Jyotish 12 Houses Garga Hora Santhanam

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Human beings have always wanted to look ahead and to

a large extent are capable of doing so. Of all the methods
of prediction in vogue, astrology is perhaps the most ancient
and the most sought for. Supremacy in the astrolagical field
belongs to the ancient Indian sages and Acharyas wh~ have
bequeathed to us a vast literature, in the great Sanskrit langu-
age, bearing on the methods of prediction.
And one of the valuable treatises belonging to this ancient
legacy is the GARGA HORA, an English translation of which
by Mr. R. Santhanam is presented in these pages.
GARGA HORA enumerates a number of significant
combinations, some even novel. For instance there is a com-
bination given that Sun in the 9th in Leo deprives one of
surviving co-horns. This combination is applicable to those
born in Sagittarius ascendant. When .the Sun is in the 9th,
he aspects the 3rd ruling brothers and sisters. But there is
also a hint that if one co-born exists he reaches a high position.
Such important combinations appear to be a feature of this
book. The .effects of six. planets. five planets, ·etc.. in different
· :J}.Iu:tvas given in the book embody important p~;inciples ..
' .
Mr. Santhanam has already to his credit a number of
translations of ancient astrological classics and this tr~lation
will be a welcome addition to the extant literature on Hindu
astrology. ..

I wish him all success.
17.1.1983 . .


Lord Ganesa has again blessed us with His ben ipn looks
which enabledl us to come to the reading public with this
work of sage o·arga. Sage Garga, one of the sons of 'Lord
Brahma_, compiled many works out of his intuition like
Garga Samhita~ Garga H'ora etc. The great Varaha Mihira
also quotes Garg1 frequently in his illustrious .Brihat
Many principles from the present work were widely
quoted by Y avanas in their astrological literature. Bala
:Bh:adra. author of Hora Ratna, has opted Garga !~[ora's
principles fr.om Yavan;1's scho<;>l and ha~ widely commented
in his work. Our present tran~latjoa has relied on the
slpkas of Bala Bhadra wbich slokas also find exact Tamil
rendering by C.G. Raj an. In translating these slokas of
Garga into English through Bala Bhadra's \VorkJ 1 have
·maintained apt originality. Exact translation of the Sanskrit
sl0kas into 'English has been provided in our present effort.
The work details in the first instance imrortant rules
on predictive astrology, which were the first-hand invention
of the sage, not found elsewhere to a great extent. The
latter portion details effects of conjunctions of planets
ranging from 2 to 7 in Lagna through the- 1 2th bhava. The
:reader, it is hoped, will appreciate our humble efforts in
presenting this work for the first time in the English
la~guage. I .am thankful to Dr. B.V. ~Raman for his kind
No error has 4lcen committed wilfully in this transla-
tion. Yet if any lapses are noticed, we look forward to the
readers for a lenient view.

26.1.1983 R. SANTHANAM

Ch. Details Page

1. General principles. 9
2. Various planetary conjunctions
in the ascendant. 24
3. Various planetary conjunctions
in the 2nd bhava. 37
4. Various planetary conjunctions
in the 3rd bhava. 50
5. Various planetary- conjunctions

Ill .the 4 th bhava. 62
6. Various planetary conjunctions
in the 5th bhava. 75
7. Various planetary conjunctions
in th ~ 6th bhava. 91
8. Various planetary conjunctions
in the 7th bhava 104 •

9. Various planetary conjunctions

in the 8th bhava. 117
10 ·various ·planetary conjunctions
in the 9th bhava. 128
11 . Various planetary conjunctions
in the 1Oth bhava 14 1
12. Various planetary conjunctions
in the 11th bhava 153
13. Various ·planetary conjunctions
in the 12th 1bhava. 166
- - - - -


General .Principles
1. Jupiter- in his own house along with Saturn and
Mercury will bestow long life. Such native often will beget
Notes : Saturn along with Jupiter in Pisces or Sagittarius.
is conducive to long life and riches. This is more so for
Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces Lagnas.
2. Should Venus be in Pisces along with Jupiter and the
Moon, the native· will acquire kingly fortunes, and will have
many· sons and family.
3; Should the ascendant be in a malefic Rasi while the
1ord thereof occupies the 7th house and Jupiter is posited in
·the 8th along with the Sun, the child will die at the age of
eight. '•

4. If Mercury and Mars be together in the ascendant

·or the 6th or the 8th, the native will either be a thief or will
indulge in awful acts. Such a person will have defect in his
hands and legs.
5. Mercury .in the ascendant _or the 6th or the 8th can
cause ·death at ,the ·age of 4. Even if the native is dipped in
- nectar, it will be of no avail.
Note : This .is only a general rule and should be care-
fully used.
10 GargaHora
6. Mars and Jupiter in exchange in RaSi will ·inflict death
at the age of 12. Even though Lord Siva may desire to save
the person, it is rare to escape death in such a case.
Notes : Sage Garga does not prefer exchange of houses
between Jupiter and Mars and confrrms that death is imminent
at the age of 12 inspite of divine protection. For example, this
exchange is more effective in the case of a Taurus native, being
between the lords of 8 and 12. The entire horoscope should be
well~scanned but over enthusiasm will lead to pitfalls.

7. Should Jupiter occupy a house of Mars identical with

the 2nd, 6th or 8th from lagna, the child doubtlessly will face
death in its sixth year. ·
Notes : The Sage does not prefer Jupiter in the 2nd in
Aries for Pisces, in 2nd in Scorpio, for Libra, in 6tli in Aries for
Scorpio, in 6th Scorpio for Gemini, in 8th in Scorpio for Aries
and in 8th in Aries .for Virgo. In such case, if other factors are
not suspicious, the child may face its end in the 6th year.
8. If Rahu occupies the ascendant at birth while the
Moon is in the 6th/9th, the child will die within 20 days of
9. Similar effects will· prevail (i. e. death in 20 days will
occur) if Rahu is in the 4th from Lagna, while the Moon
occupies one of the angles.

Notes : .Rahu and the (~eak) Moon in 4th can cause the
end of both the mother and the child, according to some.
If, however, the Moon is in other angle than the 4th, the mother
isin exception.

10. Death will be inflicted by Rahu in the 7th from

lagna while the Moon is in the ascendant. ·Even nectar will not
be useful to him and the death will come to pass in the 1Oth
year of the child.
111. If the Moon is in the 12th from Lagna while malefics
are in the 6th house, the native will be shortlived. He will
suffer from stomatchial pi~9rders2
General Pr inciples 11

Notes : If Rahu is in the 6th in the said instance, while

the Moon. is in the 12th, the disorder may be in the form of
cancerous growth.
12. If Rahu occupies the 9th or the lOth, the native
will die at '16, though _Indra. Lord of ;to rds, may try to pro-
tect him.
Notes : Rahu in the 9th/ IOth is .supposed to cause
Rajayoga. According to the Sage, it is, however, adverse for
longevity. In Rahu dasa, there may be still adverse repercus-

13. Death will come to pass at the age of20, if Saturn

and the Sun are in exchange in Rasi.
Notes .: The Sun in Aquarius or Capricorn while Saturn is
in .Leo causes a short life.
14. If Rahu is in the ascendant while the Moon. is in. the
6th (or both of them being together in the 6th) will promote
diseases in the rectum, indigestion (due to lack of digestive fire)
and deficiency of a limb.
Notes : Rahu's association with the Moon can cause
lameness, as seen in a couple of births.
15. Death will be caused due to leprosy or tuberculosis
if the. Sun is in the 8th while Saturn is in the 6th .
.16. If the Sun is in the ascendant at birth, the native wil I
be ~subjected to mental worries and will have no ·place of his
18. The child will die instantly if Rahu is in the ascendant
or: in the 8th and is in aspect to the Moon; even Indra cannot
save such child.
19. The native will have a life span of 100 years if two
angles are occupied by Jupiter and Venus while the Sun is in
the 12th and Mercury is in Lagna.
20. There will be no Arishtas i.e. evils if Jupiter is in an
angle or in a trine, or in own house/exaltation house as the
Lagna. This will be so throughout the life.
12 GargaHora
21. There will be no evils whatsoever if one of Jupiter,
Venus and Mercury is in an angle and With positional strength.
Notes : This rule is suggestive of the fact that a single
benefit with Sthana Balain ,angie is enough to counteract all
22. There is no evill whatsoever ,if Saturn happens to be
in the ascendant, 3rd or the 6th and be at the same time in
Libra, Aquarius or Capricorn.
23. If the 2nd from· the ascendant is tenanted by Rahu,
Mercury, Venus; Saturn and the Sun together, the 1;11other will
die soon. Alternatively it can be the father of the child.
Notes : Depending upon of the Karaka planet, the father
or the mother may find his or her exit from this world.
24. If the Sm is in Leo or in Aries identical with the 6th
or the II th and is aspected by a friendly planet, the evils if any
are simply counteracted.
25. Should Rahu be in the ascendant identical with Aries,
Taurus or Cancer and be in aspect to a benefic planet, no evil
exists in the horoscope.
26. Rajayoga is caused if Saturn and the Moon are in the
Lagna while its trines are occupied by the Sun and Jupiter.
Mars should simultaneously in the lOth house.
Notes : According to Chamatkara Chintamani, Mars
alone in the lOth with cause good Rajyoga.
27. Should the Sm be in the 9th in Leo, the native will
not have surviving co-born. If, however, one exists, he becomes
a king.
Notes : This applies to only Sagittarius. The Sm aspects
the 3rd in the said case, which house is· highly inimical to him.
And he is supposed to be adverse for co-born. If a brother
lives long due to other planetary factors, he enjoys Rajayoga.
28. If Rahu is in Kanna Sthana i.e. the lOth house, iden-
tical with own house and in the company of Mars, Mercury and
General Principles 13

Venus, the native will sometimes prosper and yet sometimes

will have downfall.

Notes: Rahu's own house has not been widely discussed

in many texts. For relevant information, see my English trans-
lation of Horasara.
29. Declare that the subject is born in a mean ·descent if
malefics are in the 2nd, Rahu is in the 3rd and Jupiter is in the
30. If the Sun etc. (i.e. other malefics) are in the 4th, 5th
and 9th, the native will lose his first issue while the later ones

may SUrviVe.

Notes: Malefics in the said louses are adverse for the

first issue of the native.
31. Should malefics be in the 2nd along with Mars and
Sa~ while Rahu is in the 3rd, the co-born will not survive.

Notes : This rule does not apply to the pre-born. The 3rd
house will involve only younger brothers/sisters.
32. Chatra yoga is formed if all planets are in the ascen-
dant, 2nd, 7th and 12th. One with this yoga will become a
leader of his race.
33. If the ascendant is occupied by Venus, 12th by
Mercury and the 2nd by a malefic, a .Rajayoga is formed, and
the native becomes a king. If the Sun is in the 12th, the subject
will be subjected to penury.
34. The relatives of the native will perish if the 12th and
the 7th are occupied by malefics while the 2nd by benefics.

Notes : If the 2nd has no benefic, apparently the rest of

the yoga may spare the relatives.
35. There is a Rajayoga, if the Moon and Saturn are in
the 2nd while Jupiter occupies Aries, and Rahu with Venus is
in the lOth.
14 GargaHora
36. Should malefics be in the 2nd, 8th and 12th, the
native will lose his eyes in his 8th or 12th year of age.
37. The co-born will not survive if Mars is in the 8th
house. Simllar effect prevails if he joins Rahu and Saturn in
the 7th house.
38. Births in the end of a Tithi (ltmar day), a week day,
a Lagna, or in the night (?) will belong to some other (low 7)

Notes : This rule apparently rules out births in castes of

high order prevalent those days. We do not know why high
births are generalized as such.

39. The results concerning Kanna Sthana (i.e. the lOth

house) will be meagrely felt if Mars aspects the lOth house
occupying Aries or Scorpio while Mercury is ~ ssociated with
Notes : In this case, the lOth house can be one of Taurus,
Gemini, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio or Aquarius in which case
birth should be in Leo~ Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius or
Taurus in the same order. Thus for Lagnas in Leo, Virgo,
'Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius or Taurus, Mars in Scorpio/Aries
cannot give good lOth house results if Mercury is with
malefics. The involvement of Mercury in the Sage"s rule should
be carefully noted. Otherwise· Mars is beneficial for Leo and
Capricorn fully, and for Aquarius partly.

40. The native will head many people if Jupiter is in Leo,

while Venus is in Virgo, Saturn is in Gemini and Mars is in the
4th identical with own house.

Notes : This principle applies exclusively to Leo and

Capricorn only in which case Mars can be in 4th in Scorpio or
in 4th in Aries. Thus, Venus in fall in the 2nd for Leo, and in
fall in the 9th .for Capricorn is made beneficiat in this yoga.

41-42. Should Saturn be in Virgo along with the Moon

while Mars is in the sign Capricorn, Rahu in Aquarius and,
GeneraJ Principles .ts
Jupiter in Leo, the native will destroy the band of his enemies.
One born with such planetary array will not be an ordinary
man. He will advance his family to a good state and enjoys
43. The native will indulge in notorious acts at the age of
20 (i.e. from his 20th year) if Venus is in Sagittarius, the Sun in
Aquarius and Mars in Pisces simultaneously.
44. Should a malefic be in the 11th house, while the Sth
is occupied by Venus and the Moon, the native's first issue will
be a female and such female's mothers will be subjected to
many troubles.
Notes : This combination in a ·male's horoscope will
cause the birth of a female child and his wife will be :put to
troubles. If present in a lady's horoscope, the native herself
will beget the results and obtain a female child frrst.
Venus and the Moon posited in the Sth will receive the
powerful aspect of the malefic in the 11th house; and hence the
first issue is a source ofmenace to the mother.
45. There will be destruction of relatives if the 4th is
occupied by Rahu, the 2nd 'by Jupiter and the 6th/9th. by
46. Should the 9th be occupied by Jupiter, Mercucy,
Venus, and the Moon, the sul}ject acquires success in all his
undertakings and will he honoured by a king
47. If both malefics and benefics occupy severally the 6th
8th, Sth, 9th and the 12th.. the native will be honoured by the
king. But he will face many hardships in life.
48. If the 5th, 6th, 8th and 9th are occupied by respecti-
vely Mars, Rahu,. Venus and the Sun, the native will protect
his own people.
49. If the ascendant is occupied by Saturn and the Moon
while Venus is posited in the 8th, the subject will be highly
16 GargaHora

libidinous. Though he will be honoured by a king, he cannot

enjoy any kind of happiness.
50. Ifthe Moon is in Capricorn at birth along with
debilitated Jupiter or with an inimical planet and aspected by
Saturn, the native will be a source of evil to his own co-born.
Notes : The Moon should be in Capricorn with Jupiter
and another planet to wbich the sign is inimical, for example,
the Sun. Saturn .aspecting such yoga is adverse to the co-born
of the native.
51. Should Rahu be in Gemini while Mars is in Leo and
Jupiter in Scorpio, the native will be equal to a king.
Notes : If the -ascendant falls in Leo or Scorpio, ·in this
case, it will be more advantageous Note the aspect of Mars
on Jupiter.
52. If at birth Saturn. occupies Aquarius, Mars Capricorn,
and the Moon Aries while the 2nd house is occupied by the
. Sun, the subject will enjoy paternal wealth or his own wealth.
Notes : The 2nd house should be occupied by the Sun
which indicates paternal money-the Sun, Karaka for father,
in the house of money. Mars should be exalted; Saturn should
be in Aquarius in own house while the Moon is in Aries-all
these in any bhavas. The Moon is thus aspected by Mars aiJ.cJ.
Saturn simultaneously.
53. IfMercury and the Sun occupy the lOth while Rahu
is in the 6th, the native will lord over many.
54. If the Sun is in the lOth in Leo, or Saturn in Libra
identical with the 6th or the Moon and Mercury in the 9th in
Gemini, a Rajayoga is formed.
Notes : The. Sun in Leo in the ,10th for Scorpio is pro-
ductive of political power, high office etc. Saturn exalted in the
6th house for Taurus is indicative of freedom from diseases,
enemies etc. and a good job to live. It further denotes paternal
inheritance and a long-living father. It promotes longevity of
GeneraiPrinciples 17

the native and bestows an elevated state of the co-born. Should

Libra rise at birth while Mercury and the Moon are in the 9th
house, Dharma-Karmadhipathi Yoga is produced as the lords
ofthe 9th and the lOth join in one house. This is capable of
giving a high official position to the native. Such a person
can reach the pinnacles in business career also.
SS. Jupiter in Lagna while Venus is in the 12th holding
the other planets in between indicates a Rajayoga.. This is to
the advantage of the native's family to become strong (in all
Notes : Jupiter should be in the ascendant and Venus
should be in the 12th. Tl;le other planets, i.e. Sun,Moon, Mars,
·Mercury and Saturn should be within the orbs of Venus and
Jupiter, posited anywhere. in ·t2thfLagna..Longitudinally~ these
five .should be--ahead of Venus in ·the 12th and before the planet
Jupiter. Then only this yoga will come to pass. For example,
see the chart b€low. The shortest orb bet\vcen the two planets in
question should hold others in between them.

Moon 7_'0<? Sat 5°

Sun 14° Mete 4°
Mars 25° Jup 12°
,Ven 3° Lagna I 0°

In the above example, ·note the selection of planetary

iS OargaHora
logitudes which will depict the correct formation of the Yoga
·cited in the :principle under study.
56 . The native doubtlessly becomes a king if1Jupiter.is in
the 8th and Venus is in the 3rd All others should be between
57-58. One born in libra Lagna with exalted Saturn,
while Jupiter is in Taurus, the Moon in Gemini, Mars in Capriu
com, Venus in Leo and Mercury in Virgo along with the Sun,
will have a Raja Yoga, the restilts of which are : he will main-
tain justice, good deeds and auspiciousness ·in his life.
Notes: This is a very rare Raja Yoga and is put in a map
thus, for easy grasp :

Jup Moon

Mars Venus

The Sage has fiXed the positions of all the seven planets
and the three-Mercury, Venus.and the Sun-are longitudinally·
in a feasible guess. Such a native's birth is in a very aftluent
family, as Saturn is in exaltation in Lagna. Mars in the 4th in
exaltation will confer superior education~ longliving ·motber~
.abundant conveyances, landed property etc. Mercury is exalted
in 12th in aspect to Jupiter, which is again a splendjd ~ja
Yoga, denoting that the native will be obeyed even by higher-
ups and will move in an aristocratic society. ..

59. The Yoga mentioned above will, however, cause

General Principles 19
Balarishta in the 8th or the 12th year. The native will, however,
later oil prove inauspicious for the elder brother or sister.
Notes : The positions denoted in principles No. 57 and
58 are capable of causing Balarishta, obviously because the 8th
is occupied by Jupiter. He will, however, ensure good longevity
after passing the Balarishta period of 12. In some cases, Jupiter.
in 8th has not given long life, while Saturn has given. (Saturn
of course ;Stands well for longevity). The planet Mars_ iit 4th
in peak may adversely tell upon the pre-born as he lends his
powerful aspect to the 1 1th house.
60. If Libra happens to be the 2nd house or an angle and
is occupied by a malefic. the native only faces sheer poverty.
He will not prove a good augury for his own people.
Notes : This applies to Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Aries
and Cancer, if one of these- rises at birth. Any malefic in Libra
for such Lagnas will produce the said effects while Saturn will
not. On the other hand, he will be helpful to the native as he
will be exalted.
61. Should the Moon be in the lOth, while Venus is in
the 7th and malefics in the 4th, the native's dynasty ends with
him and there will be no further descent in his race.
Notes : This yoga apparently indicates that the native
will not beget an issue and the race will end with him.
62. The mother of the native will not survive if Saturn
is in the 2nd, Rahu in the 3rd and Jupiter is in Pisces.
Notes : The position of Jupiter is fiXed as Pisces, without
reference to Lagna. In such a case, Saturn in the 2nd and Rahu
in the 3rd will be -adverse for the mother of the subject. This
is, however, inapplicable to Sagittarius birth. Jupiter in the 4th
then protects the mother while Saturn, though aspecting Jupiter
in the 4th, will be pacified as he will be in Capricorn in his
own house.
63. Should Mars be in the 7th while Venus is in the
8th followed by the Sun in the 9th, the native will be short-
20 GargaHora
Notes : This principle is highly suggestive. The sage does
not ignore the longitudinal restriction between. the Sun and
Venus (and also Mercury).
64-65. If Jupiter is in the ascendant, while the Yoga
mentioned above (i.e. in principle 63) is absent, an auspicious
yoga is caused. Such a native w.i 11 live a long lease of life, will
have many co.. borns, will head many people (i.e. employ many
and feed them), will be happy, will lead himself and his
co-born to a prosperous level, be free from proud conduct,
and be pleased in all aspects of life.
Notes: Jupiter in the ascendant is capable ofbestowing
goods in abundance as per the present principle, provided the
7th, 8th, and the 9th are not ·respectively occupied by Mars,
Venus and the Sun. For, the native will be shortlived with these
3 planets ·posited in these respective houses.
66. If Saturn is in Cancer while Rahu is in Taurus, the
native will be very liberal, will enjoy numerous yogas, i.e. will
reach a very 'high state in life, will be famous, will be chief in
his race and will marry many women. If, however, the said
Saturn is lonely and aspects the Sth, there is only one marriage.
Notes : Saturn in Cancer while Rahu is in Taurus will
produce the results as :per the frrst .Part of the principle. If
however, he··is alone' in Cancer, i.e. the other part of the yoga
·being not there (Rahu not being in Taurus) the native has one
marriage while the Sth house receives Saturn's aspect from
Cancer. Here, a pertinent query may be asked as to why the
Sth house and Saturn come in the picture, while marriage is
being considered. The answer is simple to deep insight. Saturn
in the 3rd .or the 8th will give only one marriage-a much
delayed marriage. This position in Cancer applies to Taurus
when he can aspect the Sth by 3rd aspect, and to Sagittarius
when he will be in the 8th aspecting the Sth by lOth aspect.
Then, the other ascendant is Virgo for which Saturn can lend
his 7th aspect on the 5th remaining in the 11th house. So to
say, those born in TaurusNirgo/Sagittarius, with Saturn in
·Qmcer will marry once, but late.
General Principles 21

67. The native will meet with , his end if Jupiter and
Rahu are together in the ascendant or the 4th. The end will
be in the 13 th year even if Lord Siva may try to save him. (That
is, death in 13th year is certain)
Notes : Jupiter's association with Rahu in Lagna or the
4th is adverse for longevity. Such a person will not live long.
68. If Mars occupies the 8th while the Sun is in fall in
the 5th or the 9th and Jupiter in accelerated motion in the 9th
the native is blessed by Lakshmi . the Goddess of Wealth.
Notes : To make up deficit in elongation with reference
to the Sun, a planet (except Moon) moves faster which si
called Atichara or accelerated motion.
69-70. Should Venus be in Pisces along with Mercury
while the ascendant, 2nd and 3rd are respectively tenanted by
the Sun, Moon and Mars, a Raja Yoga is constituted. One born
under this kind of planetary array will respect Gods and
preceptors. He will achieve such fame in his own native
country and abroad as well that cannot be achieved by others.
71. If the 12th is occupied by Jupiter while the 2nd
house has Saturn, Sun, Mars and Mercury, the father of the
native will pass away at the time of marriage of the native.
72. If Jupiter is in the 3rd while the planet Venus is in
the 11th, the native will be "famous among his relatives and will
shine like a lamp among the men of his race.
73. If Venus in the ascendant is unaspected by anyone,
while the Moon is in the 2nd and Jupiter is in the 3rd, the
native cannot enjoy any paternal earnings.

Notes·: Venus in such state ·if aspected by some planet,
the native may possibly enjoy such benefits.
7 4. Should Mars and Saturn be in Leo, while Venus is
in Virgo and Rahu is in Gemini, the child will lose its mother
Notes : The combination of Mars and Saturn . unless in
22 GargaHo;a

the 11th is not quite auspicious. Should the Moon be strong

in the said Yoga, the child w iII have its ·mother long living.
75. The above mentioned Yoga (as in 74) will cause
poverty in childhood. If the Moon joins Mars, it will confer
happiness in the later part.
Notes : The principle as per rule 74 above is adverse for
mother and will cause poverty in the initial stage. If, however,
the Moon is in Leo along with Mars, ~in addition to the planets
stated in the respective positions, the child will lose its mother,
suffer poverty in the beginning, but be happy in the later part
of life.
76. If Lagna happens to be a malefic sign and is occupied
by the said malefic Lagna Lord himself, while one among the
4th, 7th and the ·lOth being a malefic sign :is occupied by its
own malefic lord~ the child will live only upto six.
.Notes : There are two malefic planets and two malefic
houses involved in this rule. Firstly, the Lagna should be
occupied by L~gna Lord, who happens to be a natural malefic.
Secondly, either the 4th, or the 7th or the lOth should be a Rasi
owned by a malefic planet and occupied by its ruler. Then the
longevity is only six.
77. A child born in the said Yoga (vide rule 76 above)
will prove inauspicious to its .mother. Additionally, there will
be destruction of maternal relatives, if the 6th house is unas-
·pected by Jupiter.
Notes : One with the combination as per rule 76 above
will frrstly live upto six only and secondly will prove dangerous
to the mother. The third effect is adversity to maternal uncle,
if the 6th house is not aspected by Jupiter. If, however, Jupiter
aspects the 6th, then there is relief to maternal relatives while
the child and mother are still affected.
78. The child who has the Sun in Leo, a malefic in
Virgo and Rahu in a malefic'g house will only live for six
General Principles 23

79. The longevity is only for 19 years if the Moon is in

the 8th~ ·malefics in angles and Rahu in the 1Oth at birth.
80. If a benefic planet is exalted in an angle, the native
will acquire a large kingdom and will protect his family.
81. Death of father is imminent if a child is born with
Rahu in the ascendant and the Sun in the 7th while Mars is
between Lagna and the 7th.
Notes : In the combination, Rahu afflicts- the Sun, who is
82. A child who has malefics posited, in the 7th, 12th,
· 3rd and 8th will always have an ailing physique.
83. Should malefics be in the Lagna, 12th and 8th simul-
taneously, the child will be deprived of .its mother instantly
while its father will leave this world in its 4th or 1Oth year
of age.

Lagna Bhava
(From Rale 1 to 20)

1. Sun-Moon : The native Will have many sons. He will

not be happy in regard to parents. He will be subjected to
mental worries.
2. Sun-Mars : He will be unhappy about his father. He
will be wicked. He will always wander from place to place. _He
will be meanly disposed.
Notes: This combination in lagna will also promote
diseases arising out of defects in blood, digestive fire- and
phlegm. The native will have digestive problems, stomachlal
disorders, blood pressure (high if Mars is strong and low if he
is devoid of strength) and phlegmatic illnesses.
3. Sun-Mercury : ·will not have ·conveyance~i will be
wickedly disposed, will have ill-reputed history, will commit
sinful acts, will be foresaken by friends and relatives.

4. SutJ-Jupiter : will have little intelligence, will look ugly,

will be a dunce, will be ungrateful, be thievishly disposed
and jealous.
5. Sun- Venus: will hate scholars, will not have many
children, \Vill be cruel, angrily disposed, wi11 trouble others, be
fierce and dejected.

. Lag1ta Bhava 25~

6. Suit-Saturn : will be a simpleton, be sick, be given up.

by his relatives, and will· not possess good qualities,
7. Moon-Mars : wicked, poor, talkative and not virtuous.
8. Moon-Mercury: will have good speech, will be rich,'
beautiful, passionate, modest and will be addicted to other ~
9. Moon-Jupiter: will be good looking, longlived, very
famous, will have attractive eyes and hair on the head.
10. Moon- Venus : will be interested .in good affairs, will
have very 'beautiful face, will be aftluent, be interested in being
virtuous, and dear to king.
11. Moon-Saturn : will earn money in bad ways, will
know only bad things, be mean-minded, be attached to others~·
money, be won by unsocial clements.
12. Mars-Mercury : can easily dupe others, will be an
able speaker, interested in living in foreign countries and will·
have bad notions.

13. Mars-]up.iter : will be hard-hearted, will have few

• I 'I

sops, will entertain' others, and will be interested in doing bad

acts. ·
14. Mars- Venus : · will have phlegmatic imbalances,
will undertake futile jobs, will cheat others# will be ·ungrateful,
will have a valorous son and will not achieve success in any of
his undertaking.
. 15. Mars-Saturn: will be interested in committing sinful
acts, will defy others, be interested in speaking harshly, and be
fiercely disposed.
16. Mercury-Jupiter: will be beautiful in appearance, be
fortunate, splendorous, rich and pleasing.
17. Mercury-Venus : will be connected with royal duties,
will be worth praising by kings, will be interested in various
Sastras, be rich and truthfully disposed.
18. Mercury-Saturn : will be expert in carrying out the
26 GargaHorQ·

orders of the king, will possess a bad wife, be indigent and

will face obstructions from the public. ·
Notes : This position in Lagna is not congenial for those
who deal with the pu~lic. Neither the native will have an
amiable wife nor willl)e beget an issue.
I Sa. Jupiter- Venus : will be dear to king, be inclined ...
to earn more wealth, will have more knowledge in policies,
be very rich and be an exponent of Sastras to a great. pro-
19. Jupiter· Saturn : will be very wealthy, highly educated.,·
be not cunning, will face many risks, and be untruthful.
20. Venus-Saturn : will be foolish, ungrateful, and always
attached to his men.
Notes : This is not a good position at all for happy
m;1rriage~ unless the Lagna is Libra, .Pisces, Taurus, Capricorn
Q:t;·Aquarius. Particularly this is more adverse for Leo, Virgo.
and Aries,


(From Rule 21 to 54)
21. Sun-Moon-Mars : will be liked by his elders, be
d_efective limbed, be a liar and be cruel, blameworthy and.
foolish. . .
Notes: Mars in the ascendant will generally cause some·
defect in the limb after birth.
22. Sun-Moon-Mercury: He will be foolish.
Notes : Lunation along with Mercury will mak~ one a
a thief and short lived. He will be subject to heart/mental
diseases and nervous breakdown.
23. Sun-Moon-Jupiter : will have all auspiciousness, be
inclined to be virtuous, be intelligent, rich, very powerful on
others, and be always happy.
Notes : Balabhadra states that the native will be very
Lagna Bhava 27

famous, highly placed, be chief among men and will hold very
high position. He will be acceptable to all policies.
Such natives, I feel, are capable of reaching high political
status and will move upwards unobstructedly.. This is a good
position for Aries, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces
for which Lagnas, these three are all-auspicious. The Moon is
little inauspicious, however, for Dhanus.
24. Sun-Moon-Venus : Will· have auspicious events, be
famous, prestigious, wealthy, chief among men and be justly

Notes : In Hora Ratna's text, ''~!'~Tf~~~, appears,

meaning that the native \Viii have wealth earned through auspi-

c1ous means.
This position bestows an early marriage and an amiable
25. Sun-Moon-Saturn . : will have a fearful body (i.e. be
fierce in appearance), be short-lived, sick, sinful, capable of
promoting quarrels, and will ·be forsaken by relatives.
Notes : The combination of Sun -Saturn in Lagna is not
congenial for longevity, while the position is somewhat better
for Sagittarius and Pisces. This is very adverse for Aries where
snturn will 'be in fall and for Libra where the Sun will be in
fall. The Moon getting aftlicted makes the situtation all the
more worse for the said Lagnas and in a high proportion for
Scorpio, where the ··Moon herself is debilitated.
26. Sun-Mars-Mercury : will be very industrious, will
always be troubled, be inimically disposed to others, be ungrate-
ful and subjected to phlegmatic and windy diseases.

Notes : This Yoga in Lagna is capable of causing diges-

tive deficiency, rheumatic pains etc.
27. Sun-Mars-Jupiter : will always be proud, be highly

egoistic, will possess a fleet of horses and will be keen in impart-
ing vices to others.
28 GargaHora

Notes : Jupiter in the company ofthe Sun and Mars is

capable of converting the native into a horse-race addict.
This position is highly suggestive of lever disorders. If Rahu
joins these in Lagna, it may be even lever cancer.
28. Sun-Mars-Venus: will be chief, justly disposed, will'
have good qualities, and be dear to his relatives.
Notes : 'Hora Ratna adds that the native will win over
his enemies.
V enos, Mars and the Sun in Lagna will make one addi-
cted to whores. The subject will suffer from venereal diseases
like Syphilis. He will not have a virtuous or long-living
29. Sun-Mars-Saturn : will -acquire a wife to promote·
monetary state, be short-lived, be subjected to many diseases,
untruthful and foolish.
30. Sun-lvfercury-Jupiter : will be ·skilful, will advance
through his undertakings, will befriend many and be an expert

m war.
31. Sun-Mercury-Venus: will be modest, valorous, chief
among Brahmins, and be happy.
32. Sun-Mefcury-Saturtt : will be exposed to penury and
diseases, will not have good qualities, be unjust and be forsaken
by his own men and others as well
33. Sun-Jupiter-Venus. : will be, leader of me11, be fond
of acquiring many children, and will be free from· enemies and
such other troubles.
34. Sun-Jupiter-Saturn : will have more enemies, will
have to spend on bad missions, will like to commit sins, be
defective in some limb and be weak.

