Infineon Hybrid Electric and Electric Cars 2019 ApplicationBrochure

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Shaping future electromobility

with semiconductor innovations

Semiconductor solutions for hybrid electric and electric cars
A vision built on semiconductors
Resource scarcity, climate change and growing energy de- Semiconductors are the key enablers behind a sustain-
mands accentuate the need for sustainable mobility able mobility vision. They play a vital role in building
choices worldwide. The answer lies in low- and zero-carbon energy efficiency into all steps of the energy supply chain,
electromobility concepts that are fit for the future. and build the basis for electrifying a broad range of dif­
A climate-friendly mobility ecosystem hinges, however, on ferent vehicles for a greener future.
energy efficiency across the entire power chain – from
generation through distribution right up to the point of use.

Experience matters
Here at Infineon, we have a long and proven track record needs at system level and an exceptionally broad product
in the delivery of innovations at the heart of the emerging portfolio serving a wide customer base, we are firmly
electric infrastructure. Building on our extensive and committed to building more sustainability into the entire
continued research, an expert understanding of design mobility landscape.

12 months
Shipped 5.8 M modules &
48 M discrete IGBTs
April 2018 – April 2019

Supplied 8 out of 10
top selling NEVs

>120 vehicle projects with
Infineon HybridPACK™
high-power modules

Commited to the future
The fast-growing adoption of electrified vehicles (EVs) EV commercialization. Which is why we are expanding
and increasingly rapid build-out of the enabling charging our current Villach site with a new, fully automated 300 mm
infrastructure present their own logistical challenges. chip factory dedicated to research and production of the
These can only be met by a trusted, experienced, commited energy-saving chips needed to support the rapidly expand-
semiconductor supplier with the innovative strength, vol- ing EV market.
ume capabilities and market reach needed for widespread

xEV volumes will rise significantly by 2023*

2018 2.2 2018 1.7



2023 4.8 2023 7.0

2018 0.8 2018 0.3



2023 4.2 2023 11.4

FHEV: Full hybrid * Cars (million units)

PHEV: Plug-in hybrid IHS Markit, March 2019.
BEV: Battery electric vehicle Information is not an endorsement of Infineon Technologies AG. Any reliance on these
MHEV 48V: Mild hybrid electric vehicle 48V results is at the third party’s own risk. Visit for more details.

Application overview

Main inverter
The inverter not only drives the electric
motor but is also used for regenerative braking
and feeding energy back to the battery.

HV-LV DC-DC converter

The DC-DC converter charges the conventional
12 V power supply net from the high-voltage bat-
tery and replaces the former belt-driven alternator.

On-board charger
The battery block is charged via an AC-DC con-
verter module. In the example shown here, an
on-board unit charges the battery. Off-board and
inductive charging solutions are also available.

Battery management system

The energy for the electric powertrain pri­marily
comes from Lithium-based battery systems
that need to be monitored to ensure occupants’

Pure electric-driven cars require heating source in
their HVAC systems. The high-voltage heater subsys-
tem is interconnected to the HV battery through pow-
er switches and generates heat for cabin comforts.

Auxiliary inverter
Instead of being belt-driven, Auxiliary inverters
such as e-compressor for HVAC systems, water
pumps, etc., are driven by electric power. Smart
and energy-efficient auxiliary inverters are mainly
realized through B6 bridges on its controller board.
Main inverter
The inverter controls the electric motor. This is a key component in electric cars as, similar to the Engine Management Sys-
tem (EMS) of combustion vehicles, it determines the driving behaviour. Regardless of whether the motor is synchronous,
asynchronous or brushless DC, the inverter always functions in a similar way and is controlled by an integrated PCB, which
should be designed to minimize switching losses and maximize thermal efficiency. Not only does the inverter drive the
electric motor, but it also captures the energy released via regenerative braking and feeds it back to the battery. As a result,
the range of the vehicle is directly related to the efficiency of the main inverter.

Phase current/

IGBT stage

CAN transceiver
5 Mbit/s
Driver stage
32-bit MCU
Multicore/ A M
Position sensor

Automotive PMIC supply
Functional Safety Safety
DC-link capacitor

LV battery HV battery
Case temperature
NTC measurement

System benefits
››Fully automotive-qualified power semiconductor port­ ››OPTIREG™ automotive PMIC multi-rail, safety power
folio including both power module and discrete solutions supply combined with AURIX™ microcontroller to enable
for flexible coverage of all motors, generators and power functional safety
classes ››Main inverter evaluation kit available to reduce system
››Highly efficient 3-phase driver thanks to very low conduc- development time
tion losses even at high switching frequencies ››Magnetic position sensors for high precision motor control
››Isolation integrated in gate driver
››Scalable 32-bit microcontroller AURIX™ family for main
inverter applications with highly cost-effective resolver
interface, accelerators for improving system efficiency and
performance, and enabling ASIL-D systems
Our semiconductor solutions for the main inverter
Our highly reliable semiconductor solutions support a wide range of motors, generators and power classes, enabling
compact and cost-efficient system designs that offer high energy efficiency thanks to the reduction of power losses.
Highlights include:

HybridPACK™ power modules XENSIV™ sensors

Our HybridPACK™ family enables a smooth transi- Our position sensors enable close-loop feedback of
tion across all power classes from HEV to EV the motor position for Field-Oriented Control (FOC) that
(from 10 kW to 175 kW). These integrated power supports the highest safety levels.
modules contain all power semiconductors Our XENSIV™ angle sensors measure the rotor
required to drive electric motors of up to 175 kW, position of the electric motor.
with the added bonus of compact inverter
designs and optimum support for water cooling.
Power management IC
OPTIREG™ automotive PMIC: ISO26262-compliant,
Automotive IGBT discretes multi-rail power supply with microcontroller-,
High-e­fficiency, low-loss IGBT discretes bundle communication-, and sensor- supply rails and moni-
our outstanding trench- and fieldstop technologies toring/supervisory functions (PRO-SIL™).
to reduce saturation voltages well below the
levels offered by competing standard NPT IGBTs –
without increasing the switching losses.
These IGBT discretes offer maximum flexibility Power management IC
and scalability when it comes to the application TLE9252V, a 14-pin automotive transceiver designed
design, for all power classes. for HS CAN networks with Flexible Data-rate up to
5 Mbit/s in automotive and industrial applications.
The dual power supply concept (state machine
supplied by VBAT „or“ VCC) avoids disruption of com-
Driver ICs
munication during VBAT cranking.
The Infineon® EiceDRIVER™ family includes single
and dual-channel automotive IGBT driver ICs
that provide galvanic isolation and bidirectional
signal transmission. These products are ideal
for the main inverter systems in automotive appli- Power management IC
cations where efficiency, space savings and TLE9251V, a 8-pin automotive transceiver designed
monitoring functions are priorities. for HS CAN networks with Flexible Data-rate up to
5 Mbit/s in automotive and industrial applications.
The TLE9251V which VCC can even be switched off,
while still being able to wake-up by signals on the
CAN bus. Additionally TLE9251V with VIO input
The scalable 32-bit microcontroller AURIX™ family
pin can interface either with 3.3 V or 5 V microcon-
is the perfect brain for energy efficient drivetrains
by combining superior performance, ASIL-D sup-
portive functions and integrated resolver-to-digital

HV-LV DC-DC converter
Different voltage levels are required by the various electronic components in an EV. High-voltage batteries with different
voltage levels are currently available on the market. In addition, the power classes scale from 1 kW to 5 kW depending
on the number of low-voltage applications. In the past, the alternator was used to supply the 12 V power supply system.
In EVs and HEVs, the DC-DC converter supplies the 12 V power system from the high-voltage battery. Designers are
called on to increase the conversion efficiency as a way of extending the range of the vehicle. Furthermore, different com-
ponents may be required depending on whether the design is geared toward a uni- or bidirectional energy transfer.

