Appreciation Lesson Plan
Appreciation Lesson Plan
Appreciation Lesson Plan
At the end of the lesson students should be able to:
Define and discuss what a ballad is?
Reflect the value of appreciation
Write a simple ballad
Subject Matter
Topic: Ballad of a Mother’s Heart
Materials: Visual aids, handouts.
Values Integration: Appreciation
A. Classroom Routine
B. Motivation
1) The student will be tasked to listen to the song entitled “Thanks To
You” by Tyler Collins. Afterwards, the teacher will ask them about what
the lyrics is trying to convey (expected answer: it tells us to appreciate
the good things that others done to us about how thankful you are)
2) After soliciting the students’ reflections, the teacher will connect the
song to the poem, “Ballad of a Mother’s Heart” by Jose La Villa Tierra,
that the students are about to watch.
1) The teacher will play the short video animation of the “Ballad of a
Mother’s Heart” and will asked questions afterwards.
D. Compression Questions
What is a Ballad?
3) Read examples of a ballad. You can read ballads that are in poem
form and in song form.
1. Think of a short story or anecdote. This could be sad or funny, real or made – up.
It may even be a scene from your favorite book, TV drama, or sitcom.
2. Identify your purpose for writing.
3. Keep your purpose in mind as you outline your story by assigning one event or
idea for each stanza.
4. Identify your major characters, your setting, and basic situation.
5. Brainstorm words related to your major characters, your setting, and basic
situation. If you would like to use a rhyme scheme, brainstorm rhyming words
6. Write sentences for each stanza using the words you have brainstormed.
7. Read your ballad aloud to check if it has a good rhythm.
8. Check your work against the following rubrics
9. Make final changes.
Single Story with a Story line is very Story line is The story has no
dramatic subject or clear and apparent, but lacks clear direction 25
mysterious events interesting. drama.
Simple language Uses simple Uses a mix of Uses fancy
language thatsimple language language that is
evokes images and fancy language hard to understand 25
that is hard to and visualize
Dialogue Contains two or Contains some Contains
more persons dialogue insufficient
speaking directly to dialogue 25
each other
Repeated lines Successfully uses Makes some use of Insufficient use of
repetition to repetition repetition 25
B. Each group or partner will present the ballad to the class. They may choose to read it,
chant or rap it, or sing it with music. Make sure that they check the dictionary for any
words with pronunciation that they are unsure of. Remember to speak clearly and
pronounce each word distinctly. They can practice before the performance so that
they can recite in unison.