Selecting A Meta-Heuristic Technique For Smart Micro-Grid Optimization Problem: A Comprehensive Analysis

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Selecting a Meta-heuristic Technique for Smart Micro-grid Optimization

Problem: A Comprehensive Analysis

Article  in  IEEE Access · August 2017

DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2728683


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2 authors:

Baseem Khan Pawan Singh

Hawassa University Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Amity University, Lucknow, India


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Received June 21, 2017, accepted July 9, 2017, date of publication July 18, 2017, date of current version August 8, 2017.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2728683

Selecting a Meta-Heuristic Technique for Smart

Micro-Grid Optimization Problem:
A Comprehensive Analysis
1 School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Hawassa Institute of Technology, Hawassa University, Awasa 05, Ethiopia
2 School of Informatics, Hawassa Institute of Technology, Hawassa University, Awasa 05, Ethiopia
Corresponding author: Baseem Khan ([email protected])

ABSTRACT In current epoch, the economic operation of micro-grid under soaring renewable energy
integration has become a major concern in the smart grid environment. There are several meta-heuristic
optimization techniques available under different categories in literature. One of the most difficult tasks
in cost minimization of micro-grid is to select the best suitable optimization technique. To resolve the
problem of selecting a suitable optimization technique, a rigorous review of six meta-heuristic algorithms
(Whale Optimization, Fire Fly, Particle Swarm Optimization, Differential Evaluation, Genetic Algorithm,
and Teaching Learning-based Optimization) selected from three categories (Swarm Intelligence,
Evolutionary Algorithms, and Teaching Learning) is conducted. It presents, a comparative analysis using
different performance indicators for standard benchmark functions and proposed a smart micro-grid (SMG)
operation cost minimization problem. A proposed SMG is modeled which incorporates utility connected
power resources, e.g., wind turbine, photovoltaic, fuel cell, micro-turbine, battery storage, electric vehicle
technology, and diesel power generator. The proposed work will help researchers and engineers to select
an appropriate optimization method to solve micro-grid optimization problems with constraints. This
paper concludes with a detailed review of micro-grid operation cost minimization techniques based on an
exhaustive survey and implementation.

INDEX TERMS Smart micro-grid, meta-heuristic optimization techniques, electric vehicle technology,
fuel cell.


BES Battery Energy Storage RES Renewable Energy Source
BEV Battery Electric Vehicle SMG Smart Micro-grid
PBEV Plug-in Battery Electric Vehicle EVTs Electric Vehicle Technologies
DG Distributed Generator V2G Vehicle to Grid
FX Fixed Cost V2H Vehicle to House
FCTs Fuel Cell Technologies G2V Grid to Vehicle
FCEV Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle PC Personal Computer
FCPG Fuel Cell Power Generator Std_dev Standard deviation
GA Genetic Algorithm TCPD Total Cost Per Day
MG Micro-Grid Li-ion Lithium ion
MGCO Micro-Grid Central Operator WT Wind Turbine
MT Micro-Turbine DiG Diesel Generator
OR Operating Reserve EMS Energy Management System
PSO Particle Swarm Optimization NSGA-II Non-dominated Sorting Genetic
IBA Improved Bat Algorithm Algorithm II

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B. Khan, P. Singh: Selecting a Meta-Heuristic Technique for Smart Micro-Grid Optimization Problem

NOMENCLATURE SUC MT ,t , SUC FC,t , start up cost for MT, FC, and
Bid BES,t , Bid grid,t , Bid of BES, utility, FC, MT, SUC FCEV ,t FCEV at time step t,
Bid FC,t , Bid MT ,t , WT, PV, and FCEV at time correspondingly in ACct
Bid iWT ,t , Bid iPV ,t , step t, correspondingly in AC TCPDBEV , TCPDBES Per day overall cost of BEV, BES
Bid FCEV ,t ct/kW h TCPDPHEV and PHEV, correspondingly
MC BES , FX BES Repair and constant cost for in ACct
MC BEV , FX BEV BES, BEV and PHEV, uMT ,t , uBES,t , uBEV ,t On/Off status of MT, BES, BEV,
MC PHEV , FX PHEV correspondingly in A Cct/kW h uFC,t , uPHEV ,t FC, PHEV and DiG attime
IR Interest-rate for battery uDiG,t step t, correspondingly
installation on loan t tth time step (h)
LT Life span of the batteries in years
NT Operation duration in hours
ORt Required generating backup
minutes in kW
As world transit from the conventional grid system to the
OM DG Constant repair and operation
smart grid system, renewable energy sources’ incorpora-
cost of DGs in A Cct
tion has become the key issue in the present environment.
OM MT , OM FC , Constant repair and operation
In accordance with the International Energy Agency predic-
OM iWT , OM iPV , cost of MT, FC, WT, PV, FCEV
tion, power production by renewable power resources will
OM FCEV correspondingly in A Cct/kW h
be almost three times in between 2010 to 2035. It will
Pgrid,max , Pgrid,min Maximum and minimum
contribute 31% of the globe’s entire power production, in
PBES,max , PBES,min generation of power for utility,
which solar, wind and hydro will provide 7.5%, 25% and
50% respectively, of the overall renewable power produc-
PPHEV ,max , PPHEV ,min and MT in (kW)
tion by 2035. The intermittency and climate dependency of
PFCEV ,max , PFCEV ,min
renewable power resources make their interconnection more
PFC,max , PFC,min
complex and difficult. Various energy storage devices are
PMT ,max , PMT ,min
used to solve above mentioned problems of intermittency
PDemand,t Power demand at time step t
and weather dependency with renewable. Hence inside the
in kW
smart grid environment, the development of micro grid is a
Cf Diesel Fuel Price (ACct/l)
great solution for integration of renewable energy sources.
PDiG Power output of diesel generator
It has numerous advantages such as energy loss-reduction,
tax Rate of tax for grid
reliability and enhancement of energy management.
ηcharge , ηdischarge Charging and discharging
Micro-grid consists of different renewable power resources
efficiency of different batteries like wind, SPV and micro turbines. It also incorporates latest
CBES,max , CBES,min Maximum and minimum generation technologies such as fuel cell technologies and
capacity of BES, combined heat and power (CHP) technology. To solve the
CBEV ,max , C BEV ,min BEV and PHEV in kW h above-discussed intermittency problem of renewable energy,
CPHEV ,max , C PHEV ,min storage devices, for example, battery energy storage system,
CBES,t CBEV ,t Stored energy in BES, BEV and electric vehicle technology and flywheel storage system can
CPHEV ,t PHEV be used. Micro-gird provides a better solution as compared to
Cost grid,t Supply cost with the grid in the distributed generation sources due to their better coordi-
upstream mode at time step t in nation and control. It can be used as islanded mode and gird
Cct connected mode as per requirement. Hence inside micro-grid,
Cost DG,t , Cost BEV ,t Cost of operation and fuel of the operation, control and coordination problem are of great
Cost BES,t , Cost PHEV ,t DGs, BEV, BES, PHEV and DiG importance. Further, similar to the conventional grid, micro-
Cost DiG,t at time step t, correspondingly grid also required some cost which is related to its generation,
in A
Cct maintenance and operation; consequently, many researches
C Overall cost in ACct are focused on the micro-grid cost minimization problem.
Pgrid,t , PMT ,t , PBES,t Generated power of grid, MT, Various meta-heuristic techniques are developed by
BES, PV, researchers to solve the micro-grid cost minimization
PiPV ,t , PFC,t , PFCEV ,t , FC, FCEV,WT, PHEV, problem. Population dependent meta-heuristic optimization
PiWT ,t , PPHEV ,t BEV and DiG correspondingly techniques have two main classifications: swarm intelli-
PBEV ,t , PDiG,t in kW gence (SI) and evolutionary algorithms (EA). A number
PBEV ,t ; PBEV ,t Maximum discharging and of renowned evolutionary techniques are as follows: Evo-
PBES,t ; PBES,t charging rates of BEV, BES lution Strategy (ES), Genetic Algorithm (GA), Differential
PPHEV ,t ; PPHEV ,t and PHEV at time t, Evolution (DE), Evolution Programming (EP), etc. Various
correspondingly in kW swarm intelligence dependent techniques are as follows:
13952 VOLUME 5, 2017
B. Khan, P. Singh: Selecting a Meta-Heuristic Technique for Smart Micro-Grid Optimization Problem

