E-Tender No

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Digitally signed and sealed (encrypted) E-Tenders are invited in Single-bid System (a) Part-I, Technical
Bid with Commercial Terms and (b) Part-II, Price-Bid; from reputed parties for the work as detailed

1. E-TENDER NO. KeSO/LPG/ ISO Certification/LT-16/2017-18

Certification of Integrated Management System (

2. NAME OF WORK ISO 14001:2015 & BS OHSAS 18001 :2007) to
Cochin, Quilon & Calicut LPG Bottling Plants.

3 ESTIMATED COST Rs.777620/- including GST

EMD should be deposited as detailed below :

 Online EMD payment of Rs.7,780/-
through Net Banking or NEFT/RTGS or
Bank Guarantee.

 Bank Guarantee as an instrument

towards Earnest money deposit shall be
accepted only if amount of EMD is not
less than Rupees One lakh.

For detail about process of payment of online

EMD, bidders shall refer “Special Instructions to
the Bidder (SITB)” and “FAQs - Online EMD
Facility in IOCL e-Tendering” documents attached
separately along with the tender.

Offline EMD payment through Demand Draft

(DD), Bankers Cheque (BC) and Swift Transfer
shall not be accepted.

In case of Bank Guarantee, bidder will upload

scanned copy of BG as exemption document.
Original BG shall be sent by the bidders /bank to
Tender Issuing Authority as mentioned in the

Original BG should reach to Tender Issuing

Authority within 7 working days from the date of
opening of technical bids. For the purpose of
receipt of BG, the time recorded in the
receipt/DAK section against receipt shall also be
considered as receipt time.

Only those physical BG instruments found

matching with the copy submitted in the e-portal
shall be considered as valid.
Bank Guarantee is to be executed by Nationalized
/ Scheduled Bank towards EMD and should be
valid for 07(seven) months from the date of
opening of technical bid .

If needed, validity of BG should be extended by

the party / Bank.

Bank Guarantee should be submitted as per

enclosed proforma only by the Tenderer. Such BG
should be submitted only in a sealed envelope of
the issuing Bank and should not be in open

If BG towards EMD is submitted in any manner

other than aforesaid, the Tender is liable to be

If the original BG instrument is not received by

the due date and time as specified above, the bid
shall be summarily rejected.

Exemption from submission of EMD:

a. Parties registered with any of the following
agencies/bodies as per Public Procurement
Policy for Micro & Small Enterprises(MSE)
Order 2012 are exempted categories from
payment of EMD provided that the
registration certificate issued by any one of
these below mentioned agencies must be
valid as on close date of tender. Micro, Small
or Medium Enterprises who have applied for
registration or renewal of registration with
any of these agencies/bodies but have not
obtained the valid certificate as on close date
of tender are not eligible for exemption.
i. District Industries Centre(DIC)
ii. Khadi and Village Industries
Commission (KVIC)
iii. Khadi and Village Industries Board
iv. Coir Board
v. National Small Industries
vi. Directorate of Handicraft and
vii. Udyog Aadhar Memorandum
viii. Any other body specified by
Ministry of MSME
Note: Against UAM, copy of acknowledgement
generated online shall be acceptable.
b. PSUs (Central & State) and JVs of IOCL are
exempted from submission of EMD.

A copy of the EMD instrument or exemption

certificate in case of exempted categories shall
be uploaded along with clear scanned copies of
required documents to substantiate the claim
towards their credentials along with the tender
documents in the appropriate link.

Tenderers not paying EMD or not uploading valid

exemption certificate or scan copy of BG on or
before tender submission date and time will be
summarily rejected.
a) DOWN LOAD STARTS ON 11.09.2017 at 17:30 Hrs. IST
b) SUBMISSION STARTS ON 11.09.2017 from 17.30 Hrs IST
c) DOWN LOAD CLOSES ON 19.09.2017 at 17:00 Hrs. IST


a) SUBMISSION OF TENDERS 19.09.2017 @ 17:00 Hrs. IST

20.09.2017 @ 17:00 Hrs. IST
7 PRE BID meeting Date/ Place NA
8. VALIDITY OF TENDERS 04 (Four) Months

9 Contract Period The contract is valid for a period of 36 Months from

date of placement of work order.
Chief Manager (LPG-Ops)
10 CONTACT PERSON Tel : 0484 – 2825316
e-mail : [email protected]
11. Escalation/ de-escalation of Rate:
The rates are firm during the contract period. No escalation / de-escalation is applicable.
In case of any increase/decrease in GST, the same shall be paid to the vendor against suitable
tax invoice. The party has to file GST returns properly and issue tax invoice to us for availing
input tax credit by IOCL.
Due to GST regime, Input tax Credit for IOC is purely based on bidder actually paying tax and
reflecting in the return filed .Successful bidders has to give valid invoice with tax breakup to
enable IOC to claim the input tax credit.

1. Any Addendum/ Corrigendum/ Sale Date extension/ in respect of the above tender shall
be issued on our web-site: https://iocletenders.gov.in only and no separate notification
shall be issued in the press. Bidders are therefore requested to regularly visit our web-site
to keep themselves updated.

2. Notwithstanding any other condition/ provision in the tender documents, in case of

ambiguity or incomplete documents pertaining to PQC, bidders shall be given only one
opportunity with a fixed deadline after bid opening to provide complete & unambiguous
documents in support of meeting the PQ criteria. In case the bidder fails to submit in e-
tender portal, any documents or submits incomplete documents within the given time,
the bidders tender will be rejected.
3. IOCL’s decision on the evaluation of the bids based on the uploaded/physically submitted
documents shall be final and binding on the bidders.

4. Indian Oil Corporation reserves the right to accept / reject any or all tenders without
assigning any reason whatsoever.

5. All parties are requested to start the submission process at least 4 hours prior to the
submission end date to avoid problem in submitting documents due to last minute rush.

All Bidders must have Class II or above Digital Signature Certificate and have to register themselves
in the above website in order download the tender and Bid for the same.

Tenderers are advised to download Notice Inviting Tender along with other tender documents from
the e-tendering portal https://iocletenders.gov.in free of cost using their digital signature & registered
user ID.

Tenders from bidders who have not downloaded the documents from IOC website may also be
accepted. Such tenderers are also advised to visit the official website from time to time for any
corrigendum or correction. Failure of bidder to submit tenders without taking cognizance of
corrigendum/ amendment issued by IOC, are liable for rejection.

Tenderers submitting the documents downloaded from other than official website should give an
undertaking to the effect that they abide by all terms and conditions as per documents hosted in
official website, should there be any discrepancy observed in the submitted tender, at a later date.

General Manager (LPG), KeSO

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by K KISHORE KUMAR
Date: 2017.09.11 17:16:13 IST
Location: IndianOil e-Tendering Portal

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