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2F, Juniper Bldg., Baguio City

“The Most Trusted EE Review Center in the North”


Monday August 18, 2014 1:00 – 5:00 pm
I N S T R U C T I O N : Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading
the box corresponding to the letter of your choice in the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES
ALLOWED. Use pencil No. 2 only.


1. It is an inert, inactive load, primarily due to the structure’s own weight.

A. live Load C. Natural Load
B. Dead Load* D. Working Load

2. A 30 m long aluminum bar is subjected to a tensile stress of 172 MPa. Find the elongation
if E = 69116 MPa.
A. 7.46 cm* C. 8.23 cm
B. 9.23 cm D. 6.61 cm

3. A cast-iron column with annular cross section supports an axial compressive load of 250
KN. Determine the inside diameter of the column if its outside diameter is 200 mm and
the limiting compressive stress is 500 MPa.
A. 138.4 mm C. 194.7 mm
B. 203.4 cm D. 183.4 mm*

4. A water tank is 8 m in diameter and 12 m high. If the tank is to be completely filled,

determine the minimum thickness of the tank plating if the stress id limited to 40 MPa.
A. 11.77 mm* C. 12.32 mm
B. 13.78 mm D. 14.99 mm

5. A steel wire 10 m long hanging vertically supports a tensile load of 2000 N. Neglecting
the weight of the wire, determine the required diameter if the stress is not to exceed
1400 MPa and the total elongation is not to exceed 5mm. Assume E = 200 GPa.
A. 5.16 mm C. 4.26 mm*
B. 3.21 mm D. 6.12 mm

6. A helical spring is made by wrapping steel wire 20 mm in diameter around a forming

cylinder 150 mm in diameter. Compute the numbers of turns required to permit an elongation
of 100 mm without exceeding s shearing stress of 150 MPa. Use G = 83 GPa.
A. 15.18 turns C. 14.23 turns
B. 13.83 turns* D. 12.74 turns

7. A steel rod having a length of 150 m at 30°C is suspended vertically form one end. If
the unit mass of steel is 7850 kg/m³ and E = 200 GPa, calculate the elongation of the
rod when the temperature rises to 37°C during summer. (α steel= 6.5 x 10-6/C°).
A. 11.16 mm* C. 12.34 mm
B. 13.78 mm D. 14.84 mm

8. An aluminum bar 30m long is subjected to a tensile stress of 175 MPa. What is the
elongation if E = 69116 MPa?
A. 76 mm* C. 53 mm
B. 83 mm D. 48 mm

9. A 5/8” thick steel plate has ultimate share strength of 42,000 psi. Calculate for
necessary to punch 3/4" diameter round hole.
A. 68150 lbs C. 62784 lbs
B. 61850 lbs* D. 67284 lbs

10. A force of 10 N is applied to one end of a 10 inches diameter circular rod. Calculate
the stress.
A. 0.20 kPa* C. 0.30 kPa
B. 0.40 kPa D. 0.50 kPa

11. The radius and thickness of a thin hollow sphere are 10 inches and 0.1 inches
respectively. If the sphere is subjected to an internal pressure of 100 psig, compute
the maximum normal stress on an element of the sphere.
A. 4000 psi C. 5000 psi*
B. 5500 psi D. 6000 psi

12. A steel rod stretched between two rigid walls carries a tensile load of 5000 N at 20°C.
Compute the minimum diameter of the rod if the allowed stress is not to exceed 130 MN/m2
at -20°C. Use α = 11.7 μm/m°C and E = 200 x 109 N/m2.
A. 13.22 mm* C. 14.52 mm
B. 15.87 mm D. 16.07 mm

13. A steel rod having a cross-sectional area of 150 mm2 is stretched between two fixed
points, and the tensile load is 5000N at 20°C. Determine the stress at -20°C. Use α=11.7
μm/m°C and E = 200 x 109 N/m2.
A. 126.9 MPa* C. 137.2 MPa
B. 147.6 MPa D. 152.4 MPa

14. A flange bolt coupling consists of eight steel 20 mm diameter bolts space evenly around
a bolt circle 300 mm in diameter. If the allowable shearing stress in the bolts is 40
MPa, find the torque capacity of the coupling.
A. 15800 N-m C. 15080 N-m*
B. 16525 N-m D. 15625 N-m

15. A steel railroad of 10m long are laid with a clearance of 3 x 10-3 m at a temperature
of 15°C. At what temperature will the rails touch? Use α = 11.7μm/m°C and E = 200 x 109
A. 40.64 °C* C. 56.23 °C
B. 62.31 °C D. 63.45 °C

