Ps1 CG Solution

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851 Assignment #1, 2003-09-17

Problem Statement
The design of a spacecraft power subsystem is an important driver for the mass, size, and
capability of the spacecraft. Every other spacecraft subsystem is affected by the power
subsystem, and in particular, important issues such as communications bandwidth,
thermal regulation, and structural design are largely influenced by the capabilities and
limitations of the power system. The motivation for this problem is the broad
applicability of a power-system design tool to a wide range of future design problems.

Given time histories of the power load and power source, design a power subsystem that
optimizes with respect to some specified cost function. The power source profile can be
specified directly, or determined from constituent information such as time histories of
the sunlight intensity and the changing angle of a solar panel as a spacecraft rotates with
respect to the sun. The design space for the power subsystem should contain several
types of power generation devices, such as photovoltaic arrays and radioisotope
thermoelectric generators; and several types of energy storage devices, such as batteries
and flywheels. From this design space, a system that minimizes the cost function should
be selected.

Problem Solution
The approach taken to the problem is to create a set of modular functions that are
combined to achieve a solution. The primary advantage to using this approach is that
small, simple blocks of code can be validated more easily than large, complex blocks.

Required user inputs include the following quantities:
- Load power as a function of time in Watts, sampled at constant time steps.
- Source power as a function of time in Watts, sample at constant time steps. This can
be supplied either directly as a power profile, or indirectly as constituent data such as
the time histories of incident sunlight intensity and angle of solar array with respect
to the sun.

- The length of the time step in seconds.

- The initial life fraction of the energy storage device.

- The energy initially stored in the energy storage device, in Joules.

Outputs from the design module include the following quantities:
- The mass of the power system in kilograms, including the mass of the energy storage
system (batteries or flywheel) and power generation system (solar array or RTGs).
This mass does not include other components of the system such as power
conditioning electronics.
- The cost of the energy storage and power generation systems in millions of dollars.

- The time history of the state of charge of the energy storage system, in Joules.

- The time indices at which the energy storage capacity was insufficient to meet

demand, if this has occurred.

- The time history of excess thermal energy that must be dissipated, in Joules.

- The remaining life in the storage system as a fraction of the original lifespan.

Formulas and Constraint Equations

When determining the state of charge for an energy storage device, two constraint
equations must be satisfied at all times. First, the integral of the load power must be less
than the sum of the integral of the source power and the initial stored energy, as shown in
the following equation.
t t
∫ Pload dτ ≤ ∫ Psource dτ + E (t0 )
t0 t0

Secondly, because it is impossible for an energy storage device to contain negative

energy, the energy contained in the device is constrained by a lower bound at zero, and
by an upper bound at the device maximum capacity Emax.

Emax ≥ E (t ) ≥ 0

The fraction of the lifetime lost due to a particular discharge/charge cycle on a chemical
battery can be determined using the following formula, where ∆Li is the fraction lost, di is
the depth of discharge, b is the intercept, and m is the slope. This equation was derived
from Fig. 11-11 in SMAD.
⎛ d −b ⎞
−⎜ i ⎟
∆Li = −10 ⎝ m ⎠

The remaining lifetime fraction as a function of time can then be determined by summing
the fractions lost due to each cycle. In the following equation, the lifetime fraction is L0
at time t0.
L (tn − t0 ) = L0 + ∑ ∆L
i =0

These equations summarize many of the major interactions between elements of the
power subsystem.

The following files, listed in alphabetical order, are used in the calculation of the optimal
power system and the validation of components of the power system model. The main
function is masterloop.m; all of the other functions, with the exception of the
validation functions, are called from within the function masterloop. A simplified
flow diagram for the module is shown in Figure 1.

Design Vector


Power Source Power Source

no no
= = error
Solar Array RTG

yes yes

SolarArrayPerArea.m RTGPower.m
Surface Area


Design Vector

Figure 1. Simplified flow diagram.


- Calculates the time profiles of the energy storage device state of charge and excess
thermal energy. Determines if the power and energy devices are sufficient to handle
the applied load.
- Calculates the cumulative effect of individual discharge/charge cycles on the device
- Inputs include the properties of the energy storage device and the time histories of
the source and load power.

- This file contains the functions battery_profile and delta_life.

- Validated using MER_sol4.m.


- Used to compute the effective solar radiation intensity based on the incident angle
between the line of radiation and a vector normal to the solar array surface.
- As the incident angle is a function of time, the resulting effective power intensity is
also a function of time.

- The main function, from which the other functions are called. Operates with a set of
nested ‘for’ loops, which are used to test all possible combinations of designs.


- Used to validate the model used in battery_profile.m. This function can be

run from the command line without any additional inputs.
- Reads in the source (solar array) and load (egress operations) power profiles for the
Mars Exploration Rover egress scenario planned for sol 4, as reported in the MER
Mission Plan.
- Uses battery_profiles.m to recreate the battery state of charge history shown
in the MER Mission Plan, and plots the recreated profile against the MER Missoin
Plan profile.
- Requires the Excel spreadsheet MER_sol4_input_data.xls. The accuracy of
the input data is limited by the fact that the data points were eyeballed from the plot
in the mission plan and copied to Excel point by point.
- This file contains the functions MER_sol4, plot_results, corner_times,
create_profile, and t2m.

- A spreadsheet containing data points from MER_sol4_power_profile.png.
Used for validation of the function battery_profile.

- A bitmap screen capture of the energy balance plot for MER A sol 4 egress
operations, taken from the MER Mission Plan. Used for validation of the function

- Used to visualize the effect of a single discharge/charge cycle on the lifetime of a
battery. Creates a plot of depth of discharge as a function of fraction of lifetime lost
for all types of chemical batteries being considered. This function can be run from
the command line without any additional inputs.