35. Sun-Venus-Saturn : will undertake mean ·professions

to earn money, will suffer poverty, will have vices, be fond of
wandering and will earn his food by performing Homas etc.
36. Moon-Mars-Mercury : will own a fine house to live in, ·
Lagna Bhav'a 19
be very wealthy, justly disposed, be free from enemies and will
earn knowledge in Sastras.
37. Moon-Mars-Jupiter : will be happy, very prestigious,
be attached to his work, be virtuous, will have may friends and
will be a great person.
38. Moon-Mars-Venus : will be subjected to much grief,
will have vices, will have highly placed relatives, be very intelli-
gent and be bright in appearance.
39. Moon-Mars-Saturn : will be ever modest, be fond of
guests, be interested in donation-giving, be very wise and will
stand to gain a lot.
40. Moon-Mercury- Ve1tus : will be a king, will possess
attractive physique, be very valorous and be always happy.
Notes : Hora Ratna in this context states that the native
will be king of kings, will have attractive body, be valorous,
truthful, be very efficacious and be always happy.
41. Moon-Mercury- Venus: will be very efficacious, atta-
ched to the virtuous, will have no knowledge of arts (practical
or fme, which are 74 in number, such as music, dance etc), and
will be versed in justice.
Notes : Hora Ratna in addition to the above states that
the subject will have superior blood ( fCif~ tSe vtff), meaning that
the blood with be free from defects.
42. Moon-Jupiter- Venus : will marry a highly placed
lady, will have rich food to eat, be very happy and will donate
43. Moon-Jupiter-Saturn: will not be so efficacious (here
Hora Ratna states that the native will have appealing physique),
be firm, will be eloquent, inimically disposed to the public, will
have knowledge of poison (i.e. will deal with poison), and will
have interest in bad deeds.
44. Moon .. venus·Satur_n: will have sons and money,
., .
36 GargaHora

will maintain fasting and other religious observations, will have

many plans in mind about things to be done, be bright and will
:~ave go,Q_d mind.
45. Mars-Mercury-Jupiter : wiH always be modest, will
gain in several ways from foreign countries, be famous, and .be
favourably disposed towards his dependants,
~ .
46. Mars-Mercury-Venus : will have broad eyes and
face, will have properly combed hair, be sweet in speech, truth-
ful in disposition, and will be easy to be approached.
Notes : Hora Ratna does not state in this context that the
native will be easy for approach while ~~~;r1=q~" is found in the
sloka, meaning "has good pace*'. This indicates that he will
walk beautifully. ·
47. Mars·Mercury-Saturtt : will be· unjust, regardless
of·law, will have bad wife, have few sons, and will kill animals
48. Mars-Jupiter- Venus : will be good-natured, will be
endowed with virtues, wealth and children and will be respect-
ful towards Brahmins and Gods.
49. Mars-Jupiter-Saturn : will be phlegmatic, wicked:
be won by his wife, be troubled by hunger, and be a taJ.~­
50. Mars- Venus-Saturn: will have a surprising body(?),
be fierce, will not have any code of conduct, be inimical to his
own men, and be confused.
51. Mercury-Jupiter- Venus : will consider money as most
important, be beautiful, attached to women, friendly, and
very valorous.
52. Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will be subjected to phleg-
~atic disea~es, fond of meat etc., will have hard teeth and
coarse hair, be hard~hearted and will create terror among the

53. Mercury- Venus-Saturn: will have swarthy body, be

windy in temperament, be libidinous, torturous and very argu-
Lagna Bhava 31

. 54. Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will stick to religious obser-

.vations, with delight in the contemplation of Supreme Spirit,
will advocate final Emancipation effectively, and be devoid of
fear of tens of millions in kind.
(From Rule 55 to 83)

55. Suit-Moon-Mercury: ,.._will be very sickly, will not

be good-natured, will be ·interested in :sinful acts, be oograteful
and will suffer from physical ailments.
Not~s : According to Hora Ratna, the native's disposition
~ be surprisingly sinful.
·. · 56. Sun-Moon-Mars-Jupiter : will be interested in bad
acts; sick, sinful, thankless, devoid of learning, ugly and femful.
Notes : .Hora Ratna indicates that the native will not
have any principles of action, see fq-!Jlq~q~, as against
C.G. Rajan's translation of "interested in bad acts." Bala
Bhadra's view is perfect.
57. Sun-Moon-Mars- Venus :will wander purposelessly, will
cheat others, be interested in blaming and be timid.
. 58. Sun-Moon-Mars-Saturn: will be interested in being
just and be virtuous, will be ugly, forsaken by servants, and will
cheat others.
59. Sun-Moon'-Mercury-Jupiter: will be very timid, be a
cheat, be attached· to relatives, and hardhearted.
60. Sun-Moon-Mercury- Venus: _wlltlike~ bad odour, be
indigent, foolish, will not have friends, and will be defeated by

Notes : Bala Bhadra adds that such native will be very
61. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Saturn : will be foolish, night-
bUn~, will be interested in residing in bad places and be very
. .

Notes : Hora Ratna states, that the subject will serve a

bad country, see Cfl~~~CIJ~. It may be that the native will
help an inimical country against his own ·native state.
62. Sun-Moon-Jupiter-Venus : will be untrutllfW., will
have few sons, will speak harshly, will be won over by enemies,
and \Vill be subjected to grief.
63. Sun-Moon-Jupiter-Saturn : Will be dull.;witted, have
control over his senses, be skilful in taking things from others,
and be .honoured for his deeds.
64. Sun-Moon-Venus-Saturn : will be auspicious, bo
dejected with people. will be very fair in complexion, will not
have much money, will be hard in disposition.
65. Swt-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter : will be very valorous,
will have voice resembling that of a crow, be unkind, will have
less money, and will· have physical deficiencies out of sickness
66. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Saturn : will have interest in
sexual affairs, be expert in gambling, be unkind, more phleg-
matic in temperament, and be not bright in appearance.
67. Sun-Mars-Jupiter- Venus : will be troubled by sick-
ness, will have vices, be very miserable and unkind.
68. Sun-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn : · will have fearful eyes,
will spend in bad ways, will wear rags, and will be dejected
with his wife, but attached to his son.
_ 69. Sult-Mars-Velllls-Saturlt : will not be efficacious, be
always insulted, and be fickle-minded.
70. Sun- Mercury- Venus-Jupiter : will have ugly eyes, be
unkind and disturbed.
71. Sun-Mercury- Venus-Saturn : will be given to anger,
will have wicked wife, will always be a servant· and be forsaken
by his relatives. He will be inimical to all.
72. Su!t·Jupiter-Venus-Saturn : will promote quarrels,
be wicked, be ·immodest, .and will always move with sinful
73. Sun-Jupiter-Mercury-Saturn : will do irreligious
. .. • •
Lagna Bhava 33

things in times of danger, will serve mean people, be ill-natured,

shameless and will face troubles from the king.
74. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter : will possess a very
dark and long body, will be interested in fighting, will suffer
from bloody disorders, and will poorly dress himself.
75. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Venus : will not have sons and
wealth, will have ugly ears, teeth and eyes, be a varacious eater,
be ascetic and wicked.
76. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Sat urn : will have uneven legs,
ugly hair and ugly teeth.
Notes : According to Hora Ratna, the native will have
fearful eyes~ ugly legs, hair and teeth, will suffer from head-
diseases and be devoid of mother. Bala Bhadra seems to have
.adopted the sloka meanigfully in his work.
77. Moon-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn : will have an ugly physi-
que, ugly nails, and ugly sides, will indulge in acceptable deeds,
and will be a tale-bearer.
78. Moon-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn : will be very famous, be
helpful to others, be free from enemies, be attached to his sons
and affectionate to his preceptors.
79. Mars-Mercury- Venus-Jupiter: will be endowed with
sons and a fleet of horse, be interested in Sastras, will destroy
sinners, be quite famous and be pure-hearted.
80. Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will be foolish, be
phlegmatic and windy, dear to preceptors and be not proud.
81. Mars-Mercury- Venus-Saturn : will have horrible
·notions. be long-bodied, will wear twisted hair as an ascetic,
( \iffe~ also means impervious), be not virtuous, subject to
skin affiictions, and will suffer from itches.
82. Mars-Jupiter .. Venus-Saturn : will be bald-headed,
fearless, learned, black in complexion, and be in auspicious. · ·
83. Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn: will be very efficacious
will l)ave good (i.e. beautiful or strong) nails, be tall, patient'
'. . '
will have beautiful hands and be fair complexioned. '
.·j 14 GargaHora


(From Rule 84 to 103)

84. Sun-Moon-Mars ...i\-fercury.. Jupiter: will be very wealthy.
be interested in Sastras, be dear to elders, and be attached to
his sons.
85. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Venus :will be important
-by virtue of his good qualities, be good looking, be devoted to
help the public and liberal in giving donations.
86. Sun-Moon~Mars-Mercury-Saturn : will beat (or kill)
firmly, be unkind, will be strong-bodied, and be bereft of
87. Surz-Moon-Mars. .Jupiter-Venus :will be firm in disposi-
tion, very efficacious, cruel, be a poet, be famous and dejected~
88. Sun-Moon-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn : will ·have wounded
·body, will eat varaciously# be unjustly disposed, be very splen-
dorous and be highly given to sexual feelings.
89. Sun-Moon-Mars-Venus-Saturn :will have interest in
others wealth, will have long penis, will be full of veins, will
·have foul smell in the body, and be cruel. · . -~
90. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Venus-Jupiter :will be endowed-
with sons, learning, wealth and relatives, and will have attrac-
tive eyes, ears, teeth, and nose. -.-
91. Sun-Moon ..Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will }lave sickly
body, will be bilious and phlegmatic in temperament and will
always move in forests. ;
92. Sun-Moon-Mercury- Venus-Saturn : will have own
business, will have income through arts, be liberal in giving
away gifts, and will be endowed with all pleasures.
93. Sun-Mercury-Jupiter· Venus : will consider justice as
the most supreme aim, will have virtues, be truthful, be dear ~o
the virtuous, and will have pleasing looks. ··,
94. Sun-Moon-Jupiter-Venus-Saturlt : will be free from
grief and fear, be inactive or foolish due to some sin or blemish
and will be highly pious. · .~
Lagna Bhava 35
95. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will be subjected,
troubles· by abundantly, labouring, will be extremely emaciate~,
skilful· in spending, expert in guess, be devoid of wealh, be
ph lcgmatic, expert in promoting quarrels and will cheat.
96. Sun-Mars•Jupiter-Venus-Saturn : will be worshipped
by Lord Indra, (i.e. so superior a person), will eat and drink
abundantly, will be interested in possessing conveyances, will
possess attractive eyes, and be unkind .
97. Sun-Mercury-Venus-Jupiter-Saturn : will consi4e.r
piousness as supreme, be a good singer, be very strong, very
~happy and truthful.

Notes : Balabhadra does not mention about the pious

nature of the native but adds that the native will be very


98. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus : will be interested

in comforts will always· be pure and clean, will be interested
in listening to auspicious stories, will have a beautiful body
and be the leader of men.

99. Moon-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will have goo~

knees and feet, will follow elders in respect of fame, wealth ~~~d
be interest~d in
' .
performing sacrifices, worship etc.
100. Moon-Mars-Mercury• Venus-Saturn: will have mote
gains, will be subjected to fear, will contact be venereal diseases
due to sexual union with poor women, and will wander.
Hora Ratna says that the person will be poor an<} \viii
contact venereal diseases.
101. Moon-Mars-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn : will be endowed
with happiness, will have a fleet of horses, will have many
friends, be proud, dear to good people, and will befriend elders.
102. Moon-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn : will have loss
of horses, will practise self restraint, will present an artificial
disposition (while inwardly he will be of a different nature),
will be pious and will have parents with him.
36 GargaHora

103. Mars~Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn: will consider

money as the most important aim, will have knowlege of
.Sastras. will win his five senses and will be pious to the


(From Rule 104 to 108)
104. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus :-will be
helpful to others, wicked, cruel (?), will be subjected to grief
and be virtuous.
Notes : According to BaJabhadra will be helpful, wicked,
weak, blameworthy, grieved, and will not have virtues.
105. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will be
subjected to great penury, be devoid of enemies, be extreme in
nature, will be forsaken by his caste, will have defect in limbs,
be very sickly broken-hearted and modest.
106. Sutt-Moon-Mars-Jupiter-Venus. Saturn: willbehard
hearted and will always be insulted by others.
107. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn: will be
interested in committing sinful acts, and will have many kinds
of diseases.
108. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn: will have
vices and various diseases.
Note : Seven Planets in Lagna :Not mentioned.

1 i

Second Bhava . o • I


(From Rule 109 to 127)
109. Sun-Moon : will not have money, will be ungrate~ul,
will always possess bad disposition, will not be splendorous.
will be subje~ted to diseases and fear.
Notes : This position in the 2nd house, will cause ey~­
diseases, facial defects etc. Should Rahu join these two in this
hhava, the native may have defective speech or be dumb.
110. Sun-Mars : will suffer from penury, be shameless,
unkind, and sinful.
111. Sun-Mercury: His body will be full of boils and
wounds; he will not have any property, will be had in disposi-
tion, will be bereft of servants, be troubled by others, and
will be subjected to much grief.
112. Sun-Jupiter: will be immodest, will be troubled,
interested in committing sinful acts, be eloquent in speech, and
will contact difficulties in foreign countries.
113 Sun-Venus : will be cruel in nature, attached to base
men, will have many enemies, will instil fear in others, and be
not bright in appearance.
114. Sun-Saturn : will contact many diseases, will
approach others in vain, be unkind, be not angry and will not
join the virtuous.
115. Moon-Mars : will be ruled by the public, (whereas)
Balabhadra mentions ~ :r;:rrf~o~ meaning that the native will
38 GargaHora

be troubled right from birth), will have a dejected wife, will

look. old, be ungrateful, be a servant, be wicked and bright in
116. Moon-Mercury : will be very rich, be free from
vices, and dear to the king.
Notes : ~~~rfcrCiil{ is added in Balabhadra's text indica-
ting that the native will be very happy.
116 a. Moon-Jupiter: will be· a king, .will be splendorous,
be interested in Virtues, will destroy enemies, will have many
sons, and be liked by the public.
I 17. Moon- Venus :will have virtue as his wealth, will be
either a king or a minister, will have many friends, and will be
attached to his son. ·
Notes : Balabhadra mentions that the native will be
interested in acquiring a son as against C.G. Rajan's statement
that the subject will be attached to his sons.
118. Moon-Saturn : will.not.have any wealth, will follow
bad course, will be troubled by enemies, be argumentative
in nature, and his relatives \Vi II perish.
119. Mars-Mercury : will lose wife and \Vealth, be
subjected to blemish, \Vill cantact diseases. will not possess
good qualities and will not patronise his relatives.
120. Mars-Jupiter : will be sickly, be unwise, ill-natured,
will have few sons, and will be blamed in arguments.
121. Mars- Venus : Same results as given above for Mars-·
Jupiter. Hora Ratna has also similar slokas for Mars-Jupiter
and Mars-Venus.
122. Mars-Saturn : will have wealth, grains, pearls and
such other precious stones, will acquire few sons and be
Notes : Hora Ratna does not attribute truthlessness to
this combination, but adds that the subject will be acceptable to
females, will visit pilgrimages and will not have any desires
(te. will not be greedy).
Second Bhava 39~

Mercury-Jupiter yoga in the 2nd is not discussed either

by C.G. Rajan or by Balabhadra. But C.G. Rajan adds that
with this combination in any Bhava, the native will know
Brahma Vidya (i.e. will have knowledge of Supreme Spirit), will
head a town or be equal to a king, be wealthy, will have
virtues worth respect, and will be expert in mathematics.
It is a good augury if Mars and Juipiter join in the 2nd,
to master astrology, palmistry and such other occult sciences.
123. Mercury- Venus : will acquire a fleet of horses and
elephants, be very wealthy, wise, virtuous, truthful, and will be
dear to Brahmins. ·
124. Mercury-Saturn : will be devoid of wealth, fierce,
wicked, and willjoin bad elements.
125. Jupiter- Venus: will be chief among kings, will be
endowed with honour, wealth and anny (nowadays follo-
wers), will honour good deeds, will live by praise and valour
and will be successful.
126. Jupiter-Saturn : will be troubled by kings, be quite
sickly, greedy, be free from ememies, and be not happy in
any respect.
127. Venus-Saturn : will be bereft of sons and money, be
dirty in appearance, cruel and will perfonn bad acts.


(From Rule 128 to 160)
128. Sun-Moon-Mars: will not be wealthy, be troubled
by others, be not efficacious, be cruel and will be troubled
by fear.
129. Sun-Moon-Mercury : will be timid by nature, be
indigent, will have a bad wife and will experience grief by his
own bad acts.
130. Sun-Moon-Jupiter: will have bad sons, will torture
others, be sensuous, ungrateful and will instil fear in elders.
131. Sun-Moott- Venus : \Vill indulge in enmity with friends,
will have conveyances, will not have much wealth, will look
ugly, will depend on elders and be given to anger.
40 GargaHora

132. Sun-Moon-Saturn :· ·will1 be ungrateful. be interested

in visiting foreign countries, interested in gambling, will face
troubles, be not virtuous and be with little wealth.
. 133. Sun-Mars-Mercury : will be a dunce, a spendthrift,
be truthful, will have a prodigal son, be shameless and be
devoid of friendliness.

134. Sun-Mars-Jupiter : will be devoid . of wealth, be

wicked, will have a lean body, and will earn enmity in service.
· · 135. Sun--Mar~-Venus : will not have commonsense, will
be forsaken by many, will prove a bad servant, be interested in.
battle, and will lose property.
136. Sun-Mars-Saturn : will 'have a polluted physique, be
devoid of qualities and wealth. be fond of promoting quarrels,
be sick at all times, and will be condemned by good people.
137. Sun-Mercury-Jupiter : \viii have many wounds and
boils in the body, be blamed, wicked, be troubled by people
and will wound others, feelings.
138. Su11-kfercury- Venus : will be always insulted, will
look like a lion, be sensuous, miserly, will face ups and downs,
and be a simpleton.
Notes : Hora Ratna does not attribute ups and downs;
neither it describes the subject as a simpleton. It, however,
adds that the native will be involved in fightings and will be
fond of promoting quarrels.
139. Sun-Mercury-Sat urn : will derive help from his 'own~
people, will be indigent, be fierce, be not virtuous, and be a
140. Sun-Jupiter-Venus : will be dull-witted, not learned,
unwise, will lose properly, be defeated, and be a miser.
141. Sun-Jupiter-Saturn : will_be given to much anger, be
troubled by diseases, be interested in promoting quarrels, be
devoid of righteous deeds and be very indigent.
142. Sun- Venus-Saturn : will be. interested in acts which
Second Bhava 41

are not righteous, be wicked, immodest, troubled and will

indulge in bad acts.
143. Moon-Mars-Mercury : will be subject to vicissitude,
be harsh in speech, be scandalous in money mattersi be child-
less, be given to much anger, will suffer from diseases, arid be
forsaken by his relatives.
144. Mooll-Mars-Jupiter : will be p·lor in status, be devoid
of wife, issue and wealth, be very greedy and will suffer from
145. Moon-Mars- Venus : will be troubled by diseases
caused due to phlegmatic disorders, will not respect his pre-
ceptors, be very justly disposed~ and will be banned. from the
purview of Sastras.
146. Moon-Mars-Sat urn : will be naturally wicked, be
fond of alcohol, be interested in gambling, be a dejected soul,
and be forsaken by his relatives. ·
147. Moon-Mercury-Jupiter : will be a king, will be insul:
ted much, be beautiful and will be endowed with learning and
148. Moon .. Mercury-Venus : will be· aftluent, will have a
number of friends, will be learned in sastras, be virtuous, be.
very learned, and be always affectionate.
149. Moon-Mercury-Saturn : will be efficacious ancJ
helpful, be a spendthrift, be subjected to grief on account of his
wife, be a donor and will cheat others.
150. Moon-Jupiter- Venus : will be happy, will have good
ideals, be a king, be very famous, be very wise and will have
a questionable (mean) profession.
151. Moon-Jupiter-Saturn : will be free from anger. wil~
be interested in good conduct, be sweet in disposition, will
be attractive, and will be affectionate to his son.
Notes : That the native will be liked by women is added
by Bala Bhadra. TIJ.is combination leads to attachment to
42 GargaHora

152. Mars-Mercury-Jup iter : will be devoid of ideals,

will not have any wealth, be very wicked~ be attached to others'
wives, will wander aimlessly, and will be tortured by his
libidinous disposition.
153. Mars-Mercury-Venus : will consider justice as the
most supreme ideal, be an agriculturist, will pull carts, will
own fleet of quadrupeds, and will have many friends.
154. Mars-Mercury-Saturn : will be very angrily disposed,
will be fond of meat and flesh, will be interested in possessing
weapons, will torture others, will spend much, and be a source
of grief to his own people.
· 155. Mars-Jupiter- Venus : Will be an expert artisan, will
take to righteous path, will perfonn penance, will possess
attractive body and be fearless.
156. Mars-Jupiter-Saturn : will ~·possess . good robes, will
enjoy much of pleasures, will be interested in women, will be
an able speaker, be .interested in sastras, be very wealthy and
very attractive.
157. Mercury-Jupiter- Venus: will be a king, will own a
fleet of superior class of elephants and horses, be very affluent
and be attached to his relatives.
158. Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will become superior by
his righteous acts, be ·famous, be useful (to others), be very
kind, and be garrulous.
159. Mercury- Venus-Saturn : will have a strong and
prominent belly, will be interested in various sciences and to
be truthful, be a drunkard but will be piously attached to

Lord Krishna.
160. Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will be endowed with sons
and wealth, will be a scholar, be justly disposed, be happy,
be very affectionate, and splendorous. ·

(From Rule 161 to 192)
161. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury : will be attached to evil
Second Bhava 43

countries (or plac~s), will indulge in unethical acts, will derive

happin~ss from his wicked wife, and will incur grief through
his sons.
162. Sun-Moon-Mars-Jupiter : will not be of good
disposition, will not be virtuous, will be untruthful, will be
very phlegmatic in temperament, and libidinous.
163. Sun- Moon-Mars-Venus : will always be worried, be
dirty, will instil fear in others, be ungrateful, be troubled
and be not famous.
164. Sun-Moon-Mars-Saturn :will have shaky teeth, and
long stomach, will not be so greedy, will speak doubtfully (not
confident, be unwise and be not successful in his mission.
165. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Jupiter :will eat anything availa-
ble, will be troubled due to excess of the three humours, will
be very greedy and will bafriend very bad elements.
Notes : Bala .Bhadra adds that the native's livelihood
\Vi II be through fire (i.e. blacksmith, boiler attendants etc.
depending on the strengths of the planets involved), and will
have insatiable thirst (lustre).
166. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Venu.~ : will have diseases related
to penis (i e. urinal diseases, venereal diseases, bladder etc.),
w \ ll be of mean disposition, will have few sons, will have
daughters and be not virtuous.
167. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Saturn S will suffer headache,
and from windy and phlegmatic diseases. and be not attached
to his own people.
16R. SunwMoolt-Jupiter-Venus : will not be sharp, will be
dejected with people, will be troubled, blame-worthy and
169. Sun-Moon-Jupiter-Saturn : Will have plenty of hair
on the head, will not be dear to the virtuous, elders, brahmins
etc., will grow by eating food given by others, and will have
trouble from kings.
170. Sun-Moon-Venus·Saturn: will be devoid of sons,
will grow fat by excess work, will have mean ideals, and be
bereft of pleasures.
44 GargaHora

171. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter : will be devoid of good


disposition, be fierce, be devoid of sons, will be interested in

women, will have diseased eyes, be spendthrift and have mental
172. Sun-Mars-Mercury- Venus : will be sinful, be forsaken
by his virtuous wife, will be devoid of good relatives and be
interested in sexual acts.
173. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Saturn : will be troubled by
wounds, ·will have .fear, be very proud, be very sinful and be
not well-taught.
174. Sun-Mars-Jupiter-Venus : will.have good speech and
eyes, will be a tale-bearer, will not show interest in giving
donations/gifts, be not grateful· and will suffer from great
175. Sun-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn : will be very famous,
will have big bones and long hair, will live in foreign countries,
will have .more enemies, will be friendly, will always be angry,
be troubled, wicked, cruel,. shameless and be forsaken by
his wife.
Notes : :Bala Bhadra denotes a part of these results to
the yoga of Sun-Mars-Jupiter-Venus, viz. "very famous, will
have strong eyes (not big bones as C. G. Rajan mentions)
long hair, will live in foreign countries, will have more enemies
and be devoid of friendliness (as against friendliness mentioned
by C. G. Rajan).
176. Sun-Mars- Venus-Saturn : will have ·many troubles,
be not virtuous, be devoid of happiness and knowledge of
sastras, and will befriend only sinners.
Notes : Bala 'Bhadra replaces the word "Sastrns"' above
with "Veda" (S!!fo) in his text.
177. Sun-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus: will be sickly (~nr~)
be emaciated, be less truthful, be dull-witted and interested in
bad tales.
178. Sun-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will not have wealth,
will be gre(.. dy, will look ugly and will have diseased

. .
Second Bhava 45

will not have happy relations, will be interested in sexual

affairs and be sickly disposed.
179. Moon-Mars-Jupiter-Mercury : will be dear to sages/
good people, be interested in Sastras and Puranas, be devoted
to brahmins, and win be pleasing to look at.
180. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Venus : will_ be interested in
visiting shrines, religious observations, and Sastras, will be
worshipped and be equal to a king.
181. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Saturn : will consider money
the m.lst important, will have agricultural profession, will
own a fleet of horse*, will acquire gold, will be famous, will
be a poet, will be interested in giving donations/gifts and will
be attractive in appearance.
182. Moon-Mars-Jupiter- Venus: will be-devoid of learning,
will be calculative, will be a scholar, and dear to brahmins.
Notes: C.G. Rajan says that the native will be calcula-
tive (in his dealings) while Bala Bhadra denotes a mathema-
tician with this yoga. Both the authors attribute scholarship at
one place and 'lack of learning at another place. To us, this
seems to be self-contradictory, while this combination may
promote mainly leraning.
183. Moon-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn : will be successful, will
have virtuous children, be aftluent, be honoured even by kings,
will observe religious regulations, will have various kinds of
of horses, robes and things, be ~ee from diseases and .pe
184. Moon-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus: will be·'iriterested ~
performing sacrifices of religious nature and serving the
virtuous, be an able speaker, be very wealthy and be interest-
ed in Sastras. ·

~85. Moolt-Mefcury-Jupiter-Saturn : will be 'dear to
brahmins, will possess attractive body, will speak smilingly, be
always happy and be dear to the king~
186. Moon-Meicury-Venus-Satunl :will be a chief With
the ~g, will be ~ected even by his enenlies, will have
much wealth and donate liberally.

46 Gargaliora

187. Moon-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn: will be chief among

many men, be respected by kings, be a minister, be always
happy, and be famous.
188. Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus : will be favourable to
brahmins, be famously valorous, be skilful in achieving royal
missions patient and happy in all respects.
189. Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will be related to
foreign countries.. will have incotnc, be attached to the
virtuous, will have gardens and wells, and will be on king's
• •

190. Mars-Mercury-Venus-Saturn: will have a modest

wife, will have attractive body, be attached to the virtuous and
will have abundant grains and money.
191. Mars-Jupiter .. Venus-Saturn : will have abundant
corns, will acquire knowledge of ·sastras, be happy, be chief
among poets and will be principled.
192. Mercury-Jf!,piter- Venus-Saturn :-Will be skilful in all
kinds of arts, will destroy enemies, will be famous and be
attached to wealth.


(From Rule 193 to 208)

193. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter : will· be worried,
very greedy, not wise and will have small body.
194. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Venus : will be subjected
t~ troubles due to excessive mundane attachment, be not
splendorous, be windy in temperament, and interested . in
committing sinful acts.
195. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Saturn : will be · night-
blind, be libidinous, will lose his property, will be inimical
to many, and be dull-witted.
196. Suit-Moon-Mars-Jupiter-Venus : will be ·without any
assignment, be not rich, be without good robes, be troubled
by diseases, and interested in living in foreign countries.
Second Bhava 47
197. Sun-Moon-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn : will be inimical
even to friends, be not helpful to others, will be very poor;
will have poor (unrewarding) profession and be not valorous.
198. Sun .. Moon-Mars· Venus-Saturn : will be interested
in association with wicked people, will be troubled by wounds
and boils, be very sinful and be much angrily disposed.
199. Sun··Moon-Mars-Jupiter-Venus : will be egoistic,
impatient, unkind and unjust.
200.Sun-Moon.. Mercury ..Jupiter-Saturn : will be very
greedy, short tempered, devoid of desires, be unjust and timid.

. .201. Suu-Moon-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn : will be poor, be

troubled out of fear, be very sinful, devoid of desires, interested
in virtues, and will have attractive eyes and legs.
Notes : 'Eyes' are not discussed in Hora Ratna.
202. Sun-Mars-Mercury ..Jupiier .. venus : will be blame-
worthy, ungrateful, will do Qthers* jobs, will give high impor
tance to wife, and will not be masculine in disposition.
Notes : Blameworthy, ungrateful, will do other's jobs,
will possess a virtuous wife and be not valorous (Hora Ratna),

can be interpreted in more than one way : be

tra' q)q-!l
not valorous, devoid of virility due to a man, ~evoid of action,
devoid of penis etc. etc.

203. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will face obstacles

(in his undertakings), will cheat, be ungrateful, will undertake
to do inimical acts, and will have an inimical wife.

Notes: There is no reference to "obstacles in under

taking" in Bala Bhadra's text which however, denotes that the
native will be blameworthy in addition to the other effects,
above. ·
204. Sun-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn : will not have
people of his own who will have their money (i.e his own
. ~ .
48 GargaHora

people will be devoid of money), will have vices, will not

be kind at all, and will be inimical to Sastrils.
205. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Ve!lus : will be interested
in getting the jobs of his relatives done, be very wealthy,
learned in Vedas (Sastras etc.) and be pure (~a r.rTCI''lT~il'~).
206. Moott-Mars-Mercury-Venus-Saturu : will have good
friends, be modest, be disinterested, will.not have food to eat,
and will suffer from lung disorders.
207. Moon- Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will be devoted
to elders and brahmins, be good looking, be liberal, and skilful
in divine undertakings, viz. Puja etc.

208. Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn·: \Vill be given

to anger to a small extent, will be very interested in friends
and Sastras and be.adventurous.


(From Rule 209 to 214)
209. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus: will be very
much worried, be devoid of truth and wealth, wicked, and
attached to bad elements.
209a. Sutt.Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Satur/1 : will not
attain crops, will have no sons, be very wicked, attached to

undesirable learning (f~Tf~) etc. and will befriend bad

elements. --

210. Sun-Moon-Mars--Mercury- Venus-Saturn : will be given

to anger _chiefly, will prove an evil to friends, be chief among
men and be a big cheat.
211. Sun-Moon-Mars-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn : will be proud,
will dislike to listen to religious stories, will be fickle-minded
in speech and wiiJ be subjected to much grief.
212. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn : will not
attain fame, will ·not be rich, be blameworthy, be chief and be
1 ~free from expenses.

