Homemade Beauty Recipes

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Homemade Beauty Recipes

rosemary recipes


Rosmarinus officinalis

This delightfully refreshing

scented herb has antibacterial
and antifungal properties and
is used extensively in hair care
products for its tonic properties.

lav/rose oil

Lavender/Rosemary Hair Oil

This recipe is courtesy of Jeanne Rose "Kitchen Cosmetics"

● 1 oz. oil of Rosemary

● 1/8 oz. oil of Lavender

Quantity: Enough for about 6 months of use.

To Make: Simply mix the two oils together and store in the dark or in a small
amber or light-proof bottle.

To Use: Put a few drops of the oil on your palm, brush your palm against
your hairbrush and then brush your hair.

Tip: Proper Hair Brushing: Every day, rain or shine, men and women should
thoroughly brush the hair. Brushing dislodges dirt and distributes the natural
hair oils. Bend at the waist (this increases circulation to the scalp) and
massage the scalp with fingertips. Then brush hair starting at the nape of the
neck with long easy strokes from nape to ends. Follow each of the brush
strokes with your other hand to eliminate static electricity. Brush about 100
strokes in this upside down position. This is guaranteed to give new life to
your hair.

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Homemade Beauty Recipes

cucumber recipes

apple recipes


A fruit that contains Calcium,

Iron and Vitamin A. It's
properties include
antibacterial, antioxidant,
astringent and toning.


Aphrodite Apple Mask

This recipe is courtesy of Noreen Finneran "Incredible Edible Spa"

● 1 T Applesauce

● 1 T Wheat Germ

To Make: Purée apple in a blender or add applesauce to a small bowl. Mix in

the wheat germ to form a paste.

To Use: Apply to washed, scrubbed, and steamed face. Allow mask to set for
10-15 minutes. Tone then moisturize.

coffee recipes

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Homemade Beauty Recipes


This aromatic bean contains

Magnesium and Vitamin E. It's
properties include antioxidant,
antibacterial, exfoliating, and


Invigorating Coffee Scrub

This recipe is courtesy of Noreen Finneran "Incredible Edible Spa"

● 3 T Coffee grounds (organic-caffeinated)

● 1 T Salt (optional)

To Make: Brew a fresh pot of coffee. Enjoy a cup, if you like. Put grounds
(and salt) in a small bowl. Use grounds within 20 minutes of brewing before
oxidation occurs.

To Use: Scrub mixture over entire body while in the shower. Rinse. Tone. Moisturize.


Cucumis sativus

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Homemade Beauty Recipes

A vegetable used for it's

cooling and astringent
properties. Try a couple of
slices for your tired eyes.

cuc/hon toner

Cucumber- Honey Toner

This recipe is courtesy of www.honey.com National Honey Board

● 1 medium Cucumber, peeled and cut up into pieces

● 2 tsp. Honey

Puree cucumber in a blender. Line a sieve with cheesecloth and set the sieve
over a glass bowl or measuring cup. Pour the cucumber puree through the
sieve and let it stand for 15 minutes for the juices to drip into the bowl. Pour
the clear juice into a clean bottle and add honey.

To use, shake the bottle and saturate a cotton pad with the lotion. Sweep over
face, neck and chest morning and night, and let it air dry (about 3 to 4
minutes). Store covered in the refrigerator for up to 1 week. Makes about 1/2

cucumber hair treatment

Cucumber Hair Drench

This recipe is courtesy of www.Spaindex.com

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Homemade Beauty Recipes

If you swim in a chlorinated pool for exercise on a regular basis, the same
damage you've noticed happening to your skin and bathing suit, is
happening to your hair, as well. Try this treatment at home to keep chlorine
damage to a minimum.

● 1 egg

● 1 eggshell's worth of olive oil

● 1 quarter of a peeled cucumber

Blend the egg, olive oil and peeled cucumber. Spread evenly through your
hair, leave on for 10 minutes, then thoroughly rinse. For the best results year-
round, continue this treatment monthly.

avocado recipes


Persea americana

Rich in vitamins A, D, E,
potassium, sulfur and chlorine,
this fruit is used in facial and
hair packs and is deep

avocado mask

Avocado Carrot Cream Mask

This recipe is courtesy of www.Spaindex.com

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Homemade Beauty Recipes

This mask combines avocados, which are rich in Vitamin E, with carrots,
which are high in beta-carotene and antioxidants, and cream, which is high
in calcium and protein. These ingredients will rebuild skin collagen,
improve tone and texture, and fade age spots.

