Buoyancy and Stability of Floating Bodies

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ECE 2203: Fluid Mechanics I


4.0 Introduction. 4.1 Types of Equilibrium of Floating Bodies. 4.2 Determination of Metacentric Height of a
Vessel. 4.3 Maximum Length of a Vertically Floating Body. 4.4 Floating Bodies Anchored at Base. 4.5 Time
of Rolling (or Oscillation) of a Floating Body. 4.6 Stability of a Tank Containing Liquid. Typical Examples.
Highlights. Theoretical Problems. Numerical Problems.

4.0 Introduction
When a body is placed in a liquid, it is subjected to two forces : gravitational and upthrust
of the liquid. The two forces act opposite to each other, and are equal.
The tendency of a fluid to uplift a submerged body due to the upthrust of the fluid is known
as buoyancy (or force of buoyancy). The magnitude of a buoyant force can be determined by
Archimedes’ principle which states: ‘When a body is immersed in a fluid either wholly or
partially, it is lifted or buoyed by the upthrust (or buoyant force) which is equal to the weight of
the fluid displaced by the body’. The center of gravity of the displaced fluid is known as the
center of buoyancy and is always the centre of gravity of thefluid displaced. If the density of the
body is less than that of the fluid (i.e. liquid) displaced, the body rises to the surface.
Consider a floating body as shown in Fig 4.1.
Weight W


Upthrust R=W

Fig 4.1

A floating body orientates itself such that the center of gravity is located vertically above the
center of buoyancy. For equilibrium, weight of body W = weight of liquid displaced. R and W
must act in the same vertical straight line.

Example 4.1 A block of wood 4m long×2m wide ×1m deep is floating horizontally in water. If the
density of wood is 700 kg/m3, determine the volume of water displaced and the position of center
of buoyancy.
(i) Volume of water displaced, V: 2m
Volume of block = 4×2×1 = 8 m3
Density of wood = 700 kg/m3
Mass of block, W = 8×700 = 5600kg +G
 Volume of water displaced, V = weight of block/density of water
= 5600/1000 = 5.6 m3
(ii) Position of center of buoyancy, B: Fig 4.2
Depth of immersion = volume/cross-sectional area = 5.6/(4×2) = 0.7m
∴Center of buoyancy, B = 0.7/2 = 0.35m (from base)

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Example 4.2 A steel pipeline conveying gas has an internal diameter of 1.2m and an external
diameter of 1.25m. It is laid across the bed of a river, completely immersed in water and
anchored at intervals of 3m along its length. Calculate the buoyancy force in kN/m run and the
upward force in kN on each anchorage. Density of pipe = 7900 kg/m3.

(i) Buoyancy force in kN/m, R:
Buoyancy force/m run = weight of water displaced /m run.
= w×(volume of water displaced /m run)
�π2 �
= 1000×9.81 � �1.25 �= 12.039 kN/m
�4 �
(ii) Upward force in kN on each anchorage
Anchorages are at 3m intervals:
Upward force on each anchorage = (buoyancy force-weight) for 3m pipeline
2 �π
2 �
Weight of 3m pipeline = 3×7900×9.81 � (1.25 - 1.20 �= 22369 N
�4 �
Buoyancy force on 3m pipe = 3×12039 = 36117 N
∴Upward force on each anchorage = 36.117-22.369 = 13.748 kN

4.1 Types of Equilibrium of Floating Bodies

There are three conditions of equilibrium of a floating body (Fig 4.3):
(a) Stable equilibrium- A small displacement from equilibrium position produces a
righting moment tending to restore the body to equilibrium.
(b) Unstable equilibrium- A small displacement produces an overturning moment, tending
to displace the body further from its equilibrium position.
(c) Neutral equilibrium- A small displacement does not affect the stability of the body,
since it remains at rest in any position to which it is displaced.
The stability is determined by the forces acting when the body has been disturbed from its
position of static equilibrium.