Second Bhava 49

Notes : Balabhadra's text reads "immodest"' as against

"freedom from expenses" of C. G. Rajan.
213. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn : will not
successfully perform his own profession, will be foolish, sick
and be troubled.
214. Moon-Mars--Mercury-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn : The
native will have the seas as boundaries of his kingdom, will
hold the flag of virtue aloft, and be very famous.
215. Sun-Moon-Ma~s-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn: will
be endowed with wealth, horses and elephants galore, and be
highly virtuous.
Third Bhava
(From Rule 216 to 235)

216. Sun-Moon : will· have affectionate relatives and

affectionate wife, will be attached to others, will observe
religious fastings etc., will have knowledge of Sastras, will
possess sweet voice, will be a poet and will have increasing
217. Sun-Mars : _will be equal to a king, \viii have lands,
be interested .in .possessing conveyances, will have attractive
eyes, will be courteous to guests, and will acquire many
217-a. Sun Mercury: will have many sons and grandsons,
will be widely famous, be very valorous, will win his five senses,
and be dear to people.
218. Sun-Jupiter : will be wicked, will have many family
members, will be finn in nature and will not have growing
219. Sun-Venus : willlose.his good son, be mean minded,
will suffer much poverty, be interested in foreign visits, and
will be very proud.
Notes : According·to Hora .Ratna, the native will not
·have even a living issue.
220. Sun Saturn : will.have "lasting blame, will kill his
enemies, will be expert in eloquent speech, and will be useful
to kings.
' .
Third Bhava 51

221. Moon Mars: will be an expert agriculturist, will be

llllhappy will have many expenses, be dear to women and be
attached to his children.
Note~ : Bala Bhadra's text does not quote "many
expenses" but ''modest."
222. Moolt-Mercury : will be ugly, be interested in
gambling, be jealous, wicked, ill-tempered and always fickle-
223. Moon-Jupiter: will have great vices, be subjected to
much worries, be interested in making enmity and be not
Notes : The quality of "betraying" is attributed by
Hora Ratna instead of ''making enmity''.
224. Moon- Venus: will have attractive hands and thighs,
be dull-witted, will be able to endure worries and will live a
life with poverty.
Notes : According to Hora Ratna, the subject will have
long hands extending upto knees, be dull witted, will put up
with grief of all kinds, will be devoid of virtues, and will have
poor living on the earth,
225. Moon-Saturn: will be free from diseases, be devoid of
worldly desires ( frrftq-), will be attentive ( ~SJ¥1 1<1), be honoured
by many virtuous people, and be passionate.
226. Mars-Mercury : will be helpful to others, will possess
a physique with pleasant flavour, will have beautiful hair, be
very efficacious, and be endowed with all riches.
227. Mars-Jupiter : be fearless, interested in virtues, very
pious, splendorous, highly truthful and pure.
228. Mars- Venus : will be a skilful artist, be virtuous,
interested in visiting shrines, will possess good qualities and
be justly disposed.
229. Mars-Saturn : will be so powerful as a king, be free
from all kinds of diseases, will head even the kings and will
attain success over ·enemies.
52 Garga Iiora

230. Murcury-Jupiter :will be fearful in war, dull-witted,

be not virtuous, be devoid of intelligence, will not have good
relatives and be sickly.
231. Mercury- Venus: will possess rich~, 'be afflicted,
will be ignorant or illusioned, be highly interested in sexual
acts, be ,troubled by sons and will suffer from secret diseases
(like V.D.). .
232. Mercury-Saturn : will be close to aftluent class, be
interested in good conduct, will possess attractive limbs, will
have bright face and be of good disposition.
233. Jupiter-Venus : will_not·be prosperous be devoid of
sons, be defeated, will have abundant grief and also abundant
happiness, be devoid of shame and be not friendly.
234. Jupiter-Saturn: will be firm in disposition, will be
self-sufficient-. in'. respect of food, drinks, and robes. learned, be
chief in his race and rich.
235. Venus-Saturn : will be endowed with riches, will
possess a clear disposition, be dear to kings free from diseases
and honoured.
Notes : From the above relevant principles, we learn
that Saturn is most welcome in the 3rd and gives fairly good
results in the company of another planet.
(From Rule 236 to 268)
236. Sun-Moon::Mars : will have a very supreme position
(il'g' ronrA ), will have conveyances, be prosperous, be very rich
and will be intelligent.
237. Sun-Moon-Mercury : will be very fortunate, be inte-
rested in sastras, be inclined to do the jobs of the virtuous, be
a great person and be devoid offear.
238. Suit-Moon-Jupiter : will not be efficacious, will have
a barren wife, be interested in befriending mean people, be
prone to danger, and devoid of learning.
Notes : Bala Bhadra's text reads "ct~bq p;rf('' meaning that
the native wUI be unfruitfully industrious. This statement is
Third Bhava 53

against C.G. Rajan's mention of "barren lady". Apparently

his original read ctr~lfT~ll'l\.
239. Sun . . Moon-Venus : will be troubled by sickness, be
ungrateful, be deformed and wicked.
240. Sun-Moon-Sat urn : will possess beautiful body, be
interested in performing Homas, Pooja, donation etc., will have
·many friends and be shameful.
241. Sun-Mars-Mercury : will be chief.in a king's place,
be highly truthful, be famous, be very beautiful, be very rich,
be interested in donating, and will have others in his company
(whereas Bala Bhadra says that the native will trouble others).
242. Sun-Mars-Jupiter·: will be very valorous, will have
control over his five senses, be not given to anger, be virtuous,
and attached to others.
243. Sun-Mars-Venus : will not be beautiful, be interested
in performing virtues acts, will have many children and be
devoid of sexual feelings.
244. Sun-Mars-Saturn : will be king of kings, will be rich
with elephants and horses, be valorous, be a poet and will instil
fear in enemies.
245 Sun-Mertury-Jupiter : will be a successful army chief,
will win over his enemies, and be endowed with patience.
246. Sun-MercuJ:y-Venus : will be endowed with quadru-
p~d s, be de:tr to virtuous people, be an agriculturist, be very
rich, and acceptable to all.
247. Sun· Mercury-Saturn : will win over enemies, will
possess many weapons, be expert in fighting a war, be patient
and will always have good conduct.
248. Sun-Jupiter- Veuus : will be justly disposed, interested
in stories, and be equal to a king.
249. Sun-Jupiter-Saturn : will be famous for performance
(fcrfft STfG:G~ of Bala Bhadra's text can also mean •famous for
knowledge in injunctions),. will be interested in giving
54 GatgaHora

donations, be attached to women, be attractive, well-trained

and skilful in alJ arts.

250. Moon-Mars-Mercury : be learned in Vedas, be an

agriculturist, be interested in listening to religious stories, will
have strong body, and be very valorous.
251. Moon-Mars .. Jupiter : will perfonn peculiar acts, be
interested in learning sastras, will enjoy various kinds of food
and drinks, and will be principled and opposed to sinful

252. Moon-Mars- Venus : will possess a .. odest wife, will

be full of faith, be skilful in speech, famous and fearless.

253. Moon-Mars-Venus :will be helpful to others, famous,

very rich, splendorous, modest and will be lord of women.

254. Moon-Mercury-Jupiter : will always be poor, will

promote quarrels, be ill-tempered, interested in committing
sinful deeds and will destroy his own relatives.

255. Moon-Mercury-Venus : will be insulted by others,

will undertake mean professions, be ungrateful, be subjected to
much grief and be opposed to good men.

256. Moon-Mercury-Saturn : will grow b eating others*

food, destroy enemies. be free from sickness and be always

257. Moon-Jupiter-Venus : will be subjected to many

difficulties, be shameless, unkind and inimical to Sastras, elders
and brahmins.

258. Moon-Jupiter Saturn : will eat any casual food, will

be honoured by all, will control his mind, will be a lord, be not
learned, and will destroy his enemies.

258a. Moon-Venus-Saturn : Not available. C. G, Rajan

states in general context, that these 3 planets in any Bhava
will make one learned in Vedas, Agamas etc., a preceptor by
Third Bhava 55

king's appointment, will be bestowed with great beauty and.

will be much sought after by one and all. Hora Ratna is also
silent on this yoga while dealing with 3rd bhava.
259. Mars-Jupiter-Mercury : will 'have strong body, be
not proud, will visit shrines, will donate liberally, be very
valorous and be dear to his own men.
260. Mars-Mercury- Venus : will have all happiness and
pleasures, be dear to women, be truthful, be great, will perform
royal duty, and be free from greed.
261. Mars-Mercury-Saturn : will be happy and pros-
perous, be endowed with wealth, horses, elephants etc., will be
very kind and firmly disposed.
262. Mars-Jupiter- Venus : will have chiefly sons, be pure
being truthful, be skilful in speech, fearless and be liked by
263. Mars-Jupiter-Sat urn : will acquire gold, be righ-
teous, be an agriculturist, will acquire quadrupeds, be very
attractive and. will always speak truth.
264. Mars- Venus-Saturn : will be very valorous, be
modest, righteous firm and happy with sons.
265. Mercury-Jupiter- Venus : will be timid in nature, be
won by enemies, ign·orant or illusioned, and will suffer from
diseases like itch (and other skin diseases).
266. Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : \Viii donate prominently,
be free from afflictions, learned in sastras, prosperous, will
work with modesty, and will be very proud.
267. Mercury- Venus-Saturn : Both C. G. Raj an and
Balabhadra do not mention the effects of these three planets in
the third Bhava. However, C.G. Rajan mentions in his appen-
dix, witfuout reference to Bhava, that the native will be a .lia~,
with these three planets in addition to being wicked and related
to other women illegally.

268. Jupiter- Venus-Saturn: will respect sages,( or wise men)

be learned in Vedas etc., interested in singing, be not sinful,
56 GargaHora

be interested in women's wealth, be prosperous, will locate

hidden treasures, be dear to young women and will be finn in
(From Rule 269 to 300)
269. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury : will acquire plenty of
riches, be very efficacious, will like those who have an attractive
physique and be interested in good deeds and principles.
270. Sun-Moon-Mars .. Jupiter : will be truthful, will win
over enemies, will be egoistic and will win many friends out of
his eloquence.
271. Sun-Moon-Mars- Jtenus : Will be chief among the
cousins, will earn a number of friends, be dear to virtuous
people, and will respect his teachers.
272. Sun-Moon-Mars-Saturn : will be skilful in learning,
be the head of a town, will own many villages and quadrupeds,
and be worshipped by the king.
273. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Jupiter : will · be attached to
cjcJers~ be friendly to virtuous people, will have many assign-
ments .and will respect Brahmins.
274. Sun-Moon-Mercury- Venus : will be endowed with
quadrupeds, robes, food etc., be famous and be happy with
275. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Saturn :·will be modest, be inte-
rested in gardens wells, trees etc., will continue to have
acquistion of wealth, and be pious.
Notes :OTTO has been interpreted as wealth in this
276. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter : will be a king. be splen-
dorous_, be very chief among men, will have faith in sastras
and be always kindly disposed.
277. Sun-Mars-Mercury- Venus : will possess superior
diamonds, will acquire sons and wealth, will be successful, and
will conquer his enemies.
278. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Saturn : will be famous, will
Third Bhava 57

always wed success, will lend help to animals, be beautiful,

will conquer his senses and be virtuous. ·

279. Sun-Mars-Jupiter- Vettus : will be highly placed

among his own men, wealthy, enthusiastic, and valorous.
280. Su1t-Mars- Venu~-Saturn: will possess highly good
qualities, will be endowed with beauty, learning, wealth and ·
justice, be very efficacious and be free from vices.
281. Sutt-Mars- Vettus-Saturn : will be intelligent, will
possess an auspicious physique, be attached to those born in
supreme race, will be highly praised and dear to his people.
232. Sun-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus : will worship the
Almighty and brahmins, be not attached to anything, be
famous for his wisdom and will have good sons.
283. Sutt-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will-be interested in
making friendship with good people, will have knowledge of
philosophy and be famous for his sastraic learning.
284. Sun-Mercury- Venus-Saturn : \Viii have servants, be
learned in sastras, be endowed with virtue and justice and will
be worshipped by the king.
285. Sun-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will have inany sons, be
famous, very learned, be free from aiDictions, and will own
286. Moon·Mars ... Mercury-Jupiter : will be wicked,
immodest, given to much anger, and will be bad in nature.
287. Moott .. Mars·Mercury-J'enus :will-not have common-
sense, will be bereft of sons and relatives, be interested in
war, and will promote quarrels.
288. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Saturn : will be inspired with
love ( ~~rtrr), be not virtuous, be lazy, unkind, and interested
in adventures.
289. Mooi1·Mar.s-Jupiter-Venus : be not splendorous,
will not have intelligence and prosperity, will be greedy and
will always suffer afDictions.
58 GargaHora

290. Moon-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn : will be attached to

people in the town, will have good behaviour,· be highly
respected, be interested in eating flesh, be truthful and wealthy·.
Notes : e.G. Rajatfs version is far from truth in regard
to the first two effects. Bala Bhadra's text here reads
''fif'{CffftrRq; ~f~~~hi" meaning a displeased citizen and will
not have good history. Thus Bala Bhadra's thinking is
acceptable, according to the sloka concerned.
29 1• Moon- Mars- Venus-Saturn : will have bad disposition,
be fickleminded, will suffer from penury, and be interested in
living in foreign countries.
292. Moon-Mercury ..Jupiter-Venus : will·be worried, will
have desires, be -not proficient, will have a dejected wife and·
will destroy his place.
_..Notes : Hora Ratna adds that the native will destroy his
wealth. It also does not deal with 'desires~ unlike e.G.
Raj an.
293. Moon-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will be deprived of
wife and horses (i.e. conveyances), will suffer from excess of
wind and phlegm, will spend on bad missions, and be
enthusiastic in committing sinful acts.
294. Moon-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will hate brahmins,
will consume intoxicants, will be very base in disposition, and
be dirty.
295. Moon-Mercury- Venus-Sat urn ! will not have good
history, will be devoid ofnoble aims, be deprived of his o~
men, be not learned and will be friendly.
296. Mars . . Mercury-Jupiter- Venus . : will be happy, will
have many sons, be truthful, be very rich, will win over his
senses, and be not virtuous. ·
297. Mars ..Jupiter-Mercury-Saturn : will consider money
supreme, will become virtuous by giving donations, be attached
to people and sastras. ·
298. Mars-Mercury .. Venus-Saturn :will be very truthful,
Third Bhava 59

be interested in observing the requirements laid down for his

own caste, be v~ry famous, b! dear to guests and b.~ praised
by relatives.
299. Mars .. Jupiter- Venu')-Saturlt : will possess a beauti-
ful body, b~ wicked, be not sinful and be rich.
300. Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will be wicked, be
sinful, ungrateful, not virtuous and be unjust.
. ...
(From Rule 301 to 318)
301. Sun-Mornz-1t1ars-Mercury-Jupiter : will be very rich,
will be bestowed with sons, will be beautiful, dear to his wife
and will have pleasing appearance.
302. Sun· Moon-Mars-Mercury .. Venus : will be a great-
man, will be very famous in performing yagnas, will hold the
flag of virtue aloft, will be helpful to living beings and will be a
303. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Saturn : will be a scholar,
be •interested in maintaining self respect, will enjoy abundant
pleasures, will be virtuous and be also a singer.
304. Sun-Moon-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn : will eat crabs, will
be very wicked, will respect gods and Brahmins and will know
(his) duties.
305. Sun-Moon-Mars- Venus-Saturn : will not perform
worships (due as routine), will control his ene1nies' pride, will
give importance to friends, and will be very shy.
· 306. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus : will be kindly
disposed, will perfonn such acts that will bring fame, be grate-
ful, be dear to the virtuous and to his own men.
307. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will be favoura-
ble to guests, will respect God and men, and will possess good
308. Sun-Moon-Mercury- Venus-Saturn : will be successful
60 GargaHora

in undertakings, will consider money as important, will enjoy

robes and jewels and be beautiful.
309. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Venus-Jupiter : will possess
scented articles and robes, will have knowlege of Sastras, be
famous, and will be happy with an extremely virtuous wife.
310. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will'be interested
in good qualities, be famous, amiable to all, intent on giving
gifts, and will not be attached to anything.
311. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Venus-Saturn: will have truth as
the foremost aim, be justly disposed, will donate, be very
patient, and will be dear to Brahmins.
312. Sun-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : Will ·be free
from (unnecessary) expenses, will have pure mind, be skilful
and will not have finn sexual feelings.
313. Moolt·Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus : will be fierce,
be interested in stories related to sex, be grateful and
314. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : '\Viii have
wicked disposition, will suffer from heavy thirst, will spend a
lot and will hate Sastras.
315. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Venus-Saturn :will have blemi-
shes, will respect God and brahmins, be sinful, and will be
troubled by sexual feelings.
316. Moon- Mars-lvlercury- Venus-Sat urn : ..will not be
enthusiastic, be wicked, very cunning and be not splendorous.
(According to Hora Ratna, the native will also be averse to
sex feelings.)
317. Moolt-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn :will be interes-
ted in mean people, will be bad in disposition, and will desire
to have his children in big families.
318. Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will have
wonderful appearance and jewels, will be beautiful, be interes-
ted in singing, and be virtuous.
thirdBhava 61

(From Rule 319 to 325)
319. Sun-Moon . . Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus :will be
expert in "gandharva vedas will have an auspicious face
beautiful eyes and pleasing looks (appearance).
Notes : q~~~ fa ATT is only indicative of the science of
music, whereas ~'Gandharva Vedas" are referred to Rajan's

320. Sun-Moon-Man-Mercury-Venus-Saturn : will be

dear to great people, and to virtuous brahmins.
Notes: Hora Ratna : will be dear to great people, be
helpful to Brahmins and be of good disposition.
321. Sun-Moon-Mars-Jupiter·Venus-Saturn : will be
endowed with riches, be skilful in justice and will have an
attractive face.
322. Sun-Mars-Mercuy-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn :will be
• •
wealthy, will conquer five senses, and be without proptttous ..
ness (-;rq).

323. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn: will be

successful, skilful, be very propitious or lucky fyiwrliw?) and
324. Sun-Moon-Mars-Merc·ury-]upiter- Venus: Not availa-
ble for 3rd bhava both in e.G. Rajan's text or Hora Ratna.
e.G. Rajan however, adds that this combination in general
gives opportunity to visit shrines and the native will live in
forests and hills.
325. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn : Not
available in e.G. Rajan~s text or in Hora Ratna. In the
appendix, e.G. Rajan states that the native will be subject to
diseases of head and mind, will Iive in foreign countries or
deserted places.
325. a-Seven planets in third Bhava:

See under Lagna Bhava.
Fourth Bhava
(From Rule 326 to 346)
326. Sun-Moon : \viii be bereft of happiness and pleasures,
be subject to perils, will be able to guess others' thinking, be
not splendorous and not friendly.
327. Sun-Mars : will suffer bloody and windy diseases,
be not propitious/lucky, be subjected to troubles and given to
328. Sun-Mercury : will suffer from windy and phleg-
matic diseases, will have few sons, be insulted by enemies,
attached to wicked people and interested in his own country.
329. Sun-Jupiter : will be sinful {lif~~ fefm~), be devoid
of wealth, be assumed in or of false disposition ( ~iJ~-~crmcr+{),
be highly phlegmatic and be ill-tempered.
N 1>.te : The above translation is Somewhat in deviation
of C.G. Rajan's text, but in full conformity with Bala Bhadra's
330. Sun- Venus : will be very much addicted to intoxi-
cation, be subjected physical ailments, be cruel and fickle-
33 I. Sun-Saturn : will be troubled by Gods, be very
ill-tempered, be interested in promoting quarrels, be devoid of
shame and be dullwitted.
332. Moon-Mars : will have few sons, be impatient, be
interested in others' wives, dear to people and be forsaken
by his own children.
F ourth~BizaJJa (53

333. Moon-Mercury : will be very truthful, ·be clear in

speech, (be pleasing in speech-as per Hora Ratna), be very
Wise, be dear to people and be supreme among the beings.
334. Moolt-Jupiter : will have knowldge of politics (or
policies) be beautiful very garrulous, dear to king, kind and
will respect Gods and preceptors.
335. Moon- Venus : will be a great man, will have large
hands-ttnra ~~(unusual in size-or prominent), will be very
happy by having ma.-.y a friend and many a son, be chief among
the men of his race, and be ever modest.
336. Moon-Saturn : . .will always be sick, be hard-hearted,
be blameworthy, ungrateful and interested in other countries.
337. Mars-Mercury : will ,have wounded physique, will
steal women (f~r~~hi),. be:- a driutkard, a gambler, and be
atached to none.
Notes : This combination is indicative of men in general
who lift women and sell them for immoral purposes. Such men
as per this rule may be addicted drunkards, notorious gamb-
lers and be devoid of affection to their own people.
Balabhadra adds that the native will be subject to many


339. Mars-Jupiter : will be successful, poor, akin to cupid,

interested in sins, forsaken by his relatives and will have
penchant for arts.
Notes : .,Successful'' is not a justified rendering, if we
follow BaJabhadra's version. It reads "ftif\ifa" mening that the
native Will be defeated. ·
340. Mars-Saturn : will be subjected to much grief, will
expend on bad means, be unfriendly, will perfonn mean acts,
and will talk unnecessarily.
341. Mercury-Jupiter : \Vill be very happy, very kind
hearted, will perfonn such acts as to bring fame, be patient
and be worshipped by the king.
. .
64 GargaHora

342. Mercury- Venus: will be dear to .the king, be equal

to the king and be a minister or chief of anny.
343. Mercury-Saturn: will be won over by enemies, be
short of blood, be sick, and will suffer from fever.
344. Jupiter- Venus : will have wealth in plenty, will be
endowed with gold, pearls and sons, will be faithful to religion
and interested in shrines etc.
Notes : This is a very supreme position to have rich
conveyances and also high academic achievements.
345. Jupiter-Saturn :Not available both in e.G. Rajan's
text and Balabhadra's as well. However, the former adds that
this yoga in general, produces a cook, or a potter or an
346. Venus-Saturn : will have less happiness, will be
devoid of tongue ( fr.rf\il~t.J:), will have dejected friends, be
timid and will cheat others.
(From Rule 347 to 381)
347. Swz- Moon-Mars : will not be able to achieve success
in his aim, will: have foul smell in mouth, be devoid of intelli-
gence, be fierce, be troubled by phlegm, and be subjected to
• •
348. Sun-Moon-Mercury: will be devoid of good qualities,
"will have hands devoid ofmuch splendour'', wi11 be ungreat-
ful, and will be happy with the money earned through very
hard labour.
Notes: ''~llSf~~iftf'~'' is Balabhadra's reading, which
apparently has been put by e.G. Rajan as ''the native will have
hands devoid of much splendour''. The correct meaning of the
same should be that the native will be devoid of preceptor's
349. Sun-Moon-Jupiter :'will be interested in indulging
in bad acts causing difficulties, be sick, be addicted to vices, be
subjected to penury and be devoid of wisdom and wealth.
Fourth Bhava 6

350. Su11- Moon- Venus : will always be ·attahced to his wife,

be given to anger, will indulge in mean acts, will be insulted by
others and be not just.
351. Sun-MooiZ·Saturn :·will be highly rheumatic (windy),
be fierce, be devoid of respect for Gods and preceptors, will
befriend many bad elements and be bad in mentality.
352. Sun·Mars-Mercury : will be fierce in disposition,
will be interested in others' money, will forsake his family, be
bad in mentality, will wed a barren lady, . and will hate
353. Sull-Moon ..Jupiter : \Vill be devoid of parents, rela-
tives, character, splendour and sexual feelings, be attached to
mean people and hard-hearted.
Notes : fttftFiTA apart from meaning "devoid of character"
can appropriately be interpreted as devoid of fortune. Lack
or token of identify is not also ruled out.
354. Sun-Mars- Venus: will be primarily_happy, will have
a large army, be interested in Sastras and Puranas, be ill-
disposed (ttit)Cfi:fl1Tcf~) and be timid.
Notes : cn~Z' ~CflfrCfl_{ finds also evil-thinkers in the com-
bination of sun-Mars-Venus in the 4th bhava.
355. Sun-Mars-Saturn : will be subjected to various
worries, be devoid of shame, be indolent. (be dull-witted: as per
Balabhadra), be short-lived and just.
356. Sun-Mercury.;,]upiter : will be honoured, grieved,
attached to bad people, be a miser, will be very much happy
(~~if~'fl~) and be troubled by ~nemies (9X'(rr~a).
Notes : The last two phrases find corrupt translation in
Rajan's text However, correct meaning is as above. The
native will be sometimes happy and sometimes not.
357. Sun-Moon-Venus : will. be interested in sins, bad
in disposition, will be troubled due to excessive phlegm, be
shameless, will have bad nails and be ungrateful.
66 GargaHora

358. Sun-Mercury-Saturn : will be devoid of good

history, will be troubled by friendship with bad elements and be
359. Sun-Jupiter-Venus : Not available as per e.G.
Rajan and Balabhadra. However, Rajan states in general
context that the native will be endowed with wife, children
and wealth. He will suffer from eye diseases. He will be
360. Sun-Jupiter-Saturn : will be interested in other's
money, will forsake truth, be hard-hearted, and will be devoid
of wisdom, wealth and justice due to curse.
361. Sun- Venus-Saturn : will be forsaken by friends, will
not be good-looking, will be endowed with wife, will have
excess or deficiency of a limb, and be not virtuous.
362. Moon-Mars .. Mercury : will acquire learning, be vir-
tuous, be very happy, will conquer his senses, and will be
insulted by wicked people.
363. Moon-Mars-Jupiter : will enjoy all kinds of happi-
ness, be honoured by kings and own relatives, and be endowed
with quadrupeds.
364. Moon-Mars- Venus : Not available as per e.G. Rajan
and Balabhadra. However, Rajan adds that this yoga in general
gives wicked. sons and wandering nature.
365. Moon-Mars-Saturn : will be free from committing
sinful actS; be interested in sastraic knowledge, be tactful, be a
powerful speaker and will earn much.
366. Moon-Mercury-Jupiter: will be a king, will be free
from diseases, will have many kinds of horses, be given to
anger, will be very efficacious and will conquer his enemies.
367. Moon-Mercury- Venus: will be endowed with great
lordship, will be famous because of his great wife, be kind, and
be interested in good people.
368. Moon-Mercury-Saturn : will be endowed with great
lordship, will be a great personage, be chief in his lineage, and
will be brought up affectionately by his parents.
Fourth. Bhava 61
Notes : ~f"{st~«~ais repeated in Rules 367 and 368 and
hence both these yogas give great lordship.
369. Mootz-Jupiter .. Venus : Not available as per C.G.
Rajan and Balabhadra's text. However, Rajan adds that the
native with this yoga in general will have wisdom, lean$.g,
skilful sons and expertise in arts.
370. Moon-Jupiter-Saturn: will be famous, interested in
comforts, be free from sickness, will have good heart, will have
sons who will be endowed with various riches, and be a
371. Moon- Venus~Saturn : will be notably courageous,
will enjoy the company of a good girl among relatives (accord-
ing to Balabhadra), and will earn wonderful things through
king's patronage.
372. Mars .. Mercury-Jupiter : will enj~y h~ppiness through
sons, be an agriculturist, be endowed with fame, valour etc.,
and will be attached to his guests and brahmins.
373. Mars-Mercury-Venus : will grow various varieties
of crops, willi have many quadrupeds, and will have a number
of relatives.
374. Mars-Mercury-Saturn : will be very greedy, be bereft
offriends, be interested in others' wives, be hard-hearted and
be always dirty.
375. Mars-Jupiter- Venus: ~-will always have good disposi-
tion, will visit sacred places, will be endowed with much fame
and much valour, be chief among the members of his lineage,
and will have auspicious and fully grown body.
376. Mars-Jupiter-Saturn : will have good qualities, will •

have less earnings and less ,happiness, will be a servant and a

well-wisher of the king.
377. Mars- Venus-Saturn : ·,vill be wicked in disposition,
be against good people, be very ill-tempered and hard-hearted.
378. Mercury-Jupiter- Venus : will lord over the earth, be
devoid of enemies, will. have sons, be virtuous in disposition,
and will have pleasing looks.
- .
68 Ga~gaHord

379. Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will be a befitting groom,

will have knowledge of Mantras, and will give liberal gifts to
preceptors and relatives.
380. Mercury- Venus-Saturn : will perfonn his duties,
will be a merchant, be patient, be interested in giving dona-
tions, and be pure.
381. Jupiter- Venus-Saturn :, Will be a repository of fame,
will have religious initiation, be interested in the duties of the
elders, will have an auspicious face and be chief among men.


(From Rule 382 to 411)
382. Sun-Moon-:-Mars-Merc!J-ry: will·be_bereft of wisdom,
be insulted by others, be forsaken by his own people, be un•·
kind and timid.
383. Sun-Moon-Mars-Jupiter : will be devoid of good
qualities, will give up his children, be fearful, will not have good
history and be not happy.
384. Sun-Mats-Moon~ Venus : will be devoid of friends,
money and beauty, will be conquered. by others, and will be
385. Sun-Moon-Mars-Saturn : will be unkind, be a thief,
be fierce and interested in promoting quarrels.
386. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Jupiter :will be very inquisitive,
be troubled by sexrial feelings, will· be devoid of good qualities
and will be of low caste.
387. Sun-Moon-Mercury Venus : will look ugly, will
not be friendly, will not have hair on the limbs· (i.e. on chest;
arms, knees etc.), and will always be interested in living in
foreign countries.
388. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Saturn : will.not have any aims

("l~llf) will be a thief, will be intereSted in females belonging

to others, will take to very mean professions, and will. be bad
389. Sun-Moon-Jupiter-Venus : Will lose his attention,
Fourth Bhava 69

will be interested in promoting quarrels, will be harsh. in

speech, will be ugly in appearance and will wear rags.
390. Sun-Moon-Jupiter-Saturn : will live in bad countries
(~~QI'), will be· cheated by women, be interested in prostitutes
and be unkind.
Note : Balabhadra adds ·~w\J:~l{ meaning that the
native will be . procrastinating in nature.
391. Sun-Moon'- Venus~ Saturn : will be interested in good
justice, will like to gamble, will lose wealth, be ugly, and
connected with bad deeds.
392. Sun-Mars-Mercury- Venus: will be troubled by
hunger, weapons and diseases, and be excessively windy
393. Sun-Mats-Mercury-Saturn :·will have fierce eyes,
will be night blind, be interested in husbandry and be sinful.
394. Sutt-Mars-.Tupiter-Venus : will be of untruthful
disposition, will not be patient, and be garrulous.
395. Sun-Mars~Jupiter-Saturn: will not have good nature,
will wear rags, be not friendly, will behave like a wise man,
will have evils.
396. Sun-Mars- Venus-Saturn: will acquire a wife, will
be insulted by others, will have a wounded physique, will
cause nuisance to public, and will always have enemies.
397. Sun-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn: will alwys be an employer,
will be served by many attendants, will do liberal acts and
be fearless in disposition.
Notes : This combination is apparently to nm large
establishments with a wide work-force.
398. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Saturn : will be devoted to
others (devoted to Fire, according to Balabhadra), will have
numerous workmen, be widely famous, very wealthy and be
dear to people.
399. Moon-Mars-Mercury- Venus :will be timid in nature,
truthful, kind respectful to Brahmins, and will like virtues.
70 Garga Hora

400. Moon-Mars-Jupiter- Venus: \Vill_be very surprisingly

bold, will be endowed with wealth of passion and be attached
to good men.
401. Moon-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn : will be endowed with
virtues, will feel ·happy to serve virtuous men, will perfonn
auspicious acts and will have wisdom as his pride.
402. Moon-Mars- Venus-Saturn : will be respectfUl to
Brahmins, be enthusiastic, be interested in virtues, be liked
by women and will be famous for his efficacy.
403. Moon-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus : will be highly bashful,
be interested in his duty, be of truthful disposition, and will
be attached to those who perfonn penance.
404. Moon-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn: will help Brahmins,
will help others, will not 'be attached to anything, will enjoy
good fame, and will be successful in arguments.
Notes : Balabhadra's text does not say that the native
will help Brahmins. But it has a redundant statement in that
it states hf~ \iPff;ni{ rn:)qtJT~ ~cr{!i'' broadly meaning one and
the same thing.
405. Moon-Mercury- Venus-Sat urn : will have many sons~
will be liked by women, be free from blemish, will be happy
with wisdom and. wealth, and be a lord.
406. Moon-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will be interested in
earning money through merchandising (i.e. business in
general), be famous and be always endowed with mental


Notes : Balabhadra's text does not mention of any

mental vigour. 'It reads trt~: uf~~ \l~Cf meaning that the
native will have always bodily vigour or splendour.
407. Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus : will be endowed with
extremely merciful tendency, be dovoid of sex feelings, Will
speak clearly (eloquently), will be justly disposed and respectful
or honourable.
Fourth Bhava 71
408. Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will have respect for
his preceptors, will not spend (unnecessarily), will be very
wealthy, will be very respectable and be a lord.
409. Mars-Mercury- Venus-Saturn: will be an astrologer,
will be very much interested in gathering Sastraic knowledge,
be very wise and will have plenty of food of his liking.
Notes~ Balabhadra denotes in his text fafa$r>>TR~PJ
which can broadly mean an astrologer par excellence. This
is strengthened as the combination occurs in the 4th honse,
relating to learning. fqfq also means a religious or sacred
commandment and it can be more aptly interpreted that the
native will be an expert in such field. Hence, he will be a
ritualist. Thus, specific astrological excellence cannot be
extracted from the combination based on the sloka. Such
effect becoming possible is a different matter, and cannot be
410. Mars-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn: will have liking to learn
about the Supreme Spirit, be devoid of sins, will speak truth,
and will be known in royal circle.
411. Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : wi11 play musical
instruments, will be very kind and will be bold in rendering
to help others.


