The Effectiveness of Interactive Multimedia in Mathematic Learning. (Utilizing Power Points For Students With Learning Disability)
The Effectiveness of Interactive Multimedia in Mathematic Learning. (Utilizing Power Points For Students With Learning Disability)
The Effectiveness of Interactive Multimedia in Mathematic Learning. (Utilizing Power Points For Students With Learning Disability)
The fact shows that students with learning disability need media of
learning mathematics. The purpose of this study was to (1) develop interactive
learning multimedia of power point, and (2) examine the effectiveness of power
point in mathematics learning. The sample was a group of students in elementary
school in Ngawi, East Java, Indonesia, especially those with learning disability.
This study was a research and development comprising three stages: preliminary
study, product development, and testing the effectiveness of the product. The data
were collected through questionnaires, interviews and tests, then analyzed by
descriptive qualitative, and t-test was to analize the effect of the product. In the
development stage, the result showed that Experts validation is high as indicated
by the mean score of 4.50 for the learning material, and the mean score of 4.44 for
quality of the multimedia. The trial results showed that the quality of multimedia
was very good as indicated by the mean score of 4.32. In term of the effectiveness
of the product, the result from the t-test shows an increase of 14.27 (21.88%).
This means that the interactive learning multimedia of power point improves the
achievement of mathematic learning for students with learning disability in
Keywords: Interactive multimedia, Power Point, Mathematics, Research and
Development, Learning Media.
following points such as: (a) students who are achieving could be honed in their
abilities, (b) the change of model will change the passive to become active
learners accordingly, (c) the teacher's role is no more than as a guide, mentor or
facilitator in the learning activities, (d) the students become the center of the
learning activities (student-centered).
One of the interactive multimedia which serves a suitable solution to the problem
in this study is power point. This media can contain photos, videos and music to
make learning more interactive. Utilization of multi-media will give big impact on
the students’ spirit of learning. Simple operation of multi-media makes it easy for
teachers to use during the instruction.
Many people, as a matter of fact, consider Power Point as a medium of
presentation only. Yet, according to Munir (2012, 19) "If media has the elements
in the form of ... navigation, simulation, game and exercise to control these
elements, multi media are powerful to function as interactive Multimedia ". In this
case, Power Point can contain all of these elements. Then, PowerPoint can be
regarded as interactive multimedia. The focus of the problem in this research was
how to produce contents of multimedia to support the needs of mathematic
learning as how to make the the class interactive that the students learn and
achieve better in mathematics.
the material presented. The media validation was performed by a media expert.
The objective of this phase was to get an assessment of the feasibility of media
associated with the media developed. The data in this validation was obtained
through a questionnaire filled out by the experts.
The last was the stage of evaluation of the data obtained from questionnaires and
achievement tests that have been given in earlier stages. The evaluation results
were used as a reference to see whether or not the media was eligible for use as
final product. Related to the collection of data, the researcher used a test of
effectiveness of the product to measure the feasibility of the media. The data
obtained after the product evaluation, then, was analyzed using statistical tests (t-
test) by using Ms.Excell and SPSS statistic- 23.
After going through the design and evaluation of the experts, the researchers then
produce multimedia that have been planned in advance. An example of display of
the media production can be seen in the following figure:
concluded that the content of the material in the products developed were feasible
for use as a Multimedia PowerPoint in mathematics.
Furthermore, the validation results by the media experts can be described as in
following table.
Based on the data, it can be seen that | t | = 22, 76 while the t table with df 29=
1,699, hence, it can be concluded that the results were to prove that Ho was
rejected. Thus, it could be said that there was a significant difference between the
learning outcomes before and after using the interactive media, With the average
increase in value of 12, 27 or 21, 88%.
media like blackboard and books. It was shown from the calculation of the mean
scores between pretest and posttest, the experimental class obtained a gain of 12,
74 or 21, 88%. These results are in accordance with the opinion of Vaughan
(2008: 6) which states that the Multimedia will spur radical changes in teaching
and learning.
What is meant by radical change is change for the better which can be seen in any
significant change in student performance. It is also in accordance a study
conducted by Susskind (2004) with the title of Interactive Media and attitude nt's
Power in the classroom: enhancing students' soft efficacy, with the results
showing that students who were taught using the Interactive Media has the level
of efficiency of learning tall one.
Furthermore, if we are talking about products that are developed, we will touch
the sphere about the advantages and disadvantages. In the context of this product,
there are several advantages: First, this product can accommodate the learning
styles of students both visual and auditory (McMillan, & Schumacher, 2010). In
addition, this product may contain materials that varied so as to allow students
with learning disability to choose their own material to be studied depending on
their types of learning (Meynert, 2014). Learning by using various media may be
repeated in accordance with the will of the students’ intersts. These products
include exercises, inquiries, and making feedback that can visualize their abstract
information particularly when the students work in groups for discussion
(Gunarhadi,, 2013). Hence, this product is suitable for independent study for
students to challenge their will to learn.
The advantages mentioned are in conformity with the idea by Bartsch & Cobber
(2003), who declare that there are benefits of learning media. Learning can be
more attractive and interactive and can integrate visual and auditory learning to
make comprehensive understanding of an object that they learn (Ormrod, 2011).
Secondly, the length of time required in learning `can be shortened, and learning
can be given anytime and anywhere in accordance with the wishes and needs.
This means teachers do not necessarily explain every details of the materials to
make the students get the knowledge. By emphasizing various advantages of
media, henceforth, media will enhance a big opportunity to develop the students’
motivation to become better (Ormrod, 2011). Similar programs are also very
likely to be developed for secondary schools like junior high schools, or high
schools where students particularly those with perceptual problems that often
experienced by students with learning disability.
However, this program has some limitations such as: (1) presentation of the
material that had not been able to fully review the material measurement, (2)
pictures that are not using real measurements but uses other images contained on
the internet so that the value of experience in learning was reduced, 3) limited
product eligibility provision only from media experts and subject matter experts,
no comparison with other products. To provide learning media, therefore, teachers
should be alert of the characteristics of the users in adjusting the design of the
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