16. Determine the diameter of a solid steel shaft 5 m long which is stresses to 60 MPa when
twisted through 4°. Use G = 83 GPa.
A. 150 mm C. 145 mm
B. 132 mm D. 104 mm*

17. A flexible shaft consists of a 5 meter diameter steel wire encased in a stationary tube
that fits closely enough to impose a frictional torque of 2 N-m/m. Is the shearing stress
is not to exceed 140MN/m2, what is the maximum length of the shaft?
A. 1.718 m* C. 1.781 m
B. 1.817 m D. 1.871 m

18. A 3m long hollow steel shaft must transmit a 25 kN-m torque. The total angle of twist
in this length is not to exceed 2.5°and the allowable shearing stress is 90 MN/m2. What
is the outside diameter of the shaft? Use G = 85 GN/m2.
A. 175 mm C. 165 mm
B. 146 mm* D. 132 mm

19. Loss factor of class I capacitor.

A. 0.004* C. 0.001
B. 0.002 D. 0.006

20. This metal is alloyed with steel to give it corrosion resistance properties, resulting
in “stainless steel”.
A. Carbon C. Chromium*
B. Silicon D. Vanadium

21. An impulse of 30 N∙s is applied to a 5 -kg mass. If the mass had a speed of 100 m/sec
before the impulse, its speed after the impulse could be
A. 250 m/s C. 6.00m/s
B. 106 m/s* D. 0 m/s

22. The sun is directly overhead of the eagle. The eagle dives at 50 m/s at an angle of 30
degrees below the horizontal. What is the velocity of the shadow?
A. 43.3 m/s* C. 25.0 m/s
B. 34.3 m/s D. 52.0 m/s

23. A device used to measure atmospheric pressure is called

A. Manometer C. pycnometer
B. Barometer* D. hydrometer

24. A bar of uniform cross section is subject to uniaxial tension and develops a strain in
the direction of the force of 1/800. Calculate the change of volume per unit volume.
Assume μ = 1/3.
A. 1/2400(inc)* C. 1/1200(inc)
B. 1/2400 (dec) D. 1/200 (dec)

25. When a submarine dives to a depth of 120 m, to how large a total pressure is its
exterior surface subjected? The density of seawater is 1.03 g/cc.
A. 1.41 MPa C. 1.31 MPa*
B. 1.21 MPa D. 1.11 MPa

26. Air enters a turbine at 5 kg/s at a velocity of 20 m/s at a temperature of 200 K and
exits at a velocity of 500 m/s. What is the power (kW) due to change in kinetic
A. 654* C. 836
B. 426 D. 368

27. What does RES stands for EPIRA?

A. Retail Energy Supply
B. Retail Energy Suppliers
C. Retail Electricity Supply
D. Retail Electricity Suppliers*

28. A 60-kg rectangular box, open at the top, has base dimension 1.0 m by 0.8 m and depth
0.50 m. How deep will it sink in fresh water?
A. 0.025 m C. 0.075 m*
B. 0.050 m D. 0.095 m

29. Find the angle of banking for a highway curve of 90 m radius designed to accommodate
cars travelling at 160 kph, if the coefficient of friction between the tires and the
road is 0.60.
A. 34.9 deg* C. 20.3 deg
B. 44.6 deg D. 47.2 deg

30. Which is not a unit power?

A. Joules/second C. watts
B. Newton-seconds* D. calories/sec

31. The density of nitrogen is 1.25 kg/cu. m. at S.T.P. Determine the density of nitrogen
at 42 deg C and 730 mm of mercury.
A. 1.09 kg/cu. m. C. 1.04kg/cu. m.*
B. 1.90 kg/cu. m. D. 1.40 kg/cu. m.

32. A turbine started from rest to 180 rpm in 6 min at a constant acceleration. Find the
number of revolutions that it makes within the elapse time.
A. 550 C. 630
B. 540* D. 500

33. 200 grams of aluminum block at 400 deg C is dropped into a 1 kg aluminum calorimeter
containing 100 grams of water at 5 deg C. What is the final temperature of the
mixture, in deg C? cal=0.22 kcal/kg-deg C.
A. 25.7 C. 64.8
B. 52.7* D. 46.8

34. An 8 unit long pendulum subtends an angle of 34 degrees. What is the height
difference from its stationary position?
A. 1.37 C. 1.26
B. 1.73 D. 1.62

35. Which wave requires a medium for transmission?

A. Light C. radio
B. Infrared D. sound*

36. Calculate the mass of the oxygen that reacts with 1.24 g of methane (natural gas) to
form 3.41 g of carbon dioxide and 2.79 g of water.
A. 4.96 g* C. 7.44 g
B. 4.65 g D. 1.86 g

