Glossary of Project Management Terms & Acronyms PDF
Glossary of Project Management Terms & Acronyms PDF
Glossary of Project Management Terms & Acronyms PDF
CISD: critical incident stress debriefing
ERP: enterprise resource planning
FUD: Fear, uncertainty, and doubt
PBS: product breakdown structure
PM: project management or project manager
PMI: Project Management Institute
PMBOK: A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge
PMO: Project Management Office
PMP: Project Management Professional®
RAM: responsibility assignment matrix
SME: subject matter expert
SOW: Statement of Work
WBS: work breakdown structure
8/80 Rule: Although this is named a rule, it really isn’t one. It is an occasionally used guideline suggesting that work
packages in a WBS should be decomposed to equate to no more than 80 hours and no less than 8 hours of work. This
guideline should be subordinated to the more appropriate guideline that the WBS should be decomposed to work
packages at the level to which the work will be delegated.
Acquire project team: The processes of obtaining the assignment and commitment of the project team members. In a
matrix environment this often involves working with the functional managers to help establish team member
availability, skills, interests, and administrative actions required. (See section 9.2 of the PMBOK.)
Agile project management: Agile project management has six principles and five phases. The principles are (1) deliver
customer value, (2) employ interactive, feature-based delivery, (3) champion technical excellence, (4) encourage
exploration, (5) build adaptive teams, and (6) simplify. The five phases are envision, speculate, explore, adapt, and
close. Adherents of agile project management often believe it is a cultural phenomenon whose tenets are based more
on chaos theory than didactic project management techniques.
Apportioning: Apportioning begins with a total project estimate then assigns a percentage of that total to each of the
phases, subprojects, or work packages.
Approach analysis: A consideration of technical and logistical alternatives that could achieve the project goals. This is
usually performed during the planning phase.
Baseline project plan: This is the initial, approved project plan that usually includes a work breakdown structure,
schedule, budget, and plan for how the resources, quality, risk, communication, and procurement will be handled.
(See section of the PMBOK.)
Brook’s Law: The complexity and communications of a project rise geometrically with the number of team members,
expressed as [n(n-1)]/2, where n equals the number of team members. The law is named after Dr. Fred Brooks and his
book The Mythical Man-Month.
Budget: Generally, this is the sponsor-approved total cost baseline of a project. The budget often includes the
estimated amount plus any approved project contingency and management reserves. (See section 7.2 of the PMBOK.)
Burst point: A point in the project network diagram when one task is complete and many other tasks can begin. This is
an important time for project managers to focus on project communications. It is a good time for team meetings.
Change control plan: This helps decide what the process(es) will be for handling project changes, which occur after
the baseline plan is created, until the completion of the project. This usually includes informing team members and
sponsors what the processes are for identifying, approving or rejecting changes to the project, recording the changes,
and integrating them into the project plan. (See section 4.6 of the PMBOK.)
Code of accounts: The ID system used in work breakdown structures and other configuration management
documentation during the project management process (e.g., a common level three work package code of accounts
would be 1.1.3).
Communication plan: This involves determining the information and communication needs of the project
stakeholders. It usually includes planning when the project status will be reported, how meetings will be conducted,
and who needs what specific information. The project communication plan often needs to evolve during the project.
(See section 10.1 of the PMBOK.)
Complete work packages: This is the execution of the work of the project, the effort of creating the project
deliverables as scoped in the project work breakdown structure.
Consult with SMEs: The input of subject matter experts (SMEs) is greatly valued in project management. Getting the
input, advice, and recommendations from technical and industry experts should be a step performed by the project
manager during the project planning phase.
Contingency: Contingencies are also called buffers, reserves, or padding. They are the funds or time needed above the
initial estimate to reduce risk to an acceptable level. It is important to include contingencies in project estimates.
Contract administration: The work of managing the agreement and performance between the buyer and the
vendor/seller. Contract administration also involves managing contract-related changes. (See section 12.5 of the
Cost monitoring and control: The work of gathering and reporting information on the project costs, managing the
changes as they occur, and acting to bring any potential cost overruns into acceptable limits. (See section 7.3 of the
Customer/sponsor: The individual or group that has requested, or who is paying for, the project. This could be an
internal department, someone in management, or an external organization or person.
Crashing: The technique of speeding up the project schedule by using more resources (e.g., people, materials, or
equipment) than what was originally planned.
Critical path: The series of activities that determines the duration of the project. The critical path is usually defined as
those activities with no slack. It is the longest path through the project.
Decomposition: Decomposition involves subdividing the major project deliverables into smaller, more manageable
components until the deliverables are defined in sufficient detail to support future project activities (planning,
executing, controlling, and closing).
