Nursing and Midwifery Board Registration Standard Recency of Practice 1 June 2016

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Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia

1 June 2016

MBA1512 01

Summary The NMBA acknowledges two main areas of practice

in the profession for the purposes of this registration
This registration standard sets out the Nursing and standard.
Midwifery Board of Australia’s (NMBA) minimum
Nurses and midwives in clinical practice
requirements for recency of practice for enrolled nurses,
registered nurses and midwives. Enrolled nurses, registered nurses and midwives will
fulfil the recency of practice requirements if they can
Does this standard apply to me? demonstrate one or more of the following:

• completion of a minimum of 450 hours of practice

This registration standard applies to all: within the past five years
• enrolled nurses, registered nurses and midwives • successful completion of a program or assessment
approved by the NMBA
• applicants for registration as an enrolled nurse or
registered nurse or a midwife • successful completion of a period of supervised
practice approved by the NMBA.
• registered nurses and midwives applying for an
endorsement, and
Nurses and midwives in non-clinical practice
• enrolled nurses, registered nurses and midwives Nurses and midwives working in non-clinical practice
renewing registration including those with an are required to meet the recency of practice standard. If
endorsement. you have recent clinical practice you are deemed to be
recent in non-clinical practice.
This standard does not apply to those with non-
practising registration or to recent graduates or students During the yearly registration renewal process you must
of nursing or midwifery. declare whether you continue to meet this registration
What must I do?
Your practice hours will be recognised as meeting this
Are there exemptions to this
standard if: standard?
• you hold or have held current and valid registration There are no exemptions to this standard. The section
with a recognised nursing or midwifery regulatory below, ‘What happens if I don’t meet this standard?’
authority (either in Australia or overseas), or explains what you need to do if you don’t meet this
standard and wish to continue or return to practice.
• your role involves the application of nursing and/or
midwifery knowledge and skills, or

• you have carried out postgraduate education leading

What does this mean for me?
to an award or qualification that is relevant to the
At application for registration
practice of nursing and/or midwifery.
When you apply for registration as an enrolled nurse,
Meeting the NMBA’s minimum requirements for registered nurse or midwife, you must meet this
recency of practice doesn’t automatically satisfy your registration standard. This includes practitioners who
professional and ethical responsibilities to ensure are applying for new or additional types of registration,
that you recognise and work within the limits of your such as changing from non-practising to general
competence and maintain adequate knowledge and registration or applying for an endorsement.
skills to provide safe and effective care.

2 Registration standard: Recency of practice | Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia | 1 June 2016

You do not need to meet this registration standard if you past education, experience, continuing professional
are a recent graduate applying for registration for the development (CPD) activities within the past 12
first time. months, employment history for the past five years
and the role you wish to undertake, and
At renewal of registration
• following an assessment you may be required
When you apply to renew your registration, you are to complete further CPD or submit a profession
required to declare that you have complied with this development plan or/and complete a period of
registration standard. supervised practice within your scope of practice.

Nurse practitioners Other possible consequences

Nurse practitioners are required to demonstrate recency The National Law establishes possible consequences if
of practice at the nurse practitioner level to retain the you don’t meet the recency of practice requirements in
endorsement. this standard, including that:

During the registration period • the NMBA can impose a condition or conditions
on your registration or refuse an application for
Your compliance with this registration standard may be
registration or renewal of registration, if you do not
audited from time to time. It may also be checked if the
meet a requirement in an approved registration
NMBA receives a notification about you.
standard for the profession (sections 82 and 112 of
the National Law), and
You should retain records as evidence that you meet the • registration standards, codes or guidelines may
requirements of this standard for five years in case you be used in disciplinary proceedings against you as
are audited. evidence of what constitutes appropriate practice
or conduct for registered nurses and/or midwives
(section 41 of the National Law).
What happens if I don’t meet
this standard? Authority
If you want to continue to practise, or return to practice This registration standard was approved by the
after taking a break, and you don’t meet this standard, Australian Health Workforce Ministerial Council on 27
you will need to provide information to help the NMBA August 2015.
decide whether you are able to continue to practise.
Registration standards are developed under section 38
Nurses in clinical practice of the National Law and are subject to wide-ranging
Nurses seeking to work in clinical practice who do not
satisfy the requirement for recent clinical practice must
meet different requirements, depending on the length of Definitions
absence from practice. The NMBA’s Re-entry to practice
policy provides information about how you may retain or Clinical education means education, both theoretical
obtain registration and return to practice. and practical, that is required to prepare the nurse or
midwife to be directly involved in providing direct clinical
Nurses in non-clinical practice care or providing oversight of direct clinical care of
• If you are unable to meet the standard and you are patients.
working in non-clinical practice, you will be required
to submit a professional plan which will outline Clinical practice is when the nurse or midwife is directly
involved in providing direct clinical care or providing

3 Registration standard: Recency of practice | Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia | 1 June 2016

oversight of direct clinical care of patients, or is directly

involved in clinical education of either pre-registration or
post registration, including bridging programs. Review
National Law means the Health Practitioner Regulation This registration standard will be reviewed from
National Law, as in force in each state and territory. time to time as required. This will generally be at
least every five years.
Non-clinical practice is where a nurse or midwife is
not directly involved in providing direct clinical care or Last reviewed: 1 June 2016
providing oversight of direct care of patients or is not
directly involved in clinical education of either pre- This standard replaces the previous registration
registration or post registration, including bridging standard from 1 July 2010.

Practice means any role, whether remunerated or not,

in which the individual uses their skills and knowledge
as a health practitioner in their profession. Practice
in this context is not restricted to the provision of
direct clinical care. It also includes using professional
knowledge (working) in a direct non-clinical relationship
with clients, working in management, administration,
education, research, advisory, regulatory or policy
development roles, and any other roles that impact on
the safe, effective delivery of services in the profession.

Recency of practice means that a health practitioner

has maintained an adequate connection with, and
recent practice in the profession since qualifying for, or
obtaining registration.

Recent graduate means a person applying for

registration for the first time whose qualification for
registration was awarded not more than two years prior
to the date of their application.

Scope of practice means the professional role and

services that an individual health practitioner is educated
and competent to perform.

4 Registration standard: Recency of practice | Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia | 1 June 2016

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