Firefly (FF), Shuffled Frog Leaping (SFL), Particle Swarm TABLE 1. List of meta-heuristic algorithms (1975-2016) [79].
Optimization (PSO), Artificial Bee Colony (ABC), Ant
Colony Optimization (ACO), etc. In addition to above
mentioned meta-heuristic optimization techniques, different
natural phenomena based methods are also available, e.g.,
Gravitational Search (GSA), Harmony Search (HS) algo-
rithm, Flower Pollination (FPA), Biogeography-Based Opti-
mization (BBO), etc.
Meta-heuristic techniques need no gradient information.
Meta-heuristics have the capability to recover from local
optima due to their inherent stochasticity; consequently, it
can better tackle uncertainties in objectives. It can tackle
multiple objectives with only a few algorithmic changes.
Normally, meta-heuristics techniques are probabilistic in
nature and controlled by common parameters, e.g., popula-
tion, elite population size, the number of generations, etc.
In addition to these parameters, different methods require
specific control parameters, e.g., GA utilizes the proba-
bility of mutation and crossover, operator selection, etc;
PSO employs weight of inertia, cognitive and social fac-
tors; ABC makes use of the number of different type of
bees i.e. onlooker, employed, scout and their limits. In the
same way, different techniques require separate tuning of
their specific parameters. In these techniques, parameter’s
tuning is an extremely critical issue, because it’s directly
affects the performance of techniques. Improper tuning may
result in increased computation time or local optima. Table 1
presented the time line for the evaluation of different meta-
heuristic techniques.
In this paper, the authors have focused on the problem of
choosing the appropriate meta-heuristic optimization tech-
nique for the minimization of operation cost. To identify
the best algorithm, different meta-heuristic techniques (PSO,
GA, FF, DE, TLBO and WO) from three different categories
(swarm intelligence, evolutionary algorithms and teaching
learning) are considered and compared. These optimiza-
tion methods are compared by using nineteen standard test
functions from three different categories (uni-model, multi-
model, composite) as well as a micro-grid frame work. MG
consists of different energy sources such as PV, WT, BES,
MT, FC, DiG and EVT. The problem of micro-grid operation
cost minimization is solved for two different cases (charging
mode of batteries and discharging mode of batteries) using
these optimization techniques. The comparison of different
optimization methods for various standard test functions is
accomplished using the following parameters: mean and stan-
dard deviation of fitness value, average fitness value for
different population, convergence characteristics for different
population, trajectory (fitness value of the first search agents increase in population size and power generated by different
with respect to the number of iterations for any algorithm) energy sources for different population size.
and the capability to explore the search space. In comparative The structure of the paper is as follows. The next section
analysis of SMG, two different cases are considered and provides the literature review. In section 3, the problem is
each case is observed for the following parameters: average, formulated along with its constraint. Section 4 describes a
best, worst and standard deviation of optimized operation set of nineteen standard benchmark functions from three
cost (fitness value), convergence characteristics for different different categories. The proposed SMG system and the two
population, variation of best fitness value with respect to specific cases are described in the section 5. The comparative

VOLUME 5, 2017 13953

B. Khan, P. Singh: Selecting a Meta-Heuristic Technique for Smart Micro-Grid Optimization Problem

analysis of different optimization methods using standard long term storages and ultra-capacitors as short-term storages
test functions and proposed SMG system is provided in the for the frequency control of utility connected micro-grid.
section 6, which is followed by the concluding remarks. Alharbi and Bhattacharya [10] developed a model to calculate
the optimal power rating and energy capacity of BES for
II. LITERATURE REVIEW coordinated operation of micro-grid. Graditi et al. [80] carried
Micro-grid optimization problem is a complex and real world out the technical and economical evaluation for installing
problem. Generally, micro-grid is the combination of various different types of battery technologies to lower the electricity
renewable energy sources (solar, wind) along with energy cost for a customer-side application. Ippolito et al. [81]
storage system (BES, EVT) and diesel generator. Mathemat- developed a bidirectional converter to connect and control the
ical methods such as linear and integer programming are utility grid with renewable energy sources and battery storage
cumbersome and require more time to provide the optimal systems. Silvestre et al. [82] presented a multi-objective gen-
solution of real world problem, whereas meta-heuristic tech- eralized framework for optimal sizing of distributed energy
niques provide the optimal solutions for practical problems resources in micro-grids by using an indicator based swarm
in less time. Thus, this section presents the comprehensive approach. Graditi et al. [83] presented an optimal energy
review of micro-grid system with different technologies such dispatch problem, which is having directly controlled and
as battery energy storage, electric vehicle technology, and shiftable loads. It is solved by glow worm swarm particles
diesel generator. Additionally, it also focuses on the current optimization algorithm. Takeuchi et al. [84] described an
development in utilization of GA, PSO, DE, TLBO, FF and optimal scheduling methodology to determine the operating
WO meta-heuristic algorithms in power system optimization schedule of an energy network for minimizing CO2 emis-
problems. sion and energy costs. Favuzza et al. [85] applied an ant
colony search for electrical distribution systems management
A. MICRO-GRID TECHNOLOGIES problem. Gamarra and Guerrero [86] reviewed the technical
There are various technologies that can be incorporated in literature about optimization techniques applied to micro-grid
MG to enhance the performance and stability of the MG sys- planning.
tem. These technologies are as follows:


AND/OR BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM The advancement of Electric vehicle technology has a great
Currently, there is a lot of development in the field of impact on micro-grid operation, as it can be used for both,
micro-gird technology with battery energy storage system. backup and demand. Melhem et al. [11] proposed a resi-
Thompson et al. [1] presented a method for optimizing dential energy management in smart grid considering renew-
investment in the data centre’s battery storage capacity. able power sources and V2G integration. They presented
Sharma et al. [2] proposed a grey wolf optimisation based cost an integration of distributed power sources in the smart
minimisation problem to find out optimal capacity of BES gird in an urban context. Yu et al. [12] focused on the
in the operation of MG. Krishnamurthy and Kwasinski [3] investigation of EV movability to effect demand response
discussed the resiliency of micro-grid power supply in management (DRM) of V2G technology in the smart grid
severe conditions. Further, distribution-architecture’s char- environment. They presented a model of V2G mobile energy
acteristics, the effect of power electronic device interfaces, system, which is dynamic in nature and can travel across sev-
energy storage, and lifelines are also presented. Xu et al. [4] eral cities. Hence, EVs can work as power suppliers between
presented an engineering experience from battery energy various cities. Laureri et al. [13] discussed the techniques
storage system (BES) projects that require design and for integration of electric vehicle in smart grids. An opti-
implementation of specialized power conversion systems mization technique is utilized to minimize the total costs
(a fast-response, automatic power converter and the of smart grid. Paterakis et al. [14] proposed the optimal
controller). Liu et al. [5] proposed an optimal coordinated operation of a neighbourhood of smart households in terms
planning strategy in addition to the optimization of energy of minimizing the total energy procurement cost. For that
sources capacity in micro-grid. Khodabakhsh and Sirouspour purpose Bi-directional power flow is considered both for
[6] developed two different techniques for online rolling household and neighbourhood level. Li et al. [15] proposed an
horizon optimal control of an energy storage system in a online methodology to perform cost-aware scheduling of EV
utility linked micro-grid, which is subject to uncertainty in demands and provides power to micro-grids. They developed
load and electricity pricing. Shen et al. [7] presented an a stochastic optimization formulation to minimize the time-
energy-management scheme for MG containing renewable average charge of a micro-grid, purchase cost of electricity
battery storage, diesel generators, PV, wind and different from utility, discharging and charging cost associate with bat-
demands. Guo et al. [8] addressed a bi-level structure for teries, renewable harvesting charge and pollutant’s emission
the optimal working of a MG e.g. EV parking deck with on- charge. Yao et al. [16] proposed a charging scheme on a
site renewable power production by the roof-top PV system. real-time basis to manage the EV charging and incorporated
Hassanzadehfard et al. [9] employed the battery packs as demand response schemes in the parking station.

