Syllabus For BA Eco.H
Syllabus For BA Eco.H
Syllabus For BA Eco.H
Semester I Semester II
Paper I: Micro Economics I Paper III: Macro Economics
Paper II: Money and Banking Paper IV: Indian Economics
Semester III Semester IV
Paper V: Micro Economics II Paper VII: Mathematical Methods for Economics
Paper VI: Statistical Methods in Economics Paper VIII: International Economics
Semester V Semester VI
Paper IX: Growth and Development Paper XIII: Public Finance
Paper X: History of Economic Thought Paper XIV: Environmental Economics
Paper XI: Optional Paper I Paper XV: Optional Paper III
Paper XII: Optional Paper II Paper XVI: Optional Paper IV
Students will opt for any one of the following groups for the optional papers:
GROUP A: Mathematical Economics [Papers XI and XV] and Econometrics [Papers XII and XVI].
GROUP B: Agricultural Economics [Papers XI and XV] and Demography [Papers XII and XVI].
GROUP C: Industrial Economics [Papers XI and XV] & Financial Institutions [Papers XII and XVI].
Semester I
Paper I
Micro Economics – I
* The question paper shall contain a total of eight questions out of which any four will have to
Unit I: Introduction
1.1: Subject Matter of Economics
1.2: Nature and Scope of Economics: Micro and macro Economics; Positive and Normative
Economics; Dynamic and Comparative Static Economics.
1.3: Methodology in Economics: Deductive and Inductive Methods.
1.4: Central Economic Problems: Scarcity and Choice; Production Possibility Frontier [PPF].
Unit 2: Consumer Behaviour and Demand
2.1: Cardinal Utility Analysis: Total and marginal Utility; Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility; Law
of Equi‐Marginal Utility; Consumer’s Equilibrium.
2.2: Ordinal Utility Analysis: Indifference Curves; Budget Constraints; Consumer’s Equilibrium.
2.3: Price Effect: Substitution Effect [Hicks and Slutsky]; Income Effect.
2.4: Income Consumption Curve [ICC} and Price Consumption Curve [PCC}; Normal, Inferior and
Giffen Goods.
2.5: Consumer’s Surplus: Marshall and Hicks.
2.6: Theory of Demand: Derivation of Demand Curve under Cardinal and Ordinal Theories; Law
of Demand; Factors Influencing Demand; Changes in Demand and Engels’ Curve; Elasticity
of Demand; Price; Income and Cross Elasticities.
Unit 3: Theory of Production
3.1: Production Function: Short Run and Long Run.
3.2: Low of Variable Proportions;
3.3: Returns to Scale: Economies of Scale.
3.4: Cobb‐Douglas Production Function: It’s Properties.
3.5: Isoquant Analysis; Iso‐Cost Line; Producer’s Equilibrium; Production Decision and Expansion
Unit 4: Theory of Costs and Revenue
4.1: Concepts of Costs and their inter‐relationship: Short Run and Long Run.
4.2: Concepts of Revenue and their inter‐relationship; Break‐Even Analysis.
Semester I
Paper ‐ II
Money and Banking
* The question paper shall contain a total of eight questions out of which any four will have to
Unit 1: Money
1.1: Money: Meaning and Function: Role of Money in Capitalistic, Socialistic and Mixed
1.2: Quantity Theory of Money: Cash Transactions Approach and Cash Balance Approach.
1.3: Keynesian Theory of Money and Prices.
Unit 2: Central Banking
2.1: Objectives, Functions and Limitations of Central Bank with reference of RBI.
2.2: Supply of Money: Concept, Components and Aggregates; Money Multiplier.
2.3: Quantitative and Qualitative Methods of Credit Control.
2.4: Objectives, Functions and Limitations of Money Market: Developed and Developing with
special reference to India.
Unit 3: Commercial Banking
3.1: Meaning, Types, Functions and Principles of Commercial Banks.
3.2: Structure and Balance Sheet of a Commercial Bank; Assets and Liabilities.
3.3: Process of Credit Creation.
3.4: Commercial Banking in India: Evaluation of Banking Sector since Independence; Critical
Appraisal of Commercial Banking after Nationalization; Recent Banking Reforms.
Unit 4: Financial Markets
4.1: Banking System; Bond Market; Foreign Exchange Market; Equity Market – Concepts.
4.2: Introduction to the Concept of Derivatives.
4.3: Futures; Options; Call/Put.
