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इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 10005 (1994): SI Units and Recommendations for the Use

of their Multiples and of Certain Other Units [MSD 10:
Social Responsibility]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
IS looo5: 1994
-I!50 looo: 1992
( Reaffirmed 2005 )

Indian Sta~ndard
(Second Revision)

UDC 006.057.5

Q BIS 1994
NEW DELHI 110002

November 1994 Price Group 9

Basic Standards Sectional Committee, MSD 1


This Indian Standard (Second Revision) which is identical with IS0 1000 : 1992 ‘SI units and
recommendations for the use of their multiples and of certain other units’, issued by the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO), was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on the
recommendation of the Basic Standards Sectional Committee (MSD 1) and approval of the
Management and Systems Division Council.
The text of the IS0 Standard has been approved as suitable for publication as Indian Standard without
deviations. Certain conventions are, however, not identical to those used in Indian Standards.
Attention is particularly drawn to the-following:
a) Comma ( , ) has been used as a decimal marker while in Indian Standards the current practice
is to use full point ( ) as the decimal marker.
b) Wherever the words ‘International Standard’ appear referring to this standard, they should be
read as ‘Indian Standard’.
This standard was first published in 1980 and then revised in 1985.
In this second revision, the following changes have been made:
a) Quantities and units from IS 1890 (Parts 9, 10, 12, and 13)/ISO 31 (Parts 9, 10, 12 and 13)
have been added to Annex A (Normative) giving examples of decimal multiples and sub-
multiples of SI units and of some other units which may be used. A cross reference to the item
numbers of relevant standard has been made.
b) The old definition of ‘metre’ in Annex B has been replaced by new definition.
c) The decision by International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM) in 1980
concerning the status of supplementary units has been incorporated.
In the adopted standard, normative references appear to certain International Standards for which
Indian Standards also exist. The corresponding Indian Standards which are to be substituted in their
place are listed below along with their degree of equivalence for the editions indicated:

In terna tional Corresponding Degree of

Standard Indian Standard Equivalence
IEC 27-l : 1971 IS 3722 (Part 1) : 1983 Letter symbols Technically
and signs used in electric technology : equivalent
Part 1 General guidance on symbols
and subscripts (first revision)
IS0 31-l : 1992 IS 1890 (Part 1) : 1994 Quantities and Identical
units: Part 1 Space and time (first
IS0 31-2 : 1992 IS 1890 (Part 2) : 1994 Quantitiesand Identical
units: Part 2 Periodic and related
phenomena (second revision)
IS0 31-3 : 1992 IS 1890 (Part 3) : 1994 Quantities and Identical
units: Part 3 Mechanics (second
IS0 31-4 : 1992 IS 1890 (Part 4) : 1982’) Quantities, Technically
units and symbols: Part 4 Heat (first equivalent
IS0 31-5 : 1992 IS 1890 (Part 5) : 1994 Quantities and Identical
units: Part 5 Electricity and magnetism
(first revision)
I) Under Revision
(Continued on third cover)
IS 10005: 1994
IS0 1000:1992

Indian Standard
(Second Revision)

1 Scope IEC and IS0 maintain registers of currently valid

International Standards.
This International Standard
IEC 27-l :1971,2) Letter symbols to be used in elec-
a) describes the International System of Units’) (in trical technology - Part 1: General
clauses 3, 4 and 6);

3 SI units
b) recommends selected decimal multiples and sub-
multiples of St units for general use and gives
The name International System of Units (Systeme
certain other units which may be used with the
International d’unites), with the international abbrevi-
International System of Units (in clauses 5 and 7,
ation SI, was adopted by the 11 th General Conference
and annex A);
on Weights and Measures (Conference G&kale des
quotes the definitions of the SI base units (in an- Poids et Mesures, CGPM) in 1960.
nex B).
This system includes:

- base units
Normative reference
- derived units including supplementary units
The following standard contains provisions which,
through reference in this text, constitute provisions which together form the coherent system of SI units.
of this International Standard. At the time of publica-
tion, the edition indicated was valid. All standards are
3.1 Base wits
subject to revision, and parties to agreements based
on this International Standard are encouraged to in- The International System of Units is based on the
vestigate the possibility of applying the most recent seven base units listed in table 1.
edition of the standard indicated below. Members of

1) Full InformatIon about the lnrernational System of Units IS given in a publication by the InternatIonal Bureau of Weights ana
Measures (Bureau lnternationai des Poids et Mesures, BIPM): Le Sysr&ne lnremarional d’lJnir6s (SO, irkluding an authorized
English transiation.
2) 5th edition. currently being revised.

