Classroom Observation Form

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Name of Teacher
Position / Designation
Subject Specialization
Grade Level & Subject Taught
Name of School
School ID
School Address


Date of Observation
Time Started
Time Finished
Name of Observer
Position / Designation

Direction: Please check the number that agrees with the indicator specified in the Classroom Tool

INDICATORS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Applies knowledge of content within and across
curriculum content.
2. Applies a range of teaching strategies to develop
critical and creative thinking as well as higher
order thinking skills.
3. Selects, develop, organizes and uses appropraite
teaching and learning resources including ICT to
address learning goals.
4. Ensures the positive use of ICT to facilitate the
teaching and learning process.
5. Designs, selects,organizes and use diagnostic
formative and summative assessment strategic
consistent with curriculum requirements.
6. Uses strategies for providing timely accurate and
constructive feedback to improve learning
7. Uses a range of teaching strategies that enhance
learner achievement in literacy and numeracy skills.
8. Displays proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino
and English to facilitate teaching and learning.
9. Uses effective verbal and non-verbal classroom
communication strategies to support learner under-
standing participation engagement and achievement.
10. Maintains supportive learning environment that
nurture and inspire learners to participate, cooperate
and collaborative in continued learning.

11. Applies a range of succesful strategies that

maintain learning environments that motivate
learners to work productively by assuming responsi-
bility for their own learning.
12. Manages students behavior constructively by
applying positive and non-violent discipline to ensure
learning focused environment.
13. Uses differentiated, developmentally appropraite
learning experiences to address learners gender,
needs strengths interests and experiences.
14. Establishes a learner-centered culture by using
teaching that respond to their linguistic, cultural,
socio-economic and religious backgrounds.
15. Designs, adapts and implements teaching
strategies that are responsive to learners with
special educational needs that includes giftedness,
talents and disabilities.
16. Plans and delivers teaching strategies that are
responsive to the special educational needs of
learners in difficult circumstances including: geo-
graphic isolation, chronic illness displacement due
to arm conflict, urban resettlement or disasters;
child abuse and child labor practices.
17. Adapts the uses culturally appropraite learning
strategies to address the needs of learners from
indigenous groups.
18.Estabilshes safe and secure learning environment
to enhance learning through the consistent imple-
mentation of policies,guidelines and procedures.
19. Manages classroom structure to engage
individuality or in groups in meaningful exploration
discovery and hands-on activities within a range of
physical learning environment.
20. Maintains learning environments that promote
fairness, respect and care to encourage learning.
21.Plans, managea and implement developmentally
sequenced teaching and learning process to meet
curriculum requirements and varied teaching


Comments / Remarks:


Teacher´s Name & Signature

Observer´s Name & Signature
( Head Teacher/ Principal/Supervisor)
oom Tool


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