Power stage Power stage

HV battery LV battery

temperature Driver stage
Automotive PMIC
current Safety
Functional Safety

32-bit MCU
Driver stage Multicore/

CAN transceiver
5 Mbit/s

System benefits
››Fully automotive-qualified product portfolio including ››32-bit multicore microcontrollers enabling sub-system
both power module and discrete solutions integration (PFC + DC-DC control)
››Supports a wide range of highly efficient conversion ››OPTIREG™ automotive PMIC includes functions for func-
topologies (including bidirectional) tional safety and enables power supply of complete system
››Compact design with the highest power density ››Automotive standard communication (CAN)
››Very low switching losses at high switching frequencies ››Evaluation kit available to reduce system development time
››Isolation integrated in gate driver
Our semiconductor solutions for the DC-DC converter

Our chip solutions enable designers to build small DC-DC converters with a high power density, thereby supporting all
voltage and power classes. Highlights include:

MOSFET­ Automotive IGBT discretes

CoolMOS™ transistors for the high-voltage side – High-efficiency, low-loss IGBT discretes bundle our
this MOSFET is based on our superjunction tech- outstanding trench- and fieldstop technologies
nology, ensuring a low RDS(on) at high switching to reduce saturation voltages well below the levels
frequencies. offered by competing standard NPT IGBTs – with-
out increasing the switching losses. These IGBT dis-
cretes offer maximum flexibility when it comes to
Automotive EasyPACK™ power module application design.
Our EasyPACK™ automotive power modules with
a high-speed IGBT3 and rapid diode enable a
compact design and the highest energy efficiency
ratings for converters from about 2–10 kW. Power management IC
Multi-rail power supply optimized for system supply
and functional safety.
Driver ICs
The EiceDRIVER™ family includes single and dual-
channel automotive IGBT driver ICs that provide gal-
vanic isolation and bidirectional signal transmission.
Power management IC
TLE9252V, a 14-pin automotive transceiver designed
These products significantly reduce the space
for HS CAN networks with Flexible Data-rate up to
requirements on the control board. Our automotive-
5 Mbit/s in automotive and industrial applications.
qualified gate driver ICs help simplify design and
The dual power supply concept (state machine
optimize performance in all FETs and IGBTs driving
supplied by VBAT „or“ VCC) avoids disruption of com-
munication during VBAT cranking.

Thanks to its multicore architecture, our highly
scalable 32-bit microcontroller AURIX™ family Power management IC
enables sub-system integration e.g. PFC + DC-DC TLE9251V, a 8-pin automotive transceiver designed
control, thereby reducing the design-in effort. for HS CAN networks with Flexible Data-rate up to
5 Mbit/s in automotive and industrial applications.
The TLE9251V which VCC can even be switched off,
Power management IC while still being able to wake-up by signals on the
TLE4997/TLE4998 family of XENSIV™ linear Hall CAN bus. Additionally TLE9251V with VIO input
sensors allow high precision current measurement pin can interface either with 3.3 V or 5 V microcon-
by integrating them into a closed loop current trollers.

On-board charger
The battery in an electric vehicle is useless without a battery charger. Furthermore, all electronic systems depend on the
battery for power. In battery electrical vehicles and plug-in hybrid electrical vehicles, the battery can be charged from a
standard power outlet. Charging via the main grid calls for design flexibility due to the different voltage and current levels
in different countries. And needless to say, the charging time is also an important factor for car drivers. System designers
face the challenge of supporting the varied voltage and current levels while increasing the power density. When it comes to
on-board charging, the key success factors involve efficiency and a high power density for a small form factor. The long-
term trend is moving towards bi-directional charging, where the charger also feeds power from the car to the smart grid.

Power Power
filter Driver ICs Driver ICs
switches switches

Power EMC Battery
Power Power A
(grid) filter Driver ICs Driver ICs management
switches switches

Power Power
N filter Driver ICs Driver ICs
switches switches

L1 I/V measurement
L2 EMC Control display
L3 filter

32-bit MCU
Lockstep CAN
supply CAN transceiver
5 Mbit/s

System benefits
››Suitable for plug-in hybrids and battery electrical vehicles ››Adjustable current limits
››Integrated Power Factor Correction (PFC) ››Automotive standard communication (CAN)
››Galvanic isolation ››Modular concept enables 1 to 3-phase AC power supply
››Wide range of power switches from CoolMOS™ to auto­
motive IGBT discretes and EasyPACK™ power modules

Looking for Off-board charging semiconductor solutions, please visit our web-site:
Our semiconductor solutions for on-board chargers

Driver ICs the EiceDRIVER™ family includes single and dual-channel automotive IGBT driver ICs that provide galvanic
isolation and bidirectional signal transmission. These products significantly reduce the space requirements on the control
board. Our automotive-qualified gate driver ICs help simplify design and optimize performance in all FETs and IGBTs
driving stages.

Microcontroller MOSFET­
Thanks to its multicore architecture, our highly CoolMOS™ transistors – high-voltage auto­-
­scalable 32-bit microcontroller AURIX™ family motive MOSFETs for low-power charging solutions
enables sub-system integration e.g. PFC + DC-DC (overnight).
control, thereby reducing the design-in effort.

Automotive EasyPACK™ power module

Driver ICs EasyPACK™ 1B/2B – flexible power module solutions
The EiceDRIVER™ family includes single and dual- for low-power charging solutions.
channel automotive IGBT driver ICs that provide gal-
vanic isolation and bidirectional signal transmission.
Power management IC
These products significantly reduce the space
TLE4997/TLE4998 family of XENSIV™ linear Hall
requirements on the control board. Our automotive-
sensors allow high precision current measurement
qualified gate driver ICs help simplify design and
by integrating them into a closed loop current
optimize performance in all FETs and IGBTs driving

Power management IC
Automotive SiC discretes TLE9252V, a 14-pin automotive transceiver designed
Automotive CoolSiC™ Schottky diodes specifically for HS CAN networks with Flexible Data-rate up to
designed to meet the high requirements of 5 Mbit/s in automotive and industrial applications.
OBC applications regarding reliability, quality and The dual power supply concept (state machine
performance. supplied by VBAT „or“ VCC) avoids disruption of com-
munication during VBAT cranking.