(From Rule 412 to 429)
412. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter : will be ignoble,
be troubled by diseases of private parts, be ungrateful, will
have prominent belly and be devoid of moustache.
413. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury- Venus: will be devoid of
religious conduct, be interested in sexual affairs, be very sickly,
will not trust others and be fickle-minded.
414. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Saturn : will be highly
greedy, will be patriotic, will lack courtesy (or harmony,
cleverness etc. as the word ~Tf~ulf means), and will always
be devoid of wealth.
72 GargaHora

Notes : According to Balabhadra's text, there is some

difference. It on the whole reads that the native will have
extreme greed, will be interested in his own physique and
will be discourteous.

415. Sun-Moon-Mars-Jupiter- Venus : will be interested

in sword-fight, will reveal pride in face, be shameless and will
lack masculine vigour.

Note : Balabhadra's text speaks only valour in general

and not masculine vigour.

416. Sun-Moon-Mercury~Jupiter- Venus: will ·act slowly

after thinking properly, will have more enemies, will have
beautiful hair and be devoid of efficacy.

417 .Sun-Moon~Mars'*Jupiter- Ve1tus: will be always sub-

jected to troubles, be devoid of virtues, will belong to a low
caste and will "imprison" others.

418. Sun-MtJolt-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn :will .have many

blemishes, will suffer from tuberculosis, be not splendorous
and will lose friends.

419. Sun-Moott-Mars-Jupiter-Saturtt : will have declined

wealth due to many enemies, will always intend to make enmity
and will be unkind.
420. Sutt-Moon-Jupiter- Ve1tus-Satur11 : will be devoid of
wealth, will suffer grief on account of issue, \Vii) be very mean
and fickleminded.
421. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus: will be very sickly
will be troubled by kings, will always be subjected to grief and
will have vices.

422. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will experience

much miseries, will have unafHicted limbs, will promote quarrels
and be firm in blaming.
423. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Venus-Saturn : will be discorded
Fourth Bhava 73

by Brahminc;, 1 will follow religious observations, \Viii be inte-

rested in bad acts and will always su!fer from p~nury.
424. Sun-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus.;. Saturn :will give up his
own .religion and follow that of others, will be devoid of good
character and good disposition.
425. Moolt-Mar\'-Mercury- Venus-Jupiter :will be endowed
with great happinc~s and great wealth, will talk tactfully, be
not learned and will be dear to people.
426. Moon-Mars-Mercury-JZJ,piter.-Saturn : will be interest-
ed in consecration, religious observations, bathing etc. will be
of superior disposition and be expert in justice.
427. Moon-Mars-Mercury- Venus-Saturn: will. possess high
splendour and sastraic wisdom, will be honoured, be patient
and wi 1I respect Gods and preceptors.
428. Moon-Mars-Jupiter- Venu.\-SaturiZ :will be very kind,
be interested in sastras, be virtuous and wear Lapis Lazuli
(i.e. eat's eye) ctc.2
428a. Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Satur11. : will be with
good men, will be great himself (1!~trHJ~al{), be courageous, be
a poet and be amicable to relatives.
429. Moon-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will be hon-
oured by kings.
(From Rule 430 to 435)
430. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus : will wear
rags, be devoid of friendship, be very short-tempered, will
have (more) daughters (than sons), and will always partake
in an assembly.
1. faSfaAto should better be interpreted as '*wi11 be devoid
of wise men's company "as fejr means : brahmin, sage

or Wise man.
2. Balabhadra's text reads ci~zr t_;Ciffttf~~~ mGrl{ meaning
that the native will wear eat's eye, pearl and ruby. In
rme, the native will wear such precious stones.
74 GargaHofa

431. Su·z-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will be

very illusioned, will divert his mind to sinful acts, be ungrate-
ful, shameless and lazy.
432. Sim-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Venus-Saturn : will like
meat, will be interested in bad deeds, be wicked, and will not
believe sastras.
433. Sun-Moon-Mars-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will be happy:
untruthful, troubled and will suffer miseries on account of his
bad deeds.
434. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn :will not be
interested in tales, will be interested in very bad people, will be
impatient-, and be averse to Vedas (instead of ''Peing given up
by Vedas'', as found in the account given by C.G. Raj an).
'Notes : ·q;~rfq-~;j can be interpreted as ''not interested in
conversation'' rather than ''not interested in tales.''
435. Moon-Mars-Mercery-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will
depend on many, will be interested in visiting shrines, be
industrious will possess good qualities, be truthful and kind.
Notes : That the native ''will depend on many'' is out of
question, as per the words of'Balabhadra q-g~~· 'The word ~ji
means famous. celebrated etc. and hence it should be deduced
that the ·person will be very famous. ~..iff has further meanings

viz. named, ascertained, heard etc. A popular meaning is of

course Veda {ct~).


(Sun to Saturn)
435 a. Will be highly truthful, will eat quality food, be a
king, be jealous and will honour his preceptors.

Fifth Bhava
(From Rule 436 to 455)

436. Sun-Moon : \Viii not be egoistic, will be hump-backed,

be dejected, will have evil sons, will always be subjected to
much miseries and will be of bad disposition.
Notes: There is no mention of "not being· egoistic" in
Balabhadra's text. It reads 'f~ffiflllit;r'\' which means that the
native will .not have self-respect. ilf4lltl'i also means 'belief,
concept, affection etc. and accordingly various suitable inter-
pretations can be obtained.
437. Sun-Mars : will have many sons and plurality of
wives, will be aceessible to enemies, be cruel, fearful and will
always be interested in sins.
438. Sun-Mercury : will be ;'interested in committing
much sinful acts, will have all kinds of afflictions, be cruel, be
forsaken by his wife and will be prone to evils.
Notes : Thus, the yoga of Mercury and the Sun in the
4th is not congenial for a female to have a continued married
life and she may face a "divorce" ·rather according to the mean-
ing of the combination given above.
439. Sun-Jupiter: will be devoid of knowledge of Vedas
(~fo CJTrHJ~r;:f) , will eat others' food, be attached to others'
wives, be very hard in disposition and be devoid of good
76 GargaHota

Notes : ~fffcHCfli
literally means Vedic text. For our
purpose, it means that one with the Sun and Jupiter in Sth will
be devoid of vedic learning, according to the text of of the

440. Su,., .. Venus : will be b~reft of good qualities and

vigour, will be miserable, conquered by enemies, will be troubl-
ed by weakness, be disinterested in Sastras and will be of bad

441. Sun-Saturn,: will sell articles, be grateful, interested

in being Virtuous, will be happy with wife and sons ( q·~rr (:! ~
m~lfl{) and will be ever plentiful. . . .-

Notes : "~:rr~f~ur''is additionaly found in Hora Ratna,

which indicates that the native will have knowledge of metall-
urgy or mineralogy. Further, mark that according to the rule,
the Sun and Saturn. bitter enemies in conj uction in the Sth,
an important house. are praised by sage Garga. This is highly
suggestive a principle and should be put to proper practical

442 Moon-Mars : will be very happy, be learned, and

will believe in God and confide in ;>receptors.
Notes : Additional information found in Hora Ratna in
this respect is that the native will be intent on donating, be
virtuous and be desirous of becoming famous (~5~ffiP.'S~),
or interested in Vedic learning.

443. Moon-Mercury : will be honoured, be youthful in

appearance fatinr ~'li{), will beget many sons, and will respect
Gods and preceptors.

444. Moon-Jupiter: will be wounded, be favourable to

Sastras, be happy by nature, be a lord and will ·utter prayers
in an undertone ( ~ll').
Notes : ''ara- .~Tf~q-er '' of Balabhadra should be divided
asOT<rF-=Wounded and ~T~~ffef=favourable to Sastras to make

Fifth Bhava 11
proper sense. For one who has the Moon and Jupiter in the
Sth will always, in my belief, favour Sastras. ~i~~ is the
reading of Balabhadra's text (meaning 'always successful'') as
against the word :;rq ofRajan's interpretation.

445. Moon- Venus : will be endowed with treasures and

wisdom, will always be happy, will have more daughters, and
be dear to his wife.

445 a. Moon-Saturn : will be devoid of issue and happines,

be of wordly (material) disposition, be of bad mind, and will
be rejected as per Sastraic terms.
446. Mars-Mercury: will be modest, will incur losses due
to illusion regarding agricultural, be cruel, be interested in
living in foreign countries, and will adopt relatives and sons.
447. Mars-Jupiter: Not available.

448. Mars-Venus: will earn more enemies, be always

insulted by mean people, be illusioned and will disrespect
449. Mars-Saturn : will have wounded limbs, be won
over by ladies, be wicked, ungrateful, impatient and be not
450. Mercury-Jupiter : will have many sons, be desirous,
of success, be dear to women (or wife), be pleasing in
appearance, be dutiful and be not greedy.

451. Mercury- Venus: will have auspicious speech (i.e.

will be an eloquent speaker), be interested in surprising acts,
be respectful to brahmins, be skilful, and be resolute.
452. Mercury-Saturn : will have a defective limb, be not
happy, be cruel and will be naturally inauspicious.
Notes : lfthese two planets are together in the 5th, the
native's wife will be a Kaka Vandhya, i.e. she will become
barren after delivering one child; see my English translation
of Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra, Ch 16, Sloka 6.
78 GargaHora

453. Jupiter-Venus: will be very fortunate, be chief

among his men, will have many sons, be wealthy and happy.
· 454. Jupiter-Saturn : Will be very fortunate, be not good,
be friendly to bad people, be interested in intoxicant drinks,
will wear rags, be not praiseworthy, and will indulge in
unholy acts.
455. Venus-Saturn : will have daughters, will be addicted
to females, will be interested in sinful tales, be ungrateful, be
ugly and be not praiseworthy. ·


(From Rule 456-490)
456. Sun-Moon-Mars : will be endowed with fame, be
devoid of good deeds, will be of loathsome disposition, and
will acquire physical deformity due to self-made activities.
457. Sun-Moon-Mercury : will be very sinful, be diprived
of his property, be releived of his sons, be devoid of happiness,
b~ won over by his wife and be fickle-minded.

. 458. Sun-Moon-Jupiter: will be devoid of sons, be very

valorous, be learned, will perform good deeds, be very kind,
arid will not be friendly.
459. Sun-Moon-Venus : will not have good qualities,
wiil" be interested in others' money, will have more enemies,
and be without kindness and patience.
460. Sun-Moon-Saturn :will be devoid, of wealth, mental
worries and fear, will create nuisance to the people in the
world, 1 will be addicted to vices, will be endowed with sons,
and be not favourable to relatives.
461. Sun-Mars-Mercury: will be troubled by severe
wounds, be devoid of friendship, will be kind, poor, will be

1: srl:f:q~fr~ is the text of Balabhadra, which means deceitful

whereas C.G. Rajan has an account that the native will be
a nuisance to the people in th-! world. His basis, in this
context, is doubtful.
Fifth Bhava 79

bereft of freedom (be dejected as per Balabhadra), and can

guess (others') matters.
462. Sun-Mars-Jupiter: will accompany base people, be
very sinful, be disabled, dejected, ·unable to donate (or help),
will hate his \Vife1 and be devoid of manliness.
463. Sun-Mars- Venus : will be devoid of orn3!11ents, will
eat ·much: will hate people and will be refused by them, and
will be hard-hearted..:. -:5
464. Sun-Mars-Saturn : will have sinful sons and daughters,
will not be materialistic, will have sons bereft of education;
and will hate good people.
465. Sun-Mercury-Jupiter : will have sinful sons, \Vill be
given to anger, be impotent, be very sinful, \Vi 11 respect
brahmins, ·be miserable and will have miserable friends.
466. Sun-Mercury-- Venus : will _have barren daughter,
be ungrateful, will have many wives, be subjected to grief,
be sinful and be bereft of happiness~ money and food.
467. Sun-Mercury-Saturn: will not have children and
money, will have prominent belly, prominent buttocks, long
knees and small feet. 2
468. Sun-Jupiter- Venus :·will be uncharitably disposed,
. will cheat others, be cunning, will indulge in jugglery and
will 'be prone to hurt by arrows (weapons, bUllets etc. in the
context of today).
469. Sun-Jupiter-Saturtt : will be forsaken by his relatives,
be troubled by poverty, be interested in quarrels, and be
470. Sun-Venus-Saturn: will not be courageous, will be
wicked, be a dunce and be interested in foreign countries.

1. According to Balabhadra's· text, the native will have a

dejected wife and it is not that the native will hate his
wife. . .
2. Balabhadra's text reads "qy~ faAfarA" meaning that the
native will not have feet.
. .
80 GargaHora

471. Moon-Mars-Mercury : will not ~be bold, be not

masculine, will not have charitable mind, be interested in
gambling and sexual pleasures.
472. kfoon-Mars-Jupiter : will be timiq. be wealthy, be
short-tempered, \Viii spend in bad ways, be attached to his
relatives, be not wise and be very proud.
473. Jlfoon-Mars-Venus : will be in the company of base
people, be .not beautiful, will sutler from rheumatic pains,
be not famous, and will be rejected by people.
474. Moon-Mars-Saturn : will be untruthful, be not
wealthy, be not happy, will sleep much, will have ugly friends,
be wicked and fearless.
475. Moon-Mercury-Jupiter : will. be interested in visiting
shrines, will have good qualities, be virtuous and will respect
his parents.
476. Moon-Mercury- Venus : will have stout limbs, will not
be greedy, will be -attached to other~, will be relieved of sins
by visiting shrines, and will be worthy.
477. Moon-Mercury-Saturn :·will' be-meritorious, famous,
firm and charitable, will have knowledge of arts and be devoid
of desires.
478. Moon-Jupiter- Venus : will have pleasing voice, will

have hair touching the foreface, be charitable, be devoid of

enemies, and will have pleasing looks.
Notes : These three planets in the 3rd house (voice) for
Aries, Taurus, Leo, Libra and Pisces give a mellifluous voice
and can make the native a famous singer.
479. Moon-Jupiter-Saturn : will be wise and famous, will
be an expert poet, be devoid of enemies, be very happy, be of
good disposition and will have beautiful face.
480. Moon- Venus-Saturn : will have good qualities and
good nature, will be ~n astrologer, will maintain his physique
beautifully, will be lustful (+r~1Fti<i) and interested in listen-
ing to religiousaccounts.
Fifth Bhava 811

Notes : The text of Balabhadra reads : · ~~· firefan A

which means that the body of the native will not have (good)
hue whereas C.G. Rajan has a different account, stating th~t
the native will maintain his physique beautifully.
481. Mars-Mercury-Jupiter : will hold the Hfiag of charity''
aloft (i.e. will be highly charitable and will say fc<no'' to none
as Karna of Maha Bharata), will be truthful and will maintain
only truth, will be very intelligent, be bashful, enthusiastic,
and courageous.
482. Mars-Mercury- Vetlus : will_be bestowed with luck,
will be devoid of mental peace, be charitabk·, be favourable
to good people, and endowed with gold, robes and ornaments.
483. Mars-Mercury- Venus : Will not have wife, be unkind,
will not possess good qualities and will be with relatives.
484. Mars-Jupiter- Venus : -will have good disposition,
will be endowed with thin clothes and ornaments, will be an
acknowledged person and will conquer enemies.
485. Mars-Jupiter-Saturn : will be kind, will know
business tactics, \Vill 'have knowledge of Vedas, will be friendly
to good people, be patient and will respect God and teachers.
486. Mars- Venus-Saturn : will be wicked, be shameless,
be unjust, will forsake his wife and will be very proud.
487. Mercury-Jupiter- Venus : will be endowed with
precious stones, will respect brahmins, will have knowledge
of many Sastras, and will make his own place as heavens. 1
488. Mercury- Venus-Sarurn :·,_will respect teachers, will
learn great things, will be chief in his lineage and will attain
good friends.
489. Mercury- Venus-Saturn : will be bereft of children,
will have fat body. fat neck, fat shoulders, and thin ears, wW
gamble and cheat others.
490. Jupiter- Venus-Satuflt : will possess .highly good

1. ·-·~will attain heavens'' is the meaning of Balabhadra's text.

82 Gar_ga flora

qualities, will be endowed with corns, will live in others'

houses and be interested in learning Sastras.


(From Rule 491 to 524)
491. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury : will blame the dearest,
will be against his elders, will be unprincipled, be shameless
and be of bad disposition.
492. Sun-Moon-Mars:.]upiter : will_ be bereft of sons; be
immodest, indigent and be devoid of kindness and virtues.
493. Sun-Moon Mars- Venus: will have long·penis, itchy
thighs, be poor and interested in others* wives.
494. Sun-Moon-Mars-Saturn : will be ungrateful, be
happy, will enjoy authority, will have mean profession, and
be devoid relatives.
Notes : ~qf fa«PlA JT is the reading in Hora Ratna, which
indicates that the native will have happiness (~q.) and authority
(trfli~n:). The latter can be treated independently without
contradicting "mean profession" {iffrl ilfu), for on~ canenjoy
authority although he takes to menial earnings. f;rq{fua~
is an addition in Hora Ratna 7 S text which denotes that the
native will have afflicted physique.
495. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Jupiter : will be very happy,
will be subjected to sexual pressure, and belongs to noble
lineage, but will be unjust
496. Sun-Moon-Mercury- Venus : will be a tale-bearer,
will give up his religion and will hate the virtuous.
497. Sun-Moon .. Mercury-Saturft :will be unkind; unintelli-
gible, be not proud, will possess ornaments, and be in the
company of sinners.
498. Sun-Moon-Jupiter- Venus : will be interested in
chariots (i.e. conveyances), be immodest, and will like. bathing
with application of scents etc. (i.e. the native will enjoy
Fifth Bhava 83

rich bathing conveniences like modern appliances, costly soaps,

oils, cream etc.)
499. Sun-Moon-Jupiter-Saturn : will be happy, will make
futile efforts, be devoid of friends and sons, be dear and will
perform wicked acts.
500. Sun-.Mars-.Mercury-Jupiter : will not be splendorous,
will perfonn condemnable acts, will have vary mean profession,
and be highly ill-tempered.
Notes : The native can be meaningfully understood to be
an unsocial elements indulging in unlawful activities.
501. Stm-Mars-Mercury- Venus :'will give ·up his duties,
be unjust, dull, indolent, and will like ugly pepole.
502. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Saturn : will be bereft of strength,
be a thief, be interested in sexual stories, will serve others
and be devoid of courage.
503. Sun-Mars-Jupiter- Venus : will be miserable on
account of \Vounds, be not virtuous, and will always perform
against Sastras.
504. Sun-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn : will have revolutionary
thinking, will be troubled by serious diseases, will not have
intelligence, be not virtuous and be without ears.
. Notes : There is some difference here when compared to
Balabhadra, where it reads ~ffctl CT*n*q meaning "false nature"
or "pretentious" as aga,Wst "lack of intelligence" as above.
~iiother clarification is with respect to ''having no ears''.
Balabhadra's text reads : ~fa 1 fasfa A which denotes lack of

bearing. grfo of course means ears. The native, it should be


interpreted, will have the ears physically but will be short of

hearing or will lack hearing. This is rather a suitable mealliilg
of the combination, denoting deafness, as against a theoretical
meaning of having no ears. However, in some practical cases,
one's ear (outer ear) may have to be removed surgically and
in such situation, this can be applied.

also means Vedic or holy learning. And such a
84 Garga Hora

native may not be initiated into Scuh learning with this

505. Sun-Mars-Venus-Saturn : will_ have defective arm,
will not be interested in materials donated for performance of
shanti etc. and be subjected to vices.
Notes : ~~f)lf'G~~ fl'T~~fcrcrflrff"l: is Balabhadra's
reading. This should be interpreted that the native will be
devoid of quadrupeds ( ~l'irfTG'), clothes ( iA..,~r;:;r), vessels
('~Tl~) and wealth (:tr~) {~f\jfrf has other me·anings like repo-
sitory, a fit person etc., out of our context). In fine, the native
will not be endowed with quadrupeds like cows etc., will not
have quality robes, will not have good vessels (i.e. to cook
food) and will be devoid of wealth.
506. Sun-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus : will be infamous, 'be
not efficacious, be in the company of sinners, and be hasty.
507. Sun-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn _;
will perform blame-
worthy acts·, will be interested in bad females and in serving
bad people, be not famous, be unkind, and will hate
508. Sun. . Jupiter .. Venus-Saturn will be devoid of interest
in meritorious acts, will not be intelligent, be interested in
studying unworthy books and be impartial.
509. Sun-Mercury-Venus-Saturn : will be insulted by
others, will wear rags, will be impure, will have untimely food
and will be troubled by poverty at all times.
510. Moon .. Mars-Jupiter-Mercu.rywill be wise, Jeariled,,,
interested in Vedas etc., will conquer his enemies, and will be
of friendly disposition.

511. Moon-Mars-Mercury- Venus •• will be fortwtate,

learned, modest, and will be skilful 1•
512. Moon . . Mars-Mercury-Saturn will be immodest,. will
be interested in his own religion, will be courageous, charitable
and highly respectable.

1. "Conscientious" as per Bala Bhadra.

Fifth Bhava 85

f 513. Moon-Mars-Jupiter- Veltu~ : will have wounds

(itches etc.), will protect brahmins, be of good qualities, and
be famous for selfrespect
514. Moon-Mars-Jupiter- Venus: will like cold things,
will know the meaning of various sastras, will be proud, be a
poet and be liked by people.
Notes : ~lffr:1Tf!'l'l\ is the reading in Balabhadra's text as
against "will like cold things" of C.G. Rajan. The Sanskrit
text, however, means that the native will be rich with pearls for
5TTff(1 means pearls. t\nother possible interpretation is that the
native will be predominantly of unanimated temperament Yet
anoti,er meaning is the native will not be responsive to sex.
For ~ro~ has all these meanings.
If Mars applies his influence to Venus rrrst, then the
native's mind (Sth house) will have violent response to sex
and thus he cannot be irresponsive to sex. If Jupiter applies
first, being in the closest orb, to Venus, then the native's sexual
temperament is softened and refined. Should this combination
occur in a 'house of Saturn or Mercury, it leaves a chance of
having less or lack of response to sex. Should the Moon have
a predominant hand in the combi n 1tion and be well placed
with effective influences from Venus and Jupiter, the native can
possess rich pearls, for the Moon rules pearls among Nava
515. Moo11-Mars- Veuus-Saturlt : will help ·~people, will
befriend many, will have various ornaments, be patient, and
will be connected with religious activities.
Notes : ~'l~ is an addition in .Balabhadra's text which
denotes that the native will be plentiful i.e. rich in all respects.
q1lfcr~.tr;r;::-~ is the reading in his text (as against Rajan's men

tion of 'connected with religious actives' which is of course
broadly correct). The idea of Balbhadra is that the native will
be expert in legal precepts or injunctions.
516. Moon-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus :will be endowed with
sons and wealth, will be rich with application of sandal, saffron
86 GargaHora

etc. and robes and ornaments, will have abundunt riches and
will enjoy happiness through children.
517. Moon-Mercury-]l:lpiter-Saturn : wip uphold truth,
be modest, will be very charitable and be honoured by the
518. Moor-Mercury-Venus-Saturn: will~bebroad minded
(fcrm~ "qf'iff{), will conquer his Five Senses, will like cleanli-
ness, be good-looking, be endowed with fortune and courage
and be not greedy ( ~~)(jtf).
519. Manu-Jupiter- Veltus-Sat urn : will be 'Yorshipped by
kings, wiII be interested in Sastras and religion, and be endowed
with sons and wealth.
520. Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus : will have knowledge
of the Supreme Spirit, will have satisfied mind, and be dear to
521. Mars- Mercury-Jupiter-Satur~t : will have beautiful
body, be free from desires, will have (good) principles, be chief
in his lineage, be intelligent and pure.
Notes : .The influence lent by ,Saturn and Jupiter to the
other two, if strong, can free the Native from (material) desires
and thus bestow tranquility of mind.
522. Mars-Mercury-Venus-Saturn: will be broad minded
(fq-qrrn .-rr~~), will observe virtues, be expert in father's assign-
ments, be patient, and \Vi II like all people.
523. Mars-Jupiter-VeJtus-Saturn: will be good in arts,
will know the meanings of Vedas, will have quadrupeds, be
very pure and famous.
524. Mercury-Jupiter- Ve1tus-Satur11. : Not available in
Rajan's •text. He quotes in general context that these four in
any house will give abundant wealth, learning and virtues.
~otes: However, Balabhadra's text has a different
account. It gives the effects of Mercury-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn
joining in the 5th as given by us, vide rule 523 for Mars-Jupiter-
Fifth Bhava 87

Venus-Saturn and gives a different concept for Mars-Jupiter-

Venus-Saturn joining in Sth thus : will have gains, will like
good people and will be respectful to Gods, Vedas and brah-
mins. (as agaiQst what we have given under rule 523).


(From Rule 525 to 545)
525. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter : will have ugly
and dirty physique, will be endowed with children and suffer
from many blemishes.
526. Su1t-Moon-Ma1:s-Mercury- Venus : \Viii be sexually
passionate, will 'have knowledge of mathematics and will be
troubled by serious diseases.
527. Sun-Moou-Mars-Mercury-Saturlt : will be a eunuch,
will .have no knowledge of letters (i.e. illiterate), be devoid of
of vedic and sastraic learning~ be hard· hearted and be not
Notes : ~W apart from meaning a letter or character, can
also mean race, caste, quality etc. and· CR!fQ)rr can be severally
528. Sun-Mars-Mars-Jupiter- Venus :be devoid ofLakshmi
(f~trr fajftaA ), be very short-tempered, will wander in vain and
will possess relatives.
529. Sun-Moon-:Mars-Jupiter-Saturn : will be interested
in befriending bad people, will have external show or courtesy
(Cf!octiTq~T~), \Viii not have good history and be bereft of truth
and honour.
530. Sun-Moon-Mars- Venus-Saturn : will be devoid of
relatives, sons, wealth and happiness, be interested in gambling
and be enimical.
531. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus : will ,have a
wife bereft of good character, will be forsaken by his relatives,
will be perished by Gods and Brahmins and be impatient.
532. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will' be of bad
88 GargaHora

disposition, be forsaken by his relatives and will be inimically

disposed to good people.
533. Sun-Moon-Mercury- Venus-Saturn : will spend on
bad deeds, will have self-made evils, will be troubled by expen-
ses, be unkind and be interested in sinful acts.
Notes : qmsr~c;rn~ "ts an addition in Hora Ratna, denoting
that the native will b~ interested in liquors. tfT~ also means
kissing (on the lip). ·
534. Sun-Moon-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn : will be devoid of
wealth, sons, honour and splendour and be subjected to misery.
535. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus : will suffer from
marital blemish, be sick and timid will make futile efforts.
536. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Venus-Saturn: will be a dunce, be
forsaken by his wife, will be of pleased disposition and will fear
war or quarrels.
537. Sun-}vfars-Mercury- Venus-Saturn :will be shameless,
will win over good people, will lose his father, be a drunkard
and be ungrateful.
Notes : Hora Ratna 's text has no reference to father,
but adds tntf5SI'ti meaning that the native will lose his wealth.
tfA''1~ may be referred to tfT'f'Sf«ttoq: under rule 533 supra.

538. Sun-Mars-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will suffer from

diseases of head, will have wounds on the body, and be devoid
of wealth and honour.
539. Sun-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will suffer from
diseases of eye, be given to severe anger, be ugly and will
always wear rags.
540. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus : will not be
enthusiastic, be very wicked and will face evils by unnecessary
541. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn· , will be very
valorous, be free from vices, be a lord, be respectable, will be
endowed with sons and wealth, will conquer his Five Senses
and be famous.
Fifth Bhava 89
• I

542. Moon-Mars-Jupiter- Venus-Saturll : Not available,

C.G. Rajan in a general context states that the native will be
an expert in minerals, mercury and \Vater equipment and will
become famous in such dealings.

543. Moon-Mar's·Mercury- Venus-Saturn :will be wicked,

be beyond assessment, will have abundant wealth, and be
affectionate to h s children.

544. Mooll-MercurY-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn: will be widely

famous, be chief among his relatives and race-men, be modest,
will be endowed with ornaments, and will control his mind

545. M_ars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will be an

eloquent speaker, be modest, and be endowed with mercy,
charitability and truth.

(From Rule 546 to 552)
546. Sun-Mo.Jn-Mars-Merct~fy-Jupiter- Venus
: will be
· subjected to penury and grief, be mean minded, be of thieving
disposition and be rash in speech.

547. Sun·Moorl-i\{ar,-Jupiter-Saturn : will be chief in his

race, be inimicalJy disposed to the public, will possess much
distressed a body and be forsaken by his relatives.

548. Sult-Moou-.lvfats-Mercury Venus-Saturn: will honour

guests, will have broad and beautiful eyes, will practise penance
and be justly disposed.

549. Sull-Moon-Mars-Jupiter- Venus Saturn: will be devoid

of kindness, will live in foreign places and will be able to guess
others' mind.
550. Sun . Moon-Mercury-Jupiter· Venus-Saturn : will be
cruel, wicked, be devoid of wicked people's company and be
attached to sonsJ friends and meritorious acts.
90 GargaHora

551. Sun-Mars-Mercury-]upiter-Venus-_Saturn :will not be

efficacious, will hate women, will lose wealth, and will be
honoured by enemies (.e. will not be troubled by them) .
552. lv/oon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter .. Ve1tus·Saturn : will be
highly interested in the Supremo Spirit, be chief, wealthy and
amiable to relatives.


553. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venzr;-Saturn :will
be interested in the knowledge of the Supreme Spirit, be dear
to his relatives, be happy, skilful in all arts and be a head.

Notes : Hora Ratna states that the native will be happy,

skilful in arts, very learned and be generally an expert.
Sixth Bhava
(From Rule 554 to 574)

554. Sun .. M oott : will have ugly face, be poo~, short Ii vcd.
will suffer from diseases, will always have desires and will be
free from enemies.
555. Sun-Mars·. will be ·highly intelligent, will destroy
enemies, will attain success in war, and will enjoy wide fame.
' '

556. Sun-Mercury: will be ~ndowed. with great riches,

be famous for his abundant wealtfi, be feaJ.less and dear to
557. Sun-Jupiter: will be sickly disposed, short-lived, will
have more enemies and be devoid of friends.
558. Sun-Venus: will be troubled by serious diseases,
be shameless, be devoid of wealth, be ugly, ·subjected to utter
misery, and will be worried.
559. Sun-Saturn: will be free from sickness and sins, will
be very wise, be.endowed with weapons and wealth, will have
servants and will be of good nature.
Notes : The above indicates, that these two planets in
the 6th though mutually inimical, can prove a help to the
native. If one of them is exalted, it is still good. Even one of
them being in own house can give good results. For example,
for Leo ascendant, the Sun and Saturn in Capricorn in the
6th will prove quite auspicious. Conversely, if one of them be
in fall, the situation will change.
92 GargaHora

560. Moon-Mars : will be troubled by diseases, will lose

his intellect, be splendorous, be unfortunate, and will face
killing (be killed) and be imprisoned,
Notes : :::rcr ap~ from meaning killing, slaughtering
etc. also means"'paralysis. These two planets together in the
6th are capable of causing paralytic attack. q-~:r tfAr +1~11'
can mean, as well, that the native will be killed or imprisoned.
Thus, this combination can cause puniShments like imprison-
ment, hanging etc.
561. Moon-Mercury : will be forsaken by the people of
his race and by his relatives, will not be rich, will have a bad
wife, be timid and cunning.
562. Moon-Jupiter : will be devoid of intelligence and
long life, will develop defects in limbs due to sickness, and
be devoid of desires and good qualities.
563. Moon-Venus: will have an accomplished physique
( fi01f1~~), will be defeated by enemies, be interested in sinful
acts, will have balanced expenditure, and will have bad
564. Moon-Saturn . will have bad mentality, be timid,
unintelligent, wi11 have a distressed body, be ugly and be
devoid of sexual desires.
565. Mars-Mercury : Same results fas given for Moon-
Saturn vide rule 564 above. Both C.G. Rajan and Balabhadra

g~ve so.