Semester II
Paper ‐ III
Macro Economics
* The question paper will contain a total of eight questions out of which any four will have to
Unit 1: National Income and Social Accounting
1.1: Concept of Circular Flow
1.2: Concept and Measurement of National Income
1.3: Concept of Social Accounting
1.4: Environmental Concerns in National Income; Green Accounting.
Unit 2: Theory of Output and Employment
2.1: Say’s Law of Market and Classical Theory of Employment: Critical Analysis and Keynes’
2.2: Consumption Function and Savings Function: APC; MPC; APS and MPS; Factors Affecting
Consumption Function; Psychological Law of Consumption.
2.3: Investment Function: Autonomous and Induced Investment; MEC and Rate of Interest.
2.4: Principle of Effective Demand: Equality and Equilibrium of AD/AS and S/I; Paradox of Thrift.
2.5: Investment Multiplier and its Effectiveness in Less Developed Countries.
2.6: Theory of Acceleration.
Unit 3: Trade Cycles
3.1: Nature and Characteristics of Trade Cycle.
3.2: Hawtrey’s Monetary Theory of Trade Cycle.
3.3: Hayek’s Over‐Investment Theory of Trade Cycle.
3.4: Keynesian Views on Trade Cycle.
Unit 4: Inflation
4.1: Definition, Types, Causes and Effects of Inflation.
4.2: Measures to Control Inflation.
4.3: Concept of Inflationary Gap.
Semester II
Paper IV
Indian Economics
* The question paper shall contain a total of eight questions out of which any four will have to
Unit 1: Structure of Indian Economy
1.1: Basic Features of Indian Economy
1.2: Natural Resources: Land, Water and Forest Resources.
1.3: Broad Demographic Features: Population Size, Structure [Sex and Age]; Characteristics;
Change in Population; Rural‐Urban Migration; Occupational Distribution; Problem of Over‐
Population; Population Policy.
Unit 2: Problems and Planning in India
2.1: Poverty and Inequality;
2.2: Problem of Unemployment;
2.3: Problem of Rising Prices;
2.4: Objectives, Strategy, Achievements and Failures of Planning in India; Analysis of Current
Five Year plan.
2.5: New Economic Reforms: Liberalization, Privatization, Globalization and its progress.
Unit 3: Agriculture and Industry
3.1: Nature and Importance of Agriculture: Trends in Agricultural Production and Productivity;
Factors Affecting Productivity.
3.2: Land Reforms.
3.3: New Agricultural Strategy, Green Revolution and Agricultural Reforms after 1991.
3.4: Rural Credit and Agricultural Marketing.
3.5: Industrial Policies of 1948, 1956 and 1991.
3.6: Large Scale Industries: Present Position and Problems of Sugar, Iron and Steel, Jute and
Cotton Textile Industries.
3.7: Cottage and Small Scale Industries: Growth, Importance and Problems.
Unit 4: External Sector and Economics of Jharkhand
4.1: Role of Foreign Trade.
4.2: Composition and Direction of India’s Foreign trade and FDI.
4.3: Basic Features of Jharkhand Economy.
4.5: Mineral and Forest Resources.
4.6: Agriculture in Jharkhand.
Semester III
Paper V
Micro Economics ‐ II
* The question paper shall contain a total of eight questions out of which any four will have to
Unit 1: Market Structure
1.1: Forms of Market: perfect and Imperfect Markets: Salient Features.
1.2: Equilibrium of the Firm and Industry [Short Run and Long Run] under Perfect Competition;
Derivation of Supply Curve.
1.3: Monopoly: Price and Output Determination [Short Run and Long Run]; Price Discrimination;
1.4: Monopolistic Competition: Price and Output Determination (Individual and Group
Equilibrium); Importance of Selling Costs.
1.5: Oligopoly: Kinked Demand Curve Theory.
Unit 2: Factor Pricing
2.1: Marginal Productivity Theory of Distribution; Adding‐Up Problem [Euler’s Theorem].
2.1: Theories of Wage determination: Demand and Supply Theory; Collective Bargaining.
2.3: Rent: Ricardian and Modern Theory.
2.4: Interest: Classical and Keynesian Theories.
2.5: Profit: Innovation, Risk and Uncertainty Theories.
Unit 3: Welfare Economics
3.1: Concept of Welfare: Value Judgement; Problems in Measuring Welfare.
3.2: Classical Welfare Economics: Pigou.
3.3: Pareto’s Criterion of Measuring Welfare;
Semester III
Paper VI
Statistical Methods in Economics
* The question paper shall contain a total of eight questions out of which any four will have to
Unit 1: Introduction to Statistics
1.1: Basic Concepts: Population and Sample, Parameter, Statistic, Primary and Secondary Data.
