Interleaved Power Factor Correction (IPFC)

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Interleaved Power Factor Correction


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Welcome to the Interleaved Power Factor Correction Reference Design Web


My name is ___, I am an Applications Engineer for the High Performance

Microcontroller Division at Microchip.


 Introduction to Power Factor Correction

 IPFC Design Overview
 IPFC Reference Design

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Here is the agenda for the today’s seminar: we will briefly talk about Power Factor
Correction and its importance.
We will also do an overview of what Interleaved PFC is and key design factors will
be discussed.
Finally Microchip’s IPFC reference design will be discussed


 Introduction to Power Factor Correction

 IPFC Design Overview
 IPFC Reference Design

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We will have a short introduction to power factor correction terminology and why it
is important

Introduction to PFC
Applied Voltage

Resulting Current


S = P2 + Q2 S

cos(Φ) = power factor Φ P

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The Power Factor is defined as the ratio between the Real Power and the Apparent
Power in an AC circuit. The Real Power represents the net transferred energy
transferred to the load over one complete AC cycle while the Reactive Power
represents the fraction that is only temporarily stored by the load. The Real Power is
the one measured and monitored for power consumption, and its associated energy
being is used to produce mechanical work and heating. Traditionally, the power
factor is associated with the cosine of angle between the real and apparent power
components. For simplicity the apparent power can be represented as the vector sum
of the real and reactive power, but in the case of non sinusoidal periodical signals a
more complex relationship between these components is considered.

Introduction to PFC
power Applied Voltage

Resulting Current


S = P2 + Q2 S

cos(Φ) = power factor Φ P

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The Power Factor is defined as the ratio between the Real Power and the Apparent
Power in an AC circuit. The Real Power represents the net transferred energy
transferred to the load over one complete AC cycle while the Reactive Power
represents the fraction that is only temporarily stored by the load. The Real Power is
the one measured and monitored for power consumption, and its associated energy
being is used to produce mechanical work and heating. Traditionally, the power
factor is associated with the cosine of angle between the real and apparent power
components. For simplicity the apparent power can be represented as the vector sum
of the real and reactive power, but in the case of non sinusoidal periodical signals a
more complex relationship between these components is considered.


 Introduction to Power Factor Correction

 IPFC Design Overview
 IPFC Reference Design

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In the following section we will have an overview of the proposed solution for
power factor correction. We will talk about three different topologies that allow
power factor correction, and we will also show a simplified electric diagram of an
interleaved Power Factor Correction circuit

IPFC Design Overview
AC Supply Rectifier Load

Vac Iac PWM Vdc


•Input AC voltage: 85 to 265V •Power factor: > 0.99
± 2%)
•Output voltage: 400V (± •THD: <5%
•Output power: 350W •Efficiency: > 0.95

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A power factor correction block diagram can be divided into 3 main blocks: First,
the rectifier which provides DC voltage to the PFC converter stage, then we have
the PFC converter itself which provides the control over the current shape and phase
lag while regulating the output voltage. Finally we have the controller block. The
PFC converter can be implemented using different circuit topologies, each of them
with their advantages and disadvantages. As it may be observed, the input is an AC
supply, the output of the PFC is a DC voltage. An ideal PFC makes sure that its
input impedance is purely resistive. This allows maximum use of usable power, or
real power. The feedback signals needed for the control loop are the rectified AC
voltage, input AC current and output DC voltage. The output of the control block is
a Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signal.

IPFC Design Overview

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In this slide, three of the most common topologies of PFC implementation are
presented. We will highlight advantages and disadvantages for each of them. These
topologies are: buck, boost and buck-boost converters.

IPFC Design Overview
V2 < V1
Buck Converter V1
S L ωt
+ i
V1 D C V2
- ωt
0  ̟- ̟

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Starting with the Buck converter, the output voltage provided to the load is always
less than the input terminals (also known as step down converter). For the purpose
of power factor correction, the buck converter will function in discontinuous
conduction mode.