Automotive IGBT discretes Power management IC

High-efficiency, low-loss IGBT discretes bundle our TLE9251V, a 8-pin automotive transceiver designed
outstanding trench- and fieldstop technologies for HS CAN networks with Flexible Data-rate up to
to reduce saturation voltages well below the levels 5 Mbit/s in automotive and industrial applications.
offered by competing standard NPT IGBTs – with- The TLE9251V which VCC can even be switched off,
out increasing the switching losses. These IGBT dis- while still being able to wake-up by signals on the
cretes offer maximum flexibility when it comes to CAN bus. Additionally TLE9251V with VIO input pin
application design. can interface either with 3.3 V or 5 V microcontrollers.

Battery management system
The battery management system is in charge of monitoring each of the cells included in a battery pack and ensuring that
they are operated within the safe operating range. It monitors and reacts to the State of Health (SoH), State of Charge (SoC)
and Depth of Discharge (DoD) with the assistance of balancing ASICs. It is also able to operate under low-current con­
sumption mode to ensure holiday parking. Furthermore, it prevents illegal manipulation of both the system and battery
packs via integrated security on the AURIX™ microcontroller.

Sensing and
12 V battery Automotive PMIC isoUART
connection Functional Safety Safety

iso UART
Sensing and Battery
32-bit MCU balancing stack
Multicore/Lockstep isoUART

iso UART
isoUART Sensing and
UART balancing

algorithm algorithm isoUART
Hardware Sensing and
security balancing
module isoUART


PT global Sensing and

CAN transceiver
CAN 5 Mbit/s balancing

System benefits
››Fully automotive-qualified product portfolio offering the ››OPTIREG™ automotive PMIC multi-rail, safety power supply
full pallet of products from a single source combined with AURIX™ to enable functional safety
››Enhanced security enabled by the integrated hardware ››Fully synchronized voltage measurement of all cells in
security module (AURIX™ HSM) the battery thanks to a low-latency IBCB communication
››Compatible communication protocol from microcontroller bus and the ADC architecture of the sensing ICs
due to sensing ICs ››Capacitive-isolated communication contributes to
››Common safety concept for microcontroller and power reducing the system cost by avoiding transformers as well
supply as common mode chokes
››Integrated standby controller in AURIX™ ››Integrated filtering facilitates the size reduction of external
filter components
Our semiconductor solutions for battery management

Microcontroller Power management IC

32-bit multicore TriCore™ microcontroller TLE9252V, a 14-pin automotive transceiver designed
family, optimized for highly demanding powertrain for HS CAN networks with Flexible Data-rate up to
applications (PRO-­SIL™). 5 Mbit/s in automotive and industrial applications.
The dual power supply concept (state machine
supplied by VBAT „or“ VCC) avoids disruption of com-
munication during VBAT cranking.
Power management IC
OPTIREG™ automotive PMIC: ISO26262-compliant,
multi-rail power supply with microcontroller-, com-
munication-, and sensor-supply rails and monitor- Power management IC
ing/supervisory functions (PRO-SIL™). TLE9251V, a 8-pin automotive transceiver designed
for HS CAN networks with Flexible Data-rate up to
5 Mbit/s in automotive and industrial applications.
The TLE9251V which VCC can even be switched off,
Power management IC
while still being able to wake-up by signals on the
Battery management sensing IC offering
CAN bus. Additionally TLE9251V with VIO input
12-channel voltage measurement, 5 temperature
pin can interface either with 3.3 V or 5 V microcon-
sensor connections and a best-in-class commu­
nication protocol.

High-voltage heater
Pure electric-driven cars require heating source in their HVAC system. The high-voltage heater subsystem is interconnected
to the HV battery through power switches. Due to strong cost pressure on this subsystem and high EMC requirements
for the HV wire lines, the designers are challenged to achieve lowest system costs on a sufficient EMC level. Infineon semi-
conductor solutions help to optimize system costs and maximize its efficiency.

HV battery
+12 V from battery


Driver IC
32-bit MCU
CAN transceiver
Driver IC

System benefits
››Automotive IGBT discretes with slow-switching capability
down-sizes EMC filters for lower system costs
››Automotive IGBT discretes with (top-side cooling)
SMD packages helps to optimize manufacturing costs and
system housing design

Our semiconductor solutions for high-voltage heater
Driver ICs the EiceDRIVER™ family includes single and dual-channel automotive IGBT driver ICs that provide galvanic
isolation and bidirectional signal transmission. These products significantly reduce the space requirements on the control
board. Our automotive-qualified gate driver ICs help simplify design and optimize performance in all FETs and IGBTs
driving stages.

Driver ICs Automotive IGBT discretes

Our automotive-qualified gate driver ICs help High-efficiency, low-loss IGBT discretes bundle
simplify design and optimize performance in all FET our outstanding trench- and fieldstop tech­
and IGBT driving stages. nologies to reduce saturation voltages well below
the levels offered by competing standard NPT
IGBTs – without increasing the switching losses.

Microcontroller Power management IC

The scalable 32-bit microcontroller AURIX™ family TLE9251V, a 8-pin automotive transceiver designed
is the perfect brain for energy efficient drivetrains for HS CAN networks with Flexible Data-rate up to
by combining superior performance, ASIL-D sup- 5 Mbit/s in automotive and industrial applications.
portive functions and integrated resolver-to-digital The TLE9251V which VCC can even be switched off,
interface. while still being able to wake-up by signals on the
CAN bus. Additionally TLE9251V with VIO input
pin can interface either with 3.3 V or 5 V microcon-

Auxiliary inverter
In HEVs and EVs, typical auxiliary systems (PTC heaters, auxiliary drives etc) are supplied via the high-voltage battery.
Notably, the devices that were formerly belt-driven (such as the e-compressor for HVAC systems, oil pumps and cooling
pumps) have now been electrified and integrated into the power system. These auxiliary inverters now deliver power
on demand, thereby increasing the vehicle’s energy efficiency. As power from the battery is expensive, the challenge is
to use the electric power as efficiently as possible.

