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Mas to
Using Art to Teach Fraction, Decimal,

and Percent Equivalents
Christopher Scaptura, Jennifer Suh, and Greg Mahaffey

Developing visual models of ratio- are taught separately without providing These topics also present a challenge for
nal numbers is critical in building an students the opportunity to make the middle school students because they are
understanding of multiple and equiva- connection, which stunts their ability to likely to have few out-of-school experi-
lent forms of rational numbers and the fully understand rational numbers. In ences with rational numbers. Therefore,
relationship among fractions, decimals, addition, the National Research Coun- the NRC recommends that teachers
and percents. Historically, middle school cil (NRC 2001) reports that rational play a more active and direct role in pro-
students have had difficulty with rational numbers are more complex than whole viding relevant experiences to enhance
numbers for a variety of reasons. Sowder numbers, in part because they are rep- students informal understanding and
and Schappelle (1995) state that middle resented in several ways (p. 231) (e.g., in helping them elaborate their infor-
school students spend little time with common fractions and decimal fractions) mal understanding into a more formal
problems that relate fraction and decimal and used in many ways (e.g., as parts of network of concepts and procedures
numbers. Often, fractions and decimals regions and sets, as ratios, as quotients). (NRC 2001, p. 231). This article shares
how students created their own Op
Art (optical art), which was inspired by
Christopher Scaptura, [email protected], teaches sixth grade at Garfield El- Ellsworth Kelly, and how they connected
ementary School in Springfield, VA 22150. He is currently pursuing his masters degree in
that work of art to rational numbers. By
elementary education at George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia. Jennifer Suh, jsuh4@
identifying colored portions of a grid, the, is an assistant professor of mathematics education at George Mason University
students recognized fraction, decimal,
in Fairfax, Virginia. Suhs research interests focus on developing students mathematical
proficiency through problem solving and building representational fluency and teachers and percent breakdowns of their own
pedagogical content knowledge in mathematics. Greg Mahaffey, [email protected], designs. Through visual and mathemati-
taught sixth-grade mathematics at Westlawn Elementary School for the Fairfax County cal representations of rational numbers,
Public Schools in Virginia. He is interested in broadening and increasing students interest they learned mathematics through the
in mathematics though curricular and real-life connections. lens of an artist.

24 Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School Vol. 13, No. 1, August 2007

Copyright 2007 The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Inc. All rights reserved.
This material may not be copied or distributed electronically or in any other format without written permission from NCTM.
Connecting Mathematics Since I taught this lesson to four a minilesson on the relationship
with the Art mathematics sections at the school, between art and mathematics. These
While searching for an interesting I had to cut 7200 one-inch paper two subjects are not often used in
and effective way to help my sixth- squares. (This would be an excellent combination, so I provided concrete
grade students at Westlawn Elemen- activity for a willing parent volunteer.) examples of artists work that dem-
tary School in Falls Church, Virginia, The cut paper squares had more con- onstrated this connection. I created a
grasp the concept of decimal, fraction, centrated color than could be achieved brief slide show of color-field and op-
and percent equivalents, sixth-grade with pencil or crayon, and the task of art images by artists like Piet Mondri-
mathematics teacher Greg Mahaffey gluing required less time and dexterity an, Victor Vasarely, Ellsworth Kelly,
and I discussed several lessons using than drawing blocks of color. Kenneth Noland, and Frank Stella.
the 100 square grid as a way to il- Before the students began their As we viewed these works of art, most
lustrate portions of a whole. Squares artwork, I introduced the task with students could see that measurement
on a grid immediately made me think
of American artist Ellsworth Kelly, a
twentieth-century painter and sculp- Fig. 1 Worksheet 1 that was used in class
tor who is recognized and admired
for his contributions to abstract art.
Like many other American artists in
the 1950s, Kelly experimented with
color-field painting. Kelly used a grid
system, placing a variety of warm and
cool colors against one another to
create optical effects on the canvas.
One particular painting from 1951,
titled Colors for a Large Wall, hangs in
the Metropolitan Museum of Art in
New York. He combined 64 solid-col-
ored painted squares into a grid. This
painting inspired me to experiment
with a similar idea with my class.
With help from Jennifer Suh and
Greg Mahaffey, I developed a lesson
based on a grid. Students constructed
their own artwork by gluing small
colored paper squares on a grid.

The Task
In preparing for the lesson, I used a
grid of 100 squares so that students
could clearly visualize and determine
the decimal form (0.01 for each
square) for the amount of each color
used. (See worksheet 1 in fig. 1.) NAME _____________________
Students could then calculate their
fraction and percent equivalents. Each Color Number Fraction Decimal Percent
student was required to use at least
three colors of squares. Squares left
blank could be counted as white. I
asked students to choose from a total
of six different colors but ultimately
left the design of the artwork to them.

