Jyotish Kalpadruma - 1: of Shri Maharaja Shambhu Singh A. K. Singh, India

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The text discusses various principles of astrology including considering different bhava for family members and using natal and prashna charts together for predictions. It also mentions deity worship and predictions based on planetary placements.

Principles like considering different houses for family members, deity to be worshipped based on planetary placements, and effects of planetary dignities are discussed. Predictions regarding marriage, children, profession, debts, travels are also mentioned.

Transits of Jupiter from lagna, 5th, 7th or 9th house are said to bless with marriage. Transit from 4th house results in family ceremonies while 8th and 12th house transits relate to pilgrimage and auspicious acts respectively.

Jyotish Kalpadruma - 1

Shri Maharaja Shambhu Singh
Translated By
A. K. Singh, India
Sanskrit Typing: Virendra Battu, India

A ‘Mission Saptarishis’ Initiative

J yotish Kalpadruma is a treatise written

by Shri Maharaja Shambhu Singh Ji. He
is also the author of book “Gyan
Pradeep”. The book “Gyan Pradeep”
became very famous and the author was
compelled to write another book on jyotisha
which contains Prashna Sastra and Phalit
Shastra both, named “Jyotish Kalpadruma”
which published in 1980 from Shri
Venkateshwar Press of Mumbai. In the
book “Jyotish Kalpadruma” he has
A .K. Singh is one of the young minds who translated a rare astrological treasure trove
called “Jinendramala” as part of first chapter
are dedicated to the cause of astrology. He and has added his own knowledge of
travels all over India searching for rare astrological principles in other different
masters and has a penchant for getting down chapter named as “Swa Anubhut Jyotish”
to rare methods especially in Yogini Dasa. means “astrological principles found
working in self’s own experiences”. He has
He is more inclined in finding relation
devoted last chapter as “Siddhant
between astrology and palmistry. His real
Prakaranam” which discusses different basis
interest is to learn rare methods of timing
of astrology and astronomy. Along with the
events via palmistry for super fine timing in astrological principles he has given a
predictions that Vedic astrology cannot number of horoscopes of people who were
easily offer. very famous at that time for illustration
This book contains some very well
known astrological principles but some are
very different from others. He has
emphasised to see the results from the
“Karakat Bhavam” principle also for
obtaining more accuracy. He has also
stressed to make the prasna chart while

making prediction using the birth chart of native so that each and every minute details
of the different incidents can be foretold with full precision. Some claim this style of looking
at prashna cum natal chart is a new or parampara technique that was existent in their own
parampara but you can see that author Maharaja Shambhu Singh has stressed on it in print
much before paramparas came on internet.
In this article I have tried my best to find out some principles which are found in
native horoscope and they work as ready reckoner, what is not to be missed is the section in
this article on finding deity one can pray to, given in Jyotish Kalpadruma is a different
version of what is followed in internet forums but you will find with observation that these
principles of deity given in Kalpadruma does hold good in practice though orthodox. The
writer has discussed Prasna related astrological principles in more details which will be
discussed in upcoming issues of this magazine. I can only stress how much this work of Shri
Shambhu is given preference in Varanasi thereby exemplifying its importance.

Consideration of Bhava:

zsÉÉåMü –

xÉÑrÉÉï¬zÉqÉå iÉÉiÉ cÉlSìÉlqÉÉiÉÉ cÉiÉÑjÉïMåü |

pÉÉæqÉɨÉ×iÉÏrÉå pÉëÉiÉÉ cÉ oÉÑkÉÉiÉç wɸå cÉ qÉÉiÉÑsÉÈ ||

aÉÑÂuÉÈ mÉgcÉqÉå mÉѧÉÈ zÉÑ¢üÉiÉç xÉmiÉqÉMåü Îx§ÉrÉqÉç |

zÉÌlÉiÉÈ A¹qÉå qÉ×irÉÑeÉïlqÉMüÉsÉå ÌuÉÍcÉÇirÉiÉå ||

Here author emphasizes that for seeing the results related with father, mother, co-borns,
spouse and others we should check the corresponding bhava from the corresponding karaka.
These rules can be found in nadi grantha. Author perhaps believes that mixing nadi rules
with Parasara produces more accuracy in prediction.

1. Sun is the significator of father hence 10th house from sun should be considered as the
house of father.

2. In the same way 4th house from Moon is the house of mother.

3. 3rd house from Mars is for coborns.

4. 5th from Jupiter is considered for children.

5. 7th from Venus is considered for spouse.