1.2: Classification and Tabulation.
1.3: Diagrammatic and Graphical Representation of Data.
Unit 2: Central Tendency and Dispersion
2.1: Measures of Central Tendency: Arithmetic Mean, Median, Mode, Geometric Mean and
Harmonic Mean.
2.2: Measures of Dispersion: Mean Deviation, Quartile Deviation, Standard Deviation,
Coefficient of Variation.
2.3: Measures of Skewness.
Unit 3: Correlation and Regression
3.1: Correlation; Coefficient of Correlation – Karl Pearson and Rank Correlations.
3.2: Regression Analysis: Linear Regression; Interpretation of Regression Coefficients.
Unit 4: Time Series and Index Numbers
4.1: Time Series Analysis: Concept; Components; Least Square Method of Determination of
4.2: Index Numbers: Concept; price relative; quantity relative; weighted index number.
4.3: Methods of Construction of Index Numbers: Laspeyre, Paasche and Fisher.
4.4: Tests for Adequacy of Index Number.
Unit 5: Probability
5.1: Probability: Concept.
5.2: Rules of Probability: Addition and Multiplication Theorems.
Semester IV
Paper VII
Mathematical Methods for Economics
* The question paper shall contain a total of eight questions out of which any four will have to
Unit 1: Basic Concepts
1.1: Set Theory: Concepts and set operations.
1.2: Variables and Functions; Equations and Systems of Equations;
1.3: Elements of Coordinate Geometry: Straight Line.
1.4: Homogeneous Functions.
Unit 2: Calculus
2.1: Concept of Limit and Differentiation [Simple and Partial] of a Function.
2.2: Maxima and Minima; Its applications in Economics.
2.3: Pricing under Monopoly and Perfect Competition.
2.4: Inter‐Relationships among Total, Marginal and Average Cost and Revenues.
2.5: Integration of a Function: Definite and Indefinite.
2.6: Economic Applications of Integrals: Obtaining Total Function from Marginal Function:
Revenue, Cost and Product; Consumer’s Surplus.
Unit 3: Matrix and Determinants
3.1: Various Types of Matrices.
3.2: Matrix Operations.
3.3: Determinants.
3.4: Inverse of a Matrix.
3.5: Cramer’s Rule.
Semester IV
Paper VIII
International Economics
* The question paper shall contain a total of eight questions out of which any four will have to
Unit 1: Scope of International Economics
1.1: International Economics: Definition, Nature and Importance.
1.2: Gains from Trade: Their Measurement and Distribution.
1.3: Comparative Cost Advantage [Ricardian] and Heckcher‐Ohlin Theory of International Trade.
Unit 2: International Trade Policy
2.1: Free Trade vs. Protection.
2.2: Methods of Trade Restriction: Tariff and Quotas ‐ Their Impact.
Unit 3: Foreign Exchange
3.1: Exchange Rate Determination: Gold Standard [Mint Parity]; Purchasing Power Parity
3.2: Devaluation and Appreciation of currency.
Unit 4: Balance of Trade and Balance of Payment
4.1: Concepts and Components of Balance of Trade and Balance of Payment.
4.2: Equilibrium and Disequilibrium in Balance of Payment; Consequences of Disequilibrium in
Balance of Payment; Measures to Correct Deficit in Balance of Payment.
Unit 5: International Financial Institutions and India
5.1: Functions of IMF; World Bank; WTO with reference to India.
5.2: Balance of Payment Crisis; Need and Importance of Foreign Capital.
Semester V
Paper IX
Growth and Development
* The question paper shall contain a total of eight questions out of which any four will have to
Unit 1: Introduction to Economic Growth and Development
1.1: Economic Growth and Development: Concepts and Contrasts.
1.2: Factors Affecting Economic Growth.
1.3: Development and Under‐Development; Obstacles to Under‐Development.
1.4: Concept of Poverty Line.
1.5: Theory of Demographic Transition.
1.6: Capital Formation.
Unit 2: Theories of Growth and Development
2.1: Classical Theories of Development: Adam Smith and David Ricardo.
2.2: Harrod‐Domar Growth Model.
2.3: Schumpeter and Capitalistic Development.
2.4: Lewis Model.
2.5: Rostow’s Model of Growth.
Unit 3: Macro Economic Policy and Economic Development
3.1: Role of Monetary and Fiscal Policies in Developing Countries, including India.
3.2: External Resources: FDI, AID vs. Trade; Technology Inflow, MNC activity in India.