IS looo5: 1994
IS0 MOO : 1992

tively instead of the number 1 in many practical cases;

Table 1 - SI base units for example the SI unit for angutar velocity can be
written as radian per second (rad/s).
SI base unit
Base quantity It may sometimes be useful to express derived units
Name Symbol
in terms of other derived units having special names;
for example, the SI unit for electric dipole moment is
length metre m
usually expressed as C - m instead of A. s - m.
mass kilogram kg
time second S

electric current ampere A

4 Multiples of SI units
thermodynamic kelvin K The prefixes given in table4 are used to form names
temperature and symbols of multiples (decimal multiples and sub-
amount of substance mole mol multiples) of the SI units.
luminous intensity candela cd
The symbol of a prefix is considered to be combined
with the kernel symbol” to which it is directly at-
For the definitions of the base units, see annex 6. tached, forming with it a new symbol (for a decimal
multiple or sub-multiple) which can be raised to a
~3.2 Derived units including supplementary positive or negative power, and which can be com-
units bined with other unit symbols to form symbols for
compound units.
Derived units are expressed algebraically in terms of
base units. Their symbols are obtained by means of EXAMPLES
the mathematical signs of multiplication and division;
= (JO-* m)3 = 10b6m3
for example, the SI unit for velocity is metre per sec-
ond (m/s). (lo-6s)-’ = 106s-’
1 ps-’ z

For some of the SI derived units, special names and 1 mm*/s = (10m3 m)*/s = lo-” m*/s
symbols exist; those approved by the CGPM are listed
in tables 2 and 3.
Compound prefixes shall not be used; for example,
The SI units radian and steradian are called supple- write nm for nanometre, not mFm.
mentary units. They are “dimensionless“ derived
NOTE 1 For historical reasons the name of the base unit
units (more precisely, derived units of dimension one)
for mass, the kilogram, contains the name of the SI prefix
with special names and symbols. Although the co- “kilo”. Names of the decimal multiples and sub-multiples
herent unit for plane angle and for solid angle is ex- Df the unit of mass are formed by adding the prefixes to the
pressed by the number 1, it is convenient to use the word “gram”, e.g. milligram (mg) instead of microkilogram
special names radian (rad) and steradian (sr) respec- Mg).

3) In this case, the term “kernel symbol” means only a symbol for a base unit or a derived unit with a special name. See,
however, note 1 in clause 4 about the base unit the kilogram.

IS 10005 : 1994
IS0 1000: 1992

Table 2 - SI derived units with special names, including SI supplementary units

SI derived unit
Derived quantity
Expressed in terms of SI base units
Spatial name Symbol
and St derived units

plane angle radian rad 1 rad = 1 m/m = 1

solid angle steradian sr 1 sr=l m2/m2=1
frequency hertz Hz 1 Hz = 1 s-l
force newton N 1 N = 1 kg - m/s2
pressure, Pascal Pa 1 Pa = 1 N/m2
energy. joule J 1 J=l N-m
quantity of heat
power, watt W 1 W = 1 J/s
radiant flux
electric charge, coulomb C 1 C=l A-s
quantity of electricity
eiectric potential, volt V 1 V=l W/A
potential difference,
electromotive force
capacitance farad F 1 F=l C/V
electric resistance ohm a 1 Q = 1 V/A
electric conductance siemens S 1 s = 1 a-’
magnetic flux weber Wb 1 Wb=l V.s
magnetic flux density tesla T 1 T=l Wb/m2
inductance henry H 1 H = 1 Wb/A
Celsius temperature degree Celsiusl) “C 1 “CF~ K
luminous flux lumen Im 1 Im = 1 cd asr
illuminance lux IX 1 lx = 1 lm/m2

1) Degree Celsius is a special name for the unit kelvin for use in stating values of Celsius temperature. (See
also note6 concerning the kelvin in annex B.)

