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Praveen H S, 2Suhas Y S, 3Nauman Rasheed, 4Shivaprakash B Budihal, 5Dr. Dushyanth Kumar K R,
Final Year UG Student, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Malnad College of Engineering, Hassan, India
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Malnad College of Engineering, Hassan, India
Email: [email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],
[email protected]

Contact: +91-9844946562, +91-7019817226,3+91-8762169083,4+91-8310885660,5+91-9481967374

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Abstract: As per the company’s requirement the fixtures are designed . The operations should be such that there
should be less wastage, less cost in production, improved quality, increase in the overall production, reduction in
cycle time. To design any fixture for a component for any operation, a detailed study has to be made. Here, the
flange is placed on two adjustable v blocks. Now the fixture is to be designed such that the axis of the flange
placed on the v blocks should get aligned with the tool axis for carrying out the drilling operation .The basic
design starts with screw jack, which lifts the flange placed on v-blocks in getting aligned with the drilling tool
axis. The best way to drill this flange is by designing a new fixture instead of conventional method designs. This
will make easier to machine the work piece and reduction in cost per work piece.
Index terms: Cycle time, Fixture Design, Static Analysis

I. INTRODUCTION There are many standard work holding devices such

as jaw chucks, machine vises, drill chucks, collets,
Now a days, the Industries are trying to increase the etc. which are widely used in workshops and are
demand of the product and increase the mass usually kept in stock for general applications.
production. To meet these challenges, it has become Fixtures are normally designed for a definite
very important for companies to increase their operation to process a specific workpiece and are
production rate. The successful running of any mass designed and manufactured individually. Jigs are
production depends upon the interchangeability of the similar to fixtures, but they not only locate and hold
work parts to facilitate easy assembly and reduction the part but also guide the cutting tools in drilling and
of unit cost. Mass production demands a fast and easy boring operations.
method of positioning work for accurate operation on
it. The main intention of any company is to provide 1.2 Classification of Fixtures
good quality product and increase in production rate Based on operation
in order to get profit over it. This can be achieved by  Vice fixture
minimizing manufacturing cycle time and cost of  Milling fixtures
production by using work holding guiding device.  Facing fixture
This work holding device is fixture.  Drilling fixture
Fixtures are designed such that large number of  Turning Fixture
components can be machined or assembled Based on Atomization
identically. Fixtures are special purpose tools which  Hand operated
are used to facilitate production when work piece are
 Power driven
to be produced in mass production scale. Advantages
 Semi-automatic
of fixtures are, once the fixture is properly setup, any
 Automatic
number of duplicate parts can be readily produced
Based on Application
without any additional setup.
 Tool holding
1.1 Purpose of Fixture  Work holding
A fixture is a device for locating, holding and  Fitting
supporting a workpiece during a manufacturing
operation. Fixtures are essential elements of 1.3 Fixture Elements
production processes as they are required in most of All fixtures consist of the following elements:
the automated manufacturing, inspection, and a) Locators
assembly operations. b) Clamp
Fixtures must correctly locate a workpiece in a given c) Supports
orientation with respect to a cutting tool or measuring d)Fixture body
device, or with respect to another component, as for
instance in assembly or welding. Such location must 1.4 V-Block
be invariant in the sense that the devices must clamp V-Blocks are precision metal working jigs typically
and secure the workpiece in that location for the used to hold round metal rods or pipes for performing
particular processing operation. drilling or milling operations. They consist of a