1 avocado, mashed

1 carrot, cooked and mashed

1/2 cup heavy cream

1 egg, beaten

3 tablespoons honey

Combine all ingredients in a bowl until smooth. Spread gently over your face
and neck, and leave in place 10-15 minutes. Rinse with cool water and follow
with your favorite toner.

kiwi recipes


Actinidia Chinesis

This fruit is high in vitamin C

and has enzymatic and
detergency properties making
it helpful for skin and hair

kiwi cleanser

Kiwi Facial Cleanser (for dry or oily skin)

This recipe is courtesy of www.Spaindex.com

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Homemade Beauty Recipes

● 1 kiwi fruit

● 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt

● 1 tablespoon orange water

● 1 tablespoon apricot or almond oil

● 1 tablespoon honey

● 1 teaspoon finely ground almonds

● 2 drops orange (or your favorite citrus) essential oil

Puree the kiwi fruit in a food processor until liquid. During processing, add
yogurt, orange water, almond or apricot oil, and ground almonds. Process
until thick and cream like. Add essential and stir to mix. To apply, massage
gently over neck, face and décolleté to cleanse. Rinse well. Makes one

thyme recipes


Thymus vulgaris

This herb is used for its toning,

refreshing and disinfectant

thyme/fennel cleanser

Thyme and Fennel Seed Cleanser (for normal skin)

This recipe is courtesy of www.Spaindex.com

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Homemade Beauty Recipes

Fennel has been used throughout history as an aid to digestion or as a

slight diuretic. As an infusion, fennel seeds can be gently cleansing and
toning for the skin, and they can help reduce puffiness and superficial
irritation. Thyme, which is used in antiseptic preparations, is a good
astringent. Because this cleanser is very gentle, it can be used each morning.
Dab it on your face and neck with a cotton ball, and rinse.

● 2 sprigs fresh thyme, crumbled (or 1/2 T dried Thyme)

● 2 teaspoons fennel seeds, crushed

● 1/2 cup boiling water

● Juice of Half Lemon

Mix the thyme and fennel seed in a bowl and cover with boiling water. Add
lemon juice and steep for 15 minutes. Strain the infusion and store the liquid
in a jar, in the refrigerator.

pumpkin recipes


Cucurbita popo L.

A member of the Gourd family,

pumpkins are high in vitamin
C for all-around tissue
building and healing.

pumpkin treatment

Spa Index Papaya Pumpkin Facial

This recipe is courtesy of www.Spaindex.com

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Homemade Beauty Recipes

If you have visited spas and resorts in exotic locales such as the Pacific Rim,
Bali, Hawaii, and Tahiti, you've probably seen a facialist select and mash fresh
fruit in front of you for a fresh-on-the spot enzyme mask. It's easy to recreate
this mask at home -- we've found a Balinese mask for you which will leave
your face fresh and glowing.

● 2/3 cup fresh papaya, mashed

● 15 oz. can pure pumpkin

● 1 egg, beaten

1. Prepare the mask. Cut the papaya in half and scoop out the seeds. Scoop out
the papaya fruit and mash it well to eliminate lumps in the mask. Beat the egg
until it is frothy. Combine that with the papaya. Add the pumpkin to the egg/
papaya mixture and whip together. You can also mix the ingredients in the
blender or a food processor for an extra smooth mask.

2. Prepare your face. Wash with your daily cleanser and remove all residual
makeup on your skin. Rinse with warm water. It's very important to have
clean skin to ensure you get maximum benefits from the facial.

3. Apply the Mask. Cover your entire face, being careful to avoid the
immediate eye area. If you have sensitive skin, test the mixture on your hand
before spreading it on your face. You'll feel some tingling as the enzymes in
the pumpkin go to work immediately -- gently exfoliating your top layer of
skin. It works like a scrub without being abrasive to your skin. Leave the mask
on for 10 minutes.