IS 19905 : 1994
IS0 1000: 1992

Table 3 - SI derived units with special names admitted for reasons of safeguarding human health
SI derived unit
.Derived quantity
Expressed in tarms of SI base units
Special name Symbol
and SI derived units

activity (of a radionuclide) becquerel Bq 1 Bq = 1 s-’

absorbed dose, gray GY 1 Gy = 1 J/kg
specific energy imparted,
absorbed dose index
dose equivalent, sievert sv 1 Sv = 1 J/kg
dose equivalent index

5.2 The multiple can usually be chosen so that the

numerical values will be between 0,l and 1 000. In
Table 4 - Sl prefixes
the case of a compound unit containing a unit to the
PWfiX second or third power, this is not always possible.
Name Symbol
yotta Y
zetta 2 I,2 x lo4 N can be written as 12 kN
1018 exa E can be written as 3,94 mm
0,003 94 m
1o15 peta P
1 401 Pa can be written as 1,401 kPa
lOI2 tera T
3,l x 10-8s can be written as 31 ns
log giga G
lo6 mega M However, in a table of values of the same quantity or
lo3 kilo k in a discussion of such values within a given context,
hecto h it will generally be better to use the same multiple for
10 deca da all items, even if some of the numerical values will
10-l deci d then be outside the range 0,l to 1 000. For certain
quantities in particular applications, the same multiple
lo-* centi. C
is customarily used; for example, the millimetre is
1o-3 milli m used for dimensions in most mechanical engineering
1o-6 micro CI drawings.
nano n
10 pica P 5.3 The number ~of prefixes used in formrng com-
lo-l5 femto f pound units should be limited as far as is compatible
1o-l8 atto a with practical usage.
lo-*’ zepto 2
1o-24 yocto Y 5.4 Errors in calculations can be avoided more easrly
if all quantities are expressed in SI units, powers of
10 being used instead of prefixes.

5 Use of SI units and their multiples 6 Rules for writing unit symbols

6.1 Unit symbols shall be printed in roman (upright)

5.1 The choice of the appropriate multiple (decimal type (irrespective of the type used in the rest of the
multiple or sub-multiple) of an SI unit is governed by text), shall remain unaltered in the plural, shail be
convenience, the multiple chosen for a particular- ap- written without a final full stop (period) except for
plication being the one which will lead to numerical normal punctuation, e.g. at the end of a sentence, and
values within a practical range. shall be placed after the complete numerical value in

IS 10005 : 1994
IS0 1uw: 1992

the expression for a quantity, leaving a space be- 7 Non-S1 units which may be used with
tween the numerical value and the unit symbol, SI units and their multiples
Unit symbols shall in general be written in lower case
7.1 There are certain units, outside the SI, recog-
letters except that the first letter is written in upper
nized by the CIPM as having to be retained because
case when the name .of the unit is derived from a
of their practical importance (see tables 5 and 6).
proper name.

EXAMPLES 7.2 Prefixes given in table4 may be attached to

some of the units given in tables 5 and 6; for example,
m metre millilitre, ml. (See also annex A, column 6.)

S second
7.3 In a limited number of cases, compound units
are formed with the units given in tables 5 and 6 to-
A ampere
gether with SI units and their multiples; for example,
Wb weber kg/h; km/h. (See also annex A, columns 5 and 6.)

NOTE 4 There are some other units outside the SI which

are recognized by the CIPM for temporary use. They are
given in column 7 of the table in annex A and marked by
an asterisk (*).

6.2 When a compound unit is formed by multipli- Table 5 - Units used with the SI
cation of two or more units, this should be indicated
in one of the following ways: Unit
N-m, Nm Name Symbol Definition

NOT5 :ime minute min 1 min = 60 s

2 In systems with limited character sets a dot on the line hour h 1 h = 60 min
is used instead of a half-high dot. day d 1 d=24h

3 The latter form may also be written without a space, I0 = (x/l 80) rad
olane angle degree ’
provided that special care is taken when the symbol for one
of the units is the same as the symbol for a prefix, e.g. mN minute ’ I’ = (l/60)
is used only for millinewton, not for metre newton. second ” 1” = (l/60)

When a compound unit is formed by dividing one unit volume litre I, L’) 1 I=1 dm3
by another, this should be indicated in one of the fol-
lowing ways: mass tonnes) t 1 t=103kg

m 1) The two symbols for the litre are on an equal

m/s, m - s-l.
footing. The CIPM will, however, make a survey
A solidus (/) shall not be followed by a multiplication on the development of the use of the two symbols
sign or a division sign on the same line unless in order to see if one of the two may be sup-
parentheses are inserted to avoid any ambiguity. In pressed.
complicated cases negative powers or parentheses 2) Also called the metric ton in the English lan-
shall be used. guage.