Deliverable: Any measurable, tangible, verifiable outcome, result, or item that must be produced to complete a
project or part of a project. It is often used more narrowly in reference to an external deliverable, which is a
deliverable that is subject to approval by the project sponsor or customer.
Develop project team: Taking steps to improve team interactions and skill competencies for the project. (See section
9.3 of the PMBOK.)
Enterprise resource planning (ERP): Integrated applications involving forecasting and planning, purchasing and
material management, warehousing and inventory management, finished product distribution, accounting, and
Fast track: The technique of speeding up the project schedule by altering the planned schedule through doing work
simultaneously that would have ideally been performed consecutively.
Fallback plan: A plan for an alternative course of action that can be adopted to overcome the consequences of a risk,
should it occur (including carrying out any advance activities that may be required to render the plan practical).
Feasibility: The project initiation step of determining that a project is likely to be completed successfully. It is often an
evaluation of available financial resources, technology, or skills to meet the needs of the project. (See section
of the PMBOK.)
Formal acceptance: This happens when a sponsor acknowledges and approves the final project deliverables. (See
section of the PMBOK.)
Gantt Charts: Bar charts that list all activities vertically with corresponding bars that visually display the planned
timeframe for each of the activities by use of a hollow bar, which are shaded as percentages of the activity are
Grade: A category or rank used to distinguish items that have the same functional use (e.g., a website) but do not
share the same requirements for quality (i.e., different websites may have to provide much more functionality).
Hammock: A point in a project network diagram where many tasks feed into Task X, and then many other tasks can
start as soon as Task X is complete. It is an important time for the project manager to schedule sponsor reviews and
approvals. It may be a natural start for a new project phase.
High-level planning: The work done during the project initiation phase that helps set the general approach to be used
by a project team. This may include an analysis of various potential approaches and providing a high-level
recommendation on a preferred way to approach achieving the project goals.
Human resource plan (HR Plan): The process of identifying and documenting project roles, responsibilities, and
reporting relationships. This often includes coordinating with functional managers and creating a responsibility
assignment matrix (RAM). (See section 9.1 of the PMBOK.)
Hypercritical activities: Activities that are on the critical path with negative float.
Information distribution: This includes performing the communication management plan, providing project status
reports and facilitating project meetings, and responding to unexpected requests for information. (See section 10.2 of
the PMBOK.)
Ishikawa Diagram: Sometimes called a fishbone diagram, this diagram is a problem-solving approach created by Kaoru
Ishikawa. It is used to show how causes and sub-causes relate to trigger possible problems or effects.
Kübler-Ross Five Stages of Grief Model: Named after Elisabeth Kübler -Ross, Swiss psychoanalyst, the model stages
are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Why is this in the project management glossary? This
model often forms the underpinnings of organizational change (which projects often are involved with).
Lessons learned: Documented and stored information that pertains to the continuous improvement suggestions for
handling similar projects in the future.
Loop: A network path that passes the same node twice. Loops cannot be analyzed using traditional network analysis
techniques, and they are treated as errors.
Manage by exception to the project plan: This is based on a philosophy that the project baseline plan should be well-
planned, clear, and understandable to the project stakeholders. When questions arise, the project plan should answer
most predictable questions. This allows the project manager to address the things that differ from the baseline project
plan. Usually, this means the project manager is spending most of the time managing the project changes to improve
the project results.
Manage project team: Managing involves tracking team member performance, providing feedback, resolving issues,
and coordinating changes to enhance the project performance. It usually involves communicating, both formally and
informally, with team members and managing conflicts. (See section 9.4 of the PMBOK.)
Manage stakeholders: This involves communicating to inform, resolve issues, and set accurate expectations with the
people who have an interest in the project. (See section 10.4 of the PMBOK.)
Management contingency: A financial or schedule reserve, or buffer, that is available to the project but that the
project manager must get permission to utilize. This reserve is for unknown unknowns unlike the project contingency,
which is for known unknowns.
Milestone: A significant event in the project, usually the completion of a major deliverable.
Mind mapping: Nonlinear diagramming of words, ideas, or topics around a main concept. This was popularized by
Tony Buzan, who reportedly developed the concept because he studied the notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci.
Modern project management (MPM). A term used to distinguish the current broad range of project management
(e.g., scope, cost, time, quality, risk) from the narrower, traditional use that focused on cost and time.
Moses factor: When a group subconsciously follows a charismatic leader and adopts the leader’s preferred risk
attitude, even when it may contradict the personal preferences of individual group members.
