021.iqan MDM Manual

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The key takeaways are that the IQAN MDM allows operators to adjust machine settings for different modes, view system information, change display and machine settings, measure inputs and outputs, and adjust properties like ramping and current outputs.

The main menus are Mode, Information, Settings, Measure, and Properties. The Mode menu allows changing operator modes. The Settings menu changes display settings. The Measure menu measures inputs and outputs. The Properties menu adjusts machine functions like ramping and current outputs.

In the Properties menu, functions like ramping, current outputs, and fine control can be adjusted for things like booms, steering, and tools. Settings are saved by pressing OK. Cancel erases any changes.


Operation Manual

The primary purpose of this document is to inform a user of the IQAN system on the ease
of adjustments of the system. A person can create a much smoother machine control as
well as monitor all aspects of the system. This is accomplished through the IQAN-MDM.
The IQAN MDM is the Master Display Module which is the primary operator interface, but
also is where the memory of the program resides. All Application programs are loaded
through a serial port in the back of the MDM unit. Any computer interface to the system
is accomplished through the MDM.

If program changes are required, a certified TimberPro mechanic may access the program
through the back of the module with the correct cable and a program authorization hardware
key. Also, a new MDM can be sent by the factory with program changes and the module

The flexibility of the system is the amount of changes a experienced operator can
make right from the screen. The manual will show how this system allows the
operator or mechanic to tune a machine to optimal performance.

The MDM also allows the operator or mechanic to troubleshoot problems with the IQAN
control system. A built in multimeter allows the measurement and also graphing of all the
inputs and outputs of the system.


2. Purpose of MDM Display and Manual

4. Introduction of MDM and Control Buttons

5. Menus and Display Information

7. Mode Menu
8. Changing Operator Modes
9. Copying Operator Modes

10. Information Menu

12. Settings Menu

12. Changing Screen Lighting
14. Changing Display Language
16. Changine Time and Date

18. Measure Menu

20 Measuring Inputs
25. Measuring Outputs

29. Properties Menu

30. Explanation of Adjustments
31. Setting Current Outputs
33. List of Adjustable Outputs
34. Function Parameters Adjustments

35. Common IQAN System Error Codes

38. List of Common TImberPro Inputs and Outputs That can be Measured
The system consist of five sub menus which allow for settings of the screen, adjusting
machine settings, measuring, and setting operators. The five sub Screens are:

MODE- IQAN Allows for Four different operator settings which are selected in the MODE
screen. This means a Day shift operator can tune a machine with different maximum
speeds and ramps on the outputs for the system. A 2nd Shift operator can be MODE 2
which may be set a little slower our have smoother ramping than the day shift operator.
Mode 4 is often a factory default setting and no changes can be made to this Mode.

INFORMATION- Informs on the Application including serial Number Identification and

comments from the manufacturer. Also, all information on module communication and
status is displayed in the INFORMATION screen. This allows review of each module of
the system to determine if components are on line and enabled.

SETTINGS-The changes on this are for informational configuration for the operator of the
machine. Changes include Light and Contrast adjustment. Language change from the
primary language to the alternate language, such as English to French. Set Volume on
Alarm Buzzer. Set Date and Time of Real Time clock.

MEASURE- The MEASURE menu allows the operator to monitor all inputs or outputs of
the IQAN system. This feature when used is the one of the most powerful aspects for the
machine control system. A malfunction or performance variance can easily be viewed
from the screen. This has several modes including % signal monitoring, millivolt or
milliamp monitoring, or as a rudimentary oscilloscope.

PROPERTIES- The PROPERTIES menu allows the operator to set the adjustable
parameters for inputs or outputs as determined by the manufacturer of the machine. This
allows operator 1 to set the minimum current, maximum current to a valve which can
control minimum flow and maximum flow of a function. The start Ramps and stop ramps
for extending or retracting a cylinder. Ability to set a two slope control on a function for a
creep then high speed control.

With the five submenus the machine can be tuned to meet several different operators
needs. Also, allow for very quick troubleshooting of the system .
the commands of this book a operator can become very proficient in the control and
trouble shooting of the machine.

This menu allows for the machine to be set up as four different operators. Normally, the
manufacturer of the machine will allow for the operators and a factory default. The
MODE 1 will allow operator 1 to set the machine up as he wishes in the PROPERTIES
screen and then his settings will be saved. But if another operator has slightly different
preferences with respect to speed, ramps etc.. The second operator adjust settings and
use MODE 2 and all his preference can be saved.

The system also has the ability to copy a MODE over any other MODE, except MODE
four which is a factory default and can not be changed.

The following shows how to change MODE number and also how to copy MODE

Push ESC button to enter sub menus. IF Mode does not appear, press UP/DN button
until MODE screen appears.

Press F1 to select MODE, then press UP/DN to scroll to desired number.