13954 VOLUME 5, 2017

B. Khan, P. Singh: Selecting a Meta-Heuristic Technique for Smart Micro-Grid Optimization Problem


Odeim et al. [17] investigated the optimization of a power Diesel generators are important elements inside the micro-
management scheme of a battery/super-capacitor/fuel cell grid system; these are used as backup energy sources.
hybrid vehicular system, both offline and in real time mode. Vidyanandan and Senroy [30] presented a strategy of control
For offline mode, dynamic programming and pontryagin’s for regulating frequency in a WT and DiG supplied MG.
minimum principle are used. Online mode incorporates a Tang et al. [31] developed a power allocation strategy for
multi-objective genetic algorithm. Xu [18] proposed a con- seawater desalination load, batteries, and DiGs. Further a
sensus technique based an optimum charging rate controlling multi-objective optimization problem for optimal operation
scheme for PEV, which is used for apportioning existing of micro-grid is solved using NSGA-II. Hajar et al. [32]
charging energy. It lines up each PEV’s interest with the applied an optimization algorithm on micro-grid with dis-
system’s gain. The developed approach was implemented on tributed generation and renewable energy. Three different
multi-agent network structure. Vinot et al. [19] proposed a energy hubs (renewable energy, diesel engines, and batteries)
universal optimization method for designing the power-split are integrated in this study. Mohamed and Koivo [33] pre-
hybrid electric vehicles (PS-HEVs) with an electric variable sented the scheme for cost optimization and optimal operat-
transmission (EVT). Further, GA is implemented to optimize ing strategy for MG. In addition to this an emissions reduction
parameters of the network. For demand response and user scheme is also discussed. Afshar et al. [34] proposed the
adaptation in smart grid networks, Fan [87] proposed a dis- optimum design for a standalone micro-grid system with
tributed framework with a novel charging method for plug-in diesel generator.
hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs).
Ettihir et al. [21] addressed the strategy of energy manage-
Meta-heuristic techniques are strong and flexible methods
ment for FCEV. For fuel cell system the maximum power
that have efficiently handled practical micro-grid optimiza-
and efficiency points are varying with operating condition
tion problems. GA, PSO, DE, TLBO, FF and WO are widely
but unique in nature. Further, for tracking both maximum
utilized to solve the various electrical optimization problems
power and efficiency, they developed an extremum seeking
including micro-grid operation cost minimization. Some of
process (ESP). Chakraborty et al. [23] proposed a FCEV
the latest researches, which utilized above mentioned algo-
which incorporates current-fed full-bridge bidirectional volt-
rithms, are as follows:
age doubler with secondary-assisted device voltage clamping
and zero current commutation. For a fuel cell/battery hybrid
bus, Hu et al. [24] proposed the concurrent optimum element 1) GENETIC ALGORITHM
sizing and power management scheme. Further, Hu et al. [25] Holland introduced the Genetic algorithms to understand the
proposed a multi-constraint optimization method for fuel- adaptive processes of natural systems [88]. GA is associated
cell hybrid bus and presented its soundness and effectiveness with the binary and other types of representations. It utilizes
using a case study. Morales-Morales et al. [26] analysed two operators’ crossover and mutation to encourage diversity.
various restrictions that enforce the existence of uncertainty Further, it uses the probabilistic selection methods. In GA,
in the design of optimum EMSs for FCEV. the parents are replaced methodically by their offspring. The
mutation is bit flipping while the crossover operator is based
3) FUEL CELL TECHNOLOGY on the uniform or n-point crossover. A fixed probability pm
Fuel cell is the recent technology, which has been incorpo- is applied to the mutation operator. The GA is applied on
rated in the micro-gird system. Patterson et al. [20] explored numerous power system optimization problems as follows:
the workability and cost feasibility of a hybrid grid con- Jayadev and Shanti Swarup [35] proposed a commercial
nected micro-grid that employs the aggregation of batteries, MG containing one PV, one BES and two DiG with the
PV and FC systems. Zhang et al. [22] studied hybrid power hypothesis that the main grid utilizes dynamic pricing. For
supply of aluminium air fuel cell and the super capacitor. The the formulation of objective function, discontinuous func-
matching parameters are analysed and calculated. In addition, tions are used which is solved by GA. A real-time EMS
the hybrid power energy allocation strategy is developed. was proposed by Vergara et al. [36] for a MG. A multi-
At last, the power performance simulation is carried out objective optimization problem is formed and solved by using
by the authors. For islanded MG which contains PV/BES/ the NSGA-II. Siqi et al. [37] developed a coordinated opera-
FC-electrolyser, Sun et al. [27] proposed an EMS with mod- tional system of hybrid storage and DiG. It incorporates the
ified droop control. Ramírez-Murillo et al. [28] realized a running characteristics of DiG and hybrid storage. Further,
power system, which is serial-parallel hybrid (SPH) in nature. for optimizing the power, adaptive genetic algorithm (AGA)
It contains an auxiliary storage, FC and the current-controlled is utilized. For power flow and demand side management
dc-dc converter. Thale et al. [29] proposed a reconfig- optimization in a micro grid, Santis et al. [38] presented
urable micro-grid architecture containing PV, WT, FC and an application of computational intelligence methods. Along
micro-hydro based RES. with this, hybrid fuzzy-GA paradigm is used for time-of-use

VOLUME 5, 2017 13955

B. Khan, P. Singh: Selecting a Meta-Heuristic Technique for Smart Micro-Grid Optimization Problem

cost management. For confirming the precision and validity an upgraded PSO technique with adaptive weight and accel-
of the mathematical modelling of a new environmental and eration coefficients for solving the economic, environmental
economic dispatch of SMG, Liao et al. [39] used the quantum and health dispatch model of a micro-grid. An economic
genetic algorithm. Changsong et al. [40] proposed a novel operation of micro-grid under an uncertain framework is
micro-grid power trading model to find out an optimum studied by Liang et al. [51]. A micro-grid scheduling strategy
schedule for all available units over a planning horizon. is developed on the basis of Roulette Wheel Mechanism and
The METM utilized genetic algorithm (GA) to assist the Probability Density Functions. Further, PSO is used to find
micro-grid scheduling. A control scheme is presented by the optimum solution. Yang et al. [52] proposed an enhanced
Zolfaghari et al. [41] to enhance the load sharing among PSO technique for HOME-EMS, which incorporates load
inverter-based DGs in MG. GA tuned proportional-integral response in a smart grid. Hao et al. [53] studied a distinctive
(PI) controller is used for this purpose. Shi et al. [42] pro- utility connected MG, which contains WT, hydro power,
posed a multi-objective optimization problem for construc- BES and local demand. First its mathematical algorithm is
tion of energy sources, storage and interruptible load in MG. constructed and then PSO is applied to solve the optimal oper-
The problem is solved by employing improved NSGA-II. ation problem. An et al. [54] proposed a novel operating cost
Deng et al. [43] studied and modelled a micro-grid including optimization method for a building with an integrated MG
a WT, PV and a CHP system with FCs and MT. GA is linked to the utility. Further, a piecemeal decision algorithm
used to solve the optimum model and an operation strat- and a PSO algorithm were utilized to produce a charging
egy. For cost effective and reliable micro-grid, Nasser and and discharging rate’s schemes for BESs. Elamine et al. [55]
Reji [44] proposed an optimum design scheme. For opti- presented a multi-agent structural design for SMG, which
mization, a hybrid Genetic Particle Swarm Optimization is is based on wind power forecast. It utilizes neural network,
utilized. Eldessouky and Gabbar [45] presented micro-grid which is trained by hybrid PSO and back-propagation tech-
(MG) optimization using GA. The algorithm’s aim is to find nique. Liang et al. [56] studied the multi-objective optimum
out the optimum size of combined wind and gas generator to scheduling problem in a vague structure. The probability
satisfy a given key performance indices (KPIs). Shariatzadeh distribution function and roulette wheel mechanism are used
et al. [46] applied GA and PSO for reconfiguration of SMPS. to develop the scenarios and multi-objective PSO is used to
coordinate between them.
The PSO consists of a population of particles, known as a 3) DIFFERENTIAL EVOLUTION
swarm, with each member of the swarm being associated with Storn and Price [90] proposed a robust and easily paralleliz-
a position vector xt and a velocity vector vt . The size of these able technique DE to solve the global optimization problems.
vectors is equal to the dimension of the search space. The DE is population based meta-heuristic technique, which starts
term velocity (vt ) at any iteration t indicates the directional with randomly initialized solution vectors. To modify an
distance that the particle has covered in the (t − 1)th iteration. existing solution in the population, DE utilized the differ-
The directional velocity of any particle is calculated on the ence vector of two randomly chosen members. The weight
basis of a particle personal best ‘pbest’ (pl ) and swarm’s of a difference vector is a user-defined constant parameter
global best ‘gbest’ (pg ) [89]. (F > 0):
The following equations describe the velocity and position
update for ith particle at any iteration t: vi,t+1 = x(r1 ,t) + F.(xr2 ,t − xr3 ,t )