Vol. 13, No. 1, August 2007 Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 25
and subdivision of the canvas were Fig. 2 Robertos design used neat Fig. 3 Ankit produced an intricate
hallmarks of this form of abstract numbers. design with four colors.
expressionism. I allowed the slide
show to run continually as a source
of inspiration for students while they
worked on their pieces.

Students Representations
and Mathematical Thinking

Photograph by Christopher Scaptura; all rights reserved

Photograph by Christopher Scaptura; all rights reserved
Students were given twenty minutes
to design and glue their squares to
the background paper. I created the
background using pencil and paper
and copied the 10 in. 10 in. grids
onto ledger-sized sheets. These larger
sheets of paper allowed space at the
bottom of the page for a small table
(see the table in fig. 1), divided into
five columns for the categories of color,
number, fraction, decimal, and per-
cent. After completing their designs,
some students counted the number of
squares of each color and computed the discovered errors, but most completed that equaled 25/100, or 1/4, 25%, and
unreduced fraction equivalent based on the calculations without much trouble 0.25 of the total grid.
the total number of squares (x/100 for or teacher assistance. The table at the Some students wrote the deci-
each color). These students then com- bottom of the page was used to assess mal fractions first, then listed other
puted the decimal and percent equiva- students understanding of the concept. equivalent fractions (i.e., 36 squares =
lents. When changing from a fraction Some students worked methodi- 36/100 = 9/25, or 4 squares = 0.04 and
to decimal and percent equivalents, cally in designing a symmetrical pat- 4/100 = 1/25). (See fig. 6.)
students were able to refer to their grid tern with a distinct color and design The students who chose to create a
and their counted number of colored (see figs. 2, 3, and 4). Others chose an more random design found that they
squares as a reminder of the equiva- abstract form by randomly gluing the needed to be more careful when count-
lent nature of these numbers. Other squares on the grid (see fig. 5). Some ing the number of squares for each color.
students started by finding the decimal students personalized their art by In fact, some students realized that their
expression for each color, as explained designing patterns to represent one of calculations were incorrect when the total
earlier. As the students finished their their initials or a smiley face (see fig. 6). values in a column did not add to 100
computations, I walked around the When calculating the total number percent or 1. They knew that they need-
room and questioned them about their of squares used by different colors, the ed to recount the number of squares for
design, mathematical reasoning, and students who used a color or symmet- each color. This built-in, self-checking
strategies for checking to see that their rical pattern found a numerical-pattern format allowed students to verify their
calculations were correct. I reminded shortcut. For example, Robertos design answer without help from the teacher.
the class that all values in the number used five colors: orange, purple, blue, Many of my students participate
and percent columns should add to red, and green (see fig. 2). His orderly in the English for Speakers of Other
100 and that those in the fraction and pattern resulted in neat numbers (i.e., Languages (ESOL) program, and
decimal columns should add to 1. For 20 squares = 20/100, or 1/5, 0.20, and a few speak very limited English.
students who seemed unsure about 20%). He added each column to check This activity seemed to benefit these
the fraction to decimal conversion, I his work. Ankit also used an equal students by allowing them to work on
suggested that they think in terms of number of squares of each color for his a visual project and a student-created
money, with the 100 grid representing intricate design: pink, blue, green, and manipulative. It helped them commu-
a dollar, and the decimal representing purple (see fig. 3). Therefore, in his nicate and in so doing build confidence
the equivalent in cents. A few students table, he had 25 squares for each color in their understanding of the math-

26 Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School Vol. 13, No. 1, August 2007
ematics concepts of fractions, decimal, neat. For example, for the blue and class. Students demonstrated a high
and percent. In fact, the cooperating purple squares, he wrote 11/64. By rate of success on this homework task.
teacher and I overheard a conversa- using the calculator, he was able to When the students artwork was
tion in Spanish where one student was experiment with numbers. Because of completed and checked, I displayed
explaining to his classmate what each the limited time and the difficulty of the designs in the hallway outside
category represented on the table. He the 64-square grid, Kevin could not of the mathematics room. The grids
was saying words like por ciento and fully check his work. Had he done so, made a colorful addition to our school
fraccion. We capitalized on that teach- he would have found that the decimal as well as reinforced the students un-
able moment to discuss the etymology column did not add to 1 and the per- derstanding of the relationship among
of the word per cent. In the 1400s, the cent column did not add to 100. rational numbers.
word per cento was used to describe a To reinforce the relationship
percent, or per one hundred. Today, we among decimals, fractions, and Concluding Remarks
abbreviate it to the symbol %. percents, I also created a sheet for stu- This activity helped build students
For a limited number of students dents to complete as homework (see understanding of the relationships
who clearly had an easy grasp of this worksheet 2 in fig. 7). Unlike the class among rational numbers by seeing
concept, we presented them with a project, this homework sheet did not how fractions, decimals, and per-
more difficult task by asking them to include the 100 grid. Students were cents are related. It also stimulated
eliminate the outside row of squares, asked to fill in a table of equivalents their interest in Op Art and allowed
thus limiting the grid to 64 squares. based on one or more numbers from them to express themselves artisti-
The students who took this chal- each set. I included tenths, fifths, and cally. Students engaged in activities
lenge had more difficulty determin- quarters on the sheet. Students found that allowed them to model rational
ing decimal and percent equivalents the missing pieces easy to determine numbers in various representational
(see fig. 5). Because the focus of this without using a calculator. For most of systems: pictorially, verbally, symboli-
lesson was on equivalents, I allowed the numbers, I tried to stay with com- cally with numbers, and with physical
students to use calculators, when mon values that they might encounter. manipulatives using the grid and color
needed, to determine percents. Kevin I also added an additional column squares. Lesh, Post, and Behr (1987)
took the challenge and used five colors labeled equivalent dollar amount to state that students gain a deeper
randomly. By using the 8 in. 8 in. reinforce the fact that our monetary understanding of a concept when they
grid, Kevin was forced to work with system is based on 100 and correlates can identify and model a mathemati-
fractions and decimals that were not to the 100 grid that they had used in cal concept in various representational