Phase current/

HSM IGBT stage

CAN transceiver
5 Mbit/s
Driver stage
32-bit MCU
Multicore/ A M
OPTIREG™ Lockstep
Automotive PMIC AURIX™
Functional Safety Safety


DC-link capacitor

LV battery HV battery
Case temperature
NTC measurement

System benefits
››Automotive-qualified power semiconductor portfolio ››Scalable 16- and 32-bit microcontroller solutions dedi­
including both power module and discrete solutions for cated to drive (H)EV auxiliary motors
flexible coverage of all power classes ››Multi-rail power supply for AURIX™ microcontroller
››Highly efficient 3-phase driver thanks to very low ››Evaluation kit available to reduce system development time
conduction losses even at high switching frequencies ››Magnetic position sensor for high precision motor control
››Isolation integrated in gate driver
Our semiconductor solutions for the auxiliary inverter
Our fully automotive-qualified product portfolio supports a wide range of motors, generators and power classes,
enabling compact designs that offer a high power density. Highlights include:

Automotive EasyPACK™ power module XENSIV™ sensors

Our EasyPACK™ automotive power modules Our position sensors enable close-loop feedback of
enable compact designs and the highest energy effi- the motor position for Field-Oriented Control (FOC) that
ciency ratings for auxiliary drives and converters. supports the highest safety levels.
XENSIV™ Hall switches, angular- or 3D magnetic
sensors are used to control the motor commutation,
increasing efficiency under varying load conditions.
Automotive IGBT discretes
High-efficiency, low-loss IGBT discretes bundle our
outstanding trench- and fieldstop technologies Power management IC
to reduce saturation voltages well below the levels Wide portfolio of power supplies complete our semi-
offered by competing standard NPT IGBTs – with- conductor offering for auxiliary drives
out increasing the switching losses.

Power management IC
TLE9252V, a 14-pin automotive transceiver designed
for HS CAN networks with Flexible Data-rate up to
Driver ICs 5 Mbit/s in automotive and industrial applications.
Our automotive-qualified gate driver ICs help The dual power supply concept (state machine
simplify design and optimize performance in all FET supplied by VBAT „or“ VCC) avoids disruption of com-
and IGBT driving stages. munication during VBAT cranking.

Power management IC
TLE9251V, a 8-pin automotive transceiver designed
for HS CAN networks with Flexible Data-rate up
Microcontroller to 5 Mbit/s in automotive and industrial applications.
Our highly scalable, ASIL-D-supporting 32-bit The TLE9251V which VCC can even be switched off,
microcontrollers dedicated to (H)EV solutions are while still being able to wake-up by signals on the CAN
the perfect complement to our product portfolio bus. Additionally TLE9251V with VIO input pin can
for energy efficient electric drivetrains. interface either with 3.3 V or 5 V microcontrollers.

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SiC for automotive applications

Gearing up for a new generation of power electronics

Demand for plug-in hybrid and all-electric vehicles (xEV) performance plateau of silicon. Highlights such as
continues to rise. These vehicles are packed full of low switching losses, a high temperature capability and
power electronics – most of which are currently based on high switching frequency make it ideal for meeting the
silicon. However, the latest xEV designs call for advances highest xEV requirements. SiC-based solutions promise
in efficiency and power density. Silicon carbide (SiC) to be more efficient, compact and lighter than conven-
is emerging as the material of choice for overcoming the tional applications.
Higher power density

Smaller system

Si SiC

Factor 3 to 5
volume reduction
depending on system


Scalable system


For the same footprint,
SiC allows to scale the inverter
to higher power

Lighter, smaller battery and longer range

Savings by
Smaller battery using SiC

Si even

~ 40 kWh Battery


Higher autonomy
+5% to 10%


Benefits of SiC

Benefits of SiC

Efficiency increase

SiC Power density improvement

System cost reduction
Synergized expertise

As the No. 1 player in automotive power semiconductors

worldwide, Infineon has developed one of the broadest
technology portfolios available on the market. The com-
pany has developed expertise in silicon, SiC and gallium
nitride (GaN), complemented by innovative packaging and
gate driver solutions. Infineon is now leveraging over five
decades of experience in both high-voltage components
and automotive semiconductors to bring the benefits of SiC
technology to the automotive world.

SiC – where do we come from?


1992 2006
Release of the first
Start of power device power modules with
developement, SiC diodes and SiC devices insider for
Transistors for high power
industrial applications, initially
industrial motor drive 2007 2009
applications (Hybrid
on 2 inches wafer technology modules) Move to 3 inches
Release of first high power
fully integrated in the high wafer production
module with SiC Diodes
volume silicon power
manufacturing line of Infineon

Release of 2nd generation Move to 4 inches

diodes based on Infineon‘s Release of 3rd diode (100mm) wafer
unique MPS principle generation with diameter
improved thermal
Worldwide first
release of commercial
2006 properties 2010
SiC power devices
Technology portfolio

As a technology leader for SiC power semiconductors,

Infineon aims to actively drive down the cost/performance
ratio of SiC and accelerate its market introduction. Pout(W)

Building on recognized expertise in automotive systems, 1M

Infineon will support its partners in designing the next SiC
generation xEV that take full advantage of the performance
potential of SiC. All this in order to create additional value IGBT
for its customers.
10k OBC

Once Infineon is ready for an open-market approach, cus­

tomers can look forward to compact and highly efficient iaries DC-DC
SiC devices that offer performance and efficiency gains of Si MOSFET
up to 10 percent for a variety of driving scenarios. 1k 10k 100k 1M

Extension of the
5th generation
principle towards
2012 1200 V diodes
Roll out of SiC portfolio for
solar power string inverters Start of 150 mm conversion
in manufacturing

Commercial release of
Infineon‘s ultra reliable
SiC JFET switch in power Technology
modules and discrete launch of
Release of 5th CoolSiCTM
generation of diodes, MOSFET at the
introduction of thin
wafer manufacturing
2014 PCIM in
for SiC
Product portfolio overview for
(H)EV applications
Automotive power modules
HybridPACK™ 1, HybridPACK™ Light, HybridPACK™ DC6 – power module for hybrid and fully electric vehicle applica-
tions for a power range up to 100 kW

Sales name IC [A] VCES [V] Application Product status Packages

FS400R07A1E3_S7 400 705 Inverter Released HybridPACK™ 1

FS215R04A1E3D 215 400 Inverter Released HybridPACK™ 1
FS200R07A5E3_S6 200 705 Inverter Released HybridPACK™ Light
FS400R07A3E3 400 705 Inverter Released HybridPACK™ 1 DC6
FS400R07A3E3_H6 ! 400 705 Inverter Released HybridPACK™ 1 DC6 Wave

FS650R08A4P2 NEW! 650 750 Inverter Coming Q4/2019 HybridPACK™ 1 DC6i

HybridPACK™ 1 Pin-Fin – power module for hybrid electric vehicle applications for a power range up to 100 kW

Sales name IC [A] VCES [V] Application Product status Packages

FS400R07A1E3_H5 400 650 Inverter Released HybridPACK™ 1 Pin-Fin

FS200R12A1E3_H5 200 1200 Inverter Released HybridPACK™ 1 Pin-Fin

HybridPACK™ 2 – power module for hybrid and fully electric vehicle applications for a power range up to 180 kW

