Index 2019 Organizer Form

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Curriculum Vitae for the Applicant for

International Youth Development Exchange Program (INDEX)

Please enter this excel form or type clearly in E


Leader / Participant □ Leader □ Participant

(as shown in passport)

(First) (Middle) (Family)


Your name will be described as shown in passport in the program official documents. If you prefe

other description, specify: (

Sex □ Male □ Female

Date of Birth (YYYY/MM/DD) YYYY/MM/DD Age


□ General □ Official □ Diplomatic
Passport for Public Official if
Information using your official
Type passport to enter

Date of issue YYYY/MM/DD Date of expiry YYYY/MM/DD


Home phone Mobile phone


□ Employee (Government) □ Employee (Private)

□ Employee (NGO/NPO) □ Self-employed
□ Teacher □ Student
□ Other (


Office or School Title E-mail

Phone FAX

Name Relationship

Emergency E-mail
Home phone Mobile phone


Native language
Language Other linguistic
ability (other
than English)

□ Buddhism □ Hinduism □ Other
□ Christian □ Islam (

Involvement in youth activities

(Name of organizations, record of
youth activities, etc.)

Experiences of international
exchange programs
(Exchange countries, details)

Special skills

Matters of interest about Japan

□ Yes □ No
Experience of travel to Japan
(Date and purpose:
Are any of the following applicable to you?

□ Yes □ No

You have:
Applicants from Republic of ◆been convicted of a crime or offence in any country.
Austria,Republic of Chile, ◆been sentenced to imprisonment for 1 year or more in any country.
Dominican Republic, Republic ◆been deported or removed from Japan or any country for overstaying your visa or
of Latvia only. violating any law or regulation.
◆been convicted and sentenced for a drug offence in any country in violation of law
concerning narcotics, marijuana, opium, stimulants or psychotropic substances.
◆engaged in prostitution, or in the intermediation or solicitation of a prostitute for othe
Criminal record, etc. persons, or in the provision of a place for prostitution, or any other activity directly
※ “Criminal record, etc.” shall be connected to prostitution.
filled by applicants from the ◆committed trafficking in persons or incited or aided another to commit such an offen
countries of the visa exemption
arrangement being set to enter
*Under the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act, a person who are applica
to any of these category mentioned above cannot enter Japan in principle.
If you are applicable to any of the category mentioned above, please consult a person in
charge of the matter of your government as a special request may be necessary for an
(These items are the same as the ones appear in an ordinary visa application.)

The information that you provide may be used for the selection and determination of the invitees.
As for the actual invitees, necessary information may be used for 1) the execution of the program and 2) the establishmen
and maintenance of the network of ex-participants. Also, these information may be provided for the other invitees and tho
who are concerned with the program for the purpose of 1) and provide for the post-program activities organization
(International Youth Exchange Organization of Japan (IYEO)) for the purpose of 2) respectively
All data is securely held in accordance with ‘Act for Protection of Personal Data Held by Administrative Organs.’

(Attachment 3)

xcel form or type clearly in English


- 4.5 cm X 3.5 cm
- Upper half of body
- No hat
- Plain background
- Within the past six

m official documents. If you prefer



ny country.
r overstaying your visa or

country in violation of law

hotropic substances.
tation of a prostitute for other
ny other activity directly

her to commit such an offence.

Act, a person who are applicable

apan in principle.
ve, please consult a person in
est may be necessary for an

ary visa application.)

gram and 2) the establishment
for the other invitees and those
activities organization
ministrative Organs.’

Personal Health Report
International Youth Development Exchange Program (INDEX)
◆This form is to be used for program preparation. Please fill in all the questions below.



Q1. Do you have any disease or had in the past?

□ Yes □ No
*If YES, please discribe more details.
Disease Present condition

Q2. Do you take any medicines regularly?

□ Yes □ No
*If YES, please discribe more details.
Kind/name of medicine When do you take? How often do you take?

Q3. Do you have any food restrictions or allergy?