- Given the design requirements and the specification of the power source and energy
storage devices, PowerDesignResult.m computes the overall mass and cost,
the power available from the power source as a function of time, and the state of
charge of the energy storage device as a function of time.
- The function may also return a set of time instances at which the stored energy was
insufficient to handle the power load. Furthermore, it computes the energy storage
device’s remaining life and required energy dissipation.
- Depends on SolarPowerPerArea.m and battery_profile.m to compute
the aforementioned information.


- Reads in an Excel spreadsheet containing data on power generation and energy

storage devices (e.g. RTGs, photovoltaics, batteries, fly-wheels, etc.), and saves the
information to Matlab structures.


- Used to compute the power an RTG can generate. The power an RTG can generate
depends on the specific model of the RTG.


- Given a particular set of energy storage device properties, calculates the slope and
intercept of the plot of depth of discharge as a function of cycle life. The slope is
considered constant, based on the limited data available from SMAD and external


- Used to determine the amount of power that can be generated from a unit area of a
solar array, based on the type of the solar array and the effective illumination
intensity. It takes into account the degradation of the array over the time period, the
efficiency of the solar array, and the inherent degradation (i.e. degradation of the
solar array system due to the temperature and shadowing effects) [SMAD].
- Depends on EffectivePowerIntensity.m for computing the effective power


- This function is used to validate the functionality of PowerDesignResult.m

through a simplified LEO scenario.


- This function is used to validate the functionality of SolarPowerPerArea.m and

EffectivePowerIntensity.m through a simplified LEO scenario.

Module Validation
Energy Storage for MER
Several of the functions used in the module are validated individually. Among these is
the battery_profile function, which is validated using data from the MER Mission
Plan, as shown in Figure 2. The function MER_sol4.m reads the source and load power
profiles from an Excel spreadsheet, parses the data, and passes the power profiles to
battery_profile, which generates the Battery SOC and Excess Power profiles. The
top plot is taken from the MER Mission Plan, the middle plot shows the inputs to and
outputs from the function battery_profile, and the bottom plot shows these inputs
and outputs overlaid on the MER Mission Plan data. Although some discrepancy can be
seen in the battery state of charge profile, the shape of the profile is generally correct, and
the beginning and ending values are accurate.
Energy balance for MER A egress (Sol 4) from MER Mission Plan
Load power
Source power
Excess power
Battery SOC

Simulation data. Outputs are battery SOC and excess power.

140 100


Battery state of charge [%]

Power [W]

80 60


0 0
0 6 12 18 24
Time [Mars hours]

Simulation data overlayed on MER mission plan data

140 100

Battery state of charge [% ]

Power [W]

80 60



0 0
0 6 12 18 24
Time [Mars hours]

Figure 2. Validation of battery_profile.m using MER Mission Plan data and MER_sol4.m.
Depth of discharge and cycle lifetime
The issue of battery lifetime dependence on depth of discharge and number of cycles is
addressed by treating each discharge/charge cycle as an individual event, and tracking the
cumulative effect of the individual events. Data in SMAD and elsewhere were used to
create the relationships between depth of discharge and degradation of lifetime shown in
Figure 3. The slopes of the lines are considered constant, based on data in SMAD. This
figure may be plotted using plot_battery_dod_cycles.m.

Depth of discharge vs cycle life for secondary batteries

Nickel-Hydrogen IPV (RNH30-9)
90 Lithi um Ion (INCP77)
Silver Zi nc (SZHR25)
Nickel-Hydrogen CPV (RNHC4-1)
Depth of discharge [%]







0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
Fraction of life lost in one charge/discharge cycle [log

Figure 3. Relationship between depth of discharge and reduction in lifetime for chemical batteries.

Solar Arrays
The test function TestSolarArray.m is used to validate SolarPowerPerArea.m
and EffectivePowerIntensity.m within a specific scenario. This scenario
assumes a satellite in a low Earth circular orbit. The satellite has a fixed solar array, that
is, the incident angle of the solar array with respect to the line of solar radiation varies in
between -π and π. We also assume that the solar array is double sided and is never
eclipsed by Earth. Figure 4 is the output generated by TestSolarArray.m.

Figure 4. Solar array power intensity for a simulated low Earth orbit without an eclipse.
The blue lines represent the solar radiation intensity, which is approximately 1367 W/m2.
The green line is the effective radiation intensity the solar panels can absorb. Note that
the effective solar radiation is periodic due to the periodicity of the incident angle. The
red line represents the total power generated by the solar array. As shown by the plot on
the left, this line tracks the effective solar radiation (green), but with lower magnitude due
to the efficiency of the solar array. The plot on the right with larger time scale exhibits
the degradation of the solar array as expected. Given a solar array, the power generated
by the solar array is:

P = η ⋅ I d ⋅ I eff ⋅ A ⋅ (1 − (D0 + D (t − t0 )))

where η is the efficiency, Id is the inherent degradation, Ieff is the effective radiation
intensity, A is the surface area exposed to the radiation, D0 is the initial degradation, D is
the rate of degradation, t is the current time, and t0 is the initial time. While the harsh
environment (e.g. thermal cycling and micrometeoroid strikes) causes degradation/rate of
degradation, the inherent degradation is caused by design inefficiencies (e.g. shadowing).

Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators

The function RTGPower.m exhibits

exponentially decaying power, as
expected of a radioisotope
thermoelectric generator.

Figure 5. RTG power vs. time.

We model the power generated by an RTG using an exponentially decaying function:

P = P0 ⋅ e −kt ,

where k is 1/87.74 [1/years] for Pu-238 that is typically used for an RTG.

Module Results
The module was run using the input power profile and incident angle profile shown in
Figure 6 and Figure 7, respectively. The profile was chosen to approximate a Low Earth
Orbit to a very crude level. The fraction of life span remaining at the start of the period
was chosen to be one, and a maximum energy storage capacity of 161280 J was chosen, a
factor of ten less than the capacity of the Mars Exploration Rover batteries. The initial
energy in the batteries was selected as 60% of this amount.
Figure 6. Input power profile.