vi,t+1 = wvi,t + c1 r1 . ∗ pl,i − xi,t + c2 r2 . ∗ pg − xi,t

At each generation t, it is ensured that r1 , r2 and r3 are
different from each other and also from i. The resultant vector
Here, r1 and r2 are random vectors (in range [0, 1]), and w, c1
vi is called a mutant vector of xi . The DE is applied on various
and c2 are pre-specified constants. The operator ".∗" signifies
power system optimization problems as follows:
element to element multiplication of two vectors.
Tiwari and Srivastava [57] proposed a differential evo-
The next position of any particle is computed on the basis
lution technique based EMS to optimize the working of a
of previous position and current velocity.
micro-grid with RES. Shuai et al. [58] proposed a distinc-
xi,t+1 = xi,t + vi,t+1 tive islanded MG system. Differential evolution is used to
optimize the operation cost. Wu et al. [59] described the
The PSO is applied on various power system optimization use of a multi-objective self-adaptive differential evolution
problems as follows: algorithm for the concurrent optimization of element sizing
Saber and Venayagamoorthy [47] proposed a SMG opti- and control scheme in parallel EVs. Fan et al. [60] pro-
mization with controllable demands by PSO. Cao et al. [48] posed a real time pricing, controllable load and a meta-
proposed an economic dispatch of MG which depends on heuristic technique based multi-objective optimization model
enhanced PSO. Chen et al. [49] realized the basic economic for household micro-grids to minimize the electricity bill cost
dispatch function of the system based on PSO, which aims and reduce the difference between the temperature of heating,
at minimizing the operating costs. Chen et al. [50] developed ventilation and air conditioning. Basu et al. [61] proposed the

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B. Khan, P. Singh: Selecting a Meta-Heuristic Technique for Smart Micro-Grid Optimization Problem

planned scheduling for economic energy sharing in a CHP Veltman et al. [62] proposed a prediction interval mod-
based MG using DE technique. elling tuned by an improved TLBO for load forecasting in
MGs. Dixit and Roy [63] presented the impact of PEVs
4) TEACHER LEARNING BASED OPTIMIZATION (TLBO) on automatic generation control using the TLBO technique.
TLBO simulates the teaching-learning process of the class Yammani et al. [64] developed a modified TLBO technique
room. It is a population-based algorithm and does not require to find out the optimum placement and size of distributed
any algorithm-dependent parameters. The common control RESs units in the distribution network. Rani et al. [65] applied
parameters required by TLBO are the number of generations TLBO to resolve a multi-objective problem of the economic
and population size [91]. and emission scheduling.
The function of TLBO is categorised into two phases,
‘Teacher phase’ and ‘Learner phase’. 5) FIREFLY OPTIMIZATION
Firefly Algorithm (FF) is a nature inspired meta-heuristic
a: TEACHER PHASE optimization algorithm, which is motivated from the conduct
On the basis of his/her capabilities, teacher attempts to of fireflies [92]. FF depends on three basic rules:
enhance the mean performance of the group of students i) All fireflies are attracted to each other with disregard
in their concerned subject. At ith iteration, let there be n to gender.
number of learners, m number of subjects, and Mj,i be the ii) Attractiveness is correlated with brightness (light emis-
mean performance of the learners in a particular subject j. sion) such that bright flies attract less bright flies, and
Xtotal−kbest,i is the best overall performance by considering in absence of brighter flies they move randomly.
all the subjects together. kbest is the result of best learner. iii) The brightness is proportional to the objective function.
The learner having best performance is selected as a teacher. The movement of a firefly i is attracted to another more
The difference between the performance of each subject of attractive (brighter) firefly j is determined by
a teacher and current mean performance of corresponding 2
xi = xi + β0 e−γ rij xj − xi + αi

subject is formulated as:
Where β0 is attractiveness at distance zero, rij = xi − xj

Difference_Meanj,k,i = ri (Xj,kbest,i − TF Mj,i )
is the distance between any two fireflies i and j at distance
Where, Xj,kbest,i is the best learner’s result in subject j. TF is xi and xj , respectively, i is a vector of random numbers
the teaching factor, and ri is the random number in the drawn from a Gaussian distribution or uniform distribution
range [0, 1]. The value of TF is given as, and α being the randomization parameter. The FF is applied
on power system optimization problems as follows:
TF = round[1 + rand(0, 1){2 − 1}] Odeim et al. [17] investigated the optimization of a power
In the teaching phase, the existing solution is updated as: management scheme of a battery/super-capacitor/fuel cell
hybrid vehicular system.
X 0 j,k,i = Xj,k,i + Difference_Meanj,k,i
Where, X 0 j,k,i is the updated value of Xj,k,i .
Whale Optimization Algorithm (WO) is a nature inspired
meta-heuristic optimization algorithm, which is encouraged
from the behaviour of Humpback whales [93]. The WO
In the learner phase, learners enhance their knowledge by
algorithm is working on the following rules:
interacting randomly with other learners. A less knowledge-
able learner learns new things from more knowledgeable
learners. For n population size, the learning process is as
Humpback whales can identify the position of prey and
encircle them. As per the activities of humpback whales the
P and Q learners are selected randomly such that
WO assumes that the current best solution is the objective
X 0 total−P,i 6 = X 0 total−Q,i , where, X 0 total−P,i and X 0 total−Q,i are
prey or near to the optimum. Other search agents will renew
the updated function values of Xtotal−P,i and Xtotal−Q,i
their position towards the best agent, as represented by the
of P and Q respectively at the end of teacher phase:
following equations:
X 00 j,P,i = X 0 j,P,i + ri (X 0 j,P,i − X 0 j,Q,i ), −
→ − →− → −

D = C .X ∗ (t) − X (t)
if X 0 total−P,i < X 0 total−Q,i

→ −
→ −
→− →
X 00 j,P,i = X 0 j,P,i + ri (X 0 j,Q,i − X 0 j,P,i ), X (t + 1) = X ∗ (t) − A . D

if X 0 total−Q,I < X 0 total−P,i A = 2−→a .−
→r −− →a

→ −

C = 2. r
X 00 j,P,I is accepted if it provides a better value of function.

