This document contains 21 mechanics problems involving static friction. Each problem provides the problem statement, figure illustration if applicable, and answer. The problems cover a range of static friction scenarios including blocks on inclined planes, cylinders on surfaces, wedges, and more. The document is assessing understanding of static friction concepts through these example problems and solutions.
This document contains 21 mechanics problems involving static friction. Each problem provides the problem statement, figure illustration if applicable, and answer. The problems cover a range of static friction scenarios including blocks on inclined planes, cylinders on surfaces, wedges, and more. The document is assessing understanding of static friction concepts through these example problems and solutions.
ENGINEERING MECHANICS (ME 1101) by a string and rest on horizontal planes as shown in Second Semester (All Branch) Fig. F. If the angle of friction for each block is φ, find ASSIGNMENT - 7 the magnitude and direction of the least force P 1. What must be the angle α between the plane faces of a steel wedge used for applied to the upper block that will include sliding. splitting logs if there is to be no danger of the wedge slipping out after each blow Ans. Pmin = (W1+W2) sin φ. of the sledge? Ans. α ≤ 2 φ. 9. Two blocks connected by a horizontal link AB are 2. A flat stone slab rests on an inclined skidway that makes an angle α with the supported on two rough planes as shown in Fig. G. The horizontal. What is the condition of equilibrium if the angle of friction is φ? Ans. α coefficient of friction for block A on the horizontal plane is ≤ φ. µ = 0.4. The angle of friction for block B on the inclined 3. What is the necessary coefficient of friction between plane is φ = 150. What is the smallest weight W of the tires and roadway to enable the four-wheel-drive block A for which equilibrium of the system can exit? Ans. automobile in Fig. A to climb a 30 per cent grade? W ≥ 1,000 N. Ans. µ ≥ 0.3. 10. Two blocks of weights W1 and W2 rest on rough inclined plane and are connected by a short piece of string as shown in Fig. H. If the coefficient of friction are µ1 = 0.2 and µ2 = 4. A heavy rotating drum of radius r is supported in bearing 0.3, respectively, find the angle of inclination of the plane at c and is braked by the device shown in Fig. B. for which sliding will impends. Assume W1 = W2 = 5 N. Calculate the braking moment Mc with respect to point C Ans. tan α = 0.25. if the coefficient of kinetic friction between drum and 11. A block of weight W1 = 200 N rests on a horizontal brake shoe is µ. Ans. = . surface and supports on top of it another block of weight W2 = 50 N (Fig. I). The block W2 is attached to a vertical 5. To determine experimentally the coefficient of wall by the inclined string AB. Find the magnitude of the friction for steel on steel, flat plates, of negligible horizontal force P, applied to the lower block as shown weight compared with the large top weight W, are that will be necessary to cause slipping to impend. The stacked on a horizontal plane as shown in Fig. C. coefficient of static friction for all contiguous surface is µ = 0.3. Ans. P = 84.5 N. Alternate plates are held together by loose-fitting 12. Two rectangular blocks of weights W1 and W2 are connected vertical pins A and B. The pin A is anchored to a steel by a flexible cord and rest upon a horizontal and an inclined plane, respectively, with the cord passing over a pulley as slab, and a horizontal pull applied to the pin B as shown. If there are five movable shown in Fig. J. In the particular case where W1 = W2 and the plates and slipping occurs when pull has the magnitude P, what is the coefficient coefficient of static friction µ is the same for all contiguous of friction µ? Ans. µ = P/10W. 6. A short right circular cylinder of weight W rests in a surfaces, find the angle α of inclination of the inclined plane at which motion of horizontal V notch having the angle 2α as shown in Fig. the system will impend. Neglect friction in the pulley. Ans. tan (/2) = µ. D. If the coefficient of friction is µ, find the horizontal 13. A smooth circular cylinder of weight Q and radius r is force P necessary to cause slipping to impend. Ans. supported by two semicircular cylinders each of the same radius r and weight Q/2, as shown in Fig. K. If = . the coefficient of static friction between the flat faces 7. The ends of a heavy prismatic bar AB are of the semicircular cylinder and the horizontal plane on supported