4. Rinse Off Mask. After you've relaxed for ten minutes it's time to rinse. The
mask is fairly thick -- head for the kitchen sink.

5. Apply Toner & Moisturizer.

ginger recipes


Zingiber officinale

Used for its warming and

invigorating properties in
topical preparations, making it
useful for massage oils and

ginger creme

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Homemade Beauty Recipes

Ginger Skin Creme

This recipe is courtesy of www.Spaindex.com

Ginger invigorates, and oil soothes. Try this double dose for dry skin.

● 2-inch piece of fresh ginger

● 2 teaspoons light sesame oil

● 2 teaspoons apricot kernel oil

● 2 teaspoons vitamin E oil

● ½ cup cocoa butter

Preheat oven on lowest setting. Finely grate the ginger just enough so that
you have about an 1/8 teaspoon of ginger "juice." To obtain the juice, squeeze
the freshly grated ginger over a small bowl. Place the ingredients (including
the ginger) in a glass container and heat just until the cocoa butter is melted
and the oils are blended. Pour into a clean, dry container and store in a cool
dry place. You can add a few drops of orange or other essential oil for a nice

lavender recipes


Lavandula spp.

This beautiful flowers

properties include: relaxant,
antispasmodic, tonic for the
nervous system, antibacterial,
analgesic, and antiseptic. It's a
mood lifter.

lavender wash

Spa Index Lavender Hand and Foot Wash

This recipe is courtesy of www.Spaindex.com

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Homemade Beauty Recipes

Use this wash to relieve red and inflamed hands and feet.

● 1/2 cup dried Lavender Flowers

● 1/2 cup finely chopped Fresh Sage

● 2 cups of water

● 8 drops of Lavender Oil

In a saucepan, combine lavender flowers, sage and water. Simmer, covered,

on low heat for 20 minutes. Strain mixture through cheesecloth and let cool.
Discard the solids, retain the liquid. Add Lavender Oil, shake to emulsify, and
then apply to hands and feet with a soft wash cloth or cotton pads. Repeat as
necessary, or desired.

lavender bath

Lavender- Honey Milk Bath

This recipe is courtesy of www.honey.com National Honey Board

● 3 T dried Lavender flowers*

● 1 1/2 cups whole mild, cream, or combination

● 1/3 cup Honey

Process lavender flowers in a blender until they become a powder, turning off
the blender and scraping down the sides as necessary. Whisk together
lavender powder, milk and honey in a glass bowl, then pour into a jar. Before
each use, shake the jar and pour half of the mixture into the bath. Store
covered in the refrigerator for up to 1 week. Makes enough for 2 baths.

*Dried lavender flowers can be found in the spice section of gourmet and
specialty stores.

strawberry recipes

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Homemade Beauty Recipes



This fruit contains several

polyphenols that have high
antioxidant capacity. They are
also high in Vitamin C which is
also a potent antioxidant.

strawberry exfoliant

Strawberry Hand and Foot Exfoliant

This recipe is courtesy of www.Spaindex.com

● 8-10 Strawberries

● 2 tablespoons Apricot Oil (you may substitute olive oil)

● 1 teaspoon of coarse salt, such as Kosher Salt, or Sea Salt

Mix together all ingredients, massage into hands and feet, rinse, and pat
dry. Strawberries contain a natural fruit acid which aids in exfoliation.

strawberry moisturizer

Strawberry Cream (for oily or normal skin)

This recipe is courtesy of Jeanne Rose "Herbs & Things"

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Homemade Beauty Recipes

● 1/2 oz. white beeswax

● 1 1/2 oz. sweet almond oil

● 1 oz. apricot kernel oil

● 1 oz. strawberry juice (or apricot or peach or honey-dew melon)

● 8 drops tincture of benzoin (known to be STRONG sensitizer)

Wash, drain, and mash 4-5 large strawberries. Squeeze out the juice and strain
through muslin or cheesecloth. Heat the beeswax and the oils together in a
double boiler until the wax is melted. Remove from the heat and add the juice
quickly. Beat the mixture until it is fluffy. Add the benzoin and beat until it is
cool. You must beat the mixture until it cools or else it will separate.