(a) Stable (b) Unstable (c) Neutral

Fig 4.3 Types of Equilibrium of Floating Bodies

4.1.1 Body in Stable Equilibrium

The body shown in Fig 4.4(a) will move to the position in Fig 4.4(b) after a slight
+B B’

. Fig 4.4(a) Fig 4.4(b)

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Fig 4.4(b) – before displacement

 Weight W acts through the centre of gravity G.
 Upthrust R acts through centre of buoyancy B.
 Both R and W act in straight line.
Fig 4.4(b) – after displacement of the body from equilibrium:
 W continues to act through G
 Volume of liquid displaced remains constant, since R= W. However, slope of volume
changes, so that the position of center of buoyancy moves relative to the body, with
buoyancy moving to B’.
 R and W no longer act in a straight line, but are still equal but opposite parallel forces,
producing a turning moment Wx, which is a righting moment. For a small angle of tilt θ,
Righting moment = Wx
= W·GM·θ (Q for small angles, tan θ = sin θ = θ radians)
M is known as the metacentre and is the point at which the line of action R for the
displaced position cuts the original vertical through the center of gravity G. The
metacentre is also defined as the point about which the body oscillates if slightly
The distance GM is known as the metacentric height, and is the distance between the
center of gravity of a floating body and the metacentre.

4.1.2 Body in Unstable Equilibrium W

The body in figure Fig 4.4(c) will
move to the position shown in figure Fig 4.4(d) +G
after displacement. θ M
Fig 4.4(c)- before displacement +B B’+
The conditions will be similar to those of x
figure Fig 4.4(a), before displacement.
Fig 4.4(a) – after displacement Fig 4.4 (c) Fig 4.4 (d)
 W continues to act at G
 Volume of liquid displaced remains constant, but the shape of the liquid changes,
thereby affecting its position of the center of gravity relative to the body, and also the
position of the center of buoyancy, now located at B’.
 R and W do not act in a straight line, but are still equal but opposite parallel forces,
producing an overturning moment, Wx = W·GM·θ
Comparing figures Fig 4.4(b) and Fig 4.4(d), it can be seen that :
(i) If M lies above G, a righting moment W·GM·θ is produced. The body is
in stable equilibrium, and GM is regarded as positive.
(ii) If M lies below G, an overturning moment W·GM·θ is produced. The
body is in unstable equilibrium and GM is regarded as negative.
(iii) If M coincides with G, the body is in neutral equilibrium.

When a body floats, it can tilt in any direction. In the case of a ship the displacement
about the longitudinal axis is referred to as rolling, while that along a transverse
displacement is known as pitching. The position of metacentre and the value of
metacentric height will usually be different for the two conditions.

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ECE 2203: Fluid Mechanics I 4
4.2 Determination of Metacentric Height of a Vessel:
The metacentric height may be determined by the following methods: experimental
method and analytical method.

4.2.1 Experimental Method

The metacentric height may be determined if the x
angle of tilt θ caused by moving a load P (Fig 4.5) a known
distance x across the deck of a vessel, can be measured.
Moving load P causes an overturning moment
= Px … (i)
If GM = metacentric height, W = total weight of
vessel including P,
Righting moment =W·GM·θ … (ii) Fig 4.5
For equilibrium in the tilted position,
righting moment = overturning moment
Or W·GM·θ = Px … (iii)
Metacentric height, GM= Px/W·θ …(4.1)
True metacentric height = value of GM, as θ →0.

4.2.2 Analytical Method

 Position of the Metacentre Relative to the Center of Buoyancy
Consider a vessel of known shape M
when displaced as shown in Fig 4.6.
Let: B = center of buoyancy when small area ‘a’
vessel is in equilibrium position and AC the D θ O
corresponding water plane. A' θ O C’
D' G+
θ = angle of tilt ofvessel
B+ +B' C
B' = centre of buoyancy after tilt
with A'C' as the corresponding water plane.
The center of buoyancy B is easily found, x
and the position of metacentre M relative to
to B can be determined as follows: O
For small angle of tilt θ, CROSS-SECTION PLAN
BM = BB'/ θ …(i) Fig 4.6
After displacement, center of gravity of
displaced fluid moves from B to B' as a
result of the removal of volume of fluid
corresponding to the wedge AOA' and
addition of wedge COC'. Total weight of displaced volume remains unchanged since it is equal to
the weight of vessel.
Hence, weight of wedge AOA' = weight of wedge COC'

Position of axix OO
Let “a” be a small area in water line plane at a distance x from the axis of rotation OO.
When the vessel is tilted, it generates a small volume.
Volume swept out by “a” = DD'×a = xθ×a = axθ
Summing all such volumes and multiplying by specific weight ρg of liquid:
x = AO
Weight of wedge AOA' = �ρgaxθ … (ii)
x =0

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x =CO

Similarly, weight of wedge COC' = �ρgaxθ … (iii)

x =0
Since there is no change in displacement,
x = AO x =CO
ρgθ � ax = ρgθ �ax
x =0 x =0
x =CO
Or ρgθ �ax =0
x = AO
Since ρg and θ are not zero,
�ax =0
But �ax is the first moment of area of the waterline plane about OO. Therefore axis OO
passes through the centroid of the waterline plane.

