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Eagle Passive Active Warning

Survivability System (EPAWSS)

Electronic warfare/countermeasure system

Maximizing mission
effectiveness and survivability
for the U.S. Air Force F-15 fleet

Electronic Systems
Eagle Passive Active Warning
Survivability System
An integrated all-digital system, EPAWSS provides
advanced aircraft protection and significantly improved
situational awareness to protect F-15C and F-15E
aircraft. Equipped with offensive and defensive
electronic warfare options, fully integrated radar
warning, geo-location and increased chaff and flare
capability, EPAWSS detects and defeats surface and
LRU 1 airborne threats in signal-dense contested and highly
contested environments.
How it works
The EPAWSS system collects and processes
electromagnetic energy to instantaneously capture
a 360-degree aerial field of view to provide a
LRU 2 comprehensive picture of the battlespace. This gives
the pilot maximum situational awareness, helping
to identify, monitor, analyze, and rapidly respond to
Features potential threats. Using advanced avionics and sensors,
• Leverages digital electronic warfare technology from fifth- the system takes this a step further by detecting and
generation fighter aircraft geo-locating electronic emitters to give pilots the
• Offensive and defensive digital electronic warfare capabilities option to evade, engage, counter or jam threats.

• Modular, scalable, open-system architecture Experience

Built on a foundation of more than 60 years of
• All-aspect, broadband radar warning and geolocation
experience, BAE Systems has emerged as the world
• Multispectral, radio frequency (RF) and infrared (IR) leader in electronic warfare, flying systems on more
countermeasures than 80 platforms. Unsurpassed in the field across
• Simultaneous jamming without interfering with radar and the electromagnetic spectrum, our state-of-the-art
radar warning receiver technology maximizes mission survivability for the
warfighter, providing end-to-end capabilities to
• Interoperable with active electronically scanned array radar
counter current and emerging threats. Innovating to
• Throughput and memory reserve for capability growth meet the future needs of the warfighter, BAE Systems
• Fault isolation down to a Line Replaceable Module (LRM) has produced more than 10,000 tactical electronic
supporting two-level maintenance warfare systems.

• Integrates radar warning and countermeasures into one system
• Faster countermeasures response
• Increased situational awareness
• Improved reliability
• Reduces F-15 electronic warfare footprint
• 50% more chaff and flares than aircraft today
• Ability to identify and counter future threats
• Allows F-15 to work cooperatively with other
U.S. Air Force aircraft

For more information contact:

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Cleared for open publication on 09/16 CS-16-C11-EPAWSS

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