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Prioritization Worksheet Template

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Customer Scope

Core Mission Impact

Customer Value


Strategic Value
Probability (P)
of Operatonal Failure

Impact (I)
of Operatonal Failure
(if applicable)

Operatonal Risk (P*I)

Operatonal Risk being

Operatonal Value
(Risk Retrement or Beneft)

Financial Loss or Beneft

Timing Priority

Requirement Date
CIO Portfolio Projects

Timing Requirement Specifcs

Prioritzaton Summary

Priority Score

Priority Band
1 of 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Step Instructon Reference

1 Update with Project Name .
2 Assess the Customer Scope & Impact to the University's Core Mission. The resulting Customer Value Prioritization Matrix Tab rows 5 & 6
priority factor will be calculated by the spreadsheet.
3 Assess the Regulatory/Contractual Compliance priority factor. Prioritization Matrix Tab row 8
4 Assess Strategic Value of project. Prioritization Matrix Tab row 10.
CIO Goal projects are listed in the "CIO Goal Projects" report in ServiceNow
Cornerstone Plan @ http://planning.virginia.edu/

5 If the project is retiring Operational Risk, assess the level of risk being retired by the project. Identify the P*I matrix from Risk Management Template. A copy of this matrix is located at
Risk Probability (how likely is the Risk to occur if the project is not done) and the severity of Impact if cell B14 on the Project Prioritization worksheet tab.
the Risk does occur. The worksheet will calculate the resulting Operational risk and color rate it from
Red to Green. If the project is NOT retiring risk, this section does not need to be completed.

6 Assess the Operational Value prioritization factor. This value comes from EITHER Risk retirement or an Operational Benefit: Prioritization Matrix Tab row 13
efficiency benefit. If a project delivers both, assess each factor and score based on the highest score. Operational Risk Retirement: Prioritization Matrix Tab row 14. Color refers to the
Operational Risk assessed in step 5.

7 Assess the Financial Loss or Benefit associated with the project (if any). Prioritization Matrix Tab row 16
8 Assess the Timing Priority associated with any hard timing deadlines. Note that this is NOT the date by Prioritization Matrix Tab row 18
which the project is wanted, or the date associated with prior commitments. It must be driven by a
forcing event, such as the end of a contract which will cause a service to stop working. The date
associated with the forcing event and the details must also be provided.

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Prioritzaton Factor Scoring Gauge

Prioritzaton Factor Instructon 0 1 2 3 4 5

Customer Value Identfy impact & scope of the proposed project on new/existng No Customer Impact (Scope * Impact = 1) (Scope * Impact = 3) (Scope * Impact =5 or 9) (Scope * Impact =15) (Scope * Impact= 25)
(Faculty, Staff, & Students) processes, functons, or services

A small number of users or an A medium number of users or a A large number of users or a very
Scope infrequent (<20%) need/issue for a somewhat frequent (~20-80%) frequent (>80%) need/issue for a
(of users beneftng from project)
large # of users need/issue small # of users

Provides/maintains a process, Provides/maintains a process, Provides/maintains a process,

Impact to University's core mission (teaching, learning, research, infrastructure, or applicaton infrastructure, or applicaton directly
infrastructure, applicaton that does
& residental student experiences) not directly support the core mission supportng but not directly delivering delivering the University's core
the University's core mission mission

Replacing a workaround currently in Replacing a manual process to Resolving/preventng a Resolving/preventng a failure to

Identfy the regulatory/compliance situaton that this project is place to comply with a regulaton or comply with a regulaton or Resolving/preventng a minor failure to comply with a comply with multple regulatons or
Regulatory/Compliance addressing No Effect compliance issue or audit fnding
contractual obligaton contractual obligaton single regulaton or contract contracts

Enables future
Strengthens the existng infrastructure/service
Provides a new functon/service
infrastructure/service enhancements
or or or
delivers foundatonal technology delivers foundatonal delivers foundatonal technology Direct te to insttutonal Cornerstone
Strategic Rate the strategic importance of the project No Impact or technology or CIO Goal strategic plan
delivers process improvement or delivers process improvement
to multple functonal groups or
to a subset of team members in a delivers process improvement
functon or college to a single functonal group or colleges

Identfy the magnitude of operatonal risk or beneft that this

Operatonal Risk or Beneft project mitgates or delivers. (Evaluate the most signifcant No Impact

Creatng or aligning to standards &/or Major efficiency Delivering a new service with
Operatonal Beneft best practces Minor efficiency improvement Moderate efficiency improvement improvement insttutonal impact

Operatonal Risk Retrement retring a green risk retring a yellow risk retring an orange risk retring a red risk
(Risk Level is calculated in cell I5 of Prioritzaton Worksheet) (p*i<= 2) (p*i<= 4) (p*<=9) (p*>9)

Identfy the magnitude of fnancial loss or beneft that this Eliminates fnancial loss or provides
project avoids or delivers. (Note: this is the operatonal impact, Eliminates fnancial loss or provides fnancial beneft (between $25K and Eliminates fnancial loss or provides
Financial Loss or Beneft No Loss or Beneft fnancial beneft (<$25K) fnancial beneft (>$250K)
NOT the project cost) $250K)

Identfy the tming in which this project is needed (Note: This is

not the date by which the project is wanted. A need date is ted
to a specifc tming forcing event, such as a regulatory effectve
Timing Priority date, a warranty expiraton, or signifcant operatonal risk No event forcing Project must start within 3 yrs. to Project must start within 2 yrs. Project must start within 1 yr. to meet Project must start within 6 Overdue in startng project to meet
retrement (p*i>9). The forcing event and date must be listed in tming need meet tming need to meet tming need tming need months to meet tming need tming need
the prioritzaton form. The Project start date required to meet
the documented tming need it determined by the technology

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