Acces Point - Ee Refresher 3

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Seat No.

: _________

Republic of the Philippine



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INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following

questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box
corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet

1. Two impedances C1 and C₂ are connected in series across a 240
v source. If C1 is 24 µF and the total capacitance is 6 uF, find
the voltage across C₂.
A. 240 v B. 60 v C. 180 v* D. 120 v

2. Estimate the average power output of a wind turbine having a

blade diameter of 10.7 m if the wind velocity ranges from 10 to
30 miles per hour.
A. 40.2 kW B. 42.2 kW C. 44.2 kW D. 46.2 kW

3. A conductor has a radius of 0.1625 inch. What is the area in

circular mils?
A. 20,406.25 B. 82,957.68 C. 100,000 D. 105,625

4. If there are eleven resistors of 33 kΩ each in parallel, what

is the total resistance?
A. 363 kΩ B. 3.3 kΩ C. 3 kΩ D. 16.5 kΩ

5. To reverse the direction of rotation of a three-phase

induction motor, it is necessary to
A. Interchange all the three-line connections
B. reverse the polarity of the rotor circuit
C. Increase the resistance of the rotor circuit
D. Interchange any two of the three-line connections
6. An unconventional conductor consists of three strands
arranged vertically. Find the GMR in terms of the radius r of an
individual strand.
A. 1.564 r B. 1.764 r C. 1.704 r D. 1.864 r

7. Transformers are rated in

A. kW B. kV C. kWHR D. kVA

8. A current is given by the expression I = 2.5sin ωt + 0.88in

3ωt + 0.5sin 5 ωt. What is the rms value of the current?
A. 1.54 A B. 2.6 A C. 2.54 A D. 1.89 A

9. A capacitor is charged to 250 coulombs for 5 seconds. What is

the current through the capacitor?
A. 25 A B. 50 A C. 500 A D. 1,250 A

10. In a series RL circuit, the inductor current ________ the

resistor current.
A. lags B. leads C. is equal to D. is negative of

11. A 120 v dc shunt motor has an armature resistance of 200 m.

If the full-load armature current is 75 A, find the starting
resistance needed to limit the armature starting current to 150%
of the full-load value. Allow brush contact drop of 2 volts.
A. 0.804 Ω B. 0.822 Ω C. 0.849 Ω D. 0.862 Ω

12. The power factor of incandescent bulb is ______

A. 0.8 lagging B. 0.8 leading C. unity* D. zero

13. The law that induces emf and current always opposes the
cause producing them was discovered by
A. Lenz* B. Maxwell C. Faraday D. Ohm

14. An Inductor in series with a 5 uF capacitor is connected to

a supply of 20 v. 796 HZ. What is the inductance needed to make
the current 5 A loading?
A. 0.002 H B. 0.007 H. C. 0.004 H D. 0.008 H

15. A 60 kJ per minute heat is reject from the refrigerator.

What is the power input to the refrigerator if COP is 1.27
A. 0.633 kw B. 0.7 1 kw C. 0.833 kw D. 0.933 kW

16. A 2,400/240 volts transformer is connected Y- Δ. What is base

voltage at the secondary
A. 415.69 v B. 240 v C. 130 v D. 480 v
17. Temperature coefficient of a conductor or is defined as the
A. Increase in resistance per ohms per degree centigrade
B. Increase in resistance per degree centigrade
C. Increase in resistance per degree absolute
D. Decrease in resistance per ohms per degree centigrade

18. A 400 v series motor working with unsaturated field is

taking 60 A and running at 840 rpm. The total resistance of the
mol is 0.1 ohm. At what speed will the motor run when developing
half-full load torque.
A. 1,193 rpm* B. 1,202 rpm C. 1,167 rpm D. 1,352 rpm

19. A capacitor is placed in parallel with two inductive loads,

one of 20 A at 30° lagging and another one of 40 A at 60°
lagging. What must be the current in the capacitor so that the
total current from the source shall be at unity power factor?
A. 44.64 A B. 36.81 A C. 48.36 A C. 38.32 A

20. Open conductors run individually as service drops shall be.

I. insulated II. bare III. covered
A. II only B. III only C. I only D. either I or II

21. A three-phase short transmission line has a per phase

Impedance of 0.3 +j0.4 0. The receiving end voltage is 6,351
volts per phase and the voltage regulation is not exceed 5
percent. Calculate the total line loss when it is supplying
maximum power.
A. 212.08 MW B. 70.69 MW C. 122.46 MW D. 40.81 MW