566. Mars-Jupiter :~\vill have few sons, be of wicked

disposition, be insulted by others, will not observe any religious
conduct, be unchadtab'e and intent upon promoting quarrels.

567. Mars- Venus : will be interested in women, be con-

quered by women, be interested in sinful acts, be intelligent,
wicked and will not possess sastraic learning.
568. Mars-Saturn :S will have finn mental disposition,
will have hard (strong) limbs, will conquer his enemies, be
pert in moral merits.
Sixth Bhava 93

Notes : This position is favourable to attain success in

litigations. The native will be possibly f rce from sickness
debts etc.
569. Mercury-Jupiter : will be lazy, devoid of intelligence,
troubled by kings, wealthy and interested in sexual acts.
570. Mercury- Venus: will have many conveyances, be
happy, very valorous, dear to people, liked by women and be
highly skilful.
571. Mercury-Saturn : \Viii have many enemies, be sickly
disposed, be ·devoid of strength and will like others but not
his own men.
572. .!up!ter- Venus : will be interested in sexual acts, be
fickle-minded ·about ladies, be addicted to liquor, be ungrateful,
sinful and will cheat.
573. Jupiter-Satun2 : will be forsaken by wife, be sick, be
devoid of truth and wealth, be interested in unethical deeds and
be always miserable.
574. Venus-Saturn: will be very valorous, will be endowed
with wealth, fortune and happiness, will have strength (or
perfection) of all limbs and will destroy enemies.


(From Rule 575 to 609)
575. Sun-JJoo1t-Mars : will be of mean disposition, will
.. have ugly mentality, be troubled by diseases, will cheat others,
be unkind, and will be in the company of bad people.
576. Sun-Moon-Mercury : will be sinful, given to anger,
will have disloyal servants, be devoid of wealth and grains, will
fear and be truthless.
577. Sun-Moon-Jupiter : will experience various miseries,
will be forsaken by children, wife and servants, will have mean
profession and have no wealth.
578. Sun-Moon- Venus : will be mean, strong, egoistic,
of ugly mentality, devoid of affection.
. -
94 GargaHora

579. Sun-Moon-Saturn ; will be sinful, be not attached

to people, will have hard legs, be fearful and hasty.
Notes : See notes under Rule 580, (for fs:rq(1)t1lf~~") ·'11{).

580. Sun-Mars-Mercury : be sinfW., not attached to

people, will have various kinds of wealth, will conquer his
enemies, wIll have many friends and be devoid of war (quarrel)
Notes: faq>=ft~fffa*J is the reading in ·BaJ.abhadra's text
which denotes that the native will be bereft of beloved. people,
i.e. his people wiII not be affectionate to him instead of that he
will not be attached to (his) people. Same is the case with
Rule 579 also.
581. Sun-Mars-Jupiter :- will· be brave, be interested in
sastras, will conquer his five senses.
582. Su11-Mars- Venus : will. have various kinds of happi-
ness, be dear to women, be expert in always enjoying sexual
pleasures, be very rich and just.
583. SuJJ-Mars-Saturn : will enjoy landed property, will
have pure body (i.e. defectless body), will possess horses,
elephants and wealth, be very skilful, and will do meritorious
584. Sun-Mercury-Jupiter : will be sensuous, be interested
in acts of blemish, will not have religious faith, be bereft of
good nature and mercy and will cheat.
585. Sun-Mercury- Venus :will experience various kinds
of blemishes, be very hard-hearted and be devoid of truth,
Mercy, shame and intelligence.
586. Sun-Mercury-Saturn : wHI be bereft of.beauty (good
appearance), sons and wife, will always perform evil acts, be·
fearful: in appearance, be exceedingly in temperament, and be
a skilful speaker.
587. Sun-Jupiter- Venus : will be exceedingly greedy, will
possess gold, robes and ornaments, be ugly in appearance, and
will be devoid of intelligence.
Sixth Bhava 95

588. Sun· Jupiter-Saturn : will be clever in performancei

will be interested in singing, w 11 have several enjoyments, and
be interested in digging tanks and wells.
Notes : faA· apart from meaning clever also means
crafty or cunning. If Saturn is predominantly influential in
the yoga, the native will be cunning in his acts while he will be
clever in his acts with a stronger Jupiter.
tftr also means carnal pleasures, apart from meaning
enjoyments in general. The word still can severally be inter-
preted as wealth, income. profit, wages earned as a prostitute,
etc. Thus, the word has to be cautiously interpreted. A
woman with these 3 planets in the 6th, for example for Mesha,
where Saturn is the lord of the 11ft and Jupiter of the 12th, can
give her earnings out of her flesh. In this case the Sun is the
lord of th~ Sth, (chastity) which lends a helping hand to
the adversity. If Saturn rules the~7th and be in the 6th, with
the other two, the native may derive carnal pleasures only
for the sake of pleasure. Much wealth or income can be
expected if one ofthese be owning the 2nd or lith and be in
the 6th with powerful Dhana yogas. These three can give an
efficacious monetary lift to the native, if one · of them is
exalted, i.e. Lagna being in Taurus (6th house will hold
exalted Saturn), or Aquarius (6th house holding exalted Jupiter)
or last in the order being in Scorpio (6th house holding exalted
Sun and simultaneously fallen Saturn).
Digging of tanks etc. are meant for public welfare and
is considered an act of charity. When these 3 are so placed in
the 6th while the Moon is in a watery sign, the subject will be
inclined more to undertake such public welfare measures.
589. Sun- Venus-Saturn: will be dear to good people,
will be an eloquent speaker, be interested in sastras, be skilful,
be highly learned, and will have knowledge of sastras.
590. Moon-Mnr:v . . Merctdy : will experience various
measures of miseries, be untruthful, be inteligent, will eat
other's food, and be able to guess about others' mind.
591. Moon-Mars-Jupiter : will be devoid of truth and
. . .
96 GargaHora

wealth, will be very much wounded because of enmity, will

lose courage and will be devoid of lordship. ( ~~:n indicates
lordship, authority, mastery, ascendancy etc. indicating that
the native will not rise in life but remain in lower rungs.)
592. JVloon-Mars .. Venus : will be ·poor. be bereft of
relatives, will have the nature to remain pleased, be dear to
his workmen, and be troubled by the three temperaments,
i.e. wind, phlegm and bile.
593. Movlt.. Mars-Saturtl : will experience of loss of
children, will go for enmity, will have injured body. will have
desirl!s, be d!f\! 1ted and iistless towards Sastras.
594. Moon-Mercury-Jupiter : will be short-lived, dis-
tressed, devoid of sastraic learning, interested in blaming
others, and be an atheist.
595. Moon-Mercury- Venus : will be subjected to various
diseases, be little efficacious, be bereft of wife, and be always
troubled by poverty.
596. Moon-Mercury-Saturn : will be troubled by miseries,
will possess (more) sexual desires, be not interested in helping
others, be not virtuous and be poor.
597. Moon-Jupiter- Venus : will be naturally a sinner,
will lose money on account of religious observances, will become
infamous, be very mean and be blamed by relatives.
598. Moon·· Jupiter-Saturn : will be bereft of intelligence,
be very miserable, cruel, cunning and devoid of self-respect.
5~J9.Moon- Venus-Saturn : will be very miserable, be
devoid of wisdom, learning and modesty, and be troubled.
600. Mars-lvfercury-Jupiter : will be courageous, will
conquer his enemis~ will ·not be mean-minded, i.e. broad
minded ( ~e![ ~rcrt{), will hold the flag of virtue aloft, and be
60 l. Mars-Mercury- Venus : will speak truth, will be of
good disposition, will possess gold, precious stones, land and
sastraic wisdom.
Sixth Bhava 97

602. Mars-Mercury-Saturn : will have various kinds of

enjoymets, will control his five senses, be wealthy, very beauti-
ful, attached to his wife, and will blame others.
603. Mars-Jupiter- Venus : '\viii have good conduct, be
dear to people will possess high degree of knowledge of sastras,
be justly disposed and will be liked by many.
604. Mars-Jupiter-Saturn : will be sick, be bereft of
parents (i.e. will lose them early), be fiercely disposed, be
interested~ in sinful acts and be subjected to blemishes.

605. Mars- Venus-Saturn : will be kindly disposed, be dear

to women, be interested. in others' jobs, will follow good
people and be virtuous.
606. Mercury-Jupiter- Venus : Not available.
Note : The said conjunction will make one conquer
enemies, famous, valorous and influencial, in general.
607. Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will have no sons, will be
fettered, will be black complexion~d, will wear rags, will be
devoid of good history and will be against justice.
608. Mercury- Venus-Saturn : will be very poor, be not
valorous, and will hate satstras, preceptors and Brahmins.
609. Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will have an emaciated
body, be unkind, unjust, poor and over-anxious and will
dislike the virtuous.


(From Rule- 610 to 644)
610. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury :will always have a distre-
ssed mind, will make futile efforts, will experience sickness and
fear, will have ugly eyes and wicked mind.
611. Sun-Moon-Mars-Jupiter: will have big teeth, big eyes
and big nose, be shameless and will always be filled with
612. Sun-Moon-Mar,s. . Venus : will· have a clean physique,

98 GargaHota

be devoid of vedic learning, be fettered, over-anxious and

harsh in speech.
613. Sun-Moon-Mars-Saturn: will have injured limbs, be
troubled, be not splendorous, will cheat others, be restless
(~~mr) and will be won over by the fair sex.

614. Swt-Moon-Mer'cufy.Jupiter : will be a eunuch, dunce,

simpleton, be very timid and be insulted by one and all.
615. Sun-Moon-Mercury- Venus : will · suffer contortion on
account ofvarious diseases, be interested in others' food, and
will have little friendship.
616. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Saturn :will be interested in bad
deeds and untruth. will invite risks and be a simpleton.
617. Sun-Moon-Jupiter-Venus: will not be famous, be
interested in others' wives, will be very unkind and will
cheat others.
618. Sun-Moon-Jupiter-Saturn : will have an emaciated
body, will join foolish persons, will be fettered or killed, will
have _mean profession and will be of very bad disposition.
619. Sun-Moon- Venus-Saturn : will indulge in ·bad acts,
be devoid of honour of Gods, preceptors and brahmins, be
insulted by others and be hard-hearted.
620. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter: will destroy his enemie_s,
be courageous, skilful in speech, worshipped by the: king,
interested in good qualities, and will be endowed with
Notes : The native will be of truthful disposition, as
Additionally stated in Hora Ratna.
621. Sun-Mars-Mercury- Venus : wiii be very kind, wiD
have an equally grown up physi:tue~ be an eloquent speaker,
be courageous and dear to Brahmins.
622. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Saturn : will be dear to virtuous,
courageous, conceit-manifested (lfG'ITCfti~~), fierce in appea-
rance, happily disposed and dear to all.
Sixth Bhava 99

623. Sun-Mars-Jupiter- Venus : will have agriculture as

chief profession, be principled, will be a good consultant on
Mantras and be dear to king.
624. Su11-Mars-Jupiter- Venus : will be of wicked disposi-
tion, be dear to his ·men, and will be endowed with splendour
and fame.
625. Sun- Mars- Venus-Saturn :. will be:skilful, will join an
assembly of skilful men, be famous, amicable to elders, and
will always be interested in meritorious acts.
626. Smt-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus :will be principal among
intelligent people, will conquer his enemies, will possess a
beautiful body and will be sweetly disposed.
Note : "will be fortunate" is an addition in Hora
627. Sun-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will have noble notions,

be not intelligent, will have sastraic knowledge, fame and

628. Sun-Mercury- Venus-Saturn : will visit shrines, will
be vary anxious, be dear to good people and interested in
629. Sun-Jupiter- Venus.. Saturn :will be highly intelligent,
will be capable of bestowing (or giving away freely) (anything
asked for like the Divine Kalpa Tree), be skilful, ·very effica-
cious, and be well placed.
630. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter : will be highly learned,
be interested in women, will possess wealth and be justly
631. Moon- Mars.. Mercury- Venus : will be devoid of wealth
be defective limbed, and attached to people.
632. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Saturn : Will be troubled by
sickness, be interested in living in foreign countries, will have
wicked disposition, be sexually troubled and will have an
emaciated body.
633. Moon-Mars-Mercury- ·venus : will be· devoid of
kindness, be of hard disposition, and be averse to Sastras.
100 GargaHora

634. Moon ..Mars-Jupiter-Saturn : \Viii be subjected to

penury, be devoid of pleasures, will always have enemies, be
bad and fickle-minded.
635. Moon- McUs- Venus-Saturn :. ·_will be untruthful, be
excessively windy in temperament, \viii be in the company of
bad people, be unkind, and hard-hearted.
636. Moon .. Mercury-Jupiter- Venus : will be short-lived,
will be physically troubled, be shameless, and be intent on
committing sinful acts.
637. Moon-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will be of bad
nature, be interested in religious· principles, be of cunning dis-
position and will hate his teacher.
638. Moon-Mercury- Venus-Saturn: will depend on others,
be wickedly disposed, forsaken by his wife, hard hearted and
commit sins.
639. Moon-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn: will deserve. hatred be,
cruel, devoid of son and wife, will· follow his promise (CCI~ =
promise, 9>ffS5flf = follow, resort), and will be troubled by sexual
640. Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus : will 'be sportive in
spirit, pleasing to eyes (i.e. good-looking), dear to king and
proudly disposed. (Hora Ratna of Balabhadra).

641. Mars-Mercury-.Tupite r-Saturn : will be broad minded,

be pleasing to eyes, dear to king, proud, unkind, and virtuous.
642. Mars-Mercury- Ve1zus-Saturn: will worship Fire God,
will be interested in sacrifices, observances and worships, and
will earn merits by visiting shrines.
643. Mars-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn: will be courageous, be
a skilful astrologer, and will be famous in performing religious
644. Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn: will be charitable, _
dirty, in disposition and will be conquered by females.
Sixth Bhava 101


(From Rule 645 to 665)
645. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter : will be ugly,
immodest, will be troubll!d by others and will cheat others.
646. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury- Venus : will be highly short-
tempered, be a top-class tale-bearer~and a thief, be ungrateful,
be interested in~m;tking enemies and be miserable.
647. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Saturn : will suffer from
venereal diseases,!\vill steal, and be averse to good people.
648. Sun-Mo.on-Mars-Jupiter-Venus: will be interested
in bad deeds, will lose wealth will have knowledge of Tantra8
and will suffer from diseases of mouth or face ( cr=t~Tft1~'I~).
649. Sun-Moon-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn . .'~will have diseases
of head, will suffer from fever (i. e. serious fevers), be not wise
and:be· very ugly.
650. Sun-Mo.on-Mars- Venus-Saturn : will be devoid of
courage, be a dunce and be bereft of wisdom and learning.
651. Sun-Moon- ~1ercury-Jupiter- Venus ·:will be devoid of
splendour, be not o·Jt-spoken, be devoid of wealth. and be
interested in meritorious acts.
652. Sun-Moon-Mercury .. Jupiter-Saturn :will wear rags,
will suffer from mental distress, wil I be wounded, be not
truthful, be disabled and indigent.
653. Sun-Moon-Mercury- Venus-Saturn :Will be hard-hear-
ted, sinful. cruel, will violate people and will not be successful
in his undertakings.
654 Sun-Moon-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn: will be devoid of
wealth sons, and principles and will ~be conquered by base
655. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus : will be devoid of
kindness, will have prodigal sons, be distressed, and subjected
to diseases.
102 GargaHora

656. Sun-Mars'-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn: will be shameles,

unkind, will join base men and will acquire diseases.
657. Sun-Mars-Mercury- Venus-SaturlZ :.will· be troubled
by wounds, be devoid of truth and purity, be not of good
nature and be diseased.
658. Sun-Mars-Jupiter- Venus~Saturn: will be_ hated by
by people, be devoid of self-respect, be a simpleton,. be
interested in bad acts and devoid of conduct.
659. Sun ..Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Sat urn: will be devoid of
sons, be interested in others' women, be very poor and
660. Moon ..Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus :will be, free from
diseases, be of dirty disposition, be libidinous and be not
661. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn: will suffer from
strangary (painful discharge of urine), be ·bereft of wife,
be dirty and lazy.
662. Moon-Mars-Mercury- Venus-Saturn :will be mentally
distressed right i from birth, will have surprising windy
diseases (i.e. difficult to be cured), be oograteful and unprinci-
663. Moon-Mars-Mercury- Venus-Saturn: will be forsaken
by people, 'be interested in others' wives, be sinful and intent
upon living in other countries.
664. Moon-Mercury-Jupiter- V.enus-Saturn·:'Will have more
enemies, be devoid of son and wife, be interested in money
and be lazy.
665. Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn: will be bereft
of Sastraic learning, · sons and wealth, and be forsaken by
(From Rule 666 to 672)
666. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus: will have
trembling hands and legs, will do base deeds, be fearful and
conquered by enemies.
Sixth Bhava . , 103

667. Sun-Moon-Mars Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn :will be very

miserable, be a drunkard, be devoid of shoulders (i.e. drooped
etc.), and will not have robes and ornaments.
668. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury- Venus-Saturn: will not be
splendorous, be ill-natured and be unprincipled.
669. Sun-Moon-Mars-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will not be
patient~ will cheat, be sick and be conquered by wicked
670. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn: will
be of crooked disposition, be unkind, be very poor, be devoid
ofwife and relatives and will destroy the king (i.e. will prove
ominous· to the king).
671. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus .. Saturn :Both C. G.
Rajan· ·and Balabhadra have not given the relative effects.
However, Rajan says that the native with these planets in
conjunction, (without reference to a bhava) will be of wande-
ring disposition and be highly intelligent.
672. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn: will be of
wicked disposition, be immodest, will wander unfruitfully and
be bereft of self-respect.


673. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn: will
be truthful, just, virtuous, skilful, wealthy and famous.
Seventh Bhava
(From Rule 674 to 694)
674. Sun-Moon : will be distressed, be hasty, not virtuous
and highly cunning.
675. Sun-Mars : will be interested in others' wives, be not
charitable, be broubled by hunger, attached to preceptors and
brahmins and be cruel.
676. Sun-Mercury : will have an insincere wife, will be a
eunuch, be devoid of sexual happiness, be unfruitful (not
result manifesting), and be endowed with relatives.
Notes : The Sun-Mercury cumbination in the 7th
generally leaves some deficiency in marital sphere. The sun in
the 7th, for that matter with any planet, except when well
aspected, dignified etc. or when Venus or the 7th lord is
powerful, is capable of hurting this sphere. The woman will be
sickly, if the Sun is alone; if with the Moon it may affect her
mental plane or may cause her bloody diseases; if with Mars
or Saturn, she may be of questionable character; if with Rahu,
there may be separation, divorce etc; if with Venus, the native
himself may be a debaucher and if with Jupiter, the partner
may prove a spendthrift beyond income and may be barren; on
the whole, the Sun with a malefic in the 7th will cause early
death of the spouse while in the company of a benefic instead
of death, a calamitous situation will follow.
677. Sun . .Jupiter : will have little happiness, be harsh in
speech, will depend on others for food and grow, and be
Seventh Bhava 105

678. Sun· Venus: will eat others' food, be interested in

serving others, be devoid of relatives, be distressed and
Notes : The Sun-Venus Yoga in the seventh leads to
poverty as above. It ·will also deprive the native of conjugal
pleasures. They are better servants than commanding masters.
679. Sun-Saturn : will be devoid of conjugal pleasures,
will have a wicked wife, will earn more enemies, be troubled by
diseases and be wrought by fear.
680. Moon-Mars : will suffer from stomachial disorder!,
be devoid of learning, be fierce, and will acquire fear due to his
aims and illicit intercourse.
Notes : t:fi\Vr=aim; Slli"tr== illicit intercourse. Hence, the
native may have to be subjected to fear or infame due to his
(revolutionary) aims and due to hit illicit pleasures of sex.
681. Moon-Mercury.: will have sons and wife (~ff~r~maf),
be fickle :minded be devoid of truth and mercy, will have
numerous sons and be dear to relatives.
682. Moon-Jupiter: will learn many Sastras, will have
many friends, be beautiful and be worshipped by the king.
683. Moon- Venus : will acquire an auspicious wife, will
enjoy various kinds of wealth and pleasures, be very happy and
intelligent. -
6S4. Moon-Saturn : will be sickly disposed, be very timid,
be interested in carnal pleasures, be cruel, will have servants,
and be interested in others' wives.
685. Mars-Mercury : will be of crooked disposition, will
cheat, be not splendorous, and be defective limbed.
686. Mars-Jupiter : will be interested in joining base
people, will wander fruitlessly, will have injured or aftlicted
body on account of sins.
687. Mars- Venus : will be rejected by people, will be
troubled by blood -oozing body, be insulted by others, and be
unjustly disposed,
106 GargaHora

688. Mars-Saturn : will suffer from various diseases, will

have an emaciated body ( ait~rw) will promote quarrels, will
do wicked acts and will be highly beautiful.
Notes : If Mars and Saturn are in Cancer for Capricorn
Lagna, the native will beget a chaste and beautiful wife, see
Phala Deepika.
689. Mercury-Jupiter. will have high mental latitude, be
proud, fickleminded, distressed, be a spend-thrift, and be
troubled by sexual feelings.
690. Mercury- Venus : will acquire a virtuous \vifci. will
have physical comforts and happiness, be unkind and be un-
grateful to wife.
Notes : According to the above, the native will not return
the affection to his wife in the way he receives it.
69l.Mercury.. Saturn: will have a wicked wife) be
physically troubled on account of sex, will have vices, be
insulted by others, and be not virtuous,
692. Jupiter .. Venus : will house various diseases, will have
strange ( r~~) voice and auspicious body (f··ec from defects).
be cruel, praiseworthy, famous and pious of God and
693. Jupiter-Saturn : will be conquered by women will
misappropriate women's wealth, be devoid of truth and wealth,
be a liar and sinner.
Notes : This combination is suggestive of those who grab
a (helpless) woman's wealth somehow or other. At the same
ti~ne; these men are controlled by other females.

694. Venus-Saturn : will have many enemies, wilJ eat

unedibles, will violate others* beds, be shameless and w•ll
nourish others.
Notes :Venus-Saturn combination in the 7th is normally
not favourable for a. smooth married life. It will be marked
with frequent disruptions, wordy duals, devoid of loyalty by
th~ spouse and ultra-marital conjugal happiness.
Seventh Bhava 107

(From Rule 695 to 729)
695. Sun-Moon-Mars: will have physical troubles out of
sickness, be fickle-minded, will suffer from sexual distress, be
not virtuous and will be won over by women.
696. Sun ..M oon- Mercury : will be devoid of sons, will
join base women, will be hard in. disposition, be troubled and
be sensuous.
697. Sun-Moon-Jupiter: will incur diseases, will not be
firm in regard to females (i.e. will be a deb'lucher).. be cruel
and sinfully disposed.
698. Sun-Moon .. venus :will be deprived ofwife, will have
hatred, anger and enmity, will live in foreign countries and be
inimical to preceptors.
699. Sun-Moon-Saturn : will be wicked, interested in the
next world, frank and will have knowledge of Justice.
700. Sun-Mars-Mercury : will be devoid of efficacy and
pleasure, be interested in eating others~ food, will depend on
others and be sinful.
701. Sun-.Mars-Jupiter : will be insulted by others, will join
base men, be interested in bad deeds, and will not adopt reli-
gious observances.
702. Sun-Mars- Venus: will be bereft of distinction. be not
kind, be sinfully inclined, be full of diseases, be not learned
and be unwise.
Notes : fefsrj means distinction, character, peculiar etc.
The native may not have good character or he may not achieve
excellence or distinction in any walk of life.
703. Sun-Mars-Saturn : will possess an ugly physique, will
have a wife devoid of character, will be of bad mentality, be
ungrateful, fear ..filled, emaciated due to libidinous nature and
be cruel in disposition.
704. Sun-Mercury-Jupiter: will be of bad nature, be fear ..
stricken, be forsaken by elders, be not kind, be unwealthy and
will wear rags.
108 GafgaHora

705. Sun-Mercury-Venus : will be inclined to join base

men. be merciless, be interested in stealing, will have a mean
wife, will not have profane knowledge derived from worldly
experience ( fCJ~rrr iihll{) but be intelligent.

706. Sun-Mercury-Saturn : will have ugly body, over-
anxious, interested in his mean wife, fear-stricken, will watch
for weak points (~~1~) and be wicked.
707. Sun-Jupiter- Venus: will be unkind, will incur disease
after disease, be forsaken by his wife, will join base men and
will not trust in Sastras.
708. Sun-Jupiter-Saturn :will have a dejected wife, will
not be attached to people, be poor in mentality and will tremble
with fear.
Notes : The native will be truthful as added in Hora
709. Sun-Veltus-Saturrz : will be libidinous, be very happy,
be skilful in 1having sexual enjoyments, will conquer senses
and will join charitable people.
710. Moon-Mars-Mercury :will be ugly, be scholary, poor,
cruel, will lose his wife and knowledge.
711. Mon1t-Mars-Jupiter : will be helpful, truthful, will
have a skilful wife, be interested in war and will always be
incFned towards sexual enjoyment.
7 J2. Moon-Mars-Venus : will wear rags, be fierce, be not
attached to the virtuous, be hard-hearted and will do blame-
worthy acts.
713. Moon-Mars-Saturn : will be interested in good
company, be out-spoken, interested in Vedas, and be favour-
able to preceptors and Gods.
714. ftfoolt-Mercury-Jupiter : will enjoy abundant plea-
sures, will speak eloquently, be interested in women and in
S.1stras and be an expert warrior.
71 5. Moon-Metcury- Venus : will perfhnn meritorious acts,
be honourable, good-natured and modest.
Seventh Bhava 109
716. Moon-Mercury-Saturn: will be rich, will be endowed
with ~ ~od, grains and belief and will have many sons.
717. Moon-Jupiter- Venus : will perform meritorous acts,
will be dear to women~ be fearless, virtuous, and famous.
718. Moon-Jupiter-Saturn : will be worshipped even by
Indra (i.e. will be so superior and divine a personage), will have
knowledge of Mantras, will possess elephants and horses, will
conquer his senses, and will visit shrines.

719. Moon-s Venus-Saturn : will be skilful in achieving

carnal pleasures ('tfff s:rlJc;~l{), will be great in Sastraic know-
ledge, will acquire wealth. will make distinct progress, be
virtuous and will use money for good deeds.
720. Jllars-Mercury-Jupiter : will be great, be meritorious
in acts, be worshipped by enemies, be jealous and dear to good
721. Mars-Mercury- Venus : will be subjected to troubles,
will lose his wealth, be interested in eating meat, be very bad in
disposition, will kill (i.e. be a butcher, murderer etc.) and be
722. Mars-Mercury-Saturn: Not given in the text.
723. Mars-Jupiter- Venus : Will have broad eyes, be bashful
will be endowed with fame and happiness, and be amiable to
724. Mars-Jupiter-Saturn : will be very short-tempered, be
highly inimical, be devoid of luck, be troubled by diseases and
will join bad people.
725. Mars- Venus-Saturn : will be auspicious, be devoid of
intelligence, will be a good servant in royal administration, be
free from enemies, be just and honored by his relatives.
726. Mercury-Jupiter- Venus : will be chief among kings~
be very wealthy, very happy, be endowed with a virtuous wife
and be dear to people.
Notes : Compare this ·with the great Adhi Yoga. For
. ,
110 GargaHora

more information, see my translations of llorasara, Parasara

Hora and Saravali.
727. Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will be famous, will be
endowed with several kinds of wealth, Sastraic acquaintance
and palaces, and be highly meritorious.
728. Mercury- Venus-Saturn : will be worshipped by the
king, will conquer his enemies, will enjoy landed properties and
wealth, be always meritorious, noble ·and skilful.
729. Jupiter- Venus.Saturn : will be endowed with quadru-
peds, be truthful, will have frequent movements (from place
to place) ( a-gq;;), will have good nature and be attached to


(From Rule 730 to 764)
730. Suu-MooJZ-Mars-Mercury: will be devoid of valouri
be unkind, interested in sinful stories, \Vill make futile efforts
(i.e. will not attain success), and will be highly short-tempered.
731. Sun-Moon-Mars-Jupiter : will be dear to the virtuous,
kind, will have ·many wives and many sons and be friendly
in disposition.
732. Sun-Moon-Mars- Vettus: will be bereft of wife,
interested in blaming others, will speak little truth (i. e. some-
times truthful and sometimes not), be hard-hearted and be not
inclined towards, charity.
733. Sun-Moott-Mars-Saturn : will have a wicked wife,
be bereft of sons, be cruel, will ,perform meritorious acts be
pretentious in disposition (~tfOTTTWH).
734. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Jupiter : will have many wives,
will :be of false disposition and be blame-worthy.
735. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Venus : will face many difficulties
due to bad wife, be very impetuous (at~Hiq:), and be
736. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Saturn : will be attached to bad
Seventh Bhava 111
people, wiJI visit prostitutes, be sinful, ungrateful, be troubled
by bilious complaints, be wicked and be unintelligible.
737. Sun-Moon-Jupiter- Venus: will be dirty, will perfonn
:no. ~.n ..sastraic acts, be· 1 intent on .Jiving . in foreign places and
be not wise.
738. Sun-Moon-Jupiter-Saturn : will be .devoid of sons,
will be a great liar, will have an emaciated body and be interes ..
ted in promoting quarrels.
Notes: ~·will be interested in Sastras and stories" is an
addition in Hora Ratna.
739. Sun-Moon- Venus-Saturn : will be night-blind, be
fierce, be subjected to much anguish (;.rgaqq), will experience
evils, will lose wealth, be interested in vedic learning and be of
mean mind.
740. Sun-Mercury-Mars-Jupiter :will be always subjected
to troubles, will have a thin body and will be mentally troubled
due to wife's blemish.

741. Sun .. Mars-Mercury-Venus :·will possess an ugly wife,

will be of bad character, be adverse to Sastras, be devoid of
sons and good principles.
Notes : Blabhadra states these results for Sun-Mars-
Mercury-Saturn combination in the 7th house while he is silent
in respect of Sun-Mars;..Mercury-Venus yoga in the 7th house.

742. Sun-Mars-Mercury -Saturn : C. G. Rajan has no

mention of the effects in this context in regard to 7th bhava.
But in general he says that a yoga by these four planets will
make one an anny ~hief, a king's minister, do base acts and
743. Sun-Mars-Jupiter- Venus : will be unkind, be interes-
·too in sextial accounts, be_ cunning, be a drunkard and will
acquire bad or mean learning.
744. Sun-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn : will be bereft of wife, be
inimical to others, will promote quarrels and will be highly
112 GargaHora

745. Sun-Mars-Venus-Saturn !.will be devoid of money,

devoid of shame, 'be harsh in· disposition (tr'Qti fCJmti), be noto-
riously sinful (i. e. well-known for his bad deeds), and be
interested in his own people.
746. Sun-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus : will be free from
diseases, be of pretentious disposition, be fond of meat and
be defeated by enemies.
747. Sun-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will be devoid of
wisdom, will have no knowledge of Vedas and other Sastras,
will be unfortunate, and will promote quarrels.
748. Sun-Mercury·Venus-Saturn :-Not discussed by C. G.
Rajan and Balabhadra. The former adds in the appendix,
that these four in general if join in a bhava, will give good face,
facial beauty, truthful disposition and virtue.
749. Sun-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn: will be given to much
anger, be harsh in disposition, be devoid of wealth and sons
and will cheat others.
750. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter: will perfrom auspicious
acts, be beautiful, will have pleased mind and be a lord.
751. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Venus : ·will possess a good-
looking Wife, be himself good-looking, will have many sons
and bejust.
752. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Saturn: .will be very couragaous,
be liberal in acts, be intelligent and be respectful to Brahmins
and Gods.
753. Moon-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn ! will be free from jealousy,
be ·principled devoid of principles be charitable and skilful.
754. Mooll-Mars-Jupiter·Satunt : · will possess beautiful
appearance, be dear to women, will have beautiful and broad
eyes, be eloquent in speech and be dear to kings.
755. Moon.:.Mars- Venus-Saturn: will be· liked by good
people, be truthful, endowed with wisdom, be skilful, be devoid
of fear and1 be unjust.
Seventh. Bhava 113

756. Moon-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus :will be dear to guests,

be charitable, be of good disposition, be greatly truthful and
will respect preceptors.
757. Moon-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will be liked by
virtuous people, will have sons, be charitable, pleased, will
have beautiful wife and be intelligent.
758. Moon-Mercury-Venus-Sat urn : will be modest, will
face obstacles in his undertakings (will have checkered career,
see fasncnn1). \Viii be highly intelligent, be skilful and will
destroy his enemies.
759. Moon-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will be highly bashful,
will have sons and wife, will control his senses, and will have
a physique devoid of 'evils' (This will mean that the native
does not commit evils or sins).
760. Mars-Mercury .. Jupiter- Venus : will be full of fortunes,
be honoured, be akin to a .king.. will confer auspiciousness and
be truthful.
761. Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will have many wives,
will hold .the flag of virtue aloft, be truthful, happy, merciful
and will destroy others.
762. Mars-Mercury-Venus-Saturn : will be interested in
achieving distinction (fCJf~~"{Uil{ has, however, been rendered
by Rajal) as "will have good ·blood)", will have beautiful body,
will be very wealthy or fortunate, be good looking, be chief
~mong his men and be modest.