Figure 7. Input incidence angle profile (cosine of angle taken)

The solar array input vector was chose to range from one to four meters in increments of
one meter. After running masterloop, Figure 8 and Figure 9 were generated from the
module outputs. Figure 8 illustrates the mass and costs for various designs in the design
vector. The red dots indicate designs where the energy in the system dropped below zero,
indicating that the energy storage capacity is insufficient. These designs are therefore
invalid, and are not considered part of the final answer. The blue dots indicate designs
where energy conditions were successfully met. The data can be seen as 14 “columns” of
data, which correspond to the 14 different storage designs. The flywheel storage design
is the 2nd column from the right. The bottom four dots per column that are grouped
diagonally represent the range of solar array sizes for a specific solar array type.

Depending on the power input and incidence angle profiles, the number of valid and
invalid designs can change. For some profiles, all flywheel designs were determined to
be invalid. Figure 8 shows an example outcome for a solar-array based system.

Figure 8. Mass and Costs for Design vector according to the input Power profile for a solar array
source system.

Figure 9 illustrates the mass and cost for an RTG and storage system. There are only
eight discrete RTG designs, and this results in eight regions, each centered about one
RTG design. If more RTG data were incorporated, a more distinct Pareto front could be
achieved; however, the results show that for certain RTG designs, the higher-mass
options become invalid.
Figure 9. Mass and Costs for Design vector according to the input Power profile for an RTG source

Future Work
There are several ways to expand this module. The database of storage devices and
source devices could be expanded. We have included several types of secondary
batteries and eight RTGs; however, the design space could benefit from a larger selection
of solar array types. The current module implemented only three types of solar arrays to
keep computation times down while running the module. One type of flywheel3 was
included in the design space; however, if additional flywheel storage devices emerge,
they should be added to the design space. Additional storage and source types such as
fuel cells, nuclear generators, and thermoelectric converters could add to the design space,
but the more options added, the slower computation will be.

Additional work includes incorporating the mass and power draw from power
distribution systems, such as a Direct Energy Transfer (DET) or Peak Power Tracker
(PPT) system.

The spreadsheet of sources and storage devices includes the sizes of the storage units,
however they were not used. A future design could include this data and output the size
of the storage units. This could be used by a possible structures module. The heat
generated by the power system consists of additional calculations that could be made to
link up with a possible thermal subsystem.
Subsystems which would act as inputs to this power module include orbits, and
environment. Environment already has an input, the form of the Solar Intensity, but
additional data could be added. The Orbits subsystem has an effect on the Effective
Intensity, and on the Power Input profile.

1. Wertz, J., and Larson, W., Space Mission Analysis and Design, Third Edition.
Torrance, CA: Microcosm Press, 1999.
2. Ludwinski, J., et. al., “Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Project Mission Plan,”
Pasadena, CA: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, April 24, 2002, JPL-D19659.
3. Designfax,,
Sept. 16, 2003.
4. Eagle-Picher,, Sept. 16, 2003

Source Code
Following are the full contents of the Matlab and Excel source code used in this


function [energy,invalid,dissipation,life] = battery_profile(nsteps, dt, load, source, e_init, e_max, life_init, efficiency, slope, intercept)
% Inputs:
% NSTEPS The number of uniformly-spaced time values
% DT [s] The separation between the time values
% LOAD [W] The time profile of the power load
% SOURCE [W] The time profile of the power source
% E_INIT [J] The initial stored energy in the storage device
% E_MAX [J] The capacity of the energy storage device
% LIFE_INIT The fraction of the device’s usable life as of the start of the period
% EFFICIENCY The fraction of the input energy that is recoverable
% SLOPE The slope of the depth of discharge vs log life fraction plot
% INTERCEPT The y-intercept of the depth of discharge vs log life fraction plot
% Outputs:
% ENERGY [J] The time profile of the energy stored in the device
% INVALID Indices of times at which the stored energy is negative (!)
% DISSIPATION [W] The time profile of excess energy to be dissipated
% LIFE The fraction of the device’s usable life as of the end of the period
% Note that if LENGTH(INVALID)>0, the capacity of the energy storage device is insufficient
% to meet demand, and this is an invalid design. Any function calling BATTERY_PROFILE(...)
% should verify that INVALID is empty before proceeding with further calculations.

% reject any invalid inputs

if (nsteps<2)
error(’Error! NSTEPS must be at least two.’);
if (dt<=0)
error(’Error! Time step DT must be greater than zero.’);
if (length(load) ~= nsteps)
error(’Error! Length of LOAD must be NSTEPS.’);
if (length(source) ~= nsteps)
error(’Error! Length of SOURCE must be NSTEPS.’);
if (e_max<0)
error(’Error! Energy capacity E_MAX must be non-negative.’);
if (e_init>e_max)
error(’Error! Initial energy E_INIT is greater than max energy E_MAX.’);
if (life_init > 1 | life_init < 0)
error(’Error! Initial life LIFE_INIT must be between zero and one.’);
if (efficiency > 1 | efficiency < 0)
error(’Error! Charge efficiency EFFICIENCY must be between zero and one.’);

% energy starts with e_init

energy(1) = e_init;

% invalid vector starts out with no indices

invalid = [];

% actual capacity is about 95% of e_max, based on MER battery profile

e_cap = 0.95*e_max;

% life begins at initial value

life = life_init;

% create a time index vector

time = 0:length(load)-1;

% allocate memory now to speed things up

dissipation = zeros(size(time));

% integrate power and track energy storage profile

for i=2:length(time)
energy(i) = energy(i-1) + efficiency*dt*(source(i-1)-load(i-1));