Network diagram: A network diagram is any schematic display of the logical relationships of project activities. These
diagrams are always drawn from left to right to reflect project chronology (like a flow chart). They are often referred
to as a PERT Chart. Network diagrams should show the critical path of a project. The following information should be
shown for each work package: the name or ID, early start date, duration, early finish date, late start date, slack time,
and late finish date.
Order of magnitude estimate: An initial, broad estimate with a broad accuracy range (the PMBOK defines it as +/–
50%, but much of the industry defines it as +75% to –25% accuracy).
Overall change control: This is the work of performing the project change management activities. The changes often
occur at an unexpected time and require time to properly manage and integrate. (See section 4.6 of the PMBOK.)
Parametric estimate: An estimating technique that relies on quantifying the project scope through metrics. For
example, the cost may be based on a set cost per foot, per minute, per unit, and so forth.
Performance reporting: This involves collecting and distributing performance information on the project status (e.g.,
schedule, budget, quality, and risk and team performance information). This often also includes using the status
information to forecast the future results. (See section of the PMBOK.)
PERT estimate: The practice of basing an estimate on the calculation of three scenarios including a pessimistic (P),
most-likely (ML), and optimistic (O) scenario. The formula is generally calculated as (P + 4ML + O)/6.
Preliminary project scope statement: A high-level initial description of the work and/or deliverables that are intended
to be included in the new project. This is usually preliminary during the initiation phase, and it becomes more well-
defined during the planning phase. (See section 4.2 of the PMBOK.)
Procurement audits: The buyer’s work of inspecting and identifying any weaknesses in the seller’s work processes or
deliverables. (See section of the PMBOK.)
Procurement plan: This plan determines the approach that will be used for purchasing outside products and services
for the project. (See section 12.1.3 of the PMBOK.)
Product breakdown structure (PBS): A hierarchy of deliverable products that are required to be produced on the
project. The PBS forms the base document from which the execution strategy and product-based work breakdown
structure may be derived. It provides a guide for configuration control documentation.
Product verification: Product verification evaluates a deliverable at the end of a project or project phase with the
intent to assure or confirm that it satisfies the planned intent. This is often done immediately before the formal
acceptance. (See section 5.4.1 of the PMBOK.)
Program: A group of related projects managed in a coordinated way. Programs usually include an element of ongoing
Project: A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result.
Project charter: A document issued by senior management that formally authorizes the existence of a project. It
provides the project manager with the authority to apply organizational resources to project activities. See section
4.1.2 of the PMBOK.)
Project contingency: A financial or schedule reserve, or buffer, that is available to the project but may not have to be
used. This reserve is for known unknowns (e.g., an artistic redesign if the client doesn’t like the first draft) unlike the
management contingency, which is for unknown unknowns.
Project cost management: A subset of project management that includes the processes required to ensure that the
project is completed within the approved budget. It consists of resource planning, cost estimating, cost budgeting, and
cost control.
Project life cycle: A collection of generally sequential project phases whose name and number are determined by the
control needs of the organization or organizations involved in the project.
Project management: The application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the
project requirements.
Project plan approval: The step of having the major project sponsors approve of the project management plan, which
includes the project scope, planned management processes, and baseline schedule and budget. (See section of
the PMBOK.)
Project selection methods: The organization’s techniques for selecting which projects get chartered.
Quality assurance: This involves the work of applying the quality plan. More specifically, it ensures that the project has
the necessary quality tools and techniques, performs the quality audits, and analyzes the processes. The results of
quality assurance include making improvements to the project deliverables, processes, and/or plan. (See section 8.2 of
the PMBOK.)
Quality control: The process of identifying and implementing ways to eliminate unsatisfactory results. This often
includes prevention efforts, attribute sampling, identifying the causes of problems, defining acceptable and
unacceptable variances, and managing defect repair. (See section 8.3 of the PMBOK.)
Quality plan: The work of determining what quality standards will be important to the stakeholders of the project and
developing plans to satisfy them. (Recommended reading: Managing Quality – An Integrative Approach. (See section
8.1 of the PMBOK.)
Release team: Acknowledgement and communication that the project team members have completed the required
temporary work and that their services will no longer be required for this project. This is often a point of recognition
for individual team member contributions, appreciation of their efforts, performance reporting, and transition to
other activities.
Request vendor responses: The process of buying products and/or services from vendors/sellers. It is the work of
requesting bids and proposals. (See section 12.3 of the PMBOK.)Resource identification: Identification lists the
people, equipment, and materials that are required for the project. The outcome of resource identification is often a
printed resource breakdown structure (RBS).
Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed (RACI): A table form that relates the project team structure to
the areas of work of the project to help ensure that all of the responsibility roles are understood. See also
responsibility assignment matrix (RAM).
