Jyotish 12 Houses Garga Hora Santhanam
Jyotish 12 Houses Garga Hora Santhanam
Jyotish 12 Houses Garga Hora Santhanam
Lord Ganesa has again blessed us with His ben ipn looks
which enabledl us to come to the reading public with this
work of sage o·arga. Sage Garga, one of the sons of 'Lord
Brahma_, compiled many works out of his intuition like
Garga Samhita~ Garga H'ora etc. The great Varaha Mihira
also quotes Garg1 frequently in his illustrious .Brihat
Many principles from the present work were widely
quoted by Y avanas in their astrological literature. Bala
:Bh:adra. author of Hora Ratna, has opted Garga !~[ora's
principles fr.om Yavan;1's scho<;>l and ha~ widely commented
in his work. Our present tran~latjoa has relied on the
slpkas of Bala Bhadra wbich slokas also find exact Tamil
rendering by C.G. Raj an. In translating these slokas of
Garga into English through Bala Bhadra's \VorkJ 1 have
·maintained apt originality. Exact translation of the Sanskrit
sl0kas into 'English has been provided in our present effort.
The work details in the first instance imrortant rules
on predictive astrology, which were the first-hand invention
of the sage, not found elsewhere to a great extent. The
latter portion details effects of conjunctions of planets
ranging from 2 to 7 in Lagna through the- 1 2th bhava. The
:reader, it is hoped, will appreciate our humble efforts in
presenting this work for the first time in the English
la~guage. I .am thankful to Dr. B.V. ~Raman for his kind
No error has 4lcen committed wilfully in this transla-
tion. Yet if any lapses are noticed, we look forward to the
readers for a lenient view.
26.1.1983 R. SANTHANAM
General .Principles
1. Jupiter- in his own house along with Saturn and
Mercury will bestow long life. Such native often will beget
Notes : Saturn along with Jupiter in Pisces or Sagittarius.
is conducive to long life and riches. This is more so for
Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces Lagnas.
2. Should Venus be in Pisces along with Jupiter and the
Moon, the native· will acquire kingly fortunes, and will have
many· sons and family.
3; Should the ascendant be in a malefic Rasi while the
1ord thereof occupies the 7th house and Jupiter is posited in
·the 8th along with the Sun, the child will die at the age of
eight. '•
Notes : .Rahu and the (~eak) Moon in 4th can cause the
end of both the mother and the child, according to some.
If, however, the Moon is in other angle than the 4th, the mother
isin exception.
Notes : This rule does not apply to the pre-born. The 3rd
house will involve only younger brothers/sisters.
32. Chatra yoga is formed if all planets are in the ascen-
dant, 2nd, 7th and 12th. One with this yoga will become a
leader of his race.
33. If the ascendant is occupied by Venus, 12th by
Mercury and the 2nd by a malefic, a .Rajayoga is formed, and
the native becomes a king. If the Sun is in the 12th, the subject
will be subjected to penury.
34. The relatives of the native will perish if the 12th and
the 7th are occupied by malefics while the 2nd by benefics.
Jup Moon
Mars Venus
The Sage has fiXed the positions of all the seven planets
and the three-Mercury, Venus.and the Sun-are longitudinally·
in a feasible guess. Such a native's birth is in a very aftluent
family, as Saturn is in exaltation in Lagna. Mars in the 4th in
exaltation will confer superior education~ longliving ·motber~
.abundant conveyances, landed property etc. Mercury is exalted
in 12th in aspect to Jupiter, which is again a splendjd ~ja
Yoga, denoting that the native will be obeyed even by higher-
ups and will move in an aristocratic society. ..
67. The native will meet with , his end if Jupiter and
Rahu are together in the ascendant or the 4th. The end will
be in the 13 th year even if Lord Siva may try to save him. (That
is, death in 13th year is certain)
Notes : Jupiter's association with Rahu in Lagna or the
4th is adverse for longevity. Such a person will not live long.
68. If Mars occupies the 8th while the Sun is in fall in
the 5th or the 9th and Jupiter in accelerated motion in the 9th
the native is blessed by Lakshmi . the Goddess of Wealth.
Notes : To make up deficit in elongation with reference
to the Sun, a planet (except Moon) moves faster which si
called Atichara or accelerated motion.
69-70. Should Venus be in Pisces along with Mercury
while the ascendant, 2nd and 3rd are respectively tenanted by
the Sun, Moon and Mars, a Raja Yoga is constituted. One born
under this kind of planetary array will respect Gods and
preceptors. He will achieve such fame in his own native
country and abroad as well that cannot be achieved by others.
71. If the 12th is occupied by Jupiter while the 2nd
house has Saturn, Sun, Mars and Mercury, the father of the
native will pass away at the time of marriage of the native.
72. If Jupiter is in the 3rd while the planet Venus is in
the 11th, the native will be "famous among his relatives and will
shine like a lamp among the men of his race.
73. If Venus in the ascendant is unaspected by anyone,
while the Moon is in the 2nd and Jupiter is in the 3rd, the
native cannot enjoy any paternal earnings.