% energy can’t go negative, so this should result in an invalid design

if energy(i)<0
% records the indices of invalid energy events
invalid = [invalid i];


if energy(i)>e_cap
% records the excess energy that won’t fit in the storage device
dissipation(i) = (energy(i)-e_cap)/dt;

% caps the stored energy at its maximum value

energy(i) = e_cap;

% all the indices that have negative slope

dec = find(sign(energy(2:length(energy))-energy(1:length(energy)-1)) == -1);

% all the indices that have positive slope

inc = find(sign(energy(2:length(energy))-energy(1:length(energy)-1)) == 1);

% account for depth of discharge and cycles to track life expectancy

while i<length(dec)
% the first point in a descent (i.e. the local peak)
top = max([(dec(i)-1) 1]);

% the indices in the next increasing section

temp = inc(find(inc>top));

% if there are no more increasing sections

if length(temp)==0
% depth of discharge
dod = (e_max-energy(dec(length(dec))))/e_max;

% terminate the loop


% if there is an upcoming increasing section

% interested in the first index in the increasing section
temp = temp(1);

% depth of discharge
dod = (e_max-energy(temp))/e_max;

% find the indices falling in later decreasing sections

dec = dec(find(dec>temp));


% decrement the lifetime by some fraction due to this cycle

life = life - delta_life(dod, slope, intercept);


% Determines the fraction of the storage device lifetime lost

% due to a particular discharge cycle.

function dlife = delta_life(dod_frac, m, b)

if m==0 & b==0

dlife = 0;
dlife = 10^-((dod_frac-b)/m);


function [t,L,A,E,W,life] = MER_sol4

%[T, L, A, E, W, LIFE] = MER_sol4

% Reads in the solar array input power and the load power for the Mars Exploration Rover

% egress scenario (data are from the MER Mission Plan, JPL/NASA). Requires the Excel

% spreadsheet ’MER_sol4_input_data.xls’ to be in the same directory. Determines the

% profile of the battery state of charge given the load and source power profiles,

% and plots the results.

% Outputs:

% T [min] Time vector

% L [W] Power load profile

% A [W] Power source profile

% E Time profile of fraction of battery being used

% W [W] Power dissipation profile

% LIFE Fraction of remaining usable battery lifetime

% read in data from the Excel spreadsheet

[data,clocks] = xlsread(’MER_sol4_input_data.xls’);

% time history of the load power

val = data(:,1);

val = val(find(val(:,1)>=0));

times = clocks(:,1);

times = times(1:length(val));

time = t2ms(times);

[tL,L] = create_profile(time, val, 4);

% time history of the array power

val = data(:,3);

val = val(find(val(:,1)>=0));

times = clocks(:,3);

times = times(1:length(val));

time = t2ms(times);

[tA,A] = create_profile(time, val, 0);

if (sum(tA-tL)~=0)
error(’Error! Load and input power profiles have different time vectors.’);

t = tA; % common time profile

dt = 60; % [s] chosen to simplify calculations
life0 = 1.0; % fraction of life span remaining at start of period
energy_max = 448*3600; % Joules
energy_initial = 0.59*energy_max;

% battery properties
efficiency = 1.0;
slope = -0.28;
intercept = 1.67;

% find the output

[EE, invalid, W, life] = battery_profile(length(t), dt, L, A, energy_initial, ...
energy_max, life0, efficiency, slope, intercept);

% warn if energy drops below zero

if length(invalid)>0
disp(’Battery energy went negative; invalid design.’);

% change to a percentage

E = EE/energy_max;

% plot the data



plot_results(’original’, t/60, L, A, E, W);


plot_results(’ourdata’, t/60, L, A, E, W);


plot_results(’all’, t/60, L, A, E, W);

% scale the plot

hmargin = 0;

vmargin = 0;

orient tall;

set(h,’PaperPosition’,[hmargin vmargin (8.5-2*hmargin) (11-2*vmargin)]);



% Plots the time profiles of L, A, E, and W as functions of t.

% ’What’ tells which data are to be plotted.

function plot_results(what, t, L, A, E, W)

if strcmp(what,’original’) | strcmp(what,’all’)
ax(1) = newplot;

% read in and display the MER power profile image

img = imread(’MER_sol4_power_profile.png’,’png’);

h1 = image(img);



% rescale the width by 80% (left-justified)

pos = get(ax(1),’position’);

pos(3) = 0.8*pos(3);


if strcmp(what,’original’)
% create a dummy axis on which to make a legend
dummyax = axes(’position’,[1 1 1/0.8 1].*get(ax(1),’position’));

% make dummy plots with the colors we will use for the real data

axis([0 1 0 1]);



% create the legend

h=legend(’Load power’,’Source power’,’Excess power’,’Battery SOC’,-1);

title(’Energy balance for MER A egress (Sol 4) from MER Mission Plan’);



if strcmp(what,’ourdata’)
ax(2) = newplot;
pos = get(ax(2),’position’);
pos(3) = 0.7*pos(3);
ax(2) = axes(’position’,get(ax(1),’position’));

if strcmp(what,’ourdata’) | strcmp(what,’all’)
% the source, load and excess powers, and a line to make the top look nice
h2 = plot(t, A, ’g-’, t, L, ’b-’, t, W, ’m-’, [0 24],[140 140],’k-’);

if strcmp(what,’ourdata’)






axis([0 24 0 140]);


ylabel(’Power [W]’)

% the battery state of charge percentage, with right-side axis

ax(3) = axes(’position’,get(ax(2),’position’));

h2 = plot(t, 100*E, ’r-’);

set(ax(3),’YAxisLocation’,’right’,’color’,’none’, ...