rectangular steel or cast iron block with a 90-degree  To reduce the production time
channel rotated 45-degrees from the sides, forming a  To enhance machine utilization
V-shaped channel in the top. A small groove is cut in  To reduce manufacturing cost of flange
the bottom of the "V". They often come with screw  To reduce rejection rate
clamps to hold the work.  To facilitate mass production
 To increase the efficiency of operation
1.5 Types of V-Blocks  To precisely locate the workpiece with machine
 V-blocks for square and round stock tool
 Micro v-block  To help management to gauge the production
 Four-way v-blocks  To increase the accuracy of the product
 Magnetic v-blocks effectively
 Tilting v-blocks  To develop the flexibility in machining operation
 Standard v-blocks
2.2 Methodology
1.6 Screw Jack Following methodology is adopted while designing
A jackscrew, or screw jack, is a type of jack that is the fixture .
operated by turning a leadscrew. It is commonly used  Understanding of problem statement
to lift moderately heavy weights, such as vehicles; to  Understanding of machine and its characteristics
raise and lower the horizontal stabilizers of aircraft;
 Understanding of operations
and an adjustable supports for heavy loads, such as
 Discussion with company engineers
the foundations of houses.
 Researching the probable solution
1.7 Types of Screw Jacks  Finding out the most feasible solution
 Translating Screw Jacks, these types of screw  Optimization through the different methods
jacks use a lift shaft or screw that travels into or  Design and development of fixture model
out from the worm gear box. The lift shaft can  Static structural analysis of fixture
either protrude from the mounting flange side of  Rendering prototype using 3d printer
the gearbox or from the top side of the worm  Results and analysis
gear box.  Conclusions
 Rotating Screw Jacks, the lift shaft remains  Drafting a process plan for entire solution and
stationary and a lifting nut moves along the lift implementing it accordingly
Actual procedure followed during the fixture design
II. PROBLEM STATEMENT 1) The study of the geometry of the machine and
workpieces loaded
In current system, the flange is mounted on two v- • Dimensions of bed: 500*455 mm
blocks and drilling operation is done using horizontal • Maximum diameter of flange loaded on
boring machine. During flange drilling operation the machine:250mm
operator must align the axis of holes with respect to 2) After taking into consideration all the geometric
tool(Indexing). So, operator must place the shim and parameters, the characteristics of the machine were
make it align. During this process, lifting of heavy studied.
job frequently consumes more production time. These • Maximum weight of the workpiece- 1 ton
operations have to be done hundreds of times per day • Maximum length of the pipe- 3 meters
this may cause considerable fatigue to the operator, • Direction of feed- horizontal
thereby reducing his efficiency. Also, the time spent 3) Observation of all the locating devices mounted on
in this activity can seriously affect the production. the machine was made. Position of all the mountings
These problems can be overcome by making the v- must to be known as the new fixture shouldn’t
block adjustable in height. This is done by providing hamper the working of any other device.
suitable jack mechanism and clamping arrangements, 4) Types of clamps available on machine.
in this way we can provide reliable and fast aligning 5) Accuracy of the indexing devices was noted.
system which will reduce the cycle time of drilling Indexing gives quick and accurate location of the
operation with the increase in accuracy thus fixture or workpieces mounted on the machine. High
decreasing the possible damages to the work piece accuracy means finding the specific location of the
and operator is able to perform machining operations same.
accurate. 6) Repeatability of operation is necessary to design
the fixture.
2.1 Objectives of Project 7) Study of available safety devices. Safety devices
The objective of the project is are required to protect employees and safeguard
 To design and develop flexible fixture for flange against machine hazards.
drilling operation

8) After designing the fixture, we check if the screw with different helix angle and manual
required quality and accuracy (0.05mm) is achieved operated screw jack. To quantify the effect of
or not. changing helix angles Mathematical prototype
model has been done. Conclusion of this work is
III. LITERATURE REVIEW that efficiency become optimum at helix angle 3.69
for 10000 Kg of jack. Based on the various input
Sridharakeshava K. B. et. al., [3] has discussed parameter & mathematical model, the effect of
about the General Requirements of a Fixture helix angles upon various parameters studied core
which includes constraints of Deterministic diameter, outer diameter, efficiency, critical load,
location, contained deflection, geometric torque to be transmitted, and pitch of threads.
constraint in order to maintain the work piece Friction angle of screw jack is 11.30, coefficient of
stability during a machining process. They also friction μ=0.20 for whole study & bearing pressure
discussed three broad stages of fixture design, were kept constant throughout the study.
Stage one deals with information gathering and
analysis, Stage two involves product analysis, and IV. DETAILS OF FIXTURE
Stage three involves design of fixture elements.
N. P. Maniar et. al., [2] reviews locating and Solid works has been used to sketch 2D diagram of
clamping considerations, taxonomy of fixture fixture for Flange drilling. Later on the 2D sketch is
planning & design, also shows an example of converted into 3D modelling in the solid work and
fixturing alternatives and characteristics for three assembly has been done. Individual parts of fixture
types of fixtures i.e. Modular fixturing, General are given below:
fixturing, Permanent fixturing. They provide a
system view of fixture planning and Design for Sl. No. COMPONENT MATERIAL NO
1 V-Block Tool Steel 2
data & information exchange also gives detailed 2 Bed Cast Steel 1
discussion on CAFD- Computer Aided Fixture 3 worm Hardened 2
Design. Steel
4 Worm wheel Phosphor 2
Manoj Patil (2014) [1]: In this general article, Bronze
screw jack is developed to overcome the human 5 Ball bearing Chrome steel
effort. It is actually difficult job to operate for 6 Axial thrust Chrome steel
pregnant women and old person. Changing the bearing
7 Gear box Cast Iron 2
tyre is not a pleasant experience. Especially 8 Screw rod Mild Steel 2
women can’t apply more force to operate. For that, 9 Pedestal Mild Steel 2
electric operated car jack is introduced. With the Table 1: Components used in Fixture Design
industrial revolution of the late 18th and 19th
centuries came the first use of screws in machine
tools, via English inventors such as John Wilkinson
and Henry Maudsley The most notable inventor in
mechanical engineering from the early 1800s was
undoubtedly the mechanical genius Joseph
Whitworth, who recognized the need for precision
had become as important in industry as the
provision of power.
Thirugnanam, Amit Kumar &Lenin Rakesh
(2014) [5]: -This paper studies design and analysis
of screw jack using Pro-E and ANSYS under torque
and compressive force as loads, in this analysis
determines shear stress induced at the cross
section square thread under bearing pressure.
Objective of this paper is to study shear stress
state of power screw have been considered Figure1. Isometric view of Assembly of Fixture
following design values, Pitch = 6, Dc = minor
diameter = 30 mm, do = major diameter = dc + 4.1 Analytical Calculations
pitch = 30 + 6 = 36 mm, with the help of this the
power screw is designed according to the design
Input Torque:
process and analyzed using ANSYS software.
Model developed is to be validated using 𝑇 = (2𝜋×𝑖×𝑛) + 𝑇0
theoretical calculations.
(F) Load acting = 10 KN
LokhandeTarachand (2012) [4]: -As per this
(p) Screw pitch = 4 mm
research paper they have used square threaded

