Biological Amplifiers and Types of Biological Amplifiers: Why Is Bio Amplifier Required?

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Biological Amplifiers and Types of Biological

Why is Bio Amplifier Required?

Generally, biological/bioelectric signals have low amplitude and low

frequency. Therefore, to increase the amplitude level of biosignals amplifiers
are designed. The outputs from these amplifiers are used for further analysis
and they appear as ECG, EMG, or any bioelectric waveforms. Such amplifiers
are defined as Bio Amplifiers or Biomedical Amplifiers.

Basic Requirements for Biological Amplifiers

1. The biological amplifier should have a high input impedance value.

The range of value lies between 2 MΩ and 10 MΩ depending on the
applications. Higher impedance value reduces distortion of the signal.
2. When electrodes pick up biopotentials from the human body, the input
circuit should be protected. Every bio-amplifier should consist of
isolation and protection circuits, to prevent the patients from electrical
3. Since the output of a bioelectric signal is in millivolts or microvolt
range, the voltagegain value of the amplifier should be higher than
4. Throughout the entire bandwidth range, a constant gain should be
5. A bio-amplifier should have a small output impedance.
6. A good bio-amplifier should be free from drift and noise.
7. Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR) value of amplifier should be
greater than 80dB to reduce the interference from common mode signal.
8. The gain of the bio-amplifier should be calibrated for each
Types of Bio Amplifiers

1. Differential Amplifier
2. Operational Amplifier
3. Instrumentation Amplifier
4. Chopper Amplifier
5. Isolation Amplifier
Instrumentation Amplifier
In biomedical applications, high gain and the high input impedance are
attained with an instrumentation amplifier. Usually, a 3-amplifier setup forms
the instrumentation amplifier circuit. The output from the transducer is given
as input to the instrumentation amplifier. Before the signal goes to the next
stage, a special amplifier is required with high CMRR, high input impedance
and to avoid loading effects. Such a special amplifier is an instrumentation
amplifier, which does all the required process.

To each input of the differential amplifier, the non-inverting amplifier is

connected. From the figure, the amplifier on the left side acts as non-inverting
amplifiers. They are combined together to form the input stage of the
instrumentation amplifier. The third op-amp is the difference amplifier, and it
is the output of the instrumentation amplifier. The output from the difference
amplifier Vout is the difference between two input signals given at the input
points. VO1 is the output from op-amp 1 and VO2 is the output from op-amp 2.
Isolation Amplifier
Isolation amplifiers are known as Pre-amplifier isolation circuits. An isolation
amplifier increases the input impedance of a patient monitoring system. It
also helps to isolate the patient from the device. Using the isolation amplifier
prevents accidental internal cardiac shock. It provides up to 1012 Ω insulation
between the patient and the power line in the hospital.

The electrical signals are obtained with electrodes. The signals received goes
to the amplifier block, where signals amplification occurs. After amplification,
the signal enters the modulation block. When either it goes to the isolation
barrier, optical cable or transformer can be used. If in case of optical cable,
modulator output travels to LED. The LED converts electrical signals into
light energy. If the transformer acts an isolation barrier, modulator output
connects the primary winding of the transformer. Energy from primary
transfers to the secondary winding based on the mutual induction principle.
At the next stage, secondary output enters the demodulation block. Finally,
the amplified demodulated signal is obtained.
ECG Isolation Amplifier
During ECG measurement, signals generated from all leads are sent to the
low pass filter. This filter is named as Electro surgery filters because it
decreases the interference between electrosurgery and radio frequency. Next
block is the high voltage and overvoltage protection that can withstand large
voltage during defibrillation. Proceeding further, it goes to Lead Selector
Switch block, which selects the required configuration. Lead selection output
goes to the DC amplifier. We have a transformer, whose primary winding is
connected to the oscillator and secondary to rectifier and filter. ECG signal is
modulated with the Synchronous modulator. The second transformer delivers
the output from the synchronous modulator to the synchronous demodulator.
The output from the demodulator is fed as input to the power amplifier.

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