□ Yes Reason: □ Allergy → Please describe more details in Q6.
□ Religion
□ Vegetarian
□ Others (
□ No

◇If YES, please check in the boxes of the items that you CANNOT eat or drink.
□ Non-haral food □ Eggs
□ Non-kosher food □ Milk
□ Meat □ Other dairy (cheese, yogurt etc.)
Specify: □ Peanuts
□ Pork □ Nuts
□ Chicken □ Gluten (wheat)
□ Beef □ Buckwheat (soba)
□ Other animal meat □ Alcohol

□ Meat extract □ Caffeine
□ Fish/Seafood □ Others (
□ Fish (cooked)
□ Raw fish
□ Shellfish (clams, oysters etc.)
□ Crabs
□ Shrimps
□ Fish/Seafood extract
□ Roe (fish eggs)

Q4. Do you have any allergy other than food?
□ Yes → Please describe more details in Q6.
□ Cats □ Dust □ Pollen (hey fever)
□ Dogs □ Penicillin □ Others (
□ No

Q5. Do you smoke?

□ Yes (Smoker)
□ No (Non-smoker)

Q6. Please describe more details of your allergy, if your answer is YES for Q3 and/or Q4.

Allergen Symptom Care to the symptom

Please describe any concerns for your health conditions during your stay in Japan if any.

(Attachment 4)

rogram (INDEX)

o you take?

etails in Q6.

eat or drink.



or Q3 and/or Q4.

n Japan if any.

(Attachment 3)

Curriculum Vitae for the Applicant for

2018 International Youth Development Exchange Program
Please enter this excel form or type clearly in English


Leader / Participant □ Leader □ Participant Photograph

- 4.5 cm X 3.5 cm
(as shown in passport)
- Upper half of body
- No hat
- Plain background
- Within the past six
(First) (Middle) (Family) months

Your name will be described as shown in passport in the program official documents. If you prefer

other description, specify: ( )

Sex □ Male □ Female

Date of Birth (YYYY/MM/DD) YYYY/MM/DD Age


Passport Type □ Official □ General □ Diplomatic
Information (for Public Official if using
your official passport to
enter Japan)

Date of issue YYYY/MM/DD Date of expiry YYYY/MM/DD


Home phone Mobile phone


□ Employee (Government) □ Employee (Private)

□ Employee (NGO/NPO) □ Self-employed
□ Teacher □ Student
□ Other ( )


Office or School Position E-mail

Phone FAX

Name Relationship

Home phone Mobile phone


Mother tongue

Language Other linguistic
ability (other
than English)

□ Buddhism □ Hinduism □ Other

□ Christian □ Islam ( )

Involvement in youth activities
(Name of organizations, record of
youth activities, etc.)

Experiences of international
exchange programs
(Exchange countries, details)

Special skills

Matters of interest about Japan

□ Yes □ No
Experience of travel to Japan
(Date and purpose: )
□ Yes □ No

You have:
Applicants from Republic of ◆been convicted of a crime or offence in any country.
Chile, Dominican Republic, ◆been sentenced to imprisonment for 1 year or more in any country.
Republic of Estonia and ◆been deported or removed from Japan or any country for overstaying your visa or
Ireland only. violating any law or regulation.
◆been convicted and sentenced for a drug offence in any country in violation of law
concerning narcotics, marijuana, opium, stimulants or psychotropic substances.
◆engaged in prostitution, or in the intermediation or solicitation of a prostitute for other
Criminal record, etc. persons, or in the provision of a place for prostitution, or any other activity directly
※ “Criminal record, etc.” shall be connected to prostitution.
filled by applicants from the ◆committed trafficking in persons or incited or aided another to commit such an offence.
countries of the visa exemption
arrangement being set to enter
*Under the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act, a person who may be
applicable to one of these items above cannot enter Japan in principle.
If applicable to any of these items above, please consult a person in charge of the matter of
your government as a special request may be necessary for an entrance.
(These items are the same as the ones appear in an ordinary visa application.)

The information that you provide may be used for the selection and determination of the invitees.
As for the actual invitees, necessary information may be used for 1) the execution of the program and 2) the establishment
and maintenance of the network of ex-participants. Further, these information may be provided for the other invitees and
those who are concerned with the program for the purpose of 1) and provide for the post-program activities organization
(International Youth Exchange Organization of Japan (IYEO)) for the purpose of 2) respectively
All data is securely held in accordance with ‘Act for Protection of Personal Data Held by Administrative Organs.’


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