IS 10005: 1994
IS0 1000 : 1992

Table 6 - Units used with the SI, whose values in SI units are obtained experimentally

Name Symbol Definition

energy electronvolt eV The electronvolt is the kinetic energy

acquired by an electron in passing
through a potential difference of 1 volt
in vacuum:
1 eV 2: 1,602 177 x lo-“J.

mass unified atomic U The unified atomic mass unit is equal

mass unit to l/12 of the mass of an atom of the
nuclide ‘*C:
I 1 u z 1,660 540 x lo-*’ kg.

IS 10005: 1994
IS0 1000 : 1992

Annex A

Examples of -decimal multiples and sub-multiples of SI units and of some

other units which may be used

For a number of commonly used quantities, examples of decimal multiples and sub-multiples of SI units, as well
as of some other units which may be used, are given in this annex. It is suggested that the selection shown, while
not intended to be restrictive, will none the less prove helpful in presenting values of quantities in an identical
manner in similar contexts within the various sectors of technology. For some needs (for example, in applications
in science and education), it is recognized that greater freedom will be required in the choice of decimal multiples
and sub-multiples of SI units than is exemplified in the list which follows.

Units outsido the SI recognized

Selection by the ClPM as having to be
of retained, and for spocisl cases
Item No. multiples some of their combina-tlons with
SI units Remarks and information about
In IS0 31: Quantity SI unit and sub-
units used in special fields
1992 multiples Multiples or
of the SI sub-multiples of
unit Units
units -given in
column 5

1 2 3 4 ‘5 5 7

Part 1: Space and time

1-l angle, b rad gon [gon (;r grade)], -

(plane angle) (radian) 1 gon=--- rad
0 If the radian is not used, the cnits
(degree) degree or gon (or grade) may be
1” -“cad used. Decimal subdivisions of
180 degrea are preferable to minute
, and second for most applications.
For the units degree, minute and
second for plane angle, there
lL-& shall be no space between the
I, numerical value and the unit
1” e-
1-2 solid angle
l-3.1 length km 1 nautical mile* = 1 852 m
* Recognized by the CIPM for
pm temporary use.

IS loo05 : 1994
IS0 1000: 1992

Units outside the SI recognized

Selection by the CIPM es having to be
of retained, and for special cases
ltom No. multiples some of their combinations with
SI units Remarks and information about
in IS0 31: Quantity SI unit end eub-
units used in special fields
1992 multlples Multlples or
ofthrSI sub-multiples of
unit Units
units given in
column 5
‘1 2 3 4 6 6 7

I-4 area km2 ha* (hectare), 1 ha = lo4 m2

dm2 a* (are), 1 a = lo2 m2
l Recognized by the CIPM for
temporary use.
t-5 volume m3 In 1964, the CGPM declared that
hi the name litre (I) may be used as
1 hl = IO-’ m3 a special name for the cubic
dm3 I, L decimetre (dm3) and advised
(litre) against the use of the name litre
1 I= for high-precision measure-
10V3m3= ments.
1 dm3
cl See also footnote 1) to table 5.
1 cl E 10T5 m3
cm3 ml
1 ml = 10m6 m3 =
1 cm3
l-7 time d Other units such as week, month
(day) and year (a) are in common use.
1 d=24h The definitions of month and year
(exactly) often need to be specified.
1 h = 60 min
1 min = 60 s

l-8 angular rad/s

I-10 velocity m/s 1 knot* = 1,852 km/h (exactly) =

km/h 0,514 444 m/s
1 km/h =
’ For the hour, see item No. 1-7.
& m/s
mm/h l Recognized by the CIPM for
temporary use.
l-11.1 accteleration m/s2

IS 10905: 1994
IS0 1000: 1992

Units outside the SI recognized

Selection by the CIPM as having to be
of retained, and for special cases
Item No. multiples some of their combinations with
SI units Remarks and information about
in IS0 31: Quantity SI unit and sub-
units used-in special fields
1992 multiples Multiples or
of the SI sub-multiples of
unit Units
units given in
column 5

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Part 2: Periodic and related phenomena

2-3.1 frequency THz

2-3.2 rotational S The designations “revolutions
frequency min-’ per minute” (r/min) and “revo-
lutions per second” (r/s) are
widely used for rotational fre-
quency in specifications on rotat-
ing machinery. (See also IEC
27-l .)
For the minute, see item l-7.