→ −

The TLBO is applied on various power system optimization where t indicates the current iteration, A and C are coef-
problems as follows: ∗
ficient vectors, X is the position vector of the best solution

VOLUME 5, 2017 13957

B. Khan, P. Singh: Selecting a Meta-Heuristic Technique for Smart Micro-Grid Optimization Problem

obtained so far, X is the position vector, || is the absolute ct is the summation of the supply cost of grid, operation and
value, and ‘•’ is an element-by-element multiplication, −
→a is fuel cost of DG, BES, BEV, PHEV, as well as start up cost of
linearly decreased from 2 to 0 over the course of iterations FC, MT and FCEV, as shown in
and −
→r is a random vector in [0, 1].
ct = Cost grid,t + Cost DG,t + Cost BES,t + Cost BEV ,t
Humpback whales swim about the prey within a shrink- (2)
ing circle and along a spiral-shaped path, concurrently. The Supply cost of the grid is defined by
authors have assumed that there is a 50% probability (p) of 
either the shrinking encircling mechanism or the spiral model Bid grid,t Pgrid,t
 if Pgrid,t > 0
to update the location of whales through optimization. The Cost grid,t = (1 − tax) Bid grid,t Pgrid,t if Pgrid,t < 0
mathematical model is as follows: 

0 if Pgrid,t = 0
−→ −
→− →

→ X ∗ (t) − A . D ifp < 0.5 (3)
X (t + 1) = − →
 D0 .ebl . cos (2πl) + −

X ∗ (t) ifp ≥ 0.5 The operation and fuel cost of the distributed generators are
presented by
Where p is a random number in [0, 1], b is a constant to define
the shape of the logarithmic spiral and l is a random number Cost DG,t = Bid MT ,t PMT ,t uMT ,t + Bid FC,t PFC,t uFC,t
in [−1, 1]. + Bid FCEV ,t PFCEV ,t uFCEV ,t + Bid PVi,t PPVi,t
+ Bid WTi,t PWTi,t (4)
This method highlights exploration and allows the WO algo- The start up cost of FC, FCEV and MT are provided, respec-
rithm to achieve a global search. The mathematical model is tively, in
as follows: SUC FC,t = Start FC ∗ max 0, uFC,t − uFC,t−1


→ −
→ −−→ − →
D = | C .Xrand − X (t) |

SUC FCEV ,t = Start FCEV ∗ max 0, uFCEV ,t − uFCEV ,t−1

→ −−→ − →− →
X (t + 1) = Xrand − A . D (6)

Where Xrand is a random position vector. SUC MT ,t = Start MT ∗ max 0, uMT ,t − uMT ,t−1 (7)
The WO algorithm starts with a set of random solutions. The constant repair and operation cost of distributed genera-
In every iteration, the search agents revise their positions with tors are presented by
regard to either a randomly chosen search agent or the best
solution obtained so far. The WO is applied on power system OM DG = (OM MT + OM FC + OM FCEV + OM PVi
optimization problems as follows: + OM WTi ) ∗ NT (8)
Reddy et al. [68] utilized whale optimization algorithm
The overall charges of the SMG consist of the operation
(WOA) to determine the optimal distributed generation size.
charges of BES, BEV, PHEV, FCEV and utility, fuel and OM
Trivedi et al. [69] presented the solution of an emission
charges of DGs and DiGs, the start-up charges of FCEV, MT
constraint environment dispatch problem with MG by using
and FC in addition cumulative per day overall cost of batter-
whale optimization algorithm.
ies, which is used in BES, BEV and PHEV (CTCPD). The
cost of batteries contains the single-time constant cost (FX)
and the yearly repair cost (MC). Overall cost of the battery is
Selecting a suitable method to solve the cost minimization
(FC + MC)∗Cmax , where Cmax is the battery’s size. The time
problem of SMG, the proposed problem is formulated as
window selected for this work is a day; therefore, the opera-
tion cost is computed over 24 hours and TCPD is required in
The formulation of the economic operation problem of
Cct/day. The TCPDs of mounted batteries in A Cct/day can be
SMG (EOSMG) is illustrated as follows:
achieved using the following equations [70]:
Minimization of total cost of SMG is given by Eq.1.
MinC (X ) = ct + OM DG + CTCPD 365 (1+IR)LT − 1
t=1 (9)
X  CBEV ,max IR (1 + IR)LT
+ Cf aP2DiG(i) + bPDiG(i) + c (1) TCPDBEV = ( FC BEV +MC BEV )
365 (1 + IR)LT − 1
where cumulative total cost per day for batteries is the sum- CPHEV ,max IR (1 + IR) LT
mation of total cost per day for BES, BEV and PHEV. TCPDPHEV = (
365 (1 + IR)LT − 1

13958 VOLUME 5, 2017

B. Khan, P. Singh: Selecting a Meta-Heuristic Technique for Smart Micro-Grid Optimization Problem

TABLE 2(A). Constraints. TABLE 2(B). Constraint.

The proposed cost minimization problem is subjected to the

constraints presented in Table 2(A) and 2(B). The limits of
the constraints are presented in Table 7 in Appendix A.


To select the appropriate meta-heuristic technique, a set of
nineteen standard functions from three different categories
(uni-model, multi-model, composite) are selected and applied
on various algorithms. These standard functions are presented
in Tables 8(A), 8(B) and 8(C) in Appendix B.

To select the suitable algorithm for the proposed problem, six the proposed SMG system consists of EVTs (BEV, PHEV,
algorithms are applied on an advanced SMG object system and FCEV) technology. In this problem formulation, FCEV
as shown in Fig. 1. There are different DGs (MT, FC, PV, is considered as a DG source. Appendix A provides the details
WT), Li-ion BES and DiG in the adopted SMG. In addition, of generation limits and coefficients used in the present work.

VOLUME 5, 2017 13959

B. Khan, P. Singh: Selecting a Meta-Heuristic Technique for Smart Micro-Grid Optimization Problem

of variable load for 24 hours. It is supplied by the different

energy sources of MG. This variable load requirement is due
to the fact that the patterns of energy utilization by industrial,
commercial and domestic customers are different. Fig. 2 also
presents the operating reserve requirement in addition to the
standby reserve capacity of MG sources and the utility. It will
be supplied during unavailability of the supply from the main

FIGURE 1. SMG system.

If the SMG under study has MT, FC, FCEV, PV, WT, BES,
BEV, PHEV and DiG then the location of mth search agent
Xm can be characterized as (37), shown at the bottom of
this page. More information regarding the implementation
of SMG can be referred from [70], [71], [75]. All DGs FIGURE 2. Forecasted load demand (FLD) and operating reserve (OR).
generate active power at the unity power factor in the current
work. The FX and MT charges, for mounting and operation To verify the performance of different techniques, they are
of batteries used in BES, BEV and PHEV, are assumed to frequently applied on the considered problem of EOSMG for
be 465 (A Cct/ kWh) and 15 (A Cct/ kWh) [13]. The LT and 30 independent trials. The important variables of different
IR for funding the batteries of BES, BEV and PHEV are algorithms include the maximum number of iterations and
correspondingly 3 and 0.06. The tax is considered as 10% in population size. In this work, four different population num-
this work. The charging and discharging rate of batteries are bers are selected i.e. 25, 50, 100 and 200. The maximum
equal and kept at 90%. Let the minimum capacities to be 10% number of iterations is 500. For comparative analysis, the
of the maximum capacities of the batteries. The maximum algorithms WO, FF, PSO, DE, GA and TLBO are considered.
capacities of batteries are set to 500 kWh. For a time horizon The sequential optimization strategy (i.e., one-by-one param-
of one day with hourly time step, the EOSMG studies are eter) is used to tune one parameter at a time, and its optimal
performed. A PC with 2.4 GHz Intel i5-4210U CPU and value is determined empirically. For FF, attraction coeffi-
4 GB RAM is used to simulate the techniques in MATLAB. cient, mutation coefficient and mutation coefficient damping
The operation reserve and forecasted values of load demand ratio are 2, 0.2 and 0.98, respectively. For PSO local learn-
are given in Fig 2. This figure shows the forecasted value ing coefficient and global learning coefficient are selected

 
 CBESmax,1 , C BESmax,2 , · · · , C BESmax,s1 , C BEVmax,1 , C BEVmax,2 , · · · , CBEVmax,s2 
CPHEVmax,1 , C PHEVmax,2 , · · · , C PHEVmax,s3 , Pm MT ,1 , PMT ,2 , . . . , PMT ,T ,
m m
 