22. A parallel plate capacitor is made of 350 plates, separated

by paraffined paper 0.001 cm thick (k = 2.5). The effective size
of the plate is 50 cm x 30 cm. What is the capacitance of this
A. 35 µF B. 70 µF C. 115 µF D. 140 µF

23. The percentage overloading of two 20-KVA transformers when

supplying a balance 130 load of 40 KVA In a V-V bank is ____
A. 15 B. 57.7 C. 73.2 D. 33.3

24. The power factor of an alternator is determined by its

A. speed B. load C. excitation D. prime mover

25. The pitch factor for 3rd harmonic in an alternator having 18

slots per pole and cell span 5/6 of pole pitch
A. 0.707 B. 0.259 C. 0.966 D. 1
26. A certain power plant has reserve capacity above the peak
load of 10 MW. The annual factors are load factor = 59%,
capacity factor = 41% and use factor = 46%. Determine hours per
year not in service.
A. 952 hrs B. 965 hrs C. 924 hrs D. 937 hrs

27. The speed of a synchronous motor

A. reduces as load increases
B. Increases as load increases
C. adjusts itself to new equilibrium speed whenever load changes
D. always remains constant*

28. A heater wire of length 50 cm and 1 mm² in cross-section

carries a current of 2 A when connected across a 2 v battery.
What is the resistivity of the wire?
A. 2 x 10-3m B. 2 x 10-6m C. 4 x 10-3m D. 4 x 10-6m

29. A string insulator has 4 units. The voltage across the

bottom most unit is 30% of the total voltage. What is the string
A. 30% B. 60% C. 75% D. 83.33%

30. When a line to ground faults occurs, the current in a

faulted phase is 100 A. What is the zero-sequence current in
this case?
A zero B. 33.3 A C. 66.6 A D. 100 A

31. A transmission line has a total series impedance of 40 +

j126 ohms and a total shunt admittance of 10-3 mho. Determine the
constant D of the line.
A. j0.001 C. 0.9378 +j0.0196
B. 1+j0.0656 D. 0.001 + j0.0656

32. A six-pole three-phase 440-v, 60 HZ Induction motor develops

10-hp at 1,150 rpm, the power factor being 80% lagging. Stator
and core losses amount to 400 w and 350 w, respectively.
Frictional losses amount to 0.5-hp. Calculate motor line
A. 13.41 A B. 12.24 A C. 11.42 A D. 14.64 A

33. The efficiency of thermal power plant is approximately

A. 10% B. 30% C. 60% D. 80%
34. A 6.6 kV, Y-connected, 3-phase alternator has a synchronous
reactance of 6 per phase and a negligible resistance. At a
certain field current the armature is known to induce 5.8 kV per
phase. Calculate the maximum power that can be developed by the
alternator at this excitation.
A 12 MW B. 10 MW C. 9.8 MW D. 11 MW

35. A power plant consumes 3,600 tons of coal per day. If the
coal has an average energy content of 10,000 BTU/lb, what is the
plant's power output? Assume an overall efficiency of 15
A. 132 MW B. 130 MW C. 128 MW D. 126 MW

36. The positive, negative, and zero-sequence reactances of a

20-MVA, 13.2 kV synchronous generator are 0.3 pu, 0.2 pu, and
0.1 pu, respectively. The generator is solidly grounded and is
not loaded. A line to ground fault occurs on phase a. Neglecting
all the resistances, determine la1.
A. 15 pu B. 1.67 pu C. -2.87 pu D. -3 pu

37. The electromagnetic torque developed in a motor is 150 N-m.

If the field flux is decreased by 20% and armature current is
increased by 15%, find the new electromagnetic torque developed.
A. 138 N-m B. 163 N-m C. 159 N-m D. 104 N-m

38. A 220 v, 3-phase, 4-wire abc system supplies unbalanced wye-

connected resistances of Ra = 10 Ω, Rb = 15 Ω and Rc = 20 Ω.
Determine the total power of the system in watts.
A. 3,495 B. 3,560 C. 3,385 D. 3,895

39. A coil of wire of 100 turns enclosing an area of 0.09 m² has

its plane perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field of flux
density 0.5 T. The coil is turned to a position wherein its
plane is parallel to the magnetic field in 0.5 sec. Find the
average emf generated in the coil in volts.
A. 12 B. 9 C. 15 D. 10

40. A 10-hp, 230 v, three-phase Y-connected synchronous motor

has a reactance of 3 ohms per phase and a negligible resistance.
To what voltage must the motor be excited in order to deliver
full-load at unity power factor and 90% efficiency?
B. 254 V* B. 262 V C. 248 V D. 242 V