Fig. 4 Rocios numbers required Fig. 5 Kevin took on the challenge of Fig. 6 Quoc obviously found joy in this
several calculations. the 64 square. project.
Photograph by Christopher Scaptura; all rights reserved

Photograph by Christopher Scaptura; all rights reserved

Photograph by Christopher Scaptura; all rights reserved

Vol. 13, No. 1, August 2007 Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 27
Fig. 7 Worksheet 2 was completed by students. crease the number of colors available
or required when creating the art. To
NAME __________________________ DATE _______________ save money, smaller scale grids could
be used and colored pencils could
Fill in the missing percent, decimal, and/or fraction for each of the following:
replace paper squares.
Number of Equivalent Students usually have fewer out-
Squares out Dollar of-school experiences with rational
of 100 Fraction Decimal Percent Amount numbers than with whole numbers,
1 75 3/4 0.75 75% $0.75 making it necessary for teachers to
provide relevant experiences to en-
2 1/5 0.2
hance students informal understanding
3 30 0.3 of fractions, decimals, and percents.
4 12/25 48% Although combining great works of art
5 60 with rational numbers may not seem
6 37% like an obvious approach to teaching
mathematics, the designs of masters
7 0.56
like Ellsworth Kelly provide students
8 44 with concrete examples of how two
9 23/25 subjects as diverse as art and math-
10 7/10 ematics connect and work together in
11 91% the world beyond the classroom.

systems and have the flexibility to own the learning as a means to an end. Lesh, Robert, Thomas Post, and Merlyn
move from one representational sys- Thus students build visual knowledge Behr. Representations and Trans-
tem to another. Principles and Stan- as well as create visual models in the lations among Representations in
dards for School Mathematics (NCTM process of creating artwork. In addition Mathematics Learning and Problem
2000) encourages students to repre- to the embedded learning, students feel Solving. In Problems of Representation
sent their mathematical ideas in ways greater ownership over a model that in the Teaching and Learning of Math-
that make sense to them, even if those they have created themselves, and this ematics, edited by C. Javier, pp. 3340.
representations are not conventional. engenders long-term memories that Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum
By moving from one representational can be accessed throughout the school Associates, 1987.
system to another, students exercised year and beyond. Students at West- Museum of Modern Art. Colors for a
flexibility in their thinking and gained lawn have expanded their models past Large Wall.
a deeper understanding of a concept. equivalent representations of rational browse_results.php?object_id=80528.
The lesson was particularly useful numbers to include greater under- -.
in addressing the needs of the stu- standing of ratios and proportion. National Council of Teachers of Math-
dents at Westlawn Elementary School. The open nature of the task allows ematics (NCTM). Principles and Stan-
A large percent of our students are teachers to tailor it to lower or upper dards for School Mathematics. Reston,
second language learners or are living grades and differentiate within classes VA: NCTM, 2000.
in poverty. We must address the lack by altering the number of squares National Research Council. Adding It
of background knowledge that some of in the grid. For younger students, Up: Helping Children Learn Math-
these students bring with them to the the table activity could be limited to ematics, edited by Jeremy Kilpatrick,
classroom. This is especially true in re- counting the number of squares of Jane Swafford, and Bradford Findell.
gard to vocabulary and visual memory. each color and expressing these values Washington, DC: National Academy
Many visual and manipulative models as fractions. The same method could Press, 2001.
can be employed to build conceptual be used with decimals. Older or more Sowder, Judith, and Bonnie Schappelle,
understanding of decimals and frac- advanced students could work with a eds. Providing a Foundation for Teach-
tions. The power of embedding art into grid of 64, 121, or even 1000 squares. ing Mathematics in the Middle Grades.
the model is that students consider the As with the number of grid squares, Albany, NY: State University of New
creation of artwork as the end goal and the teacher could also increase or de- York Press, 1995. l

28 Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School Vol. 13, No. 1, August 2007

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