Movement of center of buoyancy BB'.

The couple produced by the movement of the wedge AOA' to COC' must be equal to
the couple due to the movement of R from B to B'.
Moment about OO of weight of fluid swept out by area “a” = ρgaxθ×x
Total amount due to altered displacement = ρgθ �ax
Putting �ax = I =2nd moment of area of waterline plane about OO
Total moment due to altered displacement = ρgθI … (iv)
Moment due to movement of R = R×BB’ … (v)
Equating (iv) and (v), R×BB’ = ρgθI
Or BB’ = ρgθI/R
But R = ρgV, where V = volume of fluid displaced and R is equal to the weight of fluid
 BB' = ρgθI/ρgV = θI/V
But from equation (i), BM = BB'/θ, or BB' = BM·θ
 BMθ�= θ
Or BM = … (4.2)
Metacentric height GM = BM±BG, positive if G is lower than M, and negative if G
is higher than M.

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Example 4.3 A block of wood of size 100×40×30mm and specific gravity 0.8 floats in
water as shown in Fig 4.7 . Determine its metacentric height for tilt about its longitudinal axis,
and state whether it is in stable equilibrium.

Metacentric height, GM: b= 40mm
Depth of immersion, h = 0.8×30 = 24mm
Distance of center of buoyancy from bottom, OB = 24/2 = 12mm
Center of gravity from bottom, OG = 30/2 = 15mm
BG=OG-OB = 15-12 = 3mm 30 +G
+B h
I of rectangular section about the central axis and parallel to long side,
Ixx = lb3/12 = 100×403/12 = 533.3×103mm4
Volume of water displaced, V = 100×40×24 = 96×103mm3 O
 BM = I/V = 533.3×103/96×103 = 5.55mm Fig 4 .7
Metacentric height , GM = BM-BG = 5.55-3 = 2.55mm
Block floats in stable equilibrium as GM is +ve

Example 4.4 A cylinder 360mm long, 80mm in diameter has its base 10 mm thick and of specific
gravity 7. The remaining part is of specific gravity 0.5. Determine if it can float vertically in

Diameter d = 80mm; length of cylinder = 360mm.
Area of cylinder A, = π/4×802 = 1600 π mm2
Thickness of base = 10mm; specific gravity = 7
(0.5A �350) �(10 + 350 / 2) + (7A �10 �10 / 2)
Distance OG = = 133.6mm
(0.5A �350) + (7A �10)
Combined specific gravity of cylinder,
(350 �0.5) + (10 �7)
= = 0.68
(350 + 10)
Depth of immersion, h = 360×0.68 = 244.8mm
Distance of centre of buoyancy from bottom of buoy,
Distance BG = OG-OB = 133.6-122.4 = 11.2mm
Moment of inertia of circular section,
πd4 π �80 4
I= = = 2.011�106 mm4
64 64
Volume of water displaced,
πd2 π �802
V= �L = �244.8 = 1.230 �106 mm3
4 4
I 2.011�106
BM = = = 1.63mm
V 1.230 �106
Metacentric height GM =BM-BG=1.63-11.2= -9.57mm
The metacentre M is below the centre of gravity G, and the cylinder is in unstable

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ECE 2203: Fluid Mechanics I 7
4.3 Maximum Length of a Vertically Floating Body
A piece of wood ( having specific gravity less than 1) can float in water in any position. If
breadth and thickness are constant and the length is increased, a point is reached after which it
cannot float vertically. This maximum length may be found by keeping the body in stable
equilibrium (M should be above G or coincide).

Example 4.5 A uniform wooden circular cylinder of diameter 400mm and of specific gravity 0.6
is required to float in oil of specific gravity 0.8. Find the maximum length of the cylinder at which
it may float vertically in water.

Given: Diameter of cylinder, d = 400mm
Specific gravity of cylinder = 0.6
Specific gravity of oil = 0.8
Let L = length of cylinder
0.6 3
Depth of immersion of cylinder, h = L= L
0.8 4
1 3 3
OB = � L = L
2 4 8
OG = L/2

L 3 L
BG = OG-OB = - L =
2 8 8
I of circular section = πd4/64 = π×4004 /64= 400×106 π mm4
π 2 3 π 3
Volume of water displaced, V= d � L = �4002 � L = 30 �10πLmm
3 3
4 4 4 4
6 3
I 400 �10π 40 �
BM = = 3
= mm
V 30 �10πL 3L
For stable equilibrium, M should be above G or coincide
Or BG ≤ BM
L 40 �103
Or ≤
8 3L
∴ L≤ 326.6mm

4.4 Floating Bodies Anchored at Base

When a body is unable to float vertically, it can be made to do so by anchoring it at the
base. The tension in the anchor chain puts an additional downward force on the body, causing a
large volume of water to be displaced.
If W = Weight of body
T = tension in anchor chain
Total downward force which will displace water, R = W+T
The problems are solved in the same procedure as before.