Sales name IC [A] VCES [V] Application Product status Packages

FS900R08A2P2_B31 900 750 Inverter Released HybridPACK™ 2 Enhanced

FS900R08A2P2_B32 900 750 Inverter Released HybridPACK™ 2 Enhanced

HybridPACK™ Drive – power module for hybrid and fully electric vehicle applications for a power range up to 175 kW

Sales name IC [A] VCES [V] Application Product status Packages

FS820R08A6P2 820 750 Inverter Released HybridPACK™ Drive

FS820R08A6P2B 820 750 Inverter Released HybridPACK™ Drive
FS820R08A6P2LB 820 750 Inverter Released HybridPACK™ Drive
FS660R08A6P2FB NEW! 660 750 Inverter Coming Q2/2019 HybridPACK™ Drive Flat
FS660R08A6P2FLB ! 660 750 Inverter Coming Q2/2019 HybridPACK™ Drive Flat

FS770R08A6P2B ! 770 750 Inverter Coming Q2/2019 HybridPACK™ Drive Wave


FS770R08A6P2LB NEW! 770 750 Inverter Coming Q2/2019 HybridPACK™ Drive Wave
FS950R08A6P2B NEW! 950 750 Inverter Coming Q2/2019 HybridPACK™ Drive Performance
FS380R12A6T4B ! 380 1200 Inverter Coming Q2/2019 HybridPACK™ Drive Performance 1200 V

HybridPACK™ DSC – molded power module for hybrid and fully electric vehicle applications for a power range
up to 75 kW

Sales name IC [A] VCES [V] Application Product status Packages

FS200R07A02E3_S6 200 700 Inverter Released HybridPACK™ DSC L

FF400R07A01E3_S6 400 700 Inverter Released HybridPACK™ DSC S1
FF450R08A03P2 NEW! 450 750 Inverter Coming Q2/2019 HybridPACK™ DSC S2

Automotive EasyPACK™ modules – power modules for auxiliaries and charger applications up to 10 kW

Sales name IC [A] VCES [V] Application Product status Packages

FS75R07W2E3_B11A 75 650 Inverter Released Automotive EasyPACK™ 2B

FS50R07W1E3_B11A 50 650 Inverter Released Automotive EasyPACK™ 1B
F4-50R07W1H3_B11A 50 650 DC-DC converter Released Automotive EasyPACK™ 1B
F4-75R07W1H3_B11A 75 650 DC-DC converter Released Automotive EasyPACK™ 1B

Evaluation kits

Board name SP nummer Description

HybridKIT™ 1+ SP000806996 Evaluation kit for applications with HybridPACK™ 1 FS400R07A1E3

Easy kit DC-DC SP001007734 Evaluation kit for applications with EasyPACK™ 1B F4-50R07W1H3_B11A
HybridKIT™ Drive SP001464622 Inverter evaluation kit with HybridPACK™ Drive FS820R08A6P2B
HybridKIT™ Drive sense SP001464626 Inverter evaluation kit with HybridPACK™ Drive FS820R08A6P2LB (long AC tabs) and LEM current sensor
HybridKIT™ DSC Coming Q2/2019 Inverter evaluation kit with HybridPACK™ DSC S FF400R07A01E3_S6
HybridKIT™ DSC S1 SP001683524 Inverter evaluation kit with HybridPACK™ DSC S1 FF400R07A01E3_S6
HybridKIT™ DSC S2 Coming Q3/2019 Inverter evaluation kit with HybridPACK™ DSC S2 FF450R08A3P2

Discrete IGBTs
Sales name IC [A] 1) VCES [V] 2) Incl. diode Application Product status Packages

AIKB20N60CT 20 600 Yes Motor drives, AirCon/HVAC, PTC heater Released TO-263-3-2
AIKP20N60CT 20 600 Yes Motor drives, AirCon/HVAC, PTC heater Released TO-220-3-1
AIKQ100N60CT 100 600 Yes Main Inverter, Motor drives, AirCon/HVAC Released TO-247-3-46
AIKQ120N60CT 120 600 Yes Main Inverter, Motor drives, AirCon/HVAC Released TO-247-3-46
AIKW20N60CT 20 600 Yes Motor drives, AirCon/HVAC, PTC heater Released TO-247-3-41
AIKW30N60CT 30 600 Yes Motor drives, AirCon/HVAC, PTC heater Released TO-247-3-41
AIKW50N60CT 50 600 Yes Motor drives, AirCon/HVAC, PTC heater Released TO-247-3-41
AIKW75N60CT 75 600 Yes Main inverter, Motor drives, AirCon/HVAC Released TO-247-3-41
AIGB15N65F5 NEW! 15 650 No DC-DC converter, On-board charger Released TO-263-3-2
AIGB15N65H5 NEW! 151 650 No DC-DC converter, On-board charger Released TO-263-3-2
AIGB30N65F5 NEW! 30 650 No DC-DC converter, On-board charger Released TO-263-3-2
AIGB30N65H5 NEW! 30 650 No DC-DC converter, On-board charger Released TO-263-3-2
AIGB40N65F5 NEW! 40 650 No DC-DC converter, On-board charger Released TO-263-3-2
AIGB40N65H5 NEW! 40 650 No DC-DC converter, On-board charger Released TO-263-3-2
AIGB50N65F5 NEW! 50 650 No DC-DC converter, On-board charger Released TO-263-3-2
AIGB50N65H5 ! 50 650 No DC-DC converter, On-board charger Released TO-263-3-2

AIKB15N65DF5 ! 15 650 Yes DC-DC converter, On-board charger Released TO-263-3-2


AIKB15N65DH5 ! 15 650 Yes DC-DC converter, On-board charger Released TO-263-3-2


AIKB30N65DF5 ! 30 650 Yes DC-DC converter, On-board charger Released TO-263-3-2


AIKB30N65DH5 ! 30 650 Yes DC-DC converter, On-board charger Released TO-263-3-2


AIKB40N65DF5 ! 40 650 Yes DC-DC converter, On-board charger Released TO-263-3-2


AIKB40N65DH5 ! 40 650 Yes DC-DC converter, On-board charger Released TO-263-3-2


AIKB50N65DF5 ! 50 650 Yes DC-DC converter, On-board charger Released TO-263-3-2


AIKB50N65DH5 ! 50 650 Yes DC-DC converter, On-board charger Released TO-263-3-2


AIGW40N65F5 40 650 No DC-DC converter, On-board charger Released TO-247-3-41

AIGW40N65H5 40 650 No DC-DC converter, On-board charger Released TO-247-3-41
AIGW50N65F5 50 650 No DC-DC converter, On-board charger Released TO-247-3-41
AIGW50N65H5 50 650 No DC-DC converter, On-board charger Released TO-247-3-41
AIKW40N65DF5 40 650 Yes DC-DC converter, On-board charger Released TO-247-3-41
AIKW40N65DH5 40 650 Yes DC-DC converter, On-board charger Released TO-247-3-41
AIKW50N65DF5 50 650 Yes DC-DC converter, On-board charger Released TO-247-3-41
AUIRG4BC30U-S 12 600 No PTC heater Released TO-263-3-2
AUIRG4PC40S-E 31 600 No PTC heater Released TO-247AD
AUIRG4PH50S 33 1200 No PTC heater Released TO-247AC