6. Mercury is the karaka for maternal uncle so 6th house from mercury is considered for
maternal uncle.

7. Death should be seen from the 8th house from Saturn as it is the karaka for death.

Note: In the same way we can add for checking one’s career we should check the 10th house
from Saturn. I have observed many times people getting job in the dasa of the planet placed
in the 10th house from Saturn or lord of 10th house from Saturn. Double transit of Jupiter and
Saturn when activates the 10th house from Saturn the person gets a new job.

Here we should remember that Parasara has stated that Sun, Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn
are the karaka for the 10th house. In some nadi methods Saturn is said to be karma karaka
and in experience it is found to be true.

Maturity Age For Different Planets


oÉÑkÉxrÉ xqÉ×iÉÉÈ || eÉÏuÉåwÉÉåÄQûzÉmÉgcÉÌuÉÇzÉpÉ×aÉÑeÉåwɸ̧ÉxÉÉæËUuÉïSåiÉç EccxjÉÉ rÉÌS MåülSìaÉÉÈ zÉÑpÉZÉaÉÉÈ
MÑüuÉïÎliÉ pÉÉarÉÉå SrÉqÉç ||1||

Different planets get matured at different ages. Their effects can be experienced at that
particular age.

1. Sun gives its result in 22nd year.

2. Moon gives its result in 24th year.
3. The result of Mars is felt in 28th year.
4. Mercury gives its result in 26th or 32nd year.
5. Jupiter’s effect is realised in 16th or 32nd year.
6. The result of Venus comes in 26th year.
7. 36th year is the year of Saturn.
8. Rahu and ketu gives their effect in 42nd year.

All these planets exhibit their benefic and malefic effects at above given years according to
their lordship and their placement. If benefic planets are placed in Kendra in their exaltation
sign they produce excellent results at their maturity age.1

Publisher: Very few texts have given maturity age of planets though many various tables of maturity ages are in
circulation in various modern authored astrological literatures. One unknown method of using maturity ages of
planets which readers are requested to experiment is using the ages when 2 or more planets are in combination, e.g. if
Venus & Saturn are in 12H for Ge Asc, then add Venus (26) + Saturn (36)= 62, divide it by 2=31 years. So in 31st year
the native will have high sexual & spiritual activity and the love affair could be with an older woman or in whose chart
Saturn is prominent and it would be an affair from a chronic past life (12H placement) giving lot of grief and a child
would be involved (Venus is 5L) in this story of the 31st year of the native and/or the woman can either be from same

Yoga related with kingdom, wealth and poverty

AjÉ xÉÔ§ÉÈ |

(sÉalÉåzÉÉå oÉëļÉ, xÉÑZÉMüqÉåïÇzÉÉå ÌuÉwÉhÉÑÈ, kÉÏkÉqÉåÇzÉÉ ´ÉÏÈ, aÉѽåzÉÉå ÂSìÈ, kÉlÉåzÉÉå kÉlÉSÈ lÉaÉåzÉÉå rÉqÉÈ,
xÉWûeÉåzÉÉå SåuÉålSìÈ, ËUmÉÑurÉrÉåzÉÉå UɤÉxÉÈ, sÉÉpÉåzÉÉå uÉÂhÉÈ, oÉë¼ÉsɤqÉÏlÉUÉrÉhÉÉprÉÉÇ UerÉ´ÉÏ:, xÉÑZÉÇcÉ
1. If the lords of 1st, 4th, 9th, 5th and 10th houses are interconnected at the birth time, the
person becomes emperor.
2. If lord of lagna 4th house and 10th house are together the person gets benefit from
3. If lord of lagna, 5th and 9th are together and placed in Kendra or Trikona the person
gets enormous wealth.
4. If lord of lagna and 6th house are placed in 6th house the native suffers from illness by
5. If lord of lagna and 12th house are situated in 12th house the person becomes poor.
6. If lord of lagna and 7th house are placed 6th or 8th house the native has short life.
7. If lord of lagna and 8th house are situated in 6th, 8th or 12th house then native loses his
health and wealth in a short duration of life.
8. If the lord of lagna and 2nd house is situated in 5th house with lord of 5th house the
person gets immense wealth from kingdom.
9. In the same way if lord of lagna and 2nd house are situated in 9th house with the lord of
9th house the person is very wealthy and his richness increases day by day.
10. If the lord of lagna and 11th house are together in Kendra or Trikona the wealth
increases due to business.

If all these yoga happens in Kendra or Trikona the full benefic results are obtained and if it
happens in 6th, 8th or 12th house both benefic and malefic results are felt by the native during
his lifetime depending upon the ongoing dasa. The writer has emphasized that if the bhava
lord is associated with the yoga formed in that particular yoga, the yoga becomes very
effective. It can be understood as if lord of lagna and 5th house are placed in 9th house it
forms very good dhana yoga (wealth giving combination) but if at the same time lord of 9th
house is also placed in the 9th house the yoga becomes very effective and blesses the native
with immense wealth and a first order of Rajyoga.