by a circular ring in a vertical plane as which they rests is µ = and friction the cylinders shown in Fig. E. If the length of the bar is such that it subtends an angle of 900 in the ring and the themselves is neglected, determine the maximum distance b between the centers B angles of friction at the A and B are each φ, what is and C for which equilibrium will be possible without the middle cylinder touching the greatest angle of inclination ϴ that the bar can the horizontal plane. Ans. b max = 2.83r. make with the horizontal in a condition of equilibrium? Ans. ϴ ≤ 2φ. 14. Referring to Fig. L, the coefficients of friction are as 19. A ladder AB of length l is supported by horizontal floor at A follows: 0.25 at the floor, 0.03 at the wall, and 0.20 and by a vertical wall at B and makes an angle α with the between blocks. Find the minimum value of a horizontal (Fig. Q). Find the maximum distance x up the horizontal force P applied to the lower block that will ladder at which a man of weight W can stand without hold the system in equilibrium. Ans. Pmin = 81.2 N. causing slipping to occur, if the angle of friction between floor and ladder and between wall and ladder is φ. Neglect 15. Two identical blocks A and B are connected by a rod and rest the weight of the ladder itself. Ans. = [1 − cos(∝ against vertical and horizontal planes, respectively, as shown + ) ]. in Fig. M. If sliding impends when ϴ = 450, determine the 20. A rectangular block of width 2b and height h rests on a coefficient of friction µ, assuming it to be the same at both horizontal plane surface (Fig. R). Find the magnitude P and floor and wall. Ans. µ = 0.414. the height C of the line of action of a horizontal force that will cause tipping and sliding of the block to impend simultaneously. The weight of block is W, and the 16. Two heavy right circular rollers of diameter D and d, coefficient of static friction between the block and the plane respectively, rests on a rough horizontal plane as shown in Fig. N. The larger roller has a string wound it to is µ. Ans. = , = . which a horizontal force P can be applied as shown. 21. A man wishes to slide a heavy stone block of weight W over a Assuming that the coefficient of friction µ has the same level concrete floor by pulling on it with a rope AB, as shown value for all surfaces of contact, determine the in Fig. S. What angle α should the rope make with the necessary condition under which the larger roller can horizontal in order that the pull necessary to cause sliding to be pulled over the small one. Ans. µ ≥ / . impend will be minimum? What will be the magnitude of this 17. A solid right circular cone of altitude h = 12 cm and radius of minimum force if the angle of friction is φ? Ans. = . base r = 3 cm has its center of gravity C on its geometric axis at 22. To raise a heavy stone block weighing 2000 N, the arrangement the distance ℎ⁄4 = 3 cm above the base. The cone rests on an shown in Fig. T is used. What horizontal force P will it be inclined plane AB, which makes an angle of 300 with the necessary to apply to the wedge in order to raise the block if the horizontal and for which the coefficient of friction is µ = 0.5 coefficient of friction for all the contiguous surface is µ = 1/4? (Fig. O). A horizontal force P is applied to the vertex O of the Neglect the weight of the wedge. Ans. = 1865 . cone and abts in the vertical plane of the figure as shown. Find 23. A block of weight Q rests on a inclined plane and has the maximum and minimum values of P consistent with attached to it a string that overruns a pulley and carries a equilibrium of the cone if the weight W = 10 N. Ans. Pmax = 4.16 N, Pmin = 0.598 N. weight P at its other end as shown in Fig. U. If the 18. A short semicircular right cylinder of radius r and weight coefficient of friction between the block Q and the W rests on a horizontal surface and is pulled at the right inclined plane is µ, find the limiting values of the ratio angles to its geometric axis by a horizontal force P applied consistent with equilibrium. Neglect friction in the pulley, and assume that the at the middle B of the front edge (Fig. P). Find the angle α angle of inclination α of the plane is greater than the angle of friction φ = arctan µ. that the flat face will make the horizontal plane just before sliding begins if the coefficient of friction at the line of contact A is µ. The gravity Ans. = ∝− , = ∝+ . force W must be considered as acting at the center of gravity C as shown in the ********** figure. Ans. sin α = 3μ ⁄(4 + 3μ ).