37. A substance formed by the union of two or more chemical elements in a definite
proportion that can be only be separated by chemical means.
A. Mixture C. ion
B. Molecules D. compound*

38. An object 6 cm high is placed 12 cm away from a concave mirror whose focal length is
36 cm. What is the height of the image?
A. 3 cm C. 9 cm*
B. 4 cm D. 8 cm

39. Calculate the molality of a solution containing 0.500 mol of solute in 250 g of
A. 1.50 m C. 1.75 m
B. 2.00 m* D. 2.25 m

40. A beam of rectangular cross-section is to be cut from a circular log diameter D. What
should be the ratio of the depth of the beam to its width for maximum strength in pure
A. Sqrt. of 2* C. sqrt. of 3
B. (sqrt. of 2)/2 D. (sqrt. of 3)/3

41. A 1 cu. m. tank is filled with gas at room temperature 20 deg C and a pressure of 100
kPa. How much is there if the gas is propane with R = 0.18895?
A. 1.809* C. 1.942
B. 26.518 D. 2.062

42. A Carnot engine operates between reservoirs at 20 deg C and 200 deg C. If 10 kW of power
is produced, the rejected heat rate is nearest:
A. 26.3 kJ/s C. 16.3 kJ/s*
B. 20.2 kJ/s D. 12 kJ/s

43. Oil with specific gravity of 0.80 is 0.91 m deep in an open tank which is otherwise
filled with water. If the tank is 3.05 m deep, what is the pressure, in kPa, at the
bottom of the tank?
A. 21.80 C. 28.10*
B. 27.89 D. 23.45

44. A man expects to receive P20,000 in 10 years. If interest is computed at 6% compounded

quarterly, how much is it worth today?
A. P11,025.25* C. P11,045.25
B. P11,035.25 D. P11,055.25

45. How many grams are represented in 2.50 mol of H2O?

A. 45.0* C. 43.9
B. 21.7 D. 32.7

46. The standard atmospheric pressure in meters of ammonia is (ρ = 600 kg/cu.m.)is :

A. 19 m C. 23 m
B. 31 m D. 17 m*

47. A side (2 in) of a square bar is loaded in tension by a force of 12 kips. Determine the
normal stress in ksi in the square bar.
A. 5.5 C. 2.6
B. 6 D. 3*

48. What is the accumulated amount of five-year annuity paying P6,000 at the end of each
year, with interest rate at 15% compounded annually?
A. P40,519.21 C. P40,454.29*
B. P40,681.29 D. P40,329.10

49. Calculate the strain for a change in length = 0.038 cm and a length of 1.90 m.
A. 0.000217 C. 0.020526
B. 0.00020* D. 0.000211

50. A 1.0-slug mass has a kinetic energy of 1.0 ft-lb when its speed is
A. 0.25 ft/s C. 1.4 ft/s*
B. 1.0 ft/s D. 8.0 ft/s

51. How much pressure is needed to raise water to the top of the building which is 1250 ft
A. 562 lb/ C. 542 lb/*
B. 426 lb/ D. 462 lb/

52. The following forces act on an object: 10 N to the north, 20 N to the southeast, and 5
N to the west. The magnitude of their resultant is
A. 5 N C. 13 N
B. 10 N* D. 23 N

53. If 200 cc. of a gas weighs 0.268 g at S.T.P., what is its molecular weight?
A. 10 C. 30*
B. 20 D. 40

54. A machine costing P1,800,000 has a life of 8 years. Using straight line method, the
total depreciation at the end of 4th year is P800,000. Determine the salvage value of the
A. P150,000 C. P300,000
B. P250,000 D. P200,000*

55. The density of zinc is 455 lb/cu.ft. Find the mass in grams of 9.00 cc of zinc.
A. 65.6* C. 46.5
B. 56.5 D. 85.6

56. Energy is added to 5 kg air with a paddle wheel so that ΔT = 100 deg C while P = constant
in an insulated container. The paddle-wheel work is:
A. 500 kJ* C. 400 kJ
B. 423 kJ D. 363 kJ

57. Prefix 10^15 is

A. pico C. peta
B. atto D. femto

58. If the density of the gas is 0.003 slugs per cubic foot, what is the specific weight of
the gas?
A. 9.04 N/cu.m C. 76.3 N/cu.m
B. 15.2 N/cu.m* D. 98.2 N/cu.m