IPFC Design Overview
V2 < V1
Buck Converter V1
S L ωt
+ i
V1 D C V2
- ωt
0  ̟- ̟
- V2 > V1
Boost Converter
L D V1
+ ωt
+ V2
V1 S C
- i
- 0 ̟

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The Boost converter has the output voltage greater than the input (also known as
step up converter). When using this topology for power factor correction the current
is continuous. As shown in the current diagram, Continuous Conduction Mode
allows a continuous current through the inductor.

IPFC Design Overview
V2 < V1
Buck Converter V1
S L ωt
+ i
V1 D C V2
- ωt
0  ̟- ̟
- V2 > V1
Boost Converter
L D V1
+ ωt
+ V2
V1 S C
- i
- 0 ̟
V2 > V1
Buck-Boost Converter
S V1 V2 < V1
D ωt
V1 L C V2 i
- 0 ̟
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The combination of the Buck Boost converter, as the name suggests, is a

combination of a buck converter and a boost converter, so that the characteristics of
both are achievable. The output voltage can be greater of lower that the input
One disadvantage of the buck and buck-boost topologies is that the switch is not
referenced to ground, which makes the driver circuitry more complex. The buck-
boost topology also inverts the sign of the output voltage, which brings another
disadvantage when comes to a cost effective implementation of the sensing
The preferred method for implementing PFC and Interleaved PFC is the boost
converter due to the reduced current ripple, simplicity of gate driver implementation
and also because it meets our requirements of output voltage. The discontinuous
conduction mode of buck and buck-boost topologies would have a negative
influence on the total harmonic distortion, or THD, and higher gate driver cost.

IPFC Design Overview
PFC Boost
Inductor Diode
Primary L1 D1
(Live) Side +HV_BUS

R1 R4
Vac ~ + C3
~ ~
- R2
|VAC| Sense
R3 R6
C1 C4


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The boost converter’s operation is based on the energy stored in inductance L1 as shown.
When Q1 transistor is ON, the current through the inductance is raising and fly-back
diode D1 stops conduction. As soon as Q1 switch opens, there’s no path for the current
that was flowing through the inductor, except the diode D1, the output capacitor C3 and
the load. D1 diode closes and starts conducting since the voltage on its anode is higher
than the rectified voltage of AC source. The voltage across inductance L1 reverses its
sign to maintain current flow. This way, both the energy supplied by the AC source and
the one previously stored in the inductor are transferred to the load and the output
capacitor through diode D1.
The input rectified voltage Vac and the output DC voltage Vdc are measured using resistor
dividers, while the input current is measured using a shunt resistor.
The role of the inductance in this power factor correction topology is essential. The physical
size of the inductor increases with the power rating.
Component size is one of the main reason for implementing an Interleave PFC design.

IPFC Design Overview


Is1 1 2
Esinglestage = LI
90 -265V AC

PFC output
1 2 1 2
Einterleaved = LI + LI
2 2


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An interleaved PFC consists of a two boost converter sharing the same load

As we can see in the simplified schematic, if we assume we have the same

inductance for each boost converter, we can see that the energy stored by the system
is doubled. Since the energy stored in the inductors is a key factor for determining
the output power capabilities of the system, the output power provided by single
stage PFC can be provided by an Interleaved PFC with much lower inductance
values. Lower inductance means smaller inductors for a given power rating.


 Introduction to Power Factor Correction

 IPFC Design Overview
 IPFC Reference Design

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An Interleaved PFC reference design is presented next

IPFC Reference Design
Rectifier PFC
AC Supply Load
Converter 1

Converter 2

Vac Iac Im1 PWM1 Im2 PWM2 Vdc


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A simplified block diagram of a dual phase interleaved PFC is shown. As mentioned

earlier, a second PFC converter is added sharing the same inputs and outputs.