2-4 angular rad/s


Part 3: Mechanics
3-1 mass Mg t See footnote 2) to table 5.
1 t=103kg
3-2 volumic Mg/m3 or t/m3 or kg/l g/ml For the litre, see item No. l-6.
mass, kg/dm3 For the tonne, see item No. 3-1.
density, or g/cm3
mass density kg/m3 g/f

3-5 lineic mass, kg/m 1 tex = IO-’ kg/m = 1 g/km

linear density mglm
The unit tex is used for textile’
3-7 moment of kg-m’
3-8 momentum kg - m/s

38.1 force MN

IS iow5 : 1994
Is0 1000: 1992

Units outside the Si recognized

Selection by the CIPM as heving to be
of retained, and for special cases
Item No. multiples some of their combinations with
SI units Remarks and information about
in IS0 31: Quantity SI unit and sub-
units used in special fields
1992 multiples Multiples or
of the SI sub-multiples of
unit Units
unlts given in
column 5

-1 2 3 4 5 6 7

3-l 1 moment of kg - m*/s


3-12.1 moment of MN.m

force kN . m

3-15.1 pressure GPa bar* (bar), 1 bar = 100 kPa

MPa (exactly)
hPa 1 mbar = 1 hPa
The use of the bar shall be re-
stricted to existing uses in the
field of fluid pressure.
l Recognized by the CIPM for
temporary use.

3-15.2 normal stress GPa

3-23 viscosity, Pa . s P (poise)
(dynamic mPa.s 1 cP= 1 mPa.s
The poise and stokes are special
names for CGS units. They and
their multiples and sub-multiples
shall not be used together with
SI units.
3-24 kinematic m2/s St (stokes)
viscosity mm*/s 1 cSt = 1 mm*/s

See remark on item 3-23.

3-25 surface N/m

tension mN/m

3-26.1 energy. EJ
and work PJ
3-26.2 TJ

IS looo!5:1994
IS0 1990 : 1992

Units outsidothe SI recognized

§hction by the CIPMas havingto be
of rotalnod,and for specialcases
ltom No. multiples someof theircombinations with
Si unit and sub- SI units Romrrksand informationabout
n IS0 21: Quantity
units uwd in specirlfields
1992 multiples Multiploaor
OfthoSl rub-multiplesof
unit Unit8
units *on in
1 2 3 4 S 6 7
l-27 power GW
‘art 4~ Heat
l-1 thermo- K
dynamic (kelvin)

I-2 Celsius “C The Celsius temperature-r is

temperature (degree equal to the difference (T - TO)
Celsius) between two thermodynamic
I temperatures T and To, where
To =-273.15 K (exactly).

For the definition and the use of

the degree Celsius (“C), see
note6 under the definition of the
kelvin in annex B.
l-3.1 linear K-l For the degree Celsius, see item
expansion 4-2.

66 heat EJ
67 heat flow rate kW
4-9 thermal W/(m 8Kl For the degree Celsius, see item
conductivity 4-2.

618.1 coefficient W/(m2 - K) For the degree Celsius, see item

of heat 4-2.
4-11 thermal m2. K/W For the degree Celsius, see item
insulance 4-2.

Cl6 heat capacity kJ/K For the degree Celsius, see item
J/K 4-2.

IS 10005 : 1994
IS0 1000: 1992

Units outside the Si recognized

Selection by the CiPM as having to be
of retained, and for special cases
item No. multiples some of their combinations with
St units Remarks and information about
n IS0 31: Ouantity Si unit and sub-
units used in special fields
1992 multiples Muitipies or
of the Si rub-multiples of
unit Units
units given in
column 5

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

I-16.1 massic heat kJ/(kg- K) For the degree Celsius, see item
capacity J/M - K) 4-2.

I-16 entropy kJ/K For the degree Celsius, see item

J/K 4-2.
619 massic kJ/(kg
. K) For the degree Celsius, see item
entropy J/M - K) 4-2.

1-21.2 massic
dynamic J/kg

‘art 5: Electricity and magnetism

i-l electric kA
current A
5-2 electric A-h For the hour, see item No. l-7.
charge, 1 A-h-
quantity of 3,6 kC
electricity kC
5-3 k volumic C/mm3 or
charge, GC/m3
volume MC/m3 or
density of C/cm3
charge, kc/m3
charge C/m3
density mC/m3
6-4 areic charge, MC/m’ or
surface C/mm’
density of C/cm2
charge kc/m2

IS 10005:1994
IS0 1000:1992

Units outside the SI recognized

Selection by the CIPM as having to be
of retained, and for special cases
item No. multiples some of their combinations with
SI units Remerks and information ebout
in IS0 31: Quantity SI unit and sub-
units-used in special fields
1992 multiples Multiples or
of the SI sub-multiples of
unit Units
units given in
column 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

5-5 electric field MV/m

strength kV/m or
5-6.1 electric MV ’
potential kV
5-6.2 potential (volt)
difference, mV
tension IJJ

5-6.3 electromotive

5-7 electric flux C/cm*

density kc/m*
5-8 electric flux MC
mC .