 
PFC,1 , PFC,2 , . . . , PFC,T , PFCEV ,1 , PFCEV ,2 , . . . , PFCEV ,T
m m m m m m
 
 
PV ,1 , PPV ,2 , . . . , PPV ,T , PWT ,1 , PWT ,2 , . . . , PWT ,T
 

 Pm m m m m m 

 PBES,1 , PBES,2 , . . . , PBES,T , PBEV ,1 , PBEV ,2 , . . . , Pm
m m m m m

Xm = [xm,1 xm,2 . . . . . . xm,D ] × 
 PPHEV ,1 , Pm
PHEV ,2 , . . . , PPHEV ,T , PGrid,1 , PGrid,2 , . . . , PGrid,T
m m m m
 (37)

Pm DiG,1 , PDiG,2 , . . . , PDiG,T , uMT ,1 , uMT ,2 , . . . , uMT ,T ,
 m m m m m 
 
uFC,1 , uFC,2 , . . . , uFC,T
m m m
 
 
FCEV ,1 FCEV ,2 , . . . , uFCEV ,T , uPV ,1 , uPV ,2 , . . . , uPV ,T
um ,

 um m m m m 

uWT ,1 , uWT ,2 , . . . , uWT ,T , uBES,1 , uBES,2 , . . . , uBES,T
m m m m m m
 
 
um BEV ,1 , uBEV ,2 , . . . , uBEV ,T , uPHEV ,1 , uPHEV ,2 , . . . , uPHEV ,T
m m m m m
 
 
uGrid,1 , uGrid,2 , . . . , uGrid,T , uDiG,1 , uDiG,2 , . . . , uDiG,T
m m m m m m

13960 VOLUME 5, 2017

B. Khan, P. Singh: Selecting a Meta-Heuristic Technique for Smart Micro-Grid Optimization Problem

TABLE 3(A). Standard function optimal values (30 trials). TABLE 3(C). Standard function optimal values (30 trials).

TABLE 3(B). Standard function optimal values (30 trials).

In this case, these batteries are connected as loads to the
SMG. The Second case considered all connected batteries
in charged condition. Hence all batteries worked as energy


In this case, the Li-ion batteries are added in the form of
BES, BEV and PHEV in SMG test system; although, it is
the elementary component of the SMG. The key advantage
of the batteries in the SMG is to retain reliability, make
possible the incorporation of renewable energy sources, and
enhance the quality of power [73], [76], [77]. The Li-ion
batteries commit during the time period when there is no
charge; therefore, the discharging is limited to the charging in
the preceding hours. To observe effectiveness of the batteries
with appropriate and optimum capacity, maximum sizes of
batteries (CBES max , CBEV max , CPHEV max ) are considered
as the control parameters.
A DiG set is incorporated in the micro-grid system. The
diesel fuel price Cf is 1.33 (A Cct/l). The values of DiG’s
fuel consumption curve parameters a, b, c are 0.246, 0.0815,
and 0.4333, respectively.
In the above case, the EOSMG is solved for the system
to minimize the total operation cost and find the economical
as 1.5 and 2, respectively. The inertia weight damping ratio size of batteries as well as the optimal output of FC, MT, WT,
is selected as 0.99. For DE upper and lower bound of scaling PV, FCEV, BEV, PHEV, BES, DiG and GRID. The mathe-
factor and cross over probability are 0.8, 0.2 and 0.2, respec- matical optimum output of EVTs, DGs, DiG, utility and BES
tively. For GA, mutation rate, population size and crossover are calculated by six algorithms and provided in Fig 9(A).
rate are considered as 0.1, 50, and 0.7, correspondingly. It must be noted that the economical sizes of BES, BEV and
To identify an effective algorithm, two different cases of the PHEV in this work are 50 kWh each. The results obtained
proposed formulation are considered. For the first case, all by different algorithms, depicted in Table 4. The divergence
batteries are connected to the system at no charge condition. characteristic of six algorithms is presented in Fig. 7(A).

VOLUME 5, 2017 13961

B. Khan, P. Singh: Selecting a Meta-Heuristic Technique for Smart Micro-Grid Optimization Problem

FIGURE 3(A). Convergence curve of selected algorithm on different FIGURE 3(B). Convergence curve of selected algorithm on different
population. (a1) Population:25. (a2) Population:25. (b1) Population:50. population. (c1) Population:100. (c2) Population:100. (d1) Population:200.
(b2) Population:50. (d2) Population:200.

B. CASE 2: DISCHARGING MODE OF BATTERIES in Fig. 9(B). Due to economical power supplied by batteries,
In this case, all the batteries are fully charged, the optimal it is beneficial for EOSMG to purchase power from BES and
power output of MT, FC, BES, BEV, PHEV, FCEV, PV, WT, EVTs. In this case, the system considers batteries of opti-
DiG and power grid for six algorithms in the SMG are shown mum size 50 kWh. A comparative analysis among different

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B. Khan, P. Singh: Selecting a Meta-Heuristic Technique for Smart Micro-Grid Optimization Problem

TABLE 4. Case I.


For selecting suitable meta-heuristic technique, all the algo-
rithms are first applied on nineteen standard test functions.
These functions are presented in Appendix A2, A3 and A4.
These functions are categorized as uni-model, multi-model
and composite functions. Table 3(A), 3(B), and 3(C) sum-
marized the results obtained from the different algorithms
on standard functions for 30 trials. The comparison among
six algorithms on different standard functions is based on
their mean and standard deviation. In the first category of
benchmark functions (i.e. uni-modal): the minimum mean
values and standard deviation of functions F1, F2 and F3
are obtained by TLBO; F4, F5 and F6 are obtained by DE;
F7 is obtained by FF. For the second category of benchmark
FIGURE 4. Average fitness values on different population.
(a) Population:25. (b) Population:50. (c) Population:100. functions (i.e. multi-modal): the minimum mean values and
(d) Population:200. standard deviation of functions F8 is obtained by GA; F9 is
obtained by WO; F10 and F11 are obtained by TLBO; F11,
algorithms on optimal operation costs for 25, 50, 100 F12 and F13 are obtained by DE. For the third category (i.e.
and 200 population sizes is also presented. The results composite benchmark functions): the minimum mean values
obtained by different algorithms and their convergence char- of functions F14 is obtained by DE; F15 and F18 are obtained
acteristic are shown in Table 5 and Fig. 7(B), respectively. by TLBO; F16, F17 and F19 are obtained by WO. Whereas

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B. Khan, P. Singh: Selecting a Meta-Heuristic Technique for Smart Micro-Grid Optimization Problem

FIGURE 5(A1). Trajectory of F1 (a1-a6) for different algorithm. (a1) WO. (a2) FF. (a3) PSO. (a4) DE. (a5) GA. (a6) TLBO.

for the third category (i.e. composite benchmark functions): second best is TLBO as well as their performance are stable;
the standard deviations of functions F14, F16 and F17 are for the composite benchmark functions the performance of
obtained by DE; F15 and F19 are obtained by GA; F18 is WO is best, but their standard deviations are not least, i.e. it’s
obtained by TLBO. From the above analysis, it is observed performance is not stable (there is a lot of fluctuation in the
that for the uni-modal benchmark functions the performance computed mean values).
of TLBO and DE is better and stable; for the multi-modal Fig. 3(A) and (B) presents the comparison of convergence
benchmark function the performance of DE is best and the characteristics for different algorithms for four standard

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B. Khan, P. Singh: Selecting a Meta-Heuristic Technique for Smart Micro-Grid Optimization Problem

FIGURE 5(A2). Trajectory of F2 (b1-b6) for different algorithm. (b1) WO. (b2) FF. (b3) PSO. (b4) DE. (b5) GA. (b6) TLBO.

functions (F1, F2, F8 and F9) under two categories (uni- fastest convergence of F1, F2 and F9 is provided by the TLBO
modal and multi modal). To increase the clarity and under- algorithm, which is followed by the WO algorithm. Similarly,
standability of the convergence of different algorithms, two from Figs. 3 (B-c1) and 3 (B-c2), it is clear that the fastest
different types of convergence graphs are generated: the first, convergence of F8 is obtained by the TLBO algorithm, which
normal plot of fitness value with respect to the number is followed by the DE algorithm.
of iterations; the second, semi-log of fitness with respect Fig. 4(a) to 4(d) represents the comparison of average fit-
to the number of iterations. From Figs. 3(A-a1), 3(A-a2), ness value for different algorithms on four standard functions
3(A-b1), 3(A-b2), 3(B-d1) and 3(B-d2), it is clear that the (F1, F2, F8 and F9) under two categories (uni-modal and