IPFC Reference Design

VErr IErr
ICAPref IACref
PI Controller PI Controller Postscaler

1 Current Error Loop

Voltage Error Loop PWM1


IRef = 0

PI Controller Postscaler


Load Balance Loop


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The difference between an Interleaved PFC and a single stage PFC is that two
inductors are used for energy storage. Since energy should be distributed equally, a
load balancing controller is added to the interleaved PFC to make sure the system
compensates for variation in inductance values or feedback circuits.
The Interleaved PFC system has three main compensators: one for voltage, one for
current and one for load balance. Additionally, a feed-forward controller is
implemented to compensate for sudden input voltage changes.
The voltage error controller makes sure that the output voltage is not affected by
load variations. The inputs to this controller are DC output voltage and the
corresponding reference. The output of this controller is the current compensator
The current error controller regulates the phase and shape of the input current. This
input current is the sum of both inductors currents, and it is measured using a shunt
resistor. The output of this controller is a Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) duty
cycle which will be applied to the power MOSFETS.
To balance the currents through both inductors, a Load Balance Loop is
implemented. The inputs to this compensator are the two currents Im1 and Im2. If
these currents are different an unbalance is detected. The PI controller will regulate
this error and adjust the MOSFETs duty cycles. The output of the load balance
control loop will be a duty cycle correction term (or delta PWM), which is
subtracted from ‘PWM1’ to get the final duty cycle of the first boost converter, and
it is added to ‘PWM2’ to determine the balanced duty cycle of the second boost

IPFC Reference Design

12V and
3.3V Power

Interleaved PFC Fault Circuitry

boost circuitry


AC input circuitry User Interface

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The IPFC reference design board can be divided into 6 main functional blocks: the
PFC boost circuitry, the AC input block, the power supply block, the fault circuitry
block and user’s interface and programming block.
The two inductors can be seen for both stages, and MOSFETS with their respective
diodes are mounted underneath the board with a heatsink for better heat dissipation.

IPFC Reference Design
 Semiconductor selection
− Voltage and current rating
− Conduction and commutation losses
 Inductance selection
− Power output rating
− Input current ripple
 Capacitor selection
− Output voltage ripple (holdup time)
− ESR value

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This is a brief description about component selection for the Interleaved PFC
reference design.
For the semiconductor components selection, voltage and current rating is
important. Besides power rating, conduction and commutation losses are also
important factors for component selection. These losses will determine the overall
efficiency of the system. Semiconductor components losses represent about half of
the total system losses.
The inductance selection is also related to the output power rating. The higher the
output power, the bigger the inductance will be. Another aspect to consider in the
inductor selection is the required input current ripple.
The output capacitor is chosen so that the output voltage ripple is within
specifications. It also depends on the minimum holdup time so that controllers can
act before the output capacitor losses its charge. The Effective Series Resistance
(ESR) of the capacitor also affects the output voltage ripple. Therefore, the
capacitor with the lowest possible ESR is recommended. The ESR of the capacitor
can be lowered by coupling two capacitors in parallel if the board layout dimensions
permit it.


 Introduction to Power Factor Correction

 Overview on IPFC Design
 IPFC Reference Design

© 2009 Microchip Technology Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Interleaved Power Factor Correction Slide 19

As a conclusion for this web seminar, we will talk about overall advantages of
interleaved PFC compared to single stage PFC, as well as references from our web
site that will help users understand the technical details of interleaved PFC.


 IPFC represents a cost and space efficient

solution VS single stage PFC (considering a
certain power limit)

 IPFC reference design using dsPIC ® DSC

offers the possibility of high integration

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Interleaved PFC allows a more efficient power factor correction design. It also
allows space savings since with a much smaller inductors are needed compared to
single stage PFC design. Interleaved PFC also reduces output current ripple since
two inductors are sharing one load at different times.
dsPIC® digital signal controllers combine the right set of peripherals and
computational power to enable Interleaved PFC control with a single device.
This reference design offers a starting platform for these types of applications and
the modular design of the software makes it easy to understand and to add other


 For resources and information for Switch

Mode Power Supply applications, visit
Microchip’s SMPS Design Center at:
 For a single stage PFC implementation
please refer to application note: AN1106
 For a detailed description of the interleaved
PFC reference design, please refer to
application note: AN1278, visit

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For resources and information for Switch Mode Power Supply applications, please
visit Microchip’s SMPS Design Center at
For details about our single stage PFC implementation please refer to application
note: AN1106
And for a detailed description of the interleaved PFC reference design, please refer
to application note: AN1278, or visit

This wraps up our Interleaved Power Factor Correction web seminar. Thank you for
your interest in the dsPIC® Digital Signal Controllers.


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