287. Windows are made of ____ glass. a An The No article
288. Would you mind ____ smoking Me My Mine Myself
289. Would you pardon ____smoking Me I My Myself
here ?
290. Write your answers ____ink. With By In For
291. Yesterday I went to ____ hospital to A An The No article
see my sick friends.
292. You ___ live long ! Might will Shall May
293. You ___ not to have gone there. Should Used Ought Must
294. You ____ go there as no one is there. Should not Must note Need not Will not
295. You ____ only sing the form and I Need Should Must May
shall do the rest.
296. You ____ touch this live wire. Should not Must not Need not Will not
297. You ____ work hard to get the first Should Will Would Must
298. You ____come here whenever you Can Could May Might
299. You and I are doing our work, ___? Aren’t I? Are we Arent’ you? Aren’t we?
300. You must apologise ____ resign. Or But Nor And
301. You will be punished ____ you do Till Until If Unless
not do this work carefully.

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