(i) Gear ratio = 20
(𝜂) Efficiency = 12%
(T0) Idle torque ratio = 0.29 Nm
10×103 ×4×10−3
𝑇= + 0.29
T=2.94×103 N/mm
Input Power:
P = 9550
(n) Jack input speed =50 rpm
P= =15 w
Travel Speed:
𝑛×𝑝 Figure2: Application of Force
𝑖 The model is constrained at the bottom surface of
50×4×10−3 base structure and force is applied at the top
20 portion as shown in above figure.
V= 0.16 mm/s

Hand turning force:

(R)Radius of hand wheel= 42∗ 10−3 mm
HF= = 70 N

Total equivalent load:

W(s)=Wmax∗ 𝐹 1
(Wmax) Maximum dynamic load = 10 KN
(F1) Factor for driven machine = 1.2
W(s) = 10× 103 × 1.2
W(s) = 12× 103 N

Equivalent load of single jack: Figure3: Total deformation

The displacement of the v-block due to loading is
𝑾𝑺 shown in above figure. The maximum static
𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒓 ×𝒏𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝑱𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒔 deflection is found to be 3.75*10-3 mm.
Numbers of jacks in arrangement = 2
Arrangement factor: 1, 0.95, 0.90, 0.85, 0.80.
W= = 6315 N

4.2 FE Analysis

In this case, Static analysis is used to determine

the displacements, stresses, strains, and forces in
structures or components caused by the loads that
do not induce significant inertia and damping

Figure4: Von-Mises Stress Plot

The von-Mises stress is shown in figure. The
maximum von-Mises stress of the v-block
subjected to loading is found to be 1.725 Mpa.


The following conclusions have been resolved after

design and analysis of the Fixture,
1. This fixture reduces 45% of labor cost in loading
and unloading period
2. As fixed v blocks are used for supporting the
limited diameter header pipes, but not suitable for
elbow, tee and matching reducers, so it is replaced
with this fixture
3. This fixture will likely be a high priority for
industries in coming years. Thus, an efficient model
is designed
4. This fixture use jack mechanism for each
Figure5: Elastic Strain plot movement either upward or downward, so time can
The Equivalent Elastic Strain is shown in figure. be saved during drilling operation
The maximum Elastic Strain of the v-block 5. The vee blocks are capable are capable for high
subjected to loading is found to be 8.88*10-6 Mpa. loading above (10 tones to 25tonnes)
6. This project is made to decrease time taken for
7. This project reduces the labor cost and enhance
5.1 3D printing
3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process of machine utilization
making three dimensional solid objects from a digital 8. This fixture helps management to gauge the
file. The creation of a 3D printed object is achieved production rate and schedule the related work
using additive processes. In an additive process an 9. It reduces manufacturing lead time
object is created by laying down successive layers of
material until the object is created. Each of these
layers can be seen as a thinly sliced horizontal cross-
section of the eventual object.
[1] Manoj Patil, Gaurav Udgirkar, Rajesh Patil and
5.2 3D Model details Nilesh, “Automated Car Jack”, International Journal
of Current Engineering and Technology (Vol.4, No.4,
Aug 2014) E-ISSN 2277 – 4106, P-ISSN 2347 –
[2] N. P. Maniar, D. P. Vakharia, “Design &
Development of Fixture for CNC –Reviews, Practices
& Future Directions” International Journal of
Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 4, Issue
2, February-2013 ISSN 2229-5518.
[3] Sridharakeshava K B, Ramesh Babu. K, “An
Advanced Treatise on Jigs and Fixture Design”
International Journal of Engineering Research &
Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181Vol. 2 Issue 8,
August – 2013
Figure7: Prototype generated using 3D Printer [4] Tarachand G. Lokhande (2012) “Optimizing
Efficiency of Square Threaded Mechanical Screw
5.3 3D Model details Jack by Varying Helix Angle” International Journal
of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2,
 Material used : polylactic acid (PLA) Issue.1, Jan-Feb 2012 pp-504-508 ISSN: 2249-6645.
 Weight of material: 130 grams
[5] Thirugnanam “Analysis of Power Screw
 3D printing type: Fusion deposition
Using ‘Ansys’ Middle-East Journal of Scientific
Research 20 (7), ISSN 1990-9233, IDOSI
Publications, (2014), 868-870.

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