In the same way if lord of lagna and lord of 6th house are placed together the native has weak
constitution but if both are placed in 6th house itself the effect of this yoga increases and

land or a foreigner. Another method is supposed Saturn is at the 20th degree then take 66.66 percent of the 36 years
allotted to Saturn which would be 24 years of maturity for Saturn to give some result. Often cases of early death e.g.
24/28 years and people say does the maturity age of higher planets like Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu does not function in
such charts, but we must use the degrees of planets and find the year of the planet. 

native becomes born sick. His resistance power is very less so he succumbs to environmental
hazards very easily.

Yoga for Blindness

1. If lord of 2nd and 12th are together and also they are connected with Sun or Moon it can
cause blindness depending upon the malefic influence.
2. If Moon is in Cancer lagna and aspected by Mars and Saturn the native becomes
3. If Sun is in Leo lagna and aspected by Mars and Saturn the person becomes blind.
4. If Sun is in 2nd house and aspected by Mars and Saturn or Moon is in 12th house
aspected by Mars and Saturn the person becomes blind from left eye.
5. If Sun is in 12th house aspected by Mars and Saturn or Moon is in 2nd house aspected
by Mars and Saturn then the person becomes blind from right eye.

Sun and Moon are the luminaries so their affliction along with the 2nd or 12th lords which are
the eyes of Kalapurusha chart causes blindness. The degree of blindness depends on the
degree of affliction.

Yoga for Infidelity

The author has given some very important yoga which are very useful to judge the character
of the native.

1. If lord of lagna is in lagna or 7th house, lord of 7th house is in Kendra in the sign of
Venus or Saturn and at the same time benefic planet (SA: note benefic) is in the 4th
house this yoga constitutes first order of infidelity.
2. If lord of 7th house is with Rahu and Saturn and aspected by Mars the person has physical
relationship with many women.
3. Moon in 8th house also signifies infidelity.
4. If lord of 7th house is situated with Venus, Mercury and Ketu in 7th house itself and
aspected by lord of lagna. The person has at least two wives. If at the same time any
planet is situated in 8th house, it becomes yoga of high order infidelity.
5. If lord of 7th house is aspected with Moon, Saturn and lord of lagna, this also makes a
person characterless.
6. If Gemini sign occupies 7th house and any planet that is inimical to this sign is placed
here the native’s character becomes questionable.
7. If Sun and Mercury are posited in 7th house in inimical sign the person becomes characterless.

Yoga for Childlessness

1. If Venus is situated in 5th house in Aries or Scorpio alone or in any house in these signs, the
person’s vitality is very less.

2. If in female chart Mars is in Taurus or Libra the native has good fertility. But if this yoga is
present in male chart, the native’s wife is not fertile. If in the same chart both yoga are
present both husband and wife has very less fertility that is why they become

Yoga Related With Longevity

1. If lord of lagna, 8th house, 10th house and Saturn all are situated in movable sign the
person has very long life.
2. If among lord of lagna and lord of 8th house any one is situated in fixed rasi, this also
gives long life.
3. If among lord of lagna and 8th house any one is in movable and one is in dual sign the
native has short life.
4. If among lord’s of lagna and 8th house one is in fixed rasi and other is in dual sign the
native has medium life span.

Yoga Related With Diseases

1. If Mercury, Jupiter and lord of 2nd house are situated in 6th, 8th or 12th house the native
is speechless.
2. If Sun and Mars both are situated in Aries, Scorpio or Leo the person suffers from the diseases
of piles.
3. If Mars is situated in Capricorn sign, the native suffers from dysentery in his 28th year of age.
4. If Sun, Mars, Saturn all are situated in 6th house or aspecting 6th house the native suffers
blood related diseases. But this yoga is good for achieving success over opponents or
5. If 7th house has the sign Aries, Scorpio, Leo or Capricorn and Sun, Saturn are situated
in this house or both aspect this house the native suffers from urinal related problems.
In most of the cases the native dies of this disease only.
6. If Sun and Mars are situated in 2nd house the person suffers from teeth problems.
7. Mercury is the karaka of Skin. So if mercury is situated in 6th or 8th house in close proximity
with Sun, skin disease is caused.