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ECE 2203: Fluid Mechanics I 8
4.5 Time of Rolling (or Oscillation) of a Floating Body
When a floating body is given a small angular displacement, it starts to oscillate about its
metacentre M, in the same manner as a pendulum oscillates about its point of suspension.
Consider a body floating in liquid and oscillating about its metacentre due to small angular
displacement as shown in Fig 4.8.


Fig 4.8

Let : W = Weight of floating body

θ = angle (in radians) of displacement.
GM = metacentric height of body
α = angular acceleration of body in radians/s² = d²θ/dt²
T = time of complete oscillation in seconds
k = radius of gyration about G along Y-Y axis.
W 2
I = Moment of inertia of the body about its centre of gravity G, = k
When the force causing angular displacement is removed, the force acting on the body will
tend to bring the body to equilibrium, and is a righting moment. The body is in simple harmonic
motion and it is assumed that the axis of oscillation passes through G since GM is small.

Force acting on body is a restoring moment (tries to decrease angle)

= W×distance GA= W·GM·sin θ
For small angles, sin θ can be taken as θ radians.
Force acting on body = W·GM·θ ….(i)

Angular acceleration of body, α = - (minus sign indicates that the force acts in
dt 2
such a way so as to decrease angle θ).
Inertia torque = moment of inertia×angular acceleration
= I·α
W 2 dθ
=- k � 2 … (ii)
g dt
Equating (i) and (ii):
W 2 dθ
W·GM·θ = - k � 2
g dt
W 2 dθ
Or - k � 2 +W·GM·θ = 0
g dt
k 2 dθ
Dividing both sides by W: � 2 + GMθ� =0
g dt

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k2 2
dθ GM �

Again dividing both sides by : + =0
g dt 2
This is a differential equation of the second degree whose solution is:
θ = A sin {√( GM·g/ k²)×t}+B cos {√( GM·g/ k²)×t} … (iii)
where A and B are constants of integration obtained from boundary conditions which are:
(i) when t = 0, θ = 0 and
(ii) when t = T/2, θ = 0 , where T is period of complete oscillation.
Substitute first boundary condition in equation (iii):
0 = (A×0)+(B×1) (Because sin θ = 0, cos θ = 1)
∴ B=0
Substitute second boundary equation in equation (iii),
0 = A sin {√( GM·g/ k²)}×T/2
Since A cannot be zero, then Sin {√( GM·g/ k²)×T/2} = 0 = sin π, (because sin π = 0)
Thus when sine of angle = 0, angle = π
Hence √( GM·g/ k²)×T/2 = π
∴ T = 2π ... (4.3)
GM × g
Note : (a) The assumptions made in the derivation of the above formula include:(i)
angle θ is small (ii) metacentric height is small (iii) oscillation is
approximately through G.
(b) If GM is increased, the time of oscillation is shorter. This is noticeable
with a ship traveling in ballast, as its effect is to lower the centre of

Example 4.6 A ship weighing 4000 tonnes has centre of buoyancy 2m below its centre of gravity.
The moment of inertia of the ship area at the water level is 10400 m 4. Find the period of rolling of
the ship, when floating in sea water, if radius of gyration of the ship be 4m. Density of sea water
= 1030kg/m³
Weight of ship = 4000 tonnes
Distance between centre of buoyancy and centre of gravity, BG = 2m
Moment of inertia I = 10400 m4.
Radius of gyration, k = 4m
Let T = periodic time of rolling of ship.
Volume of sea water displaced,
V = mass/specific weight of sea water.
= 4000×10³/1030 = 3883.5 m³
BM = I/V = 10400/3883.5 = 2.68m
Metacentric height, GM = BM-BG = 2.68-2 = 0.68m
T = 2 π√( k²/ GM·g = 2 π√{4²/(0.68×9.81)} = 9.73s

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4.6 Stability of a Vessel Containing Liquid
 Vessel With One Longitudinal Compartment Containing a Liquid With Free Surface
Consider the vessel as shown in Fig 4.9(a). For small angle of tilt θ, the centre of gravity B
of the fluid displaced by a vessel moves to B', so that BBθ�= .
When a tank contains a liquid and is pivoted as shown in Fig 4.9(b) and for a small angle
of tilt θ, the centre of gravity G will move similar to the centre of buoyancy B. The movement of
G is identical to the movement of the centre of buoyancy B so that, GGθ�= .