axis([0 24 0 100]);

set(ax(3),’XTick’,[0 6 12 18 24]);

ylabel(’Battery state of charge [%]’)


xlabel(’Time [Mars hours]’);

if strcmp(what,’ourdata’)
title(’Simulation data. Outputs are battery SOC and excess power.’);
title(’Simulation data overlayed on MER mission plan data’);



% translates corner value hh:mm to minutes

function corner_times = t2ms(times)

for i=1:length(times)
corner_times(i) = t2m(times{i});

% creates a power profile given corner values. corner_times must be integers.
function [t,L] = create_profile(corner_times, corner_values, initial)

% check for validity of inputs

if length(corner_times) ~= length(corner_values)
error(’Error! Invalid input to create_profile()’);
if sum(corner_times==round(corner_times))~=length(corner_times)
error(’Error! Input to create_profile() ’’corner_times’’ must contain only integers.’);

% make sure there is a time zero

t = 0:corner_times(length(corner_times));
if (corner_times(1) ~= 0)
corner_times = [0 corner_times];
corner_values = [initial corner_values];

% fill in the time profile with equal steps

for i=1:length(corner_times)-1
t0 = corner_times(i);
t1 = corner_times(i+1);
dt = t1-t0;
L(t0+2:t1+1) = (corner_values(i+1)-corner_values(i))/dt*(1:dt)+corner_values(i);

L(1) = initial;



% changes hh:mm to number of minutes since midnight

function [min] = t2m(time)

div = find(time==’:’);

if length(div)~=1

error(’Error! Invalid input to function t2m().’);

min = str2num(time(1:div-1))*60 + str2num(time(div+1:length(time)));


function plot_battery_dod_cycles(varargin)
% Plots the depth of discharge (DOD) as a function of cycle repetition lifetime
% Creates a new figure, or plots to figure number FIGNUM.

% read the data from the Excel spreadsheet

[storage, generation, solar] = power_read_xls(’power_design_vector.xls’);

% check if any data were found

slen = length(storage);
if slen==0
disp(’Warning. No energy storage device data found.’);

% check to see where it is supposed to plot

if nargin>0
var = varargin{1};
if var-fix(var) == 0
% set the figure


% set the axes

% create a new figure

% record hold state

washold = ishold;

% set up plotting properties for easy access later

colors = ’bgrmcy’;

colors = [colors colors colors colors colors colors colors];

points = ’ox+sd<>’;

points = [points points points points points points points];

% initialize

types{1} = ’’;

legstr = [];

count = 0;

% look at all elements in the storage structure

for i=1:slen

% check to see if we have seen this type yet

if ~ismember(storage(i).Type, types)
% add the newly found type to the list of known types
count = count+1;

types{count+1} = storage(i).Type;

% get the line properties from the battery characteristics

[slope, intercept] = slope_intercept(storage(i).DOD, storage(i).Cyclelife);

% ignore the case when fatigue is not a factor

if slope==0 & intercept==0


% add on the the string that we will eval for the legend
legstr = [legstr ’,’’’ storage(i).Type ’ (’ storage(i).PartNumber ’)’ ’’’’];

% offset the points so we can see overlapping data sets

x=[-1:7] + count/8;


% plot the line

plot(x,100*y,[colors(count) points(count) ’-’]);


hold on;


% return the hold state to its previous value

if ~washold
hold off;

% set nice axis limits and turn on the grid

axis([0 8 0 100]);
grid on;

% negatize the x ticks, since we’re looking at the inverse of the plotted value
ticks = str2num(get(h,’XTickLabel’));

% label the plot

title(’Depth of discharge vs cycle life for secondary batteries’);
xlabel(’Fraction of life lost in one charge/discharge cycle [log_{10}(x)]’);
ylabel(’Depth of discharge [%]’);

% create a legend
legstr = legstr(2:length(legstr));
eval([’legend(’ legstr ’)’]);


function [storage, generation, solar] = power_read_xls(filename)

% Reads in data from the Excel file FILENAME, and parses it into
% data structures. The file must contain sheets named ’Storage’,
% ’Generation’, and ’Solar’, and the sheets must be arranged in
% a particular format, or an error will result. See the file
% ’power_design_vector.xls’ for an example of proper format.

storage = [];
generation = [];
solar = [];

% read in the energy storage info

[num, txt] = xlsread(filename,’Storage’);

% add on new field names one by one

for i=1:size(txt,1)
storage = setfield(storage, txt{i,1}, []);

names = fieldnames(storage);
i_offset = size(txt,1) - size(num,1);
j_offset = size(txt,2) - size(num,2);

for i=1:size(txt,1)
for j=3:size(txt,2)
if i<=i_offset
eval([’storage(j-2).’,names{i},’= ’’’,txt{i,j}, ’’’;’]);
eval([’storage(j-2).’,names{i},’= num(i-i_offset,j-j_offset);’]);

% read in the power generation info

[num, txt] = xlsread(filename,’Generation’);

for i=1:size(txt,1)
generation = setfield(generation, txt{i,1}, []);

names = fieldnames(generation);
i_offset = size(txt,1) - size(num,1);
j_offset = size(txt,2) - size(num,2);

for i=1:size(txt,1)
for j=3:size(txt,2)
if i<=i_offset
eval([’generation(j-2).’,names{i},’= ’’’,txt{i,j}, ’’’;’]);
eval([’generation(j-2).’,names{i},’= num(i-i_offset,j-j_offset);’]);

% read in the solar array info

[num, txt] = xlsread(filename,’Solar’);

for i=1:size(txt,1)
solar = setfield(solar, txt{i,1}, []);
names = fieldnames(solar);
i_offset = size(txt,1) - size(num,1);
j_offset = size(txt,2) - size(num,2);

for i=1:size(txt,1)
for j=3:size(txt,2)
if i<=i_offset
eval([’solar(j-2).’,names{i},’= ’’’,txt{i,j}, ’’’;’]);
eval([’solar(j-2).’,names{i},’= num(i-i_offset,j-j_offset);’]);


function [slope, intercept] = slope_intercept(dod, cycles)


% Returns the slope and intercept of a plot of the depth of discharge as a function

% of the log10 of the number of cycles in the device lifetime.