Notes·: Venus in such state ·if aspected by some planet,
the native may possibly enjoy such benefits.
7 4. Should Mars and Saturn be in Leo, while Venus is
in Virgo and Rahu is in Gemini, the child will lose its mother
Notes : The combination of Mars and Saturn . unless in
22 GargaHo;a
Lagna Bhava
(From Rale 1 to 20)
famous, highly placed, be chief among men and will hold very
high position. He will be acceptable to all policies.
Such natives, I feel, are capable of reaching high political
status and will move upwards unobstructedly.. This is a good
position for Aries, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces
for which Lagnas, these three are all-auspicious. The Moon is
little inauspicious, however, for Dhanus.
24. Sun-Moon-Venus : Will· have auspicious events, be
famous, prestigious, wealthy, chief among men and be justly
1 i
Second Bhava . o • I
Lord Krishna.
160. Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will be endowed with sons
and wealth, will be a scholar, be justly disposed, be happy,
be very affectionate, and splendorous. ·
(From Rule 161 to 192)
161. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury : will be attached to evil
Second Bhava 43
46 Gargaliora
Second Bhava 49
(From Rule 319 to 325)
319. Sun-Moon . . Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus :will be
expert in "gandharva vedas will have an auspicious face
beautiful eyes and pleasing looks (appearance).
Notes : q~~~ fa ATT is only indicative of the science of
music, whereas ~'Gandharva Vedas" are referred to Rajan's
Fifth Bhava
(From Rule 436 to 455)
Notes : ~fffcHCfli
literally means Vedic text. For our
purpose, it means that one with the Sun and Jupiter in Sth will
be devoid of vedic learning, according to the text of of the
Fifth Bhava 11
proper sense. For one who has the Moon and Jupiter in the
Sth will always, in my belief, favour Sastras. ~i~~ is the
reading of Balabhadra's text (meaning 'always successful'') as
against the word :;rq ofRajan's interpretation.
etc. and robes and ornaments, will have abundunt riches and
will enjoy happiness through children.
517. Moon-Mercury-]l:lpiter-Saturn : wip uphold truth,
be modest, will be very charitable and be honoured by the
518. Moor-Mercury-Venus-Saturn: will~bebroad minded
(fcrm~ "qf'iff{), will conquer his Five Senses, will like cleanli-
ness, be good-looking, be endowed with fortune and courage
and be not greedy ( ~~)(jtf).
519. Manu-Jupiter- Veltus-Sat urn : will be 'Yorshipped by
kings, wiII be interested in Sastras and religion, and be endowed
with sons and wealth.
520. Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus : will have knowledge
of the Supreme Spirit, will have satisfied mind, and be dear to
521. Mars- Mercury-Jupiter-Satur~t : will have beautiful
body, be free from desires, will have (good) principles, be chief
in his lineage, be intelligent and pure.
Notes : .The influence lent by ,Saturn and Jupiter to the
other two, if strong, can free the Native from (material) desires
and thus bestow tranquility of mind.
522. Mars-Mercury-Venus-Saturn: will be broad minded
(fq-qrrn .-rr~~), will observe virtues, be expert in father's assign-
ments, be patient, and \Vi II like all people.
523. Mars-Jupiter-VeJtus-Saturn: will be good in arts,
will know the meanings of Vedas, will have quadrupeds, be
very pure and famous.
524. Mercury-Jupiter- Ve1tus-Satur11. : Not available in
Rajan's •text. He quotes in general context that these four in
any house will give abundant wealth, learning and virtues.
~otes: However, Balabhadra's text has a different
account. It gives the effects of Mercury-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn
joining in the 5th as given by us, vide rule 523 for Mars-Jupiter-
Fifth Bhava 87
(From Rule 546 to 552)
546. Sun-Mo.Jn-Mars-Merct~fy-Jupiter- Venus
: will be
· subjected to penury and grief, be mean minded, be of thieving
disposition and be rash in speech.
554. Sun .. M oott : will have ugly face, be poo~, short Ii vcd.
will suffer from diseases, will always have desires and will be
free from enemies.
555. Sun-Mars·. will be ·highly intelligent, will destroy
enemies, will attain success in war, and will enjoy wide fame.
' '
(From Rule 695 to 729)
695. Sun-Moon-Mars: will have physical troubles out of
sickness, be fickle-minded, will suffer from sexual distress, be
not virtuous and will be won over by women.
696. Sun ..M oon- Mercury : will be devoid of sons, will
join base women, will be hard in. disposition, be troubled and
be sensuous.
697. Sun-Moon-Jupiter: will incur diseases, will not be
firm in regard to females (i.e. will be a deb'lucher).. be cruel
and sinfully disposed.
698. Sun-Moon .. venus :will be deprived ofwife, will have
hatred, anger and enmity, will live in foreign countries and be
inimical to preceptors.
699. Sun-Moon-Saturn : will be wicked, interested in the
next world, frank and will have knowledge of Justice.