peach recipes


Prunus persica

Some of the properties of this

fruit are: Antitumor, Laxative,
and Sedative. It's perfect for
fresh use because of its lovely

peach skin

Peach Lotion (for dry or normal skin)

This recipe is courtesy of Jeanne Rose "Herbs & Things"

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Homemade Beauty Recipes

● 1 Peach

● 4 drops tincture of Benzoin (known to be STRONG sensitizer)

● 2 oz. coconut or sweet almond oil

● 1 1/2 oz. orange flower water and 1 or 2 drops orange oil

Wash, drain, mash, and then strain the juice from 1 peach through muslin or
cheesecloth. Add to it 4 drops of tincture of benzoin, 2 oz. coconut or sweet
almond oil, 1 1/2 oz. orange flower water and 1 or 2 drops orange oil. Beat
together until it is fluffy and pour into a clean 4 oz container. It will keep for a
longer period if you store it in the refrigerator. Use the lotion to moisturize
your skin whenever it feels dry.

chamomile recipes


Matricaria recutita

Long known for its calming,

sedating effects, it makes a
beautiful hair rinse for blond
hair as well as has calming anti-
inflammatory effects for
sensitive skin.

chamomile balm

SharAmbrosia Chamomile Lip Balm

This recipe is courtesy of SharAmbrosia

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Homemade Beauty Recipes

● 1/2 tsp. Macadamia Nut oil

● 1/2 tsp. Jojoba oil

● 1 tsp. lanolin

● 1/2 tsp. Cocoa butter

● 1/2 tsp. Beeswax

● 1/2 tsp. Chamomile flowers (dried)

In a double-boiler, melt 1/2 tsp. Macadamia Nut oil, 1/2 tsp. jojoba oil, 1/2
tsp. lanolin and 1/2 tsp. Cocoa butter until it is liquefied. Add 1/2 tsp. of
dried Chamomile flowers and stir gently for about 10 minutes. Strain the
mixture with a very fine sieve into a small Pyrex ramekin and clean the area of
the double boiler where you had the mixture (Dry the area well). Pour the
new strained mixture back into the double boiler and reheat. Add another 1/2
tsp. of lanolin and 1/2 tsp. of beeswax shavings. Heat and stir until liquefied
completely. Remove from the heat and pour into a 1/2 oz. amber or cobalt
container. This is enough for personal use. To use on dry hands, or to give as
gifts, you'll want to double or triple this recipe.

This is a very soothing formula that has real "staying" power.

banana recipes


Musa sapentium L

This fruit is rich in Potassium

and have wonderful emollient
properties when used as hair or
skin treatments.

banana masque

SharAmbrosia Banana Facial Masque

This recipe is courtesy of SharAmbrosia

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Homemade Beauty Recipes

● 1 ripe ripe Banana

● 1 T Honey

● 1/2 teaspoon Jojoba oil

● 1 T Yogurt

● 1 egg white

● 1 T Kaolin (white) clay

In a small mixing bowl, whisk the egg white, then blend in the Yogurt,
Jojoba oil, Honey and then the Kaolin clay until it becomes a smooth creamy
mixture. In a separate bowl, mash up the banana until it is smooth, then blend
into the first mixture.

The best way to use this masque is while sitting in the tub because it is a bit
messy. Apply to the entire face, neck and shoulder area. As it sits, keep
applying more while you build the masque up as well as massage it in. Let sit
for at least 10-15 minutes and then remove with a warm washcloth. Finish
with a tonic or hydrosol on a cotton ball to remove any excess product from
the skin, then moisturize as usual.

This is a wonderful softening and firming treatment in one.

lemon recipes


Citrus limonum

This fruit provides a cooling,

refreshing and uplifting
feeling as well as having
bleaching, exfoliating and anti-
viral properties.

lemon elbow bleach

Lemon Mint Elbow Bleach

Jeanne Rose "Kitchen Cosmetics"

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Homemade Beauty Recipes

● 1/2 C Mint Water

● 1/2 Lemon, squeezed

To Make: Make a thick infusion of Peppermint, strain out the herb and to 1/2
cup of the liquid add the Lemon juice. Mix together.

To Use: While studying or working, apply this liquid with cotton pads to the
elbows; let it dry and make another application. Repeat applications 3 or 4
times. Do not remove.