M GO= Cg of tank
G = Original cg of liquid
P= Pivot
G'=New cg of liquid after
A tank has tilted through θ
A' θ O C'
x N
W R=W ρgV
Fig 4.9 W
(a) (b)

Example 4.7 A rectangular tank 0.9m long and 0.6m wide is mounted on bearings so that it is
free to turn about a longitudinal axis. The tank has a mass of 68kg and its centre of gravity is
0.15m above the bottom. The tank is slowly filled with water and hangs in stable equilibrium until
the depth of water is 0.45m, after which it becomes unstable. Determine the position of the axis of
bearings above the bottom of tank.

GO= cg of tank
G = Original cg of liquid
P= Pivot
G'=New cg of liquid after
tank has tilted through θ P
θ GO

Fig 4.10
Test the stability of the tank by giving it a small angle of tilt θ.
Centre of gravity of liquid G moves to G' when the tank tilts through angle θ
Then, Righting moment due to weight of tank = W·PG0· θ
Overturning moment due to contents = ρgV·G'N
W = 68×9.81 = 668N, PG0 = h-0.15m, ρg = 9.81×10³N/m3
Volume of contents, V = 0.9×0.45 ×0.6 = 0.243 m³
G is 225mm from bottom;
Tan θ = G'N/PG
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G’N = GG’-GN= GG’-PG· θ
=θ - θ ( h - 0.225 )
I = 0.9×0.6³/12 = 0.01625 m4
But righting moment = overturning moment at the point of instability
� I �
Or W·PG0· θ = ρgV �θ - θ ( h - 0.225 ) �
Or 668(h-0.15) = 9.81×10³×0.01625-9.81×10³×0.243×(h-0.225)
Or 3048h = 795
 h = 0.26m

 Vessel With Two Longitudinal Compartments Symmetrically Arranged About the Axis and
Containing Liquid With Free Surface.
Consider a vessel with two longitudinal compartments as shown in Fig 4.11.
Let: G = centre of gravity of the vessel and the contents
B = centre of buoyancy of fluid displaced.
When the vessel tilts through a small angle θ, the centres of gravity of the liquid in the tanks
will move respectively i.e. G1 moves to G1' and G2 to G2'. This causes the centre of gravity and the
contents to move to G'.

In the same way as in the movement of centre of buoyancy BB', distance moved is calculated in
the same way.
I1 I2
G1G1' = θ· V and G2G2' = θ· , where I1 and I2 are the second moments of area of the free
surfaces, and V1 and V2 are the volumes of the liquid in the tanks.


N •
• B'
G • • G'
• B
B •

ZG G1' G2'
ZB G1 G1'

Fig 4.11
If V is the volume of water displaced by the vessel and ρ is the mass density of water,
Weight of vessel and contents = weight of water displaced = ρgV
If the volume of liquid (ρ1) in the tanks is V1 and V2,
Weight of contents of first tank = ρ1gV1
Weight of contents of second tank = ρ1gV2
Taking moments to find the change in the centre of gravity of the vessel and contents,
ρgV×GG’ = ρ1gV1 × G1G1’ + ρ1gV2 × G2G2’
I1 I2
= ρ1gV1· θ· V + ρ1gV2· θ·

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I �ρ1 �
Or GG' = � � θ ( I1 + I2 )
Vρ� �
When tilted, the new vertical through B’ intersects the original vertical through G and the
metacentre M, but the weight W acts through G’ instead of G and its line of action cuts the
original vertical at N, reducing the metacentric height from GM to NM.
Effective metacentric height, NM = ZB+BM-(ZG+GN)
I I �ρ �
Since BM = and GN = GG'/ θ = � 1 �( I1 + I2 )
V Vρ� �
I � �ρ1 � �
NM = ZB-ZG+ 1-� �
� ( I1 + I 2 ) �
Vρ� � � �
The effect of the liquid in the tank is to reduce the effective metacentric height and impair
stability when the liquid in the tanks has a free surface so that its centre of gravity moves as the
vessel tilts. However, lateral sub-division of the tanks improves stability by reducing the sum of
the second moments of area I1, I2, etc.

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