Semester V
Paper X
History of Economic thought
* The question paper shall contain a total of eight questions out of which any four will have to
Unit 1: Early Period
1.1: Mercentalism.
1.2: Physiocracy.
Unit 2: Development of Classical Economics
2.1: Adam Smith: Division of Labour, Theory of Value, Capital Accumulation, Distribution, Views
on Trade, Economic Progress.
2.2: David Ricardo: Value, Theory of Rent, Distribution, Ideas on Economic Development and
International Trade.
2.3: T.R.Malthus: Theory of Population, Theory of Gluts.
2.4: Karl Marx: Dynamics of Social Change, Theory of Value, Surplus Value, Profit and Ciris of
2.5: J.B.Say: Economic Ideas.
Unit 3: The Marginalist Revolution
3.1: Jevons and Walrus.
3.2: Neo‐Classical Thought: Alfred Marshall.
Unit 4: the Keynesian Revolution
4.1: Economic Ideas of J. M. Keynes.
Unit 5: Indian Economic Thought
5.1: Economic Ideas of Mahatma Gandhi.
5.2: Economic Ideas of Amartya Sen.
Semester V
Paper XI
Mathematical Economics – I
* The question paper shall contain a total of eight questions out of which any four will have to
Unit 1: Elementary Mathematics in Economics
1.1: Role of Mathematics in Economics.
1.2: Functions and its Graphs.
1.3: Set Theory: Kinds of Sets; Operation of Sets; Venn Diagrams; Cartesian Products.
Unit 2: Limits and Differentiation
2.1: Limits and Continuity.
2.2: Differentiation: Rules of Differentiation; Higher Order Derivatives.
2.3: Application of Derivatives: Differentiation of a Function; Concavity and Convexity; Maxima
and Minima; Inflection Points; Perfect Competition; Monopoly; Elasticity.
Unit 3: Calculus and Multi‐Variable Functions
3.1: Functions of Several Variables and Partial Derivatives.
3.2: Rules of Partial Differentiation; Second Order Partial Derivatives.
3.3: Application of Partial Derivatives in Economics.
Unit 4: Integration and Its Applications
4.1: Concept; Rules of Integration; Integration by Substitution.
4.2: Definite and Indefinite Integrals.
4.3: Economic Applications of Integration.
4.3: Consumer’s Surplus.
Semester V
Paper XII
Econometrics – I
* The question paper shall contain a total of eight questions out of which any four will have to
Unit 1: Introduction
1.1: Definition and Scope of Econometrics.
1.2: Importance of Error Term.
1.3: Desirable Properties of Estimators: Unbiasedness; Efficiency; Consistency and Sufficiency;
properties of Ordinary Least Squares.
Unit 2: Probability and Mathematical Expectation
2.1: Probability: Concepts.
2.2: Additional and Multiplication Theorems of Probability; Baye’s Theorem.
2.3: Mathematical Expectation: Meaning and Properties.
Unit 3: Simple Regression Analysis and Theoretical Distribution
3.1: Correlation and Regression; Coefficient of Determination.
3.2: Theoretical Frequency Distribution: Binomial and Normal Distributions; Their uses and
Semester V
Paper XI
* The question paper shall contain a total of eight questions out of which any four will have to
Unit 1: Rural Economy of India
1.1: Composition of Indian Rural Economy: Farm and Non‐Farm Sector.
1.2: Place of Agriculture in Rural Economy.
1.3: Diversification of Agriculture: Agriculture and Allied Activities [Fisheries, Horticulture,
1.4: Forestry in India: Growth, Problems and State Policies.
1.5: Rural Industrialization: Food Processing and Agro‐Based Industries.
1.6: Development of Rural Infrastructure.
Unit 2: Development of Agriculture
2.1: Role and Importance in Economic Development: Linkages between Agricultural Sector and
Non‐Agricultural Sector; Changing Nature of Linkages.
2.2: Irrigation in India.
2.3: Trends in Agricultural Growth and Agricultural Productivity.
Unit 3: Agrarian Relations and Land Reforms in India
3.1: Agrarian Relations: Land Reforms Programme during 1950s and 1960s.
3.2: Land Reforms Programme and Performance during 1970s and after.
Semester V
Paper XII
* The question paper shall contain a total of eight questions out of which any four will have to
UNIT 1: Introduction
1.1: Demography: Concepts; Definitions; Nature; Scope and Importance.
1.2: Population Study and Demography: Similarities and Dissimilarities.
1.3: Relationship of Demography with other Disciplines.
Unit 2: Theories of Population
2.1: Malthusian Theory of Population.