% Inputs:

% DOD Depth of discharge. Fraction of the energy discharged.

% CYCLES Number of cycles possible at given depth of discharge.

% Outputs:

% SLOPE Slope of plot of DOD as a function of log10 of the cycle life.

% INTERCEPT DOD-axis intercept of plot.

% If CYCLES=0, SLOPE=0 and INTERCEPT=0 will be returned. Otherwise, SLOPE=-0.28

% and INTERCEPT corresponding to the DOD, CYCLES pair will be returned.

% check for invalid inputs

if (dod>1 | dod<0)

error(’Error! Depth of discharge must be between zero and one.’);

if (cycles<0)
error(’Error! Number of cycles must be non-negative.’);

% any device that does not exhibit changes in lifetime with depth of discharge.
if cycles==0
slope = 0;
intercept = 0;

% any other device

% from SMAD III, p.421
slope = -0.28;

% from y = m * log10(x) + b
intercept = dod-slope*log10(cycles);
8:01 124 11:45 132
0:0 3 0:0 0 9:00 124 12:00 132
4:38 3 5:50 0 9:01 58 12:15 132
4:39 59 6:15 6 10:25 58 12:30 131
4:53 63 6:30 13 10:26 67 12:45 130
4:54 124 6:45 18 10:55 67 13:00 126
4:59 124 7:00 26 10:56 58 13:15 123
5:00 63 7:15 32 10:59 58 13:30 120
5:01 59 7:30 45 11:00 124 13:45 117
5:02 3 7:45 53 11:57 124 14:00 111
6:42 3 8:00 60 11:58 58 14:15 105
6:43 75 8:15 70 13:19 58 14:30 100
6:49 75 8:30 78 13:20 67 14:45 94
6:50 22 8:45 85 13:45 67 15:00 86
7:15 22 9:00 90 13:46 58 15:15 80
7:16 98 9:15 100 13:50 58 15:30 70
7:17 98 9:30 105 13:51 124 15:45 65
7:18 76 9:45 110 14:47 124 16:00 55
7:24 76 10:00 115 14:51 3 16:15 50
7:25 59 10:15 119 16:00 3 16:30 40
7:29 59 10:30 123 16:01 64 16:45 30
7:30 112 10:45 125 16:15 64 17:00 21
7:56 112 11:00 127 16:16 124 17:15 13
7:57 56 11:15 130 16:21 124 17:30 6
8:00 56 11:30 131 16:22 3 17:45 3
8:01 124 11:45 132 24:00 3 18:00 0
9:00 124 12:00 132 24:00 0


PartNumber text RNH30-9 RNH81-5 RNH160-3 INCP77 MSP01 INCP95 SZHR25 SZHR25
Company text Eagle-Picher Eagle-Picher Eagle-Picher Lithion Lithion Lithion Eagle-Picher Eagle-Picher
Device text SecondaryBattery SecondaryBattery SecondaryBattery SecondaryBattery SecondaryBattery SecondaryBattery SecondaryBattery SecondaryBattery
Type text Nickel-Hydrogen IPV Nickel-Hydrogen IPV Nickel-Hydrogen IPV Lithium Ion Lithium Ion Lithium Ion Silver Zinc Silver Zinc
Name text 1.1 1.2 1.3 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.1 4.2
SpecificEnergy W hr/kg 144432 172800 181440 468000 522000 522000 324000 324000
EnergyDensity W hr/L 116172000 254160000 304920000 1116000000 1166400000 1206000000 882000000 882000000
RatedCapacity A hr 108000 291600 576000 37800 90000 126000 90000 144000
NominalVoltage V 1.25 1.25 1.25 14.4 28 3.6 1.5 1.5
Mass kg 0.997 2.55 4.18 1.5 17.8 0.87 0.5 0.55
Diameter m 0.0892 0.0902 0.1178 0.075 0.1 0.05 0.015 0.054
Length m 0.2286 0.32 0.307 0.025 0.129 0.12 0.05 0.085
MaxCycles num 20000 20000 20000 2100 900 800 5000 5000
CoulombicEfficiency % 0.95 0 0 0.99 0.99 0.99 0 0
FadeRate %/cycle 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.5 0.5
Life years 2 2 2 0 0 0 0.5 0.5
Cost $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TRL num 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
DOD fraction 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.5
Cyclelife num 10000 10000 10000 1500 1500 1500 200 200

Name UniqueNameTBD UniqueNameTBD UniqueNameTBD UniqueNameTBD UniqueNameTBD UniqueNameTBD UniqueNameTBD UniqueNameTBD

Type SNAP-19 Viking1 Cassini MMRTG SRG GPHS SNAP-3B7 SNAP-27
Reference 16.89CDR 16.89CDR 16.89CDR 16.89CDR 16.89CDR 16.89CDR 16.89CDR 16.89CDR
Power W 40.3 43 285 140 110 290 2.7 73.4
Mass kg 13.6 15.4 56 32 27 56 2.1 42
Diameter m 0.508 0.58 0.41 0.41 0.27 0.097 0.61 0.58
Length m 0.23 0.4 1.12 0.6 0.89 0.093 0.865 0.4
Life years 15 6 15 14 14 15 15 8
Cost $ 21850000 22020000 35000000 25000000 20000000 38290000 19370000 24020000
TRL 9 9 9 7 4 9 9 9

