Notes On Filipino Psychology

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Filipino Psychology On Mentalism – Behaviorism issue

 Indigenous Psychology  Uses both phenomenological and behavioristic

o Scientific study of ethnicity concepts
 Lesser emphasis on individual experience, greater
Distinctions among the forms of Psychology
experience on collective experience
1. Psychology in the Philippines (Sikolohiya sa Pilipinas)  Greater importance to “kamalayan” (consciousness)
 Refers to a series of events related to the  Subsidary importance to “ulirat” (feeling)
field of psychology in the Philippines
On Analysis – Wholeness Issue
 E.g. Amount of research conducted
2. Psychology of Filipinos (Sikolohiya ng mga Pilipino)  Methodologically leans on the side of analysis
 Refers to any theories or knowledge of  Interprets the result of analysis with a bias for
Filipino nature regardless of source, western wholeness
or local
3. Filipino Psychology (Sikolohiyang Pilipino) Metaphor
 Based on the Filipino’s true thoughts, Difference between tao sa bahay (person in the house) and
feelings, behaviors, and must derive from taong bahay (house person)
indigenous Filipino sources
Limits of Western Concepts & Methods
Issue - Applicability of western theories to the
realities of Asian societies Kinagisnang sikolohiya

Principal Emphasis in Filipino Psychology  Subconscious psychology

 Imbedded in the native language, art, music, culture,
1. Identity and national coonciousness and religion
2. Social awareness and involvement  One has been born to; unaware
3. Psychology of language and culture
4. Applications & bases of Filipino psychology (health Katutubong sikolohiya
practices, agriculture, art, religion)
 Psychology worked out by Filipinos with indigenous
Primary areas of Filipino Psychology elements as basis
 Natural to the Filipino
It is against..
Practice of psychology by Filipinos
 A psychology that perpetuates the colonial status of
the Filipino mind a. Indigenous techniques of enculturation/socialization
 A psychology used for the exploitation of the masses (myths for social control)
 The imposition of psychologies developed in foreign b. Proto-clinical practice (chants during wakes, poetry)
Psychological concepts and human behavior
On psychological practice
 The formation of psychological concepts is the more
 Conceptualization of psychological practice in a important stage in understanding human behavior
Philippine context
“Kapwa” – core concept in Filipino Psychology
 Concerned with folk practices, indigenous techniques,
of healing, popular religio-political movement  Recognition of shared identity
 Eight behaviorally recognizable levels under two
On Science-Humanism
general categories in Filipino were identified
 Utilizes scientific methodology
Ibang-tao (outsider)
 Concerned not only with the universal validity of
psychological science 1. Pakikitungo (civility)
2. Pakikisalamuha (mixing)
3. Pakikilahok (joining)  Content Indigenization translation of imported
4. Pakikibagay (conforming) materials
5. Pakikisama (adjusting)  Theoretic indegnization
 Indigenization as strategy
Hindi-ibang tao (one-of-us)\
 Culture assimilation indigenous version of imported
1. Pakikipagpalayang-loob (mutual trust) systems
2. Pakikisangkot (getting involved)
3. Pakikiisa (full trust) INDIGENIZATION FROM WITHIN

Pakikiramdam – Pivotal aspect of kapwa  Identification of indigenous concepts, methods,

