Tugasan OUMH1303 English For Oral Communication May 2019 Semester

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1. Answer in English.

2. Number of words : 1500 – 2000 words excluding references.

3. Submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE file.

4. You must submit your assignment to your FACE TO FACE TUTOR.

5. Submission date : 26th July 2019 until 28th July 2019

6. This assignment accounts for 20% of the total marks for the course.



The purpose of this assignment is to develop the learners’ ability in applying specific skills and
strategies that are required in an oral presentation.

Motivation among staff in any organization is very crucial and it is one of the driving factors
that leads people to work harder and to be more productive for the growth of the

As a head of your department, you believe that motivation is the most important contributing
factor to overall satisfaction, which leads to higher employee retention. Therefore, you are
planning to give a talk to all staff in your department to keep them motivated throughout
their employment.

Knowing that instilling motivation is not an easy task, try to be creative by applying multiple
strategies to reach each individual as everyone is unique with their own values and ideas.
Here are the guidelines to help you in writing the speech:

a. Write a suitable title of your speech;

b. Give specific details to explain the facts and your views.
You can use your personal observations, experience, and knowledge. Make sure that
the speech (content and expressions) is appropriate to the audience; and
c. Write your speech between 1500-2000 words (excluding references).
Each point should be elaborated with significant facts and examples.

Correct format of speech must be applied in this writing. Bibliographic details must be in
accordance with the correct APA format and recent (references between 2010 -2019). Refer
to the assignment rubrics as a guide to achieve cohesion and coherence.

[Total: 20 marks]

Unsatisfactory Or No
Excellent Good Fair Poor
response Max
Criteria Weight Marks
4 3 2 1 0
Introduction 0.5 The introduction is The introduction clearly The introduction states There is no clear There is no 2
inviting, states the states the main topic and the main topic, but does introduction of the main introduction.
main topic and previews the structure of not adequately preview topic or structure of the
previews the the speech, but is not the structure of the speech.
structure of the particularly inviting to the speech nor is it
speech. reader. particularly inviting to the
Body of Speech / 2.5 There is one clear, Main ideas of both One of the paragraphs The main ideas in all Main ideas in all 10
Referencing well-focused topic. paragraphs are clear. Most has a clear main idea. paragraphs are not paragraphs are
Main idea stands out supporting details are Only some supporting clear. There is a strong inappropriate and
and is supported by appropriate and relevant. details are appropriate evidence of plagiarism. irrelevant.
detailed information. Most outside sources are and relevant. Some of the Bibliography writing Writing is generally
All outside sources recent and properly cited/ outside sources are not does not follow the APA plagiarized. No
are recent, very referenced but recent and not cited/ format and outdated. bibliography.
relevant and bibliography writing does referenced properly.
properly cited/ not completely follow the Some of the bibliography
referenced. APA format. writing does not follow
Bibliography writing the APA style.
is written in the
correct APA format.

Conclusion 0.5 The conclusion is The conclusion is The conclusion is There is no clear There is no conclusion. 2
strong and leaves recognizable and gives recognizable, but does conclusion, the speech
the reader with a closure to the speech. not effectively close the just ends.
feeling that they speech.
understand what the
writer is "getting at."

Cohesion / Coherence 0.75 Details are placed in There are clear attempts There are attempts to use Writing contains major Writing is confusing 3
a logical order and to use cohesive devices to cohesive devices but mistakes in the use of and has a lot of gaps.
the way they are link details but in one or writing lacks direction cohesive devices that No or limited number
presented effectively two places, writing that affected reader’s affected general of cohesive devices
keeps the interest of appears incoherent. comprehension. understanding. used to assist
the reader. comprehension.
Language / Grammar 0.75 Writer makes no Writer makes minimal Writer makes some Writer makes a lot of Writing is generally 3
errors in grammar or errors in grammar, errors in grammar, errors in grammar, incomprehensible due
spelling that structure and spelling that structure, or spelling that structure or spelling that to grammar, structures
distracts the reader does not affect reader’s affects reader’s affects reader’s and spelling mistakes.
from the content. understanding. understanding. comprehension. The Language used is not
The choices of words The choices of words are Some of the words used choices of words are suitable for a formal
are very appropriate mostly appropriate and are not appropriate and very poor and not speech and targeted
and suitable for a suitable for a formal not suitable for a formal appropriate for a formal audience.
formal speech and speech and targeted speech and targeted speech and targeted
targeted audience. audience. audience. audience.

Total 5 20

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