59. Which of the following refers to the diffusion of a solvent into stronger solution in
an attempt to equalize the two concentrations?
A. Purification C. Osmosis*
B. Electrolysis D. Hydrolysis

60. If a 1/3 horsepower pump runs for 20 minutes, what is the energy used?
A. 0.06 ergs C. 0.30 MJ*
B. 0.25 kW D. 0.11 kW-hr

61. Common cause of failure of termination of cable.

A. Splicing C. Penciling of insulation*
B. Clearances D. None of these

62. What is the acid concentration of Nitric acid, HNO3 with pH value of -0.55?
A. 2.33 M C. 5.33 M
B. 4.55 M D. 3.55 M*

63. A projectile is fired at the top of a building at an angle of 20 degrees below the
horizontal. If the muzzle velocity of the projectile is 8 m/s, how high is the building
if the projectile reaches the ground after 3 s?
A. 35.94m C. 52.35 m*
B. 48.89 m D. 23.62 m

64. Two steel plates are joined by using four-10 mm rivets. What is the minimum force that
can be applied at these plates without exceeding an allowable sheering stress of 125
A. 9.82 kN C. 78.54 kN
B. 39.27 kN* D. 92.63 kN

65. What power in kW is supplied to a 12.0-hp motor having an efficiency of 90.0 percent
when it is delivering its full rated output?
A. 10.72 C. 9.95*
B. 10.27 D. 9.59
66. A certain water faucet has 7 gpm flow rate. How many minutes can it fill a cubic meter
A. 43.8 C. 32.2
B. 46.2 D. 37.7

67. What is the accumulated amount of P500 after 6 months, with interest rate 3% per month?
A. P597.03* C. P492.05
B. P579.03 D. P429.05

68. Two equal forces act on a body. F1 being due north and F2 due east. To have a net force
of zero, at what direction should F3 act?
A. SE C. SW*

69. A newly hired Electrical Engineer is considering the purchase of a motor as his service
vehicle. Package 1: monthly installment of P1, 400.00 at 1% interest rate effective
monthly for 5 years and Package2: Lump sum payment of P68, 000.00 now. He chose Package
2. For his option, is he forfeited or not? By how much?
A. P5,062, loss* C. P23,417, gain
B. P23,417, loss D. P5,062, gain

70. A businessman owes $5,000.00 in cash via his credit card. He can repay this amount at
&100.00 per month paying an interest rate of 18% compounded monthly. How many months
will these payments be?
A. 96 C. 90
B. 93* D. 87

71. A thin-walled spherical shell contains a liquid, if it undergoes a thermal coefficient

of linear expansion α and subjected to a temperature change of ΔT, what is the ratio of
change in volume ΔV to the original volume V?
A. Δ T/3α C. 3ΔT/α
B. 3αΔT* D. 3αΔT/2

72. Two blocks of wood of 50 mm wide and 20 mm thick are glued together are shown in the
figure. Using the free-body diagram concept, determine the shear load and from it the
shearing in the glued joint if P= 6000 N.
A. 3 MPa C. 2.6 MPa*
B. 3.2 MPa D. 2.8 MPa

73. Calculate the work done by a piston if the 2cu. m. volume of air tripled while the
temperature is the maintained at 40 deg C. The initial pressure is 400kPa.
A. 879 kJ* C. 768 kJ
B. 897 kJ D. 786 kJ

74. An automobile is traveling at 25 m/s. It takes 0.3s to apply the brakes after which the
deceleration is 6.0 m/s^2. How far does the automobile travel, in meters, before it
A. 40 C. 50
B. 45 D. 60*

75. The amount of lateral strain in a tension member can be calculated using
A. The bulk modulus C. The yield stress
B. Poisson’s ration * D. Hooke’s law

76. It is the price a buyer is willing to pay a willing seller for the stock
A. Bond value C. Market value*
B. Scrap value D. Stock value

77. Your perfectly reliable friend, Merle, asks for a loan and promises to pay back $ 150
two years from now. If the minimum interest rate you will accept 8%, what is the minimum
amount you will loan him?
A. $119 C. 129*
B. $126 D. $139

78. Find the allowable load, in kN on a 2-cm dia, 11-m long, steel rod of its elongation
cannot exceed 0.1cm.
A. 35 C. 55
B. 45 D. 66*

79. A cold tire has a volume of 0.03 cu. m. at -10 deg C and 180 kPa gage. If the pressure
and temperature increase to 210 kPa gage and 30 deg C, find the final volume in cu. m.
A. 0.0304 C. 0.0312*
B. 0.0308 D. 0.0316
80. The minimum size of a copper equipment grounding conductor required for equipment
connected to a 40-ampere circuit.
A. 5.5 sq. mm.* C. 14 sq. mm.
B. 8.0 sq. mm. D. 22 sq. mm.