5-9 capacitance F
5-10.1 permittivity F/m
5-13 electric C/cm*
polarization kc/m*
5-14 electric dipole C-m

IS 10005:1994
IS0 1000:1992

Units outsidr the SI recognized

Selection by the CIPM as heving to be
of retained, and for special cases
Item No. multiples some of their combinations with
Remarks and~lnformetion about
in IS0 31: Quentity SI unit andsub- SI units
units used in special fields
1992 multiples Multiples or
ofthesl sub-multiples of
unit Units
units given in
column 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

5-15 areic electric MA/m2 or

current, A/mm2
electric A/cm2
current kA/m2
density A/m2

5-16 lineic electric kA/m or

current, A/mm ’
linear electric A/cm
current A/m

5-17 magnetic kA/m or

field A/mm
strength A/cm
5-18.1 magnetic kA
potential A
difference mA

5-19 magnetic flux T

density, (tesla)
magnetic mT
induction PT
5-20 magnetic flux Wb
5-21 magnetic kWb/m
potential gblmm
522.1 self- H
inductance (henn/)
5-22.2 mutual VH
inductance nH
5-24 permeability H/m
5-27 magnetic A-m’

IS 10005: 1994
IS0 1000 : 1992

Units outside the SI recognized

Selection by the ClPM as having to be
of retainad, and for special cases
Item No. multiples some of their combinations with
SI units Remarks and information about
n IS0 31: Quantity SI unit and sub-
units used in special fields
1992 multiples Multiples or
of the SI sub-multiples of
unit Units
unlts given in
column 5

1 2 3 4 5 5 7

i-20 magnetization kA/m or

i-29 magnetic T
polarization mT

IEC magnetic N - m*/A

!7-1:1971, dipole
tern 88) moment &b-m

i-33 resistance (to GCI

direct MCI
current) kn

i-34 conductance kS
(of direct S
current) (siemens)
j-38 resistivity Gf2.m n-mm*
ii-_.(= lo-“n.m =pn.rr
kf2.m is also used.
5-37 conductivity MS/m
5-38 reluctance H--l

5-39 permeance H

5-44.1 impedance, MQ
(complex kn
impedance) SL
5-44.2 modulus of

544.3 resistance

5-44.4 reactance

IS 10005:1994
IS0 -1000:1992

Units outside the SI recognized

Selaction by the CIPM as having to ba
of ratainrd, and for spatial cases
Item No. multiples some of their combinations with
SI units Remarks and information about
n IS0 31: Quantity SI unit and sub-
units used in special fields
1992 multiplas Multiples or
of-the SI sub-multiples of
unit Units
units given in
column 5
1 2 3 4 5 5 7

-45.1 admittance, kS
(complex S
admittance) mS
i-45.2 modulus of

i-45.3 conductance

i-45.4 susceptance

i-49 active power TW In electric power technology, ac-

GW tive power is expressed in watts
MW (W), apparent power in volt am-
kW Peres (V - A) and reactive power
W in vars (var).
i-52 active energy TW.h For the hour, see item l-7.
1 W.h=
3,6 kJ

#art 6: Light and related electromagnetic radiations

i-3 wavelength m A* (angstrom), I A = IO-‘~ m =
pm IO-’ nm = 10e4 pm
l Recognized by the CIPM for
temporary use.
6-7 radiant J

6-10 radiant W
radiant ,
energy flux

6-13 radiant W/sr


IS 10005:1994
IS0 1000:1992

Units outside the Si recognized

Selection by the CiPM es heving to be
of retained, and for special cases
item No. multiples some of their combinatfons with
SI units Remarks and information about
n IS0 31: Quantity Si unit and sub-
units used in special fields
1992 multiples Multiples or
of the SI sub-multiples of
unit Units
units given in
column 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

b14 radiance W/(sr - m*)

i-15 radiant W/m*


i-16 irradiance W/m*

i-29 luminous cd
intensity (candela)

i-30 luminous flux Im


S-31 quantity of Im - h For the hour, see item 1-7.