763. Mars-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn :will be highly valorous,

famous, strong will have auspicious (defectless) limbs and be
free from pains.
Notes : qa q Tfftli~:q is the reading of Balabhadra which
means the native will be away from liquors. This is against
''freedom from pains'' of C. G. Rajan add apparently he had
his basis read 'ToGTT~ Cli ~:q.
764. Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will auquire a skilful
wife, be free from enemies and be just.
114 Garga Iiord


(From Rule 765 to 785)
765. Sun ..Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter :will be a eunuch,
be ugly, be evil-minded and harsh.
766. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury- Venus-: will be dull-witted,
troubled by phlegmatic disorders, be unintelligible, be
loathsome and will have a bad wife.
767. Sun--Moon-Mars-Mercury-Saturn : will have bad
duaghters and bad sons, will have an emaciated. body, will
maintain speechlessness and will perfonn uncharitable acts.
768. Sun-Moon-Mars-Jupiter-Venus: will be unsteady
about females, interested in sexual accounts, be timid in nature
ann will have many blemishes.
769. Sun-Moon-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn : will be devoid of
splendour, will be a chief cheat, be negligent of high order
and will be inimical to people.
Notes : 5flfT~ ~r~apart from meaning "greatly negli-
gent" also means "will be subjected to mishaps".
770. Sun .. Moon-Mars.. Venus-Saturn :will be highly jealous,
be troubled by high sexual feelings, will have an inimical wife
and win be unintelligible.
771. Sun .. Moon-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus : not available as
per C.G Rajan and Balabhadra. However, Rajan adds
that the these five in conjunction in any bhava indicate that
the native will be merciless, will lose his wife and children,
will eat much and be harsh in speech.
772. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn: will be devoid of
fame, will cheat others, will have many enemies, and will
guess others' mind.

773. Sun-Moon-Mercury- Venus-Saturn : will have evil

notions, will enjoy conveyances, will have cardiac diseases
and will be friendly to all.
774. Sun-Moon-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn: will be unkind,
will eat others' food, be mean and will have a wicked wife.
. . .
Seventh. Bhava tl5
775. SuJtrMars-Mercury-Jupiter- Ve1tus :will not be splen-
dorous, be dveoid of wealth, sons and gratitude and be hard-
776. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn :will be shameless,
will not study Vedas, will like sinful acts, will by nature
join base men and be sickly.
777. Sun .. Mars-Mercury-Venus-Saturn : will be foolish,
be fond of childish acts, be miserly and of bad disposition.
778. Sun-Mars-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will be poor, will
have vices, be very timid in disposition and will hate bis
relatives ( ~lTrf.TI=.ffafcj<T) .
779. Sun-Mercury-J~piter- Venus-Saturn : will 11ave a very
wicked wife, will be immodest, will be at all times hUnger-
stricken and be devoid of intelligence.
780. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus : will be very
kind, be justly disposed, be truthful, dear to good men and
will acquire a virtuous wife.
781. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : be disposed
charitably, be dear to women and. be eloquent inspeech.
Notes : "will be endowed with lordship" is an addition
made by Balabhadra.
782. Moon-Mars-Mercury- Venus-Saturn : will be patient
in dispostion, will have good conduct, be praiseworthy
intelligent, and will like his relatives.

783. Moon-Mars-Jupiter Venus-Saturn : will show interest

in shrines, be worshipped by kings and will be served by
Notes: Balabhadra has a different account in this regard,
for he says that the native will be interested in shrines, be
free from sickness, be long-lived. and interested in Sastras.

784. Moon-Mercury-Jupiter .. Venus-Saturn : Balabhadra

states here what was stated by us vide 783 above.
785. Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn: will be devoid
_116 Gargalford

of enmity, be interested in giving charities and will be well-

praised by virtuous people {trfg{t «l~:iji=f).


(From Rule 786 to 792)
786. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus : will be
devoid of truth and wealth, be troubled· by diseases, and will be
distressed due to royal troubles.
787. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury.Jupizer-Saturn: will be a
servant, will suffer from serious diseases, will wear rags and
will indulge in cheating.
788. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Venus-Saturn : will be trou-
bled by diseases, be indolent and will have a wicked wife
(~!~f'(f) and will have a troubled physique (~rtf tl'i).

Notes : There is slight misinterpretation in Mr. Rajan's

text at the end. The above is correctly given as per "Balabhadra's
sloka along with relevant Sanscrit words.
789. Sun-Moon-Mars-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will be miser-
able, be immodest, troubled by hunger and will incur good
results out of fear.
790. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn : will be
unsuccessful, uuifriendly, unhappy, will do fierce deeds and
be miserly.
791. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn : will be
interested in others' women, be troubled by others, and will
lack intelligence.
792. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will be
kingly, beautiful, very wealthy and be always happy.


(Rule 793)
793. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus-:Saturn : will
be an emperor, be very famous and be very valorous, be
virtuous and be liked by all.
Eighth Bhava
(From Rule 794 to 814)
794 Sun-Moon : will be very sickly, short-lived, friendly
(ff'iler'ffi:r), happy, shameless and be timid in war (i e. not
bold in quarrels, disputes etc).
795. Sun-Mars : will suffer from complaints of blood, be
unsteady, be interested in sinful acts, be devoid of friends,
will lack mental vigour and wealth.
r.Jtoes : ~~zi means lustfulness, greediness, eager etc.,
apart from meaning unsteady. The Sun-Mars combination in
the 8th leads debauchery and other vices. It can cause various
diseases 0 r the face, blood etc.
796. Sun- Mercury : 'Nitl have bad mentality, will grow on
other's food, live in foreign countries, be devoid of valour and
be free. from encn1ies .
797. Sun-Jupiter : will be devoid of self-respect, be
wicked. be interested in other man's wife, and be devoid of
798. Sun-Venus :will have money earned in bad ways, be
ugly, will be interested in bad place, will eat the food of a bad
king (i.e. will earn money through a corrupt employer etc.}, will.
have bad profession and will be conquered.
Notes : T.he short and ·the long of the above is that one
with Venus and the Sun in the 8th will not be happily placed
in respect of profession, wea 1tb , success and place to move.
.118 GargaHora

799. Sun-Saturn : will have excess phlegm in tempera-

ment, be highly rheumatic, be devoid of truth and passion and
will always like to earn from foreign places.
800. Moon-Mars : will have bad disposition, be troubled
by diseases, miserable, un successful and be able to guess
Notes : That ~the native will advance in the society is an
addition in Hora Ratna's text.
801. Moon-Mercury : will have wicked mentality, be
troubled by diseases, be like a eunuch, be f~audulant, will
suffer from a serious disease and be a miser.
802. Moon-Jupiter :·will be devoid of meritorious acts, be
short-lived, poor, foolish, crippled, and will have bad company.
803. Moon- Venus : will be of blame-worthy disposition,
be timid, sinful and w ill blame others.
804. Moon-Saturn : will be desirous of receiving the mercy
of bad people, will have futile illusion, be happy; peaceful, and
will be given up by his wife.
805. Mars-Mercury : will look old in your itself, be un-
grateful, and will have very hannful notions.
806. Mars-Jupiter : will have illegal money, be poor,
base, will have many enemies, be defeated and be a miser.
807. Mars- Venus : ·will be desirous _of doing bad acts, be
untruthful, will lose money out of mercy, be not valorous and
be a dunce.
808. Mars-Saturn : will be ugly, be issueless, will have a
very wicked wife, be devoid of intelligence and virtue and will
live in foreign countries.
809. Mercury-Jupiter: will be devoid of relatives, will
Joss wisdom, will cheat and will suffer misery on account of
bad company.
810. Mercury- Venus : will.have a polluted physique, be
unjust, will eat others' .food and serve sothers. He will have
knowledge of the atom.
E_ighth Bhava 119

Notes : This is a good yoga for atomic scientists.

811. Mercury-Saturn : will have many aims, will be sin-
fully disposed~ will be a tale-bearer and be devoid of intelli-
812. Jupiter- Venus : will have many enemies, make enmity
without purpose, have few childeren and will not be interested
in Sastras.
813. Jupiter-Saturn : will be bereft of grains and wealth,
will be very inimica1, be troubled and be very ·wicked.
814. Venus-Saturn : will join others' wives, will eat others'
food, will serve others, will always tell lies and be unjust.


(From Rule 815 to 848)
815. Sun-Moon-Mars : will be untruthful, be not in the
company of rich men (~T<J'l~~fCf)~Cf~+f) 1 be not himself rich
(frr~TEii'tJ), be fierce, devoid of good qualities, be very miserable I

and will join bad people.

816. Sun-Moon .. Mercury : will be a destitute or be mean
(~lif}, be of bad mental disposition, be not splendorous' will
join very base men, mean-minded, sick and sinful.
817. Sun-Moon-Jup iter : will be sinful, dear· to wicked
people, will make futile efforts, be interested in drinks (intoxi-
cant) and tales, be devoid of friends, and will acquire an excel-
lent wife.
818. Suit .. Moon- Ve1tus : will be devoid of wealth, will do
bad acts, be very short-tempered, immodest, interested in
others' food and will cheat.
819. Sutt- Moon-Saturn : will be untruthful, indigent, be
lazy, sleepy, miserable, devoid of valour, and be very timid.
820. SuiZ-Mars- Mercury : will be devoid of friends, be
poor, will have rags, will join rich men, will be interested in
liquor and be devoid of friendliness.
821. Sun-Mars-Jupiter: will be devoid of truth and
120 Gatga!Jora

fame be vividly miserable, be a miser, troubled by heavy expen-

diture and sexual feelings.
822. Sun-Mars- Venus : will be impure, unfriendly, very
efficacious, timid and infamous.
823. Sun-Mars-Saturn : will suffer from diseases, will
have enemies, be not virtuous, be very ill-tempered and be
bereft of his men.
824. Sun-Mercury-Jupiter : will be shameless, will blame
the people, will be bereft of religion and profession, be not
efficacious, be unkind and not happy.
825. Sun- Mercury- Venus: will do various kind of acts,
will destroy enemies, be valorous, will enjoy happiness from
children, will indulge in vicious acts, and will acquire abundant
826. Sun-Mercury-Saturn: will b~ miserable due to
diseases, be not famous and be a cheat.
Notes : According to Balabhadra, the native will be
subjected to many deseases, will be highly miserable.. will
possess a beautiful body, be devoid of fam~ and will cheat
827. Sun-Jupiter- Venus : will be endowed with money
and grains, be happy, will be highly skilful in many kinds of
speech, be kind and meritorious in acts.
828. Sun-Jupiter-Saturn: will be subject to many deseases
will deviate from the path of religion, be not virtuous. be argu-
mentative and be devoid of relatives.
829. Sun- Venus-Saturn : will be very miserable.
830. Moon .. Mars-Mercury : will inflict harm to the king.
83 f. Moon--Mars-Jupiter : will suffer from hunger and
thirst and will be after sexual pleasures.
Notes : This combination is capable of depriving one of
even a square meal.
832. Moort-Mars- Venus • will be happy and will be favour-
~ble to the king.
Eighth Bhava 121

833. Moon-Mars-Saturn : will suffer from various kinds

of diseases.
834. Moolt-Mercury-Jupiter : will be at logger heads with
his wife.
835. Moon- Mercury- Venus : will be ·a recipient of royal
favours but will be bereft of money and corn.

836. Moon-Mercury-Saturn : will have a number of

837. Moon-Jupiter-Venus: will be very happy and will
possess a good wife.
837. a. Moon-Jupiter-Saturn: will be after the women of
other men.
838. Moon- Venus-Saturn : will· lose his wife and be devoid
839. Mars-Mercury- Venus: will acquire many diseases on
account of various (mis) deeds of his own.
Notes : This is indicative that· the native will acquire self-
made diseases of many a kind.
840. Mars-Mercury·Venus : will have abundant money
earned through thieves.
Notes: The native, according to the present rule, will
gain plenty of money with the help of thieves. That is, he may
head a number of thieves and be a gang leader. The 8th house
rules such wealth for which the person does not make honest
efforts. Hidden treasures are also ruled by this house.
841. Mars-Mercury-Saturn : will suffer from leprosy,
much misery and much penury.
842. Mars-Jupiter- Venus : will acquire deseases and
poverty through many people.

Notes : This is indicative of a possibility that the native

will join such men who may be capable of leading only to
sickness and pennilessness.
122 GargaHora

843. Mars-Jupiter-Saturn : will destroy many of his

844. Mars- Venus-Saturn : will ori his own .increase his
845. Mercury-Jupiter- Venus: Will obtain destruction of
wealth and grains.
846. Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn :will be sickly. and be skilful
in imprisoning and killing.
847. Mercury- Venus-Saturn : ·will acquire many diseases
848. Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will be highly miserable.


(From Rule 849 to 877)
849. Sun-Moo11-Mars-Mercury :will suffer accute penury,
850. Sun-Moon-Mars-Jupiter : will suffer great grief.
851. Sun-Moon-Mars-Venus : will be modest at all
times, will join base females, wiJI get bad sons and bad
(illegai) ·money ( ~~m~), will have bad qualities, will be very
ill-tempered and very wicked.
852. Sun-Moon-Mars-Saturn : will be devoid of children,
will have bad qualities, will be ugly, be insulted and be
853. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Jupiter : will not have skilful
mentality, will be troubled by hunger, be shameless and be un-
854. Srnt-Moon·Mercury-Venus :·Will be fond of gambling,
be bereft of money, will live in foreign countries, and be
inimical to the society.
855. Sun ..Moon-Mercury-Sat urn : will be deviod of
pleasures. will be forsaken by preceptors, will have a stout
body and be mean in disposition.
856 sun.. Moon-Jupiter-Venus :
will have no accomplish-
ment, {f~lrT fagfa) be unkind and be interested in the virtuQus.
Eighth. 'Bhava 123
857. Sun-Moon-Jupiter-Saturn : will be viQlent ·(~1~),
be not valorous, be bereft of intelligence and wealth, be always
sick, timid and be subjected to difficulties.
858. Sun-Moon-Venus-Saturn: ·will be wicked in speech. be
interested in great sins, will join (?as~ men, and will be troubled
by enemies. ·
859. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter : will be miserable, will
have low professions, will acuqire a bad wife and will have
aflliction to limbs due to sexual indulgence.
Notes : faffcr
... <;r~ is Balabhadra's reading wich means
that the native will lose his wife, instead of uhaving a bad wife"
as per Rajan's text. ·
860. Sun-Mars-Mercury- Venus : will lose parents, be
truthfully disposed and be indolent.
861. Sun- Mars-Mercury-Saturn : will be fickleminded,
treacherous, wil I have bad friends, will have no accomplishment
(f~qr fq-~)if) and be devoid of wealth.
862. Sun-Mars-Jupiter- Venus -= will be very timid, be
troubled by sex, be wicked and will have money earned in
bad ways.
863. Sun-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will have an emaciated
body, be ~ickly, and will destroy enemies.
864. Moon-Mars-Mercury ..Jupiter : will~ be sic~, bereft
of wealth, short-lived and untruthful.
865. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Venus : will befriend bad
people, be interested in bad deeds, be deviod of good conduct
and be harsh in speech.
866. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Saturn : will . like to do bad
deeds, will give up his people and be with others, be unwise,
be not virtuous, and will .have no Sastraic knowledge.
867. Moon-Mars-Jripiter- Vetzus : will be endowed with
sons, be happy, will conquer his enemies, be wise and wealthy.
868. Moon-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn : will be devoid of sons
124 GargaHora

and happiness, be against his enemies (i.e. may not pardon

his enemies), will harm his friends, be sickly, and poor. ·

869. Moon-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus : will always be sen-

. . will suffer from venereal diseases, be poor and highly
Notes : ufi'~T~~,, is denoted in Hora Ratna's text
which indicates that tl}e native will 'always suffer from urinary

diseases i.e. gieet. diabet~s etc., with these four pla~ets· in 8th.
We do not know the basis of Rajan's account of the person
being . ever sensuous. Even if his text had :read '·Sill)~'',
it only means ''bewildered; infatuated, stupidified etc."
870. Moon ..Mercury . . Venus-Saturn : will have many enemies,
will enjoy ( ~)lJ has several interpretations, see Rule 588), will
have gains of wealth and corns, and be always intelligible.
811.Moon-Mercury-Venus-Saturn: Not available, accord-
ing to Rajan and Balabhadra. Howcyer, Rajan observes
that one with these four planets in any house will cohabit
with many women and will hate many persons.
872. Moon-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will at all times suffer
from poverty, be devoid of wealth and conduct but will have
873. Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus : will be sickly, indigent,
be a leper, and will join his enemies.
874. Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will suffer from many
diseases and penury, and be miserable and sensuous.
875. Ma 1 s-Mercury- Venus-Saturn: will be intelligent, rich
·and friendly and will destroy enemies.
... ..
876. Mars-Jupiter-Venus-Sat urn : not available. Raj an
states in general context that one with this yoga in any bhava,
Will.be splendorous and affluent.
• I
a.. • f

. 877. Mercury-Jupi~er-.Venus-Saturn : will be intelligent,

wealthy' ~ill have friends,. and. will hatm his eneillies." . .
Eighth Bhava 125
(From Rule 878 to 890)
878. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter : will be endowed
with corns, money and happiness, will have good conduct, be
interested in Sastras and religion and will worship Gods,
preceptors and brahmins.
879. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury- Venus :will be blind, wise,
indigent and be always after women.

880. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Saturn :. will go abegging,

be poor, be interested in the knowledge of identity of the
Universe with 'Brahma and will be highly ,skilful
881. Sun-MooJZ-Mercury-!upiter- Venus :Not available in
the original. Raj an, however, quotes ingeneral context that
with these five planets in any bhava, the native will be a
minister, rich famous, influential, authoritative and will inflict
punishment as justice.
882. Suu-Moon-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus : will be wise,
bereft of happiness from wife and will live by begging.
883. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn
. . .' " .: same results as
above. Ad<;Jjonally,, the native will possess gQod qualities.
884~ Sun-Mars-Mercury-Venus-Saturn: Will be egoistic,
be happy· with regard to wife and will be wise. ··
885. Sun-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn: will be very sick,
intelligent, very poor and skilful.
. : \VIII be happy
in regard to wife, be liberal, of good conduct and be poor.
Notes : As per Balabhadra's quotation of the concerned
sloka, the native will always have· self-respect, will be eQdowed
with sexual pleasures, meritorious acts, service and good
conduct (""<fa~rrt~CJT'ffoqf'('rfff) all will be devoid of wealth.
887. ·Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter·Satu,.n :will suffer from
bad, diseases, will kill, be imprisoned, will suffer from penury
and be poor.
126 GargaHora

Notes : For ;qtf q;:f.Rr~~l{ see rule No. 560.

888. Moon-Mars-Mercury- Venus-Saturn : will sometimes

contemplate the Supreme Spirit. yet sometimes be detached
(from that path), will sometimes grow twisted (matted) hair, yet
sometimes will remain tonsured, and will have various (such)
guises and will perform very cruel acts.

Notes : The :above translation is of Balabhadra's quota-

tion which reads thus: ~Tif farffa GJfutwi -:q ~fus(f ~Ta~~
~rfo~~~nl"J:{ This goes to convey that the native will
have peculiar guises and will not constantly remain attached
to the path of divine knowledge.
889. Moon-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will have
many quadrupeds, be aftluent, be highly scholarly, and be skil-
ful in the sciences of Sex and Yoga.
Notes : The word ·tr)if ·has more than 30 meanings in the
Sanscrit language. On the one hand it means the system of
philosophy established by Patanjali, which is considered to be
the second division of Sankhya philosophy, practically reckoned
as a separate system. On the other hand, it denotes explora-
tion of knowledge of the Great Spirit via deep and abstract
meditation. The other general meanings of the, word are :
Remedy, spell (Mantra etc.), magic etc, Yoga Sastra simply
means Yoga philosophy.
890. Mars-Mercury-Jupiter· Venus-Saturlt :will always be
wise. rich and be highly valorous in times of war.


(From Rule 891 to 894)
891.Sm-z-Moon-Mars .. Mercury-Jupiter- Ve11us :will be glori-
ous ( ssr~{!j), be merciful and will be addressed like a great king.

Notes : P.{Cf~ can mean ea:r:-, which is out of context here.

The least mention above indicates that the native will· be
honoured as though he were a king.
Eighth Bhava 127
892. Sun-Mooll-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn :will have
various kinds of happiness but be bereft of wealth and will
enjoy with sons.
893. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn :-win be
endowed with abundant happiness, various kinds of wealth,
and will like playing with horses {!If~ firsritf).
894. Moon·Mars-Meictny-Jupiter- Venus-SaturiZ : will be
very rich, devoted to brahmins and endowed with relatives.