2.2: Optimum Theory of Population.
2.3: Theory of Demographic Transition.
Unit 3: Sources of Demographic Data in India
3.1: Population Census.
3.2: Civil Registration System.
3.3: Demographic Surveys.
3.4: Merits and Demerits of Sources of Population Data.
Unit 4: Structure of Population
4.1: Population Trends: Historical Evidence of Growth of Population and its Distribution in India.
4.2: Age and Sex Structure of Population in India: Pattern; Determinants; Age Pyramids;
Individual and Population Ageing; Temporal and Spatial Variations in Sex Ratios.
4.3: Population Explosion in India: Causes and Consequences.
Semester V
Paper XI
* The question paper shall contain a total of eight questions out of which any four will have to
Unit 1: Introduction
1.1: Industry and Economic Development.
1.2: Industry and Sectoral Linkages.
1.3: Industrial Classification and Information.
Unit 2: Industrial Organization and Ownership Structure
2.1: Public; Private; Joint and Cooperative Sectors.
2.2: Private Corporate Sector.
2.3:Industrial Competition and Monopoly.
Unit 3: Location and Dispersion
3.1: Location of Industries.
3.2: Theories of Location.
3.3: Diversification, Integration and Merger of Industrial Units.
3.4: Dispersion and Problems of Regional Imbalance.
Unit 4: Composition of Industrial Sector
4.1: Significance of Size.
4.2: Major Large Scale Industries: Sugar; Cement; Cotton; Iron and Steel; Jute Industries.
4.3: Agro‐processing Industries.
4.4: Small‐Scale Industries; Cottage and Village Industries and Rural Industrialization.
Semester V
Paper XII
* The question paper shall contain a total of eight questions out of which any four will have to
Unit 1: Money
1.1: Money: Meaning; Functions and Types.
1.2: Supply of Money: Concept, Components and Aggregates.
1.3: Money Market and Capital Market.
Unit 2: Commercial Banks
2.1: Commercial Banks: Objectives; Functions; Types.
2.2: Role of Commercial Banks in Economic development of India.
2.3: Liabilities and Assets of Commercial Banks.
2.4: Mechanism of Credit Creation by Commercial Banks: Purpose and Limitations.
2.5: Pre‐Requisites of Sound Commercial Banking System.
Unit 3: Foreign Exchange Markets
3.1: Foreign Exchange; Foreign Exchange Rate; Foreign Exchange Market.
3.2: Concepts of Spot Exchange Rates and Forward Exchange Rates.
3.3: Determination of Exchange Rates under Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rate Regimes.
Semester VI
Paper XIII
Public Finance
* The question paper shall contain a total of eight questions out of which any four will have to
Unit 1: Nature and Scope of Public Finance
1.1: Meaning and Scope of Public Finance.
1.2: Distinction between Private and Public Finance, Public goods and Private goods.
1.3: Principle of Maximum Social Advantage.
Unit 2: Public Expenditure
2.1: Meaning, Classification and Principle of Public Expenditure.
2.2: Effects of Public Expenditure on production and distribution.
2.2: Trends in Public Expenditure and Causes of Growth of Public Expenditure in India.
Unit 3: Taxation
3.1: Sources of Public Revenue.
3.2: Taxation: Meaning and Classification of Taxes.
3.3: Principles of Taxation: Benefit and Ability to Pay Approaches.
3.4: Impact and Incidence of Taxes.
3.5: Taxable Capacity.
3.6: Characteristics of a good Tax System.
3.7: Effects of Taxation on production and distribution.
Unit 4: Public Debt and Financial Administration
4.1: Public Debt: Meaning, Types, Sources and Need.
4.2: Effects and Burden of Public Debt.
4.3: Methods of Debt Redemption.
4.4: Public Budget: Economic and Functional Classification of Budget.
4.6: Preparation of Budget in India.
4.7: Centre‐State Financial Relations in India.
Semester VI
Paper XIV
Environmental Economics
* The question paper shall contain a total of eight questions out of which any four will have to
Unit 1: Environmental Issues
1.1: Elementary Ecology, Entropy Law.
1.2: Two‐Way Environment‐Economy Linkage.
Unit 2: Basic Concepts
2.1: Basic Concepts: Elements of Capital Theory; Externality; Public Goods; Renewable and Non‐
renewable resources; Common Property Resources.
2.2: Social Cost‐Benefit Analysis.
Unit 3: Environmental Degradation
3.1: Causes and Effects of Environmental Degradation; Degradation of Land, Forest and Natural
3.2: Pollution from Energy Use: Effects on Health, Land, Water and Air.