Responsibility assignment matrix (RAM: A table form that relates the project team structure to the areas of work of
the project to help ensure that all of the responsibility roles are understood. See also Responsible, Accountable,
Consulted, and Informed (RACI).
Risk plan: The process of deciding how to approach and conduct the risk management activities of a project. (See
section 11.1 of the PMBOK.)
Risk response: The work of developing options and determining how to enhance opportunities and reduce threats to
the project. (See section 11.5 of the PMBOK.)
Schedule control: The work of determining the current schedule status, influencing the factors that might affect the
schedule, determining when a schedule change has occurred, and managing the schedule changes as they do occur.
(See section 6.6 of the PMBOK.)
Scheduling: Setting the project plan dates for executing project work and achieving project milestones. (See section
6.5.2 of the PMBOK.)Scope: The sum of the products and services to be provided as a project.
Scope control: The work of influencing the factors that create project scope changes and controlling the impact of
those changes. This includes noticing when changes are occurring, filtering out changes from inappropriate people,
and ensuring that changes being accepted into the project are beneficial. (See section 5.5 of the PMBOK.)
Scope statement: A scope statement is usually a written document describing the project business purpose,
objectives and goals, and scope. It is often started in the project initiation phase (as a preliminary scope statement)
and further evolves with the project planning. It is often similar (at least initially) to the project charter. (See section of the PMBOK.)
Scope verification: The work of obtaining formal acceptance of the completed project deliverables. This usually
involves some form of inspection. (See section 5.4 of the PMBOK.)
Scrum: A project approach first described by Hiotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka in their Harvard Business Review
Article The New New Product Development Game (1986). Today it is one of the widely used agile methods that accepts
that the development process is unpredictable. The term is borrowed from the game of rugby.
Select vendors: This is the work of evaluating vendors/sellers ability to provide the requested products and/or
services. Specifically this relates to the final decision and negotiation involved with coming to the purchasing
agreement contract.
Sink point: A point in a network diagram where multiple tasks converge into one. This usually is a high risk time for the
project schedule. This is a time when the project manager should focus on quality and project control.
Soft project: A project that is intended to bring about change and does not have a physical end product.
Solicit stakeholder input: The step of gathering input from various project stakeholders is often done during the
project planning phase. This may take the form of interviews, surveys, or other information-gathering techniques.
Stakeholder analysis: The step of identifying and considering the interests of the various potential project customers
and other individuals and organizations who will potentially be affected by your project. It is recommended that
stakeholder analysis be done during the initiation phase. The actual soliciting of stakeholder input often occurs slightly
later, during the project planning phase. (See section 2.2 of the PMBOK.)
Statement of Work (SOW): A narrative description of products or services to be supplied under contract.
Sunk costs: Past costs in a project that can never be recovered. It is strongly suggested that sunk costs should not be
considered a factor in deciding whether or not to terminate a project or allow it to continue to the next phase.
Time and cost estimating: Making decisions regarding the duration of work or the financial resources required for a
project (or individual tasks in a project) based on the best available information. This is required for schedule and
budget creation. It is usually done during the planning phase and refined during the control and monitoring phase.
(See section 6.4 of the PMBOK.)
Time box: A set time in which an activity, task, iteration, or other effort must be completed. This is used in agile
software development methods to fix the amount of time devoted to developing a particular iteration. Once the time
box is closed, work stops and whatever was developed is used for the next step in the process. Sometimes called time
Tornado diagrams: A type of bar chart where the bars are sorted from widest on top down to smallest. They are
useful for comparing the importance of variables. The PMBOK references tornado diagrams as a tool for sensitivity
analysis associated with “Quantitative Risk Analysis and Modeling Techniques.”
True-up: Making balanced or integrated plans. This is used in project and program management as an expression
meaning to bring into alignment with plans and processes.
Update records: Documenting the final information pertaining to the acceptance documentation, project files, closure
documents, and lessons learned. This often includes the completion of any needed compliance documentation. (See
section of the PMBOK.)
Work breakdown structure (WBS): The WBS is an outline of the work needed to complete the project: (1) it is a way
to organize the project, (2) it is the basis from which the project is controlled, and (3) it ensures that the plan is
WBS dictionary: The WBS dictionary provides additional documentation for each element of the WBS. For example, it
may contain contact information, responsible parties, a list of associated activities, and a statement of work.
Workload leveling: The process of fitting the planned work into the availability of the resources, assigned in a way
that evens out the ups and downs of work performed, and accommodating for the prior commitments of the team
members. This generally has the effect of lengthening the project schedule and making it more realistic than a non-
workload-leveled schedule.
Work package: A deliverable at the lowest level of the work breakdown structure; that deliverable may be assigned to
another person.