(Rule 895)
895. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn: will
lord over elephants and horses, ,be chief among his men, be
endowed with houses and wealth and devoted to brahmins.
Ninth Bhava
(From Rule 896 to 916)
896. Sun-Moon: will be very modest, be a great men, be
famous for his valour, be dear to the virtuous and be justly
897. Sun-Mars : will be self-respected, will win over his
enemies, will show interest to be free from blemish, be splen-
dorous and skilful in rendering justice.
898. Sun-Mercury :will have good intelligence, be truthful,
dear to the learned, and will have many friends.
899. Sun-]f!piter: will-subdue his enemies, be happy, will
enjoy gains of corns· and wealth, be amiable to the virtuous,
and dear to the king.
900. Sun- Venus : will be endowed with greatness (lJ~f
~~~), be intelligent, be famous and be friendly.

901. Sun-Saturn : will be endowed with wealth and intelli-

gence, be very happy in married life, and will win over his

902. Moon-Mars : will have knowledge of Sastras, be very
wealthy, skilful and will enjoy many kinds of food and drinks.
903. Moon-Mercury :will be happy with children, will
conquer his five senses, be interested in religion, praiseworthy,
dear to king and worshipped by relatives.
904. Moon-Jupiter : will not be wealthy, be skilful in
.Ninlh Bhava
. .

speech, fond of pleasures, valorous, grateful, interested in

Sastras and very intelligent.
905. Moon- Venus : will be dear .to great men, will have
knowledge of Sastras, be friendly, and be attached· to his
906. Moon-Saturn :will be interested in religious vows
and charitable acts, 'be dear to king, will have many sons and
plurality of wives, be rich and will have knowledge of Sastras.
907. Mars-Mercury: will have many servants, be endowed
w; th ma:ital happiness, will. acquire sons, will be an eloquent
speaker, and be devoid of bad qualities.
908. Mars-Jupiter : will 'be .full of virtues, will take bath
in sacred rivers, will respect Brahmins and Gods, be an agricul-
turist and be justly disposed. .,...
909. Mars- Venus : will honour his guests, will have beauti-
ful body, will have very pleasing appearance, be chief in his
race and will be principled.
910. Mars-Saturn : will be devoid of vices {olHf;ff<f~r~),
be interested in earning by truthful means, be courageous and
will like his relatives.
911. Mercury-Jupiter : will have steady mind. be liked
by all, be merciful, will have faith in Vedas and other Sastras,
will be chiefly an agriculturist and be always virtuous.
912. Mercury- Venus : will have servants, will have meri-
torious acts to his credit, be egoistic, will have many friends
and be dear to women.
913. 11-fercury-Saturu : will be very beautiful, will have
abundant landed property, will be endowed with good guali-
tics, be quite wealthy, and be liked by the king.
914. Jupiter- Venus : will have ·wealth and fame, good sons
and paraphernalia, be frank and fond ·of children.

.. . 915. Jupiter-Saturn : will be a lord, be interested in music
and religion, be virtuous and favourable to good deeds.
130 GargaHora

: . 916,. Venus-Saturn : Will be highly meritorious, highly

learned, famous, skilful in speech and dear to people.
Notes : Balabhadra states that the native will be serene
in disposition and be resolute.


,. ,
(From Rule 917 to 950)
917. Sun-Moon~Mars : will be· dear to the virtuous, intere-
sted in meritorious acts and Sastraic account, will have purity
of the body, and be interested in good qualities.
918. Sun-Moon-Mercury :will consider truth as important,
be beautiful, will have broad eyes, be a lord, will be endowed
with a. pleasing. body, and will be attached to his sons.
919. Sun-Moon ..Jupiter : will be expert in principles of
religion (oqlfft~en~<fei), will be endowed with the wealth of
learning (fcrmfssrd), will be detached from sinful dealings be

very truthful and be bereft of sexual desires.

920. Sun-Moon-Venus : ·will be interested in speaking
harsly, wi11 not visit shrines, be of thievish disposition, and
be miserable.
921. Sun-Moon-Saturn : will be interested in religious
talt:s, be favourable to preceptors, be principled, be dear to the
virtuous and will trust Sastras.
922. Sun-Moon-Mercury : will be interested in committing
sinful acts, be cruel. untruthful, ill-disposed, interested in eating
others* food, and will serve others.
923. Sun-Mars-Jupiter: will be banished from the religion,
will not have good history, will have a bad wife and will be
detached from his relatives.
924. Sun-Mars·Venus: ·will be devoid of religion and
virtues, be vividly honoured, be devoid of good background
and wisdom.
925. Sun-Mars- SaturiZ . ' will be devoid of son, will lose
the vigour of youth, be sinful, will wear rags, be highly spend-
thrift, and will do irreligious acts.
Ninth Bhava 131
926. Su11-Mercury-Jupifer : will be endowed with riches,

will have many friends, will honour brahmins, have good dis-
position and be just.
927. Sun-Mercury-Venus : will talk much, be truthful,
interested in virtues, grateful, will conquer his Five Senses and
be free from sinful disires.
Notes : fcr@';:rqf~l! is the reading in Hora Ratna's quota
tion as against "talking much'' mentioned by Rajan. The
version of Balabhadra means that the native will be devoid of
or deprived of speech. The 9th being the 8th from the 2nd, the
house of speech, these planets may deprive one of speech or
cause stammering etc. This will be more true if the Sun com-
busts the other two or one ofthe three being the ruling plane
for the 2nd house.
. 928. Sun-: Mercury-Saturn :will be an .agriculturist, be at
all times charitably disposed, will possess good splendour, be
strong, broad-eyed and justly disposed.
Notes : One will be highly learned in the branch of
justice (or politics) as Balbhadra denotes ifltcti)fcr~ill his
929. Sun-Jupiter- Venus : \viii possess prime virtues, will
acquire grains and wealth, be great, and beautiful.
Notes : ~~tr apart from meaning beautiful indicates a
fortunate person.
930. Sun-Jupiter-Saturn : will 1like (living in) foreign
countries, be miserable and devoid of sexual feelings.
931. Sun- Venus-Saturn : will be an indifferent citizen
( fCf~Efa q)ci), be immodest, be sinful by nature, and will have
an ugly physical set up.

932. Moon-.Mars-Mercury : will be truthful, fal'r~ous and

, wealthy, will be splendorous {~t\ift() also means bodily vigiour~
generative faculty etc.), be an astrologer, be very efficacious
and great (or respectable).
132 GargaHora

933. Moon-Mars-Jupiter: will enjoy happiness from sons,

be affectionate to friends, \Vlll possess good intelligence,
conquer his Five Senses, and will be attached to his relatives.
934. Moon- Mars- Venus :· will. be happy with sons, be pure,
kind. worth respect even from a king and will join classic
935. Moon-Mars-Saturn : will .like good people, be very
bashful, devoid of sexual feelings, will possess principally good
qualities, and will be destroyed by the king.
Notes : The last mentioned effect is differently dealt with
in Hora Ratna, for it says that the subject will be punished by
th~,.king, see '!,qmfmr in which context ~' f«o means punished,
though variedly it denotes '·ruled Such native may recei~e

, 0

punishment from king or government.

.., 9~6., Moon-Mercury-Jupiter : ill be skilful, Will li.ke
famous 'people (fctf~ g~({ff ), be merciful, will visit shrines, and
, be allert in his duty. ·
.will . . .
· · ·
1 Notes : i!:!ffi~«Jffft=(
• r - •
is added in Balabhadra's version
1 • • ,

which means that the native will have sons and wealth. . .. ..
C.G. Rajan in his translation states that the native will
'be~ alien· in his duty whereas faf*RTf1*fcnj is better rendered as
uwill be endowed with sacred commandment or religious act'-'.
1 Our ·version denotes that the native will be identified accor-
.. . . 937_. Moon-Mercury- Venus: ·will be good-looking, fierce,
Widely .fa~ous, and attached to Br3hmins
. ·at all times.
. .. . '
938. Moon-Mercury-Saturn : will be dear to the virtuous,
• • - J •

.. con.quer
. enemies, be highly virtuous~
. and be famous.
939. Moon-Jupiter- Venus : ·Will~ be.famous, will possess a
virtuous wife, be principally just, and be devoid of (mundane)
:... ·· 940. Moon-Jupiter-Saturn : will be a scholar of high
· order; be bereft of anger, be splendorous, and be notably self-
respected. .
Ninth Bhava 133

941. 'Mars-Mercury-Jupiter : ·will consider wealth as a

chief possession, be helpful to preceptors (or elders), be endow-
ed with justic and virtues, will possess abundant , Sastraic
knowledge and be devoid of relatives.
942. Mars-Mercury-Venus : will be intelligent, be endo-
wed with knowledge of various Saslras, be wealthy, happy,
patient and devoid of sexual feelings.
943. Mars-Mercury-Saturn : will be mercifuL interested in
visiting shrines, \Vi l1 be endowed with abundant food and
drinks (ttr;r is added in Hora Ratna), Will join good people
and ·be always intelligent. •
944. Mars-Jupiter- Venus: will be very efficacious, egoistic;
interested in Sastras and be charitable.
945. Mars-Jupiter-Saturn : will be free from sickness; be
very wealthy, virtuous. kind and fearless.
946. Mars- Venus-Saturn : will have abundant money,
elephants and horses, will conquer his Five Senses, and be
.. .
947. Mercury-Jupiter- Venus : will be a king, be honoured
by enemies, and will have elephants, horses and conveyances
(i.e. will enjoy vast conveyances.) .

Note : Hora Ratna, in place of the native becoming a

king as above, reads trUftr;rT~ meaning that the native will be
the head of others.
~arf~ei is better rendered as ''will have submissive
enemies" instead of '\viii be respected by enemies*'.
948. Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn: will spend on bad missions,
be sickly, ungrateful, forsaken by (his) people and will like to
be valorous.

949. Mercury- Venus-Saturn : will_ be fond of quarrels,

merciful, will have many sons, be truthful and famous.
950. Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : Will be good-looking, liberally
disposed, modest. 'famous ·ann be fond of his sons.
134 GargaHora
(From Rule 9~ I to 984)
951. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury: will adopt (religions) vows,
be interested in religion, be famous, devoted to Fire God, and
to· his own relatives.
952. Sun-Moon-Mars-Jupiter : ·will be free from diseases,
\Viii possess abundant wealth, be virtuous, be not valorous, and
be attached to others" wives.
953. Sun-Moon-Mars- Venus : will not be splendorous
will not follow vedic duties. be devoid of shame and will guess
about others.
954. Sun-Moon-Mars-Saturn : will be devoid of intelli-
gence, be a dunce, tie -devoid of children and be highly short-
955. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Venus :will be highly valorous,
be famous, -\\:ill store wealth (f;:rcrr'l ·~n~), and be dear to
956. Sun-Moolt-Mercury-Saturn: will be fond of songs, be
not interested in sinful matters. will perform famous deeds, and
be free from (mundane) desires.
957. Sun-Moon-Jupiter- Venus :will be endowed with high
grade of sastraic knowlrd ge, be interested in visiting shrines,
will be charitable, very wealthy and justly disposed.
958. Sun-Moon-Jupiter-Saturn : will be rich with various
kinds of wealth, be found of charitability, be dutiful~ and be
dear to people.
959. Sun-Moon- Venus-Saturn : will be liked by good
people, be very justly disposed~ wlll have many children, and
be highly respectable.
960. Sun- Mars-Mercury-Jupiter : will destory enemies,
will be a lord and will possess conveyances, clothes and
961. Swz-Mars-Mercury- Venus : will not ,possess hors~~
Ninth Bhava 135

(i.e. conveyances), be wicked, be entirely devoid ofmercy, and

will not be favourable to Brahmins.
962. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Saturn : will be very gracious
of temperament {ilgSI'«T~), \Vill be an eloquent messenger (may
'be a good ambassador), and will have many good conveyances
and sons.
Notes : This combination is suggestive of an· ambassado-
rial rank.
963. Sun Mar~-Jupiter- Venus : will like _good qualities
(will himself possess good qualities), be fond of good deeds,
will have a modest wife, and will be very friendly disposed.
964. Sun-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn: will have steady mind, be
free from enemies, greatcful, enthusiastic, and will be endowed
with mental vigour.
965. Sun- Mars:. Venus-Saturn: will be fond of money,
will like sinful dealings. will be _highly greedy (~til!JTfo:-TCfif(),
and will be sexually distressed.
966. Sun-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus: will be patient, truthful,
merciful, be strong in speech (fcrf:qa- cJT~l{), and be fearless.
Notes : fafa~~r also means lovely, beautiful etc. and it
may mean that the native will be a gifted speaker.
967. Sun-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will be fickle-minded,
be fond of others' wives, be bereft of kindness, and be blamed
by relatives.
968. Sun-Mercury- Venus-Sat urn :·will be unsteady or
excessively passionate ( ::J>)~u lf), be skilful in conversations rela-
ting to sex (~Tfictl~T C:allf:), very miserable and dull.
969. Sun-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will perfonn auspicious
acts, 'be .liberal in speech, will receive royal orders, and be
fierce in speech.
970. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter : will like guests, be
with wise people ( ~f=G\if~: trftn t{), be chief among his men and
be justly disposed.
136 GargaHora

:, : 971. Moon-Mars-Jupiter- Venus: will be truthf!ll(mlfrf;:c;r..

a~), be interested in such people (mlf\if~~ {iff'{), skilful in
relation (~~~ ~tl~), and be patient.
972. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Saturn : will possess beautiful
hands and appearance, be chief among his men, will have much
of Sastraic acquaintance and be dear to kings. · ·
973. Moon-Mars-Jupiter- Venus: will have many children,
be skilful in royal duties, be fond of visiting shrines, and be an
e~rt in ~astras.

. 974. Moon-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn : will be fond of good

qualities, be honoured by kings, will conquer his five senses,
~d be self-respected.

·975. Sun-Moon- Venus ..Saturn : will be famous, charitable,

... highly learned and be rich by royal honours.
976. Moon-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus: will be an emperor,
be devoid of enemies and be endowed with elephants, horses
and treasures of various kinds.
977. Moon-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will be endowed with
liberal acts, be fond of good deeds. skilful and be always ·1n:..
clined to uphold religion.

978. Moon-Mercury- Venus-Saturn: will be affable, will

~efqen~ good people, be cunning and skilful.

' 979. Moon-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will be interested in


worshipping Gods and Brahmins, will have famous notions and

will control his five senses.
' I

980. Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus: will be highly bashful,

be truthful, merciful and virtuous.
981. Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will have sons, wealth
.. .
:ail~ pleasures of many kinds (q_oT~~)~firfqei: ), will possess a
beautiful physique, and be a<;ceptable to people.
.· 982. Mars-Mercury- Venus-Saturn: will be fond of success
·(f~Hf~l:Cfff~), will be endowed with good history and be
Ninth Bhava 137

983. Mars-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : \vill perform sacrifices

(llltr}, be lordly disposed, be charitable, and be sinless.
984. Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : · will be expert in
profane knowledge and Vedas.


(From Rule 985 to 1004)

985. Sun-Moott-Mars-Mercury-.!upiter : will be firmly

courageous, be devoid of wisdom, be fierce and be bereft of
Sastraic knowledge.
986. Sutt-Moon-Mars-!vfercury- Venus : will be endowed
with various kinds of wealth and knowledge of sacred treatises
(Yif'il~~~t=~: ), \Viii be ·1nthe company of good people, and be
endowed with money and relatives.
987. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Saturn · :will achieve educa-
tion to its end, will have fame we11-spread, be endowed with a
pleasing physique and be expert in the branch of Justice.
(see fasjFcrfa5r ~fcr~1T~ · CFIT~ tl~q~~ 'ilf tifto**).
988. Sun-Moon-Mars-Jupiter- Venus : will be fond of
Brahmins ( fc:nr fsn;j). be attached to religion, be of good dispo-
sition, be very wealthy and be fearless.

Note : fesr also means a wise man or a sage. Hence, the

native may enjoy the company of such lot.
989. Sun-Moon-Mars;.]upiter--Saturn : will be liberal in
disposition, be affectionate, be a great man ( tTQT~~~~). and
will be fmn in friendship.
990. Sun-Moou-Mars- Venus-Saturn: will have religious
faith (CI:{lff..qoi{), be charitable, be delighted or gracious
• (~H:rnr}, will have ethical jobs and be devoid of desires.
Notes : (ssr~), apart from meaning religious faith also
notes composure ofmind, intimacy, respect etc. Hence in this
138 GargaHofa

context, it can be extended to mean that the person will be

respected by others, or be respectful of others or be endowed
with a composed mind.
991. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus :will be firmly
valorons (~~sHnrf), be devoid of intelligence,. be fierce in dis-
position, be bereft of Vedic know ledge, and be immodest.
992. Sult-Moon-Mercury..Jupiter-Saturn : will respect his
mother and father, will be endowed with pleasing appearance,
be very wealthy, and be amiable to Brahmins.
993. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Venus-Saturtt : will be interested
in religious vows, be chief among his men, will possess a body
without. any diseases, and be amiable to people.
994. Sun-Moon-Jupiter-VeniD·Saturn : will acquire many
kinds of wealth, be fond of his wife (or women), will hold the
flag of Virtue aloft, and be famous.
995. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus : will enjoy
immense wealth, be greatly intelligent. will have many friends,
and will defeat his enemies.
996. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will be grateful,
enthusiastic, fond of charity, intelligent and beautiful.
997. Sun-M:Jrs-Jupitef- Venus-Saturn : will be interested
in the acquisition of knowledge, be charitably disposed,
virtuous, pure (~1.fiff). and be devoid of residence (or depen-
dants) ( :q-;rrf~a-).

Notes : Sukla also means disease of the white part of

the eye.;
998. Sun-Mercury-Jupiter· Venus-Saturn: will be shameless,
be of bad disposition, be troubled by diseases, and will fear
war (or quarrels i.e. will be timidly disposed).
999. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus : will have good
intelligence, will conquer enemies, be mercjful and be fond of
Brahmins .
• t "' • ' I
Ninth Bhava 139

1000. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will be bereft

of diseases, be interested in undertaking acts related to God,
be fond of good men and will be liked by the king.
1001. Moon-Mars-Mercury- Venus-Saturn : will be timidly·
disposed, be endowed with sons and wife, be dutiful1 to his
family (~~Et' ~o} and will always speak truth.
1002. Moon-Mars-JupiterVenus-Saturlt : will be endowed
with great wisdom and learning, helpful to eldl!rs and will
respect Gods and Brahmins.
1003. Moon-Mars-Jupiter- Venus .. Saturn .: will be bereft of
cunning tendency, will possess good intelligence, · be charitable
and be not sinful.
1004. Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will be honou-
red by king, be fond of women and be devoid of fear and


(From Rule 1005 to 1010)
1005. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus : will be
sinful, interested in sinful tales (conversation), will be in the
company of bad people, and be censured by people.
1006. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will be
predominantly jealous, be devoid of fame and virtues. and be
not wise .
.1007. Sun-Moon-Mars-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn: will be endo-
wed with lovely pleasures, be devoid of great strength ( ~'i ~fcra--
Q:r~), be a dejected citizen and be of hard disposition.

1008. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn : will be

fraudulant, timid, ugly, devoid of good qualities and be highly
1009. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn: will cause
extinction (like a butcher), will eat voraciously, be sinfully
disposed, and be cruel_.

140 GargaHora

1010. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn: will be

the lord of the earth, will be endowed with treasury, (i.e. will
have abundant wealth, see faraR mGJ~, and be fearless, will
be well bestowed (in all respects) (~ml: ijir~).


1011. Swt-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn :will
enjoy great happiness, be free from diseases and be in-
Tenth Bhava
(From Rule 1012 to 1031)
1012. Sun-Moon :·will not be skilful, be wicked by nature,
be of bad disposition. be not charitable and be fond of women.
1013. Sun-Mars: will be very much devasted, be success
rill, b~ liked by king and be fond of relatives.

1014. Sun-Mercury :will be very intelligent, be famous,

be free from desires, be fond of others, truthful and grateful.
101 S. Sun-Jupiter : will help people, will have abundant
wealth and conveyances ( ~;r~,}fT~~<:JT~~TGtr~}, and will speak
affectionately and sweetly.
1016. Sun- Venus : will be self-respected, beautiful, virtuous,
fearless and be well-versed in religious commandments (fc:.rfer-~)-
10 17. Sun-Saturn : will be devoid of wealth, be eminent
( f'ttt;;r srrr("~), will have broad eyes, lovely arms and face,
long hair and be very intelligent.

Notes : sr'l~~~ apart from meaning eminent does also

mean : confident, bold, skilful, shameless.. readyw itted etc.

1018. Moon-Mars : will be honoured by king, will conquer

enemies,will have many assignments, and will earn money
through interest (i.e. by lending).
1019. Moon-Mercury: will be favourable to Brahmins,

. ' . .
142 GargaHora

will be ever diligent ( e-~):;rJj), be interested in meritorious acts,

be widely famous and be bold in his deeds.
1020. Moon-Jupiter : will be courageous, be enowed with
strength, be wise, will have income through fair means, be
happy, chief and devoid of foul thinking.
1021. Moon~ Venus : will acquire wealth and intelligence
(f;rf~ ~ feAnrA ), be an agriculturist, will derive happiness
through the king and be·worshipped by him and be of exalted
rank ( trf~qHritall:).
1022. Moon-Saturn: will be very.modest, will have many
friends, be famously valorous, favourable to Brahmins and be
firmly virile.
1023. Mars-Mercury : will be bold, intelligent, will be
endowed with good disposition, wealth and knowledge of
sacred treatises, truthful, be fond of music, and be religious.

1024. Mars-Jupiter : will be endowed with abundant
attendance (will have many servants), will possess good history,
be interested in Vedas and other Sastras, be within the sphere
of religion and will cause satisfaction to others.
1025. Mars- Venus : will be endowed with various kinds
of eatables and drinks, will live in great shrines, be delighted,
merciful and very modest.
1026. Mars-Saturn: will have knowledge of Vedas, be
endowed with virtues, be not cunning, will have quadrupeds
and sons, be always plentiful, and will possess very pleasing
1027. Mercury-Jupiter .-- will be very miserable (;r g~:iS
~T~l!_). will be famous, truthful, kind, pure in nature, and be
endowed with wealth and grains.
1028. Mercury- Venus : will be fortunate (~). lovely
( t:r'f)~i{), be fond of guests, interested in religious conversations
( ~lj~qr~~ifffl=(), will have pleasing appearance and be firmly
Tenth Bhava 143
1029. Mercury-Saturn : will be interested in calculation
i.e. will be an expert mathematician (rr~~Ti"{~), will have
famous job, be highly intelligent, and be always attached to
Gods and Brahmins.
1030. Jupiter-. Venus : will be fond of Brahmins (or wise-
men), be highly intelligent. 1be truthful and will visit shrines.
1030-A. Jupiter-Saturn : will be chief among Vedic scho-
lars, be ·principled, be .highly valorous and be dear to people.
1031. Venus-Saturn : will be highly intelligent, be pure by
nature, be endowed· with sovereignty (fq-~ffTulrff'l;)• be a great
personage and be interested in the virtuous.


(From Rule 1032 to 1066)
1032. Sun-Moon-Mars : will be devoid of truth and
vigour, be fond of battle, be dear to king, be modest in speech
and be fond of doing good people's jobs.
1033. Sun-Moon-Mercury ~·-Wi.llrbe,bereft of sins, be fond
ofwisdom (i.e. will be intelligent), be sovereignly, will possess
a charming physique and will be highly honoured.
· 1034. Sun-Moon ..Jupiter : will be chief among, the intelli-
gentzia, will have a ·secure (or an unhurt) physique, will have
vast attendance upon him, be chief among his men and be
1035. Sun-Moon- Venus: ~will visit shrines, be fond of
attending upon good people, wlll have knowledge of justice4
be very wealthy, and will skilfully act with females.
1036. Sun-Moon-Sat' urn : will always maintain purity (i.e.
be an orthodox person), be devoid of justice, will perform
mean acts, and will desire the advent of abundant grains.
1037. Sun-Mars-Mercury : · will be highly religious (or.
charitable), be very scholarly, will have many friends, be hon-
oured by the public, be fond of the virtuous, and will be very
144 GargaHora

1038. Sun-M ars-.Tupiter : will always be charitable, will

possess lovely speech, be not showy, be fond of good people
and be very modest.
1039. Sun-Moon-Venus : will be repository of truth and
fame, will have plenty of money earned through sovereign
honour, be fortunate and just.
1040. Sun- J'vfars-Saturn : will be akin to· the Celestial Tree
(i.e. capable of giving anything asked for), pleasing in appea-
rance, be splendorous, be learned in Sastras, be chief in the
midst of his men and be always happy.
I O.t I Sun-J\1ercury-JupUer : will be devoid of moral duty
(Cfl'~fclr.tf\ifo), be devoid of anger, be fond of those who observe
religious vows, and be fond of sacrifices and Religion.
1042. Sun-Mercury-Venus: will be patient, charming, be
fond of learned circle, be very just, highly learned, and be
amiable to Brahmins.
1043. Sun-Mercury-Saturn : will be highly khowledgeable,
patient, truthful, kingly, very wealthy, and be skilful in many
1044. Sun-Jupiter- Venus : will be very religious, will
promote the growth of his descent, be liked by good people
and be pleasing in appearance.
1045. Sun-Jupiter-Saturn will be endowed with commend-
able speech, be very modest, be very rich and will honour Gods
and preceptors.
1046 SufJ- Venus· Saturn = will be famous, grateful, be
endowed with learning, wisdom, Vedas and Sastras, be devoid
of desires, be enthusiastic and cautious.
1047. Moon-Mars-Mercury : will be devoid of moral
duties, be inimical, enthusiastic, be liberal and amiable to
1048. Moon-Mars-Jupiter : will consider truth as wealth,
be pleasing in appearance, be honoured by the king, modest,
eminent (srmli), \\jll be endowed with good drinksJ wife and
sons and be fond of learning.
Tenth Bhava 145

Note : for 31'ff~ll, see notes under Rule 1017.

1049. Moon-Mars- Venus: will be interested in shrines
and tales, be fortunate, will defC'at enemies, and worship Gods
and Brahmins.
1050. Moon-Mars-Saturn : will be splendorous. skilful in
conversation (cntrfct;ll'~_) ber·highly bashful, honoured by kings

and be skilful in helping others.

1051. Moon-Mercury-Jupiter= will be worshipped by the
king, be firm in disposition~ will be endowed with exalted
position (or riches), be interested in Vedas and be conscien-
tious of Justice
1052. Moon-Mercury- Venus : will be kind to living beings,
be very shameful, devoid of sexuu 1 diseases, be always enthusia-
stic and be splendorous.
1053. Moon-Mercury-Saturn : will · consider truth as
wealth, be devoid of desires. acceptable (to all), will possess
regulated speech, be eminent firm in disposition and be sickly
1054. Moon-Jupiter- Venus : will be very beautiful, very
• - "'• I

valorous, be endowed with sons and friends and will have

abundant wealth e3rned by his vast intelligence.
- ,~ -
. Notes: U~lf is interpreted here is intelligence, see sr~tr
'- j • • - • I • • • -. I

ffStftfira ~f'{fClt=r~ 'as given in Balabhadra's text.

1055. Moon-Jupiter-Saturn : will be devoid of learning
and modesty (fq-mfcr;:rrr.;~i~), will join the company of good·
men, be endowed with justice and will be honoured by the
1056. Moon- Venus-Saturn : will be endowed wilh wealch,
be lordly among people, will enjoy honour and fame but be
1057. Mars- Mercury-Jupiter : will be interested ·in truth,
be modest, be very meritorious in his acts, be charitable, chief
of his men and pleasing to look at
1058. Mars-Mercury-Venus : will be endowed with great
146 GatgaHora

wealth, and be very valorous, will conquer his enemies, be

patient, and be fond of visiting shrines.
1059. Mars-Mercury-Saturn : will be famous, be endowed
with wife, be very wise, be liked by women, be chief in his
descent and will possess good qualities.
1060. Mats-]f:tpiter-Venus . will always be eminent, be
very valorous and be well-disposed to relatives.
1061. Mars-Jupiter-Saturn : will earn more money through
terrorizing acts, be famous, rich, and be skilful in the branch of
1062. Mars- Ve11us-Sat' urn : will be curt, will·perfonn rash
acts, will ·be highly distressed, will have abundant wealth, and
be important in his descent,
1063. Mercury-Jupiter- Venus : will be a great king, be
very valorous, charitable and truthful.
1064. Mercur;r-Jupiter-Saturn :will be saintly, COurageous,

. be greatly aftluent, will know justice, and be fond of his rela-

Notes : QTA[ has been rendered. as "saintly" while it also
means umoney-lender". Mercury connected with Saturn in the
lOth along with Jupiter can denote money-lenders.
1065. Mercury- Venus-Saturn:· Will be interested· in (crea-
ting) parks and wells, be charitable and will attain fame by his
vast wisdom.
1066. Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will be pure by nature, be
eminent by his intelligence, be honoured by the virtuous and
will be free from ailments.


(From Rule 1067 to 1101)
1067. Sun-Moon-Mars·Mercury - : will be a repoSitory of
learning, be endowed with abundant wealth, will have sons and
be forsaken by others).
1068. Swt- Moon-Mars-Jupiter : will have many servants,
Tenth Bhava 147
be splendorous, be liked by the virtuous and kings.
1069. Sun-Moon-Mars- Venus : will be endowed with
horses (i.e. conveyances), will prosper greatly, be not given to
anger and be fond of Gods and Brahmins.
1070. Sun-Moon-Mars-Saturn :will have abundant wealth
and Sastraic knowledge, be grateful, endowed with robes and
ornaments and will possess good qualities.
1071. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Jupiter : will be a skilful speaker,
be fmn in disposition, be free from sins, and be ever
1072. Sun-Moon-Mercury- Venus :will be grateful, enthu~
siatic, and will be praised by the virtuous.
1073. Sun-Moon-Mercury ..Saturn : Effects not available in
the original. However, these planets in conjunction generally
make one unwealthy and ungrateful.
1074. Sun . . Moon . .Jupiter- Venus: will possess good quali-
ties, be famous, charitable and be a scholar.
1075. Sun-Moon-Jupiter-Saturn: wiJI befriend many, be
happy with sons, be very kind and will be devoted to penance
(~tt+tlf~a-) I
1076. Sun-Moon- Venus-Saturn: will be splendorous, pure,
be a chief personage, be ever diligent (~i:Nif~), honourable and
1077. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter: will be truthful, fond
of Brahmins (or sages or wisemen, fasrftpTJA), be devoid of
desires, be famous, will visit shrines and will have many
1078. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Venus : will be interested in
guests, be in the company of good men, be learned and friendly
1079. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Saturn : Balabhadra does not
give effects at this point. It is stated by C.G. Rajan that these
in any house together will make one an anny chief, a king's
minister, do rasam act s and go after mundane pleasures.
148 GargaHora

1080. Sun-Mars-Jupiter- Venus : will be well-disposed,

will have great wealth, many sons, be grateful, splendorous
and virtuous.
·1031. Sun-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn : will be a scholar, skilful
in justice, be jealous and firmly virile.
1082. Su1t-Mars-Venus-Saturn : will be a devoted towns-
men, be ·self-respected, and be endowed with sons, wealth and
1083. Sun-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus: will be endowed with
various kinds of wealth, drinks and many sons, be highly
learned and skilful in his work.
1084. Sun-lvfercury-Jupiter-Saturn : ··will -receive royal
honours, will have knowledge of religious performances, be
valorous, be a poet, and will be against sins.
1085. Sun-Mercury-Venus-Saturn : will be very kind, be
truthful, be devoted to Fire God, and will possess a pleasing
1086. Sun-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn : will be virtuous, be
always interested in his father's assignments, be amiable to
people and will be wealthy.
1087. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter : will, princ~pally earn
through his servants, be devoid of enemies and always be fond
of assembly and skilful people.
1088. Moon-Mars-Mercury- Venus :will be fond of instal-
ling gardens and trees, be splendorous, will possess horses and
be bereft of good qualities.
1089. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Saturn : will be charitable,
be very famous, and be helpful to relatives.
1090. Moon-Mars-Jupiter- Venus : Will 'tbe famous; be
interested in sastraic conversations, be faithful to religion and
be endowed with religion.
1091. Moon-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn : will be highly intelli-
gent, be very proficient ( ~'t~); be praiseworthy ( l;f~ta'l{), be
helpful (~a=), to people and will have good servants.
Tenth Bhava 149

1092. Moon-Mars- Venus-Saturn : will be of pleased dis-

position, be dear to king, will possess an attractive physique,
and be skilful in Justice.
1093. Moon-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus : will possess a band
of elephants and horses and will destroy his enemies.
1094. Moon~Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will have many
sons, be rich by fair means, be liberal, grateful and. be free
from bodily diseases.

1095. Moon-Mercury-Venus-Saturn : will be endowed

with patience, will possess an ugly body, truthful and will have
wealth and sons.

1096. Moon-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will be learned

(f(;f'~al~), be a great poet, be highly religious, will perfonn
meritorious acts, be a good personage and be beautiful in
1097. Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus : will have many
friends, abundant wealth and costly robes, be fortunate and
be devoid of good-will.

1098. Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus : will be heroic, be

dear to the king, be skilful in conducting a war ( '!:Gfcr~) srq-11:!f)
will posses a big treasury i.e. be highly wealthy ( sr~a~1~q:),
and be acceptable to people.

1099. Mars-Mercury- Venus-Saturn: will be enthusiastic,

be very just, be enduring, will conquer his five senses, and be
pleasing to look at. ·

1100. Mars-Jupiter .. Venus-Saturn :will be firm in disposi-

tion, be skilful in performance, be ever diligent (~~l~ltl.(), be
vey wealthy and be delighted.

1101. Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will be fond of

exalted service (i.e. will make attempts to reach a high position
of life), will be pleasing in appearance, be a great man, and be
fond of Brahmins.
150 GargaHora


(From Rule 1102 to 1122)
1102. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter: will be valorous,
just, will possess good physique, be highly shy, and be free
from diseases.

1103. Sun"!Moon-Mars-Mercury-Venus: will be truthful,

kind will he endowed with good conduct, be a dealer in gold
and be happy.
1104. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Saturn : will be chief in
his descent, be principled, learned (fcr:;:rW) and skilful in
1105. Sun-Moon· Mars-Jupiter· Venus : will be an expert
in arts, be endowed with patience, interested in being honoured
and be learned in justice.
1106. Sun-Moon-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn: will perform Sacri,
fices, be enthusiastic, be devoid of pains, be an arriculturist-
and be wealthy.
1107. Sun-Moon-Mars-Venus-Saturn : will be highly
intelligent, will win over his enemies, be eminently rich, and be
justly disposed.
1108. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus : will be extre-
mely patient, be devoid of sins, be eminently intelligent, and
will be a winner in regard to sastras (i.e. will win anybody in
the matter of Sastras).
1109. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn: will be learned,
modest, will reach an eminent status, be fond of Sacrifices and
1110. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Venus-Saturn: will be dear to
people, be happy with living beings (i.e. will possess animals
etc.), be grateful, be endowed with distinguished speech, and
will possess an attractive (or handsome as ~+T means) body .

1111. Sun-Moon-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn : will have many

horses (i.e. conveyances), will possess a body free from
Tenth Bhava 151

sickness, b-'plentiful, b~ prill';ip.llly rich and be skilful in

assignments relating to war.
1112. Sun-Mars-Mercury-JTJ,piter- Venus : will be free from
diseases, be dear to women, will have foul speech and be very
1113. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will possess
many horses, be valorous, learned and will have many
1114.. Sun- Mars- Mercury- Venus-Sat urn :will have many
children, be truthful, pure, delighted, :fond of visiting shrines
and follow religious vows.
1115. Sun-Mars-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn: will be very justly
disposed, will have vast attendance upon him, will have good
history and learning, be intelligent, will not trouble others,
will be highly patient, and be fond of his wife.
1116. Sun-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn :In the general
context, C.G. Rrjan states that. one \vith this conjunction in
any house wiU be wise, equal to the prec~ptor of Gods (i.e.
highly learned like Jupiter, the preceptor of Gods), be reli-
gious, will have vast knowledge of Sastras and will possess
good qualities.

1117. Moort-lvfars-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus :will be liked by

many kings, be principal amongs poets and be modest.

1118. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will be inte-

rested in having religious vows, be skilful in living in foreign
countries, will earn wealth by fair means, and be bereft of

1119. Moon-Mars-lv/ercury-Venus-Saturn :will be valorous

justly disposed, virtuous, be a poet and be libidinous.

1120. Moon-Mars-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : \Viii be liked by

good people, be devoid• of artificial disposition, and be fond of
serving the virtuous.
1121. Moon-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will be a
principal royal officer, be endowed with elephants and horses,
152 GargaHora
be diligent in performing yagnas and be worshipped by
1122. Mars-Mercury-Jf!piter- Venus-Saturn: will be inte-
rested in poetry, be skilful in various, Sastras, be wealthy,
enthusiastic and be cautious.


(From Rule 1123 to 1129)
1123. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter.- Venus : will be
king of kings, be devoid of his own men, be very valorous and
be splendorous.
1124. Sun-Moon7Mar.s-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn: will be a
synonym of charity ( f!Ar~~crt{), be a king, be virtuous, be very
graciously disposed (q-g-snrr;+{), and be _dear to people .