41. To a series RLC circuit, a voltage of 10 v is applied. If Q

of the coil at resonant frequency is 20, the voltage across the
inductor at resonant frequency will be
A. 200 V B. 100 V C. 75 V D. 50 V
42. One advantage of distributing the winding in alternator is
A. reduce harmonics
B. Improve voltage wave form
C. reduce the amount of copper
D. decrease the value of the voltage

43. A dc shunt motor running at 1,200 rpm has armature

resistance of 0.15 0. The current taken by the armature is 60 A
when the applied voltage is 220 V. If the load is increased by
30%, find the variation in the speed.
A. 1,040 rpm B. 1,162 rpm C. 1,110 rpm D. 1,184 rpm

44. The capacitance between any two conductors of a three-phase,

three-conductor cable le 2 cable operates at 11 kV line voltage
and 60 HZ. What is the charging current through the cable
A. 7.98 A B. 3.99 A C. 6.91 A D. 13.82 A

45. The per unit reactances of a synchronous generator are Xd =

1, Xd’ = 0.35 and Xd" = 0.26. The generator supplies a 1.0 per
unit load at 0.8 power factor lagging. Calculate the voltage
behind the subtransient reactance.
A. 1.79 pu B. 1.24 pu C. 1.17 pu D. 1.59 pu

46. 46. A series RLC circuit has a Q of 5 at its resonance

frequency of 100 KHZ. Assuming the power dissipation of the
circuit is 100 w when drawing a current of 0.8 A, determine the
capacitance C of the circuit.
A. 2.04 nF B. 2.32 nF C. 3.02 nF D. 2.54 n

47. An Iron ring of circular cross-section of 6 x 10-4 m² has a

mean circumference of 2 m. It has a saw-cut of 2 x 10-3 m length
and is wound with 800 turns of wire. Determine the exciting
current when the flux in the air gap is 0.5 x 10-3 Wb. Given μr
of iron = 600 and leakage factor is 1.2. Assume areas of air and
iron are same gap
A. 2.95 A B. 3.95 A C. 4.95 A D. 5.95 A

48. A 50 hp, 440 v, 60 HZ, 3-phase motor operates at full-load

with an efficiency of 89% and power factor of 0.85 lagging.
Determine the capacitance in μf per phase of a wye-connected
capacitor bank to be connected across the motor terminals to
improve the power factor to 0.95 lagging.
A. 148 B. 167 C. 188 D. 210
49. Impurities in an electrolyte can cause an internal short
circuit condition called
A depolarization C. electrolysis
B. local action* D. polarization

50. A dc constant voltage source feeds a resistance of 2,000 kΩ

in series with a 5 uF capacitor. Find the time taken for the
capacitor when the charge retained will be decayed to 50% of the
initial value, the voltage source being short circuited.
A. 6.931 sec B. 9.316 sec C. 3.961 sec D. 1.396 sec

51. A resistance of 40 ohms and inductance of 79.6 mH are

connected in parallel across a 240 v, 60 HZ ac supply. Find the
total current in amperes.
A. 11 B. 12 C. 10 D. 14

52. A 230 V, 3-phase source supplies a balanced delta connected

load with impedance of 8 - j6 ohms per phase. Calculate the line
current in amperes.
A. 33.1 B. 39.8 C. 26.5 D. 29.3

53. Three unbalanced 3-phase currents are given as follows:

Ia = 10∠-30° A, Ib = 0 and Ic = 10∠-150° A. Find Ic1.
A. 3.34∠150° A C. 3.34∠-150° A
C. 3.34∠210° A D. 3.34∠-135° A

54. Two straight parallel wires 2 m long and 3 mm apart carries

a current of 8 A in opposite direction. Calculate the force
between these conductors.
A. 8.25 x 10-3 N C. 8.75 x 10-3 N
B. 8.33 x 10 N
-3 D. 8.53 x 10-3 N

55. A three-phase, 6-pole, 50 HZ, induction motor develops a

maximum torque of 30 N-m at 960 rpm. Calculate the torque
produced by the motor at 6% slip. The rotor resistance per phase
is 0.6 N.
A. 24.7 N-m B. 25.7 N-m C. 26.7 N-m D. 27.7 N.m

56. The turn-on voltage of a Ge junction diode is _____ volt.

A. 0.7 B.0.3 C. 1 D. 0.1

57. A 40 miles, 60 cycle single phase line consists of two 000

conductors spaced 5 ft apart. Determine the charging current if
the voltage between wires is 33 kV. The diameter of 000
conductor is 410 mils.
A. 3.92 A B. 2.92 A C. 1.92 A D. 4.92 A
58. A transformer has 4% resistance and 6% reactance drop. Find
the voltage regulation at full load 0.8 p.f. lagging.
A. 6.8%* B.5.8% C. 8.0% D. 7.8%