Name text Silicon GaAs Multijunction

Ref text class class class
Device text Solar Array Solar Array Solar Array
Efficiency 0.148 0.185 0.22
InherentDegradation 0.77 0.77 0.77
InitialDegradation 0 0 0
DegradationRate1/sec 1.1883E-09 7.92202E-10 7.92202E-10
Density kg/m^2 0.55 0.85 0.85
K constant 0.5 0.185 0.22
CostPerArea $/m^2 10000 70000 90000

clear all

%take in the design vector

[storage, generation, solar] = power_read_xls(’power_design_vector.xls’);

%storage type Number

%Nickel-Hydrogen IPV 1

%Nickel-Hydrogen CPV 2

%Lithium Ion 3

%Silver Zinc 4

%Fly Wheel 5




%take in data file

%[data,clocks] = xlsread(’MER_sol4_input_data.xls’); %sample data file

%[time, L, A]=parseinputdata(data,clocks);

%time vector

t_f = 5 * 24 * 60;


time = dt*[0:1:t_f];

% Orbital Period [sec]

op = 90 * 60;

% Incident Angle [rad]

%incident_angle = 0:2*pi/op*dt:time(length(time))*2*pi/op;

%incident_angle = mod(0:2*pi/op*dt:time(length(time))*2*pi/op,pi) - pi/2*ones(1,length(time));

incident_angle = mod(0:2*pi/op*dt:time(length(time))*2*pi/op,pi) - pi/2*ones(1,length(time));

for i = 1:length(incident_angle)
if mod(i,91) > 41
incident_angle(i) = pi/2;
%power_load requirement(W)
%power_load = 75 + 25 * sin(time);
power_load(1:length(time)) = 100 + 50*round(sin(time*3*pi/3600));

life_init = 1.0; % fraction of life span remaining at start of period

energy_max = 44.8*3600; % Joules
energy_initial = 0.59*energy_max;% Joules

%solar array vector

SA_area=1:1:4; %m^2


storage_design_length=length(storage); %find max length of storage design

generation_design_length=length(generation);%find max length of generator design
solar_design_length=length(solar);%find max length of solar design
stcnt=1;%storage counter
socnt=1;%solar cnt
gecnt=1;%generator cnt

%debug code

for stcnt=1:storage_design_length

% storage(stcnt).InitialCharge=0;

’solar cycle’

%Pick either SOlar or RTG (generation)

for socnt=1:solar_design_length

for SAcnt=1:SA_design_length

%outside loop
solar(socnt).IncidentAngle = incident_angle;

solar(socnt).SurfaceArea = SA_area(SAcnt);

SAResult(stcnt,socnt,SAcnt)= PowerDesignResult({solar(socnt)}, storage(stcnt), power_load,ENV,time);

end %done with Solar options

’RTG cycle’

%try RTG options

for gecnt=1:generation_design_length
RTGResult(stcnt,gecnt) = PowerDesignResult({generation(gecnt)}, storage(stcnt), power_load,ENV,time);


function effective_power_intensity = EffectivePowerIntensity(illumination_intensity, incident_angle);

% I_EFF = EFFECTIVEPOWERINTENSITY(SI, IA) computes the time profile
% of the effective illumination intensity SI due to the illumination
% incident angle IA. The unit of I_EFF is [W/m^2].
% The powerIntensity(t) is a vector that represents the time profile
% of the illumination intensity [W/m^2].
% The incidentAngle(t) is a vector that represents the time profile
% of the illumination incident angle (i.e the angle between the vector
% normal to the surface and the line of illumination) [radians].

effective_power_intensity = illumination_intensity .* cos(incident_angle);


function [ENV] = environmentfun

% -------------------------------------------------------------------
% -------------------------------------------------------------------
% -------------------------------------------------------------------
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Sun Illumination Intensity illuminationIntensity W/m^2
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

ENV.IlluminationIntensity = 1367;

function R = PowerDesignResult(power_source, energy_storage, power_load, environment, t);


% Inputs:

% POWER_SOURCE Design specification of the power source.

% ENERGY_STORAGE Energy storage device design specification.

% POWER_LOAD Power load requirement.

% ENVIRONMENT Environment specification.

% T Time.

% Outputs:

% R Struct of the results:

% .Mass Total power subsystem mass [Kg].

% .Cost Total cost of the power subsystem [US$].

% .AvailablePower Power availble from the power source [W].

% .AvailableEnergy Energy available from the energy storage [J].

% .EnergyStorageInvalid Time at which the enery was insufficient.

% .EnergyDissipation Required energy dissipation.

% .EnergyStorageLifeRemaining Remaining life on the energy storage.

% Initialize the mass of the design.

R.Mass = 0;

% Initialize the cost of the design.

R.Cost = 0;

% Initialize the available power.

R.AvailablePower = zeros(1,length(t));

% Initialize the available engergy.

R.AvailableEnergy = zeros(1,length(t));

% For each power source:

for i = 1:length(power_source)

% The power source is a solar array:

if strcmp(power_source{i}.Device,’Solar Array’)
%if not(isfield(enviornment,’illumination_intensity’))

% error(’To use a solar array, the illumination intensity "illuminationIntensity" must be specified within the environment")


% Compute the effective illumination intensity given the

% illumination intensity and the incident angle of of the

% illumination.

effective_intensity = ...

EffectivePowerIntensity(environment.IlluminationIntensity, ...


% Compute the power generated pwer area of the solar array.

power_per_area = SolarPowerPerArea(power_source{i},effective_intensity,t);
% Compute the power available.
R.AvailablePower = R.AvailablePower ...
+ power_source{i}.SurfaceArea * power_per_area;
% Compute the mass of the solar array.
R.Mass = R.Mass ...
+ power_source{i}.Density * power_source{i}.SurfaceArea;

R.SAMass=power_source{i}.Density * power_source{i}.SurfaceArea;



% Compute the cost of the solar array.
R.Cost = R.Cost ...
+ power_source{i}.CostPerArea * power_source{i}.SurfaceArea;
% The power source is an RTG:
elseif strcmp(power_source{i}.Device,’RTG’)
% Compute the power availble.
R.AvailablePower = R.AvailablePower + RTGPower(power_source{i},t);

% Lookup the mass of the RTG.