3.3: Pollution prevention, control and Abatement.
Unit 4: Environmental Policies
4.1: Pollution Control System and Policy in India.
4.2: Concepts and Indicators of Sustainable Development.
4.3: Environmental Accounting.
Semester VI
Mathematical Economics – II
* The question paper shall contain a total of eight questions out of which any four will have to
Unit 1: Basic Matrix Algebra
1.1: Matrices: Types.
1.2: Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication of Matrices.
1.3: Order of Matrices; Transpose of a Matrix; Minor, Cofactors and Inverse of a Matrix.
1.4: Determinants: Properties and Value of a Determinant.
1.5: Rank of a Matrix.
1.6: Solution of Equations by Matrix Inversion.
Unit 2: Game Theory
2.1: Game Theory: Introduction and Concepts.
2.2: Pure Strategy: Saddle Point Solution.
2.3: Mixed Strategy: Optimal Expected Payoff.
2.4: Minimax Theorem.
Unit 3: Linear Programming
3.1: Linear Programming: Basic Concepts; Primal and Dual.
3.2: Basic Theorems of Linear Programming.
3.3: Graphical Solution of Linear Programming.
Unit 4: Input‐Output Analysis
4.1: Input‐Output Analysis: Simple Static Model; Concept and Measurement.
Semester VI
Paper XVI
Econometrics – II
* The question paper shall contain a total of eight questions out of which any four will have to
Unit 1: Sampling Distribution and Testing
1.1: Sampling: Simple; Random and Stratified.
1.2: Sampling Distribution: Distribution of Sample Mean and Variance.
1.3: Testing of Hypothesis: Point and Interval Estimation.
1.4: Type‐I and Type‐II Errors; Standard Errors.
1.5: Tests based on t and Chi‐Square Statistics.
Unit 2: Estimation Theory
2.1: Ordinary Least Squares [OLS]: Two Variable Linear Method; Assumptions.
2.2: Properties of OLS Estimators; Gauss‐Markov Theorem.
Unit 3: Problems in OLS Estimation
3.1: Problem of Heteroscedasticity: Their Consequences.
3.2: Problem of Auto‐Correlation [First Order]: Their Consequences, Tests and Remedies; First
order Autoregressive scheme, Mean, Variance and Co‐Variance of auto‐correlated U’s.
3.3: Problem of Multicollinearity: Their Consequences.
Semester VI
* The question paper shall contain a total of eight questions out of which any four will have to
Unit 1: Technological Change in Agriculture
1.1: Technology in Agriculture: Traditional Techniques and Practices; HYV Seeds; Fertilizers;
Water Technology [Green Revolution].
1.2: Sustainable Agriculture.
1.3: Emerging Trends in Agricultural Technology; Dry Land Farming.
Unit 2: State and Agriculture – I
2.1: Agricultural Finance in India: Importance; Types of Requirements; Institutional and Non‐
Institutional Sources of Finance; Existing Rural Credit Delivery System [Multi‐agency
2.2: Agricultural Marketing in India: Markets and Marketing Functions.
2.3: Role of Cooperatives in Agriculture.
Unit 3: State and Agriculture – II
3.1: Agricultural Planning in India: Decentralized Planning and Indicative Planning.
3.2: Incentives in Agriculture: Price and Non‐Price Incentives; Input Subsidies.
3.3: Agricultural Price Policies [APP]: Nature of Demand and Supply of Agricultural Products;
Need for State Intervention; Objectives of APP; Instruments of APP and their Evaluation.
3.4: Food Security in India and Public Distribution System.
Unit 4: Indian Agriculture since Independence
4.1: Agricultural Development in India.
4.2: Underemployment and Disguised Unemployment in Rural Economy.
4.3: Globalization of Indian Economy and its Effects on Indian Agriculture.
4.4: WTO and Indian Agriculture.
Semester VI
* The question paper shall contain a total of eight questions out of which any four will have to
Unit 1: Techniques of Analysis
1.1: Crude Birth and Death Rates; Age‐specific Birth and Death Rates; Standardized Birth and
Death Rates: Concepts, Relative Merits and Demerits.
1.2: Study of Fertility: Concepts of Total Fertility Rate, Gross Reproduction Rate and Net
Reproduction Rate; Their Relative Merits and Demerits; Factors Affecting Fertility.
1.3: Marriage and Marital Status: Concept and Measurement.
1.4: Reproductive and Child Health [RCH] in India.
Unit 2: Population Projection
2.1: Meaning, Types and Uses of Population Projection.