Why: The Lemon juice acts as a bleach, the Mint as a soothing aromatic

lemon hair spray

Hair Spray for Fine Hair

Jeanne Rose "Kitchen Cosmetics"

● 1 Lemon

● 2 C Water

Quantity: Makes about 1 to 1 1/2 cups of Lemon Hair Spray.

To Make: Chop up the Lemon in a wooden bowl so that you don't lose any of
the juice. Add the chopped Lemon to the water in the top of a double boiler.
Simmer the mixture until the liquid has been reduced by half. Strain through
cheesecloth or fine silk cloth and pour the liquid into a bottle that will fit a
pump-type sprayer. A washed and rinsed Windex bottle will do for your
spray container. Add 1/2 cup of water to thin the mixture if necessary.

To Use: Spray your hair with this mixture whenever necessary. Since it is
gentle, with not alcohol or chemical additions, it can be used on children's hair
too. Should be made fresh every few days and kept in the fridge between uses.

Tip No. 1: One cup of the Lemon Hair Spray can be preserved with 1 oz. or
more of Bay Rum.

Tip No. 2: Substitute an Orange for the Lemon for dry hair.

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Homemade Beauty Recipes

kelp recipes


Fucus vesiculosis

Used in lotions for its skin-

softening qualities. Its
properties include:
Antibacterial, Antioxidant,
Antitumor, Emollient

kelp masque

SharAmbrosia Kelp Firming Masque

This recipe is courtesy of SharAmbrosia

This mask treatment will help to soften and firm your skin at the same time.

● 3 T Yogurt

● 1 tsp. Organic Powdered Kelp

● 1 tsp. Honey

Place 3 tablespoons of plain yogurt into a small dish. Add the powdered
Kelp, stir well. Add the honey and stir until all three ingredients are blended
into a smooth consistency. To use: Cleanse face, apply the mask all over face,
neck and shoulder area. Massage lightly (the Kelp acts as beauty grains to
promote exfoliation). Leave on for about 5-10 minutes. Remove with a warm
washcloth. Use a tonic or hydrosol on a cotton ball for complete removal.
Apply your moisturizer as usual. Kelp contains iodine, so those with iodine
allergies should not use this mask.

rose recipes

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Homemade Beauty Recipes


Rosa spp.

Beyond this flowers heavenly

scent lies its properties:
antidepressant, astringent,
cleansing, antiviral,
antibacterial, anti-
inflammatory, as well as

night rose lotion


Sumptuous Rose Bath

This recipe is courtesy of Noreen Finneran "Incredible Edible Spa"

● 1 Cup Rose Petals OR

● 1/2 Cup Rose Water (found in health food stores)

● 1/2 Cup Coconut Milk

To Make: Draw a warm bath. Add the Rose petals (or any type of pesticide-
free edible flower) or Rose Water and Coconut Milk.

To Use: Slip in tub and relax for 10-15 minutes. Rinse, tone, then moisturize.

Night-Time Rose Creamy Lotion

Jeanne Rose "Kitchen Cosmetics"

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Homemade Beauty Recipes

● 20 fl. oz. Almond oil

● 16 fl. oz. Rosewater to which have been added 1 oz. dried red Rose
petals, this soaked for 3 days, then strained out and removed

● 3 oz. Beeswax Essence of Rose, if desired

To make: Into a water bath or the top of a double boiler put the oil and the
wax. Heat until the wax is dissolved and then remove pot from the fire. Add
the Rosewater slowly, beating all the while, and beat until it is cool. At this
point add the essence of Rose a drop at a time, if you like. Beat the creamy
lotion until cold, pour into a bottle and store away for use.

To use: This lotion makes an excellent Rose Cold Cream to remove old grimy
dirt or makeup. Simply apply with clean fingertips and remove with fine
tissue. Then you might take a teaspoonful of cornmeal in each palm and rub
the hands and face well with it. Rinse with warm water and then cold. Pat
the remaining fine film of cream into the skin for night-time smoothing.

Why: Almond oil and Rosewater as we know is an excellent moisturizing

lubricant for normal to dry to sensitive skin; cornmeal is a gentle tonic
stimulating to the tissues and acts as a "beauty grain".