Use Up / Down
Desired mode

Once MODE number is selected for the correct operator press F1.
NOTE: F1, F2, F3 refer to the commands above them in the LCD screen. The label
display above F1 menu is OK, above F2 is CANCEL, and Above F3 is blank.
If F2 is selected the changes just made will be voided and the original position that was
started will stay.

Once complete, hit ECS button until main display screen appears.
The ESC button will access the sub menus and leave the sub menus once selections are
NOTE: MODE 4 is the manufacturers default setting, if a operator tunes the machine to a
poor performance. The MODE 4 setting can be set and the machine performance
verified with factory settings. If machine performs satisfactorily in MODE 4 then the
operator has tuned their settings to a limiting condition. At this point, either the MODE
PROPERTIES can be reconfigured or MODE 4 needs to be copied over the non adjusted

In copying of the MODE, if the primary operator has set the machine to a optimal
condition in MODE 1, this setting can be copied to MODE 2 and 3. Please note MODE 4
may be factory default and no other MODE will copy over MODE 4.

Once F1 is pushed for OK

then the copying screen will
show. MODE 2 will copy all
of its PROPERTIES over

INFORMATION- Informs on the Application including serial Number Identification and
comments from the manufacturer. Also, all information on module communication and
status is displayed in the INFORMATION screen. This allows review of each module of
the system to determine if components are online and enabled.

Also, under Comment F2, a detailed listing of information from the manufacturer of the
machine is stored here, such as machine serial number and information about the

Module Serial Number is reflected once a particular module is displayed.

Status: F1 : Allows for Enabling or Disabling a given Module. INTERNAL F2 gives the
following information about the module.
Vbat- Main Power Supply Voltage
Vref- Reference voltage as supplied by XS, XP, XP2 should be 5.0 Volts
Temp- Internal Temperature of the module in Degrees Celsius.
INFO SW- Displays the software information Software version and EAN number.
INFO HW- Hardware Version and Hardware serial number for the given module.

SETTINGS-The changes on this are for informational configuration for the operator of the
machine. Changes include Light and Contrast adjustment. Language change from the
primary language to the alternate language, such as English to French. Set Volume on
Alarm Buzzer. Set Date and Time of Real Time clock.

F1- OK to change made

F2- Cancels Change
F3 – Reset to Factory Settings
Note: Contrast is directly affected by light and how the Operator is facing the

Light Settings are made in same fashion as LCD contrast settings.

Language change is the change from the primary to secondary language settings that the
manufacturer has configured for their machine.
IQAN Supports the following Languages
English German French Spanish
Portuguese Italian Swedish Finnish
Norwegian Danish

F1- OK to change made

F2- Cancels Change

Change of Alarm or Button Volume.

In Setting the Date Time Specifications, the settings are very similar for Month, Day, Year
and Hour, Minutes.

Push to
change month

F1- OK to change made

F2- Cancels Change

Repeat these steps to set the day, year, and time.


MEASURE- The MEASURE menu allows the operator to monitor all inputs or outputs of
the IQAN system. This feature when used is the one of the most powerful aspects for the
machine control system. A malfunction or performance variance can easily be viewed
from the screen. This has several modes including % signal monitoring, millivolt or
milliamp monitoring, or as a rudimentary oscilloscope.
A complete list of Inputs and Outputs can be found in the rear of this manual.

Push to scroll until

Voltage in is

This is the primary interface to determine the status of a input or output. The importance
of this cannot be stressed enough. If you understand how to Measure the status of
Functions, then the difficulty troubleshooting Machine issues is drastically reduced.

Measure Other Voltage Inputs:

All Functions listed on Voltage In can be monitored. All functions will be assigned the
name as specified by the machine manufacturer. All list of all Inputs and Outputs should
be at end of manual.

A Input for a On/Off switch maybe shown as a Voltage Input if no Digital Inputs
were available. This means a input labeled switch is on/off, but is not in the Digital
Inputs, but is listed as
a Voltage Inputs.

All Functions listed on Voltage In can be monitored. All functions will be assigned the
name as specified by the machine manufacturer. All list of all Inputs and Outputs should
be at end of manual.

A Input for a On/Off switch maybe shown as a Voltage Input if no Digital Inputs
were available. This means a input labeled switch is on/off, but is not in the Digital
Inputs, but is listed as a Voltage Inputs.

A complete list of Inputs and Outputs can be found in the rear of this manual.

Measure Frequency Input

Push to scroll until

Frequency in is

Push to scroll between

Gearbox tach and
engine RPM.

Note: Most Frequency units will report in RPM (revolutions per Minute) This is
configured by the factory for the units required for Frequency measurement.

Measure Current Output

Measure Digital Output

Push to scroll to
Digital out

Push to measure
digital outs

PROPERTIES- The PROPERTIES menu allows the operator to set the adjustable
parameters for inputs or outputs as determined by the manufacturer of the machine. This
allows operator 1 to set the minimum current, maximum current to a valve which can
control minimum flow and maximum flow of a function. The start Ramps and stop ramps
for extending or retracting a cylinder. Ability to set a two slope control on a function for a
creep then high speed control.