2.2: Techniques of Population Projection: Their Relative Merits and Demerits.
2.3: Concept of Stationary, Stable and Quasi‐Stationary Population.
2.4: Ageing of Population: Concept, Status and Assessment with reference to India.
2.5: Changes in Family Structure and Old Age Security in India.
Unit 3: Population Policy of India
3.1: Evolution of Population Policy in India.
3.2: New National Population Policy: Assessment.
3.3: Family Planning and Family Welfare Programme: Achievements and Failures; Shift from
Population Control to Family Welfare and Women Empowerment.
3.4: Demographic Status and Household Behaviour: Education, Women’s Autonomy and
Fertility; Population; Health; Poverty and Environment Linkage.
3.5: Salient Features of Recent Census.
Semester VI
Paper XV
* The question paper shall contain a total of eight questions out of which any four will have to
Unit 1: Industrial Productivity
1.1: Concept and Measurement of Productivity: Productivity in Indian Industries.
1.2: Industrial Sickness.
1.3: Under‐Utilization of Capacity: Factors Accounting for it and Consequences.
Unit 2: Financing of Industry
2.1: Mode of Financing: Equity and Debt.
2.2: Institutional Finance: Bank Finance.
Unit 3: Indian Industry in the International Context
3.1: Globalization and Indian Industry.
3.2: International Competitiveness of Indian Industry.
3.3: Privatization and Issues Relating to Disinvestment Policy.
Unit 4: Industrial Development in India
4.1: Industrial Structure at the Time of Independence.
4.2: Industrial Policy [Role of State].
4.3: New Industrial Policy and Economic Reforms.
4.4: Industrial Growth and Pattern.
Unit 5: Industrial Labour in India
5.1: Structure of Industrial Labour.
5.2: Employment Dimension of Indian Industries.
5.3: Industrial Legislation.
5.4: Industrial Relations.
5.5: Issues of Social Security: Wages; Bonus; Exit Policy and Social Security.
Semester VI
Paper XVI
* The question paper shall contain a total of eight questions out of which any four will have to
Unit 1: Central Bank
1.1: Central Bank: Functions and Objectives.
1.2: Instruments of Credit Control: Quantitative and Qualitative Methods.
1.3: Role and Functions of RBI: Development and Regulatory Functions.
1.4: Monetary Policies: Objectives and Limitations; Recent Monetary Policies of RBI.
Unit 2: Financial Institutions in India
2.1: Importance of Financial System in India.
2.2: Financial Institutions in India: Function and Growth.
2.3: Measures to Liberalize Financial System.
2.4: Banking and Financial Sector Reforms: Impact on Economic Growth in India.
Unit 3: Development Banking
3.1: Structure of Cooperative Institutions and Development Banks in India [SIDBI, IDBI]
Objective; Role and Limitations.
3.2: Definition and Types of NBFs: Mutual Funds; LIC; Investment Companies; Venture Capital.
3.3: Growth and Importance of NBFs.
3.4: Recent Measures taken by RBI and SEBI to regulate Working of NBFs.
Unit 4: Financial Markets
4.1: Structure of Financial Markets: Call Money; Treasury bills, Commercial Bills.
4.2: Stock market and Market for Gilt‐Edged Securities.
4.3: Unregulated Credit Markets.
4.4: SEBI and Working of Capital Markets in India.
Semester I Semester II
Paper I: Micro Economics I Paper I: Money and Banking
Semester III Semester IV
Paper III: Indian Economics Paper IV: Development Issues of Indian Economy
Semester V Semester VI
Paper V: Micro Economics II Paper VI: Public Finance and International Trade
Semester I
Paper I
Micro Economics – I
* The question paper shall contain a total of eight questions out of which any four will have to
Unit I: Introduction
1.1: Subject Matter of Economics; Central Economic Problems; Production Possibility Frontier.
1.2: Micro and Macro Economics; Positive and Normative Economics.
Unit 2: Consumer Behaviour and Demand
2.1: Cardinal Utility Analysis: Total and marginal Utility; Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility; Law
of Equi‐Marginal Utility; Consumer’s Equilibrium.
2.2: Ordinal Utility Analysis: Indifference Curves; Budget Constraints; Consumer’s Equilibrium.
2.3: Consumer’s Surplus: Marshall and Hicks.
2.6: Theory of Demand; Elasticity of Demand: Price, Income and Cross.
Unit 3: Theory of Production
3.1: Production Function: Short Run and Long Run.
3.2: Law of Variable Proportions; Returns to Scale: Economies of Scale.