Tip: Whenever making fine cosmetics always use a porcelain or glass pot.
Some beauty experts recommend stainless steel cooking pots but these often
leach poisonous heavy metals into the enclosed liquids. Nonmetal is best for

day rose

Rose Cream for Day Use

Jeanne Rose "Kitchen Cosmetics"

● 6 fl. oz. Almond oil

● 2 oz. Beeswax

● 1 heaping tsp. anhydrous Lanolin

● 1 tsp. Borax dissolved in 4 fl. oz. Rosewater

● 2 tsp. Zinc Oxide rubbed into a smooth cream with 4 fl. oz. Almond oil

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Homemade Beauty Recipes

● 10-20 drops oil of Rose

Quantity: Makes enough for about three 4 oz. cream jars.

To Make: Heat the beeswax and the lanolin gently in a water bath. Do not let
the wax simmer or burn. Remove from heat and add the Almond oil slowly.
Add the zinc oxide-Almond oil cream beating the mixture continuously. Add
the borax-Rosewater and beat until cool. Add enough oil of Rose to scent the
mixture to your liking. Beat until cold with a small wooden spoon. Pour into
three 4 oz. cram jars and let sit until solidified.

To Use: This makes an excellent everyday cream that can be used under
makeup or as a moisturizer. Simply rub gently onto face, hands or throat. As
a throat moisturizer the cream is excellent, especially when rubbed in with a
large marble or small avocado pit. rub in gentle circular motions while
looking up into the sky, thereby stretching and stimulating your neck muscles.

Why: Almond oil replaces necessary body oils; Rosewater is a gentle

astringent and moisturizer replacing liquid to the cells and tightening the skin;
lanolin is a potent emollient and very much like human oils; borax is a skin
softener and will help to produce a very white cream while its disadvantage is
that it often adds a grainy texture; zinc oxide is useful for healing reddened,
sore or irritated skin.

eye rose

Rose Eye Wash for Sore, Tired or Irritated Eyes

Jeanne Rose "Kitchen Cosmetics"

● 1 oz. Rosewater

● 8 oz. Water

● 9 Rosebuds

Quantity: Makes 3-8 eye or face washes.

To Make: In a small covered enamel pot, bring the Rosebuds and water to a
slow boil, lower the heat, remove the cover and simmer for a minute or two
until some of the water boils off. Strain out the liquid into a clean container
and refrigerate. When cool, add the Rosewater to 4 oz. of the herbal liquid.
You must use this liquid within 3 days.

To Use: Rinse your eyes whenever necessary using this fluid with either an
eyecup or the hollow of your palm.

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Homemade Beauty Recipes

Tip No. 1: You can also add 1 oz. Rosewater directly to 4 oz. of distilled or
boiled water, without using the Rosebuds called for above and bottle the
liquid. This will not spoil and may be used at your leisure.

Tip No. 2: Rosewater may be purchased at any old-fashioned pharmacy, herb

or nutrition store and in most fine liquor stores (Rosewater is often used in
fine mixed drinks). You might also find it available in Turkish or Middle
Eastern specialty shops.

orange recipes


Citrus aurantium

This fruit is loaded with

Vitamin C and has astringent
properties making it good for
oily skins.



Refreshing Orange Scrub

This recipe is courtesy of Noreen Finneran "Incredible Edible Spa"

● 1/2 of an Orange

● 4 T Cornmeal

To Make: Squeeze orange juice and pulp into a bowl and add the cornmeal.
Mix into a paste.

To Use: Apply onto freshly washed face and body. Scrub gently for 2-3
minutes. Rinse, tone, moisturize.

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Homemade Beauty Recipes


Orange-Citrus Bath Herbs

Jeanne Rose "Kitchen Cosmetics"

Use only dried materials.

● 1 oz. Orange peel, CS (Cut and Sifted)

● 1 oz. Orange flowers, WH (Whole)

● 1 oz. Lemon peel, CS

● 1 oz. Comfrey leaves, CS

● Camomile, WH

● 1 oz. Almond meal

Quantity: Makes 6-12 baths.

To Make: Mix together and store away for use.