light 1 Im-h=
3 600 Im . s
Im - s

6-32 luminance cd/m*

6-33 luminous lm/m*


6-34 illuminance lx
6-35 light lx * s

636.1 luminous lm/W


Part7: Acoustics
7-l period, s
periodic time ms
7-2 frequency MHz
7-5 wavelength m
7-6 volumic kg/m3
mass density,
IS 10005 : 1994
IS0 1000 : 1992

Units outside the Slrecognizrd

Selection by the CIPM as having to~be
of retained, end for special cases
Hem No. multiples some of their combinations with
SI units Remarks and Information about
n IS0 31: Quantity SI unit end rub-
units used In special fields
1992 multiples Multiples or
of the SI sub-multiples of
unit Units
units given in
column 5
1 2 -3 4 5 6 7

‘-9.1 static Pa
pressure mPa
r-9.2 (instantaneous)

r-11 (i;;;;Tneous) m/s


r-13 (instantaneous) m3/.s

volume flow

r-14.1 velocity of mls


1-16 sound power kW

r-17 sound W/m*
intensity mW/m*
7-18 acoustic Pa ms/m3

mechanical N - s/m

surface _ Pa - s/m
density of

dB.(decibel), 1 dB = 10-l B
IS 10005 : 1994
IS0 1000 : 1992

Units outside the SI recognized

Selection by the CIPM as having to be
of retained, and for special cases
item No. multiples some of their combinations with
SI units Remarks and information about
in IS0 31: Quantity SI unit and sub-
units used in special fields
1992 multiples Multiples or
of the SI sub-multiples of
unit Units
units given in
column 5

1 2 3 4 5 Q 7

7-28 sound B
reduction dB

7-29 equivalent m2
area of a
surface or

7-30 reverberation s

Pati 8: Physical chemistry and molecular physics

8-7 molar kJ/mol

thermo- J/mol

8-8 molar heat J/(mol - K) For the degree Celsius, see item
capacity 4-2.

8-9 molar entropy J/(mol - K) For the degree Celsius, see item
813 concentration mol/dm3 mol/l For the litre, see item l-8.
of 8, or
amount-of- kmol/m3
substance mol/m3
of B

8-18 molality of mol/kg

solute B mmol/kg

8-39 diffusion m*/s


IS 10005 : 1994
IS0 1000 : 1992

Units outside the SI recognized

Selection by the CPM as having to be
of retained, and for special cases
tern No. multiples some of their combinations with
SI units Remarks and information about
1 IS0 31: Quantity SI unit and sub-
units used in special fields
1992 multiples Multiples or
of the SI sub-multiples of
unit Unlts
units given in
column 5
1 2 3 4 5 0 7

-41 thermal m2/s


‘art 9: Atomic and nuclear physics

I-28.2 mass defect kg

mass unit),
1 uz
1,660 540 x
IO-” kg
1-33 activity MBq Ci+ (curie),
kBq 1 Ci = 3.7 x IO” Bq (exactly)
l Recognized by the CIPM for
temporary use.
b-34 massic MBq/kg
activity, kBq/kg
specific Bqlkg

j-37 half-life d a (year)

h For the hour and the day, see
S item 1-7.
‘art 10: Nuclear reactions and ionizing radiations

so-1 reaction J
energy GeV
1 eVk:
1,602 177 x
10-51.2 absorbed GY rad* (rad),
dose mGy 1 rad = lo-’ Gy

* Recognized by the CIPM for

temporary use.
lo-52 dose sv rem* (rem),
equivalent mSv 1 rem = lo-’ Sv

l Recognized by the CIPM for

temporary use.

IS 10009: 1994
IS0 1000 : 1992,

Units outside the SI recognized

Selection by the CIPM as having to be
of retained, and for special cases
ltem No. multiples some of their combinations wlth
SI unlta Remarks and information about
in IS0 31: Quantity SI unit and sub-
units used in special fields
1992 multiples Multiples or
of the SI sub-multiples of
unit Units
unlts.given In
column 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

IO-58 exposure C/kg R” (rontgen),

mC/kg 1 R = 2,58 x 10p4 C/kg (exactly)

* Recognized by the CIPM for

temporary use.
Part 12: Characteristic numbers

12-1 Reynolds I As prefixes cannot be used,

number powers of 10 may be used, e.g.
Re= 1,32 x lo3

12-8 Mach number 1


Part 13: Solid state physics ’

13-17 density of eVi’/m3 For the electronvolt, see
states J-‘/m3 item 1O-l.
13-20 Hall m3iC

13-21 thermo- V
electromotive mV

13-24 Thomson V/K For the degree Celsius, see item

coefficient mV/K 4-2.