R.Mass = R.Mass + power_source{i}.Mass;





% Lookup the cost of the RTG.

R.Cost = R.Cost + power_source{i}.Cost;
% Do not recognize the power source type:
error(’Unrecognized power source was defined.’);

[slope, intercept] = slope_intercept(energy_storage.DOD, energy_storage.Cyclelife);

% Compute energy available from the energy storage device.

[R.AvailableEnergy, R.EnergyStorageInvalid, ...
R.EnergyDissipation, R.EnergyStorageLifeRemaining] = battery_profile(...
length(t), ... % Number of time steps
t(2) - t(1), ... % Time increment
power_load, ...
R.AvailablePower, ...
...%energy_storage.InitialCharge, ... % Initial energy available
energy_storage.SpecificEnergy * energy_storage.Mass * 0.6, ... % Initial energy available
energy_storage.SpecificEnergy * energy_storage.Mass, ... % Max chargin capacity
energy_storage.RemainingLife, ... % Remaing Life

energy_storage.CoulombicEfficiency, ... % Efficiency

slope, ...


if (length(R.EnergyStorageInvalid) > 0)
%disp(’Invalid energy storage device.’)
R.MassINV=R.Mass + energy_storage.Mass;
R.CostINV=R.Cost + energy_storage.Cost;





% Compute the mass if the energy storage device.

R.Mass = R.Mass + energy_storage.Mass;


% Cost of the power subsystem design.

R.Cost = R.Cost + energy_storage.Cost;





function P = RTGPower(RTG, t);

% Inupts:
% RTG Specification of the RTG
% t Time length in a finite discret increments

initial_power = RTG.Power; % initial Power

P = initial_power * exp(-1/(87.74*365*24*3600)*t); % assume Pu238 half life


function P = SolarPowerPerArea(solar_array, effective_intensity, t);


% Inputs

% SOLAR_ARRAY Specifies the type and the specificatution of solar array

% EFFECTIVE_INTENSITY Effective power intensity due to incident angles.
% T Time sequence.
% Outpus
% P Power per area of a solar array.

if (length(t) ~= length(effective_intensity))
error(’The length of the vectors of effective intensity and time do not match.’);
P = 0;
t_0 = t(1);
for i = 1:length(t)
P(i) = CurrentPowerPerArea(solar_array, effective_intensity(i), t_0, t(i));

function P_current = CurrentPowerPerArea(solar_array, effective_intensity, t_0, t)

P_current = solar_array.Efficiency * solar_array.InherentDegradation ...
* (1 - (solar_array.InitialDegradation + solar_array.DegradationRate ...
* (t - t_0))) * effective_intensity;


close all;
% Initial Time [sec]
t_0 = 0;

% Final Time [sec]

t_f = 5 * 24 * 3600;

% Time Increment [sec]

dt = 50;
t = t_0:dt:t_f;

environment.IlluminationIntensity = 1367*ones(1,length(t));

[storage, generation, solar] = power_read_xls(’power_design_vector.xls’);

% Obital Period [sec]

op = 90 * 60;

% Incident Angle [rad]

incident_angle = 0*t;

% Power Load
power_load = 100 * sin(t/t_f*pi);

power_source{1} = solar(1);
power_source{1}.IncidentAngle = incident_angle;
power_source{2} = solar(3);
power_source{2}.IncidentAngle = incident_angle;
power_source{1} = generation(1);

energy_storage = storage(1);
energy_storage.InitialCharge = 30;
energy_storage.RemainingLife = 1;

area = [1 2 3 4 5]; %[m^2]

for i=1:length(area)
power_source{1}.SurfaceArea = area(i); %[m]
power_source{2}.SurfaceArea = area(i); %[m]
design(i) = PowerDesignResult(power_source, energy_storage, power_load, environment, t);

for i=1:length(area)
hold on
hold on



hold on



hold on





close all;

[storage, generation, solar] = power_read_xls(’power_design_vector.xls’)

% eta: efficiency

% d_0: initial degradation

% d_dot: degradation rate

% I_eff: effective power intensity

% P_profile: profile of power per unit area

% P_current: currently available power per unit area

solar_array.Device = ’Solar Array’;

solar_array.Efficiency = 0.185;

solar_array.InherentDegradation = 0.77;

solar_array.InitialDegradation = 0.01;

solar_array.DegradationRate = 0.0275/365.25/24/3600;

% Initial Time [sec]

t_0 = 0;

% Final Time [sec]

%t_f = 365.25 * 24 * 3600;

%t_f = 5 * 24 * 3600;

t_f = 50000;

%t_f = 1000000000;

% Time Increment [sec]

%dt = 24 * 3600;

dt = 5;

%dt = 1000000;

t = t_0:dt:t_f;

% Power Intensity [W/m^2]

power_intensity = 1367*ones(1,length(t));

% Obital Period [sec]

op = 90 * 60;

% Incident Angle [rad]

incident_angle = mod(0:2*pi/op*dt:t(length(t))*2*pi/op,pi) - pi/2*ones(1,length(t));

for i = 1:length(incident_angle)
if mod(i,1082) > 541
incident_angle(i) = pi/2;

effective_power_intensity = EffectivePowerIntensity(power_intensity, incident_angle);

available_power_per_area = SolarPowerPerArea(solar_array, effective_power_intensity, t);

plot(t, power_intensity, t, effective_power_intensity, t, available_power_per_area);

legend(’Solar Radiation’,’Effective Radiation’,’Available Power Intensity’);

rtg_power = RTGPower(generation(1),t);


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