To Use: At bath time you may, 1) put a large handful of the mixed herbs into
a muslin bag and drop the bag in the hot tub; 2) drop the herbs directly into
the water; 3) put the herbs into a perforated metal ball available in the cooking
section of department stores and often used in the cooking of rice; 4) make an
infusion of herbs and strain the liquid into the tub.

Why: In this bath mixture, Orange peel soothes the skin, Orange flowers
impart fragrance, Lemon peel is an astringent, Comfrey leaves are a healing
emollient and astringent, Camomile is soothing and a healer, and Almond
meal adds a slippery feel.

Tip: There are several kinds of metal balls used in cooking rice. Some have
chains attached that can be hung from the edge of pot or tub. One small 3"
diameter ball I purchased came equipped with a cork float that was perfect in
my tub. Now I can always keep track of my bath ball.

almond recipes

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Homemade Beauty Recipes


Amygdalus communis

This nut is used mainly for its

emollient and slight bleaching
properties. When ground into
a meal, it is used for exfoliation
in beauty preparations.

almond treatment

Almonds - A Treatment for Hands

This recipe is courtesy of Jeanne Rose "Kitchen Cosmetics"

● Soft kid gloves

● 1 C Almond meal

● 1 T Comfrey root, PO (Powdered)

● 1 T Parsley, PO

● Some Honey

● Some raw Egg

● 1 tsp. Tincture of Benzoin (known to be STRONG sensitizer)

Quantity: Makes about 12 beautifying hand treatments.

To Make: Mix the herbs and Almond meal together and store away. When
your hands need care, take about 2 tablespoons of the herbal mixture and mix
in a small bowl with a bit of the morning's egg (before it is cooked of course),
the Benzoin, and enough Honey to make a thick but non-drippy goo.

To Use: About once a month when your hands get dry and chapped or red
and rough, pat a thick layer of the goo all over your hands, massaging around
each and every finger and then ask someone to put on the gloves for you. Go
to bed.

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Homemade Beauty Recipes

Why: During the night the Almond will smooth, the Comfrey heal, the
Benzoin protect, the Parsley medicate and the Honey will soothe all those
problems that your hands have accumulated during the month. Kid gloves
are important because they do not absorb the mixture, whereas with cotton
gloves the cotton itself absorbs, leaving very little for your hands. The gloves
can be washed by hand or in the washing machine after each use.

honey scrub

SharAmbrosia Honey Almond Scrub

This recipe is courtesy of SharAmbrosia

This is a Honey Almond scrub with a Peppermint twist! This product will
exfoliate your skin to help make it smoother and softer.

● 4 T Almond meal (or Almond flour)

● 2 T Jojoba oil

● 4 T Honey

● 5 drops of Peppermint essential oil

Pour the Almond Meal and Jojoba oil into a 4 oz cobalt or amber glass jar
(preferably). Stir well. Then mix in the Honey and Peppermint essential oil.
Keep stirring until the mixture is completely mixed.

To use: Cleanse the skin first. Apply about a teaspoon amount of the scrub
to a moistened face. Mix with water to make it a more fluid application (do
not add water to the jar). Scrub the skin gently, letting the almond meal do
the work (harder pressure will only damage capillaries!). Massage every
square inch of skin except the delicate eye tissue. Remove with a warm
washcloth. Be careful to remove every bit of the scrub. Apply a tonic or
hydrosol with a cotton ball to remove any excess product. Finish by applying
your moisturizer. Use about once a week to help keep the skin soft and
smooth and relieve surface tension.

honey recipes

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Homemade Beauty Recipes


Mel despumatum Syn.

This sweet, sticky substance is

made by Honeybees from
various types of flower nectar.
It is used in cosmetics for its
emollient properties as well as
for coloring and flavoring.

rose/honey mask

Rose Oil and Honey Facial Mask

This recipe is courtesy of www.honey.com National Honey Board

Rejuvenate and replenish your skin. Sweet almond oil, which is light and
easily absorbed, softens and nourishes skin. Honey as natural humectant,
moisturizes, leaving even tired skin incredibly smooth.

● 2 T Honey

● 2 T Sweet Almond oil

● 5 drops essential oil of Rose

● 1 drop Vitamin E oil

Mix honey, sweet almond oil and essential oil of rose.