13-28.2 gap energy J For the electronvolt, see

fJ item 1O-l.
13-38.1 Curie K For the degree Celsius; see item
temperature 4-2.

IS lwo!5: 1994
IS0 1000.: 1992

Annex B

Definitions of the base units of the international system of units

metre: The metre is the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of l/299 792 458
of a second.

[17th CGPM (1983), Resolution I]

kilogram: The kilogram is the unit of mass; it is equal to the mass of the international prototype of the kilogram.

[3rd CGPM (1901)]

second: The second is the duration of 9 192 631 770 periods-of the radiation corresponding to the transition be-
tween the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium-133 atom.

[13th CGPM (1967), Resolution l]

ampere: The ampere is that constant current which, if maintained in two straight parallel conductors of infinite
length, of negligible circular cross-section, and placed 1 metre apart in vacuum, would produce between these
conductors a force equal to 2 x Leo_’newton per metre of length.

[CIPM (1946), Resolution 2 approved by the 9th CGPM (1948)]

kelvin: The kelvin, unit of thermodynamic temperature, is the fraction l/273,16 of the thermodynamic temperature
of the triple point of water.

[13th CGPM (1967), Resolution 4)


5 The 13th CGPM(1967, Resolution 3) also decided that the unit kelvin and its symbol K should be used to express an interval
or a difference of temperature.

6 In addition to the thermodynamic temperature (symbol T), expressed in kelvins, use is also made of Celsius temperature
(symbol r) defined by the equation t-T-To, where TO= 273,15 K by definition. To express Celsius temperature, the unit
“degree Celsius”, which is equal to the unit “kelvin”, is used; in this case, “degree Celsius” is a special name used in place
of “kelvin”. An interval or difference of Celsius temperature can, however, be expressed in kelvins as well wasin degrees

mole: The mole is the amount of substance of a system which contains as many elementary entities as there are
atoms in 0,012 kilograms of carbon-l 2. When the mole is used, the elementary entities must be specified -and
may be atoms, molecules, ions, electrons, other particles, or specified groups of such particles.

[14th CGPM (1971), Resolution 33

candela: The candela is the luminous intensity, in a given direction, of a source that emits monochromatic radiation
of frequency 540 x 1012 hertz and that has a radiant intensity in that direction of l/683 watt per steradian.

[16th CGPM (1979), Resolution 31

(Continued from second cover)

In term tional corresponding Degree of

Standard Indian Standard Equivalence
IS0 31-6 : 1992 IS 1890 (Part 6) : 1983’) Quantities, Technically
units and symbols: Part 6 Light and equivalent
related electromagnetic radiations
IS0 31-7 : 1992 IS 1890 (Part 7) : 1994 Quantities and Identical ’
units: Part 7 Acoustics (first revision)
IS0 31-8 : 1992 IS 1890 (Part 8) : 1994 Quantities and Identical
units: Part 8 Physical chemistry and
molecular (first revision)
IS0 31-9 : 1992 IS 1890 (Part 9) : 1994 Quantities and Identical
units: Part 9 Atomicand nuclear physics
(first revision)
IS0 31-10: 1992 IS 1890 (Part 10) : 1994 Quantities and Identical
units: Part 10 Nuclear reactions and
ionizing radiation (first revision)
IS0 31-11 : 1992 ISl890(Pattll): 1994Quantitiesand Identical
units: Part 11 Mathematical signs and
symbols for use in the physical science
and technology (second revision)
IS0 31-12 : 1992 IS1890(Part12):1994Quantitiesand Identical
units: Part 12 Characteristic number
(first revision)
IS0 31-13 : 1992 IS 1890 (Part 13) : 1983l) Quantities, Technically
units and symbols: Part 13 Solid state equivalent
IS0 2955 : 1983 IS 11366 : 1985 Representation of SI Identical
and other units in systems with
limited characteristics for information

‘) Under Revision.
Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau ofhfiun Stumfurds Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
’ and attending to connected matters in the country.


BIS has~the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also
reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that
no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users
of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by
referring to the latest issue of ‘BIS Handbook’ and ‘Standards Monthly Additions’.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Dot No. MSD 1(89)

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected



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