700. Sun-Mars-Mercury : will be devoid of efficacy and
pleasure, be interested in eating others~ food, will depend on
others and be sinful.
701. Sun-.Mars-Jupiter : will be insulted by others, will join
base men, be interested in bad deeds, and will not adopt reli-
gious observances.
702. Sun-Mars- Venus: will be bereft of distinction. be not
kind, be sinfully inclined, be full of diseases, be not learned
and be unwise.
Notes : fefsrj means distinction, character, peculiar etc.
The native may not have good character or he may not achieve
excellence or distinction in any walk of life.
703. Sun-Mars-Saturn : will possess an ugly physique, will
have a wife devoid of character, will be of bad mentality, be
ungrateful, fear ..filled, emaciated due to libidinous nature and
be cruel in disposition.
704. Sun-Mercury-Jupiter: will be of bad nature, be fear ..
stricken, be forsaken by elders, be not kind, be unwealthy and
will wear rags.
108 GafgaHora
diseases i.e. gieet. diabet~s etc., with these four pla~ets· in 8th.
We do not know the basis of Rajan's account of the person
being . ever sensuous. Even if his text had :read '·Sill)~'',
it only means ''bewildered; infatuated, stupidified etc."
870. Moon ..Mercury . . Venus-Saturn : will have many enemies,
will enjoy ( ~)lJ has several interpretations, see Rule 588), will
have gains of wealth and corns, and be always intelligible.
811.Moon-Mercury-Venus-Saturn: Not available, accord-
ing to Rajan and Balabhadra. Howcyer, Rajan observes
that one with these four planets in any house will cohabit
with many women and will hate many persons.
872. Moon-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will at all times suffer
from poverty, be devoid of wealth and conduct but will have
873. Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus : will be sickly, indigent,
be a leper, and will join his enemies.
874. Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will suffer from many
diseases and penury, and be miserable and sensuous.
875. Ma 1 s-Mercury- Venus-Saturn: will be intelligent, rich
·and friendly and will destroy enemies.
... ..
876. Mars-Jupiter-Venus-Sat urn : not available. Raj an
states in general context that one with this yoga in any bhava,
Will.be splendorous and affluent.
• I
a.. • f
, 0
which means that the native will have sons and wealth. . .. ..
C.G. Rajan in his translation states that the native will
'be~ alien· in his duty whereas faf*RTf1*fcnj is better rendered as
uwill be endowed with sacred commandment or religious act'-'.
1 Our ·version denotes that the native will be identified accor-
.. . . 937_. Moon-Mercury- Venus: ·will be good-looking, fierce,
Widely .fa~ous, and attached to Br3hmins
. ·at all times.
. .. . '
938. Moon-Mercury-Saturn : will be dear to the virtuous,
• • - J •
.. con.quer
. enemies, be highly virtuous~
. and be famous.
939. Moon-Jupiter- Venus : ·Will~ be.famous, will possess a
virtuous wife, be principally just, and be devoid of (mundane)
:... ·· 940. Moon-Jupiter-Saturn : will be a scholar of high
· order; be bereft of anger, be splendorous, and be notably self-
respected. .
Ninth Bhava 133
140 GargaHora
. ' . .
142 GargaHora
be devoid offear.
1168. Moon-Mars-Jupiter : will be free from sweating and
diseases, be liberal, fortunate, will possess a pleasing body, will
have conveyances and be eminent.
Eleventh Bhava 157
1169. Moon-Mats- Venus : will be truthful and agrumen-
tative, be a member (or assistant) of an assembly (or a meeting)
will have all kinds of happiness, and will earn ornaments by
worship of lord Siva (~ffSf'I'lfTT~ ~fSI~s::q).
Note : ~6' is an epithet of Siva and hence it is interpreted
as above.
· warnor.
1223. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Venus: will be an excellent
person, be learned in vedas, be not artifical in disposition,
be a ruler and be meritorious.
wed with sastraic learning and wealth, will destroy his enemies,
be a ruler .and be highly skilful in sastras.
1240. Moon-Mars-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will have abun-
dant learning, be great, will have beautiful knees, and be free
from sickness.
1241. Moon-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will be inte-
rested in poetry and tales, be valorous and. charitable.
1242. Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Venus-Saturn : will be faith-
ful, be abundantly wealthy, be famous, will have many sons,
and be endowed with elaborate eating comforts.
(From Rule 1243 to 1250)
1243. Sun-Moott-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- VeiUIS : will be
endowed with prosperity, learning and wealth, be grateful and
be firmly valorous.
1244. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : will be
interested in visiting shrines, be intelligent, be leamed and be
devoid of diseases.
1245. Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Venus-Saturn : will be
highly learned, be splendorous, will have knowledge of :religious
commandments, be worshipped and be virtuous.
1246. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn : will hon-
our Brahmins (or the learned), be interested in listening to
divine stories, be famous and be learned in sastras.
1247. Sun-Moon-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn : ·will be
fond of gardens etc., devoted to Gods, be distinguished, be