VOLUME 5, 2017 13965

B. Khan, P. Singh: Selecting a Meta-Heuristic Technique for Smart Micro-Grid Optimization Problem

FIGURE 5(B1). Trajectory of F8 (c1-c6) for different algorithm. (c1) WO. (c2) FF. (c3) PSO. (c4) DE. (c5) GA. (c6) TLBO.

multi modal). To show the comparative analysis among the FF algorithm. This reflects that all the search agents of TLBO
average fitness value of four functions (F1, F2, F8 and F9) as well as FF are competent to search the optimal search space
with respect to the number of iterations for six algorithms, rather than other algorithms. Similarly, from Fig. 4(b) the
five search agents are considered. From Figs. 4(a) and 4(d), minimum average fitness value for function F2 is obtained
it is apparent that the minimum average value for F1 and F9 by the PSO algorithm, which is followed by FF algorithm.
is provided by the TLBO algorithm, which is followed by the This reflects that all the search agents of PSO as well as

13966 VOLUME 5, 2017

B. Khan, P. Singh: Selecting a Meta-Heuristic Technique for Smart Micro-Grid Optimization Problem

FIGURE 5(B2). Trajectory of F9 (d1-d6) for different algorithm. (d1) WO. (d2) FF. (d3) PSO. (d4) DE. (d5) GA. (d6) PSO.

FF are capable to search the optimal search space rather from the above analysis that all the search agents of TLBO
than other algorithms. Similarly, for F8, Fig.4(c) presents the are best capable to explore the optimal search space.
minimum average fitness value obtained by the TLBO, which Fig. 5(A1), 5(A2), 5(B1) and 5(B2) provides the compari-
is followed by the DE. This reflects that all the search agents son among six algorithms based on the trajectory of the first
of TLBO as well as DE are capable to search the optimal search agent, which is obtained by using standard benchmark
search space rather than other algorithms. It is concluded function F1, F2, F8 and F9. Sub graphs (a1) to (a6) of

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B. Khan, P. Singh: Selecting a Meta-Heuristic Technique for Smart Micro-Grid Optimization Problem

TABLE 5. Case II.

and (d1) to (d6) of Fig. 5(B2) present the efforts made by

the first search agents of six search algorithms for F8 and F9.
The Trajectory is the fitness value of the first search agents
with respect to the number of iterations for any algorithm. The
analysis of Fig. 5(A1), 5(A2), 5(B1) and 5(B2) is as follows:
• For F1 and F8, the effort made by the first search agent
of WO is the maximum and TLBO is the minimum
• For F2, the effort made by the first search agent of PSO
is the maximum and TLBO is the minimum
• For F9, the effort made by the first search agent of PSO
is the maximum and FF is the minimum
It is observed from the above analysis that the overall effort
made by the first search agent of TLBO is least.
One more important comparative analysis based on the
search space history of different algorithms for four standard
FIGURE 6. Search Space history of first two agents for different
functions (F1, F2, F8 and F9) is presented in Fig. 6. From
algorithms. (a) F1. (b) F2. (c) F8. (d) F9. the sub Figures (a) to (d) of Fig. 6, it is observed that the
exploration capability of WO is the best whereas of GA is
the worst. Therefore, it is concluded that WO explores a wide
Fig. 5(A1) and (b1) to (b6) of Fig. 5(A2) provides the efforts range of search space and do not get stuck in the local minima,
made by the first search agents of six search algorithms for whereas GA explores the least range of search space and
F1 and F2. Similarly, sub graphs, (c1) to (c6) of Fig. 5(B1) easily get stuck in the local minima.

13968 VOLUME 5, 2017

B. Khan, P. Singh: Selecting a Meta-Heuristic Technique for Smart Micro-Grid Optimization Problem

TABLE 6. Characteristics of selected meta- heuristic algorithms.

From the observations of Figs. 3–6 it is concluded that: in charged condition. Hence all batteries worked as energy
• It is observed from the analysis of Fig. 3 that fastest con- sources.
vergence for most of the standard function is obtained by Case 1: For case one, the results are summarized in Table 4.
the TLBO From the results it is extracted that on most of the population
• It is clear from the analysis of Fig. 4 that all the search sizes, i.e. 25, 50 and 100, FF algorithm provided the best
agents of TLBO are best capable to explore the optimal results, while on the population size of 200, TLBO computed
search space the best results. Table 4 presents a comparison among the
• It is derived from the analysis of Fig. 5 that the effort results obtained by different techniques for EOSMG under
made by the first search agent of TLBO is least four criteria, i.e. average value, the best value, the worst value
• As per the observation of Fig. 6, WO explores a wide and standard deviation. From the results it is clear that at
range of search space than other algorithms. population size 25, 50 and 100, FF algorithm provides the
On the basis of the above aggregation it is concluded that best values i.e. 1310.512, 1255.266 and 1243.399 A Cct/day,
the performance of TLBO is the best in most of the cases respectively, while at population size 200, TLBO generates
among the selected six meta-heuristic techniques. the optimum solution (1262.903 A Cct/day). By comparing the
Apart from the comparison on different standard functions, results obtained for standard test functions and EOSMG, one
another comparison is made on EOSMG problem under four can observe that on standard functions WO and/or TLBO
different population sizes i.e. 25, 50, 100 and 200. For this compute the best results, but for the complex optimization
comparative analysis, a SMG cost minimization problem is problem (EOSMG) with a large number of variables and
proposed and different algorithms are applied on this problem constraints rather than WO and TLBO, FF gives the most
under two different cases. For the first case, all the batteries optimum results.
are connected to the system at no charge condition. In this Fig. 7(A) presents the comparison of convergence char-
case, these batteries are connected as loads to the micro acteristics of different algorithms for the EOSMG problem
grid. The Second case considered all connected batteries under case 1. From the sub Figures (a), (b), (c) and (d) of

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B. Khan, P. Singh: Selecting a Meta-Heuristic Technique for Smart Micro-Grid Optimization Problem

FIGURE 7(B). Convergence curves for case 2 at various population sizes.

FIGURE 7(A). Convergence curves for case 1 at various population sizes. (a) 25. (b) 50. (c) 100. (d) 200.
(a) 25. (b) 50. (c) 100. (d) 200.

Fig. 7(A), the analysis made from the convergence sub graphs
at different population sizes (25, 50, 100 and 200) are as TLBO is better than the other algorithms
follows: • For the population sizes 50 and 100, the convergence of
• For the population size 25, the convergence of FF and FF and GA is better than the other algorithms

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B. Khan, P. Singh: Selecting a Meta-Heuristic Technique for Smart Micro-Grid Optimization Problem

FIGURE 8(A). Variation of best cost with respect to population for case 1.

FIGURE 8(B). Variation of best cost with respect to population for case 2.