81. The charge of aluminum atom in the aluminum foil is:

A. 0 C. +2
B. +1 D. +3

82. What is CPE in RA 7920 stands for?

A. Continuous Professional Education C. Continuous Professional Educator
B. Continuing Professional Education D. Continuing Professional Educator

83. What is PSALM in EPIRA stands for?

A. Private Sector Assets and Liabilities Management
B. Private Section Assets and Liabilities Management
C. Power Sector Assets and Liabilities Management
D. Power Section Assets and Liabilities Management

84. A deposit of P 10,000 is made in a bank account that pays 8% interest compounded
annually. How much money will be in the account after one year?
A. P 10, 600 C. P 10, 900
B. P 10, 700 D. P 10, 800

85. It is the sum of the internal energy and PV.

A. Entropy C. energy
B. Enthalpy D. electric field

86. A boy and his sledge weighs m, on an inclined surface with angle of inclination of
phi, and coefficient of friction of u. What is the frictional force?
A. mgsinphi C. μmgsinphi
B. mgcosphi D. μmgcosphi

87. Two sky divers jump at the same and want to play catch. Where should one aim if he
wants the other to catch it?
A. Below C. Above because ball falls slower
B. Above because ball falls faster D. Straight because there’s no air resistance

88. Which of the following is not part of the requirements to take RME?
A. Taken 1-yer electrician course and 3-years apprenticeship
B. Taken 2-years electricians course and 2-years apprenticeship
C. Taken 3-year of BSEE with apprenticeship
D. Graduate of BSEE

89. Which of the following in non-renewable energy?

A. Nuclear C. solar
B. Wind D. geothermal

90. What is JCPC in EPIRA stands for?

A. Joint Congressional Power Committee
B. Joint Congress Power Committee
C. Joint Congressional Power Commission
D. Joint Congress Power Commission

91. What is PEMC in EPIRA stands for?

A. Philippine Electricity Market Commission
B. Philippine Electricity Market Company
C. Philippine Electricity Market Committee
D. Philippine Electricity Market Corporation

92. A reinforced concrete column 250 mm in diameter is designed to carry an axial

compressive load of 400 kN. Using allowable stresses for concrete of 6 MPa and for steel
of 120 MPa, find the required area of stresses of reinforcing steel. Assume Ec = 14 GPa
and Es = 200 GPa.
A. 1728 sq. mm. C. 1636 sq. mm.
B. 1323 sq. mm. D. 1448 sq. mm.

93. An aluminum tube ( G = 28 GPa ) has an outer diameter of 100 mm and an inner diameter
of 50 mm. When twisted by a torque T, the tube develops a maximum normal strain of 650
x 10^-6. What is the magnitude of the applied torque T?
A. 8,500 N-m C. 6,700 N-m
B. 5,800 N-m D. 7,600 N-m

94. What is TSC in EPIRA stands for?
A. Transition Supplier Contract C. Transition Supplier Commission
B. Transition Supply Contract D. Transition Supply Commission

95. The rate of change of shear strain in a fluid is:

A. Shear rate C. stress rate
B. Pressure rate D. strain rate

96. IF a twisting moment of 10,000 lb-in is impressed upon a 1-3/4 in diameter shaft, what
is the angle of twist in a 4 ft length of the shaft? The material is steel for which G
= 12 x 10^6 psi.
A. 0.0543 rad C. 0.0235 rad
B. 0.0435 rad D. 0.0325 rad

97. A square steel bar is 2 in on a side and 10 in long. It is loaded by an axial tensile
force of 40,000 lb. If E = 30 x 10 ^6 psi and μ = 0.3, determine the change of volume
per unit volume.
A. 0.000133 C. 0.000122
B. 0.00133 D. 0.00122

98. A car moving at 30 m/s slows uniformly to speed of 10 m/s in a time of 5.0 s. Determine
the distance it moves in the third second.
A. 10 m C. 20 m
B. 15 m D. 30 m

99. In RA 7920, under the Penalty Clause, The fine shall be:
A. Not less than P60,000 C. Not less than P20,000
B. Not less than P50,000 D. Not less than P10,000

100. A solid cube of aluminum is 2.00 cm on each edge. The density of aluminum is 2700
kg/cu.m. Find the mass of the cube.
A. 26.1 g C. 32.4 g
B. 21.6 g D. 34.2 g

~~~E N D~~~



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