Some Other Important Yoga

1. The person becomes proficient in foreign languages if Saturn is situated in 9th house.
2. From the 9th house one can predict the deity of the native.
a. The person prays Lord Rama if Jupiter is situated in 9th house.
b. The native prays Lord Shiva if Moon is there in 9th house.
c. If Mars is in 9th house native is devotee of Lord Rama.
d. The native is devotee of Goddess Durga if Mercury is situated in 9th house at birth.
e. Lord Vishnu is the deity of the native if Venus is situated in 9th house at birth.
f. The person does not believe in existence of God if Saturn is situated in 9th house in the
birth chart.

3. If lord of 5th house and lord of lagna are together in 6th, 8th or 12 house the native
adopts a son.
4. If Jupiter is situated in 5th house in the sign of Libra or Jupiter is placed in 11th house in
the sign of Aries native is blessed with Son but the longevity of the son is very short.
5. The native is issueless or blessed with only daughter’s when Jupiter is in 5th house in the
sign of Aquarius.
6. If Moon, lord of 4th house and lord of 8th house are in watery signs and Moon is in 4th,
6th, 8th or 12th house the person has fear from water. The person drowns but escapes from
7. If lord of 7th house is in 9th house in inimical sign then the native suffers from the hands of
women. It may be his wife or other women who come in his life.
8. The person becomes characterless if Sun and Mercury are situated in 7th house in
inimical sign.
9. If Mercury and Saturn aspect 7th house or situated in 7th house and Mars and Saturn both
aspect 7th house the native becomes Gay.
10. A person gets immense wealth when Jupiter and Venus are situated in 11th house in
Vargottama position but he spends his large amount of wealth on women.
11. If Saturn is in 12th house the native spends all his life on loans and the beauty of this
yoga is that he manages to get loans anyhow. In his old days he loses his vision or he
has very less eye sight.
12. If lord of 10th house is situated in 6th, 8th or 12 houses the native gets very less
happiness from his father.
13. If Jupiter is placed in 12th house native spends his income in pilgrimage and auspicious
14. The native becomes fraudulent Pandit (priest) if Jupiter is placed in 12th house in the sign
of Cancer, Leo, Sagitarius or Pisces.
15. If the above said Jupiter is placed in 5th house the native is proficient in mantra sastra but
he manages to be blessed with male child after difficulties. It means he has to perform
Yagna or propitiate Jupiter planet through its Vedic mantra.
16. Saturn, Sun and Rahu are said to be seperative planets. If they are posited in 7th house they
cause separation from wife. If they are placed in 12th house the native does not enjoy sexual
pleasure fully. The native has to wander here and there in his whole life for achieving
success but mostly he meets with the failures in his life.

Gochara Prediction for Jupiter

1. Jupiter blesses with marriage to the native if it transits from the lagna, 5th, 7th or 9th
house from the moon. If Jupiter is in Varsha Lagna at the same time, the native is blessed
with son.
2. When Jupiter transits from 4th house auspicious ceremony happens in the family.
3. If it transits from 8th house native goes for the pilgrimage and if transits from 12th house
native spends on auspicious work.

Different Opinion On Gochara

zsÉÉåMü –
²ÉSzÉSzÉqÉcÉiÉÑjÉåï eÉlqÉÌlÉ wɸÉqÉå iÉ×iÉÏrÉå cÉ ||

urÉÉÍkÉÌuÉïSåzÉaÉqÉlÉÇ ÍqɧÉÌuÉUÉåkÉÇ xÉÑUaÉÑÂÈ MÑüÂiÉå || 1 ||

̲iÉÏrÉÈ mÉÇcÉqÉÈ xÉmiÉÈ lÉuÉqÉæMüÉSzÉÉå aÉÑÂÈ ||

A³ÉÇ ÌuÉÌuÉkÉ pÉÉåaÉÉÇ¶É U¦ÉÉÌlÉ MÑüÂiÉå aÉÑÂÈ || 2 ||

̲eÉlqÉÌlÉ mÉÇcÉqÉ xÉmiÉqÉaÉɶÉiÉÑUɹqÉ ²ÉSzÉ kÉqÉïrÉÑiÉÉÈ ||


1. If Jupiter transits from 1st, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th or 12th house the native travels abroad.
He faces enmity from his friends in that year. Such transits are not considered as
2. When Jupiter transits from 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th houses the native gets all his
ambitions fulfilled. He is benefited from all worldly desires in that year and leads
happy life.
3. When Sun, Mars, Saturn or Rahu transit from 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 12th
houses they destroy wealth. They also affect the health of the native in that year.

As a whole benefic planets transiting from 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th houses give good results and malefic
planets produce good results when they transit from 3rd, 6th and 11th houses. Mercury and Venus
provide very good results when they transit from the 8th house from the moon.


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