Sales name IC [A] 1) VCES [V] 2) Incl. diode Application Product status Packages

AUIRGB4062D1 39 600 Yes Motor drives, AirCon/HVAC, PTC heater Released TO-220AB
AUIRGP35B60PD 34 600 Yes DC-DC converter, On-board charger Released TO-247AC
AUIRGP35B60PD-E 34 600 Yes DC-DC converter, On-board charger Released TO-247AD
AUIRGP4062D 24 600 Yes Motor drives, AirCon/HVAC, PTC heater Released TO-247AC
AUIRGP4062D-E 24 600 Yes Motor drives, AirCon/HVAC, PTC heater Released TO-247AD
AUIRGP4063D 48 600 Yes Motor drives, AirCon/HVAC, PTC heater Released TO-247AC
AUIRGP4066D1 90 600 Yes Motor drives, AirCon/HVAC, PTC heater Released TO-247AC
AUIRGP50B60PD1 45 600 Yes DC-DC converter, On-board charger Released TO-247AC
AUIRGP65G40D0 41 600 Yes DC-DC converter, On-board charger Released TO-247AC
AUIRGF65G40D0 41 600 Yes DC-DC converter, On-board charger Released TO-247AD
AUIRGP66524D0 40 600 Yes DC-DC converter, On-board charger Released TO-247AC
AUIRGF66524D0 40 600 Yes DC-DC converter, On-board charger Released TO-247AD
AUIRGPS4070D0 120 600 Yes Main inverter, Motor drives, AirCon/HVAC Released Super-274
AUIRGR4045D 6 600 Yes Motor drives, AirCon/HVAC, PTC heater Released DPAK (TO-252)
AUIRGS30B60K 50 600 No Motor drives, AirCon/HVAC, PTC heater Released D2PAK (TO-263)
AUIRGS4062D1 39 600 Yes Motor drives, AirCon/HVAC, PTC heater Released D2PAK (TO-263)
AUIRGSL30B60K 50 600 No Motor drives, AirCon/HVAC, PTC heater Released TO262-3-901
AUIRGSL4062D1 39 600 Yes Motor drives, AirCon/HVAC, PTC heater Released TO262-3-901
AUIRGU4045D 6 600 Yes Motor drives, AirCon/HVAC, PTC heater Released IPAK (TO-251)

1) IC = Nominal current
2) VCES = Collector to emitter saturation voltage

CoolMOS™ superjunction power MOSFET
650 V CoolMOS™ CFDA
RDS(ON) TO-252 TO-263 TO-220 TO-247
420 IPD65R420CFDA
80 IPW65R080CFDA
48 IPW65R048CFDA

600 V CoolMOS™ CPA

RDS(ON) TO-262 TO-263 TO-220 TO-247
299 IPB60R299CPA
199 IPB60R199CPA
75 IPW60R075CPA
45 IPW60R045CPA

800 V CoolMOS™ C3A

RDS(ON) TO-252 TO-263 TO-247
2700 IPD80R2k7C3A
290 IPB80R290C3A IPW80R290C3A

Automotive gate driver ICs
Suitable for our power products: EiceDRIVER™ – Gate drivers providing galvanic isolation and bidirectional signal transmis-
sion with a high ambient temperature capability (supporting IGBT and SiC technologies)

Sales name IOutput [A] Maximum voltage class [V] Packages Product status
(supported IGBT technologies)
1ED020I12FTA 2 1200 DSO-20 Released
2ED020I12FA 2 1200 DSO-36 Released
1ED020l12FA2 2 1200 DSO-20 Released
1EDI2002AS 2 1200 DSO-36 Released
1EBN1001AE 15 1200 DSO-14 Released
1EDI2010AS 2 1200 DSO-36 Released
1EDI2004AS 2 1200 DSO-36 Released

Infineon’s comprehensive portfolio of automotive-qualified gate driver ICs helps simplify design and optimize performance
in all Fets and IGBTs driving stages.

Sales name IOutput [mA] Maximum voltage class [V] Packages Product status

AUIRS2336S 200 600 SOIC-28W Released

AUIRS1170S 3000 600 PSOP-8L Released
AUIRS2113S 2500 600 SOIC-16 Released
AUIRS2181S 1900 600 SOIC-8 Released
AUIRS21811S 1900 600 SOIC-8 Released
AUIRS21814S 1900 600 SOIC-8 Released
AUIRS2191S 3500 600 SOIC-8 Released
AUIRS2301S 200 600 SOIC-8 Released
AUIRB24427S 6000 600 SOIC-8 Released
AUIRS2117S 290 600 SOIC-8 Released
AUIRS2118S 290 600 SOIC-8 Released
AUIRS2123S 500 600 SOIC-8 Released
AUIRS2124S 500 600 SOIC-8 Released
AUIRS2127S 290 600 SOIC-8 Released
AUIRS21271S 290 600 SOIC-8 Released
AUIR08152S 10000 40 SOIC-8 Released
AUIR2085STR 1000 600 SOIC-8N Released

! In development
AUIR2114SS NEW 3000 700 SSOP-24
(samples available)

CoolSiC™ automotive Schottky diode
Sales name IF [A] VDC [V] Application Product status Packages

AIDW10S65C5 10 650 On-board charger, Auxiliaries Released TO247-3-41

AIDW12S65C5 12 650 On-board charger, Auxiliaries Released TO247-3-41
AIDW16S65C5 16 650 On-board charger, Auxiliaries Released TO247-3-41
AIDW20S65C5 20 650 On-board charger, Auxiliaries Released TO247-3-41
AIDW30S65C5 30 650 On-board charger, Auxiliaries Released TO247-3-41
AIDW40S65C5 40 650 On-board charger, Auxiliaries Released TO247-3-41

Battery management sensing IC

Sales name # channels Function Balancing current [mA] Temperature sensors Communication interface

TLE9012AQU 12 Sensing and balancing 150 5 isoUART

TLE9015QU – Transceiver – – UART/isoUART

High-speed CAN transceiver with

Flexible Data-rate up to 5 Mbit/s
Sales name Transmission Low-power mode Bus wake-up Wake-up Number CAN FD Package
rate (max) Iq [µA] (max) capability inputs of channels

High-speed CAN ISO 11898-5

TLE9251VSJ 5 Mbit/s < 15 µA @ 5 V stand-by l 1 l DSO-8

TLE9251VLE 5 Mbit/s < 15 µA @ 5 V stand-by l 1 l TSON-8

TLE9251SJ 5 Mbit/s < 15 µA @ 5 V stand-by l 1 l DSO-8

TLE9251LE 5 Mbit/s < 15 µA @ 5 V stand-by l 1 l TSON-8

TLE9252VSK 5 Mbit/s < 26 sleep mode l l 1 l DSO-14

TLE9252VLC 5 Mbit/s < 26 sleep mode l l 1 l TSON-14

Automotive power supplies

OPTIREG™ automotive PMIC: ISO26262-compliant, multi-rail power supply with microcontroller-, communication-, and
sensor- supply rails and monitoring/supervisory functions.