.1125. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury- Venus-Saturn: will visit
famous shrines, be a principal person with the king, be interes-
ted in learning and be devoid of fear.
1126. Sun-Moon-Mars--Jupiter- Venus-Saturn: will be fond
of partaking in battle, be of an exalted rank with the king, be
famous, merciful and truthful
1127. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn: will be
endowed with various kinds of elephants and horses, be fond
of guests and 1be widely famous.
1128. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn C. G.
Rajan states that this conjuction in any Bhava leads to vaga-
bond ness and high wisdom.
1129. Moon-Mars-Merfury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn: will be
steady in disposition, and will have his feet above the beje-
welled head of the king (i.e, the king will prostrate before the
native, so that the native is so eminent, see ;;=t-=~ ~~rqfig t.-!~-


1130. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn~· will
have the wealth of truth and fame, be a king, be charitable
and famous ..
Eleventh Bhava
(From Rule 1131 to 1151)
1131. Sun-Moon : will ·have financial gains, be always
plentiful, will possess superior horses, will be devoted to the
Almighty and will be very friendly disposed.
1132. Sun-Mar.;s :: will be very courageous, will destroy
enemies, will not join the band of sinners, be devoid of pride
and be lordly disposed.

1133. Sun-Mercury :·will have plenty of gains, be a skil-

ful trader, be wealthy, will have knowledge of justice, be
learned and be fond of all people.
1134. Szm-Jupiter : will be interested in Brahmins' assign-
ments, be 'fond of (installing) gardens and wells, will perform
yagnas, be learned in many Sastras and be skilful in
1135. Su,,- Venus : will have many friends, be dear to
king and be firmly courageous.
1136. Sun-Saturn : will be endowed with various kinds
of wealth, be high-souled (~f~ciii), be a scholar, be grateful,
free from miseries and delighted.
1137 . Moon-Mats : will have relatives, will be intelligent,
skilful,, will have many friends and be pleasing to look at.
154 GargaHora

1138. Moon-Mercury : will be fortunate, good-looking,

learned, splendorous, plentiful, will have many friends and be
very friendly.
1139. Moon-Jupiter: will be free from diseases, be scho-
larly, will conquer his enemies, will have growth and gain of
money, be a great man and be dear to king.
1140. Moon- Venus : will be free from diseases, be learned,
will _have excellent children, be truthful, eminent:- will have
attractive eyes and be fond of women.

1141. Moon-Saturn : will be fond of praise, will have

happiness of many kinds, will earn wide fame, be charitable
disposed and will win over enemies.
1142. Mars-Mercury : 'will~ have plenty of gains, will
conquer his five senses, be fond of Sastras, be eminent, be
always happy and be of agreeable disposition.
1143. Mars-Jupiter : _will· not be sinful, be very efficacious
be modest, be always diligent and will care for Brahmins.
1144. Mars- Venus : will be supreme by virtue of his
religious vows and initiation, be well-read, enthusiastic., be of
exalted rank, be patient, and will worship (be loyal to) the
1145. Mars-Saturn: will be famously eff.cacious. will
conquer his five senses, be courageous, eminent and will always
enjoy abundant robes and ornaments.
' '
1146. Mercury-Jupiter : will be endowed with elephants
and horses, be splendorous, be pure, be of exalted rank, be .
fond of visiting shrines and be skilful in a 11 arts.
1147. Mercury- Venus: will be endowed with many excel-
lent pearls, will have many sons, be meritorious in his acts,
be of good qualities, be pure in disposition (i.e. well dis posed),
and be dear to all.

1148. Mercury-Sat urn .· will have an auspicious wife,

will himself be auspicious, be attached to well-mean]ng persons,
be interested in yagnas and be always favourable to relatives. ·
Eleventh Bhava 155

114Q,. Jupiter- Venus :··will be extremely intelligen~,

possess a pleasing face, will h1.ve a wife, be famouq. will enjoy
physical pleasures and be happy.

1150. Jupiter-Saturn : will worship Brahmin~; 'be very

splendorous, very wealthy, lordly and famous.

I 151 . Venus-Saturn : will be interested in raanv Sastras,

be endowed with g.J1d, and preciou~ stones like eat's eye, pearl
and ruby, be a loyal citizen and be principled.


(From Rule 1152 to 1186)
1152. Sun-Moon-Mars : will be endowed with hundreds
of gains, be splend nrous, be justly disposed, will have beautiful
eyes, will perfonn auspicious a~ts and be free from desires.
1153. Sun-lvfoon-Mercury :will have virtuous principles
to follow, will reach an exalted rank, will possess attractive
face and eyes, will be fond of women, be fond of truth and be
very friendly disposed.
1154. Sun-Moo11-Jupiter' : will··_be very famous, will wor-
ship Gods, will have many kinds of wealth and abundant
sastraic knowlcdgr, be highly learned, be famous and will be
praised even by the confined.

1155. Sun-MorJ1t- Ve1tus : will _be free from diseases, be

splendorous. pleasing in appearance, proficient, be dear to king
and will always be at the service of the virtuous.
1156. Sun-Moon-Saturn : will 'be endowed with happiness
will be good-looking, will acquire abundant wealth, conveyan-
ces, food and clothes, will have obedient servants and be firmly
friendly in nature.
1157. Slut-Mars- Mercury : will ·possess great brilliance, be
a skilful justice, will possess a surprising physique and also
ornaments, be free from desires, will have great vedic know-
ledge, and be skilful in Teligious conduct.
156 GargaHora

1158. Sun-Mars-Jupiter : will be highly intelligent, will

possess an attractive physique, be a well-disposed person, be
religious, and long-lived.
1159. Sun-Mars- Venus : will be very wealthy, be learned
in Vedas, dear, grateful, will possess an attractive physique,
and be interested is Sastras.
1160. Swz-Mars-Sat . urn : will ··be very intelligent very
attractive, fortunate, religious and long lived.
1161. Sun-Mercury-Jupiter : wil be gainful, will be skilful
in orthodox laws, will adopt virtuous course, be very famous,
be rrrm in disposition, be honoured and will reach an eminent
1162. Sun-Mercury- Venus: will be free from diseases,
highly learned, be interested in Sastras, be endowed with love,
will destroy enemies and will honour Brahmins.
1163. Sun-Mercury-Saturn : will be respected by all the
kings, will be in initiated (into religious order), be very interes-
ted in Sastras, will reach a very eminent position, and will
honour Brahmins.
1164. Sun-Jupiter- Venus : will, possess brilliance, be
courageous, will consider virtue as his wealth, will have
knowledge of justice, be of firm disposition and be respected by
the king.
1165. Sun-Jupiter-Saturn : will be valorous, be very rich,
will have knowledge of many sacred' precepts, be learned,
and be peaceful.
1166. Sun- Venus-Saturn : will be strong, delighted.
modest, kind and will worship Gods and elders.
1167. Moo11-Mars-Mercury : .will possess rich con-
veyances, will earn by truthful means, be fond of people and

be devoid offear.
1168. Moon-Mars-Jupiter : will be free from sweating and
diseases, be liberal, fortunate, will possess a pleasing body, will
have conveyances and be eminent.

Eleventh Bhava 157
1169. Moon-Mats- Venus : will be truthful and agrumen-
tative, be a member (or assistant) of an assembly (or a meeting)
will have all kinds of happiness, and will earn ornaments by
worship of lord Siva (~ffSf'I'lfTT~ ~fSI~s::q).
Note : ~6' is an epithet of Siva and hence it is interpreted
as above.

1170. Moon-Mars--Saturn : will earn wealth, be attractive,

highly intelligent, pure and be a great man.
1171. Moon-Mercury-Jupiter : will be fond of joining
assembly of skilful men, be eminent, learned, be a repository of
varied arts and be happy through the pleasure of the ruler.
1172. Moon-Mercury- Venus: will be endowed with comp·
lexion akin to evening twilight, will be worshipped by the men
of the world, will possess beautiful teeth and eyes, be fortunate,
will destroy enemies, be fond of visiting shrines, and be
amiable to Brahmins.
1173. Moon-Mercury-Saturn: will be endowed with
horses and elephants, will be a pleasing speaker, be merciful,
will donate gold and be fond of sons.
1174. Moon-Jupiter- Venus: will be pure, will be endowed
with a delightig face; will tend to become famous, be well-
praised by the virtuous and be skilful.
1175. Moor-Jupiter-Saturn: will be devoid of fear, be
skilful in war preparations and activities related to war, fond
of grapes (~n&Trfsrq~) and learned in sastras.
1176. Moon- Venus-Satu'rn : will have various (fqfq~)
gains (~r~:), be delighted, be a delighting speaker and be
delighting to eyes.
1177. Mars-Mercurry-Juplter : will be highly libidinous,
will have an attractive physique, attractive feet and hands, will
look highly beautiful and will be endowed with a number of
horses and elephants.
158 Gargaiiora

... · 117R. Mars-Mercury- Ve11us : will be interested in his duty

(rr.lfcr{). u'.: grateful, be highly learned, be very just, very
patie:tt, b.! a commendable speaker and be worshipped by the

I L79. Mars~Mercury-Satunt : wilLbe truthfully disposed,

be good-looking, intelligent (q;;rff~;f). justly disposed, praise-
worthy and will be endowed with various gains from war.
lli\0. Mars-Jupiter- Venus : will be patiently disposed, will
practise penance {o'lff~~ll;.). be honourable, be bereft of. enemies
and be endowed with kno\v1cdgt of rcHgious rule~, learning and

Notes: aqffef also means poor, miserable, helpless,

pitiable and ascetic.
118 I. Mars-Jupiter-Saturn : will be learned, liberal in
speech, fortunate, will have an attractive body, be fond of
horses, and be wealthy with all kinds of l appinrss.
1 J 82. Mars- Venus-Saturn : will be _beautiful, firm in
disposition and friendship, will be endowed with good history,
and be free from disputes.
1183. Mercury-Jupiter- Venus : will have attractive
appearance be, endowed with elephants, horses and \Vealth, be
cautious, endowed ~with good qualities, and highly learned in
1 U~4. Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will be very patient, will
have many sons, will possess wide learning and vast number of
ornaments, will be blessed with meritorious acts, and be very
11&5. Mercury- Venus-Saturn: will be fond of obtaining
distinction, be a king, principal person, be highly praised and
fond of visiting shrines.

1186. Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will be splendorous, will

have mellifluous voice, be a very important person of the whole
dynasty, be virtuous and wealthy.
Eieventh Bhava i59
(From Rule 1187 to 1222)
1187. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury : \Vill ·be endowed with
great wealth, be fortunate, will win over enemies, will be very
liberal and will destroy others ( q1:;qtf~~:q).
1188. Sun-Moon-Mars-Jupiter : will have many children
( ;;.r 4~~), will be justly disposed, be acquainted with .the king
(flo i). will defeat enemies, and will be famously efficacious.
Notes : a'g~~ has been given in the sloka indicating that
the native will have many children. W:f means a king apart
from son. We have denoted a king here as ;r (to be acquainted
with) appears in the text. There is no question of one's getting
acquainted with his own son and hence it is only right to
understand that the native will know the king.
1189. Sun-Moon-Mars- Venus : will gain gold, pearl, ruby
and robes, will be broad-minded, and be a royal employee.
1190. Sun-Moon-Mars-Sat urn: will be very kind, be capa-
ble of grieving others, be dear to king and be highly spendorous.
_ 1191. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Jupiter : will be valorous,
virtuous, very learned, worth worship, and endowed with good
1192. Sun-Moon-Mercury- Venus : will be endowed with
learning by nature, be learned a poet, be well-acquainted with
Vedas, and be helpful to people.
. 1193. Sun-Moon·Mercury-Saturn : will be of gracious
~isposition (sre-TG~i1(11{), will honour great men (or teachers)
. (sntrff~ .~mt), will have great learning and will enjoy' war.
1194. Sun-Moon-Jupiter-Venus: \Vill be fond of sastras,
will enjoy fame, be interested in virtues, will be dear and
. learned.
1l95.Su1t-lv.loon-Jupiter-Satur n: will be highly efficacious,
will exhibit valour, be inte~ested in donating to others and be
very intelligent.
• - .'
160 GargaHora

1196. Swt- Moon- Yenus-Sarurn : will be famous, liberal

and kind, be bereft of diseases and will be pleased among
1197. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter : will enjoy good convey-
ances, will crush his enemies, be efficacious and will be expert
1198. Sun-Mars-Mercury- Venus : will be liberal in speech,
be attached to good men, be fond ofking and be valorous.
1199. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Saturn : will enjoy elaborate
arrangements (i.e. all paraphernalia), will be an expert artisan
and will possess abundant wealth and a number of conveyances.
1200. Sun-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn : will be fond of relatives,
will be a repository of all kinds of happiness, will be highly
satisfied, and be very modest.
1201. Sun-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn : will be highly rich, be
liked by women, and be endowed with good history, learning
and Vedic knowledge.
1202. Swz-Mars- Venus-Saturn : will be endowed with
splendour be skilled in all arts, skilful, and merciful, and be
1203. Sun-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus: will be highly famous,
be devoid of desires, and will possess beautiful eyes and good
1204. Sun-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will be served by
others, will follow religious observations, will possess a body
free from injuries or will be free from malice in thought
(~)~fCfefT'iffitW), will hold aloft flag of charity, and will not be
mean (i. e. will be great).
1205. Sun-Mercury- Venus-Saturn : will be firm in disposi'"'
tion, be free from fear and sins, will surprise in speech, and
be learned in Vedas.
1206. Sun-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn: will acquire several gains,
be delighted and be agreeable to people.
Eleventh Bhava 161

1207. Moolt-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter : wi11 be endowed with

great learning and abundant riches, be a ruler, will destory his
enemies and be quite charitable.

1208. Moon-Mars-Mercury- Venus : Not available.

1209. Moon-Mar·s-Mercury-SatufJt : will have (self) res-
traint, will eat Brahmin's food, will possess a good physique,
be very patient, very ·charitable and will be pleasing to look at.
1210. Moon-Mars-Jupiter- Venus : will be expert in dealing
with machinery. will honour teachers, will be intelligent, will
have all kinds of happiness and be plentiful.
1211. Moon-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn: will be a ruler, will
join good men, will enjoy plenty of food and drinks, and will
be in the company of skilful men.
1212. Moon-Mars- Venus-Saturn : will be Jord of kings
(i.e. be an emperor), will be endowed with horses, be valorous
and be scholar.
12'13. Moon-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus : will be a king with
seas as boundaries of his kingdom, will eliminate his enemies
and will perform very charitable acts.
1214. Moon-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will be splendorous,
be an auspicious speaker (or will speak only good words), be a
leader of scholars, be a lord of tl)e earth, and be agreeable to
1215. Moon-Mercury- Venus-Saturn : will be good-looking,
be a ruler, be interested in visiting shrines, be a ·principal
person, and be skilful in war.
Notes : erlmrqfo- and ~\tfer;:n~ appear separately in the
text, which indicate respectively a ki_l)g and an emperor. We
may -infer that the: native will reach height of prosperity in his
1216. Monn-Jupiter- Ve11us- Saturn : will be bright in appea
ranee, will perform meritorious acts, will win over his enemies,
will be a ruler and be well-versed in Sastras.
162 Gargalioril

1217. M ars-Mercury.Jupiter- Venus : will enjoy all kinds of

happiness, will suffer from windy complaints, be distinguished,
be a ruler and a scholar.
1218. Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn: will be valorous, be
a lord, will destroy his enemies, will have an attractive face
and be charitable.
1219. Mars-Mercury- Veltus-SaturJt : will be strong or fat
(~~l{), will carry out royal orders, be valorous, be . devoid of
fear and be dear to Brahmins.
Notes : .~'tt:.{ also means rich, eminent, perfect, magnifi-
cently provided etc.
. 1220. Mars.. Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will be endowed with
many sons, abundant wealth and great justice, be a ruler and
be devoid of enemies.
1221. Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn: will be highly lear-
ned, be lord of the earth, and be interested in Vedic studies.


(From Rule 1222 to 1242)
1222. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter: will be virtuous,
be enthusiastic, be a king, be highly wealthy, and a skilful

· warnor.
1223. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Venus: will be an excellent
person, be learned in vedas, be not artifical in disposition,
be a ruler and be meritorious.

1224. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Saturn : will be .valorous,

. ..
be highly bashful, be a king, be cautious, grateful, fierce and
be bold in war.
1225. Sun-Moon-Mars-Jupiter-Venus : will be endowed
with Sons, riches, happiness and pleasures, wise and be a king.
1226. Sun-Moon-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn : will have many
sons, will follow religious observations, be delighted in dispo-
sition and be highly greedy.

.-. 1221.Sun.-lvforin-::~~fars- Venus-Satu,.n

:will be a great scho-

lar, will be honoured by ' ·he king, will be endowed with the
wealth of elephants (i.e. will have a large number of convey-
ances), and be averse to sinful acts.
1228. Sun-/vloon-Mercur y-.Tupiter- Venus :Will have many
children, will be highly virtuous, be versed in justice, be
delighted and. l;>e very friendly.
1229. Sun-A1oon-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn :will be fond of
brahmins, be dear to women, be very bashful and famous.
1230. Sun-Moon-Afercury-Venus-Saturu : Will''be in the
midst of kings, be charitable, virtuous, and be very wealthy.
1231. Sun- Moon-Jupiter-· ·Venus-Saturn: will be endowed
with virtues, will please others, will possess beautiful eyes, be
interested in Agan.as (_=qrlfrr), and be famous.
1232. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus : will respect
par~nts at all times, be pleasing, be a scholar and be patient.

1233. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will be·.-chief

among the men of his dynasty, will have even enemies honour
him, be very virtuous and be very charitable.
1234. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Venus-Saturn : will observe
religious vows and fastings, will be devoted to Gods and
Brahmins, charitably disposed, be truthful and kind.
1235. Sun-Mars-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn: will be spledorous,
be learned in many Sastras, be virtuous and pure.
1236. Sun-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn: will be interes-
ted in learning, will respect Gods and Brahmins, be inimical
to others and be intelligent.
1237. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus: will be kind,
be endowed with service or duty, will bave beautiful face and
be worshipped by reltatives.
1238. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter--Saturn *will be h~nou­
red by the ruler, be skilful in agricultural work, be injured, be
devoid of enemies and be endowed with wealth.
. .
1239. Moon-Mars-Mercury- Venus-Saturn: will be endo-
164 GargaHora

wed with sastraic learning and wealth, will destroy his enemies,
be a ruler .and be highly skilful in sastras.
1240. Moon-Mars-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will have abun-
dant learning, be great, will have beautiful knees, and be free
from sickness.
1241. Moon-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will be inte-
rested in poetry and tales, be valorous and. charitable.
1242. Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will be faith-
ful, be abundantly wealthy, be famous, will have many sons,
and be endowed with elaborate eating comforts.
(From Rule 1243 to 1250)
1243. Sun-Moott-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- VeiUIS : will be
endowed with prosperity, learning and wealth, be grateful and
be firmly valorous.
1244. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will be
interested in visiting shrines, be intelligent, be leamed and be
devoid of diseases.
1245. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Venus-Saturn : will be
highly learned, be splendorous, will have knowledge of :religious
commandments, be worshipped and be virtuous.
1246. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn : will hon-
our Brahmins (or the learned), be interested in listening to
divine stories, be famous and be learned in sastras.
1247. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn : ·will be
fond of gardens etc., devoted to Gods, be distinguished, be

attached to the virtuous and be expert in Sastras.

Note : Rule 1247 is in continuation of 1246.
1248. Sun-Mars . . Mercufy.Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will be
truthful, be chief in his race, be very wise and be skilful in
• •
1249. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn: will be
head of all kings (i. e. be an emperor), be distinguished, and
be not delighted. but be endowed with elephants and horses.
Twelfth Bhava
(From Rule 1250 to 1270)
1250. Sun-_Moon : will ·be short-lived, ·be charitable and
ugly, will do the others' jobs, and will always join bad men.
1251. Sun-Mars : will be distressed, will have an emacia-
ted body, be troubled by others, be highly sinful, wicked and
devoid of good qualities.
1252. Sun- Mercury : will be devoid of sickness, will
expend on bad missions, be cruel, miserly, dull, not virtuous
and be fond of war.

1253. Sun-Jupiter: will have vices, be _dirty sickly, ungra-

teful, will make futile efforts, and be devoid of religion.

1254. Sun- Venus : will have little happiness, be ugly, be

distressed due to the vices of his wicked wife, be fond of sins,
and be troubled by his libidinous disposition.
1255. Moo11-Mars : will be inimical to the public, intere-
sted in base men, and will be burdened by expenses on bad

1256. Moon-Mars : will be hard-hearted, will have mean

professions, will be fond of a ·high degree of purity, be fear-
stricken, and be not virtuous.

1257. Moon-Mercury: will indulge in quarrels, be indigent,

distressed, be very fear-stricken and be devoid of splendour.
166 GatgaHora

1258. Moon-Jupiter: will be harsh in speech, will possess

an ugly body, be interested in living in other countries, be
devoid of wealth and, be not friendly.
1259. Moon- Venus : will be bereft of wealth, be burdened
by expenses, be a servant, be \Vi ked, be unkind and be
distressed _due to sensuousness.
1260. Moon-Saturn : will have base \Vi f~. base sons, in-
ferior grains ~d enmity, be sha.meles~, and be devoid of
1261. Mars-Mercury : will be ugly to look at, be shame-
less, be troubled by many diseases, be not sensible, and be
bereft of truth and purity.
1262. Mars-Jupiter: will be very infamous, be sexually
distressed, be miserable, be burdened by expenses, be at the
disposal of others, and be troubled by relatives.
1263. Mars- Venus: will not have much wealth, be dist-
ressed due to sons, be not charitable, be always sick, be very
mean and be ungrateful.
1264. Mars-Saturn : will be devoid oflearning of Sastras
and religious commandments, be troubled by wounds, boils
etc., will suffer eye diseases, be unlucky and be sexually dist-
1265. Mercury-Jupiter : will he principally an atheist
(or a degraded brahmin), be unkind, be endowed with sons and
-relatives, be defeated by woman, and be ilfusioned.
1266. Mercury- Venus : will be merciles~~ will have many
enemies, will be of bad disposition, be inhnical. and be devoid
of learning and money.
1267. Mercury-Saturn : \Vill be very cunning, be desires-
sed due to vices, will wear dirty robes, be in the custody of
females and be disappointed.
1268. Jupiter-Venus : will be bereft of quadrupeds and
servants, will suffer from a number of diseases, will lose his
wealth, will be hard-hearted and: be defeated by enemies
Twelfth Bhava 167

.1269.]upiter-Satutn : will be hard~hearted, be defeated,

by women. be in the company of people, be timid, sinful and
be blameworthy.
1270. Venus-Saturn : will cheat others. be devoid of
history, be sick, will wander aimlessly and be without


(From Rule 1271 to 1304)
1211-Sznt-Mooll-Mars: will be a skilful sinner, be fond of
gambling, be ungrateful, be always diseased, and will blame
1272. Sun-Moo11-Mercury : will be..poor, sick, illiterate,
will be subjected to many trouble, be wicked, miserly, very
greedy, libidinous and will wear dirty clothes.
1273. Sun-Moon-Jupiter :will be interested in bad society,
wil1 be ugly, be devoid of religion, will, blame others and be
bereft of virtues, intelligence and sastraic learning.
1274. Su11-Moon- Venus : will have weak neck due to
sufferance from hunger. will lose bodily vigour, will be una-
bashed, be ugly, distressed and unfriendly.
1275. Su1z-Moon-Saturn : will suffer from tuberculosis, be
distressed due to phlegmatic diseases, be not splendorous, be
reduced to great troubles and will suffer in the hands of

1276. Su1z-Mars-Mercury : will. suffer from tuberculosis,
be a dunce, be wiHainou~. be devoid of sastraic learning,
be interested in tale-bearers and will incur royal displea-
1277. Sun-Mars-Jupiter : will lose his wealth, will have a
number of evil friends, be dull-witted, be devoid of shame, will
have ill-gotten money and acquire a bad wife.
1278. SuJt-Mars- Venus : will ·_be sexually distressed, be
very base, ·be devoid of good history, be very distressed sick
and be fond of quarrels. ..
168 GatgaHora
1279. Sun-Mars-Saturn : will be distr€ssed due to heavy
expenses, be interested in bad acts, be a dunce, 'be free from
fear of imprisonment and will be averse to Sastras.
1280. Sun-Mercury-Jupiter : will be libidinous, blame-
worthy, be very short-tempered, be meritorious, ugly, unlucky
and will not be praised in the society. ·
1281. Sun-Mercury-Venus :will be cunning, hard-hearted,
be devoid of distinction, be interested in tale-bearers, will
have an ugly appearance an will be devoid of desire and enthu-
1282. Sun-Mercury-Saturn: will not be in the company
ofgood men, be not wealthy, b~ a dunce and wicked. be
interested in others, wives, will ·expend on lbad missions and
will incur royal wrath.

1283. Sun-Jupiter-Saturn : will not be wealthy, be a

servant, be bad in disposition, be wicked and distressed out of
1284. Sun~Jupiter- Venus
: will be _ill)_petuous, will eat
others* food, be very mean, and be devoid of wisdom, learning
·and education.
1285. Sun- Venus-Saturn : will be timid, valorous, devoid
of justice, devoid of virtues and be fear-stricken.
Notes : The text reads ~1~sHnq: ................ _"ij'tRt'fi\"f~<tt
which ·means timid, valorous. . . . . fear stricken. As the
quality of timidity and valour cannot be simultaneously present
it may be that at one stage, the native will be timid and yet at
some time be valorous.
1286. Moon-Mars-Mercury : will b~ devoid of wealth and
wisdom, be ill-tempared, unjust, will have many enemies, and
will beja warrior.
1287. Moon-Mars-Jupiter : will be libidinous, blame-
worthy, be devoid of sons, be interested in others" jobs, be
wicked, and be .fear-filled.
Twelfth Bhava 169

. 1288. Moon-Mars-Venus: will be base, fond of gambling

merciless, splendorous, miserly, and be troubled by enemies.
1289. Moon-Mars-Saturn· : will have a bad· (diseased)
body, be devoid of his· relatives, be defeated by females and· be
wicked in disposition.
1290. Moon-Mercury-Jupiter : will be devoid of kindness
and be highly aftlicted.
1291. Moon-Mercury- Venus : will be devoid of sexual
desit es, be impetuous, indecisive or uncertain, be interested 4t
sinful men, and be bereft of parents.
1292. Moo;z-Mercury-Saturn : will -_be distressed due to
vices, be greedy, base, unfaithful and will cheat others.
1293. Moon-Jf!piter:.. Venus ::will be unwealthy, shameless,
unwise, fond of war and. be dishonoured.
1294. Moon-Jupiter-Saturn : will be wicked, highly sinful
and will have many vices.
1295. Moon- Venus-Saturn : will be -base, will join base
·men,, will be defeated by base men, be himself very base and
be devoid of pleasures and virtues.

1296. Mars-Mercury-Jupiter: will be highly'distressed by

abundant fear and "peacele5sness. ~e very proud, be interested
in good stories, and will honour religious oblations, Brahmins
and Gods.
1297. Mars-Mercury- VeJtus : will be illiterate, unfortunate
very pious, merciful and be devoid of affection.
1298. Mars-Mercury-Saturn : will .be dev:oid of learning,
pleasures and wealth, be hard hearted, and will have bad
1299. Mars-Jupiter-Saturll : will be wicked, will wander
fruitlessly, will indulge in irreligious acts, be splendorous and
1300. Mars-Jupiter-Saturn : will be interested in stealing,
be wounded, ungrateful, devoid of sastraic knowledge, and be
not valorous.
Notes :~-The text does not give the effects of Mars-
170 GargaHora

Jupiter-Venus Yoga in 12th. In both the corresponding verses

(i.e. 1299 and 1300), the words ~1'fl~l'il1'T~~1T ~e found,
meaning "Mars, Jupiter and Saturn" and hense these relate to
Mars-Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in the 12th.
1301. Mercury-Jupiter- Venus : will be devoid of wisdom,
wife, visit to shrines, sons and shame, will also be distressed
by fear.
1302. Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn: will not be wise, be very
cunning, be delighted and fierce in act
1303. Mercury- Venus .. Saturn: will be highly miserable,
will befriend wicked men, and be wise and intelligent.
1304. Jupiter- Venus-Saturn: will kill brahmins, be not
splendorous, will wear rags, depend on others and be devoid of
(From Rule 1305 to 1336)
1305. Sun-Moon-Mars·Mercury : will be subjected to
much troubles, will be distressed due to sinful tendencies, and
will not beget desired food. .
1306. Sun-Moon-Mars-Jupiter : will be ungrateful, be not
splendorous, be ugly, will fear much and will have enemies.
1307. Sun-Moon-Mars-- Venus : will be troubled by others
will have wife and sons, be highly respected. and be highly

1308. Sun-Moon-Mars-Saturn : will not be intelligent, be

highly 'distinguished, for his vices, be devoid of obstructions
and will not be splendorous

1309. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Jupiter: will not be bright, will

be very distressed due to diseases. be very timid and will be
devoid of fame.
1310.Sun-Moon-Mercury- Venus :will not have splendour,
be bereft ofwisdom and truth, be fierce and averse to s;nful
. '
Twelfth Bhava 171

1311. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Satufn : Will suffer from

serious diseases, be ungrateful, ~ill join mean men and be
_1312. Sun-Moon-Jupiter- Venus: will be highly ill-tempe;red
will not have intelligence and money, be not bashful
. and.. will
be interested in wars.
. .
1313. Sun-Moon-Jupiter-Saturn : will be.iiniid, will suffer
from diseases of the rectum, will have burning sensation (or
will be thirsty), and be not splendorous.
1314. Sun-Mats-Mercury-Jupiter : will not be learned in
Sastras, will have many vices, will not follow good path and
will suffer from many diseases.
1315. Sun-Mars-Mercury- Venus :will be interested in base
men, will be highly aftlicted, will eat bad food, take bad drinks
and be very ill-tempered.·
1316. Sun-Mars-Mercury-Saturn: .will suffer from phleg-
.matic and windy diseases, will not be virtuous, and will be
able to guess others' mind.
1317. Sun-Mars-Jupiter- Venus : will expend on bad
missions, will be highly ill-tempered, will have less sastraic
learning, and be mean-minded.
1318. Sun-Mats-Venus-Saturn : will be troubled by base
men, will himself be very mean, be distressed and will have
miserable sons. ·
1319. Sun-Mercury• Venus-Jupiter : will not be kind, will
have a wicked wife, be mean-minded and will be bereft of
1320. Sun-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will have an injured
physique, will possess a prominent ·wife, will be free from fear
of imprisonment. will face destruction of wealth.
1321. Sun-Mercury-Venus-Saturn ; will itot be faithful,
will accuse Brahmins, be a miser, will have an emaciated physi-
que and be dull-witted.

1~22. Sun-.Jupiter-V.enus-Saturlt · : will s_trl;fer on account of

~ .. his own kindn~ss, will not have ·preceptors ~d wjll not h~v~ a
job to do. (i.e. will be devoid of livelihood).
,1~~~- tyooiJ-A:fars-:M.er~u_r.y-Jupiter : wiJl nQt
patient, b~
.,mn ~every i!~~~empe~~d ~ l~~e ·~rot~PW .d~~pos.~ti«?~ ~d ~
be devoid ·of wife. ·

1~24. j\fo~n-:.Mo/s-Mercur,y- Venu~ : 'Yill be a Irii.s.er, will

~er from sick~~ss, be devo~d of d~sires and will be trouble,d
... . . . . .
by kings and thieves.
1325. Moon,-Mars-!rfercury-$aturn . Will -SUffer from
bilious COi11plaints, will be devo~d of pFec~ptors, and. will ~e
miserable on ·account of female c~mpa~y.
132~. Moon-Mf.!is-Jup~t~r- Venus : wi)l be very fierce in
will invite risk~, will ind~ge in iQimical acti~ties,
will be expelled out of his caste a~d will bt: blamed by the
society. j

. J327. Moon-Mars-Jupiter-S.~turn : w.ill be very aftlicted,

will be interested in others' wives, will expend on bad thi~gs
and will suffer from diseases.
13~8. MooiJ-Mars-.Venus-Sat~rn :· : will be ~ereft of sons,
will resemble 'fire* in appearance~ will be interested in sinful
tales, will be defeated by females and servants.
~329. Moon-Mercury-]upiter-·Venus : will be a bad
master, be not pure, will· be devoid of wealth, be unkind, be
fond of intoxicant drinks and will have bad disposition.
1330. Moon-Mercur.y-Jupiter-:Satur.n : Will ·he
· irascible, uncharitable, defeated by women be unkind and will
not demonstrate or prove himself.
1331. Moo11-Mercury- Venus-.Satur.n : will be impetuous,
wicked, will have an :injured )body, will ·have "burning seQsation
and will be blamed ·by people.
: 1332. Moon-:lupiter-. Y.e~-:~qt.urn : Will .~e devoid of
·wisdom, be not virtuous, be troub•ed by, .others anC;] .be a

. 173
1333. Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus _: will ~ot b_e bright, be
defonned (or distressed), be ugly, be blam~worthy and b~ bereft
,of. friendship. - . .
· 1334. Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn·: will be sinful, defea-
ted, be troubled by women, will hav~ littl~- edqcation; be
d~j~fe4 and fe~r-strick~D.·
13'35. Mats-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn: will be mean, will_j~in
bad ·P~Qpl~, will ad9,pt others' religion, will spend on bad
things and be amiable to brahimns.
1336. Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will be shameless,
·unfriendly, will suffer from lever disorders and will incur .royal
(From Rule 1337 to 1357)
1337. Sun·MQo11:-M{ll:s-MercUf.Y-:J~piter : will wear rags,
·be, devoid of- affection, will have enemies, be greedy, will per-
Conn his duties and be delighted.
'1338. Sun-Moon:-'Mars-.Mercur.y--V.i!nus · : ~indulge in
'bad-acts, will be friend bad peoples, be blameworthy, be alw~ys
sick and be troubled by relatives.
. '

. . . 1339. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Saturn: willl;>e interested

. women, and will' serve bad
in Moslims, be. attached to others*
l~~Q. SUJZ·Moo«-:Mars-Jupiter- Ven~s : will be _devoid of
shame, be against society, will have blameworthy religion and
. . ~~~w~wo~Jhy bus~ness.
-1341. Sun~Moon-Ma_rs~Jupiter-Saturn :.will be very mis.~r­
able, be subjected to troubles out of diseases, will always be
sic~, .b~. timiQ and will ~~ve little we~lt~. ·
1342. Sun-Moon-Mars-Venus-Saturn : will .be devoid of
fame, be interested in drinks, be cunning in disposition, be
hard-hearted, fierce and inimical.
1343. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus : will be quite
174 GargaHora

miserable, be interested in wicked peoples* company, be highly

phlegmatic, be dull-witted and blameworthy.
1344. Sun-Moon .. Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn :will be inimical
to his castemen, will be devoid of good qualities and be
artificial in disposition.
1345 Sun-Moon-Mercury- Venus-Saturn: will be a princi-
pal cheat, be very cruel, and will be won over by mean people.
1346. Sun-Moon-Jlf,piter- Venus~Saturn: will be very rich,
be sensuous, beameworthy, fierce and timid.
1347. Sun-Mars-Mercu·ry-Jupiter-Saturn: will be~ bereft of
mercy, will lose his wife and children, ·will eat varaciously and,
will be harsh in speech.
1348. Sun:.Mars-Mercury-Jupiter..Saturlt: will be devoid
ofwealth, wife and vices. be harsh, inimical and bad in dis-
1349. Sun-Mars-Mercury- Venus-Saturn : will not be weal-
thy, be fierce, be fond of quarrels, be ugly and will cheat
1350. Sun .. Mars..Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will suffer from
various kinds of diseases, will be interested in befriending bad
people, will be very libidinous and be timid.
1351. Sun-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will be dull-
witted, will have a bad body. will have have fearful eyes, be
inimical to brahmins, be defeated by enemies and be impetuous.
1352. Moon-Mats-Mercuiy•Jupiter- Venus :will be fond of
stealing, be against, greatness, be devoid of his own men and
will have wounded body.
1353. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn: will become
strayed, be against friendly principles, be not kind and be
1354. Moon-Mars-Mercury- Venus-Saturn :·will b-etray, be
illiterate, be devoid of wife, and sons, and will be inimical to
the king.
1355. Moon-Mars-J1;tpiter- Venus-Saturn: will be interested
in mean women, be interested in undesirable friendship, religion
;BJld learning and be very sinful.
Twelfth Bhava 175

13!\6. Moon-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will always be

troubled by injuries, will be possessing bad thinking, be shame-
less be not splendorous and be ugly.
1357. Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Veltus-Saturn . ·will be devoid
of wealth, be fierce, be fond of quarrels and will have loss of
wisdom and wealth.
(From Rule 1358 to 1364)
1358. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus : will be
devoid of brightness, be interested in joining others* side, will
obstruct brahmins and will cheat others.
1359. Sun-Moott·Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will be
ungrateful, will have many enemies, be not bashful and will
be in a position to guess others' mind
1360. Sun .. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Venus-Saturn : will be
quite sickly be bereft of money and sons, be unkind, miser
and will have a beautiful wife.
1361. Sun-Moon-Mars-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will have
short life, be devoid of fame and money, will make futile
efforts and be ill-tempered.
1362. Sun--Mo.Jrt-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will
always be indolent, will be devoid of wisdom and wealth. and
will have wicked wife and wicked sons.
1363. Sun-Moou-Mercurv-Jupiter-, Venus-Saturn: (conti-
nued) : will have no place to resort, will derive mean plea-
sures, will suffer from penury, be untruthful and not virtuous.
1364. Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn :·will hate
brahmins, be bereft of fame and happiness, be not splendorous
and will suffer from many diseases.
1365. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn: will
indulge in inimical activities, will not be self-repected, will
always suffer from penury and will be devoid of weaUh and


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