 Sensitivity  Semantic elaboration
 ‘feeling for another’  Indigenous codification re-codification
 Emotional a priori  Systematization/explication of implied theoretical
Filipino surface values
 Application/use
 Pakikisama
Using the culture as source
 Hiya
 Utang na loob  Indigenization from within
o Necessarily implies the need for culture
Major goals of Filipino Psychology
 Pagsasakatutubo (indigenization) o A demand for concepts and methods which
 Pagka-agham (science) are culturally appropriate, scientifically valid
 Pagka-Pilipino (Filipino Identity)
Research Approaches Filipino Intellectual tradition
 Experimental Levels of validity & scientific standards
o Adherence to predetermined set of
procedures 1. Katatagan (replicability, reliability)
 Survey 2. Katapatan (multiple operationism, validity)
o Conform to an informal agreement with 3. Patibay (certification)
respondents 4. Patotoo (Affimability, attestability)
 Participatory 5. Patunay (authenticity)
o Negotiate issues jointly as they arise FILIPINO INDIGENOUS THEORIES
 Indigenous
o Seek to enhance awareness as one-with- Filipino concepts and models of personality
1. Ginhawa (vital principle)
Approaches in the Development & Utilization of 2. Buot (perception)
indigenous viewpoints 3. Isip (mind)
4. Dungan (sleep spirit)
 Indigenization from within 5. Kalag (life spirit)
o Basis: the indigenous
o Direction: outwards Three elements in Baltazar’s model:
o Culture-as-source 1. Bait (sanity)
 Indigenous from without 2. Muni (reflection)
o Basis: the exogenous 3. Hatol (judgement)
o Direction: inwards
o Cullture-as-target Four elements in Covar’s concept of Filipino personhood:


2. Budhi (conscience)
3. Katauhang panlabas (external appearance
4. Katauhang panloob (innermost being) Filipino Indigenous Research Methods
Filipino social interaction theory 1. Pakapa-kapa (groping)
2. Pagtatanong-tanong (asking questions)
 Identified using ethnoscientific field methods. 3. Pakikiramdam (shared sensitivities)
 Levels and modes of social interaction rooted in 4. Pakikialam (concerned interference)
Filipino collectivist culture 5. Pakikilahok
 Kapwa – core concept in Filipino social psychology 6. Pakikisangkot (integral involvement)
 Pakikipagkapwa – accepting, dealing with the other 7. Pagdalaw-dalaw (casual but repeated visits)
person as an equal
Panunuluyan approach
1. Self-orientation PHILIPPINES
The data collector and contributors relate to
the other only to the extent of waiting until  Pakikipagkuwentuhan:
the other stops responding
In this method, the researcher engages in a story-telling
2. Experimenter-orientation
with an umpukan. The researcher merely serves as the
The data collectors appear to influence while
facilitator, while the kalahok or participants are the one
only the data contributors appear to be
who are to talk. The term kwento, from the Spanish word
cuento, literally means 'to tell a story'.
3. Reactive - orientation
The participants in the data collection are  Panunuluyan:
reacting to what is currently taking place
between them. In this method, the researcher stays in the home of his
4. Mutual – orientation kalahok or participant while he conducts the research with
The data collector and contributor give consent by the host family, whose head serves as the
something to, and gain something from the tulay to an umpukan. The term tuloy, which is the root
data collection word of the term panunuluyan, literally means 'to go in'.

Researcher-Researchee Relationship Model  Pagdadalaw-dalaw

 Scale of the Researcher In this method, the researcher occasionally visits the
o Methods used by the researcher in house of his host or tulay, as opposed to staying in the
generating data that are tried and tested house. The term dalaw literally means 'visit'.
and are culturally sensitive and  Pagtatanung-tanong
appropriate in doing research with
Filipinos In this method, the researcher undergoes a kind of
 Scale of the Relationship or Interaction between questioning session with his kalahok or participants. In this
the Researcher and the Researchee method, however, 'lead questions' (those questions which
o The level of interaction between the directly refer to the topic being studied) are not supposed
researcher and the researchee to be asked, instead the questions to be asked are
significantly determines the quality of supposed to have been derived from the kalahok's
data obtained answers themselves. The word tanong literally means
Collective indigenous method:
 Pakikiramdam
 Partakes of the characteristics of:
o A community dialogue In this approach, the researcher uses entirely his/her own
o Focused group discussion feelings or emotions to justify if his participants or kalahok
o Natural cluster interview are ready to be part of his research or not. The term
o Group attestation damdam literally means 'inner perception of emotions'.
 Puts premium on
o Cultural appropriateness
o Ordinary get-together

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