Sales name Microcontroller main voltage [V] Product status Packages

TLF35584QVVS1 5.0 Released VQFP-48

TLF35584QVVS2 3.3 Released VQFP-48
TLF35584QKVS1 5.0 Released LQFP-64
TLF35584QKVS2 3.3 Released LQFP-64

Automotive microcontrollers

Temperature ranges 4)
Max. clock frequency

Ethernet availability

Additional features/
CAN/CAN FD nodes
SRAM (incl. cache)
Program memory

Product type

External bus

interfaces 2)
interface 1)

remarks 5)


HSM 3)

AURIX™ TC3xx family

TC399XP 6/4 300 16000 2816 12 1 Gbit/s EBU, eMMC, 6x SPI, 2x FlexRay, 12x ASCLIN, EVITA K, L LFBGA-516 5/3.3 V EVR,
2x HSSL 25x SENT, 4x PSI5, 2x I²C, 4x MSC full 8-bit SCR
TC397XX 6/4 300 16000 6912 12 1 Gbit/s eMMC, 6x SPI, 2x FlexRay, 12x ASCLIN, EVITA K, L LFBGA-292 5/3.3 V EVR,
2x HSSL 25x SENT, 4x PSI5, 2x I²C, 4x MSC full 8-bit SCR
TC397XP 6/4 300 16000 2816 12 1 Gbit/s eMMC, 6x SPI, 2x FlexRay, 12x ASCLIN, EVITA K, L LFBGA-292 5/3.3 V EVR,
2x HSSL 25x SENT, 4x PSI5, 2x I²C, 4x MSC full 8-bit SCR
TC3E7QF 4/2 300 12000 1696 12 1 Gbit/s HSSL 5x SPI, 2x FlexRay, 24x ASCLIN, EVITA K, L LFBGA-292 5/3.3 V EVR,
20x SENT, 4x PSI5, 2x I²C, 2x MSC full 8-bit SCR
TC389QP 4/2 300 16000 1568 12 1 Gbit/s HSSL 5x SPI, 2x FlexRay, 24x ASCLIN, EVITA K, L LFBGA-516 5/3.3 V EVR,
25x SENT, 4x PSI5, 2x I²C, 3x MSC full 8-bit SCR
TC387QP 4/2 300 10000 1568 12 1 Gbit/s HSSL 5x SPI, 2x FlexRay, 24x ASCLIN, EVITA K, L LFBGA-292 5/3.3 V EVR,
20x SENT, 4x PSI5, 2x I²C, 2x MSC full 8-bit SCR
TC377TP 3/2 300 6000 1136 8 1 Gbit/s HSSL 5x SPI, 1x FlexRay, 12x ASCLIN, EVITA K, L LFBGA-292 5/3.3 V EVR,
15x SENT, 2x PSI5, 1x I²C, 2x MSC full 8-bit SCR
TC375TP 3/2 300 6000 1136 8 100 Mbit/s HSSL 5x SPI, 1x FlexRay, 12x ASCLIN, EVITA K, L LQFP-176 5/3.3 V EVR,
15x SENT, 2x PSI5, 1x I²C, 2x MSC full 8-bit SCR
TC367DP 2/2 300 4000 672 8 1 Gbit/s HSSL 4x SPI, 1x FlexRay, 12x ASCLIN, EVITA K, L LFBGA-292 5/3.3 V EVR,
10x SENT, 2x PSI5, 1x I²C, 1x MSC full 8-bit SCR
TC365DP 2/2 300 4000 672 8 100 Mbit/s HSSL 4x SPI, 1x FlexRay, 12x ASCLIN, EVITA K, L LQFP-176 5/3.3 V EVR,
10x SENT, 2x PSI5, 1x I²C, 1x MSC full 8-bit SCR
TC364DP 2/2 300 4000 672 8 100 Mbit/s HSSL 4x SPI, 1x FlexRay, 12x ASCLIN, EVITA K, L TQFP-144 / 5/3.3 V EVR,
10x SENT, 2x PSI5, 1x I²C, 1x MSC full LQFP-144 8-bit SCR
TC337LP 1/1 300 2000 248 8 No No 4x SPI, 1x FlexRay, 12x ASCLIN, EVITA K, L LFBGA-292 5/3.3 V EVR,
6x SENT full 8-bit SCR
TC334LP 1/1 300 2000 248 8 No No 4x SPI, 1x FlexRay, 12x ASCLIN, EVITA K, L TQFP-144 5/3.3 V EVR,
6x SENT full 8-bit SCR
TC333LP 1/1 300 2000 248 6 No No 4x SPI, 1x FlexRay, 5x ASCLIN, EVITA K, L TQFP-100 5/3.3 V EVR,
6x SENT full 8-bit SCR

1) EBU = External Bus Unit, eMMC = external MultiMediaCard, HSSL = High-Speed Serial Link
2) SPI = Serial Peripheral Interface, ASCLIN = Asynchronous/Synchronous Serial Channel Local Interconnect Network,
SENT = Single Edge Nibble Transmission, PSI5 = Peripheral Sensor Interface 5, I²C = Inter-Integrated Circuit, MSC = Micro Second Channel
3) HSM = Hardware Security Module
4) Ambient temperature range: K = -40...125°C, L = -40...150°C
5) EVR = Embedded Voltage Regulator, 8-bit SCR = Standby Controller for low-power modes

Automotive microcontrollers

Temperature ranges 4)
Max. clock frequency

Ethernet availability

Additional features/
CAN/CAN FD nodes
SRAM (incl. cache)
Program memory

Product type

External bus

interfaces 2)
interface 1)

remarks 5)


HSM 3)

