Holiday Work Sheet 1 12th Class Maths

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Red Rose Sr. Sec.

Work Sheet 1
Mathematics(Ch: 1,2,3 and 4
Class : 12

Roll No. : Time -

Date : MM - 60  

1. Let R be a relation in the set of natural numbers N defined by 1

R = {(a, b) ∈ N × N : a < b}. Is relation R reflexive? Give a reason.

2. State the reason for the relation R in the set {1, 2, 3} given by R = {(1, 2), (2, 1)} not to be transitive. 1

3. Given set A = {a, b} and relation R on A is defined as R = {(a, a), (b, b)}. Is relation an identity 1

4. If f : R R be defined by f(x) = (3 – x3)1/3, then find fof (x). 1

5. Let f : R R is defined by f (x) = | x |. Is function f onto? Give a reason. 1

6. The binary operation * : R × R R is defined as a * b = 2a + b. Find (2 * 3) * 4. 1

7. * is a binary operation defined on Q, given by a * b = a + ab, a, b ∈ Q. Is * commutative? 1

8. If R = {(x, y) : x + 2y = 8} is a relation on N, write the range of R. 1

9. A reflexive relation is identity relation also. State true or false. 1

10. If f(x) = 27x3 and g(x) = x1/3, find gof(x). 1

11. Prove that f : R R given by f (x) = x3 + 1 is one-one function. 1

12. 1
Let f : R – R– be a function defined as f(x) = , find f –1 : Range of f R–

13.If the binary operation * on the set of integers Z is defined by a * b = a + 3b2, then find the value of 1
2 * 4.

14. * is a binary operation defined on the set of natural numbers N, defined by a * b = ab. Find (i) 2 * 3 1
(ii) 3 * 2.

15. Show that division is not a binary operation on N. 1

16. 1
Find the principal value of cot–1(– ).

17. What is the domain of the function sin–1 x? 1

18. Write the principal values of sec–1(–2). 1

19. 1

Write the principal values of .

20. Find the principal value of cosec–1(2). 1

21. Write the principal value of cosec–1(2). 1

22. 1
Write the principal value of

23. What is the domain of the function cosec–1x ? 1

24. If a matrix has 5 elements, write all possible orders it can have. 1

25. A matrix has 18 elements, write the possible orders of the matrix. 1

26. 1
If AT = and B = , then find AT – BT.

27. 1
If , find the value of y.

28. What are the possible orders of a matrix having 24, elements. 1

29. 1
Given zero matrices and . Are these matrices equal? Give reasons.

30. Form a 2 × 1 matrix A = [aij] where aij = i + 2j2. 1

31. If Xm × 3 Yp × 4 = Z2 × b, for three matrices X, Y and Z, find the values of m, p and b. 1

32. 1
Is matrix A = symmetric or skew symmetric? Give a reason.

33. 1
Matrix A = is given to be symmetric, find values of a and b.

34. 1
The matrix is a scalar matrix. State true or false. If false then what type of matrix is


35. Use elementary column operations C2 C2 – 2C1 in the matrix equation 1

36. Write the element a12 of the matrix A = [aij]2 × 2, whose elements aij are given by aij = e2ix sin jx. 1

37. If matrix A = [1   2   3], write matrix AA′ where A′ is trnaspose of matrix A. 1

38. 1
If A = [aij] = and B = [bij] = , then find 3a12 – 5b21.
39. 1
If , find x and y.

40. 1
For what value of k, the matrix is skew symmetric?

41. 1
Evaluate .

42. 1
If = 0, find x.

43. 1
If A = , find |A|.

44. What is the value of the following determinant? 1

45. 1
If A = , then write the cofactor of the element a21.

46. 1
For what value of k, the matrix has no inverse?

47. Given a square matrix A of order 3 × 3, such that |A| = 12, find the value of |A . adj A|. 1

48. 1
Evaluate the derterminant .

49. Find the minor of the element of second row and third column (a23) in the following 1


50. 1
In the given determinant , find (i) M22 (ii) A21.

51. 1
For what value of x, the matrix is singular?

52. 1
If A = , write adj A.

53. If the value of third order determinant is 12, then find the value of the determinant formed by its 1
54. 1
Find value of x, if = .

55. 1
Evaluate .

56. 1
Evaluate .

57. 1
For what value of k, the matric is invertible?

58. 1
Write the value of the determinant .

59. 1
Write |A–1| for the matrix A = .

60. If A is a non singular matrix of order 3 and |A| = – 4, find |adj A| 1

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