3.3: Isoquant Analysis; Iso‐Cost Line; Producer’s Equilibrium.
Semester II
Paper ‐ II
Money and Banking
* The question paper shall contain a total of eight questions out of which any four will have to
Unit 1: Money
1.1: Money: Meaning & Function: Role of Money in Capitalistic, Socialistic & Mixed Economies.
1.2: Quantity Theory of Money: Transactions Approach and Cash Balance Approach.
Unit 2: Central Banking
2.1: Objectives, Functions and Limitations of Central Bank with reference of RBI.
2.2: Quantitative and Qualitative Methods of Credit Control.
Unit 3: Commercial Banking
3.1: Meaning, Types, Functions and Principles of Commercial Banks.
3.2: Process of Credit Creation.
3.4: Commercial Banking in India: Evaluation of Banking Sector since Independence; Critical
Appraisal of Commercial Banking after Nationalization.
Unit 4: Inflation
4.1: Definition, Types, Causes and Effects of Inflation.
4.2: Measures to Control Inflation.
4.3: Concept of Inflationary Gap.
Semester II
Paper ‐ III
Indian Economics
* The question paper shall contain a total of eight questions out of which any four will have to
Unit 1: Structure of Indian Economy
1.1: Basic Features of Indian Economy
1.2: Natural Resources: Land, Water and Forest Resources.
1.3: Broad Demographic Features.
Unit 2: Planning in India
2.1: Objectives, Achievements and Failures of Planning; Analysis of Current Five Year plan.
2.2: New Economic Reforms: Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization; Their progress.
Unit 3: Important Areas of Concern
3.1: Poverty and Inequality;
3.2: Problem of Unemployment;
3.3: Problem of Rising Prices;
Semester II
Paper IV
Development Issues of Indian Economy
* The question paper shall contain a total of eight questions out of which any four will have to
Unit 1: Agriculture
1.1: Nature, Importance and Trends of Indian Agriculture.
1.2: Land Reforms.
1.3: New Agricultural Strategy and Green Revolution.
1.4: Rural Credit.
Unit 2: Industry
2.1: Industrial Development during the Planning Period.
2.2: Industrial Policies of 1948, 1956 and 1991.
2.3: Large Scale Industries: Sugar, Iron and Steel, Jute and Cotton Textile Industries.
2.4: Small Scale Industries: Growth, Importance and Problems.
Unit 3: External Sector
3.1: Role of Foreign Trade.
3.2: Trends in Export and Import.
3.3: Composition and Direction of India’s Foreign trade.
Semester V
Micro Economics ‐ II
* The question paper shall contain a total of eight questions out of which any four will have to
Unit 1: Theory of Costs and Revenue
1.1: Concepts of Costs and their inter‐relationship: Short Run and Long Run.
1.2: Concepts of Revenue and their inter‐relationship; Break‐Even Analysis.
Unit 2: Market Structure
2.1: Forms of Market: perfect and Imperfect Markets: Salient Features.
2.2: Equilibrium of the Firm and Industry under Perfect Competition.
2.3: Monopoly: Price and Output Determination; Price Discrimination.
2.4: Monopolistic Competition: Price and Output Determination.
Unit 2: Factor Pricing
2.1: Marginal Productivity Theory of Distribution.
2.1: Theories of Wage determination: Demand and Supply Theory and Collective Bargaining.
2.3: Rent: Scarcity Rent; Differential Rent.
2.4: Interest: Classical and Keynesian Theories.
2.5: Profit: Innovation and Risk Theories.
Semester VI
Paper VI
Public Finance and International Trade
* The question paper shall contain a total of eight questions out of which any four will have to
Unit 1: Nature and Scope of Public Finance
1.1: Meaning and Scope of Public Finance; Public Finance and Private Finance.
1.2: Principle of Maximum Social Advantage.
Unit 2: Public Revenue and Expenditure
2.1: Sources of Public Revenue.
2.2: Taxation: Meaning and Classification.
2.3: Impact and Incidence of Taxes; Effects of Taxation.
2.4: Meaning, Classification and Principle of Public Expenditure.
2.5: Effects of Public Expenditure.
Unit 3: International Trade
3.1: International Economics: Definition, Nature and Importance.
3.2: Inter‐Regional and International Trade.
3.3: Gains from Trade: Their Measurement and Distribution.
3.4: Theory of Comparative Costs; Heckcher‐Ohlin Theory.
3.5: Free Trade vs. Protection.
Unit 4: International Financial Institutions
4.1: I.M.F. and I.B.R.D.: Their Objectives and Functions.