Minimum Current(ma): Is the setting that determines how fast your function moves
when you move a joystick or activate a function. All hydraulic proportional control valves
have a minimum current that determines when movement of a function occurs.
If you set min current too low, a joystick could move a excessive amount before the
function moves.
If a Min current is set too high means a abrupt start when the joystick is moved, or as the
function is being ramped off, a shock or sudden stop could occur, as opposed to a nice

Maximum Current(ma): Is the setting that determines the maximum speed for a
function. This is the current which is used to determine the maximum flow out of the
hydraulic proportional valve. The lower the number, the slower the speed of a function.
This can be used in conjunction with a MODE setting to allow one MODE to be fast, but
MODE 2 can be a creep setting.

Start Slope(ms): The Ramp up of a function from the stopped condition to the full on
condition. The function is specified in milli seconds. If a operator moves a joystick
rapidly to full on , this Start Slope will ramp the signal to the valve to ensure elimination of

Stop Slope(ms): The Ramp down of a function from full speed to stop. If a Function is
suddenly stopped, this will ramp down the signal from the original command condition to
zero output. Function is expressed in milliseconds. This allows for smooth operation of a
function and reduces abrupt and jerky stops from rapid deceleration.



Fine Control (%): Fine control allows for a operator to set the output to be very small
for a movement of a joystick. Example if you set the Fine Control to 25% then the valve
will see 25 % of maximum current for 50% of the joystick Handle movement. The last
75% of the current would occur in the last 50% of the handle movement. This feature
allows for excellent creep controls near the center of the joystick. This feature should be
adjusted by the operator to see what fits them in their application.

Push to scroll to
Properties Menu

Push to select
Current out
Push OK to
keep any
changes made.

When Changes are made to any function you must push OK (F1) before function
adjustments will take affect.

Anytime you are un-sure of changes made to any function. Pushing the Cancel
button (F2) will back out and erase changes made.

Process repeated for all Outputs.

Current Out Functions That Can Be Adjusted.

Main Boom
Stick Boom
Cab Swing
Tool Cylinder
Squirt Boom

PWM Out Functions That Can Be Adjusted.

Head Rotate
Accumulator Arms
Clamp or Grapple Open and Close

Function Parameters

Push F3 to select

Push to select

Push to select
Ramp Down

Function Parameters That can be adjusted:

Wheel Drive Stop Ramp - This is the amount of time it takes the machine to stop
after drive pedal is released. 1000 milliseconds = 1 second.

Parking Brake Timer - This is the amount of time it takes the machine to apply
the Auto Parking Brake after the machine has come to a stop.

US or SAE Controls - This adjustment will change your Joystick Controls from
US to SAE. Consult section 4.2 in your TimberPro Operator's Manual for an
controls layout diagram before changing your controls. SAE = 0 US = 1

List of Common Inputs and Outputs

The following is a list of Inputs and Outputs that can be measured using the measure menu.

Voltage Inputs: Frequency Inputs: Current Out:

Brake Pedal 1 Gear Box Tach Main Boom

Door Switch Stick Boom
Cab Swing
Hydraulic Oil Temp Directional Analog: Steer
Speed Control POT
Throttle Control POT Radiator Fan
Steer Joystick Left Joystick X-Axis Hydraulic Cooler Fan
Steer Limit Switch Left Joystick Y-Axis Cab Level
LH E Right Joystick X-Axis Park Brake (830)
LH F Right Joystick Y-Axis Low Gear Shift
RH E High Gear Shift
RH F Service Brake
Low Gear Signal Hydro Pump
High Gear Signal Tool Cylinder
Low Fuel Switch Squirt Boom
Engine Cover Switch
Brake Pedal 2 Digital Out
RH G CAN Analog: Fans Reverse
Travel Foot Pedal Signal Charge Heater
Foot Pedal Limit Switch Stop Engine Light
Engine Speed (RPM)
Engine % Torque Wait/Warning Light
Digital Inputs: Engine Temp Disc Saw Coil
Engine Fuel Rate Swing Detent (float)
Engine Oil Pressure Low Fuel Light
Diff Lock Switch
Turbo Boost Pressure System Armed Relay/Light
Parking Brake Switch
Differential Lock
Max Rev Switch
Frame Lock
DIsc Saw Switch CAN Digital: Motor Shift 1
Arming Switch
Motor Shift 2
Charge Heater Switch Engine Fan (on off) Parking Brake (630)
LH A Wait to Start Light
LH B Water In Fuel Warning
Reverse Steer Switch Head Rotate
Gear Box Shift 1st SP 2 / Accumulator
Gear Box Shift 2nd Clamp / Grapple - Open Close
Hydro Motor Shift 1
Hydro Motor Shift 2
Swing Detent (Float)

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