RL 9-10 1 RL 9-10 2

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Standard: RL 9-10.

1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. Student Friendly Language: RL 9-10.1: I will be able to reference in depth specific evidence or proof to support my determinations about what the text is conveying directly and what I have personally understood to be true from what I have read What should be able to know and do Reference specific evidence in text to support determination of what the text directly states and what you have personally understood to be true from what you have read. Emerging Identify quality textual evidence to support determinations made about the text/texts. Developing Proficient Defend a quality argument using textual evidence to support conclusions made about the text/texts. Advanced All of proficient AND goes above and beyond to show mastery in referencing specific evidence of what the text/texts directly and indirectly states. Including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain.

Organize and categorize textual evidence in a way that shows alignment between personal conclusions made about the Specific evidence is used to text/texts, text/texts support determinations elements, and the overall made about the text. meaning of the text.

Standard: RL 9 -10.2: Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. Student Friendly Language: RL 9-10.2: I will be able to find the theme, investigate the theme's development in depth by deciding how it began, was built upon, and made into its final lesson. I will be able to provide a synopsis of the text without giving personal opinion.

What should be able to know and do Find several themes in the text and choose one to investigate in depth. Investigation of theme includes determining when it first begins, how it is built upon, and how the text concludes in regards to the theme. Able to provide an indepth plot synopsis of text without giving personal opinion

Emerging Reflects on the text/ texts and discovers several themes. Identifies one to investigate in depth. Able to track and chart the themes progression throughout the text. Demonstrates understanding of the text by giving a brief plot synopsis without personal opinion.

Developing Describes and summarizes how the theme is developed throughout the text/s and its influence on the text, using text elements and evidence to support conclusions. Illustrates ways in which the theme relates to situations/events outside of the text. Describes and explains the text/s in detail without using personal opinion.

Proficient Investigates and makes indepth conclusions about how the story elements, such as character, plot, setting, historical context, etc, affect the themes message and development within the text/texts.

Advanced All of proficient AND goes above and beyond to show mastery in investigating theme and its overall effect on both the reader Theme and evidence is used to develop a new perspective about the text/texts amongst stakeholders or connections to the outside world.

Makes an argument and defends personal choices made in regards to the theme chosen to investigate by referring to specific Analyzes how two or textual evidence to support more themes develop over conclusions. the course of the text and how the multiple themes Infers and defend ways in interact and build on one which the text/texts another to create a complex theme/s and story elements account. connect personally to self, another text or media, and/or the world.

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