Massage onto clean face and neck with fingertips. Relax for 15 minutes, then
rinse off with lukewarm water. Gently pat dry to reveal a fresh, soft

rosemary conditioner

Rosemary Honey Hair Conditioner

This recipe is courtesy of www.honey.com National Honey Board

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Homemade Beauty Recipes

The extremes of heat and cold we endure throughout winter can make even
the greatest of hair look and feel like straw. This nourishing conditioner
blends honey for shine; olive oil for moisture and essential oil of rosemary to
stimulate hair growth.

● 1/2 cup Honey

● 1/4 cup warmed Olive oil (2T for normal to oily hair)

● 4 drops of essential oil of Rosemary

● 1 tsp. Xanthum gum (available in health food stores)

Place all the ingredients in a small bowl and mix thoroughly. Pour into a clean
plastic bottle with a tight fitting stopper or lid.

Apply a small amount at a time to slightly dampened hair. Massage scalp and
work mixture through hair until completely coated. Cover hair with a warm
towel (towel can be heated in a microwave or dryer) or shower cap; leave on
to nourish and condition for 30 minutes. Remove towel or shower cap;
shampoo lightly and rinse with cool water. Dry as normal and enjoy shinier,
softer and healthier hair the natural way.

marigold recipes


Calendula officinalis

This flower is widely used in

hair and skincare formulations
for its softening and healing

marigold mask

Marigold Face Mask

This recipe is courtesy of Jeanne Rose "Kitchen Cosmetics"

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Homemade Beauty Recipes

● 1 T Marigold flowers

● 1 T Chamomile flowers

● 1/2 C Water

● Almond oil, as much as is necessary

● 1 T Carrots, well-mashed

● 1 T Lecithin granules

● 1 tsp. Wheat germ oil

Quantity: 1-2 masks

To Make: Bring water to a boil and pour over the Marigold and Chamomile
flowers. Cover and set aside. Mash the carrots, add wheat germ oil. Strain
out the liquid from the flowers and add them to the carrot-wheat germ oil.
Mix thoroughly and add the lecithin granules. If you have a blender, blend it
finely. The texture can be changed with the addition of Almond oil; add a bit
to make a smooth cream for dry skin; if you have oily skin add enough
Almond oil to blend these disparate ingredients.

To Use: Wash face. Steam clean it for a few minutes with one of the steam
mixtures. Apply a thick layer of the Marigold Face Mask to the face in smooth
upward motions. Rest on a slantboard or rock in a rocking chair, but in any
case leave the mask on for 15 minutes. Wipe it off with tissues, rinse with
warm water and then close your pores with a refreshing cold water rinse.

Why: Marigold and Chamomile flower infusion is healing to the tissues;

carrots add texture and Vitamin A that may or may not be absorbed through
the skin; lecithin is an emulsifying agent in the recipe that is also necessary for
healthy tissues; wheat germ oil adds Vitamin E; and the Almond oil is for a
creamy consistency.

Tip: This mask does not harden but stays relatively moist. It will leave your
skin smoother and refreshed, stimulating both facial circulation and muscles.

yogurt recipes


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Homemade Beauty Recipes

This dairy product contains

"healthy" bacteria, it can be
used for a wonderful cleansing
and moisturizing treatment for
the skin.


Goddess Yogurt Body Mask

This recipe is courtesy of Noreen Finneran "Incredible Edible Spa"


● 1/4 Cup Yogurt

● 3 T Honey

● 3 T Puréed Pumpkin OR

● 3 T Puréed Carrots

To Make: Use canned (nothing added), or slightly cooked pumpkin or

carrots. Drain, and purée in a blender. Pour into a bowl with the yogurt and

To Use: Draw a warm bath. Lather your face and body with the yogurt mask. Sink
into a warm bath and soak for 10-20 minutes. Rinse in the shower, tone, and apply a
light moisturizer.

yogurt mask

Yogurt-Honey Mask
This recipe is courtesy of Jeanne Rose "Kitchen Cosmetics"

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Homemade Beauty Recipes

● 1 T Yogurt

● 1 T Honey

To Make: Add the two ingredients together and apply to a clean, moist face.

To Use: Pat this mask onto the skin for a moisturizing, penetrating, hydrating,
soothing application that will also help to clear up skin problems.

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