• For the population size 200, the convergence of WO and

TLBO is better than the other algorithms
From the above analysis it is concluded that under case 1
i.e. charging mode of batteries, the convergence of FF is faster
than other algorithms for the different population sizes.
A critical comparative analysis based on the increment in
population size is presented in Fig. 8(A). By the observation
of graph in Fig. 8(A), it is clear that with the increment in
population size, the performance of DE is imparted while
the performance of GA is improved. For WO and FF, the
performance is improved for increment in the population size
from 25 to 100, but it deteriorates at 200. The performances
of PSO and TLBO are unstable with an increase in population
FIGURE 9(A). Optimal power output for case 1.
Fig. 9(A) summarizes the power generation by different
energy sources for six algorithms, under the first case. Further while the negative value presents the power consumption.
power output for different population sizes i.e. 25, 50, 100 According to Fig. 9(A) and 9(B), an opportunity is avail-
and 200 are presented by the sub graphs (a) to (f) of Fig. 9(A). able for BES, BEV and PHEV that they economically stores
The positive value of graphs shows the power production energy by purchasing power from the power grid and then

VOLUME 5, 2017 13971

B. Khan, P. Singh: Selecting a Meta-Heuristic Technique for Smart Micro-Grid Optimization Problem

As per the observation of Fig. 9(A), under all the meta-

heuristic algorithms, the renewable energy sources along with
fuel cell technology (FC and FCEV) generate electric power
and supply back to the grid. Further, batteries used in BES,
BEV and PHEV are storing energy in this case (negative sign
of power). In case 1, FF provides the minimum cost for micro-
grid operation, therefore the generation by different energy
sources computed by FF algorithm is optimal generation.
Hence for the population of 25, 50, 100 and 200 the optimal
generations are 1092.57, 864.6112, 1207.583, and 1009.798
MW with respect to the optimal costs 1310.512, 1255.266,
1243.399, and 1280.419 A Cct/day.
Case 2: In the second case, it is assumed that all batteries
are in charged condition and will ready to supply electric-
ity to the grid. Table 5 presents a comparison among the
results obtained by different techniques for EOSMG under
four criteria. From the results, it is clear that at population
size 25, 50, 100 and 200, FF algorithm provides the optimal
costs i.e. 1625.751, 1590.586, 1501.22 and 1502.0 A Cct/day,
By comparing the results obtained for standard test func-
tions and EOSMG, it is observed that on standard functions
WO and/or TLBO compute the best results, but for the com-
plex optimization problem with a large number of variables
and constraints rather than WO and TLBO, FF gives the most
optimum results.
Fig. 7(B) presents the comparison of the convergence char-
acteristics of different algorithms for the EOSMG problem
under case 2. From the sub Figures (a), (b), (c) and (d) of
Fig. 7(B), for the population sizes of 25, 50, 100 and 200,
the analysis made from the convergence sub graphs are as
• For population sizes 25, 50 and 100, the convergence of
WO and FF is better than the other algorithms
• For population size 200, the convergence of WO and GA
is better than the other algorithms
From the above analysis it is concluded that under case 2,
i.e. the discharging mode of batteries, the convergence of
WO and FF is faster than other algorithms for the different
population sizes.
A comparative cost variation analysis with respect to
population size among different methods is presented in
Fig. 8(B). From Fig. 8(B), it is clear that with the increment in
population size, the performances of PSO, GA and TLBO are
improved, while for WO and FF, the performance is improved
from 25 to 100, but deteriorates at 200. The performance of
DE is unstable with an increase in population size.
Fig. 9(B) summarizes power generation by the different
FIGURE 9(B). Optimal power output for case 2.
energy sources for six algorithms, under the second case.
Further, power output for different population sizes i.e. 25,
selling that power back into the power grid during the peak 50, 100 and 200 are presented by the sub graphs (a) to (f) of
load demand. Fig.9(B). From Fig. 9(B), it is clear that all renewable energy
In Fig. 9(A) and 9(B), negative value reflects the con- sources along with FC technology generate power. Addition-
sumption of power, whereas positive value shows the ally, batteries supply back energy to the gird with positive
generation of power. sign of power. Also in case 2, FF provides the minimum

13972 VOLUME 5, 2017

B. Khan, P. Singh: Selecting a Meta-Heuristic Technique for Smart Micro-Grid Optimization Problem

cost for micro-grid operation, therefore the generation by TABLE 7. Constraints limit and Bids of the DGs, Utility, BES, Dig and EVTs.
different energy sources computed by FF algorithm is optimal
generation. Hence for the population of 25, 50, 100 and
200, the optimal generations are 751.931, 812.585, 769.386,
and 654.67 MW with respect to the optimal costs 1625.751,
1590.586, 1501.22, and 1502.00 A Cct/day.
Apart from analytical analysis, Table 6 provides the the-
oretical comparison of different properties of six meta–
heuristic techniques. This comparison is based on different
factors such as input parameters, convergence, intensification
and diversification component, advantages, drawbacks and

Currently, there is a continuously increasing demand of
TABLE 8(A). Uni-modal benchmark functions.
electrical energy. Therefore, along with conventional energy
sources, the renewable energy sources have also been inte-
grated in the system to fulfill the electrical energy demand.
Micro-gird technology provides a platform to integrate all
types of renewable and non-conventional energy sources. For
the efficient utilization of MG technology, the economic oper-
ation and control problem of micro-grid should be optimized.
Due to a large availability of optimization techniques, the
selection process of appropriate technique is cumbersome.
A comprehensive analysis of optimal economic operation
and control problem of SMG using different meta-heuristics
techniques (WO, PSO, FF, DE, GA and TLBO) is performed of different algorithms on various standard functions that
to select an appropriate optimization technique. the overall performance of TLBO is better than the other
To analyze available meta-heuristic techniques, nineteen algorithms.
standard test functions under three different categories, Further, the comparisons of different algorithms for two
i.e. uni-modal, multi model and composite, are selected. separate cases of developed EOSMG optimization problem
Additionally, a smart micro-grid system with MT, FC, PV, framework are presented.
WT, BES, EVTs and Diesel Generator is proposed to show For case 1, at population sizes 25, 50 and 100, FF algo-
the comparison of an EOSMG problem. Optimization meth- rithm provides the best values i.e. 1310.512, 1255.266 and
ods from three different categories (SI, EA and TL) are 1243.399 A Cct/day, respectively, while at population size 200,
compared on different performance parameters to show their TLBO generates the optimum solution (1262.903 A Cct/day).
effectiveness. Two different comparisons are presented, the The convergence of FF is faster than other algorithms for the
first, for standard functions and the second, for a developed different population sizes. It is observed that with the incre-
problem. Individual source generations are also provided. ment in population size, the performance of DE is impairing
The percentage of minimum mean values of fitness, for while the performance of GA is improving. For WO and FF,
different nineteen standard functions, obtained by the WO, the performance is improved for increment in the population
FF, PSO, DE, GA and TLBO are 21.05, 5.26, 0, 36.84, 5.26 size from 25 to 100, but it deteriorates at 200. The perfor-
and 36.84 respectively. The percentage of minimum standard mances of PSO and TLBO are unstable with an increase in
deviation of fitness, for different nineteen standard functions, population size.
obtained by the WO, FF, PSO, DE, GA and TLBO are 5.26, For case2, at population sizes 25, 50, 100 and 200, FF
5.26, 0, 47.36, 15.78 and 31.57 respectively. It is clear from algorithm provides the best values i.e. 1625.751, 1590.586,
the comparison of mean value, standard deviation, percentage 1501.22 and 1502.0 A Cct/day, respectively. The convergence
of minimum mean values and standard deviation of fitness for of WO and FF is faster than other algorithms for the differ-
different standard functions that the performance of TLBO ent population sizes. It is clear that with the increment in
and DE is better and stable with respect to other algorithms. population size, the performances of PSO, GA and TLBO
As per the convergence characteristic’s analysis of differ- are improving, while for WO and FF the performance are
ent algorithms, it is observed that TLBO technique has the improved from 25 to 100, but it deteriorates at 200. The
fastest convergence. All the search agents of TLBO are best performance of DE is unstable with an increase in popula-
capable to explore the optimal search space. It is observed tion size.
that WO explores a wide range of search space and easily get The comparison of different algorithms for two sep-
stuck in the local minima. It is concluded from the analysis arate cases of developed EOSMG optimization problem

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B. Khan, P. Singh: Selecting a Meta-Heuristic Technique for Smart Micro-Grid Optimization Problem

TABLE 8(B). Composite benchmark functions. TABLE 8(C). Multimodal benchmark functions.

This work will help researchers to select an appropriate

optimization method to solve MG cost minimization prob-
lems with constraints. This study may also be helpful for
the commercial utilization of MG. In addition to this other
optimization techniques may also be considered for further
study. The futuristic enhancement of the current work may
be to develop an algorithm which can provide better results
on both standard as well as practical formulations. There is
an open problem to formulate such a standard function which
can help to select a suitable optimization method for cost
minimization problems.

Constraints limits used in this study are shown in Table 7.

Standard functions used in this study are shown
in Table 8(A)–(c).

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VOLUME 5, 2017 13977

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