AURIX™ TC2xx family

TC299TP 3/1 300 8000 728 6 100 Mbit/s EBU, HSSL 6x SPI, 2x FlexRay, 4x ASCLIN, EVITA K, L LFBGA-516 5/3.3 V EVR
15x SENT, 5x PSI5, 2x I²C, 3x MSC medium
TC298TP 3/1 300 8000 728 6 100 Mbit/s HSSL 6x SPI, 2x FlexRay, 4x ASCLIN, EVITA K, L LBGA-416 5/3.3 V EVR
15x SENT, 5x PSI5, 2x I²C, 3x MSC medium
TC297TP 3/1 300 8000 728 6 100 Mbit/s HSSL 6x SPI, 2x FlexRay, 4x ASCLIN, EVITA K, L LFBGA-292 5/3.3 V EVR
15x SENT, 5x PSI5, 2x I²C, 3x MSC medium
TC277TP 3/2 200 4000 472 4 100 Mbit/s HSSL 4x SPI, 1x FlexRay, 4x ASCLIN, EVITA K, L LFBGA-292 5/3.3 V EVR
10x SENT, 3x PSI5, 1x I²C, 2x MSC medium
TC275TP 3/2 200 4000 472 4 100 Mbit/s HSSL 4x SPI, 1x FlexRay, 4x ASCLIN, EVITA K, L LQFP-176 5/3.3 V EVR
10x SENT, 3x PSI5, 1x I²C, 2x MSC medium
TC265D 2/1 200 2500 240 5 100 Mbit/s HSSL 4x SPI, 1x FlexRay, 4x ASCLIN, No K, L LQFP-176 5/3.3 V EVR
6x SENT, 2x PSI5, 1x I²C, 2x MSC
TC264D 2/1 200 2500 240 5 100 Mbit/s HSSL 4x SPI, 1x FlexRay, 4x ASCLIN, No K, L LQFP-144 5/3.3 V EVR
6x SENT, 2x PSI5, 1x I²C, 2x MSC
TC234LP 1/1 200 2000 192 6 No No 4x SPI, 1x FlexRay, 2x ASCLIN, EVITA K, L TQFP-144 3.3 V EVR
4x SENT medium
TC233LP 1/1 200 2000 192 6 No No 4x SPI, 1x FlexRay, 2x ASCLIN, EVITA K, L TQFP-100 3.3 V EVR
4x SENT medium
TC224L 1/1 133 1000 96 3 No No 4x SPI, 2x ASCLIN, 4x SENT No K, L TQFP-144 3.3 V EVR
TC223L 1/1 133 1000 96 3 No No 4x SPI, 2x ASCLIN, 4x SENT No K, L TQFP-100 3.3 V EVR
TC222L 1/1 133 1000 96 3 No No 4x SPI, 2x ASCLIN, 4x SENT No K, L TQFP-80 3.3 V EVR

1) EBU = External Bus Unit, eMMC = external MultiMediaCard, HSSL = High-Speed Serial Link
2) SPI = Serial Peripheral Interface, ASCLIN = Asynchronous/Synchronous Serial Channel Local Interconnect Network,
SENT = Single Edge Nibble Transmission, PSI5 = Peripheral Sensor Interface 5, I²C = Inter-Integrated Circuit, MSC = Micro Second Channel
3) HSM = Hardware Security Module
4) Ambient temperature range: K = -40...125°C, L = -40...150°C
5) EVR = Embedded Voltage Regulator

XENSIV™ – automotive position sensors

Angle sensors suitable for motor position applications within the main drive and auxiliary loads
Product Technology Number of Angle output Accuracy (full temperature Applications Product Package
dies range and lifetime) status
TLE5012B(D) GMR Single and SSC (SPI); second interface 1.0° Main drive, Released TDSO-16
dual die PWM/IIF/SPC/HSM auxiliary drives
TLE5014x16(D) GMR Single and SPC, SENT, PWM, SPI 1.0° Main drive, Released TDSO-16
dual die auxiliary drives
TLE5009A16(D) GMR Single and Analog sin/cos 1.0° Main drive, Released TDSO-16
dual die auxiliary drives
TLE5109A16(D) AMR Single and Analog sin/cos 0.5° Main drive, Released TDSO-16
dual die auxiliary drives
TLE5309D AMR + GMR Dual die Analog sin/cos AMR 0.5°, Main drive, Released TDSO-16
GMR 1.0° auxiliary drives
TLE5501 TMR Singel die Analog sin/cos 1.0° Main drive, Released DSO-8
auxiliary drives

Hall switches suitable for motor position applications within the main drive and auxiliary loads
Product Type Operating point BOP Release point BRP Application Product Package
TLE4961-1M/-2M/-3M/-4M/-5M/-6M Latch 2.0/5.0/7.5/10.0/15.0 -2.0/-5.0/-7.5/-10.0/-15.0 Auxiliary drives Released SOT23/SSO-3-2
TLE4964-1M/-2M/-3M/-4M/-5M/-6M Switch 18.0/28.0/12.5/10.0/7.5/3.5 12.5/22.5/9.5/8.5/5.0/2.5 Auxiliary drives Released SOT23/SSO-3-2
TLE4968-1M/L Bipolar 1.0 -1.0 Auxiliary drives Released SOT23/SSO-3-2

3D sensors suitable for motor position applications within the main drive and auxiliary loads

Product Technology Accuracy Angle output Application Product status Package

TLE493D-A2B6 Hall 1° (x/y) I C (x/y vectors)

Main drive, Released TSOP-6
4.5° (xy/z) (xy/z vectors) Auxiliary loads
TLE493D-W2B6 Hall 1° (x/y) I2C (x/y vectors) Main drive, Released TSOP-6
4.5° (xy/z) (xy/z vectors) Auxiliary loads

LinHall for current sensing

Product Technology Interface Application Product status Package

TLE4997 Hall Analog Closed loop current sensor Released SSO-3-10, TDSO-8
Modules for current measurement in
TLE4998C Hall SPC Released SSO-3-10, SSO-4-1, TDSO-8
DC-DC, AUX-inverter and motor torque
TLE4998P Hall PWM control Released SSO-3-10, SSO-4-1, TDSO-8
TLE4998S Hall SENT Released SSO-3-10, SSO-4-1, TDSO-8

Current sensor TLI4971

Sales name Application Current range Bandwidth Sensitive error VDD UL Product status Package
[ARMS] [kHz] [%] [V] certification
TLI4971-A050T5 Drives for industry market ±70 120 ±2 3.3 No In development TISON-8
TLI4971-A050T5U Drives for industry market ±70 120 ±2 3.3 UL 1577 In development TISON-8

Microcontrollers: Please visit to access our broad product portfolio of

automotive microcontrollers.

Automotive MOSFETs: Please visit to access our broad product portfolio of
automotive MOSFETs.

Voltage regulators: Please visit to access our broad product portfolio of
automotive voltage regulators.

Sensors: Please visit to access our leading product portfolio of automotive, industrial and
consumer sensor solutions.

Where to buy
Infineon distribution partners and sales offices:

Service hotline
Infineon offers its toll-free 0800/4001 service hotline as one central number,
available 24/7 in English, Mandarin and German.

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››China, mainland ........ 4001 200 951 (Mandarin/English)
››India ........................... 000 800 4402 951 (English)
››USA ............................. 1-866 951 9519 (English/German)
››Other countries .......... 00* 800 951 951 951 (English/German)
››Direct access .............. +49 89 234-0 (interconnection fee, German/English)
* Please note: Some countries may require you to dial a code other than “00” to access this international number.
Please visit for your country!

Mobile product catalog

Mobile app for iOS and Android. Please note!

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Date: 06 / 2019 can result in personal injury.

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