59. A dc motor takes an armature current of 100 A at 230 v. The

armature resistance is 0.03 n. The total number of lap connected
armature conductors is 500 and the number of poles le 4. The
flus per pole le 0.03 Wb. What is the torque developed by the
A. 242.88 N-m B. 218.93 N-m C. 238.73 N-m D. 227.54 N-m

60. A 0.5 µF capacitor, an 80 mH Inductance and a 500 ohm

resistor are connected in parallel across s voltage source of V
= 12-j6 v. Find the current as a phasor if the angular velocity
is 500 rad/sec.
A. 0.333∠92° A C. 0.333∠-92° A
C. 0.333∠112° A D. 0.3334∠-112° A

61. What is the fourth harmonic of 800 kHz?

A. 200 kHz B. 400 kHz C. 3.20 MHz D. 4.00 MHz

62. A mode of communications in which either party can hear

while talking, thus allowing one party to instantly interrupt
the other at any time, is called
A. half simplex C. half duplex
B. full simplex D. full duplex

63. Suppose a cell of 1.5 v delivers 100 mA for 7 hours and 20

minutes, and then it is replaced. How much energy is supplied
during this time?
A. 0.49 Whr B. 1.1 Whr C. 7.33 Whr D. 733 mWhr

64. A device that repeatedly reverses the polarity of a magnetic

field in order to keep a dc motor rotating is known as
A. a solenoid C. an armature coil
B. a commutator D. field coil

65. Find the cross-sectional area of the core of a 10 turns

transformer for a voltage of 50 v at 50 HZ. The flux density is
0.9 Wb/m².
A. 0.025 m² B. 0.045 m² C. 0.065 m² D. 0.085 m²
66. The rotor resistance of an 8-pole, 50 Hz, wound rotor
induction motor is 0.5 per phase. The speed of the motor is 720
rpm at full load. Determine the external resistance to be
connected with the rotor circuit to reduce the speed to 680 rpm
for full-load torque.
A. 0.66625 Ω B. 1.1625 Ω C. 0.5225 Ω D. 0.8825 Ω

67. 87 is the device function number assigned by ANSI to this

A. lock out relay C. undervoltage relay
B. directional relay D. differential relay*

68. A series RL circuit is connected across a dc source through

a switch. Three milliseconds after the switch is closed, the
voltage across the inductance is 20 v and drops to 5 v after 25
ms. If R = 100 ohms, find L. Assume at t=0,i = 0.
A. 1.59 H B. 1.30 H C. 1.22 H D. 1.25 H

69. A generator rated 800 kVA, 2,400 v, 60 HZ, 3-phase, 6-poles

and wye-connected has 10% synchronous reactance. If a three-
phase fault occurs, what will be the short circuit current?
A. 1,443 A B. 1,532 A C. 1,435 A D. 1,428 A

70. A coil of Inductance 8 mH, produces 80 µWb of magnetic flux.

Of this total flux, 60 µWb are linked to a second coil of
inductance 2 mH. How much is the mutual inductance between
A. 2 mH B.3 mH C. 4 mH D. 5 mH

71. Wind mills in addition to proper gearing is the best driver

A. dc generators C. synchronous generators
B. Induction generators D. rotary rectifiers

72. A rectangular bus bar is made of aluminum and is 90 cm long,

10 cm wide and 1 cm thick. If the bus bar current flows along
its length, find the bus bar conductance provided the bus bar
conductivity is 3.6 x 108 s/m.
A. 0.4 x 106 s C. 0.5 x 105 s
B. 0.5 x 106 s D. 0.4 x 105 s
73. An energy source supplies 500 J of energy at 100 v for a
certain period of time. Determine the quantity of charge passed
A. 0.2 C B. 50 kC C. 20 C D. 5 C
74. A 220 v, 3-phase supply has a balanced deita connected load
with impedance of 15 + j20 ohms/phase. What is the total real
power of the load in watts?
A. 5,133.3 B. 4,122.5 C. 2,965.6 D. 3,484.8

75. In a 3-phase, 4-wire system, the current in line A has l200

20 A and la 100 280° A. the current through the neutral
conductor is 300 -80 A. Find the line current is in amperes.

A. 300∠120° B. 300∠-60° C. 300∠240° D. 100∠-30°

76. Calculate the no-load current taken by a 100 kW, 460 V shunt
motor assuming the armature and field resistances to remain
constant and equal to 0.03 Ω and 46 Ω, respectively. The
efficiency at full load is 88%.
A. 23.5 A B. 24.5 A C. 26.0 A D. 28.0 A

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